Title: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Chris from Nailsea on October 15, 2011, 22:56:45 From the FGW press release:
Quote PRIME MINISTER CELEBRATES COTSWOLD LINE RENAISSANCE First Great Western were today (Friday, October 14) delighted to host Prime Minister David Cameron at Charlbury Station to celebrate the announcement of additional services along the line. The Prime Minister spoke about the importance of the service improvements to the North Cotswold route and unveiled a plaque marking the improvements we have made to services along the route. David Cameron was joined at the event by Lord Faulkner of Worcester, First Group Chief Executive Tim O^Toole, Network Rail^s Route Managing Director Patrick Hallgate and other invited guests. From mid-September 6 additional services calling at Charlbury have been running each weekday. From December a new Monday to Friday trial service, leaving Charlbury at 0715 will head for Paddington, arriving there at 0830. With the support of Oxfordshire County Council and others, external funding has now been secured by First Great Western from the DfT-sponsored Station Commercial Project Fund for the creation of a much needed car park extension at Charlbury. Eight weeks ago marked the formal completion of Network Rail's ^67million project to redouble much of this important railway route, strengthening links from Hereford, Great Malvern, Worcester and the Cotswolds to Oxford and London. This year has also seen the creation of the second line, a new platform, waiting room and footbridge at Charlbury. First Great Western Managing Director Mark Hopwood said: ^This event confirms the importance of the rails services for Charlbury, and we were delighted to join the Prime Minister in celebrating the North Cotswold Line Improvements. This event really caps what has been a remarkable period of developments, including service improvements and the recently approved car park investment for the station.^ Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: macbrains on October 16, 2011, 11:29:32 Excellent - just what was needed, the local MP! ::)
The car park extension is very badly needed. rgds Rob Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: ChrisB on October 16, 2011, 20:09:51 6 additional services?
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on October 17, 2011, 12:29:20 Yes, when you count the trains that now stop but prior to track dualling wizzed through the station non-stop - even more at Hanborough for the same reason
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IanL on October 17, 2011, 12:33:08 But until a few years ago some of those very same trains used to stop! They were mostly trains going against the main flow in the morning.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 02, 2012, 21:36:05 From The Oxford Times (http://www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/news/yourtown/witney/9676358.Work_to_start_on_station_car_park_expansion/):
Quote Work to start on station car park expansion (http://www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/resources/images/1986681/?type=articleLandscape) Commuters using Charlbury station will no longer have to battle for parking spaces in the future. First Great Western (FGW) has announced it will build 83 new spaces ^ including eight for disabled drivers ^ at the Forest Road station. The ^470,000 project will begin on May 8 and FGW hopes to have work complete by September. Currently, the car park has 158 spaces and Charlbury councillors have been fighting to get the number increased for more than 20 years. The line through Charlbury station was redoubled last year as part of a ^67m project to restore double track on sections of the Cotswold Line between Oxford and Worcester. Charlbury Town Council chairman Nick Potter said: ^It is desperately needed. The car park is full by about 9am every morning and we get people parking all over the town, which has been our main problem. It has displaced parking for people who want to work or shop in Charlbury.^ The council has been fighting for the project since British Rail took over the site, which was rented to the town for allotments, more than 20 years ago to extend the car park. Cotswold Line Promotion Group chairman John Ellis said: ^Charlbury has always been a bottleneck for car parking. We think a number of people are actively deterred from using rail because they know there are no car parking spaces at Charlbury.^ FGW spokesman Dan Panes said: ^Charlbury is one of our fastest growing stations and we have been looking to add more parking facilities for some time.^ Last week FGW announced that it could also build a new 197-space car park at Long Hanborough station, at the former Hewden plant hire depot nearby. The Charlbury project is subject to FGW receiving funding from Network Rail. A decision is set to be made on May 10. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on May 02, 2012, 22:21:18 Great news that it's being done so soon - I had feared it would have been completed much nearer the deadline of March 2014. Hopefully Pershore won't be far behind, and the double-positives of extra spaces and more comfortable trains can be delivered at roughly the same time. And great news regarding Hanborough, too. Fingers crossed that it gets the go-ahead. I'm assuming 'Charlbury' should read 'Hanborough' in the last sentence of that article?
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 02, 2012, 22:24:48 Cough ... it's not for me to question a journalist on The Oxford Times ... :P ::) ;D
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on May 15, 2012, 12:22:15 Looks like the new car park at Hanborough is getting very close to getting the nod:
http://www.witneygazette.co.uk/news/9705225.Soaring_demand_fuels_station_car_park_plan/ (http://www.witneygazette.co.uk/news/9705225.Soaring_demand_fuels_station_car_park_plan/) Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on May 29, 2012, 11:20:58 Hanborough has now got the go-ahead for 191 new spaces in the latest round of approved schemes from the Station Improvement Fund. FANTASTIC news and coming alongside improvements already announced at Charlbury and Pershore this will really allow the winner of the Greater Western franchise to grow their business along the Cotswold Line with the prospect of faster services and new trains only a few years away. Watch commuters flock to Hanborough now that there will be parking spaces available after 7am!
Other stations within FGW land to benefit from the announcement are Cheltenham Spa (67 new spaces) and Farnborough Main - not a FGW station, but there is one their too (243 spaces). http://www.networkrailmediacentre.co.uk/Press-Releases/PASSENGERS-SET-TO-BENEFIT-AS-TEN-MORE-STATIONS-SECURE-SHARE-OF-100M-IMPROVEMENT-FUND-1aa6/SearchCategoryID-2.aspx (http://www.networkrailmediacentre.co.uk/Press-Releases/PASSENGERS-SET-TO-BENEFIT-AS-TEN-MORE-STATIONS-SECURE-SHARE-OF-100M-IMPROVEMENT-FUND-1aa6/SearchCategoryID-2.aspx) Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Btline on May 29, 2012, 11:48:54 this will really allow the winner of the Greater Western franchise to grow their business along the Cotswold Line with the prospect of faster services So more trains stopping at Hanborough = faster services? If the new franchise holder wants to grow passenger numbers as a long distance service then they need to speed it up! Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on May 29, 2012, 12:12:22 So more trains stopping at Hanborough = faster services? Potentially, yes. After all, with only three daily trains not stopping at Hanborough currently (of which only one could be described as a commuter service) they can't really add any more Cotswold Line stops than there already are, can they?! The prospect of faster services from Worcester (unlocking the potential growth there even more) comes from four potential improvements: 1) A recast of the timetable to ensure that much of the unnecessary pathing allowances are removed = potentially faster journey times from Worcester. 2) The new IEP (or whatever it eventually turns into) with better acceleration and better station dwell times than HSTs = potentially faster journey times from Worcester. 3) NR are studying what can be done to increase the ruling linespeed for much of the route = potentially faster journey times from Worcester. and now you can add... 4) With more parking at the eastern end of the line, and better infrastructure, there then becomes more of a possibility that an increased service frequency will be needed/financially viable. It's possible that more trains will run at the eastern end of the line and that might, just might, mean that Hanborough stops can be cut from some of the longer distance trains, yet still having a better service than now. Faster services from Worcester are very much in the pipeline. You might need to be patient, that's all. ;) Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on July 13, 2012, 16:13:24 An article on the Hanborough car park expansion, including a plan of where the spaces will be and access points for pedestrians. Looks like there'll be a extra cycle shelter and designated disabled spaces too.
