The emergency track access ramp shown in pic 1 is accessed via a substantial gate not shown in the pic. The roadway from the access gate leads to a lay down area which is just to the left of the barrier at the top of the ramp. Track access would only be made during possessions and I suspect that the reason there isn't a barrier at the bottom is to allow speedy access in the event of an emergency.
The main access gate will have a sign detailing where you are, lines on site, mileage, line speed and direction of travel. It should also have relevant info about the OLE▸ (Overhead Line Equipment, more often "OHLE").
The cable route you see was probably original so rather than cut and replace the cables through a ducted route they were lowered and protected. It's been a long time since I've been there so going from memory.
The original access for the tunnel portal was via a set of steps, you knew you'd climbed up and down those. I remember replacing all the tunnel telephones and their associated cables, I walked the tunnel from end to end 3 times in one shift keeping an eye on the lads doing the work.
I can also remember going out with a couple of scientists who wanted to look at the rare creatures resident in the tunnel water pools, these guys were super enthusiastic but not so when the first pool we came to had a perfect size 10 boot print in the middle of it.