Just a short explanation of one issue - the so-called Independent Penalty Fares Appeals Service (IPFAS), which is used by GWR▸ (Great Western Railway) where a passenger has been issued a penalty fare notice. The appeals service was required by Parliament to be independent and seen to be independent. It is, in fact, just a part of Govia's Southeastern. The DfT» (Department for Transport - about) has admitted that every time a penalty fare appeal is turned down, the executives of Govia personally benefit -
so much for the Orwellian "independence". (It isn't a problem, Nick Bisson, then Director of rail wrote, because the amounts compared withe their salaries are small - which rather misses the point about independence.) The DfT has variously falsely claimed that it is " . . an arm's length subsidiary . ." and a " . . separate business unit . ." in order to cover it up. Neither statement is true. If you have had an appeal turned down by IPFAS, please ask for it to be independently reviewed, complain to your MP▸ (Member of Parliament) for the DfT flouting Parliament's wishes, and write to GWR asking them to justify their use of IPFAS and asking them to follow Parliament's wishes. (If you are really masochistic you can ask Transport Focus to take up your case and they will give you all help short of actually doing anything. It is also called "independent", but the DfT funds it, appoints its directors and chairman, has the right to sack them, and I have emails from the DfT asking for information by the back door, which TF willingly supplied.) This whole issue is actually a real scandal and a corrupt practice, but in five years campaigning I have been able to make no progress. Be also aware that Govia has introduced a new scam - that GWR might well try. If a passenger can be issued with a Penalty Fare, but can't pay immediately, a Penalty Fare Enforcement Notice (PEN) should be issued - and you can pay the penalty fare of £20 plus the original fare within 14 days. Govia has taken to not issuing the PEN, but taking the name and address and then sending a demand for £250 - " . . to cover our expenses . ." with the threat of a criminal prosecution if not paid within 21 days. The DfT has such a cosy relationship with Govia it has downright refused to do anything about this - and GWR may also benefit from this. If you are threatened with a penalty fare, make sure that you are issued with a PEN and don't accept any bullying.