http://www.witneygazette.co.uk/news/9815009.Planning_consent_sought_for_Hanborough_station_car_park_extension/ (http://www.witneygazette.co.uk/news/9815009.Planning_consent_sought_for_Hanborough_station_car_park_extension/) Note to mods - any chance of altering the thread topic to mention Hanborough as well? Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: JayMac on July 13, 2012, 16:39:27 Note to mods - any chance of altering the thread topic to mention Hanborough as well? Done! Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andy W on July 13, 2012, 18:56:03 and now you can add... 4) With more parking at the eastern end of the line, and better infrastructure, there then becomes more of a possibility that an increased service frequency will be needed/financially viable. It's possible that more trains will run at the eastern end of the line and that might, just might, mean that Hanborough stops can be cut from some of the longer distance trains, yet still having a better service than now. Hi II, This surely reinforces a discussion on another thread that they should have redoubled Honeybourne - beyond Pershore and Moreton - beyond Hanborough rather than Moreton - Honeyborne, ensuring both stations are on double track rather than stopping on single line. Particularly at the eastern end where there is very significant latent potential. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on July 13, 2012, 21:22:35 For anyone interested, the planning application documents can be viewed at: :
http://planning.westoxon.gov.uk/documentviewer/documentslist.aspx?PK=851053&APPNUMBER=12/1082/P/FP As the Hanborough Parish public Transport Representative I am asking the parish council to make the following commnets in its submission to the planning authority: In principle I fully support the application as these additional car parking facilities are so desperately needed, not just by existing rail users but also as a means to help relieve (in a very modest way) the A40 peak hour congestion in West Oxon. It will attract more users to Hanborough station and thus add to the volume of traffic using the A4095 through Long Hanborough and will I suspect attract some adverse comments because of that. However there is currently a very strong road safety problem with the current up to 60 or so vehicles manoeuvring to park on the A4095 grass verges so the additional off-street parking facilities should provide an offsetting environmental improvement. The number of additional vehicle movements will, in my view, form only a very small proportion of the total movements at peak hours. Looking at the plans I note that in fact the application is not just confined to the proposed new car park. Changes to parking arrangements will be made in the existing car park so I would like to point out some problems there that should be dealt with as part of this application. Although a significant number of the new parking spaces will be occupied by existing rail users displaced from the A4095 grass verges, the availability of additional vehicle parking facilities will without doubt attract more users to Hanborough station. At present there is one small waiting shelter on the platform (also financed substantially from County Council funds) that can accommodate about a dozen people in inclement weather conditions. Currently at peak hours, many people waiting for their train cannot get into the shelter. With more rail users this problem can only get worse. It should be noted that Pershore station on the Worcestershire section of the Cotswold Line has two shelters but at the last official user count (2010/11) attracted only 56% of the rail users compared to Hanborough (67230 at Pershore and 119210 at Hanborough). I believe that a planning condition requiring the installation of an additional shelter should be imposed. Finally, I have been given to understand that the project^s budget includes financial provision for the introduction of on street parking controls that will presumably mean yellow lines. This will be an essential measure because as parking charges will be imposed for all of the new and existing parking facilities, without on-street parking controls, there would be reluctance among many rail users to pay for car parking and the parking on the grass verges would be worsened. The application seems to make no mention of this factor and therefore a condition should be imposed in any planning consent clarifying a requirement for appropriate off-street parking controls to be introduced. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on July 14, 2012, 11:30:12 This surely reinforces a discussion on another thread that they should have redoubled Honeybourne - beyond Pershore and Moreton - beyond Hanborough rather than Moreton - Honeyborne, ensuring both stations are on double track rather than stopping on single line. Particularly at the eastern end where there is very significant latent potential. I think we'll just have to accept they didn't do that and move on! ;) Though, hopefully, continued increase in custom will make the case for the two final sections to be redoubled sooner rather than later, and the resignalling schemes at Oxford and Worcester will then make those sections more affordable as the new infrastructure will be accommodated by the TVSC at Didcot. If I was a betting man, I'd say the Wolvercote to Charlbury section will be redoubled within 10 years, with Pershore to Norton Jn. dragging its heels and getting done some time in the late 2020s. As the Hanborough Parish public Transport Representative I am asking the parish council to make the following commnets in its submission to the planning authority: Some very sensible comments, too. The waiting shelter is indeed in need of expansion, perhaps keep it, but provide another one like those installed at Honeybourne to double the sheltered space on the platform? There is room for that. I hadn't realised that car parking charges would then be applied, though of course that would make sense. Let's hope they're kept at reasonable rates to avoid the parking control problems you mention. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: ChrisB on July 14, 2012, 11:42:21 These grants are made on the proviso that the projects are money-generating
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on July 14, 2012, 14:36:43 With regard to redoubling the sections from Wolvercot and Norton the problem has been the lack of signalling capacity at each end of the line. It must wait for that to be provided before any such work could procede and then only when there is a commercial case.
T he gw rus included an aspiration for the Wolvercot to Charlbury section to be redoubled. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: ChrisB on July 14, 2012, 15:30:58 Earliest this could be done is during the Oxford resignalling that must come with electrification. This project will also relocate this signalling to Didcot.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on July 14, 2012, 23:50:44 Earliest this could be done is during the Oxford resignalling that must come with electrification. This project will also relocate this signalling to Didcot. Oxford resignalling is less than 3 years away. I very much doubt it will be anywhere near that quick, but will hopefully feature as a project in the CP6 years 2019-2024. The 'Oxford Corridor' enhancement plan will hopefully get the go-ahead next week though to complement the electrification scheme. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Richard Fairhurst on July 15, 2012, 23:54:10 As the Hanborough Parish public Transport Representative I am asking the parish council to make the following commnets in its submission to the planning authority: Very good response. (As the newly appointed Charlbury PTR I was wondering whether I'd see you at the most recent meeting but I gather you weren't there!)On this point: Quote It will attract more users to Hanborough station and thus add to the volume of traffic using the A4095 through Long Hanborough and will I suspect attract some adverse comments because of that. With my Sustrans ranger hat on, we would very much like to see the Witney-Hanborough roadside cycle path extended as far as the A44 - providing a safe route to the station from Woodstock and Bladon, and thereby taking some traffic off the road. As you probably know this was planned back in LTP1 days, but the money ran out at Hanborough. There's a lot of support in Bladon for the idea and it would be terrific if Hanborough were to echo it. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on July 18, 2012, 09:10:13 With regard to RF's comments, I had intended to be there, as I usually am, but old age creeps one and I simply forgot on the day with other things on my mind. Yes - the cycle track was originally intended to go all the way from Witney to Woodstock and as you say the money ran out, partly because the scheme was so badly designed that much of it had to be rebuilt through Hanborough. They forgot that with homes adjacent to the track, raising the level caused flooding to homes and the chicane near the rail nstation was completely rebuilt because they forget to put a camber in!. Although Bladon was supportive of the scheme, there were so many objections from Bladon residents, particularly on the narrow road section, that, I think, it gave the county officers the opportunity to abandon it when the money ran out. The most dangerous part for cyclists is, in my opinion, the absence of any path on the North Leigh by-pass where vehicles often go way beyond the 50 mph limit.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Chris from Nailsea on July 21, 2012, 23:25:20 From the Oxford Mail (http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/yourtown/witney/9828011.Station_car_park_extension_work_running_on_time/):
Quote Station car park extension work running on time Work to extend the car park at Charlbury station is running on time, despite the discovery of a hidden culvert on the site, with completion still due in September. The ^470,000 project will add an extra 75 spaces ^ a 50 per cent increase from the current 150 parking bays. An area of land between the station approach road and the B4437 to Burford, which used to be leased to the town council for allotments, is being converted to help cope with growing passenger numbers at the station. The number of passengers using the Cotswold Line station in 2010-11 was 244,586, up by 5.6 per cent from 231,582 in the previous 12 months. And train operator First Great Western last week applied for planning permission from West Oxfordshire District Council to build a ^400,000, 191-space extension to the car park at Hanborough station, almost quadrupling spaces there. Passenger numbers at the station, which is off the A4095 in Long Hanborough, have surged in recent years, from 76,580 in 2006-7 to 119,210 in 2010-11, a rise of 55 per cent. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on August 08, 2012, 13:53:05 Here's a couple of views showing the progress on the car park expansion at Charlbury.
(http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8294/7739427914_22ac7b3296.jpg) (http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8286/7739425304_23c435fdbd.jpg) Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on September 10, 2012, 15:27:56 The planning application for the redevelopment of the Hewden Plant Hire site (that backs onto Hanborough Station) into a 191 space station car park was approved by West Oxon D.C. Uplands Planning Sub-Committee last Monday, 3, September.
Teresa Ceesay, the ever energetic Cotswold Line Manager said on 5 September: Great new i have been today out with Peter from our part of the property dept that deals with the new car developments ,talking to the BMW garage manager and the also the couple that run the nursery on the other side of the new car park area , we then went down to the bus museum and had a chat with them, All around the vibes are really positive ,we will be visiting them again in a few weeks time once the plans to start clearing the site. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on September 10, 2012, 18:15:19 Do we have rough start/finish construction dates for the new car parks at Pershore and Hanborough?
