I had a look through old topics but don't see this mentioned as much as I thought it would be. Most of you who use the Bristol-Paddington line know that after around 9:30 or 10am you have no chance of getting a space at Parkway, despite them increasing the spaces available this year. And of course if you have the temerity to park badly or in one of the handicap spaces in because you've run out of time circling, the fine you have to pay requires a new mortgage.
I'm not sure what can be done in the short term, but adding a layer or two to the multi-story would seem the sensible solution as it does not require more land, which FGW▸ (First Great Western) do not have anyway. However, its hard to do without disabling the top layer of car park while its happening... I presume?
The alternative is take a cab (very expensive), park and ride (non existant) or don't take the train which seems extreme. Or ... drive to London. Get me my pills...
What do you do when its full?