Title: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Brucey on November 22, 2011, 09:56:58 From the FGW website
Quote Extra Capacity across our network http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Content.aspx?id=5338Train operator, First Great Western has successfully secured and is investing in 48 additional carriages, which will come into service between February and September 2012. This investment is in addition to the six carriages for Bristol (creating 900 additional seats) announced in August, and the 30 carriages whose future was secured in the Westcountry last year. Bath and Bristol The additional vehicles - announced by the Department for Transport earlier today - will deliver another 924 seats into and out of Bristol across morning and evening peaks, including 336 through Bath. Cotswolds Five Class 180 Adelante trains will be leased and refreshed to replace most of the Turbo services on the North Cotswolds line between Worcester and London Paddington. Devon and Cornwall One of the vehicles will be used to strengthen the Truro to Falmouth line, allowing all services on the line to run as two carriage units. Over the day this will add 2,100 seats, and will double capacity on key services including the 0747 Falmouth-Truro. The other vehicle will strengthen services between Paignton, Exmouth, Exeter and Barnstaple. This adds 270 seats through the morning and evening peaks, and alleviates the capacity issues affecting school children and commuters on the 1554 and 1655 services from Paignton. London and the Thames Valley The new vehicles will mean an extra 4,500 seats will be available for customers into London from the west, including South Wales, Bristol, Swindon, Didcot and Oxford across the morning and evening peaks - an increase of around 9 per cent. Two three-car Class 150 trains - six carriages - will also be leased and refreshed to operate weekday commuter services between Reading and Basingstoke, increasing peak capacity by around 13 per cent. First Great Western Managing Director Mark Hopwood said: ^We^ve seen an ever increasing demand for travel on our services. While that demand is gratifying in one respect, it can lead to overcrowding on peak services, which is why we^ve been working with for some time to secure additional carriages. "We have worked hard to put together an innovative deal that really maximises the benefit to customers from the rolling stock currently available. This investment - some ^29 million - will deliver thousands of extra seats for customers across our network. ^m delighted we^ve been able to reach this deal with the Department for Transport, and I thank the Members of Parliament, local authorities and other key partners who supported our efforts." Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Tim on November 22, 2011, 10:23:38 Good news.
Any news on their suggestion that they might add an extra Mk III to the 7-car HSTs? Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Richard Fairhurst on November 22, 2011, 10:44:04 http://www.dft.gov.uk/news/press-releases/dft-press-20111122
Quote The extra carriages being provided thanks to Government support will see 15 Mark III buffet-car carriages converted to standard class to provide longer trains on services into Bristol, Reading and London Paddington. 25 Class 180 carriages will be leased and will then release suburban rolling stock to enable shorter distance commuter trains to be lengthened into Paddington. Six Class 150 carriages will used on services running between Reading and Basingstoke and thereby allow the stock currently on that route to lengthen suburban trains on the Thames Valley into Paddington. Two Class 150 carriages will be added to Bristol services allowing two Class 153s to be cascaded onto Truro to Falmouth and Exmouth to Torbay services. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 22, 2011, 11:11:10 Also, one 7car HST (currently running the 0719 from MAI?) is to be broken up and the carriages distributed around other 7car HSTs with the engines kept for spares.
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on November 22, 2011, 11:16:15 I suspect only a small percentage of that '^29 million' is coming out of First Group coffers, most will be coming from the DfT aka the taxpayer, as the DfT press release says. Mark Hopwood and First Group may well have worked hard to get this deal, but they sure ain't coughing up the lions share of funding. To throw ^29 million of their own money at the capacity problems this late in the franchise would be a bit hard to believe, even though the statement from FGW fails to mention where the money is coming from. Without reading the DfT's press release you could be forgiven for thinking - after reading the quotes from Mark Hopwood - that First are stumping up the cash.
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 22, 2011, 11:37:14 From that DfT press release
Quote The extra seats are being added thanks to Government funding for an additional 48 carriages on First Great Western services which run through Reading and the Thames Valley and into London Paddington as well as in Bristol and the far south west of England. Looks as though I lost my bet re the 150s on the RDG-BSK. But only Monday-Friday, at the weekend they'll revert to the Bristol area to carry sports-related crowds around.... Quote 5.The total cost of providing these services until the expected end of the First Great Western franchise in April 2013 is ^28.9m. So, it looks as if the taxpayer is stumping up that. FGW are spending however...on revenue protection. More Revenue Protection officers for the LTV area, plus new barriers at Didcot & Newbury by Nov12, Taunton by Jan13, and Cheltenham & Gloucester by Mar13. Gateline staff will be in place by Jun12 carrying out manual checks at these stations until installation. Slough, Oxford & Reading wide-gates are being converted to automatic gates like the rest. Additional depot staff will be recruited. Oyster to Slough & Windsor will be investigated. Old Oak Common will need some work for the 180s maintenance. So they certainly have more than just dipped their hands - there's a pretty hefty investment being made all-round. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on November 22, 2011, 12:05:47 I'm sorry, but is this thread not about rolling stock and capacity?
It may be laudable that FGW are spending their own money elsewhere. But that hasn't been officially announced today has it? ChrisB, I'll take it as written that all the other things you mention will come to pass. Will FGW make an announcement of their funding of these extra bits and bobs? Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: vacman on November 22, 2011, 12:17:41 I'm sorry, but is this thread not about rolling stock and capacity? It is all part of the same HLOS deal, the extra staff and gates are because of longer trains where revenue protection will be more difficult so yes, is all part of the same discussion!Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 22, 2011, 12:19:18 And it's related to the HLOS deal - it's what FGW are required to spend to get these vehicles....
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Tim on November 22, 2011, 12:24:47 I'm sorry, but is this thread not about rolling stock and capacity? It may be laudable that FGW are spending their own money elsewhere. But that hasn't been officially announced today has it? ChrisB, I'll take it as written that all the other things you mention will come to pass. Will FGW make an announcement of their funding of these extra bits and bobs? I agree. Spending on Revenue Protection, though important, isn't something that comes off First's bottom line as RP staff tend to pay for themselves as do barriers within a few years. In a sensible set-up extra rolling stock on busy services with high ticket prices ought to pay for itself too. Also, there is a difference between "spending" and "investment" (as I remind my wife when she suggests that she "invests" in new shoes). The real investment in the cascaded stock took place in the 1970s and 80s when the tax payer paid for those trains. ^29 million for 48 extra coaches (which are all old enough to be beyond the 20 year period over which BR's accountants would have depreciated them) doesn't look to be very good value (does anyone know how long the deal lasts - is it ^29m per year?). I don't want to knock this deal the extra coaches are desperately needed, but someone seems to be getting exceedingly poor value for money here and it sure isn't FGW. This is "let's pretend" capitalism of the worst kind. Either you have a nationalised industry where the tax-payer stumps up for these vehicles up-front BUT ONLY ONCE, or the private sector invests significant money itself. Instead we get the tax-payer "investing" in stock that it has already paid for and then sold off at a pittance, and the private company taking all the extra fare income from the passengers travelling in this extra capacity. The idea that FGW needs the "carrot" of extra tax-payer investment in rolling stock to pursude them to hire more RP staff who ought to pay for themselves (and if they don't pay for themselves they are frankly not needed) is laughable. Edit - I realise now that the ^29 million is for a deal that takes us to the April 2013. If the new stock arrives between Feb and Sept 2012, the majority will be provided for less than a year. The taxpayer is therefore paying perhaps about ^750,000 to rent an old unit or coach for 1 year. Can anyone tell me that this is good value? It must be approaching what a brand new train costs to build. I realise that the deal also covers the costs of maintaining and fueling the new trains, but I would hope that ticket sales could contribute to those things. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on November 22, 2011, 12:35:01 Finally an announcement about what we all knew/hoped was coming for months. Negativity about the financial aspects of the deal aside let's remember that First Great Western passengers and staff alike (i.e. 'us' on the forum here) will benefit hugely thanks to this desperately needed boost to capacity and in the Cotswold Lines case, comfort as well. Mostly in time for the extra passengers expected for the Olympics, and to give more passengers that brave the crush hour day in day out a slightly better chance of a seat, or in some cases, getting on their intended train at all.
Financially, yes it's a bit of a dog's breakfast of a deal, but presumably these 180's would have been sitting idle costing money for the DfT who'd leased them had they not been transferred home, and when the Greater Western franchise comes up for renewal, not much more than a year away, the other vehicles will become an inclusive part of that franchise - and the costs to operate them - anyway. I believe driver/guard training on the 150's for RDG-BSK is imminent, with 180 re-training presumably taking place early in the new year. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Richard Fairhurst on November 22, 2011, 12:40:47 let's remember that First Great Western passengers and staff alike (i.e. 'us' on the forum here) will benefit hugely thanks to this desperately needed boost to capacity and in the Cotswold Lines case, comfort as well Absolutely.Having endured a 166 back from Hereford to Charlbury on Sunday (aircon bust, train freezing cold) this can't come soon enough. Well done to FGW for pulling this off. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 22, 2011, 12:51:27 The way I see this is thus....
