Title: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: Chris from Nailsea on November 06, 2011, 17:19:40 From the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-15612315):
Quote M5 crash: Firework display is 'major line of inquiry' Police probing the M5 crash which killed seven people have said a firework display next to the road is the "major line of inquiry". Assistant Chief Constable Anthony Bangham, of Avon and Somerset Police, said he was focusing on the event held on Friday night. He said "a bank of smoke" was across the M5 at the time of the crash. The Highways Agency hopes to have two lanes on the southbound carriageway around junction 25 open by 17:00 GMT. The agency says the northbound carriageway will probably be closed until Monday morning. The spokesman added that there were delays of three hours on the alternative northbound routes, and asked motorists to avoid the area. The 34-vehicle pile-up happened at junction 25, near Taunton, at about 20:30 GMT on Friday. Some 51 people were injured in the pile-up, which happened on the northbound carriageway. The motorway closed between junctions 24 and 25 after the crash. Mr Bangham said people who attended the fireworks display, which was staged by Taunton Rugby Club, would be interviewed by officers. "Our main line of inquiry has now moved towards the event that was on the side of the carriageway," he said. "We do believe that whilst there was fog and difficult conditions in the area, that actually from witness evidence there was very significant smoke across the carriageway that in effect caused a bank, similar to a fog bank, which was very distracting and very difficult to drive through. We will be doing everything we can to find out as quickly as we're able to what's behind that." He said: "Accountability is clearly something we will look at when you've had have an incident such as this." Mr Bangham said the major crime teams and collision investigators from the road policing unit were working on the investigation. "If there's going to be a joint investigation then it is a crime investigation as well as a road policing investigation," he said. Mr Bangham said the investigation will look at how the fireworks event was organised, what permission was given for it and what was and was not meant to be happening. Taunton Rugby Club earlier made no comment on the matter, but confirmed the display had taken place between 20:00 and 20:15 GMT on Friday. All the vehicles involved in the crash have now been removed from the scene. Police said a 40m (131ft) stretch of the carriageway had been damaged by fuel spillage and a 60m (197ft) stretch by "intense fire". Of the injured, 25 were taken to Yeovil District Hospital, 17 of the more seriously injured are being treated at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton and nine were treated at the scene. Twenty-three of those taken to Yeovil have since been discharged. Musgrove Park Hospital said four people had been discharged and 12 were still being treated. Police have not confirmed the age or sex of the people killed but Mr Bangham said four of the casualties had been in one vehicle. Hundreds of people have paid tribute to the dead and injured and their families on Facebook. Prayers for the victims, their families and the emergency services and medical staff were also said during mass at Taunton Catholic Church. In the nearby town of Bridgwater about 1,000 people observed a minute's silence at the carnival statue at 12:00 GMT on Sunday. Edited to split thread and change title Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: Super Guard on November 08, 2011, 12:36:08 I see the road campaigners have been out in force about the talk of 80mph speed limit increase.
The BBC have also outlined various stats here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15620146 However, as RichardWarwicker has pointed out in the previous thread, it wasn't safe to be driving at 70mph, and even with an increase to 80mph, lorries would never be driving at this speed either. Perhaps we should consider the French view of increasing the limit to ~80mph when the conditions allow and reduce to ~60mph when needed. I have no end of sympathy for those affected directly by the crash, however I think it is wrong that this will be used as a bit of red herring by road safety groups, when maintaining a 70mph speed limit will make no difference to the shocking outcome of this crash if the same circumstances conspired again. On a more railway topic - I wonder if any train drivers will be questioned by Police who drove under the M5/past Taunton rugby club around the time of the incident, as surely their view may have been impeded too? Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: grahame on November 08, 2011, 13:00:30 Paragraph 126 of the Highway code requests that you ...
Quote Drive at a speed that will allow you to stop well within the distance you can see to be clear. But as I understand it, on rail that rule applies only to tramways / light rail. Signalling systems allow faster speeds on heavy rail, with the only "slowing down because you can't see" requirement being if conditions are so awful that the signals can't be see. And perhaps even that can be relaxed with ERTMS? Reading back, I may have missed your point and added another one. It would certainly seem appropriate, considering the questions raised on conditions in the area, for the police and investigators to learn from other transport drivers who were in the area at the time, and doubly so to learn from train drivers as they may offer a better objectivity by not being quite to emotionally attached to the dreadful road business. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: LiskeardRich on November 08, 2011, 13:13:25 Off at a slight tangent and not sure if its been mentioned in the other thread. What's everyone's thoughts on the modern safety features on newer cars that may of helped to reduce the number of fatalities in this accident?
Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: broadgage on November 08, 2011, 15:53:25 Air bags, seat belts, crumple zones, anti lock brakes, and other safety features undoubtedly increase the chances of survival in a road crash.
However some authorities state that such safety features encourage excessive speed, "why allow ample stopping distance ? with anti lock brakes you can drive faster" Is a view expressed by some drivers. I feel that many drivers go much too fast in adverese conditions, 70MPH or even more might be OK in fine weather, but a lot drive at that speed in poor visibility, or on ice. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: woody on November 09, 2011, 21:56:55 MP asks for road link talks after M5 crash http://www.thisisplymouth.co.uk/MP-asks-road-link-talks-M5-crash/story-13796249-detail/story.html
Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: JayMac on November 12, 2011, 12:20:44 From the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-15690553):
Quote M5 crash: Vigil held for victims near scene in Somerset A vigil has been held exactly a week after a crash that killed seven people on the M5 in Somerset. Thirty-four vehicles were involved in the crash at junction 25 on 4 November. Fifty-one people were injured. Taunton Lord Mayor Steve Brooks spoke at the vigil, held on Friday evening close to the crash site at Hankridge, and said it was time to reflect. He also thanked the emergency services, hospital staff and members of the public who helped out. "Without their actions other lives may have been lost that night," he added. Minute's silence The Reverend Rod Corke, Vicar of St Mary Magdalene Church in Taunton, introduced the private service, held at Sainsbury's car park, which was attended by more than 100 emergency workers and relatives of those killed or injured. Hymns were then sung, accompanied by members of the Salvation Army. The Archdeacon of Taunton, The Venerable John Reed, offered prayers for those who died, their loved ones and the emergency services. "Those that were there will have a very raw mental image of what happened and that's going to take a very long time to work through," he said. "We must keep a watchful alert for their feelings because we cannot know what it's like for them. We must do what we can to share and carry." At 20:25 GMT, the time of the accident a week previously, a minute's silence was held. Afterwards, a number of floral tributes were left on the motorway embankment. Those killed in the crash on 4 November were lorry drivers Terry Brice, from Patchway, South Gloucestershire, and Kye Thomas, from Gunnislake, Cornwall; father and daughter Michael and Maggie Barton, from Windsor, Berkshire; grandparents Anthony and Pamela Adams, from Newport, south Wales; and battle re-enactor Malcolm Beacham, from Woolavington, near Bridgwater, Somerset. An inquest into their deaths was opened by the west Somerset coroner in Taunton on Thursday. The public had been asked to stay away from the vigil following police concerns about the number of people who might attend. Space has been set aside at Sainsbury's car park for public tributes to be laid from Saturday morning. A book of condolence has also been placed in Taunton Library for people to sign. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: ChrisB on November 12, 2011, 19:19:00 There is a fund-raising gig being organised by a public-spirited Bristolian st the Colston Hall on Dec 4, to raise money for funerals. Not sure whether he has blessing to do this from deceased relatives though? Not clear from his tweets.
Just getting line-up sorted. Has managed some press coverage. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: JayMac on November 12, 2011, 19:30:19 Thanks for that ChrisB.
