Title: New Yate & Bristol bus service run by a classic 1980's bus Post by: XPT on October 04, 2011, 19:36:33 Not really new as it's been running since June now. But no mention of it on here. I only recently found out about it.
Quote New Bus - Blackboy Hill to The Centre for ^1 A new bus service, using a distinctive green double-decker is serving Redland, Clifton, and the centre. The 2C 'Bristol' bus, leaves Blackboy Hill from 09:00 to 16:30 and serves: Whiteladies Road, Queens Road, Park Street, The Centre and Union Street. The X2C is a brand new commuter service also ran by 'Bristol' bus and provides a great value way into Bristol from Yate. Leaving Yate 08:00 and serving Coalpit Heath, Downend, Cabot Circus, and The Centre to arrive at 08:45. The return journey leaves Blackboy Hill at 1630, Broadmead Union Street at 1649 and arrives into Yate at 1740. Fares are a flat ^1 for any journey in Bristol and only ^2 from Yate to The Centre! The service is operated by a Leyland Olympian bus. Photo of one here http://www.flickr.com/photos/castlebay/5982058126/ These were last in public service in Bristol about four or five years ago. I rode aboard these many times in Bristol back in the 80's and 90's when they were very commonplace, and the early part of this century when they were a little rarer. I was looking forward to riding on this service today whilst on a day off from work. Intending to get a journey from Broadmead-Yate on the 1649 service from Union Street. However I was left very dissapointed, as the service was either running very late or wasn't running atall. I waited till 1710 at the stop and then gave up and went home. There didn't appear to be any other passengers waiting for this service though. Very dissapointed as I was really looking forward to a ride on a growling Olympian bus again. Anyone know if this service is actually still running, or has it since been scrapped?? The timetables are still on the Union Street and Haymarket stops. Title: Re: New Yate & Bristol bus service run by a classic 1980's bus Post by: asdfg on October 04, 2011, 20:30:12 A timetable of the Yate service can be found at:
http://www.southglos.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/ECBA8FBB-54FF-474C-B174-16BA85090782/0/PTE110106.pdf Does anyone know why the service terminates at Mayshill, between Yate and Coalpit Heath on a Friday? Not too useful for Yate commuters. Are they supposed to walk the rest of the way or complete their journey by catching the next First service? ??? Or have I missed something very obvious? Title: Re: New Yate & Bristol bus service run by a classic 1980's bus Post by: XPT on October 04, 2011, 20:44:20 PaulW2, the timetable in Union Street states that from August 2011 the service does now run all the way to Yate Shopping Centre on Fridays.
Don't know if these services generates much revenue. As I said tonight there appeared to be no one else waiting for this service at Union Street! And how reliable and punctual is this service? Neither reliable or punctual was the impression I got of it today when it still hadn't turned up 20 minutes after the scheduled time stated! Title: Re: New Yate & Bristol bus service run by a classic 1980's bus Post by: paulhulbert on October 17, 2011, 20:20:56 I understand that this service has been discontinued - see http://localfocus.blogspot.com/2011/10/bus-service-changes.html (http://localfocus.blogspot.com/2011/10/bus-service-changes.html)
Title: Re: New Yate & Bristol bus service run by a classic 1980's bus Post by: Chris from Nailsea on October 17, 2011, 21:44:28 Thanks for that latest information, paulhulbert - and welcome to the Coffee Shop forum. :)
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