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on September 20, 2012, 17:23:23 Re Hanborough Car Park extension, site clearance work starts this week according to Teresa, CL Stations Manager for FGW with construction work to start soon after.
I heard this today re Hanborough Car Park: FGW^s Project Manager states that the Hanborough project is still out to tender and a contractor is still to be appointed. However, FGW are confident of starting work on Monday 1st October and aim to have the car park completed by 21st December 2012. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on September 21, 2012, 11:30:35 Good stuff. I know the expansion schemes at Hanborough and Pershore (and Radley, Langley, Pangbourne, Kemble and Cheltenham Spa) need to be completed by March 2014, but the sooner the better!
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on September 28, 2012, 09:11:42 I will believe that 21 December date for Hanborough car park extension when I see it. However portable lighting has been reported as having been located in the new car park site this week. I cannot confirm this myself however.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on September 28, 2012, 14:30:08 I will believe that 21 December date for Hanborough car park extension when I see it. Me too! How's Charlbury getting along? That was supposed to be finished 'by September', though there was still a lot of work to do when I last saw it a couple of weeks ago. Not that I'm grumbling too much though as these improvements are to be welcomed and if we have to wait a month or two then so be it. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IanL on September 28, 2012, 14:50:11 Had a look at Charlbury work last night, surfacing mostly done, lighting still to be installed at top of poles, road markings done. Should be ready early October?
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: CLPGMS on September 29, 2012, 10:21:26 It appears that Charlbury car park is almost ready for use - I think that the original target date was 1st October. On Thursday 27th September lighting was being installed, roadways were being marked out and the embankments were being landscaped with topsoil - see photo below.
(http://www.clpg.co.uk/CBY Car Park Ext 27 09 12.jpg) On 28th September, the lights were in use, the car park spaces had been marked out and ticket machines installed. Only some minor finishing touches appeared to be outstanding. My understanding is that the contractors should be moving on to Hanborough when Charlbury is complete. However, that is not certain. But, what is happening along the line at Pershore, where a similar car park extension is planned for this year? Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on September 29, 2012, 14:52:37 It appears that Charlbury car park is almost ready for use - I think that the original target date was 1st October. On Thursday 27th September lighting was being installed, roadways were being marked out and the embankments were being landscaped with topsoil - see photo below. But, what is happening along the line at Pershore, where a similar car park extension is planned for this year? Wow, the work at Charlbury has come along at a pace over the last few weeks. I'll be interested to hear how full it gets on an average day. Pershore (as with the other schemes) has to be complete by April 2014 to be eligible for the funding, so there's plenty of time. Perhaps further legal wranglings over the land dispute will put it back further towards that deadline? Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: CLPGMS on October 02, 2012, 15:28:05 Although a few minor jobs remain to be completed, the car park extension at Charlbury came into use this morning.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on October 03, 2012, 16:49:07 See also today's Oxford Mail:
Parking spaces doubled for commuters 2:00pm Wednesday 3rd October 2012 in News Chief engineer Frederico Rusailh alongside the bays Buy this photo ^ Chief engineer Frederico Rusailh alongside the bays WORK to double the number of car park spaces for commuters at Charlbury Station is almost complete. First Great Western (FGW) has spent ^470,000 to add 75 spaces on land between the station approach road and the B4437 to Burford. A large part of the car park opened yesterday but disabled spaces and some finishing touches are still to be completed. Meanwhile, the company said a ^400,000 project to create 191 spaces at Hanborough Station to almost quadruple the existing number will start ^relatively swiftly^ but did not set a date. FGW spokesman Dan Panes said: ^The passenger growth in and around these station in the past five years has been significant and in order for us to make sure these stations are equipped for growth in years to come it is quite clear we need to make the investment we are making to make it easier to park for our customers and hopefully attract more customers to the railway.^ Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: gwr2006 on October 26, 2012, 20:54:07 The new car park at Charlbury was officially opened this morning by the Prime Minister and local Witney MP, David Cameron.
He was warmly welcomed by Mark Hopwood from FGW, and both gave a short speech before unveiling a plaque. They were joined by local people and representatives from Network Rail, Department for Transport and Oxfordshire County Council - who all contributed funding. Also present were members of the Cotswold Line Promotion Group. The choir from Charlbury Primary School sang to keep everyone entertained. The car park provides an extra 77 parking spaces, more disabled parking bays and extra cycle and motorcycle parking areas. Here are some photographs of the event: (http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o599/saundersadrian/photo1.jpg) (http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o599/saundersadrian/photo2.jpg) (http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o599/saundersadrian/photo3.jpg) (http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o599/saundersadrian/photo5.jpg) (http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o599/saundersadrian/photo4.jpg) Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: trainer on October 26, 2012, 22:02:27 I see the PM has found a new platform for his views - or is that a view of a new platform?
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Richard Fairhurst on October 26, 2012, 22:55:39 The new car park at Charlbury was officially opened this morning by the Prime Minister and local Witney MP, David Cameron. ...in one of the few towns in the constituency that consistently doesn't vote for him. ;)Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: John R on October 26, 2012, 23:27:57 Is that a fact or a supposition? I didn't think votes were published other than at constituency level. But even if you're correct, a good MP represents all his constituents, not just those who may have voted for him/her.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Chris from Nailsea on October 26, 2012, 23:32:59 Either way, it doesn't seem to have made much of a dent in his majority of 22,740 at the last general election. ;)
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on October 27, 2012, 09:39:57 Meanwhile, there does not seem to be much sign of a start to the new 191 space car park at Hanborough that, from announcements made last month, should have started on 1 October with an opening date of 21 December.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Richard Fairhurst on October 27, 2012, 12:56:44 Is that a fact or a supposition? I didn't think votes were published other than at constituency level. But even if you're correct, a good MP represents all his constituents, not just those who may have voted for him/her. Oh, absolutely, and David Cameron is certainly a good constituency MP - as when he hauled FGW into the Corner House in Charlbury to say "the trains are always late and my constituents are angry; what are you going to do about it?". He's a regular fixture at events in the constituency, more so, I believe, than Tony Blair ever was.But traditionally, Charlbury has always been the little patch of yellow in the sea of blue that is West Oxfordshire, both at District Council level and in the responses received to door-to-door canvassing at General Election time. The 2001 and 2005 LibDem candidates were both from Charlbury (one is now our District Councillor). There's a lovely quote attributed to Cameron at a Charlbury event a couple of years ago. I forget the exact words, but it was something like: "I love coming to Charlbury, because I can be flavour of the month at Westminster and everyone tells me I'm doing everything right, then I come back to Charlbury and everyone tells me I know nothing and am doing everything wrong." Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: JayMac on October 27, 2012, 13:04:28 Charlbury has always been the little patch of yellow in the sea of blue that is West Oxfordshire, So, analogous of the government as a whole then? ;) ;D Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: CLPGMS on October 27, 2012, 13:57:22 I think that the official capacity of the car park extension at Charlbury is 75 and, on Thursday 25th October, I counted 64 cars parked there, with the rest of the car park full. It is not true to say that the car parking capacity has increased by this amount, however, as the original car park has been reorganised to provide about 15 fewer normal spaces. This has involved:
