Title: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: Lee on August 08, 2007, 11:02:12 There are currently vacancies on the Panel in the following areas :
Kemble to Cheltenham Spa area. Shipton to Hanborough area. Severn Tunnel Junction to Bristol Parkway area. Details contained in the link below. http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Content.aspx?id=98 Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: 12hoursunday on August 16, 2007, 10:26:26 http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Content.aspx?id=98 (http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Content.aspx?id=98)
There are currently vacancies on the Panel in the following areas: Kemble to Cheltenham Spa area Shipton to Hanborough area Severn Tunnel Junction to Bristol Parkway area If you wish to apply to join the Panel, write about yourself and your travel patterns, as well as outlining any concerns you feel are important in relation to First Great Western and send to: Customer Panel Applications C/O Lesley Colman First Great Western Milford House 1 Milford Street Swindon SN1 1HL Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: grahame on August 16, 2007, 11:06:40 Many thanks for posting that ... although the individual area structure of the panel does a huge dis-service to the Swindon to Westbury service, and some others no doubt, I would encourage anyone who is thoughtfully looking for improvements and a feedback ability / voice in these areas to consider applying.
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: Tim on September 24, 2007, 15:57:42 I know a conscientous chap who was on the Customer Panel for the Reading area. He resigned a couple of years ago in disgust over how FGW was using him. As well as being poorly administered (FGW gave his home address out to the public on more than one occassion) he thought that he was being used by FGW to deal with difficult complaints. On occassions he was sent a copy of a customer complain together with a propsoed reply pre-drafted by FGW. He felt that this approach undermined his independance and meant that he was doing FGW's job for them.
I don't want to discourage anyone from joiningthe panel but I think anyone on the panel should be careful that they are treated properly by the company Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: grahame on September 24, 2007, 19:51:57 There are some excellent panel members (but you note I say "some" not "all").
The role is a difficult one and, with the best will in the world, there's likely to be conflicts of interest for anyone who takes it up as constituted. But I would rather have the panel than NOT have it ... Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: willc on August 12, 2008, 23:15:03 Minutes from last month's meetings of FGW's three regional customer panels have been posted on the website as Word documents. See http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Content.aspx?id=100 (http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Content.aspx?id=100)
Andrew Haines doesn't seem to be on message with DafT about rolling stock. He told the East panel: "This is a big challenge for FGW as increasing rolling stock is not within the power of FGW ^ it is a DfT decision. 1300 vehicles will become available in the next 6 years in England (not including Wales or Scotland) The allocation for FGW is 50 for the LTV area and only 8 for the West. FGW are trying to increase this allocation and quicken the time period for when they will be received, however it is difficult as it means lobbying for something that is outside the contracted agreement." Expect a DafT spokesman or minister to pop up any moment and tell us it's all a matter for the operators... Same panel meeting was also told about plans for a mock-up of proposed revamped interior for Turbos: "Lesley Colman, Customer Liaison Manager FGW (LC) said she was pleased to advise that as a consequence of a members suggestion a mock up of the proposals for the Turbo refresh would be available for customers to view at Reading station. Costing and logistics of this was currently being finalised." Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: John R on August 13, 2008, 07:19:49 There are some interesting snippets of info in these minutes, such as the comment that traffic on the Severn Beach line is up 25% since the new timetable came in to effect. Also confirming the enhancements to Devon and Cornwall branches, including the good news that I hadn't read before that the Looe line will retain its peak summer service all year round, thus effectively restoring the cuts made in Dec 06.
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: Chris2 on March 05, 2009, 19:52:29 The First Great Western customer panel minutes for January are now available on the First Great Western website.
http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Documents/Custom/Customer%20panel/West%20CP%20meeting%2028.01.09%20minutes%20-%20WEBSITE.doc (http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Documents/Custom/Customer%20panel/West%20CP%20meeting%2028.01.09%20minutes%20-%20WEBSITE.doc) http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Documents/Custom/Customer%20panel/Central%20Customer%20Panel%2021%20Jan%2009%20minutes%20-%20WEBSITE.doc (http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Documents/Custom/Customer%20panel/Central%20Customer%20Panel%2021%20Jan%2009%20minutes%20-%20WEBSITE.doc) http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Documents/Custom/Customer%20panel/East%20Customer%20Panel%2014%20Jan%2009%20minutes%20-%20WEBSITE.doc (http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Documents/Custom/Customer%20panel/East%20Customer%20Panel%2014%20Jan%2009%20minutes%20-%20WEBSITE.doc) In the East and Central minutes there is a summary of key dates for Crossrail. The West minutes have some details about the Cornish branchlines. Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: IanL on March 09, 2011, 13:19:07 Has anyone else noted the extremely curtailed reporting of customer panel meetings as shown by the minutes on the FGW website, in the past this has been several pages covering the actual discussions and presentations. The latest ones seem to be a special website version that run to much less than a page in total.