From the Bristol Evening Post (http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/Benefit-gig-Bristol-raise-money-affected-M5-crash/story-13797140-detail/story.html): Quote A benefit gig is being organised in Bristol to raise money for the families affected by the M5 crash. The event has been arranged for December 4 at the city's Colston Hall to contribute towards funeral costs and a memorial with any other funds being distributed among families. It was the idea of John Langley, of Brislington, who was moved to do something after seeing coverage of the tragedy. Seven people died in the crash on Friday night, which also left 51 people injured. Mr Langley is chairman of Bristol Local Involvement Network, which gives people a say on health services in the city. He has been appealing for musicians, bands, singers and comedians who can be part of the event and as well as securing a venue has already lined up some musicians and a presenter and support on social networking site Twitter. Mr Langley told the Evening Post: "When I saw the images that unfolded I was horrified and felt something needs to be done about this. That was it and I have not stopped since." Police were yesterday interviewing witnesses to the crash, which involved 34 vehicles, and are appealing for anyone who was there on the night or who may have video footage to contact them on 101 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Any performers or presenters who can be part of the M5 Benefit Gig should contact m5benefitgig@gmail.com. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: ChrisB on November 13, 2011, 17:47:23 Line-up announcement due on Wednesday I'm hearing
Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: JayMac on November 15, 2011, 01:44:30 From the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-15724175):
Quote M5 crash: No weather warning No weather warning signs were displayed on the M5 on the night of a fatal motorway pile-up, despite a fog forecast, the BBC can reveal. Seven people were killed and 51 injured in the crash on 4 November. The Met Office had told the Highways Agency of "isolated fog" in the area on the day of the crash, the Agency has confirmed. Police are investigating whether smoke from a nearby fireworks display may have contributed to the pile up. Some drivers had reported smoke or fog before the crash. The Highways Agency confirmed that there were no warning signs. It said a Met Office regional weather advisory issued to its regional control centre at Avonmouth had warned of isolated fog, but did not highlight fog as a "potential hazard" at the time of the collision. A spokesperson said: "At the time of the incident on Friday November 4, our Regional Control Centre at Avonmouth had not received any warnings or reports of adverse weather conditions on any of our roads in the South West and no weather-related warnings were set on our electronic message signs." The Highways Agency added that fog messages could also be set on electronic signs by the regional control centre if it was alerted by visibility sensors, but there were no sensors on that stretch of the M5. It said: "In light of the ongoing police investigation it would not be appropriate to comment further." The full story can be seen on Inside Out West on BBC1 at 19:30 GMT. That edition of Inside Out West is available now on BBC iPlayer until 1959 21/11/2011 http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0178n92/Inside_Out_West_14_11_2011/ Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: inspector_blakey on November 15, 2011, 16:23:07 Without wishing to stir up a hornet's nest, I'm not sure that putting on 'Fog' matrix signs would have made a lot of difference. Unfortunately you see advisory speed limits or fog warnings on those signs so often when there is no need for the speed limit or warning that I would guess a vast majority of drivers simply ignore them.
Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: ChrisB on November 15, 2011, 16:31:41 yup, totally agree....
Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: Chris from Nailsea on November 15, 2011, 22:10:51 So do I (posting personally, not as an Admin). :-X
Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: JayMac on November 15, 2011, 23:06:53 Some of these matrix signs have sensors don't they? I've seen a whole line of them lit up with 'Fog' on the M5 on a clear, sunny August afternoon. Can only assume something incorrectly triggered the sensor.
That may be part of a general problem (not related in any way to the recent M5 crash), motorists ignoring the warning because of previous occasions where they've seen the sign incorrectly illuminated. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: LiskeardRich on November 17, 2011, 13:20:44 I drove southbound along this stretch of road around 7pm last night, the weather was atrocious, to such an extent i came off the motorway at j25 and visited the sainsburys for a while looking round to allow the weather to calm a little. The rain was so heavy i couldnt see the front of my car, yet people were still driving at I'd estimate 90mph. The dot matrix wasnt in use to show a lower limit (was in use on the m6 in much better conditions). As i reached the A38, the A38 was closed due to a severe accident caused by poor weather conditions
Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: BerkshireBugsy on November 17, 2011, 14:23:25 Without wishing to stir up a hornet's nest, I'm not sure that putting on 'Fog' matrix signs would have made a lot of difference. Unfortunately you see advisory speed limits or fog warnings on those signs so often when there is no need for the speed limit or warning that I would guess a vast majority of drivers simply ignore them. I am remembered of when the M40 first opened. I seem to remember there was a crash which I beieve was put down to Fog. Drivers put the blame on the matrix signs not showing "Fog". I seem to remember thinking "you don't see matrix signs with the word 'dark' on"...although I do accept that fog can be more patchy. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 04, 2012, 22:23:53 From the Western Daily Press (http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/Somerset-M5-crash-Taunton-RFC-fireworks-display/story-15497029-detail/story.html):
Quote Somerset M5 crash: Taunton RFC fireworks display not to blame for motorway tragedy A police inquiry into the cause of the M5 crash in which seven people died and another 51 were injured has concluded drifting smoke from a nearby fireworks party was not to blame. Emphasis has instead shifted to consider driver error the probable trigger, possibly a vehicle braking heavily as it encountered a dense fog bank just ahead of the main body of the accident. However, no charges are expected to be brought. A final decision will made by Crown Prosecution Service lawyers in the next few months. The four-month investigation has exonerated Taunton Rugby Club and Firestorm Pyrotechnics, which mounted a display alongside the M5. In the aftermath of the crash in wet, foggy conditions last November, Avon and Somerset police assistant chief constable Anthony Bangham was quick to claim the inquiry was ^criminal^ and pointed the finger of suspicion at the club and Geoff Counsell, the fireworks company boss, whose event finished minutes before the accident on November 4. Lawyers representing the club and Mr Counsell considered the comments prejudicial and are still considering legal action and a professional complaint against Mr Bangham. Both were subjected to a hate campaign which has taken a ^severe emotional and mental toll^ on rugby club officials and Mr Counsell. Traffic officers, who were among the first on the scene at around 8.30pm, were also taken aback by the claim as they originally considered fog and speed the main factors. Last December it was revealed the weather conditions were such that any smoke from the firework display would have been carried away from the site of the crash. Now, a senior police source has indicated rugby club officials and Mr Counsell were considered ^witnesses not suspects^ and no criminal charges will be brought. The source added: ^It has been an incredibly lengthy, complex and demanding inquiry. Ultimately it has been so rigorous and so detailed it is almost impossible to be categoric about exactly what happened.^ Instead, the main thrust of the police inquiry has looked at the possibility that an error by a driver, possibly one who had joined the motorway at junction 25, was the catalyst. An accident investigator said: ^It is well known among truckers as a difficult slip road to negotiate. It is uphill which means lorries are travelling very slowly when they join.^ Witnesses reported hearing repeated thuds as vehicles ploughed into the wreckage, some bursting into flames, claiming the lives of Terry Brice, Kye Thomas, Michael and Maggie Barton, Anthony and Pamela Adams and Malcolm Beacham. Police will pass their file to the CPS in the next fortnight and a final decision is expected by the end of May. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: Timmer on October 19, 2012, 21:47:35 From BBC News http://bbc.in/R8Nbjl
Quote A man has been charged with seven counts of manslaughter over a pile-up on the M5 in Somerset last year. Geoffrey Counsell, from Somerset, was the provider of a nearby fireworks display at Taunton Rugby Club on 4 November, the night of the collision. The charges are connected to the planning and operation of the display, a police spokesman said. Mr Counsell is due to appear before Bristol Magistrates' Court on 12 November. Seven people were killed and 51 injured in the crash involving 34 vehicles. The firework display was held in a field close to the motorway. In a joint statement, Avon and Somerset Police and the Crown Prosecution Service said: "Today the Crown Prosecution Service has authorised Avon and Somerset Police to charge Geoffrey Counsell with seven counts of manslaughter. "[This follows] the deaths of Anthony and Pamela Adams, Maggie and Michael Barton, Malcolm Beacham, Terry Brice and Kye Thomas. "It was clear from the investigation carried out by Avon and Somerset Police that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute for driver error and therefore no action will be taken against any motorists. "The CPS also considered the culpability of Taunton Rugby Club and reached the conclusion that there is insufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction." Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: bobm on October 19, 2012, 23:00:51 When you read the last two newspaper articles posted above there does seem to have been a fundamental change of opinion in the last six months.
Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: Chris from Nailsea on November 12, 2012, 13:46:41 From the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-20297215):
Quote M5 crash deaths accused Geoffrey Counsell is bailed (http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/56495000/jpg/_56495062_56495060.jpg) Seven people died and 51 were injured in the pile-up involving 34 vehicles A man has appeared at Bristol Magistrates' Court charged with seven counts of manslaughter following a pile-up on the M5 in Somerset. Seven people died and 51 were injured in the crash involving 34 vehicles. Geoffrey Counsell, from Somerset, was the provider of a fireworks display in a field close to the motorway at Taunton Rugby Club on 4 November 2011. The 50-year-old was remanded on bail and is due to appear before the city's crown court on 4 December. Lorry drivers Terry Brice, from Patchway, South Gloucestershire, and Kye Thomas, from Gunnislake, Cornwall, died in the crash. Father and daughter Michael and Maggie Barton, from Windsor, Berkshire; grandparents Anthony and Pamela Adams, from Newport, south Wales; and battle re-enactor Malcolm Beacham, from Woolavington, near Bridgwater, also died. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: BerkshireBugsy on November 14, 2012, 16:04:44 Without wishing to stir up a hornet's nest, I'm not sure that putting on 'Fog' matrix signs would have made a lot of difference. Unfortunately you see advisory speed limits or fog warnings on those signs so often when there is no need for the speed limit or warning that I would guess a vast majority of drivers simply ignore them. I totally agree. I seem to recall when the m40 first opened there was a crash which I believe was put down to fog on the motorway. It was claimed that the crash may have been averted if the fog matrix signs had been on. excuse me?! Do we really need signs to tell us to use common sense ? May be i won't put my headlights on until I see an "it's dark" (which I probably won't see because its dark) Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: Chris from Nailsea on January 15, 2013, 17:04:04 Latest developments, from the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-21024902):
Quote Manslaughter charges dropped in M5 crash case Manslaughter charges have been dropped against the organiser of a fireworks display held on the night of a crash on the M5 in which seven people died. Geoffrey Counsell, 50 and from Somerset, was arrested after the crash, which involved 34 vehicles and left 51 people injured, in November 2011. Mr Counsell will now face one charge, under health and safety laws, of failing to ensure the safety of others. That case will be heard at a later date, Bristol Crown Court heard. The Crown Prosecution Service authorised Avon and Somerset Police to charge Geoffrey Counsell with manslaughter in October 2012. Chief crown prosecutor, Barry Hughes said all CPS cases are kept under "constant review". He said: "During this review process, in December we sought further advice from a leading expert on the law of negligence and additional information was also provided by expert witnesses and police investigators. Based on this additional information and advice, it has been decided that there is insufficient evidence to continue with a prosecution for manslaughter." The fireworks display organised by Mr Counsell was taking place at Taunton Rugby Club, which is next to the motorway, when the crash happened. Lorry drivers Terry Brice, from Patchway, South Gloucestershire, and Kye Thomas, from Gunnislake, Cornwall, died in the crash. Father and daughter Michael and Maggie Barton, from Windsor, Berkshire; grandparents Anthony and Pamela Adams, from Newport, south Wales; and battle re-enactor Malcolm Beacham, from Woolavington, near Bridgwater, also died. Det Sup Mike Courtiour of Avon and Somerset Police described the collision as "one of the worst in living memory" and said the force's investigation was "meticulous and complex". Mr Counsell was originally charged with the seven counts of manslaughter, on 19 October last year. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: anthony215 on January 15, 2013, 18:09:15 Personally I dont think any charges should have been brought against this man.
It was sadly an accident although some blame can be put on the drivers who were traveling along the M5 perhaps they had been traveling too close together and too quickly. Anyway lets hope lessons are learned so that we dont have a tragic incident like this happening again. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: LiskeardRich on January 15, 2013, 19:31:11 Personally I dont think any charges should have been brought against this man. It was sadly an accident although some blame can be put on the drivers who were traveling along the M5 perhaps they had been traveling too close together and too quickly. My interpretation of the highway code is all the blame should be on the drivers. Almost certainly driving without due care and attention. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: bobm on November 12, 2013, 18:35:20 From the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-24909731)
