Title: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: Mikeb on March 31, 2011, 17:34:01 Network Rail recently installed a mast next to our home and now I am seriously ill when at home and fine as soon as I am away from here.
My doctor has proved that it must be caused by the electromagnetic pulse given off by these base stations there is no other explanation!!! Visit my website for my story and let me know if you have suffered any effects from any base stations and masts. http://www.networkrailmasts.co.uk Thanks Mike Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 31, 2011, 17:42:05 Thanks for posting that introduction, Mikeb - and welcome to the Coffee Shop forum.
Chris :) Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: TerminalJunkie on March 31, 2011, 19:03:22 http://www.badscience.net/2006/05/attack-of-the-killer-kettles/ (http://www.badscience.net/2006/05/attack-of-the-killer-kettles/) ::)
Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on April 01, 2011, 02:28:15 good of you to provide proof of network rails admission of guilt
Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: broadgage on April 01, 2011, 12:03:56 A neighbour of mine claimed to suffer serious illness from a similar mast.
These symptoms started as soon as the mast was constructed, and long before any equipment thereon was put into use. Others have claimed illness from the WiFi "cloud" in central London, these symptoms started promptly after the advertising campaign that officialy launched the new service. No increase in illness was reported during the months of unadvertised testing. Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: devon_metro on April 01, 2011, 12:13:01 Most of us have wifi in our homes, why do we not have a national epidemic?
Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on April 01, 2011, 12:29:45 Don't get me wrong I'm not denying that these masts could well cause these symptoms, however not even I the idiot that I am would accuse a company of injuring me without proof and then set up a website stating that network rail have admitted blame without publishing this admission of guilt.
As for radiation worries people would be surprised to see a list of things that give off radiation Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: JayMac on April 01, 2011, 12:42:08 Don't get me wrong I'm not denying that these masts could well cause these symptoms.... You really should deny it, relex. Plenty of proper scientific studies have concluded that there are no adverse health effects from exposure to electromagnetic fields such as those generated by a mobile communications mast. Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: LiskeardRich on April 01, 2011, 14:23:51 surely if these alleged health effects were known as made out to be then surely they would not be permitted to be erected in the first place
Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: Tim on April 01, 2011, 16:53:32 welcome to the forum. SOrry you are ill and I hope you get better. But I reserve the right to completely disbelieve that the mast in harming you (at least via its radiowaves rather than the much more plausible mechanism of spoiling your view and making you annoyed and unhappy) until you come up with some better evidence. Do you even know that the mast is switched on yet?
Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: inspector_blakey on April 01, 2011, 17:32:39 From http://www.networkrailmasts.co.uk/services/latest-news (http://www.networkrailmasts.co.uk/services/latest-news)
Quote 26th March Have a letter from N.R. to say the mast has never been switched on therefore it can't be the cause of my ill health.Seems odd as I have had tests done on the mast and a graph printed showing the output. Good news as I can now have tests at home with no mast switched on. I have no idea how the mast was supposedly tested, and in the absence of any information detailing how the "tests" were conducted and showing the data it's impossible to tell if they have any validity or meaning. Quote 31st March 2011 At last Network Rail admit that their masts can cause mild or serious health problems in some people living close to the base stations. They sent a World Health Organization letter detailing evidence from around the world showing that some people like myself are affected by the EMF given off by the mast base stations.Something I knew already. Why then do they place them close to the habitation if there is a concern worldwide about the effects ? Something my solicitor would like an answer to. The "WHO letter" is neither reproduced nor cited. However the WHO has an extensive online resourse on this issue which does not really say what the OP claims it does; the link to the full article is http://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/index1.html (http://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/index1.html). The balance of the article is that there has been extensive research on the issue (they quote 25,000 scientific publications) and no-one has proven any health consequences. As any scientist will tell you it is of course exceedingly difficult to prove a negative, but I'll quote a couple of paragraphs here: From http://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/index1.html (http://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/index1.html): Quote Conclusions from scientific research In the area of biological effects and medical applications of non-ionizing radiation approximately 