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News: A forum for passengers ... with input from rail professionals welcomed too
word of warning to anyone traveling on the st ives on saturday the new postcard type timetable is wrong they have just copied the mon to fri times which are different to saturdays.
the half hourly timetable was the best thing that happened to the branch perfect for moving large passenger numbers all thats needed to make it right is to sought out the fares
anyone know weather or not the 12.50 pnz to plymouth should have stopped at hayle today, screens and anoucements all said yes train manager said yes but just went through no stop.
the reason they terminated it at truro was to do a unit swop with the falmouth which had failed due to fumes in the cab. thats still no excuse for leaving passengers scatching there heads thinking my train has just vanished
never mind about how many and what units it should have been what about the passengers just left stranded untill yhe next service turns up but dont stop at there destination
yes there proberly were passengers waiting between pnz and tru, st erth unmanned hayle camborne all unmanned passengers just left stranded screens showing next availble. same happened last friday.