FGW have 16 months left on their franchise. At this late stage in a franchise, no TOC would normally be interested in further unbudgeted expense. I also strongly suspect that there is no extra fare income expected - these are to supply seats to those in the awful cattle-truck accomodation currently offered. There will be additional costs in running these trains - both the extra trains & lengthened trains by way of increased track access & station-stop charges from Network Rail. The 180s need to be refurbed - they are in a state that no TOC taking them on would want to acquire them for their customers paying shockingly-high fares. Maybe OK for Northern & cheap fares, but LTV fares are a lot higher. That has to be paid for. FGW hint that the refurb is being done prior to delivery - i.e. not by themselves. The DfT want FGW to take them. So do FGW want them, but at little/no cost to them, when they are unable to use them to increase revenue - so Revenue Protection should realise enough to cover this increase in expenditure, while the DfT has been persuaded to refurb them first. Maybe they've also amended the cap 'n collar arrangements as another sweetener, who knows? These arrangements are going to be pretty much revenue neutral at the end of the franchise in April 13 is my view, while the DfT and FGW get the kudos from their suffering commuters for doing the deal. Remember, the DfT screwed up at the start of this franchise by supplying to little stock within it to satisfy demand. I agree, this is 'spending', not 'investment'. Although it could be said that FGW are investing their staff time to re-learn the Adelantes. In aswer to Tim's Qs, no, it's ^29m to the end of the franchise - it states that somewhere. And its FGW payback to the DfT for providing the refurbed stock by recruiting RP personnel. THe increase in farbox will be dealt with under the cap 'n collar arrangements - they won't get to keep much, as it will reduce the c 'n c payments. let's remember that First Great Western passengers and staff alike (i.e. 'us' on the forum here) will benefit hugely thanks to this desperately needed boost to capacity and in the Cotswold Lines case, comfort as well Absolutely.Having endured a 166 back from Hereford to Charlbury on Sunday (aircon bust, train freezing cold) this can't come soon enough. Well done to FGW for pulling this off. HMm, som,ewhere I have read that the Adelantes are only for use on weekdays. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: lordgoata on November 22, 2011, 12:54:23 Having endured a 166 back from Hereford to Charlbury on Sunday (aircon bust, train freezing cold) this can't come soon enough. Well done to FGW for pulling this off. Could be worse, it could have been working! I'd rather put on my coat back on, than have to practically strip off due to the insane temperatures some of these bloody trains insist on ;) Regarding the extra capacity - well done to all involved! Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: grahame on November 22, 2011, 13:05:09 Remember, the DfT screwed up at the start of this franchise by supplying to little stock within it to satisfy demand. Hang on. Chris ... each bidder for the franchise was asked to specify how much stock they would require, so the responsibility is surely with the bidder. If I go into my local Asda and buy a small turkey to feed 20 people at Christmas and they all leave still feeling hungry, I'm the one that's made the mistake for underbuying - I can't blame Asda for tempting me to buy a too-small bird at a lower price than a bigger one. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Richard Fairhurst on November 22, 2011, 13:19:50 HMm, som,ewhere I have read that the Adelantes are only for use on weekdays. Yep. But I'm told the CLPG is pressing for at least one of them to be allowed out to do the notorious Sunday Hereford run.Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: anthony215 on November 22, 2011, 14:34:20 Good to see this going ahead, all this additional rollowing stock is badly needed.
Now all I am waiting for is rumoured annoucement about IEP etc according to reports on WNXX. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 22, 2011, 14:48:06 Are you sure about that? Both the DfT & FGW have referred to this being the case....I thought the DfT (or was it the SRA?) specified both TT and stock....
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on November 22, 2011, 16:53:48 HMm, som,ewhere I have read that the Adelantes are only for use on weekdays. Yep. But I'm told the CLPG is pressing for at least one of them to be allowed out to do the notorious Sunday Hereford run.Several of the Saturday services would actually be problematic with an Adelante, as growth over the last few years means that on the Oxford to London leg several of them now run as 5/6 car Turbos. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 22, 2011, 17:23:18 Which equates to a 10car double-180....hmmm
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on November 22, 2011, 17:30:58 nothing specific about cardiff-pompy then?
a friend of mine traveled last weekend on a 5 car formation between bristol and salisbury and it was full and standing Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: grahame on November 22, 2011, 17:31:38 DfT Press release online at http://www.dft.gov.uk/news/press-releases/dft-press-20111122 (I don't think anyone's posted the link yet)
Generally to be welcomed - I certainly had the journey from Hell last week, but that that was a service that was a carriage down even on what is should have been - "this train has no coach A ..." It seems - exclusively as far as I can see - to be about making existing trains longer. No new services AT ALL, right? The total cost of providing these services until the expected end of the First Great Western franchise in April 2013 is ^28.9m. And how much extra income will be raised from extra ticket sales? The carriages providing additional capacity to Falmouth, Truro and Torbay are being part funded by Devon and Cornwall County Councils as well as a contribution from the Devon & Cornwall Community Rail Partnership. Does that mean that their allocation is based on the highest bid rather than the greatest need? The extra carriages will create a total of 2,266 seats in the morning three hour peak and 2,233 seats in the evening three hour peak into and out of London Paddington. Other locations will also benefit including Reading, which will see 1,483 extra seats in the morning peak and 1,731 extra seats in the evening peak Some of extra seats that leave Reading are extra seats that will arrive at Paddington, right? As I say - general welcome, no surprises to me. Slight disappointment (but heavily pre-warned) that not even a couple of the 48 carriages of extra stock are being used for service enhancements on a certain line which is crying out for fill in trains. Perhaps the fear is it would generate too much traffic for them to cope? Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 22, 2011, 17:44:14 nothing specific about cardiff-pompy then? a friend of mine traveled last weekend on a 5 car formation between bristol and salisbury and it was full and standing What's the shortest platform length on that route. Could you add another vehicle? Although as I said earlier, those RDG-BSK 150s are in the Bristyol area over weekends, so it may be possible?..... Re Graham's post..... Just extra seats, no new services, correct. Those are specified at franchise, or paid for by the TOC. Not a chance with 16 months to go. Why are people equating extra seats with extra sales? Are people going to say - "oh, that train now has an extra coach, I may as well go for a ride now"....? No, of course they're not. So why? All this is going to do in the main is to allow those standing commuters to get a better chance of a seat. Nothing more. Any sales that do occur will a) pay for the RPIs/gates/depot upgrading....or be deducted from the cap 'n collar payments - so revenue will be practically neutral. NO, it means those coaches wouldn't have materialised if those organisations hadn't put their hands in their pockets. So come on Wiltshire - you missed another opportunity to spend some council tax! I would suggest also that standing, crushed passengers are in greater need of extra seats than a line with few services? Yes, those Reading extra seats will be included in the Paddington extra seats! Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: paul7575 on November 22, 2011, 17:46:45 DfT Press release online at http://www.dft.gov.uk/news/press-releases/dft-press-20111122 (I don't think anyone's posted the link yet) Er.. reply #2 from Richard Fairhurst? Paul Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Btline on November 22, 2011, 17:55:50 Good to see that the 180s are replacing Thames Turbos and no HSTs on Cotswold line. Any idea if this will enable a more frequent service? i.e. hourly to Worcester.
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 22, 2011, 18:08:11 No, no extra services. This is purely adding seating capacity.
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: bigdaz on November 22, 2011, 19:21:01 Does this mean that the turbos no longer used on the Cotswold line could lead perhaps to some 6-coach turbos on the North Downs Line during the morning and evening peak, as once again I notice no proposed improvement to services on this well-used line!
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: dog box on November 22, 2011, 19:40:44 Grahame ...An HST cannot run with out Coach A was it there but locked out of use
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: northwesterntrains on November 22, 2011, 19:50:57 Remember, the DfT screwed up at the start of this franchise by supplying to little stock within it to satisfy demand. Hang on. Chris ... each bidder for the franchise was asked to specify how much stock they would require, so the responsibility is surely with the bidder. If I go into my local Asda and buy a small turkey to feed 20 people at Christmas and they all leave still feeling hungry, I'm the one that's made the mistake for underbuying - I can't blame Asda for tempting me to buy a too-small bird at a lower price than a bigger one. It's not always the case though. In their TransPennine bid First and Kelios specified new 3 car DMUs, which could be extended to 4 car DMUs, in contrast Arriva specified the more expensive option of 4 car DEMUs. The First/Kelios bid won. However, what should have been an order of 56 x 3 car units, finished up as an order of 51 x 3 car units plus 9 cascaded 2 car 170s. The 4th carriage option was not taken up despite huge growth in passenger numbers. Then to top it off the Virgin Voyager service between Manchester and Scotland was withdrawn and TPE had to use their existing stock to run a Scottish service, so they withdrew their Manchester Airport to Windermere service (except for a token service) and reduced capacity on other TPE routes by using the 170s in 2 car formation instead of 4 car formation. Then it's accepted Manchester-Bolton-Preston needs more capacity so Northern get told to run additional services, they get the extra stock to run the additional services, then DfT say look we're giving Northern extra carriages. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: John R on November 22, 2011, 19:55:13 Just trying to understand the Mk 3 buffet point. It talks about converting them to standard, and being extra, so am I right to assume that they are taking the off lease vehicles, stripping out the buffets and making them all seating (TSOs). Or are they simply taking the in service full buffets and converting the seating to standard.
If the former, it'll be a bit ironic that they went to all the trouble of building the micro buffets into existing TSOs and now they are converting full buffets to TSOs. Still, mustn't complain too much. It appears that the only impact on Bristol commuters is in respect of the HST lengthening, as the extra Class 150 vehicles replace Class 153 vehicles? Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: dog box on November 22, 2011, 20:09:51 From the MK 3 Point of view a number of off lease buffet vehicles are to be converted to TS spec , Dont assume that the buffets in question will be the ones that FGW took off lease when the 17 TSMB Vehicles were converted.
As there are a number of ex Virgin buffets which havent run for years and will need a lot of work to reinstate, these may be deemed more suitable for conversion by the owning ROSCO, leaving some of the better ex FGW ones as spares. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: bigdaz on November 22, 2011, 20:24:48 f ex Virgin buffets Sorry Dog Box - but this did conjure up a rather inappropriate image in my mind!!! Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Electric train on November 22, 2011, 20:51:10 f ex Virgin buffets Sorry Dog Box - but this did conjure up a rather inappropriate image in my mind!!! These extra seats are very much needed the release of 165/6 will help the backed out TV services until the GW electrification services start later in the decade Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Trowres on November 22, 2011, 21:49:50 I suppose it would be too much to ask that the Mk3 buffets are converted to lower density standard class and used on the far west services, substituting for a toast-rack coach that would be added to the Bristol trains?