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: IndustryInsider on March 09, 2011, 13:41:37 Indeed. Is there a reason for this change? Can ChrisB provide us with more detailed minutes?
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: Timmer on March 09, 2011, 18:08:26 Has anyone else noted the extremely curtailed reporting of customer panel meetings as shown by the minutes on the FGW website Yes I have and its very annoying. Surely proper minutes were taken at both meetings so why not publish them. It is after all a meeting aimed at FGW customers so nothing confidential.Please FGW can you post some proper minutes from the two recent meetings? Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: IanL on March 14, 2011, 08:18:35 ChrisB,
Did you see this thread? Ian Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: Timmer on March 14, 2011, 15:46:12 ChrisB
Do Customer Panel members get full minutes from FGW or are you now expected to write everything down to report back to your fell customers? Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: John R on March 14, 2011, 21:18:44 Response to an email I sent to the Customer Panel, which you may find of interest.
Thank you for your email. As the First Great Western representative responsible for managing the Customer Panel, I have decided to respond to you on their behalf. I hope you don't mind. I was responsible for the decision to condense the minutes, and therefore I am more than happy to discuss this with you personally. As you may be aware, the Customer Panel members have all signed confidentiality agreements and a large amount of what is discussed at our meetings is commercially sensitive. The meetings are a tool for the Customer Panel members to bring concerns that have been raised by customers to the attention of our senior managers and for them to discuss with us what changes they feel we can make to improve things. In the time between the meetings, I compile detailed reports of all issues being raised by our CP members and customers. These reports are then discussed in detail by the Chairs of the 2 Panels prior to the meetings, and they select the topics for discussion, which they feel to be the most relevant. It is of course important that we let customers know that our Panel Members are championing their views and therefore, by providing a summary of what has been discussed, customers can see that their issues are being raised at this level. Although a few customers do like to see the full minutes, I do not feel it is necessary to publish in detail what has been discussed in our meetings. Saying that, it is certainly not the case that FGW do not take the Panel seriously. On the contrary; we put a lot of effort into making sure the panel runs smoothly, efficiently and that our customers voices are heard. Although we will no longer be providing the minutes on the website in the same detail as we did previously, the Customer Panel are there for you to talk to. If there is an issue concerning you, or something you have raised and you would like to know if there has been any progress, by all means email the relevant member, who will be more than happy to keep you in the loop. I know that you feel we are not being transparent by providing the full minutes and I can see your point. It is not that we are hiding what we are discussing though - just trying to make the customer panel pages more succinct. I do take your views on board - in the near future, I will be updating the Customer Panel pages and I hope that as part of this, we can provide much more information about our activity. Thank you again for writing. I have copied in both Customer Panel Chairs to my response, as I am sure they will be keen to hear your views on the matter. Kind regards xxxxx Customer Relations Senior Officer Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: JayMac on March 14, 2011, 21:33:03 So they're not hiding anything, but 'a large amount of what is discussed..... is commercially sensitive'.
Why not just publish the minutes and redact the commercially sensitive bits? Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: Timmer on March 14, 2011, 21:51:38 What a patronising reply that will only get the customers who this panel is supposed to be set up for rather annoyed. How do I know because I am a FGW customer!
This is not a step forward its a step back to keeping customers informed which Andrew Haines put much effort into when he was MD which made such a refreshing change. FGW appear to be going back into their shell again when it comes to communicating with the people who use their services. When was the last 'news' item to appear on their website? Ah yes 22nd of November! Gosh FGW hardly bother to update their website as it is with news items and press releases. The one thing that was good on it was the providing of the previously excellent minutes to let everyone know what was going on in FGW land. There was nothing in those minutes that I could see that was commercially sensitive. Its not as if FGW have competition when it comes to running trains in the West. The M4 is a road not a company. Come on FGW you can do better than this. Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: IanL on March 15, 2011, 13:22:26 Thanks John R for posting that. I had also emailed the CP asking about this.
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: JayMac on March 17, 2011, 07:26:48 I too have emailed the panel with regard to the minutes (more like seconds!), but I note that it is impossible to contact my representative directly. All correspondence goes through FGW. As we have seen with the response JohnR got, FGW will reply directly if they so choose, effectively cutting contact with your panel member. So it would appear that Customer Panel members are not there as a conduit to FGW.
The latest minutes provide no useful information to customers whatsoever. The excuses given about commercial sensitivity don't wash - I've seen nothing in previous minutes that was of use to a competitor. The CP is supposed to be there to represent passengers views, and if those views are going to be ignored or filtered out before they even get to the individual panel member then there is little point to the panel. A representative body for customers should be independent of the service provider and not be their puppets. I suggest that any FGW customer who has an issue that isn't resolved by Customer Services not to bother with the Customer Panel. Instead, raise your issue with Passenger Focus. Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: eightf48544 on March 17, 2011, 08:30:07 So they're not hiding anything, but 'a large amount of what is discussed..... is commercially sensitive'. Why not just publish the minutes and redact the commercially sensitive bits? "Commercially Sensitive" really bugs me. Most of what we are talking about is our money either paid directly through fares or indirectly by taxes. What has happened to open Government? if we don't know how a heavily subsidised indusrty is spending our money how can we know they are not ripping us off? Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: ChrisB on March 18, 2011, 16:36:56 Sorry, I have only just discovered this thread - usually, I get an email every time a thread is started. It didn't happen this time.
I too have emailed the panel with regard to the minutes (more like seconds!), but I note that it is impossible to contact my representative directly. All correspondence goes through FGW. As we have seen with the response JohnR got, FGW will reply directly if they so choose, effectively cutting contact with your panel member. We do get advised of each contact made through the Panel inbox and the contents of the enquiry. FGW do then choose as to who answers it - but even if the Panel member doesn't get to answer it, we all see the FGW response. WE all get a monthly report, and if we get to answer / follow up a specific query, then it comes direct & pretty immediate. The Panel member can choose to answer it in their own words or via FGW Customer Services. Quote So it would appear that Customer Panel members are not there as a conduit to FGW. Yes we are & we're fiercely independent too. I do believe that you can ask who you're Panel member is, and request your comminication be passed to them. Only if it refers to a staff issue will it be witheld for internal investigation - but we still get told it hass arrived. Quote The latest minutes provide no useful information to customers whatsoever. I did make that submission. Quote The CP is supposed to be there to represent passengers views, and if those views are going to be ignored or filtered out before they even get to the individual panel member then there is little point to the panel. See above. In my experience of other Panels, this is one of the best. We get pretty much unfettered direct access to the vast mahority of high-level management, as and when we want, to discuss matters that are customer-oriented. I regularly discuss matters as & when & how I want to. It represents the customer. Quote A representative body for customers should be independent of the service provider and not be their puppets. I am happy that I am no puppet. I wouldn't waste my time with FGW otherwise. Quote I suggest that any FGW customer who has an issue that isn't resolved by Customer Services not to bother with the Customer Panel. Instead, raise your issue with Passenger Focus. And unless it's major, or a regular complaint, you'll get far better attention coming to us. That's a guarantee. And yes, we've been known to involve PF if we feel it's serios enough. Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: IndustryInsider on March 18, 2011, 20:27:28 Thanks for those detailed replies, Chris. I'm sure many of us would like to thank you and your fellow panel members for the hard work you no doubt put in. The minutes were clearly very useful to many on here though, so hopefully your submission will be heard.
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 19, 2011, 23:49:04 Yes, thanks indeed, ChrisB.
In view of the interest that has been shown in this particular subject, I've taken the opportunity to merge some historic topics with this one - purely for completeness and continuity. I hope this helps. Chris. :) Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: IanL on March 21, 2011, 08:42:27 Thanks ChrisB for the response.
No email acknowledgement or response from FGW as yet. Ian Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: IanL on June 27, 2012, 10:49:01 Having not read the CP minutes for a while since the revamp of the FGW website, I strayed into its depths this morning and notice that while the Sept 2011 minutes are still useless, the Jan 2012 minutes are back to the more detailed information, I wonder if this is a real change of policy or somebody simply put up the wrong version (previous doc files were labelled website version)?
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: ChrisB on June 27, 2012, 11:33:03 Panel members requested more meaningful minutes be placed on the web....we do lusten to our fellow customers!
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: Timmer on June 27, 2012, 19:09:11 Panel members requested more meaningful minutes be placed on the web....we do lusten to our fellow customers! And it's very much appreciated Chris.Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: IanL on June 27, 2012, 20:16:53 Thanks Chris, Seeing the questions and replies does make a difference.
However it is a year since I emailed FGW (as mentioned in the post dated March 2011) and have still had no reply! Ian Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: JayMac on June 27, 2012, 20:41:58 Panel members requested more meaningful minutes be placed on the web....we do lusten to our fellow customers! Progress, of sorts, at last. It's taken a fair while for FGW and the CP to address the issue of the minutes. Thanks for your update ChrisB. Personally, I feel that more could still be included. I'm not party to these meetings and have no idea how long they last, but two pages of A4 still seems a little sparse. And why the lack of names? Customer Panel member (who?) asks. FGW/Network Rail/DfT (who?) responds.... Still not easy to find on the FGW website, so for the benefit of all, here's the links to the most recent minutes: http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/~/media/PDF/About%20us/customer%20panel/Customer%20Panel%20London%20%20Cotsworld%20meeting%20minutes%2018%20January%202012.pdf http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/~/media/PDF/About%20us/customer%20panel/Customer%20Panel%20West%20meeting%20minutes%2025%20January%202012.pdf Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: ChrisB on June 27, 2012, 20:48:06 And the May minutes ought to go up soon - I'll mention it....
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: JayMac on November 22, 2012, 13:04:16 Two months since the last Customer Panel meetings. No minutes posted on the website yet......
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: JayMac on January 08, 2013, 17:02:05 Still waiting for the minutes from the September 2012 meetings......
Time to nudge FGW more publicly. Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: phile on January 10, 2013, 20:03:34 It says, quote, on the FGW Customer Panel Minutes topic - "Keep up to date".
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: JayMac on January 10, 2013, 21:15:59 It also says on that page that applications to the Customer Panel should be sent c/o Jo Coverley.
She's no longer responsible for overseeing the Customer Panel. ::) Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: phile on January 14, 2013, 18:57:51 Now posted. London and EEast OK but when you click onto West you get a log in box to a site named "sitecore".
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: phile on January 14, 2013, 21:29:59 Now coming up normally.
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: JayMac on January 14, 2013, 21:32:47 I ran the error past Ollie on Facebook. He got on the case straight away.
Links: West Customer Panel Minutes Sept 2012 (http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/~/media/PDF/About%20us/customer%20panel/West%20Customer%20Panel%20Meeting%20-%2029%20September%202012%20-%20Minutes.ashx) London & Cotswolds Customer Panel Minutes Sept 2012 (http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/~/media/PDF/About%20us/customer%20panel/L%20%20C%20Customer%20Panel%20%20190912%20%20Minutes.ashx) Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: Chris from Nailsea on January 14, 2013, 21:46:27 I sometimes wonder quite where First Great Western would be, without the excellent Ollie. ::) :o ;D
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: JayMac on January 02, 2014, 15:10:41 There are some vacancies on the Customer Panel. No date attached to the information, but it has just been advertised on FGWs social media outlets:
http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/About-Us/Customer-services/Customer-Panel Quote Would you like to be part of the FGW Customer Panel? We currently have vacancies and we^re looking for new recruits to represent the following parts of our network
If you currently travel on these First Great Western services, for work or leisure, and you would like to represent the views and opinions of your fellow customers, please contact us to tell us a bit about yourself and your regular journey patterns, along with any concerns or specific interests you have in our service. We look forward to hearing from you. Email: customer.panel@firstgroup.com Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: IanL on January 02, 2014, 18:11:47 It still states that meetings occur quarterly, but in fact they occur every 4 months (jan, may,sept).
Also the london and cotswold panel minutes have not been updated since May, west panel minutes for september are there. (edited for typo and to remove extra "9") Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: ChrisB on January 02, 2014, 18:15:46 Indeed. The Panel members are still awaiting these too. The usual minute-taker was away sick & I don't know who was charged with doing them. I will enquire.
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: Chris from Nailsea on January 02, 2014, 23:59:56 Thanks, ChrisB. :)
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: IanL on January 16, 2014, 15:29:22 Any update Chris?
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: ChrisB on January 16, 2014, 15:30:33 nope....I'll ask again.
Title: Re: FGW Customer Panel - vacancies / minutes (merged topics) Post by: IanL on February 06, 2014, 12:05:04 September 2013 minutes are all there now^.thanks Chris
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