8 disabled spaces being created instead of the former 3. In effect this takes up about 11 normal spaces. On my last two visits to the station, none of these disabled spaces was in use. Nose to tail parking has replaced side by side on one part to widen access to the extension. A cycle shelter has been installed taking up about 2 spaces. A catering van has been moved and now, in effect, occupies 2 spaces, instead of 1. Nevertheless, around 50 additional cars were being accommodated on 25th October, which is amazing, considering that the car park has only been open for just over 3 weeks. If growth continues like this, it will not be long before the "Car Park Full" notice has to be displayed again. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on October 27, 2012, 15:32:54 8 disabled spaces being created instead of the former 3. In effect this takes up about 11 normal spaces. On my last two visits to the station, none of these disabled spaces was in use. I'm not sure what the exact circumstances are in terms of requirement by law, but I believe the number of disabled car parking spaces has to be 6% of the total allocated in new car parks- which has always seemed very high to me. When Hanborough is completed the number of disabled spaces will be 12, which completely takes up the area in front of the station. Chiltern's plans for Water Eaton Parkway incorporate a massive 50 disabled bays which take up a large part of the parking near where the entrance to the platforms will be. As you say, I rarely see them anywhere near full, and often completely empty! Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: grahame on October 27, 2012, 16:58:47 I'm not sure what the exact circumstances are in terms of requirement by law, but I believe the number of disabled car parking spaces has to be 6% of the total allocated in new car parks- which has always seemed very high to me. ... If you can trust what you read online: 2 spaces up to car parks with 34 spaces then 6% of car parking spaces (not 6% of the car park space) up to a total of 200 spaces then 4% of car parking spaces if the car park is larger I also read that only 1.4% of the population is registered disabled. I'm sure the intent is that they can get spaces even when the place is full for other parkers. However, the metrics of travel will differ for the disabled, meaning that there will be some places they naturally go, and others they won't so I expect that the requirement as it's rawly set out leads to the sights we see at times of loads of empty spaces. I would love to know what percentage of train commuters into Paddington who park at stations are registered disabled. On the other hand, an able bodied person can park in a disabled bay if accompanying a disabled person, so that will tilt the balance the other way. It probably is correct to balance the parking so that the final disabled bay is usually the last to fill ... but these things can sometimes go too far http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1252452/Revealed-Why-disabled-bays-stay-empty.html Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Chris from Nailsea on October 31, 2012, 00:45:51 From the First Great Western press release:
Quote David Cameron welcomes investment made at Charlbury Station Prime Minister David Cameron has today opened Charlbury Station car park following the completion of ^470,000 works. Accompanied by First Great Western Managing Director Mark Hopwood, Mr Cameron said: ^I was delighted to be able to open our new and much needed station car park at Charlbury. Following the success of the redoubling on the Cotswold Line I am glad to see that we now have the facilities to match. ^First Great Western were quick off the mark to apply for funding allocated by the Department for Transport for sustainable travel projects and I am so pleased that we were able to secure the money and that the project has now been delivered quickly and effectively. ^Not only will this enable many more local people to take the train to work, it will also help in our fight to cut carbon and will ensure that this train line goes from strength to strength.^ The work sees 77 additional spaces added to the car park, funded through the Station Commercial Projects Fund, launched in 2011 by the Department for Transport. Mark Hopwood said: ^We have a significant programme of station improvement works and are continually looking to improve the customer experience, whether it is through our knowledgeable, informative staff or better station facilities, we are happy to make the investment. I am delighted to see this work complete, and in such a short space of time.^ Work to the car park adds to a ^67million four-year project to double much of the North Cotswolds route in August 2011, with the Charlbury section opened 6 June 2011. As part of the doubling Charlbury gained a new platform, waiting room and footbridge. Mr Cameron was welcomed by Charlbury Primary School Choir singing Train of the Future, before unveiling a plaque to mark the official opening of the new cark park. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on November 08, 2012, 17:32:15 re Hanborough new car park, legal problems have delayed a contract start date, originally said to be 1 October with a completion date of 21 December. However I understand that there is to be a site meeting on 11 November at Hanborough station when perhaps better information on the progress of this needed investment may become available.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on November 09, 2012, 20:10:50 Thanks for the update, Andrew. Keep us informed of any developments you hear.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on November 29, 2012, 12:49:22 There's a snippet in the latest RAIL magazine, saying that Alex James, of Blur fame, has said they can use some of his land as an overflow car park at Kingham. Do any of our CLPG members know anything about that? Such as where this land is - is it the adjacent land to the car park, part of the former goods yard I assume, or the other side of the road? I've noticed Kingham, which always used to have a dozen or so spaces available in the far corner, is now getting busier and if growth continues it will soon be a common problem finding a space.
With the station miles from anywhere (including Kingham itself!) and with little opportunity to park alongside the B4450 that serves the station as it has very narrow verges, it's important that spaces are available to accommodate growth. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Richard Fairhurst on November 29, 2012, 15:09:09 There was a piece recently in the Newsquest papers: http://www.cotswoldjournal.co.uk/news/10020540.Rock_star_solution_to_railway_parking_/
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on November 29, 2012, 15:25:17 Thanks for that, Richard.
The painting of double-yellow lines might partly explain why the car park looks fuller than ever these days, as those looking to escape from the car park charges would have headed there. If that's no longer an option then it wouldn't take long to fill up the spare capacity. From my observations I never used to see the car park completely full (unlike that article claims) up until about the time those yellow lines were painted, but extra capacity (at the same charge as the main car park) without freeloaders endangering themselves and others by parking on verges would be very good to see. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: CLPGMS on November 29, 2012, 17:52:08 Car parking is becoming a real problem on the Cotswold Line.
On Thursday 22nd November, I travelled to Worcester and noted that Charlbury car park was absolutely full (including the 75 spaces on the recently opened extension), Kingham was absolutely full, as was Pershore. Just one space was vacant at Honeybourne and, no doubt Hanborough was full as well. In fact, it was the second time in 3 days that Charlbury's extension was full. There was some space available at Moreton-in-Marsh and Evesham. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on November 29, 2012, 19:05:55 Hanborough New Car Park - latest report on progress:
Site clearance was expected to be undertaken during September with a construction start in October. However several problems have arisen. First it was reported that unforeseen legal problems had arisen that prevented a start. The latest report I have received is that unforeseen levels of asbestos have been found in the existing buildings on the site that have to be demolished. This probably means that a specialist contractor will have to be engaged to deal with the removal of the asbestos before full scale construction can start. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on December 21, 2012, 09:33:20 Hanborough new car park - latest report. I understand that work is now scheduled to start on 8 January 2013 - but don't hold your breath as we all know how the railways usually work on non urgent projects.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Chris from Nailsea on February 08, 2013, 21:43:19 From the Witney Gazette (http://www.witneygazette.co.uk/news/10217761._/?):
Quote ^400,000 Hanborough station car park extension work starts (http://www.witneygazette.co.uk/resources/images/1980807.jpg?type=articleLandscape) Cars parked on a verge alongside the A4095 at the entrance to Hanborough station Work to build a 191-space extension to the car park at Hanborough railway station will start on Monday. The ^400,000 project, which was initially expected to be completed as early as last month, was delayed awaiting the removal of asbestos from disused buildings on the site that are to be demolished. This work was due to be completed today. Contractors working for train operator First Great Western are now expected to have the extra parking ready for rail passengers to use by late April or early May. The land being used was previously occupied by a plant hire depot. The Cotswold Line station's existing 50-space car park is too small to cope with demand and is often full by 6.45am, with many commuters leaving their cars on verges alongside the A4095 Main Road outside the station. A ^470,000, 83-space extension to the car park at Charlbury station opened last October. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: martvw on March 16, 2013, 18:50:57 I called in at Pershore station the other day it was quite busy, I was thinking how good it would be if the twin track could be extended to just west of Pershore station and rebuild the second platform and extend them both to take six car trains plus a new foot bridge, as was done at Charlbury and Honeybourne stations! Perhaps network rail could consider this in there future spending spree for the cotswold line !!
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on May 10, 2013, 15:08:22 Work is proceeding well on the new Hanborough Station car park. I have prepared an item for local circulation in the parish magazine, Hanborough Herald, that other Cotswold Line members of this forum may like to read:
Hanborough Station Car ParK: The construction of Hanborough Station's new 191 space car park is now nearing completion and it is hoped will be available for use from June. There will be a short cut from the new car park by way of a ramp from the rear of the car park down to the station platform. However this will not be completed in time for the opening of the car park so users will have to walk back along Main Road and down to the station by the existing drive until the short cut has been completed. The vehicular entrance will be from Main Road between the Daffodil Nursery and the North Oxford garage. The car park is costing over ^400,000 to construct on land for which a ground rent also has to be paid. The funding for this project has come from a fund for revenue generating projects so it will be necessary to impose parking charges for the first time. The level of charges has been fixed at less than the normal rate imposed at other Cotswold Line stations and much lower than for charges at Oxford station and stations beyond towards London. The charges will be ^3.00 a day but for vehicular arrivals after 10.00 am will be ^1.80. The facility to pay by phone will also be available and for those people who choose this method of payment (the choice preferred by many people) , the all day parking charge will fall to ^2.70. It should however be noted that mobile phone coverage in the station area is very variable depending on your network. There will however be pay machines located in the car parks. There will be a short term free "Set Down & Pickup" facility also available for people being brought to the station in a vehicle not staying. The new car park will remove the need for people to park outside the station precincts as there should be plenty of room for all rail users including more spaces reserved for blue badge holders. However there would inevitably be a number of existing rail users who would be reluctant to pay for car parking after having free parking until now and seek to park elsewhere on the public highway around the station causing an increase in the already current significant traffic congestion. Parking controls will therefore be introduced along Main Road and in the nearby Lodge Road (Hanborough Business Park) to prevent highway parking. These controls will apply not just to the carriageway but also to the adjoining footway and grass verges that have in many areas been completely destroyed by rail users cars. A small number of people have complained about the introduction of parking charges at the station so I have written an article on the "pros and cons" of the various methods available from Hanborough for commuters travelling regularly to Oxford for work. Commuting from Hanborough to Oxford - the alternatives considered: With the introduction of parking charges at Hanborough station car park a number of people have raised objections, particularly those people who use the low rail fare method to travel to Oxford regularly, so here is a comparison of costs with the main alternative methods of such commuting. As the benchmark, the rail costs will consist of a daily parking charge of ^3.00 plus the rail fare of ^4.20, i.e. ^7.20. The main "pro" is that the rail journey takes only about 10 minutes each way and is by far the fastest way to travel to central Oxford. However there is a short walk from Oxford station to the centre so that overall journey time is about half an hour. The main "con" is that rail services off peak are no more than hourly although there are 6 train departures towards Oxford and London before 09.00 on weekdays. The main lowest cost alternative for car users is to drive to the outskirts of Oxford and use the Park and Ride Car parks and bus service into Oxford. This means adding about ^2.00 of fuel, to the cost calculation. The car park charge is ^2.00 and the bus fare into town is ^2.70 return making a total cost of around ^6.70. The existing Watereaton car park currently has free parking for stays up to 11 hours but charges will be introduced here. However additional indirect costs such as greater wear and tear and maintenance would make the overall cost greater than the rail journey costs. The major "con" of using the Park and Ride is the much longer overall travel time of over an hour at peak travel congestion times. The major "pro" is the flexibility of travel time and higher frequency of bus services into Oxford. Also to be considered is use of the No. 11 bus service from Hanborough to Oxford. This costs ^5.10 return with the advantage of being able to board the bus in Long or Church Hanborough. The major disadvantage is the long journey times and very infrequent service at peak commuting hours with small low capacity buses incapable of taking a significant number of commuters. In short, not a viable option for regular commuting. The final major alternative would be driving by car all the way from home to central Oxford. The big advantage is maximum flexibility but this comes at a high cost of at least ^22.30 for an 8 hour plus stay at a city centre car park plus about ^3.00 of fuel. Travel on the roads to Oxford at peak hours is extremely congested and slow so at least one hour each way should be allowed plus longer travel times on frequent occasions. There are various other options that produce differing costs such as when several people travel together but this cuts down on flexibility. The use of season ticket fare reductions for both bus and rail that can produce slightly different comparative costs. Rail travel off-peak is also cheaper with a rail fare of only ^2.90 plus parking charge of ^1.80 making only ^4.70. By using a Cotswold Line rail card (cost ^7.50 a year) an off-peak fare falls to only ^1.90 return, My conclusion is that commuting by rail from Hanborough to Oxford will remain a very viable "best buy" when all factors are considered and with the new car park providing adequate parking facilities for motorised rail users. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: martvw on May 11, 2013, 19:33:40 Good to see things moving along with the car park at Hanborough station, lets hope that something can be sorted out at Pershore Station soon.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on May 30, 2013, 12:42:10 I took a trip down the Cotswold Line yesterday and noticed that Hanborough's new car park appears to be coming along nicely - though as it's raised up from the level of the platform it's difficult to see too much. At Charlbury it also looked as if some of the disabled spaces had been removed and replaced with normal parking to create about 10 extra spaces - was I seeing things? If so, has disabled parking been moved somewhere else or just reduced? There were comments that there were far too many spaces for disabled parking only.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on May 30, 2013, 17:03:41 Further to II's post today, I understand that a possible opening date for use of the new car park is 10 June. However this date has slipped regularly back every few weeks. As II points out the new car park is at a higher level than the actual station area and a ramp has to be built (crossing some of the bus museum currently controlled land) to enable car park users to have only a short walk from their cars to the platform. For reasons not altogether clear (a costs overun has been mentioned) this ramp will not be completed until the end of July (or from the usual rail experience, later). In the mean time car park users will have a 5 to 10 minute walk back from their parked car to the vehicular entrance and then along the public highway to the existing drive.
With regard to disabled parking spaces I am advised that the 10 spaces to be allowed has been fixed according to a national formula based on the total number of spaces being provided. I am further advised that if after a period of 6 months or so and not all of these are found to be used, the number can be reduced to a figure perceived to be adequate. However I do not expect this to happen until growth in use of the station results in all the other new spaces being used thus creating further parking problems. Some of the existing parking along the drive will be reserved for residents of nearby Station Terrace who will find problems in parking in front of their homes because yellow waiting limit lines will be installed on the roads around the station. This will be necessary as a daily ^3.00 all day parking charge will be imposed for the first time and many rail users will object to this and continue to park on the nearby public highway instead of using the new car park to avoid paying. In the area just around the existing platform gate, the existing 2 disabled spaces will be increased to 10 as mentioned above and there will be a short term pickup and set down zone in this area as well. It is understood that enforcement of parking fee payment will be made with the installation of ANPR equipment "Automatic Number Plate Recognition" somewhat similar to that used by the police to track down uninsured and unlicenced vehicles on the highway. Whilst thenumber of spaces in the new car park is said to be 191, the net increase of spaces available to normal rail users will be less for the reasons explained above. However with up to 130 vehicles having been counted currently parking in and around the station, the new car park should be able to accomodate another 60 additional rail users to Hanborough station although we are aware that some people from the Charlbury area now use Hanborough as parking has been free and the fares for eastward travel are lower. Some of these may revert to Charlbury thus possibly increasing parking problems there. We will just have to wait and see! Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on May 31, 2013, 11:05:13 For reasons not altogether clear (a costs overun has been mentioned) this ramp will not be completed until the end of July (or from the usual rail experience, later). In the mean time car park users will have a 5 to 10 minute walk back from their parked car to the vehicular entrance and then along the public highway to the existing drive. Although not ideal, as long as the reasons for this (and the fact that it is a temporary arrangement) are clearly explained on posters at the station, then hopefully that won't be too big an issue. With regard to disabled parking spaces I am advised that the 10 spaces to be allowed has been fixed according to a national formula based on the total number of spaces being provided. I am further advised that if after a period of 6 months or so and not all of these are found to be used, the number can be reduced to a figure perceived to be adequate. Ah, that explains what has happened at Charlbury then! The additional half dozen or so spaces there will be very handy. This will be necessary as a daily ^3.00 all day parking charge will be imposed for the first time and many rail users will object to this and continue to park on the nearby public highway instead of using the new car park to avoid paying. Radley's new car park is actually less full than before it was extended due to the imposition of parking charges, probably only half full on a typical weekday now, with a mad scramble for legitimate free street parking spaces at the top of the approach road and surrounding streets. I wonder whether the double-yellow paint truck will be paying a visit there any time soon... ;) Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on June 06, 2013, 14:55:42 Hanborough's new car park is now nearing completion with lighting columns being erected yesterday. Apparantly there has been some delay in getting the lanterns that must comply with NR standards and national rural standards that minimise light pollution. The standards look not quite right just now with tempory tiny halogen floodlights on top but these are to be replaced when the correct ones arrive.
Pay and Display machines have now been installed and I understand that APNR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) equipemnt will not be installed just yet. I suspect that this may have something to do with the fact that the Oxford Bus Museum has access rights of way over the present car park to their premises just east of the station for both members and visitors, (incidentally now well worth a visit for an hour or two since it has been developed with millions of Lottery Heritage funds). However I am not sure how the planning requirement to have a "Spaces/Full" board visible from the outside highway could be made to work without the APNR kit being connected to collect the data. It looks as though not much more than the necessary notices need to be erected before it can be opened for public use and the highway authority can get on with painting yellow no waiting lines on the surrounding highways Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on June 15, 2013, 16:07:26 Further update - even more delay in opening!
This project upon which work started last October after a local authority planning consent in early September and with a projected completion date of 21 December 2012 will not now open until July 2013. A project taking 3 times as long as first announced. The latest delay has arisen because FGW says the funds to complete it have run out. It seems that there was a condition in the original planning consent that some highway improvements had to be done by FGW as project manager (by its contractor) and that the car park cannot be opened for use before this work has been completed even though the car park has been completed for more than a week now and the contractor has departed from the site. Oxon County Council has now stepped in and will carry out the work at council taxpayers expense. The deputy leader has written to me after I have complained at yet further delay saying: "We at OCC have bent over backwards to ensure that this project did not get cancelled (it could have happened), and have also put our money where our "mouth" is. The current status quo has operated through dark and dank winters in the past, so let us all accept another month in summertime, and open the car park when all is safely ready. We are doing all we can to do this as soon as possible." I have heard that this work will take 7 to 10 days starting next Monday with an opening date of either 1st or 8th July. However the county contractor has erected advance notice boards at the site warning of road works to widen the road starting 17 June for 3 weeks. Someone is being optimistic or someone is pessimistic. The reference to road widening suggests that a centre turn right lane will be built for vehicles coming from the west to turn right into the car park and thus avoiding traffic behind held up if the right turning traffic cannot turn right because of on-coming traffic. This is something most sensible as at peak morning times, the road is just one long queue of traffic using the A4095 as a rat run to Oxford or the M40 at Wendlebury for London because the main A40 will be bumper to bumper and stationary for much of the time from the outskirts of Witney to Oxford for 10 miles. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on July 03, 2013, 08:49:49 After far too many delays the new Hanborough Car park is now scheduled to open next Monday, 8 July, delayed further by a week from 1 July because the work on the highway (necessary as a planning condition) has not been completed, but don't blame the highway authority. It has picked up this job, and the costs, because FGW said its funds to do the work had run out very blate in the process.
Unfortunately notices were erected at the new and existing car park advising that charges would be impolemented from 1 July so very few rail users were aware of the postponement to 8 July. New parking rules were also to be introduced that would reduce the number of general parking spaces in the existing car park by about half. This has been postponed but no notices have been put up to advise rail users. As a result there has been much confusion with some of the very honest rail users buying season tickets to start from last Monday when the charging regieme will not start until next Monday, Other people parking and putting notes on their car windscreen saying, that the single pay machine is not working and that the phone number shown to be rung for telephone payment is unavailable. All in all - a great deal of traveller confusion. What a way to run a railway! Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on July 05, 2013, 16:40:00 The pay machine at the existing Hanborough car park has now been unveiled for when charging starts on 8 July. I have tried to attach a photo - njot sure how successful so this is what it states: "Car Parking Charges Monday to Friday before 10.00 am ^3.00" - perfectly Ok. It then goes on to read as "Weekends after 10.00 am and all day Saturday - ^1.80" What does this mean? I think "Weekends" should read "Weekdays" as otherwise there is no indication of a reduced charge for parking after 10.00 on weekdays. It also states "Sundays - Free". I thought Weekends usually included Sunday.
I think the simple answer is that noone at5 APCOA proof read the notice but is very confusing for the casual rail user to read. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Busboy W1 on July 08, 2013, 20:07:41 Hanborough's new car park seemed to be open today but only 10 or 15 cars actually parked in it ! Meanwhile on the grass verges on the road opposite there was about 20 to 30 cars looking some what abandoned by their owners ! All of which received a Penalty Notice by the looks of things ! Personally I would pay the ^3 in the car park but is this a fair deal ?
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on July 09, 2013, 18:55:52 There were 5 cars in the new car park this morning ar around 09.15, I am informed that 36 were counted later today.
Yesterday there were some 25 cars on the verges and all received warning notices. This had fallen to about 20 this morning. The WODC warden will be visiting daily and attaching notices to cars parked on the verges. However parking fines will not start until after 22 July. Unfortunately the start date of fines is mentioned on the warning so it is likely that those cars already parking on the vergewill continue to do so until this date - not a very good idea to put the date on! Whereas only few weekis ago I counted around 130 cars parked both in and out of the station, that has now fallen by about 50. Where have they gone to? Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Btline on July 15, 2013, 23:38:57 Haddenham and Thame Parkway!
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on July 16, 2013, 09:54:03 Haddenham and Thame Parkway! More expensive to park there... Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on July 16, 2013, 17:18:08 Today's observations were that only 4 vehicles were parked on the grass verges outside the station but the number of cars in the new car park had risen to about 50. The freely available spaces in the old car park, now much reduced due mainly to parking on the drive being "resident permit holders only" was almost full. In total I think there are still about 40 - 50 cars fewer in and around the station. A few of these missing cars can now be identified as people from Hanborough itself who formerly drove down early for the London trains and are now either walking, cycling or getting a lift rather than paying the parking fee. The number of blue badge spaces are to be increased from the recently advised 5 to 12, i.e. as quoted in the planning application for which it is understood no variation has been agreed by the planning authority. In the mean time what do the parking boards above the row of spaces along side the platform reading as "Permit Holders Only" No one seems to know any of a number of interpretations could be put on such a vague notice. Just not good! What was good to see was a party of 30+ teachers, parents and schoolchidren arriving at around 09.30 for a train excursion.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Btline on July 16, 2013, 21:00:43 Not if there are 3 of them in a car.
When parking was free at Hanborough, 2 people used to park there, get into a third car and drive to Thame Parkway to park for free! Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Busboy W1 on July 17, 2013, 17:58:18 There's some good shade at Haddenham & Thame Parkway in their multi-storey car park.
Interesting this year at Charlbury for the Wilderness festival is there is more room to use for the buses and for the 14,000 festival goers expected with the use of the *Lower* Car Park as 12 months ago this was not available for use to my memory. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on August 16, 2013, 23:48:42 Anybody know when the construction of the new walking route from the new car park to the station at Hanborough will commence?
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on August 17, 2013, 19:42:32 I have passed II's question to FGW as I am receiving the same question from local rail users.
When the car park was officially opened last month I was predicting that it would not be open for use before the end of September. Knowing how long things usually take to actually happen in the railway world, I wouldn't dare predict when it might open! Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on October 14, 2013, 13:06:18 The new access ramp to the new car park at Hanborough has now opened, so the long walk round is now not necessary. Quite a neat little design solution it is as well.
Now for Pershore car park. Any news on that one anyone? Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 26, 2014, 19:37:38 From the Witney Gazette (http://www.witneygazette.co.uk/news/11100998.Traffic_at_Hanborough_station_jumps_by_25_per_cent_in_one_year/):
Quote Traffic at Hanborough station jumps by 25 per cent in one year (http://www.witneygazette.co.uk/resources/images/2938501.jpg?type=articleLandscape) Andrew Wilkins, of the Cotswold Line Promotion Group, at Hanborough station as passengers get off an afternoon peak train from Oxford A 25 per cent rise in passenger numbers has seen Hanborough railway station overtake Kingham to become the second busiest in West Oxfordshire after Charlbury. Figures released by the Office of Rail Regulation show that between April 2012 and March last year, 172,684 journeys were made from and to Hanborough, up from 137,454 in the previous 12 months. A decade ago, 69,997 journeys were recorded there. And the increase came before a ^400,000 extension to the station car park was opened last July, with spaces for 191 cars to accommodate demand from commuters driving to the station from Witney, Woodstock, and other parts of the district. Train operator First Great Western said growth had continued, though at a slower pace, since the ORR figures were compiled. The Cotswold Line Promotion Group, which represents passengers on the Oxford-Worcester route, now wants to see the three-coach platform extended and improved facilities for passengers provided at the station, which is off Main Road in Long Hanborough. John Ellis, the group^s chairman, said: ^The CLPG is delighted by the figures showing the growth in passengers at Hanborough, which must be contributing to reducing congestion on roads around Oxford. This growth is now producing problems of capacity for passengers getting on to and off trains at Hanbor-ough's short platform. We hope that FGW and Network Rail will progress the case for a longer platform in the near future.^ And the group^s treasurer, Andrew Wilkins, who is also the parish transport representative for Hanborough, added: ^Hanborough now has higher numbers of passengers than Kingham, which has a booking clerk on duty each morning, but no regular staff presence. I think there is now a good case for some staffing at Hanborough, in the morning peak in particular, to improve customer service.^ An FGW spokesman said the company was looking into the possibility of a platform extension but there were no plans to provide staff at present. He added: ^We are pleased to see an increase in passengers using our stations. We are continually looking for ways to improve the customer experience. Whether that is through additional capacity or better facilities at our stations, we are willing to make the investment to ensure we offer the best service possible.^ Although Kingham was overtaken by Hanborough, there was also an increase in traffic there, from 156,668 passenger journeys in 2011-12, to 169,496 in 2012-13, a rise of eight per cent. Charlbury remains the busiest station on the Cotswold Line, with a total of 271,738 journeys recorded, up from 253,202 in 2011-12, a rise of 7.3 per cent, keeping it ahead of Evesham, in Worcestershire, where 258,190 journeys were made. Shipton station, which serves Shipton and Milton-under-Wychwood, saw a 7.4 per cent increase in traffic, with 5,028 journeys recorded, up from 4,680 in 2011-12. There were falls in traffic at Ascott-under-Wychwood, from 2,702 journeys to 2,484; at Combe, down from 2,838 to 2,112 journeys; and Finstock, from 1,982 to 1,970. All three have a limited train service. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Btline on March 27, 2014, 17:38:56 Looking forward to the 75% drop after Oxford Parkway opens!! ;D
Can we drop Kingham from peak HSTs now then? :P Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on March 27, 2014, 19:01:16 Unless something is done to improve frequency of CL trains I am pretty sure that there will be loss of traffic in West Oxon from the CL to Chiltern. However I do not think it would be as high as 75%.