25,000 articles have been published over the past 30 years. Despite the feeling of some people that more research needs to be done, scientific knowledge in this area is now more extensive than for most chemicals. Based on a recent in-depth review of the scientific literature, the WHO concluded that current evidence does not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low level electromagnetic fields. However, some gaps in knowledge about biological effects exist and need further research. Quote Effects on general health (my emphasis)Some members of the public have attributed a diffuse collection of symptoms to low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields at home. Reported symptoms include headaches, anxiety, suicide and depression, nausea, fatigue and loss of libido. To date, scientific evidence does not support a link between these symptoms and exposure to electromagnetic fields. At least some of these health problems may be caused by noise or other factors in the environment, or by anxiety related to the presence of new technologies. Quote Electromagnetic hypersensitivity and depression Some individuals report "hypersensitivity" to electric or magnetic fields. They ask whether aches and pains, headaches, depression, lethargy, sleeping disorders, and even convulsions and epileptic seizures could be associated with electromagnetic field exposure. There is little scientific evidence to support the idea of electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Recent Scandinavian studies found that individuals do not show consistent reactions under properly controlled conditions of electromagnetic field exposure. Nor is there any accepted biological mechanism to explain hypersensitivity. Research on this subject is difficult because many other subjective responses may be involved, apart from direct effects of fields themselves. More studies are continuing on the subject. See also Ben Goldacre's excellent article linked by TerminalJunkie above. Essentially the state of the art is that there is no proven link at all between EM radiation and health problems (let's remember that we're not necessarily talking about "scary" ionizing radiation from nuclaer power stations here, light is a type of EM radiation). Whilst people may experience symptoms that are undoubtedly real, the current evidence from the scientific literature is that they are unlikely to be caused by the EMF but more likely a more nebulous collection of environmental/social/psychlogical/other factors that are exceedingly difficult to pin down. The clincher for me was the articles cited by Goldacre in what I, as a scientist, would call a properly controlled experiment. The basic principle of the method is that someone who claims hypersentivitity to EMF is exposed to a field but in such a way that they have no idea when it is on or when it is off. At risk of over-simplifying by summarizing the results in a few words, these studies apparently show that the test subject can't tell if the EMF is present or not. Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on April 02, 2011, 01:29:38 I do however 100% belive that you can make yourself ill by worrying about things terminal junkie please forgive me for this as I am on my phone so no spell check, but is is psychosomatic the correct word
Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: inspector_blakey on April 02, 2011, 01:32:37 Spot on!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychosomatic_medicine#Connotations_of_the_term_.22psychosomatic_illness.22 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychosomatic_medicine#Connotations_of_the_term_.22psychosomatic_illness.22) Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on April 02, 2011, 01:40:45 The information I retained from school was as impressive as that learnt from star trek I would be so much better off! ::)
Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: Mikeb on April 02, 2011, 13:05:14 Interesting to see the various replies to my post.
I can tell you for a fact that I am not imagining the effects on my health and my doctor has proved it with a blood pressure monitor over 24 hours. I would hate anyone to suffer as I have waking at night with what appears to be a the onset of a heart attack.I have seriously high blood pressure at home,fine when I am not here and it goes off the scale to life threatening if I stand 20 metres from the mast.All this has been seen by my doctor and now she tells me it has been researched and proven worldwide that a percentage of the population can be affected in various ways and that my mind cannot alter these tests. This country chooses to ignore the findings. My wife and children are so far unaffected I live 200 metres down a drive in the middle of a field with no neighbours or industry nearby.Just me and now the mast.The doctor,cardiologist and experts in electromagentic radiation can find no other cause. The expert in the field of EMF finds it amazing that this mast can give off the signals even when switched off !!!! Apparently I have been told by the cardiologist that it is not the microwaves from these masts which affect anyone but the electromagnetic pulse given off which interferes with your bodies own electric pulse. Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: JayMac on April 02, 2011, 13:20:25 Can we have some links to this 'proven worldwide' research that your GP is quoting? I'd also suggest that GPs and cardiologists are not expert in the science of EMF.
I've no doubt that your symptoms are very real and for that you have my sympathy. However, I find it a huge leap of faith to believe that the cause is a GSM-R mast. Could I also point out that is does your argument no favours when you bring into the equation; on your websites 'about us' page (before mentioning your health), the effect the mast has had on your view and property price. Edited to fix over judicious use of the apostrophe. :-[ Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on April 02, 2011, 17:54:51 i just spent 20 mins typing a reply....and have now deleted it!
so here is the short version please do not take our disagreements against your ill-founded accusations against network rail as a dispute over the genuine illness that you have described i personally think that the mast has caused this, but not in the way you believe proof of this can be provided ! mental illness takes many forms and should not be shunned aside or made fun of there is nothing to be embarraced about believe me! just to put it into simple terms when ever your body does something ... bend your leg, blink your eye, pump your heart, your brain is controlling these actions in reaction to what ever situation you are in, that being said it is perfectly plausible for your brain to produce these symptoms when ever you are close to the mast as you see it as a threat for whatever reason. i would seriously recommend seeking psychiatric help before your illness starts to have a similar effect on your family Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: LiskeardRich on April 02, 2011, 19:11:39 as relex says pretty much
but all the symptons you've described are connected to stress related illness, stress causes blood pressure to rise, causing potential heart attacks etc stress may be caused by the mast devaluing your property, and spoiling your view perhaps, or anything else really in life in general, with coincidence to the erections of the masts as the mast isnt turned on yet, there is no chance of it causing illness, as their is no radio waves passing through it as yet, Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on April 02, 2011, 19:26:37 i would also like to point out that editing ones post after several replies messes up continuity slightly ..........
Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 02, 2011, 20:05:53 Hmm. I'm going to pick you up on that particular point as well, Mikeb.
You have now amended your 'original post' to read as follows: Network Rail recently installed a mast next to our home and now I am seriously ill when at home and fine as soon as I am away from here. My doctor has proved that it must be caused by the electromagnetic pulse given off by these base stations there is no other explanation!!! Visit my website for my story and let me know if you have suffered any effects from any base stations and masts. http://www.networkrailmasts.co.uk Thanks Mike Please: for the benefit of those who have already replied to your original wording in good faith, would you explain what changes you have now made to your original post? Thanks, Chris. Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: grahame on April 02, 2011, 20:52:40 Gosh, MikeB, I hate to have to come in here too ... especially to say "oy" to a newly joined member. However ...
People have come along, Mike, and answered your original question / post. They did so in good faith, but now feel that by changing your original post you have made their comments look rather silly. I rather suspect that's not something you had realised might happen - it's a side effect that we all miss from time to time, so don't worry too much about it on this occasion. For the record, here is a copy of the original text you posted, added so that anyone who comes back in the future will be able to read the thread and work it out in spite of the changes. As a general note for all, I retrieved this text from backups - an action even beyond "admin" powers and the first time I have ever done it in 88,000 posts! Quote Network Rail recently installed a mast next to our home and now I am seriously ill when at home and fine as soon as I am away from here. My doctor has proved that it has been caused by the electromagnetic pulse given off by these base stations!!! Network Rail now admits that some people can become seriously ill if they live close to these masts. Visit my website for my story and let me know if you have suffered any effects from any base stations and masts. http://www.networkrailmasts.co.uk Thanks Mike If you wish to go back to your original post and edit it yet again - but this time explain what you're changing and why so that it doesn't make some of the following elements look out-of-context / silly / stupid, that would be much appreciated. And Chris and I can then tidy up our posts as appropriate. Thanks Graham P.S. You appear to have deleted "Network Rail now admits that some people can become seriously ill if they live close to these masts." from your original Edited to add the P.S. ... and to show you how an edit is acceptable with an explanation ;) Title: Re: Illness caused by Network rail masts Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 02, 2011, 23:26:24 Some very recent posts from this topic have been moved to The Lighter Side, to avoid deflecting this particular discussion.
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