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Chris from Nailsea on November 22, 2011, 21:54:45 Just trying to understand the Mk 3 buffet point. It talks about converting them to standard, and being extra, so am I right to assume that they are taking the off lease vehicles, stripping out the buffets and making them all seating (TSOs). Or are they simply taking the in service full buffets and converting the seating to standard. If the former, it'll be a bit ironic that they went to all the trouble of building the micro buffets into existing TSOs and now they are converting full buffets to TSOs. Still, mustn't complain too much. It appears that the only impact on Bristol commuters is in respect of the HST lengthening, as the extra Class 150 vehicles replace Class 153 vehicles? On BBC Points West this evening, Matthew Golton (FGW Director) was shown, walking through an HST carriage with a BBC reporter, explaining that the First Class seating and micro buffets would all be completely stripped out and replaced with (I think) 94 standard seats? Sorry, I may have misheard the number of seats - I was cooking dinner at the time! ::) Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: phile on November 22, 2011, 22:06:59 Have posted some info on Cascade thread. Some of that cross mixes with this announcement
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 22, 2011, 22:21:16 The former - the buffets that were removed originally (in the original franchise spec) to make 2+7s
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on November 22, 2011, 22:29:13 No 1st Class for Reading - Basingstoke. I assume there aren't many (or any) 1st Class season ticket holders from the intermediate stations on this route.
No toilets either. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on November 22, 2011, 22:35:51 If they are using the prototype units on the bsk service they could easily add first class if deemed worth it to do so
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: inspector_blakey on November 22, 2011, 22:36:46 I suppose it would be too much to ask that the Mk3 buffets are converted to lower density standard class and used on the far west services, substituting for a toast-rack coach that would be added to the Bristol trains? It would, yes. 15 trailers is a drop in the ocean in relative terms: why on earth would FGW mess around converting fifteen non-standard vehicles and them trying to keep track of them so that they were dedicated to WoE services? Quite apart from the fact that there would likely only be one in any given train. Really don't see that this would achieve anything at all. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: inspector_blakey on November 22, 2011, 22:48:23 And while I'm around (this purely my personal observation, by the way, and not an admonition to anyone), I'm susprised that what strikes me as an unequivocal "good news story" has inspired so much negative posting already.
:-\ Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: grahame on November 22, 2011, 23:03:32 Grahame ...An HST cannot run with out Coach A was it there but locked out of use Maybe ... train was in reverse order at Paddington, and I can down to it from the Hammersmith and City Bridge. So can't be sure ... And while I'm around (this purely my personal observation, by the way, and not an admonition to anyone), I'm susprised that what strikes me as an unequivocal "good news story" has inspired so much negative posting already. :-\ Oh - it's good news. But it's also intensely disappointing to some of us. Just a couple of those carriages on the TransWilts would have made some really transformational differences. And since that would have diverted some passengers off the overcrowded Trowbridge -> Bath section, it would be relieving overcrowding as well as sorting out the TransWilts issue. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Trowres on November 22, 2011, 23:29:48 why on earth would FGW mess around converting fifteen non-standard vehicles and them trying to keep track of them so that they were dedicated to WoE services? Quite apart from the fact that there would likely only be one in any given train. Really don't see that this would achieve anything at all. Looked at in a similar way, I suppose the Adelantes would be a waste of time, as would first class. Alternatively, one might say "because its what is needed to attract some passengers to a 3hr journey..." PS I hope by 2017 that the incumbent franchisee has got the hang of separating Plymouth stock from Bristol stock... ;D Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 23, 2011, 11:09:13 On BBC Points West this evening, Matthew Golton (FGW Director) was shown, walking through an HST carriage with a BBC reporter, explaining that the First Class seating and micro buffets would all be completely stripped out and replaced with (I think) 94 standard seats? Sorry, I may have misheard the number of seats - I was cooking dinner at the time! ::) You did slightly - it's 84 seats in each buffet.....so luggage space & STD seating, I reckon. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on November 23, 2011, 11:34:26 Can anyone confirm how many 2+7 sets will still be in operation after the 15 vehicles have been added to make all the rest 2+8's? If my calculations are correct I think it's only going to be four or five?
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 23, 2011, 11:38:15 There's also a 2+7 that's being canibalised for coaches - so another 5 are available. Reduce the 6 above to 5, then use these 5 cannibalised coaches & hey presto - they're *all* 8 coaches. Some with proper buffets, some with the cafe.
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: vacman on November 23, 2011, 11:44:18 If they are using the prototype units on the bsk service they could easily add first class if deemed worth it to do so I'm sure I read that the units are too be refurbished before they are put into service so maybe they are putting FC into them?Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on November 23, 2011, 11:52:32 No 1st Class for Reading - Basingstoke. I assume there aren't many (or any) 1st Class season ticket holders from the intermediate stations on this route. No toilets either. You sure there's no toilets on the Class 150/0's? The ROSCO data sheet for them seems to contradict that? http://www.angeltrains.co.uk/en/fleet-portfolio/data-sheets/view/27-brel-prototype-sprinter (http://www.angeltrains.co.uk/en/fleet-portfolio/data-sheets/view/27-brel-prototype-sprinter) Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on November 23, 2011, 11:53:46 There's also a 2+7 that's being canibalised for coaches - so another 5 are available. Reduce the 6 above to 5, then use these 5 cannibalised coaches & hey presto - they're *all* 8 coaches. Some with proper buffets, some with the cafe. Ah, yes - good point. I'd forgotten about the cannibalised set. Thanks. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Tim on November 23, 2011, 12:00:57 just dareing to return to the finacials. I understand that in the last few months of the franchise FGW would not be willing to pay for these extra coaches/units themselves (which begs the Wolmer question- "what are franchises for?").
We have to remember though that as far as the HST's are concerned it was FGW which removed the 8th coach from many of them. If the system was set up to do something other than screw over the tax-payer, by rights that move should have resulted in tens of millions of pounds flowing the other way from FGW to the Dft. I bet it didn't. can anyone reasure me that FGW were not allowed to shorten their HST, pocket the savings from that and then get the tax-payer to pay for lengthening them again. Either that happened which is disgraceful or it didn't happen quite like that cos the whole situtaion is much more complicated and shouded in mystry which is hardly a recipt for value for money either. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 23, 2011, 12:14:19 We have to remember though that as far as the HST's are concerned it was FGW which removed the 8th coach from many of them. If the system was set up to do something other than screw over the tax-payer, by rights that move should have resulted in tens of millions of pounds flowing the other way from FGW to the Dft. I bet it didn't. Aaahhh. now if I remember correctly, the removal of the 8th car was part of the bid accepted by the DfT as part of the franchise win. The DfT agreed that they weren't needed for the expected passenger loadings - and of course it saved fuel, not having to pull a tonne of coach around.... so the cost of doing this was part of the franchise agreement. Might explain why the Govt are paying to put them back?.... Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: paul7575 on November 23, 2011, 12:19:36 No 1st Class for Reading - Basingstoke. I assume there aren't many (or any) 1st Class season ticket holders from the intermediate stations on this route. No toilets either. You sure there's no toilets on the Class 150/0's? The ROSCO data sheet for them seems to contradict that? http://www.angeltrains.co.uk/en/fleet-portfolio/data-sheets/view/27-brel-prototype-sprinter (http://www.angeltrains.co.uk/en/fleet-portfolio/data-sheets/view/27-brel-prototype-sprinter) I think the two completely different reasons for there being 8 spare 150 carriages were being lost in translation and wrongly combined. The 2 x 150/0 3 car prototypes were originally to go off lease because they have relatively 'non-standard' underfloor equipment; the remaining two orphaned carriages couldn't be operated together as a normal 150/2 only because they would have no toilet. Paul Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: paul7575 on November 23, 2011, 12:33:59 Aaahhh. now if I remember correctly, the removal of the 8th car was part of the bid accepted by the DfT as part of the franchise win. The DfT agreed that they weren't needed for the expected passenger loadings - and of course it saved fuel, not having to pull a tonne of coach around.... Wasn't the thought process something like the original first class buffet's seating was pretty much wasted space, as was the massive amount of catering space, so there was a suggestion to turn them round and fit them with standard seating. But they then discovered that the same amount of standard class seating could be obtained anyway by raising the seating capacity in the rest of the standard class coaches? I also think that at the time it was done there was a belief that the 2 + 7 set's running times could be accelerated - I doubt that ever happened though, because as usual it would be impossible to make sure the sets were diagrammed properly... Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ChrisB on November 23, 2011, 12:36:51 summat like that....
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on November 23, 2011, 12:39:37 I also think that at the time it was done there was a belief that the 2 + 7 set's running times could be accelerated - I doubt that ever happened though, because as usual it would be impossible to make sure the sets were diagrammed properly... Yes, it was one of the more incredulous quotes from the Alison Forster era that by removing a buffet vehicle, you'd magically save five minutes on a trip from London to Bristol. Incredulous not only because it would be difficult to ensure the sets were diagrammed properly, but also the relative performance on each individual sets power cars vary so much that you will still find some 2+8 sets that actually accelerate quicker than a 2+7 set. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on November 23, 2011, 13:48:38 Can anyone confirm how many 2+7 sets will still be in operation after the 15 vehicles have been added to make all the rest 2+8's? If my calculations are correct I think it's only going to be four or five? Whilst not mentioned in the DfT press release, what about the loco-hauled Mk3 TSO and the three TGSs that were also slated for conversion to TSHD? These were listed in the tender First Greater Western issued back in April. http://www.publictenders.net/tender/100424 Are these 4 carriages still up for inclusion in the conversion programme? If so then that brings the number of additional Mk3 vehicles to 19. Just the amount needed to see all diagrams currently 2+7 increased to 2+8. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: paul7575 on November 23, 2011, 13:53:29 Tenders nearly always ask for a wider range of numbers than eventually needed, the options listed could simply have been there to tease out different costs for the different source vehicles.
Anyway, they clearly include the phrase "This shall include some or all of the following..." IIRC we discussed this at the time the tender was news, when wondering why they were calling for 'up to 6' 180s, when it was perfectly obvious they would only had 5 to play with... Paul Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on November 23, 2011, 14:38:49 Looking at what passenger stock FGW have on-lease spare on a daily basis currently, I've counted:
-8 Trailer Standards (Coach B, D or E) -1 Trailer Standard (Volo TV Coach D) -2 Trailer Standard Disabled (Coach C) -1 Trailer Standard Micro Buffet, (Coach F Std) -5 Trailer Guard Standards (Coach A) -4 Trailer Restaurant First Buffets (Coach F 1st) -1 Trailer First (Coach H) That is spare and not in regular use. I believe that also, aside from the 48 sets needed on weekdays, there are 2 further sets, one at Old Oak and one at Laira, that are 'hot spares' ready to go should a diagrammed set fail, or to cover routine maintenance. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: dog box on November 24, 2011, 10:11:35 slightly misleading bignosemac as you haven mentioned any Vehicles which are on heavy maintainence, out of what you have said its pretty sure that you could count on one hand the vehicles which are avalible for use and not being utilised.
There are probably a few TGS Vehicles and not a lot else Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on November 24, 2011, 11:14:46 I should clarify that I got those figures from published fleet lists. Just got me 2012 Coaching Stock book and cross referenced that with two other sources online. The 'spares' I identified are all listed as either OCSPARE or LASPARE rather than having a depot set/rake number.
Now obviously I can only go by info from public sources. That may well be wrong. These spares will no doubt be used (if serviceable) to cover maintenance and I wasn't suggesting that FGW have any current spare capacity in their HST fleet just because they have these unused carriages at Old Oak and Laira. They couldn't even make another rake with what they have got - no spare Trailer First Disabled! Just added the numbers to show others whats out there. 119 HST power cars. A bit more wriggle room when it comes to those. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on November 24, 2011, 11:31:20 Now obviously I can only go by info from public sources. That may well be wrong. These spares will no doubt be used (if serviceable) to cover maintenance and I wasn't suggesting that FGW have any current spare capacity in their HST fleet just because they have these unused carriages at Old Oak and Laira. If you list the carriage numbers I can do a snapshot of what they're all allocated on today, so we get a better idea of what's actually typically 'spare'. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on November 24, 2011, 12:02:48 On-lease spare according to the most up to date fleet lists I've found.
-8 Trailer Standards 42049, 42055, 42067, 42083, 42095, 42177, 42281, 42294 -1 Trailer Standard (Volo TV Coach D) 42351 -2 Trailer Standard Disabled (Coach C) 42251, 42356 -1 Trailer Standard Micro Buffet, (Coach F Std) 40119 -5 Trailer Guard Standards (Coach A) 44001, 44002, 44024, 44059, 44100 -4 Trailer Restaurant First Buffets (Coach F 1st) 40207, 40221, 40739, 40811 -1 Trailer First (Coach H) 41155 Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on November 24, 2011, 12:47:11 On-lease spare according to the most up to date fleet lists I've found. -8 Trailer Standards 42049, 42055, 42067, 42083, 42095, 42177, 42281, 42294 42049: Not allocated 42055: Part of LA03 rake (next working 12:30 BRI-PAD) 42067: Not allocated 42083: Park of OC41 rake (currently working 10:55 CDF-PAD) 42095: Part of OC47 rake (next working 16:22 PAD-OXF - currently in OOC) 42177: Part of LA03 rake (next working 12:30 BRI-PAD) 42281: Not allocated 42294: Not allocated -1 Trailer Standard (Volo TV Coach D) 42351 42351: Part of LA15 rake (currently working 10:45 PAD-SWA) -2 Trailer Standard Disabled (Coach C) 42251, 42356 42251: Part of OC30 rake (currently working 12:18 PAD-TAU) 42356: Part of OC49 rake (next working 13:14 HFD-PAD) -1 Trailer Standard Micro Buffet, (Coach F Std) 40119 40119: Part of OC53 rake (next working 13:15 PAD-CDF) -5 Trailer Guard Standards (Coach A) 44001, 44002, 44024, 44059, 44100 44001: Part of LA05 rake (currently working 12:31 CNM-PAD) 44002: Part of OC56 rake (currently working 11:30 BRI-PAD) 44024: Part of OC47 rake (next working 16:22 PAD-OXF - currently in OOC) 44059: Not allocated 44100: Part of LA08 rake (currently working 11:28 SWA-PAD) -4 Trailer Restaurant First Buffets (Coach F 1st) 40207, 40221, 40739, 40811 40207: Part of LA73 rake (currently working 11:55 CDF-PAD) 40221: Part of LA74 rake (next working 13:28 SWA-PAD) 40739: Part of LA08 rake (currently working 11:28 SWA-PAD) 40811: Part of OC39 rake (currently working 10:06 PAD-PNZ) -1 Trailer First (Coach H) 41155 41155: Part of OC54 rake (next working 13:45 PAD-SWA) So out of 22 vehicles, only 5 are not allocated work today - meaning they're either in a rake of spare coaches, or undergoing maintenance. Of the 17 vehicles that are out in service they're spread far and wide in 14 different sets. Hope that gives an insight into how rakes are regular changed to allow for maintenance? Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on November 24, 2011, 13:06:56 Thanks for that II. Really could do with access to TRUST or Genius..... :-\ ;)
I fear I'm gonna be seen ticking off carriages in my fleet book. But I only bought it because I wanted to get a handle on FGWs HST fleet logistics. Honest. ;D Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on November 24, 2011, 16:12:47 Many local press reports have put their regional spin on this rolling stock announcement. Below is a list of links to news items from across the FGW region:
Thames Valley: Train operators announce extra capacity on peak services. (http://www.maidenhead-advertiser.co.uk/News/Areas/Maidenhead/Train-operators-announce-extra-capacity-on-peak-services-23112011.htm) Maidenhead Advertiser. South Devon: End to school run train overcrowding in Paignton. (http://www.thisissouthdevon.co.uk/story-13920132-detail/story.html) Herald Express. Cornwall: Overcrowded rail services to get more seats. (http://www.falmouthpeople.co.uk/Overcrowded-rail-services-seats/story-13929605-detail/story.html) Falmouth People. Bristol & Bath: Extra carriages to ease rail overcrowding through Bath. (http://www.thisisbath.co.uk/story-13929072-detail/story.html) Bath Chronicle. South Wales: Extra seats for Welsh train passengers. (http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/2011/11/23/extra-seats-for-welsh-train-passengers-91466-29824529/) Wales Online. Wiltshire: Rail users get 750 new seats. (http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/9378310.Rail_users_get_750_new_seats/) Swindon Advertiser. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: inspector_blakey on November 24, 2011, 16:49:07 I fear I'm gonna be seen ticking off carriages in my fleet book. But I only bought it because I wanted to get a handle on FGWs HST fleet logistics. Honest. ;D The real pros can be observed reading the numbers into dictaphones these days. Crossing off numbers in ABC guides is just so 1950 ;) Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Electric train on November 24, 2011, 18:35:49 As an aside I have notice in the last week people standing on platforms with clipboards obviously counting passenger numbers obviously FGW are starting to workout the actual usage of the additional couches
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: paul7575 on November 24, 2011, 18:50:26 I fear I'm gonna be seen ticking off carriages in my fleet book. But I only bought it because I wanted to get a handle on FGWs HST fleet logistics. Honest. ;D The real pros can be observed reading the numbers into dictaphones these days. Crossing off numbers in ABC guides is just so 1950 ;) Dictaphones? From what I've seen the modern spotter just videos the passing number panels in full HD... ::) Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on November 25, 2011, 21:18:38 Seems like a good plan to me.. although I could have told them that would be a good idea (and may have done a few times in the past)..
I'm not cynical (oh but actually yes I am).. but the Maidenhead Advertiser mentioned the olympics... Mind you I don't mind what reason it is that gives us extra seats after they took so many away from us (hhmm so the actual gain is nothing over a few years ago but they won't remember that ::) ::)).. ;D Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: tramway on November 25, 2011, 23:57:31 Slightly disappointed, although not surprised, that the Chronicle is very much London commuter biased.
The addition of the 150 although welcome in the West Wilts area does nothing for the rest of our over crowding problems. Quote This is in addition to the 900 seats announced in August during peak times on local commuter trains, including those serving Freshford, Oldfield Park and Keynsham. There have been serious problems this week on the Portsmouth Cardiff route with at least 2 services that I know of being formed of a single 150. :o :o :o BNM, II, it's all well and good playing with the figures for the premier side of First's business, but where are the spare 3 car 158s sat warm and cosy at Fratton and Canton. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Tim on November 27, 2011, 17:21:46 ... well I suspect this is all we will get until 2013. Hopefully there will be some further cascades not long after then triggered by the electrification going on around the place. And Northern might finally loose the Pacers
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: phile on January 10, 2012, 21:53:34 We have read and heard much about the extra carriages and routes and services on which they are being employed. But, I was wondering if anybody knows if any services have had the number of carriages reduced from the December Timetable about which it would not be broadcast. I know of one, 07 23 Warminster to Great Malvern reduced from 4 to 3 but are there any others that members may be aware of ?
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: adc82140 on January 10, 2012, 22:41:03 07:04 Reading-Redhill- 3 to 2
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on March 04, 2012, 22:55:17 According to FGW the strengthening (for London and the Thames Valley) is...
"1. 0637 Reading ^ London Paddington, will be strengthened from 3-cars to 5-cars 2. 1845 London Paddington ^ Reading, will be strengthened from 3-cars to 5-cars 3. 1815 London Paddington ^ Oxford, this train was initially strengthened in December 2010, with the added benefit that under this intervention the previous train will be strengthened from 3-cars to 5-cars 4. 0630 Bristol ^ London Paddington, will be strengthened by using a new super high capacity HST 5. 0740 Reading ^ London Paddington, will not be strengthened further, but the next service from Slough, a critical point, will be strengthened from 3-cars to 5-cars 6. 0607 Oxford ^ London Paddington will not be strengthened further, but the next service from Reading, a critical point, will be strengthened from 3-cars to 5-cars 7. 1657 London Paddington ^ Reading, will be strengthened from 3-cars to 5-cars 8. 0709 Oxford ^ London Paddington, will be strengthened from a standard 2+8 HST to a new super high capacity HST 9. 0728 Bourne End ^ London Paddington, will not be strengthened further, but the next service from Maidenhead, a critical point, will be strengthened to a super high capacity 2+8 10. 1718 London Paddington ^ Oxford, is not strengthened but the next fast service to Oxford at 1722 is strengthened from a 2+7 to a super high capacity 2+8 " Which doesn't make it terribly obvious (to me) how it is telling a lot of people how it will help them... The only Maidenhead trains it is helping, I think, are the stoppers.. I am very disappointed with this.. ??? :o Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Electric train on March 05, 2012, 08:05:01 No 10 the 17:18 is disappointing, I used this last Friday it was crushed with lots getting out at Maidenhead only to be replaced by loads getting on, (a couple of Muppet's with a full frame bikes did not help) The 17:22 will not help the crush on the 18:18 as I doubt there are many Redingites that use it from Paddington.
Surely the 17:18 has to be the worst crush loaded train. I can understand the 07:28 ex Bourne End 5 cars is the max for this line, the only way to relive the crush would be to take the Slough stop out I would suggest not a popular move Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on March 05, 2012, 08:13:51 The only Maidenhead trains it is helping, I think, are the stoppers.. I am very disappointed with this.. ??? :o No 10 the 17:18 is disappointing, I used this last Friday it was crushed with lots getting out at Maidenhead only to be replaced by loads getting on, (a couple of Muppet's with a full frame bikes did not help) Surely the 17:18 has to be the worst crush loaded train. Agreed that the 17:18 remaining a 3-car is disappointing, though I don't think that is the full list of strengthened trains, just what is being done to those that (probably inaccurately) were surveyed as the 10 busiest in the most recent list. For example, of Maidenhead's three up HST's this morning 06:43, 07:08 and 08:00, two of those were operated by 2+7 sets, which are all going to become 2+8 sets giving an extra 80 or so seats each. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on March 05, 2012, 22:53:07 OK so it seems that the info I posted is just "phase 1" of strengthenging.. So maybe I missed that important point..Not sure where I missed it though? Anyway...
And good news re the HSTs.. as long as Maidenhead is allowed to keep them after the olympics (!).. Mind you the 8am varies between 8 and 7 coaches.. And when it is 7 coaches we never can quite tell whether the driver is going to stop at the 7 or 8 car stop each morning... It makes it SO much more fun for us first class customers though.. (not) ::) Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on March 09, 2012, 21:35:25 From the BBC News (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-17310289):
Quote First Great Western buffet cars made seating carriages Disused buffet cars are being stripped and turned into seating carriages by rail operator First Great Western (FGW) to try to curb overcrowding. The rail firm is refurbishing 15 buffet cars and 33 former high speed carriages which will add one extra carriage to the London rush hour services. Passenger group Railfuture has praised the move but said it is a "stopgap measure" and more capacity is needed. FGW said it had taken positive action to increase seating capacity. Managing director, Mark Hopwood, said: "We've found some buffet cars which haven't been in use for a while. We've sent those up to a railway works in Scotland. "They're being stripped, completely refurbished and rebuilt from scratch inside with 84 seats." 'Complete scramble' Work to refurbish the 48 additional carriages started last month and should be rolled out across the network by September. Commuter, Matthew Critchley who travels from Kemble in Gloucestershire to London, said: "From London, it's a complete scramble to get on the train in time to get a seat and often you have to stand until Reading or Didcot Parkway. "I think people who have season tickets ought to have guaranteed seats, they ought to have more carriages and trains for the price we pay." Bruce Williamson, from the transport pressure group Railfuture, said: "The problem is you can't just go to a train dealer and buy one off the shelf, these things take an awful lot of time. "We're suffering from a lack of long-term investment. "What people don't understand is that rail operators don't own the trains, they lease them and the operators are micro-managed by the Department of Transport. "Every little helps. These interesting, imaginative ideas have got to be welcomed but we need to recognise these are stopgap measures." Price paid for a season ticket vs getting a seat argument again. I have some sympathy with the commuters but on price grounds they are already getting heavily discounted travel. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: ellendune on March 09, 2012, 21:58:53 There is a strong argument that since they pay so little for their journey they should have less right to a seat than full fare paying passengers.
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: paul7575 on March 09, 2012, 22:56:55 Haven't the BBC got the numbers a bit confused here?
Yes, the original announcement was for 48 'carriages', but only 15 were HST buffet to trailer conversions, the other 33 are just the various extra 150s and the five 180s? Paul Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: John R on March 09, 2012, 23:10:12 Managing director, Mark Hopwood, said: "We've found some buffet cars which haven't been in use for a while. We've sent those up to a railway works in Scotland.
Oh, those wouldn't be the same buffet cars that we sent off lease at the start of the franchise would they, so that we could cut our sets down to 7 coaches? And then had to convert ordinary coaches to buffets because it wasn't practical to have trolleys. Silly me, I quite forgot to mention that. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: paul7575 on March 09, 2012, 23:13:43 Well yes, but as Mr Hartley once explained,
"The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there." Paul Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: broadgage on March 10, 2012, 08:45:27 There is a strong argument that since they pay so little for their journey they should have less right to a seat than full fare paying passengers. Agree, A season ticket holder recently expected me to give up my seat for them, on the grounds that they paid many thousands a year for the ticket. I declined, on the grounds that I had paid twice as much per mile for a first open ticket, and also arrived first. It was most entertaining when tickets were checked and they had only a steerage season ! Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on March 11, 2012, 14:16:28 Video article including an interview with Mark Hopwood and scenes of the buffet cars being converted with the cutters torch cutting out the smaller windows to full size - worth a look.
http://www.itv.com/wales/new-carriages-to-tackle-overcrowding84620/ (http://www.itv.com/wales/new-carriages-to-tackle-overcrowding84620/) It also appears from the final scene that there's 10 tables in the new carriage! Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: paul7575 on March 11, 2012, 14:26:24 ITV's caption get's it almost as wrong as the BBC's attempt:
"Fifty carriages including disused catering waggons are being turned into commuter carriages that will be used to lengthen the busiest trains..." Fifty/Fifteen confusion? Paul Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Btline on March 11, 2012, 18:51:23 Wow - tables that line up with the window. :o :o
Also, if 300 people are standing and there will be 80 more seats... Anyway - it's good news! ;D Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on March 11, 2012, 19:59:01 Wow - tables that line up with the window. :o :o Actually, looking at the clip again, I'm pretty sure the final shot is of a Class 180 carriage interior, which certainly looks like it's getting more of a refit than I expected, but is retaining the same table/seating layout. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: pbc2520 on March 11, 2012, 21:13:42 Wow - tables that line up with the window. :o :o Actually, looking at the clip again, I'm pretty sure the final shot is of a Class 180 carriage interior, which certainly looks like it's getting more of a refit than I expected, but is retaining the same table/seating layout.Table alignment may be nice but look a little below... POWER SOCKETS! pbc2520 *is* excited! (As much as one can be about such things...) Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Btline on March 11, 2012, 22:03:43 FGW HST power sockets are unusable for many chargers, unlike Chiltern's, who rotated the socket 90 deg.
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: bobm on March 11, 2012, 22:55:15 FGW HST power sockets are unusable for many chargers, unlike Chiltern's, who rotated the socket 90 deg. Take a two or three way square adapter with you - the socket on the top or side then works for most chargers. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: pbc2520 on March 12, 2012, 01:01:49 FGW HST power sockets are unusable for many chargers, unlike Chiltern's, who rotated the socket 90 deg. Take a two or three way square adapter with you - the socket on the top or side then works for most chargers. The new sockets in the video appear to be knee height so probably won't have such restrictions. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Lee on March 12, 2012, 07:44:55 Horses for courses, I guess. I'm a fan of using my laptop on FGW HST tables, and am around the same height as you. Very useful for the long journeys I make back from Devon and Cornwall, as long as you pick your train (and where you get on it) carefully.
I am also lucky in that both my laptop and smartphone chargers seem to fit the table sockets fine. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on March 12, 2012, 12:07:31 Looking through the back of the carriage is the front-end of a 180 so it seems likely, assuming that the stock is all kept together for refurbishment. Yes, not only that, but there's a very Class 180 looking dot-matrix screen at the end of the carriage. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: inspector_blakey on March 12, 2012, 14:24:48 FGW HST power sockets are unusable for many chargers, unlike Chiltern's, who rotated the socket 90 deg. Tosh. The few charging sockets at tables can be a problem, I'll grant you, but the charging sockets at the airline seats have no such problems. In fact, they're the neatest type I've seen so far, given that if someone in the aisle seat wants to plug something in they don't have to trail their cable across the lap of the person in the window seat. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on March 12, 2012, 16:39:01 One of these can solve the table socket problem:
http://www.fixandclip.co.uk/product_images/o/371/439477_ENWWMPRO1__43537_zoom.JPG Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 12, 2012, 17:14:19 From the Didcot Herald (http://www.heraldseries.co.uk/news/hsdidcotnews/9582266.Scots__skills_ease_rail_commuting_crush/):
Quote Scots' skills ease rail commuting crush An engineering workshop in the Scottish town of Kilmarnock may seem an unlikely place to find the answer to Oxfordshire commuters^ prayers. However, work being carried out there will soon ease the squeeze on busy rush-hour trains serving the county. Extra 125mph rolling stock for train operator First Great Western is being overhauled or converted in Kilmarnock by Wabtec Rail Scotland, which can trace its roots back to a business founded in the town in 1840. Five five-coach Class 180 Adelante express trains, last used by FGW in 2009, are being given a makeover before they return to operation on services between the Cotswold Line, Oxford and London. And 15 redundant buffet cars are being turned into standard class passenger coaches, which will add an extra 84 seats to many of FGW^s High Speed Trains used on services from Oxford and Didcot. Last summer the Department for Transport revealed that the 10 most overcrowded commuter trains operating around London were all FGW services to or from Paddington station, including four serving Oxfordshire. Although work by Network Rail to electrify the Great Western main line to Oxford is expected to start next year, bringing the prospect of new and cascaded electric trains from 2016, finding a way to boost capacity in the short term on FGW^s currently diesel-worked routes was not easy. Lengthy negotiations with the DfT eventually led to a deal for the extra stock last autumn. Speaking to the Oxford Mail in Kilmarnock, FGW managing director Mark Hopwood said: ^We had to find a way to add capacity quickly on a railway facing electrification, which meant it was difficult to justify new-build trains. The vast majority of the extra capacity will be delivered by the summer, ready for the Olympics, to cope with the additional passengers then.^ He added: ^Our customers will see a big increase in the number of seats at the busiest times of the day but there is more to come. This is a short-term project but is part of a long-term effort to raise capacity on Great Western routes. The return of Adelantes to the Cotswold Line will be a good step up in journey quality for our passengers, with all but one train running west of Moreton-in-Marsh on weekdays operated by an Adelante or an HST.^ FGW stopped using the trains due to concerns over operating costs and technical problems but Mr Hopwood said that the Adelantes used by sister firm First Hull Trains were now as reliable as FGW^s HST fleet. All 14 Adelantes in use with UK train operators are being given reliability modifications by their owner Angel Trains in a ^5m programme. Wabtec Rail Scotland site director Craig Gibson said the work being carried out by his staff would give the Adelantes and extra HST coaches the look and feel of brand-new trains, matching FGW^s existing express fleet. Overhaul checklist Class 180 Adelante: The trains are stripped of interior fittings before being repainted inside and out in a process which takes three days per coach. New carpets and seat covers are being fitted, along with power sockets for laptop computers. The first set is expected in service in May, and all five should be in use by late July. The Turbo trains they displace from Cotswold Line duties will be used to add extra coaches to busy peak trains on the Oxford-Reading-London corridor. HST buffet car conversions: The coaches are stripped of all fittings and given corrosion repairs before being repainted. New seats, lights, toilets and luggage racks are fitted. The removal of redundant kitchen equipment means the finished coaches will be five tonnes lighter than they were in their old role. The first five will be delivered to FGW in July, just in time for the London Olympics, with all the rest in traffic by September. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Btline on March 12, 2012, 17:42:20 Sorry, I meant the table seats. And not everyone carries a random adapter around in case a train hasn't been designed properly! I was once on a packed HST and couldn't use my laptop, as I hadn't realised the problem (normally sit in airline seats). The fuming commuter opposite me had the same problem.
Will the thin windows in the ex-buffets be enlarged, or will some seats have not view? Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on March 12, 2012, 17:48:00 Buffet windows are being cut out to full size.
I merely offered the 'adaptor' idea as a possible solution. You ain't gonna get FGW to retrofit the sockets at tables. TOCs are contracted to get you from A to B. Anything else (including a seat if unreserved) is a bonus. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on March 12, 2012, 18:02:15 ...the charging sockets at the airline seats have no such problems. In fact, they're the neatest type I've seen so far, given that if someone in the aisle seat wants to plug something in they don't have to trail their cable across the lap of the person in the window seat. Though quite a few of them are broken as people kick out at them or rest their feet on them not realising! Buffet windows are being cut out to full size. And if you click on the link for the article (which struck me as a typical 'Willc' piece - what a shame he sulked off of the forum), one of the photos shows an engineer doing just that! Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 12, 2012, 20:51:43 ... the article (which struck me as a typical 'Willc' piece ... Thanks, IndustryInsider. ;) Generally, I don't tend to comment on the quality of journalism when I quote it, but that particular item did strike me as an excellent example of professional reporting: concise, accurate, well illustrated and with sufficient detail to satisfy the armchair expert without alienating the more general reader. Thanks, willc. :-X Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on September 05, 2012, 16:33:19 Well, with all 4 daily 180 diagrams in service, and all of the 2+7 HSTs now extended to 2+8 carriages, this announcement has come to fruition.
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Electric train on September 05, 2012, 19:58:49 Well, with all 4 daily 180 diagrams in service, and all of the 2+7 HSTs now extended to 2+8 carriages, this announcement has come to fruition. Did not help on Monday when the 07:08 ex Maidenhead was a 3 car turbo and not a 2 + 8 HST ........... looked like sardines when I saw it arrive at Padd :o Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on September 05, 2012, 22:25:03 Travelled in one of the 'new' coach E Mk3s today. Noticeable when comparing the interior carpets and upholstery with the existing carriages.
Externally, they've done a good job. You can't even see the joins where the narrow buffet windows used to be! Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: EBrown on September 05, 2012, 23:05:48 Travelled in one of the 'new' coach E Mk3s today. Noticeable when comparing the interior carpets and upholstery with the existing carriages. I don't suppose you have a picture of one of these do you?Externally, they've done a good job. You can't even see the joins where the narrow buffet windows used to be! Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: JayMac on September 06, 2012, 00:15:10 I don't suppose you have a picture of one of these do you? Sadly not. About the only thing I didnae take pictures of on my day out. Aside from the pristine interior, you'd never know it used to be a Trailer First Buffet. It did have that noticeable 'new car' smell though. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: John R on September 24, 2012, 22:51:07 Agree, you can spot them a mile off, the carpets even feel softer on the feet. A more subtle difference (at least whilst the interiors look so new) is the additional luggage space instead of a toilet. Appreciate there were technical reasons why a toilet wasn't possible, but maybe a sign of things to come?
A rather critical report on Meridian Tonight of the impact of the extra capacity, the web version of which somewhat amusingly refers to First South Western. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on September 25, 2012, 09:50:52 A rather critical report on Meridian Tonight of the impact of the extra capacity, the web version of which somewhat amusingly refers to First South Western. Have you got a link to the online article? Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Chris from Nailsea on September 25, 2012, 10:07:13 It's at http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/story/2012-09-24/misery-monday-for-rail-commuters/ ;)
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Louis94 on September 25, 2012, 10:08:05 It's at http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/story/2012-09-24/misery-monday-for-rail-commuters/ ;) 8am train ay? Don't seem to be able to find that one! If people continue to travel on the same train, of course they wont notice any difference! Time they went outside of their own comfort zone and use a different service! Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on September 25, 2012, 10:23:40 You'd need 45000 extra seats a day to get everyone a seat from Reading to London in the peaks, not 4500! Waiting for the next train really isn't worth it as it's usually just as bad - pretty much all of the fast departures from Reading to Paddington between 07:00 and 08:30 have people standing on them, and it just takes a delay or cancellation to one of them and you have scenes like those portrayed in the article when several hundred are waiting for the next train by the time it arrives.
There are occasions where passengers don't help themselves though, for example I watched the 18:50 PAD-OXF depart Paddington last week. The back of the train was jam packed full of standees, so much so that you could hardly see that there was a buffet counter somewhere in amongst them. Go forward as far a coaches A and B though and there were literally dozens of seats available. Perhaps FGW should do more to let people know that is the case? I certainly think that would be one benefit to swapping round the location of First Class as loadings in Standard Class would be more even. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Super Guard on September 25, 2012, 12:47:04 There are occasions where passengers don't help themselves though, for example I watched the 18:50 PAD-OXF depart Paddington last week. The back of the train was jam packed full of standees, so much so that you could hardly see that there was a buffet counter somewhere in amongst them. Go forward as far a coaches A and B though and there were literally dozens of seats available. Perhaps FGW should do more to let people know that is the case? I certainly think that would be one benefit to swapping round the location of First Class as loadings in Standard Class would be more even. There have been seats on the 08.08 from Reading to Paddington on a Friday many a time - even if I walk through the vestibules where people are crammed and tell them what seats are still free (even 2 together), I get thanked for the info, but they still will not move. I guess having FC at the front would mean with the TM dispatching in the van at the rear, would lead to a free-for-all in FC until Reading... Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on September 25, 2012, 22:22:51 I've actually not seen any extra carriages on any rush hours trains from Maidenhead that I have travelled on.. I did ask via Facebook and FGW on there (thanks Jo and Olllie) also weren't able to get someone to give them that information.. It does make me wonder where the extra carriages are... I am pretty sure they aren't on Maidenhead Rush hour trains... But I can't tell for sure..
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on September 26, 2012, 00:52:24 I've actually not seen any extra carriages on any rush hours trains from Maidenhead that I have travelled on.. I did ask via Facebook and FGW on there (thanks Jo and Olllie) also weren't able to get someone to give them that information.. It does make me wonder where the extra carriages are... I am pretty sure they aren't on Maidenhead Rush hour trains... But I can't tell for sure.. Easy way to tell. If coach 'F' is standard class with a small buffet counter at one end, then that train would, until recently, have only had 5 standard carriages, but will now have 6. If coach 'F' is half 1st Class and half buffet, then it is a set that hasn't been lengthened. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on September 26, 2012, 16:28:31 I've actually not seen any extra carriages on any rush hours trains from Maidenhead that I have travelled on.. I did ask via Facebook and FGW on there (thanks Jo and Olllie) also weren't able to get someone to give them that information.. It does make me wonder where the extra carriages are... I am pretty sure they aren't on Maidenhead Rush hour trains... But I can't tell for sure.. Just to follow up on my post from last night, I did a bit of research regarding seating increases on the Maidenhead to Paddington route this morning, compared with a morning early last December before any of the additional carriages and trains had arrived. It includes all services timed to arrive at Paddington between 06:30 and 10:30. As far as I know both mornings were free of disruption and short formations. I know Maidenhead commuters are mostly interested in the fast services, but I've also included the slow services as well in a separate table as they are critical at stations further down the line. Fast services (those that take 30 minutes or less): 06:10dep 06:36arr Now: 5 Was: 3 (Now a Class 180, so actual seating remains roughly the same) 06:31dep 06:54arr Now: 5 Was: 4 06:43dep 07:08arr Now: 8 Was: 8 (Now a HST with 5x Standard Class - same amount) 07:03dep 07:29arr Now: 6 Was: 5 07:08dep 07:30arr Now: 8 Was: 7 (Now a HST with 6x Standard Class - increase of 1) 07:18dep 07:43arr Now: 5 Was: 3 07:31dep 07:57arr Now: 5 Was: 5 08:00dep 08:26arr Now: 8 Was: 8 (Now a HST with 6x Standard Class - increase of 1) 08:04dep 08:28arr Now: 4 Was: 3 08:34dep 08:58arr Now: 5 Was: 3 (Now a Class 180, so actual seating remains roughly the same) 09:03dep 09:27arr Now: 3 Was: 3 So, on the fast trains that's an increase in the total number of carriages by 10 from 52 to 62. If you remove the extra Class 180 carriages as they don't add anything to the capacity (although they do to the general comfort!) then it's an increase of 6 carriages, which I estimate equates to a total of 530 extra seats each morning peak. Slow services: 05:53dep 06:31arr Now: 2 Was: 2 05:58dep 06:46arr Now: 3 Was: 3 06:21dep 07:09arr Now: 3 Was: 3 06:29dep 07:17arr Now: 3 Was: 3 06:46dep 07:32arr Now: 4 Was: 3 06:53dep 07:44arr Now: 6 Was: 3 07:13dep 07:49arr Now: 5 Was: 3 07:17dep 08:04arr Now: 6 Was: 3 07:24dep 08:16arr Now: 5 Was: 5 07:41dep 08:21arr Now: 5 Was: 5 07:45dep 08:32arr Now: 6 Was: 6 07:49dep 08:36arr Now: 5 Was: 5 (Used to depart at 07:54 and arrive at 08:47) 08:11dep 08:48arr Now: 5 Was: 3 (Now a Class 180, so actual seating remains roughly the same) 08:26dep 09:16arr Now: 5 Was: 4 08:41dep 09:21arr Now: 3 Was: 3 08:45dep 09:35arr Now: 3 Was: 3 09:17dep 10:03arr Now: 5 Was: 3 09:35dep 10:18arr Now: 4 Was: 3 On the slow trains that's an increase in the total number of carriages by 15 from 63 to 78. If you remove the extra Class 180 carriages as they don't add anything to the capacity then it's an increase of 13 carriages, which I estimate equates to a total of 1100 extra seats each morning peak. So, a total of over 1600 seats each weekday morning from Maidenhead to Paddington, including two extra Standard Class carriages spread over the three HST operated services - just shows the scale of the capacity problem if regular commuters still perceive no difference! Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on September 26, 2012, 21:20:01 Thank you so much for that information IndustryInsider.. One of the reasons I asked was I was driving past Maidenhead station a few days ago and saw the 8.34am pulling in as 3 carriages (which it has been for a couple of years since they took the extra carriages away from it).. Thish made me begin to wonder.. It sounds like that isn't what it is supposed to be however so hopefully a one off..
Another reason I asked is because I've been on a couple of different evening (fast) turbos in the last week or so which are still 3 carriages and were very full.. Is it really cheeky to ask for similar statistics for the evening rush hour? That aside it is so good to have that list as it helps me (and would help other people if FGW could somehow publish it) decide what to do in the case of disruption or just when the odd train is cancelled knowing which ones have more carriages..Or even on a day to day basis.. Thanks again :) Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: John R on September 26, 2012, 21:24:27 That aside it is so good to have that list as it helps me (and would help other people if FGW could somehow publish it) decide what to do in the case of disruption or just when the odd train is cancelled knowing which ones have more carriages..Or even on a day to day basis.. Thanks again :) Some operators (I can't remember which) put posters up at stations that give the number of carriages on peak workings, and I believe may even give a prediction of how full they are likely to be to help passengers make an informed choice as to which service to catch. Very useful. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on September 26, 2012, 21:27:24 Yeah I have seen that somewhere.. I'm pretty sure one place was SWT at Basingstoke (or Kingston maybe).. Very useful...
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: grahame on September 26, 2012, 21:30:24 Some operators (I can't remember which) put posters up at stations that give the number of carriages on peak workings, and I believe may even give a prediction of how full they are likely to be to help passengers make an informed choice as to which service to catch. Very useful. FGW do it for summer Saturday afternoon services out of Weymouth, for example ... So, a total of over 1600 seats each weekday morning from Maidenhead to Paddington, including two extra Standard Class carriages spread over the three HST operated services - just shows the scale of the capacity problem if regular commuters still perceive no difference! But with a caution that it's not 1600 extra seats for people from Maidenhead. If each train calls at 8 stations on its way into Paddington, that's an average of just 200 extra seats per station. You list 29 services, so that becomes just 7 extra seats for Maidenhead passengers per train ... hardly surprising that it may feel like a drop in the ocean :-\ Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on September 26, 2012, 22:25:08 Thank you so much for that information IndustryInsider.. One of the reasons I asked was I was driving past Maidenhead station a few days ago and saw the 8.34am pulling in as 3 carriages (which it has been for a couple of years since they took the extra carriages away from it).. Thish made me begin to wonder.. It sounds like that isn't what it is supposed to be however so hopefully a one off.. Another reason I asked is because I've been on a couple of different evening (fast) turbos in the last week or so which are still 3 carriages and were very full.. Is it really cheeky to ask for similar statistics for the evening rush hour? That aside it is so good to have that list as it helps me (and would help other people if FGW could somehow publish it) decide what to do in the case of disruption or just when the odd train is cancelled knowing which ones have more carriages..Or even on a day to day basis.. No problem. I'll do an evening rush-hour one when I have time (probably Friday). If I was head of FGW's marketing machine, I'd make damn sure there were plenty of posters up at stations like Maidenhead telling people just how much extra has been added since this time last year, as perceptions might change then- especially given these trains have been gradually strengthened over the months, so it hasn't been as noticeable as it might have been. However you put it, and I take Graham's point about not all those seats being for Maidenhead commuters, having 28 more carriages on trains heading towards London in a 4-hour period is worth crowing about! Regarding the 08:34 departure, two fatalities involving 180 units rendered them a unit short for a few days due to repairs, which would explain why that was only a 3-car Turbo for a few days. Back to four daily 180 diagrams at the moment. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: paul7575 on September 27, 2012, 12:20:40 Yeah I have seen that somewhere.. I'm pretty sure one place was SWT at Basingstoke (or Kingston maybe).. Very useful... London Midland seem to have quite a thorough approach to this, they have a specific web page 'Finding a seat', which includes all the individual station train length/expected capacity posters (for those stations in scope). The same web page includes an updated list of short formations for that particular evening, updated at 4 pm: http://www.londonmidland.com/your-journey/finding-a-seat/ The posters SWT have at stations such as Basingstoke are in a very similar format IIRC. Paul Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Western Enterprise on September 27, 2012, 12:41:20 07:18dep 07:43arr Now: 5 Was: 3 Arrggh, but this used to be a 7 or 8 coach HST, not so long ago. I don't blame them for not advertising this fact, taking some away and giving less back doesn't sound too good. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: eightf48544 on September 27, 2012, 15:41:59 Still complaints in Maidenhead Advertiser today re lack of seats from Maidenhead.
Quoted someone who has a first class season for ^3000 to London and can't get a seat. I was paying over ^2000 for a Std classs season in 2005 from Taplow and that included the no trains on Sunday discount. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on September 27, 2012, 19:56:56 Some operators (I can't remember which) put posters up at stations that give the number of carriages on peak workings, and I believe may even give a prediction of how full they are likely to be to help passengers make an informed choice as to which service to catch. Very useful. FGW do it for summer Saturday afternoon services out of Weymouth, for example ... So, a total of over 1600 seats each weekday morning from Maidenhead to Paddington, including two extra Standard Class carriages spread over the three HST operated services - just shows the scale of the capacity problem if regular commuters still perceive no difference! But with a caution that it's not 1600 extra seats for people from Maidenhead. If each train calls at 8 stations on its way into Paddington, that's an average of just 200 extra seats per station. You list 29 services, so that becomes just 7 extra seats for Maidenhead passengers per train ... hardly surprising that it may feel like a drop in the ocean :-\ thanks Grahame.. A very good point :-) Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on September 27, 2012, 19:57:57 07:18dep 07:43arr Now: 5 Was: 3 Arrggh, but this used to be a 7 or 8 coach HST, not so long ago. I don't blame them for not advertising this fact, taking some away and giving less back doesn't sound too good. Oh dear.. I'm not terribly surprised.. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on October 01, 2012, 19:16:15 No problem. I'll do an evening rush-hour one when I have time (probably Friday). Just to let you know that I will still do this soon. Didn't have time Friday, and tonight's service is altered as only 2 of 4 Class 180s are about today (as well as a few other problems). Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Electric train on October 01, 2012, 19:44:10 16:27 ex Padd this evening 2 car 165 instead of a 3 car which normally gets full at Ealing Broadway this afternoon I think some folks were left behind at Ealing Broadway and Southall .......... ::) so plenty of capacity .......... not :-\
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on October 01, 2012, 21:52:51 Indeed.. I travelled Reading to Maidenhead yesterday afternoon (Sunday).. The Paddington only HSTs were full to the point of not letting people on and my three car turbo was overfull.. Now whilst I know that they do engineering works etc at weekends so can't run as many trains.. Surely that wouldn't stop them running more than 3 cars on a stopping train?? ::)
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on October 05, 2012, 21:33:05 Here's the follow-up post to my morning comparison, showing the situation this evening from Paddington to Maidenhead compared with an evening early last December before any of the additional carriages and trains had arrived. It includes all services timed to depart Paddington between 16:30 and 20:30. As far as I know both evenings were free of disruption and short formations apart from those specifically mentioned.
Fast services (those that take 30 minutes or less): 17:18dep 17:38arr Now: 5 Was: 3 17:36dep 17:57arr Now: 5 Was: 8 (Was a HST, now a 5-Car Turbo, so standard class seating has actually increased) 17:50dep 18:09arr Now: 8 Was: 8 (Now a HST with 5x Standard Class - same amount) 18:18dep 18:39arr Now: 6 Was: 5 18:36dep 19:03arr Now: 5 Was: 2 (Suspected short formation last December) 19:06dep 19:26arr Now: 3 Was: 3 19:18dep 19:39arr Now: 5 Was: 3 (Now a Class 180, so actual seating remains roughly the same) 19:48dep 20:06arr Now: 8 Was: 8 (Now a HST with 5x Standard Class - same amount) Total number of seats has risen slightly, but not to the same extent as found in the morning peak. The additional carriage on probably the most popular train, the 18:18 departure, will no doubt have been welcomed, though with 30 minutes until the next fast train after the 18:36, it's no wonder that the 19:06 3-Car Turbo is still very crowded. All of the HSTs tonight were of the 5 Standard Class carriage types, but may also often be formed of the 6 Standard Class carriages type. Slow services: 16:42dep 17:30arr Now: 5 Was: 5 16:55dep 17:43arr Now: 5 Was: 3 17:12dep 17:47arr Now: 2 Was: 3 (Suspected short formation tonight) 17:15dep 18:05arr Now: 5 Was: 5 17:25dep 18:10arr Now: 5 Was: 3 17:42dep 18:13arr Now: 3 Was: 3 17:45dep 18:26arr Now: 6 Was: 6 17:57dep 18:43arr Now: 5 Was: 5 18:12dep 18:48arr Now: 3 Was: 5 18:15dep 18:57arr Now: 6 Was: 6 18:25dep 19:10arr Now: 5 Was: 5 18:45dep 19:21arr Now: 5 Was: 3 18:57dep 19:43arr Now: 5 Was: 5 19:12dep 19:52arr Now: 5 Was: 3 19:27dep 20:09arr Now: 5 Was: 3 19:42dep 20:29arr Now: 3 Was: 2 19:57dep 20:34arr Now: 3 Was: 3 20:12dep 20:55arr Now: 3 Was: 3 20:27dep 21:04arr Now: 3 Was: 2 On the slow trains that's an increase in the total number of carriages by 9 from 73 to 82. That is with one suspected short formation tonight, so the actual number is probably in double figures. It's worth pointing out that a few of these 'slow' trains only just take over the 30 minute mark, so could be described as semi-fast I suppose. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Chris from Nailsea on October 05, 2012, 21:41:29 Many thanks for your obviously considerable work in producing that information, II. :)
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on October 05, 2012, 22:28:24 18:36dep 19:03arr Now: 5 Was: 2 (Suspected short formation last December) 19:06dep 19:26arr Now: 3 Was: 3 19:18dep 19:39arr Now: 5 Was: 3 (Now a Class 180, so actual seating remains roughly the same) Thanks you so much for finding all the information out IndustryInsider... Just a couple of comments.. The 18.36 has always been more than 3 carriages so your suspected short formation in December is true I'm sure No idea why the 19.06 is still only 3 carriages.. It is a very busy/popular train at least as far as Maidenhead. One of the reasons I was wondering about extra carriages was because I got the 19.18 recently and it was still 3 carriages so I guess a problem on that day... Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on October 06, 2012, 14:30:13 Just a couple of comments.. The 18.36 has always been more than 3 carriages so your suspected short formation in December is true I'm sure No idea why the 19.06 is still only 3 carriages.. It is a very busy/popular train at least as far as Maidenhead. One of the reasons I was wondering about extra carriages was because I got the 19.18 recently and it was still 3 carriages so I guess a problem on that day... I've since noticed that a Class 180 failed at Worcester yesterday afternoon (it spent the night at Worcester in fact), so that will also have impacted on the service. The train it was due to form, the 17:18 PAD-OXF was formed by a 5-car Turbo instead, so it's quite possible that other trains were a little shorter than normal to provide those Turbo carriages - the 17:12 departure for example. A Class 180 shortage would also have no doubt led to your 19:18 PAD-OXF being a 3-car Turbo when you travelled. I'll take another look in the week and correct what was missing last night, for the most accurate picture. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on December 26, 2012, 13:55:06 Here is a full comparison of carriages provided at Paddington last December and this December. All (Except Heathrow Express) AM Peak arrivals 06:30-10:30 are shown, as are PM Peak departures 16:30-20:30 together with the number of carriages provided on each service.
I deliberately chose a day with minimal disruption on both occasions and at the same time of year. Since last December the HSTs have all been extended to 2+8 sets, Class 180s have returned, and Class 150s have been deployed between Reading and Paddington. The result, as you can see below, is around 30 extra carriages over each peak period compared with a year ago. That doesn't actually translate to 30 extra carriages of extra seats, as a few of the trains that were 3-Car Turbos are now 5-Car Adelantes but still provide roughly the same number of seats. Though to balance that out there are still a couple of 2+7 HST sets running around and there shouldn't be if everything was running as planned. Last December there was a short formed trains in the evening peak which explains why the difference is 33 carriages - in reality it should be 30. In total, I reckon around 2300-2500 extra seats are now being provided each peak for the times I've surveyed. Here are the full details: (http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8354/8310839802_959174dffa_b.jpg) (http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8076/8309789307_e6f4e7c29c_b.jpg) Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: Andy W on January 04, 2013, 10:51:19 This has been posted on the First Great Western website
http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/About-Us/Media-centre/First-Great-Western-statement-on-overcrowding Of course it is good news when additional seats are provided however:- "From September 2012, the 06:30 service from Banbury to London Paddington has started from Oxford not Banbury, leaving Oxford at 07:00. It is now operated by a refreshed Class 180 train which provides an increased standard class seating capacity." Does anyone know how many extra standard class seats are there in a 180 over a Turbo? Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on January 04, 2013, 11:44:04 Does anyone know how many extra standard class seats are there in a 180 over a Turbo? Yes, I saw that release and thought 'hmmmm' :-\ If they'd said 'extra seats' then that would just about have been a justifiable, although not exactly a massive increase, as total Class 180 seats (including tip-ups) is 284 against 275 in a 3-Car Class 166 (though a 3-car Class 165 has 286). However in terms of standard class seating, a 180 has 242 seats (including tip-ups), which is less than a Class 166 (243), and much less than a Class 165 (270). Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: grahame on January 04, 2013, 12:21:49 "From September 2012, the 06:30 service from Banbury to London Paddington has started from Oxford not Banbury, leaving Oxford at 07:00. It is now operated by a refreshed Class 180 train which provides an increased standard class seating capacity." There probably is a greater seating capacity from Oxford ... simply because the train starts empty from there, rather than having a proportion of the seats already occupied by through passengers from Banbury. Even the same old train would have offered more seats from Oxford if it had been altered to start from there, rather than coming through part-loaded from further north! Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on January 04, 2013, 12:28:18 "From September 2012, the 06:30 service from Banbury to London Paddington has started from Oxford not Banbury, leaving Oxford at 07:00. It is now operated by a refreshed Class 180 train which provides an increased standard class seating capacity." There probably is a greater seating capacity from Oxford ... simply because the train starts empty from there, rather than having a proportion of the seats already occupied by through passengers from Banbury. Even the same old train would have offered more seats from Oxford if it had been altered to start from there, rather than coming through part-loaded from further north! That's the sort of clever and technically correct (but very misleading) statement that Chiltern would issue, as nobody (sensibly) would be travelling through from Banbury to Paddington on that train (or indeed Oxford), and the crowding occurs much later in the journey than at Oxford. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on January 21, 2013, 22:03:18 I've got the 19.18 Paddington to Maidenhead a few times now... Only once was it a class 180.. Are there any official statistics on this?
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on January 21, 2013, 22:17:28 I've got the 19.18 Paddington to Maidenhead a few times now... Only once was it a class 180.. Are there any official statistics on this? No official statistics, though my unofficial ones suggest it's been a Class 180 on five out of the last eleven weekdays. Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on January 21, 2013, 22:46:55 Oh dear.. not a good (albeit unofficial) statistic then.. Less than 50%. If they are going to increase capacity it would be good if it actually happened.. I'm pretty sure the 8.34am Maidenhead to Paddington isn't always a class 180 either (any unofficial stats on that?)
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on January 21, 2013, 22:54:09 Less sure about that one, but I think it's 6 out of 11. :-\
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on March 07, 2013, 22:36:40 I think this question is relevant here.. The 7.49 Maidenhead stopper to Paddington was 5 carriages before the extra capacity and was the same after (see earlier post in this thread)...
However the last two or three weeks it's been three carriages only each time I've seen it.. Does anyone know why? And is it permanent? Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on March 08, 2013, 10:27:46 Does anyone know why? And is it permanent? Not sure why? It was a 5-car today and is still diagrammed as such. Perhaps that's the diagram that gets sacrificed first whenever there's a 180/150/HST/Turbo shortage elsewhere? Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: johoare on March 08, 2013, 18:40:54 Thanks for that... Did you actually see it? Otherwise it could just be mis-information I guess? I didn't see it today so I don't know..
Title: Re: First Great Western announces extra capacity across network Post by: IndustryInsider on March 08, 2013, 23:47:50 Didn't actually see it. I was still very much tucked up in bed! Just going on the unit allocations on our internal systems, so I'm pretty sure it was a 5-car today.
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