FGW management is very aware of this possibility and have aspirations for increasing the CL frequency using the Charlbury terminating facilities. However it would involve some investment (that I am not at liberty to mention) and which at present has no finance available to permit such investment. However this will be competition in action and that is what privatisation was supposed to be all about. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Btline on March 28, 2014, 21:28:54 Hopefully FGW will let Oxford Parkway hoover up the commuters and concentrate on improving the service to Worcester by ditching some West Oxon calls.
Hanborough station will be pointless. It will be quicker and cheaper to go via Chiltern. Not to mention more reliable, better rolling stock, etc. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: JayMac on March 28, 2014, 21:30:35 One assumes the cheque is in the post from Chiltern, btline? :P ;) ;D
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: John R on March 28, 2014, 21:50:19 Hopefully FGW will let Oxford Parkway hoover up the commuters and concentrate on improving the service to Worcester by ditching some West Oxon calls. Hanborough station will be pointless. It will be quicker and cheaper to go via Chiltern. Not to mention more reliable, better rolling stock, etc. As I understand it, Reading has fairly sizeable inward commuting traffic these days. How will Chiltern cater for those passengers from Hanborough heading there? I have no doubt it will abstract some traffic. But equally I suspect the congested roads around north Oxford will mean that many will prefer a reliable quick journey to a nice small station, particularly for those currently west of Hanborough. I can't imagine too many people from Witney would choose to use it as an example. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: ChrisB on March 28, 2014, 21:51:16 Big argument to be had - HSTs ex-Hanborough or 172s ex-Oxford Parkway! There'll be no guarantee of 168s any longer
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on March 30, 2014, 18:44:54 John R is quite correct.
It is incorrect to compare the travelling time from Hanborough to London with the Oxford Parkway forecast timings. As I know only too well as I have to travel from Hanborough to Watereaton P & R regularly, at peak hour it can take anything up to an hour to do the 7 miles or so from Hanborough to Watereaton. Those people currently commuting to London on the early morning trains (6.15 & 6.35) should be able to get to Watereaton in 30 minutes or a bit less from Hanborough. However from before 07.00 traffic heading east on the A4095 can be as congested as the the main A40, just crawling. Just 10 days ago it took me 30 minutes to do the 3-4 miles from Hanborough to Woodstock departing at 08.00. The small number of Hanborough users from Woodstock may also be able to get to Watereaton in a shorter time as the distance is less. If one is making the comparison on time I do not think there is likely to be a big loss of traffic at Hanborough especially when the car user will have to add about another ^2 of fuel to the overall cost for the longer journey from West Oxon to Watereaton. However some people will be prepared to accept the aforesaid constraints simply because a 30 minute frequency from Watereaton will give the traveller greater flexibility in travel arrangements to London. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Btline on April 17, 2014, 16:29:46 Big argument to be had - HSTs ex-Hanborough or 172s ex-Oxford Parkway! There'll be no guarantee of 168s any longer But it won't be. half the time it will be a 166 (which is WORSE than a Chiltern 165) or delayed or cancelled. Faster journey times, lower fares, more frequent, more reliable, more punctual, more chance of a seat. Frustrated commuters will switch to Chiltern as they have further up the line. Some commuters already drive to Banbury or H & Thame Parkway. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Southern Stag on April 17, 2014, 17:06:04 The majority of the Weekday service at Hanborough is provide by 180s or HSTs now, and the 180s are now much more reliable. There are only 3 down and 4 up services formed of Turbos on the Cotswold Line Mondays-Fridays now. 3 of those are the Moreton-in-Marsh terminators and the other the morning halts trains. All peak time services to/from London are reliably HSTs.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: John R on April 17, 2014, 18:22:58 But it won't be. half the time it will be a 166 (which is WORSE than a Chiltern 165) or delayed or cancelled. Faster journey times, lower fares, more frequent, more reliable, more punctual, more chance of a seat. Frustrated commuters will switch to Chiltern as they have further up the line. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Busboy W1 on April 17, 2014, 19:03:20 I can't see that many people will be going straight to Oxford Parkway. The service has to prove itself first. Also ticket prices and eventual journey times will play a key factor. The type of rolling stock doesn't bother the everyday short distance passenger as long as a train turns up on time and they get a seat.
Hanborough station is proving more and more popular with commuters and leisure passengers alike.Chiltern seem to be making improvements to their DMU fleet and also their loco hauled services. However it doesn't mean that FGW aren't going to with their trains. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on April 17, 2014, 19:42:06 When Chiltern start operating from Oxford Parkway I think there will be some current Hanborough traffic lost and that will probably be off-peak traffic when there is less traffic congestion on the roads between West Oxon and Oxford Parkway. Peak hour traffic is far less likely to to move from Hanborough to Oxford Parkway because few people commuting regularly would want to double their overall travel time as it can take almost an hour at peak hours to do the 7 miles from Hanborough to Oxford Parkway. If as BTLine suggest there would be an enormous switch, that traffic congestion would get even worse than it is today.
Ironically, Oxon CC has recently announced a "Connecting Oxfordshire" traffic policy with cost put at ^800M but no indication as to where the money to pay for it would come from (apart from the rail projects that we know about already for which much of the finance would come from Network Rail) and talks about monorail and tramways around Oxford. However apart from a mention of a short link road from west of the A34 Oxford Ring road to connect with the A44 roudabout north of Oxford, nothing is proposed for relieving the current and increasing traffic congestion in West Oxon. This link road would only play at a solution. When the current proposals for 5,000 new homes in Witney and Carterton come into play with a significant proportion of such home occupiers needing to commute on the A40 eastwards and with a much biigger increase in rat runners travelling on the A4095 through Hanborough for Oxford and the M40, it would take even longer to get from West Oxon to Oxford Parkway. Since the local plan proposals for these 5,000 houses another plan has announced that even more houses will be needed in Oxfordshire, (115,000?) by 2030 although some of these homes would be additional to West Oxon, many would expand Oxford into the Green Belt probably filling the current green zone between Oxford and Kidlington and Yarnton resulting in even more road congestion leading to Oxford Parkway. What a prospect for Oxfordshire. The future is bleak in deed! Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Btline on April 20, 2014, 00:13:09 But it won't be. half the time it will be a 166 (which is WORSE than a Chiltern 165) or delayed or cancelled. Faster journey times, lower fares, more frequent, more reliable, more punctual, more chance of a seat. Frustrated commuters will switch to Chiltern as they have further up the line. Sorry that I didn't reply. Mainly as I disagree and there's no point hashing out the same arguments. Agree to disagree. To respond to the above - let's just see what happens next year when Oxon Parkway opens. Pax numbers are shooting up across the board (although higher growth at Chiltern stations) so I'm not surprised that paxs have gone up since the new car parking. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: ChrisB on April 20, 2014, 12:18:27 Sorry that I didn't reply. Mainly as I disagree and there's no point hashing out the same arguments. Agree to disagree. If we all did as you suggest, there wouldn't be much of a *discussion*, would there? This IS a discussion forum, you know. IN othyer words, it's fine to disagree, but back up your opinion with reasons.... Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on March 24, 2015, 15:26:54 Good news parking wise for Cotswold Line passengers as by the beginning of the new franchise FGW aims to have a new car park extension in place at Kingham offering over 100 additional spaces. Further car park extension plans are being developed for Charlbury (30 spaces) and Hanborough (44 spaces).
