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Journey by Journey / London to Reading / Re: Person hit by train, Slough station 31st March 2014
on: April 06, 2014, 23:04:06
Thankyou so much, and i am sorry for your losses. I didn't mean to sound rude towards anyone. I'ts a situation that unless you're in it then you can't fully comprehend the devastation it creates. And to see it being broadcasted so publicly as if it's nothing of importance and just an inconvenience to someones morning just makes the devastation harder.
Journey by Journey / London to Reading / Re: Person hit by train, Slough station 31st March 2014
on: April 06, 2014, 11:48:29
The person you are talking about had a name and a family. His name was Russell Smith. He had two brothers and four sisters. I am one of his sisters. He had a mother. He had three nieces and three nephews. He was unwell. To those that witnessed his death i will forever be sorry to you and prey that you overcome what you saw. I have seen some of the most disgusting things being said about my brother to the point i have actually felt like i was going to be physically sick. For those of you that were 'inconvenienced' that day remember he was a person who was loved.