You may have seen stories today about a French spelling reform, promising "the end of the circumflex" or the like. Well, don't get your hopes up - it's much more limited, and confusing, than that. And they are adding a load of accents too, notable grave ones (some replacing acute with no change in pronunciation).
In any case the change is introduced first in schools, and is optional for those who are old enough to have learnt the old rules (even if they didn't). So it may be some time before it is visible - presumably first on line, where news items are (and may still be in twenty years time) cobbled together by kids.
As a French expat, in love with both my native language and the language of this beautiful island, I was horrified about this reform of the language. And all because poor darlings at school need to be spared learning anything a bit too challenging.
And simplifying the spelling at a time when spell checkers and other such validating tools are getting better and better sounds ludicrous.
Let's just hope English does not go down the same root and remains the amazing, complex language that it is! And at least you don't have to worry about too many special characters