Quote The organiser of a fireworks display held on the night of a fatal pile-up on the M5 motorway will go on trial on Monday. Geoffrey Counsell, 51, from Ashill, Somerset, was operating the display in a field close to the motorway, at Taunton Rugby Club. Seven people died in the pile-up on 4 November 2011. Mr Counsell, who denies failing to ensure the safety of others, will face a jury at Bristol Crown Court. Lorry drivers Terry Brice, from Patchway, South Gloucestershire, and Kye Thomas, from Gunnislake, Cornwall, died in the crash. Father and daughter Michael and Maggie Barton, from Windsor, Berkshire; grandparents Anthony and Pamela Adams, from Newport, south Wales; and battle re-enactor Malcolm Beacham, from Woolavington, near Bridgwater, also died. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: Chris from Nailsea on November 19, 2013, 06:44:45 From the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-24988283):
Quote M5 death crash: 'Firework smoke blocked drivers' view' Smoke from a fireworks display helped block the view of drivers on the M5 motorway leading to a pile-up that killed seven people, a court has heard. There were "serious weaknesses" in the planning of the display on 4 November 2011, Bristol Crown Court was told. Geoffrey Counsell, 51, from Ashill, Somerset, was operating the fireworks at Taunton Rugby Club, Somerset, 200m (650ft) from the motorway. Mr Counsell denies failing to ensure the safety of others. The court was told Mr Counsell set off 1,500 shots in 15 minutes. The smog was so thick and dense that motorists on the northbound carriageway of the M5 had "no chance", it was alleged. Peter Blair QC, prosecuting, told the jury it was "no ordinary patch of fog that just happened to be there that evening". "Essentially the prosecution say they experienced a loss of visibility, generated, we say, by a plume of smoke created by Mr Counsell from his firework display which had built up," he said. Mr Blair said a number of vehicles passed safely through the early stages of the smog - with some drivers later recalling the smell of firework smoke but the "next group were less fortunate". "They were in the vehicles that ended up in a multi-vehicle pile-up," he said. "Some of them spoke of it as being as if someone had tipped a tin of paint over their windscreen. Their headlights had no effect whatsoever on penetrating what was in front of them. It was impossible to see what was ahead of them and the inevitable consequence was the multiple pile-up." The case continues. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: bobm on December 10, 2013, 10:31:48 Geoffrey Counsell cleared of all charges
From the BBC]http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-25316055]BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-25316055) Quote A man in charge of a fireworks display held on the night of a motorway crash in which seven people died has been cleared of breaching health and safety laws. Geoffrey Counsell, 51, from Ashill, had denied a charge of failing to ensure public safety for the Taunton Rugby Club display on 4 November 2011. The M5 crash involved about 30 cars. A judge at Bristol Crown Court directed the jury to find Mr Counsell not guilty. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: ChrisB on December 10, 2013, 10:41:49 Glad to hear it.
Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: broadgage on December 10, 2013, 12:12:56 Glad to hear it. Agree. Had the person in charge of the firework display been convicted this would have in effect banned firework displays, except in places so remote that hardly anyone could view them. Almost any potential site for a firework display could result in smoke drifting accross a road (any road that is, not just motorways) Although this sounds a bit callous, it does appear that most drivers were going too fast for the conditions and were unable to stop in the distance seen to be clear. Since this accident there has been a large scale accident near the Isle of Sheppey, in fog. This was less newsworthy as no lives were lost, perhaps suprisingly in view of the scale of the destruction. I feel that a lot of motorists grossly over estimate the safe speed in conditions of fog or otherwise impaired visability. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: SandTEngineer on December 10, 2013, 19:22:33 Although this sounds a bit callous, it does appear that most drivers were going too fast for the conditions and were unable to stop in the distance seen to be clear. Well I was on the M5 that night (visiting the Bridgwater Carnival) both before and after the accident and there wasn't any Fog in the area. Something not mentioned is that traffic was very heavy due to the carnival and indeed at some point was at a standstill on the motorway approaching the junctions for Bridgwater. Title: Re: Follow up - M5 Crash 04/11/2011 Post by: LiskeardRich on December 10, 2013, 19:59:23 Although this sounds a bit callous, it does appear that most drivers were going too fast for the conditions and were unable to stop in the distance seen to be clear. Well I was on the M5 that night (visiting the Bridgwater Carnival) both before and after the accident and there wasn't any Fog in the area. Something not mentioned is that traffic was very heavy due to the carnival and indeed at some point was at a standstill on the motorway approaching the junctions for Bridgwater. But the accident was after the carnival on a northbound carriageway, south of Bridgewater, I would think the traffic would have by this time been busy heading Southbound. My brother at the time of the accident was working in the Sainsburys adjacent to the rugby club/ crash scene, and he said the fog was very thick that evening. I feel the organiser was being used as a scapegoat, and I agree with the court, if it has never happened before it wouldn't be considered an issue, and you cant prosecute in hindsight. This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |