With regards to fatalities at and around Southall, you are correct in saying that the Asian population is high and most of the victims are female, reason why they wish to end their lives is to get out of the pre-arrange marriage that their religion adheres to.
As a driver who passes through this station on an almost daily basis I have encountered no problems I also believe that Southall, Hayes and Slough get their fair share of jumpers because the line speed through these stations is 125mph and is an almost sure way to end their life.
I have had a family member take their life, fortunately not by means of a train, sometimes there are no answers to why they choose to do it, depression is not always the reason and for just a moment they are not thinking of the consequences and the inconvenience that it is going to cause family, friends and members of the public.
I have had the unfortunate experience of hitting a person, a trespasser and it is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life but I have to get back on that horse and keep going.
Delaying a train for hours is the result of whether the police see the death as a crime scene, some people are pushed, some people just wander on the railway and trespass and some people just have enough of life. There is never going to be a railway where someone is not going to find a way onto the tracks, no matter how many fences you can put up.
So for all you people who have to be inconvenienced, spare a thought for all involved!!!!!!