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Journey by Journey / Swindon to Gloucester / Cheltenham / Re: Swindon to Kemble re-doubling - ongoing discussion and updates
on: August 23, 2013, 07:51:43
As correctly stated, both lines between Kemble and Standish Junction are split into 2 block sections. On the Down there is an entry signal at Kemble, SN160 I believe, which is Swindon controlled but slotted by Gloucester. St Marys Crossing is protected by Gloucester signals DK98R and DK98, the latter controlled from Gloucester but slotted by the crossing Annetts keys. Standish Junction is protected by signals G217R and G217. On the Up, entry from Standish is controlled by signal G272. St Marys Crossing is protected by signals UK99R and UK99, the latter also slotted by the Annetts keys. The first signal on approach to Kemble is at Coates. I would imagine that both lines will have new signals somewhere in the Sapperton/Frampton area and at Stroud, giving 4 block sections on each, but this remains to be seen.