Jeez FA...sort your self out...go back to my post, change your attitude to people and life...sorry but for your own sanity, or stress will get you. Anyway why do you post this stuff on here?
Because I am one of the non PC minorities who do not think children should have any more rights than another passenger...and I get increasingly frustrated that some brat who has not paid for a ticket at all but takes up valuable space in a pram get more rights than I do
However this is not all I post about - its just one of my bug bears
Not the first time you have got into a ding dong with a mother with a baby and pushchair is it? I was reading another thread on here where you were giving it the big I am because a pushchair was in your way!
Edit note: I have amended railwayfan's quote marks, purely in the interests of clarity: see following post. Chris.