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on March 25, 2015, 12:21:47 The area identified for a 44 space expansion at Hanborough can in no way take 44 cars unless they are the very small Smart Cars and not the large BMW/Mercs/Chelsea tractors that tend to predominate in the current Hanborough car park.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on March 25, 2015, 12:26:46 Just out of interest, where is the area identified, Andrew? And also where in Charlbury?
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Chris from Nailsea on July 13, 2015, 22:08:06 From The Herald (http://www.heraldseries.co.uk/news/13407129.Housing_plan_could_produce_400_more_parking_spaces_for_station/):
Quote Housing plan could produce 400 more parking spaces for station (http://www.heraldseries.co.uk/resources/images/3986537.jpg?display=1&htype=0&type=mc3) Plans: Long Hanborough Rail Station Promises to set aside land for a 400-space car park have boosted plans for an ^8m upgrade at Long Hanborough railway station. It was revealed last week that First Great Western and Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) plan to upgrade the station on the Cotswold Line by applying for funding from the Government. And this week Commercial Estates Group (CEG) unveiled a scheme for 150 homes on land next to the station. In return for planning permission it would offer land for 400 car parking spaces, a new station building which would include a pedestrian bridge, ticket machine and shop, plus taxi and bus drop-off points. Development project manager at CEG Jon Allen said: ^The present parking at Hanborough Station totals 241 spaces and is at full capacity from early in the morning each weekday. In the year April 2009 to March 2010, the number of passengers using Hanborough Station was 104,080. In 2013-14 the passenger numbers exceeded 200,000 and when the figures for 2014/15 are released in a few weeks^ time they will show a further significant increase. This demonstrates the sustainability and strategic importance of this location.^ Transport campaigner Hugh Jaeger welcomed the announcement. He said: ^Developer funding is really the only way of securing money for these kinds of projects now. The station needs a waiting room and a canopy to protect people from the weather and it would be good to put more ticket machines and a coffee machine in the waiting room. If you^re going to put housing in rural Oxfordshire it^s far more sustainable next to a railway station than up some lane in the middle of nowhere.^ The existing car park has 241 spaces and was upgraded from 50 spaces in 2013 at a cost of ^400,000. Mr Jaeger and other commentators believe more parking would help to draw commuters off the A40, partially relieving congestion around Oxford. He said: ^The amount of cars parked at a station will increase the more you increase the space. It^s either going to Long Hanborough or making a longer car journey to Water Eaton or Oxford. Water Eaton is going to be a good station, but it still attracts more traffic to some of Oxford^s busiest junctions, whereas going to Long Hanborough will keep cars away from these areas. It^s about spreading the load.^ CEG will hold public exhibitions on the scheme at Christ Church in Main Road, Long Hanborough,on Wednesday, from 3-9pm and next Saturday,from 10am-3pm. Mr Allen said: ^We understand the importance of actively engaging the community and stakeholders to ensure local views and opinions, wants and needs are taken into consideration and reflected in our scheme.^ The Oxfordshire LEP will present its plan to the Government in September and begin lobbying for funding. First Great Western spokesman James Davis said: ^We recognise there is huge potential for further growth at Long Hanborough.^ Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on July 14, 2015, 12:02:02 There are a number of problems with this proposal. First, and of most concern to residents of Long Hanborough is access to the station. The A4095 (running between Witney and Woodstock) is the access road. However this is already used as a rat run for traffic from West Oxon heading to Oxford and the M40 avoiding the very congested A40. This has resulted in the A4095 itself becoming very congested at peak commuting hours and there is no relief in sight for this over crowding - only increased A4095 congestion.
Secondly, a 150 housing site adjacent to the station would be very attractive for the many London suburban residents seeking to relocate out of London and adjacent areas because of escalating house prices and most would want to use the trains from Hanborough station. These, plus the drivers of the cars in the 400 space car park would find that peak hour Cotswold Line trains to London are so crowded at times that there is no seating available. FGW has made it known that it would like to send more Oxford terminating trains to Hanborough and Charlbury to tap this ever growing market but there is no funding, as far as I know, for the essential infra structure investment. In any case if electrification does eventually get to Oxford, the electric trains terminating at Oxford would not be able to travel on the non-electrified CL line. As usual the whole matter of raail development gets very complex with one unsollved issue preventing the development of another. I could go into more problems but this blog is quite long enough already. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on July 18, 2015, 15:10:16 Further to my last post, an exhibition was held at Christ Church by the developers agents into how the 150 home/400 space car park might look.
As usual, only the plus points were displayed with absolutely no mention of the impact on the adjacent A4095 Witney/Woodstock Road and the plans showing a simple T junction. With up to 400 vehicles entering and leaving plus the home occupiers movements there would be massive obstructions to the free flow of traffic. At peak hours the flow, largets eastwards AM but a steady west bound flow would mean that the 400 cars coming from the west would not easily cross the west bound flow leading to the existing peak hours queues from the west at present stretching back for several miles, coming to an almost complete halt. Traffic lights would be needed and road widening to allow eastbound traffic to slip past traffic queuing to turn right into the new development similar to that required by the highway authority for the recently opened 191 space car park. In addition, the proposed new road access is very near to the A4095 bridge over the railway and due to the hump is blind for views westwards of the bridge. The completely unacceptable danger is not considered by the developers propsals so I think it will be a long time before the 400 space car park appears, if ever. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: John R on December 20, 2015, 14:43:14 Hopefully FGW will let Oxford Parkway hoover up the commuters and concentrate on improving the service to Worcester by ditching some West Oxon calls. Hanborough station will be pointless. It will be quicker and cheaper to go via Chiltern. Not to mention more reliable, better rolling stock, etc. And to follow up on the most recent station stats, Hanborough trade is still growing at over 20% pa, so hardly pointless. Up 78% in 3 years, over double in the last 4 years. So Btline may not rate the service, but clearly some other people do. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: grahame on December 20, 2015, 15:18:41 Hopefully FGW will let Oxford Parkway hoover up the commuters and concentrate on improving the service to Worcester by ditching some West Oxon calls. Hanborough station will be pointless. It will be quicker and cheaper to go via Chiltern. Not to mention more reliable, better rolling stock, etc. And to follow up on the most recent station stats, Hanborough trade is still growing at over 20% pa, so hardly pointless. Up 78% in 3 years, over double in the last 4 years. So Btline may not rate the service, but clearly some other people do. Lots more users in the last 18 months. Let's see what has happened since the opening of Oxford Parkway, and what happens when that links through to Oxford Central. I expect we'll some some abstraction, but I contend that for the 2016/17 year, Hanborough will still have more passengers per day than Pilning has in a year. Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: IndustryInsider on December 20, 2015, 15:54:29 From general observations, I haven't seen much, if any, reduction in the number of users at Hanborough, or indeed Oxford, stations since Oxford Parkway opened. Will be very interesting to see the next set of usage figures in a year or so from now.
Title: Re: Charlbury and Hanborough Stations - service improvements and car parking Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on December 21, 2015, 19:31:26 As the CLPG's station rep for Hanborough I try to keep an eye on the rail traffic and talk to rail users.
There has been no discernable loss of Hanborough rail business since Oxford Parkway opened and, if anything traffic has grown as the new park is used Monday to Thursday to maximum capacity with a noticeable increase in cars parked on the highways around the station, although yellow lines do prevent parking immediately close to the station. I think the growth in users since Parkway can be attributed to the major road works on the two A40 roundabouts in North Oxford that has made the A40 congestion worse so that there is now a lot more rat-running to avoid the A40. With regard to the proposal to build 120 homes adjacent to the station, the WODC Planning Policy Manager has written a very damming 7 page memorandum to the planning officer dealing with the house planning application set to be considered by committee early next year, pointing out the many ways in which the application breaks numerous aspects of local planning policy. This memorandum is too long to be posted here. This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |