If I have got my head around how the site works, this is my introduction message. I hope it is in the right place to get things started. Wheelslide comes from my past life in the railway brakes business. I spent most of my working life in Wiltshire and travelling -a lot of the time on far east metro projects. Nominally retired, I have kept my interest in Wiltshire and rail active with involvement in TransWilts and latterly as Chair of TW CIC▸ (Community Interest Company ). My admiration for the achievements, knowledge and commitment of the members and this forum grows the more I get involved, I felt it was time I registered. The transwilts.org web site is being used as a policy/campaigning public community site for public transport for a whole in Wiltshire, both bus and rail. It provides a public interface for TransWilts. The rail Network2020 launch hopefully encapsulates the Wiltshire wide rail ambitions and we are now starting to work on the bus side. I would particularly like the news, service alerts and events pages to be up to date, input is welcome. A key goal is to get a strong 'factual and informed' single Wiltshire voice with our stakeholder partners, not least FGW▸ (First Great Western). The use of surveys via the site adds to our ability to give informed comment.
Hope this is a helpful first intro.
Paul Johnson