What is the matter with you people .
A 142 / 143 pacer unit is a damn sight better than some of the tat that FGW▸ (First Great Western) class as their trains. So the pacers dont have tables at seats. So the pacers dont have air conditioning. So the pacers dont have all that irritating automatic waffle passed off as the PA▸ (Public Address) and they dont have the "disabled" toilet facility. People have lost touch with reality here. If its a train that can be used then it should be used. So what if the train has very lively suspension. All the more for an enjoyable journey i should think. (Yes i have travelled on these units and yes i do like them).
The pacer was very cheap to build and is i should imagine very easy to maintain and operate. So what if they are very basic internally. Who wants to travel with all the extras you get with other train types. I certainly dont. They were built to perform a very basic simple function, to get people from A to B and they do this day in, day out.
May they last down there for a few more years yet .