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1  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Re: RDG -> PAD evening off peak on: November 11, 2015, 11:53:10
I think it may be defined by whether the train in question is an HST (High Speed Train) or not as well as by time.

Though that's an oversimplification
2  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Re: Fare Query - Digby & Sowton > Gatwick Airport Return - January 2016 on: November 11, 2015, 07:58:16
Rather more expensive - but still cheaper than an anytime fare - is a flyaway two  (or three or four) at ^140 total for the group

Main advantage is no peak hour restrictions and no advance booking needed. Must use the Reading - Guildford-Gatwick route
3  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Re: Cotswold Line fares on: November 04, 2015, 13:08:13
That's beginning to make sense - other than that the online ticket vendors still offer the reductions that shouldn't now apply
4  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Re: Cotswold Line fares on: November 04, 2015, 11:42:00
I think what I was sold (I no longer have the tickets) was, yes, that offpeak return but without a senior railcard discount. I was quite happy to time my return journey to fit off peak times
5  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Cotswold Line fares on: November 04, 2015, 10:09:27
There used to be a concession (until May I think) whereby off peak tickets and senior railcards were accepted on earlier trains - specifically the 0758 from Honeybourne.

In July or August I was charged the normal fare.

However national rail enquiries and others - including FGW (First Great Western)'s own site - are still showing the concessions as valid.

Has there been a rethink or are the websites plain wrong?
6  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Re: Cotswold Line easement? on: December 10, 2014, 07:04:07
Many thanks for that

I normally buy on the train so don't book ahead - but it's as well to know what to expect
7  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Cotswold Line easement? on: December 09, 2014, 09:04:38
Looking at the FGW (First Great Western) booking site and one or two other sites it seems that the easement to use offpeak tickets/senior railcards on the 0728 Worcester Foregate Street to Paddington is no more.

However on the National Rail site it's still there. And Virgin

What is the situation in the real world?
8  Journey by Journey / London to the Cotswolds / Re: Slipping and sliding in the Cotswolds on: November 05, 2014, 12:16:20
The 0642 from Hereford finally made it to Paddington shortly after midday despite cutting out its Honeybourne stop. A lot of waiting for trains ahead of it to clear the area and for the single line at Charlbury

The real time train times doesn't seem to be able to cope with disruption on this scale - lots of misinformation for several hours

Effectively almost no morning service in either direction

Hope there isn't a repeat tomorrow - I'm hoping to use it
9  Journey by Journey / London to the West / Re: 18-03 on Friday December 20 going to be busy ? on: December 24, 2013, 15:08:27
Yep - severe problems on the District/Circle lines on Thursday at that sort of time. Signal failure at Aldgate (??East)
10  Journey by Journey / London to the Cotswolds / Problems with lineside equipment at Worcester on: February 11, 2013, 08:53:33
These seem to be occurring on a virtually daily basis at the moment causing cancellations and amendments (which normally means curtailment at Oxford...).

Is there any 'story' behind it?
11  Journey by Journey / London to the Cotswolds / Re: West Oxfordshire rail passengers left stranded - 4 May 2012 on: May 13, 2012, 12:49:23

Use of the Mk1 human brain in problem-solving mode is rare these days.

Especially in industries where macho management exists.....

That's a generalisation and is not intended as a comment on this particular incident.

12  Journey by Journey / London to the Cotswolds / Re: West Oxfordshire rail passengers left stranded - 4 May 2012 on: May 13, 2012, 12:09:51
I did wonder why running non stop from Worcester to make up time didn't result in any time being made up Roll Eyes
13  Journey by Journey / London to the Cotswolds / Re: New Ranger/Rover ticket coming soon - Cotswold Discoverer on: April 10, 2012, 09:28:23
They are linked.

By bus!

If you look at the detail of the bus services you'll see that, whilst that is not actually a lie, it's not usefully true either. Virtually every journey between the two lines needs a change, often multiple

Leaving aside the question of what journeys it's actually valid on, which I would hope would be properly defined before it goe on sale. I can't see it being valid on the Coventry Stratford on Avon service for example - but that's in the AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) timetable.

I would expect it to be the services the AoNB directly or indirectly sponsors.
14  Journey by Journey / London to the Cotswolds / Re: Question on loading on: November 07, 2011, 09:33:09
Just to feed back, the 1842 (boarded at Slough at 1902) was packed and standing yesterday evening. Didn't really thin out until Didcot. Did get a seat (PAD» (Paddington (London) - next trains)-Worcs unclaimed reservation that others were ignoring)

There was an announcement about a coach connection to Swindon from Didcot so maybe it was doubling up for another train
15  Journey by Journey / London to the Cotswolds / Re: Question on loading on: October 13, 2011, 15:56:29
Thanks for the replies both
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