It is clear the public do not understand the enormous changes forced upon the British traincrew staff and others in the new Tory privatised rail system.
We have much more to be concerned about with senseless paperwork to complete daily and silly working practices created by managers and the government alike in order to run this fragmented rail network.
The current FGW▸ (First Great Western) franchise has ongoing problems with Drivers who are constantly monitored for performance at work also sickness performance. The disipline administered is so harsh and unfair that drivers and others have no choice but to come to work ill, even though their GP doctor has advised them to stay off work. If they choose to go sick the management will initiate a disipline procedure which over a longer period could see the driver dismissed from his job for being ill. Hence an unfit workforce is trying to deliver a safe train service.
Perhaps, the public will try to grasp what this dispute is actually all about and not listen to much to the 'Evening Standard'
Also, the Royal Mail workers, just like us Drivers are not behaving militantly like the thatcher years disputes, but, only trying to preserve a reliable, safe and secure service whilst at the same time preserve working and pension conditions of service
One hopes the public will appreciate the work of others in all weathers to deliver a daily service and not be so self-centred.