Title: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: andynel on February 28, 2011, 21:03:14 If you use Ringgo to pay for parking guess you may be interested in this http://theyellowlines.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/first-great-western-rumour/ (http://theyellowlines.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/first-great-western-rumour/) . Looks like comments welcome.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on February 28, 2011, 21:14:30 APCOA are launching a pay-by-mobile.....
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on February 28, 2011, 22:16:07 So if the rumour is correct then it is merely a case of APCOA bringing the pay-by-mobile service in house is it? Whilst the rumour posted on the link may turn out to be true it should be pointed out that it is on a weblog sponsored by RingGo.
By the way, thank you for the link andynel, and a very warm welcome to the Coffee Shop Forum. :) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: LiskeardRich on February 28, 2011, 23:16:32 i use the ringgo service a lot, but one observation i've made is that it says on all the signs that the convenience charge is 20p, yet they always charge 40p convenience charge
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on February 28, 2011, 23:49:48 It's true, anyone who is currently using will need to re-register details with http://www.apcoaconnect.com/ - this website will also show the new location codes as that is changing too.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: andynel on March 01, 2011, 10:59:57 Hi Rich - why not ask ringgo about it on the website - they seem to be answering queries there?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 01, 2011, 11:14:16 They charge 20p for 'convenience' and I believe, another 20p to send an acknowledgement text.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on March 01, 2011, 18:35:38 RingGo are brilliant at answering queries via Twitter as well. I have to say, I've been dealing with them since the week they launched their service (initially you spoker to an actual person when you rang to confirm your parking!) and they have been unfailingly helpful and efficient throughout, including helping to overturn tickets given to me in the early days when car park staff at various locations were a bit over-zealous.
Apcoa are going to really have to go some to match RingGo's customer service standards. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: miniman on March 02, 2011, 17:23:04 Here's the message from RingGo:
We are here to help you park quickly and easily. We take pride in making sure you don^t get parking tickets that you don^t deserve. Behind the scenes we keep all your data secure and encrypted and store your credit and debit card details in vaults operated in line with the highest levels of accreditation on the planet. APCOA, the parking enforcement company that is engaged to collect money in the car parks of both First Great Western and NetworkRail, has asked us to withdraw RingGo at all of the stations of both companies from the Sunday after next. That^s in about ten days' time. Our lawyers are keen we say nothing more. We feel compelled however to let you know that RingGo is not in contractual breach, or even alleged breach, of any issue of quality or data integrity. This is about something else. Because we cannot comment please do not get in touch with us. If you do want to do something about this, there is a web site which lets you have your say. Click here to find it ^ The Yellow Lines. We don^t own or manage this site, although we do now help sponsor it. It was set up by a RingGo fan, who is excited about just how simple and joined-up the process of parking could be in the UK. I've signed up with Apcoa Connect - why must it be over complicated? Instead of "1d" for "1 day" I must now remember "801" ::) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 02, 2011, 20:29:15 I wonder why they've had a falling out with RingGo or why they don't want to use them anymore.. Maybe we'll never know.. I liked RingGo though.. I know all the 3 car park codes at Maidenhead and they know my car (and my sisters)..
Will see what the new system holds I think.. Strangely enough though, this is the only place I've heard that it is changing from RingGo..Will a lot of people be very surprised on March 14th when they try and pay the usual way? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on March 02, 2011, 20:39:47 According to the nice person from RingGo on Twitter that I got chatting to offline, RingGo themselves aren't entirely sure what the hell's going on either. They've been given 2 weeks notice to vacate with no reason whatsoever and are understandably considering legal action over the decision.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 02, 2011, 21:13:04 Do First have shares in APCOA
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 02, 2011, 22:07:15 I've just been thinking about this again.. Unless they put up some very prominent signs.. if other people are like me, I abandon my car (I'm usually short of time) and then phone up to pay, usually from the train or shortly after I arrive in London.. So on Monday 14th obviously I won't do that without checking, but many many will.. How will they then pay for their parking if RingGo really is going?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on March 02, 2011, 23:13:00 RingGo shouldn't be accepting the payment from that date, so people who call from then should get told it's not possible.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 03, 2011, 11:02:03 And for those people already on the train when they find this fact out? (assuming it's not advertised between now and then?) ::)
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 03, 2011, 11:38:38 I'm sure it will be - although it ought to be by now....
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris2 on March 03, 2011, 12:18:55 The new system will also charge you for the phone call, when using a mobile with minutes as it is a non-geographic number: 08451 228008. >:(
At the moment I can not find an alternate geographic number which would use inclusive minutes. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: brizzlechris on March 03, 2011, 13:43:52 Saw the smallest of notices on the stairs for platform 2 at Bath Spa today.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: clevedonian on March 03, 2011, 19:23:08 there was a two page leaflet on my car windscreen when i got back this evening, with the new arrangements.
i really liked ring-go! Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 03, 2011, 19:45:24 The 'Car Parks' section of the FGW website has been updated with a 'coming soon' for APCOA Connect:
http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Content.aspx?id=185 Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 03, 2011, 20:05:40 Lets just hope they're not over zealous with parking tickets the first week or so until everyone finds out about it...
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: adc82140 on March 03, 2011, 20:28:10 Even if they do place a speculative invoice on your windscreen made to look like a proper parking ticket, just put it in the bin.
Perhaps we should start gathering information on alternative non railway run car parking near to stations and the cost. I'll start... Maidenhead- Stafferton Way Multi Storey- Cost ^4.10/day- 3 minutes walk from the station Twyford- Polehampton Close Pay & Display- Cost ^3.00/day- 6 minutes walk from the station North Camp- Hollybush Lane on-street- Cost- Free, unrestricted- 2 minutes walk from the station Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: BBM on March 04, 2011, 11:30:52 Perhaps we should start gathering information on alternative non railway run car parking near to stations and the cost. I'll start... There's a good website called Parkopedia (http://en.parkopedia.co.uk/) which allows users to search on places such as railway stations and returns lists (including prices) of nearby public car parks and also private individuals who rent out driveways, etc for parking. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on March 06, 2011, 20:06:49 Interesting announcement from RingGo this evening:
Quote Four days ago we let you know of a certainty. That certainty was that RingGo was to be withdrawn from NetworkrRail and First Great Western stations within the next 2 weeks. Today that certainty is no longer, due to the scale, the sheer enormity, of the indignant response that has flooded back to us, to First Great Western, to MPs, to APCOA, to the press and other media, to the twittersphere and to the ad-hoc rallying point The Yellow Lines. It has been awesome. Thank you so much. We are amazed, humbled and hugely grateful to you for your support. What is more, facts have surfaced, that seem to show that First Great Western made their withdrawal decision on the basis of false information. It may be that this is true of NetworkkRail^s decision too. Because of this development we have had clearance from our lawyers to make a public statement which is now posted on our site. To see it click here. Given these exceptional events, we hope you haven^t minded our getting back in touch. Your involvement is clearly making a direct difference and might mean we can continue to help make your parking payments swift, easy and secure. Warm regards RingGo Customer Care Aforementioned Public Statement: Quote A statement of clarification Under a decision made by APCOA and sanctioned separately by Network Rail and the First Great Western Railway, the RingGo phone parking service is scheduled to be withdrawn from the car parks of each later this month. We deeply regret this decision and would like to take this opportunity to express our pleasure in having supported the customers of both rail organisations and indeed the organisations themselves. We have been made aware that the reasons for this change have been discussed by First Great Western in customer communications. The following words have been used in emails from the customer relations team of the First Group "The change is being made because of a significant increase in call charges proposed by Cobalt, (the provider of RingGo). We supported APCOA (who have the car park contract) when they decided not to accept these increases." It had been our intention not to comment on the background to the withdrawal, but we feel compelled to respond and state that this is categorically not true. We do not however allege any intent by First Great Western or the First Group to make a false statement. We have formally sought clarification from them but fully understand that they may have been misled. Since its launch on 12th June 2006, and as a founding principle of the service, access to RingGo has always been through ordinary geographic telephone numbers. This has meant that our customers are never in doubt as to how much their call costs. In the case of contract customers, they enjoy the extra benefit of their call charges being included in their allocation of airtime minutes. We therefore take particular offence at this allegation and refute it utterly. For the additional avoidance of doubt RingGo's unit charges to APCOA have been held static for the last 5 years, despite inflation. In addition, within the last year, proposals have been tabled to APCOA to reduce those unit charges further still. http://www.ringgo.co.uk/APCOA Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 06, 2011, 22:29:12 So.. Sounds like it's all a bit up in the air at the moment with a week to go?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 07, 2011, 09:49:12 FGW are sending out this reply to customers who contact them....
Quote Thank you for your xxx of xxx. I appreciate you are concerned that the RingGo service will no longer be available at our Station car parks and I am pleased to have this chance to explain our position. The change is being made because of a significant increase in call charges proposed by Cobalt, the provider of RingGo. We supported APCOA when they decided not to accept these increases. We will therefore be offering a similar system, APCOA Connect, from 14 March. This system is already the preferred choice of several Local Authorities, Network Rail, and is equally as secure and easy to use. You will need to register your details with them the first time you park, or you can register now on APCOA^s website; www.apcoa.co.uk/connect. After this, you can carry on paying for your parking, as efficiently as you have always done. I hope you are reassured that an excellent replacement service will be available and thanks again for your xxx. So, not up in the air & the change looks on the cards. FGW have also leafletted all cars parked in car parks. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris2 on March 07, 2011, 10:43:43 FGW are sending out this reply to customers who contact them.... Quote Thank you for your xxx of xxx. I appreciate you are concerned that the RingGo service will no longer be available at our Station car parks and I am pleased to have this chance to explain our position. The change is being made because of a significant increase in call charges proposed by Cobalt, the provider of RingGo. We supported APCOA when they decided not to accept these increases. We will therefore be offering a similar system, APCOA Connect, from 14 March. This system is already the preferred choice of several Local Authorities, Network Rail, and is equally as secure and easy to use. You will need to register your details with them the first time you park, or you can register now on APCOA^s website; www.apcoa.co.uk/connect. After this, you can carry on paying for your parking, as efficiently as you have always done. I hope you are reassured that an excellent replacement service will be available and thanks again for your xxx. So, not up in the air & the change looks on the cards. FGW have also leafletted all cars parked in car parks. The email statement above is why RingGo made the public response to the change in parking system. We will hopefully find out more in the next few days as to whether APCOA connect will be implemented or RingGo will be retained. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 07, 2011, 11:28:38 As far as FGW are concerned, its being implemented.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Mookiemoo on March 07, 2011, 17:08:19 At 12:30 today the sign platform side at parkway where you get the rail code was still giving ringo details with no indication of a change - I wonder how many people were caught out if they just park and run and check the code as they go down the stairs
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 07, 2011, 17:56:58 Hasn't yet changed, so they'll be fine.
Might help to read the whole thread before posting? due on next Monday. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on March 07, 2011, 20:26:39 Hasn't yet changed, so they'll be fine. Might help to read the whole thread before posting? due on next Monday. So, I've registered with the new service. Any idea what number I need to phone on Monday morning to park my newly registered vehicle? It appears to be "as easy as 1-2-3" but presumably the actual phone number will be a fair bit longer than that. Less than 7 days to go now and still no number quoted (I just checked) http://www.apcoa.co.uk/connect Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: clevedonian on March 07, 2011, 21:13:06 Details
Phone Number: 08451 228 008 SMS Number: 68680 http://www.apcoaconnect.com/locations.php Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris2 on March 07, 2011, 21:15:06 08451 228008
Is the phone number I found on the website. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on March 07, 2011, 21:21:05 An 0845 number? From a mobile?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: clevedonian on March 07, 2011, 21:23:33 just tried it, works ok from my mobile.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 07, 2011, 21:54:35 just tried it, works ok from my mobile. I think Phil was more concerned about the cost of the call, rather than whether the number worked or not. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 07, 2011, 22:28:11 I've taken that up with FGW. hopefully it might not last long!
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 07, 2011, 22:41:28 My car hasn't yet been leafletted.. I saw a small sign as i walked into the station at Maidenhead earlier today but probably only noticed it as I knew, from here, that it was happening..
So.. six days to go, and assuming it's happening, I'm thinking there are lots and lots of people who won't know before next Monday and will be caught out.. And yes I agree with Phil about the cost of the call.. If they do carry on with an 0845 number I will be making sure, at weekends, that I have enough change and enough time to buy a ticket from the machine.. Mind you if they are as good as RingGo then I should be able to buy my car parking tickets in advance on the internet.. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 08, 2011, 13:10:51 Just joined because I'm really irritated by this change. Lots of people where I work use RingGo and then all our VAT receipts and invoices can be forwarded to out accounts dept. I'm just about to get an iphone so I can finally use their parking app .... until it's being taken away!!! I can't see why as it works pretty well as far as I'm concerned. It seems to be about price but FGW are saying one thing and RingGo deny they are raising price??? The Apcoa system is new and has been used in 28 car parks as opposed to RingGo which is at least 4 yrs old( that's how long I've used it) and is used in over 3000....
I just can't see it is going to be any better. I've already tried to find a help number on Apcoa's website and it just doesn't exist. This just seems like a change that has nothing to do with making life any easier for the customer... it fact most likely given their inexperience it's going to get worse...What can be done? How can I complain to?? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on March 08, 2011, 17:07:59 Welcome to the forum, Bristol Traveller.
The following blog seems to be setting itself up as a rallying point for people with an opinion on the withdrawal of Ring-Go http://theyellowlines.wordpress.com/ - and I must say, I have to agree with them that it was rather distasteful seeing balloons being handed out triumphantly by APCOA at Chippenham today Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: inspector_blakey on March 08, 2011, 17:38:13 The following blog seems to be setting itself up as a rallying point for people with an opinion on the withdrawal of Ring-Go I know it might like to set itself up as some kind of spontaneous outpouring of grief from Ringgo users, but the "about" page informs us that Quote The Yellow Lines is a user support group for the RingGo mobile parking payment solution ^ organised and run by fans of the service and sponsored by RingGo. (my emphasis)In all honesty I doubt that anything's going to change now - it sounds very much like the deal is done, and as disappointing as it may be I think The Yellow Lines has as much chance of reversing this change as there is of re-hashing the IEP to emable service to Pembroke Dock (http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=8516.0). Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 08, 2011, 23:10:07 So...5 days to go till the 13th and no one has told me yet (apart from on here) about this change.. This morning I entered the station from the other entrance to the one I normally do and there was no notices at all about RingGo going (having said that, since I was reading everything carefully, I did learn how to walk up the steps to the platform in a safe fashion ::) ::))..
Today, however, I did look at the Apcoa connect website and it looks like it's not a bad service.. I think I can't pay in advance for parking on the internet like I could before ..But other than that looks all good enough.. Now all I need to know is who I'll be paying on Monday... ;D Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: IanL on March 09, 2011, 13:25:43 A notice has gone up at Charlbury in the ticket office which refers to the new number and arrangements but not that ringgo have been replaced. If I didn't know better it would look like
a new number for the existing service, an impression that is reinforced by the business cards with the new number that state "New location code, new phone number, same efficient service" Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 09, 2011, 13:27:34 I wonder whether the offer that you pay less at Oxford station if using the train still works, with the Passenger Code on the platform?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: IndustryInsider on March 09, 2011, 13:38:35 I wonder whether the offer that you pay less at Oxford station if using the train still works, with the Passenger Code on the platform? Let's hope so. The Car Park would be rather deserted at ^26.40 a day if not. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 09, 2011, 14:59:16 My friend also parks 3 days a week at Maidenhead and uses RingGo so I thought I'd ask her earlier if she had heard about this change.. And she'd heard nothing about it.. It is very strange... It's almost like they want to make lots of money on Monday from people who get caught out and haven't paid for parking because it's all changed (however I'm a cynical person so I'm sure that isn't the case at all ::) ::))
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 09, 2011, 15:03:38 I would hope that RinGo will make those location Codes for FGW redundant and prevent money being taken.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 09, 2011, 16:21:11 Have found out some details about this new service... and it's not pretty.
Firstly they're going to be using an 0845 number which costs loads from mobiles not the local one as before. Apcoa connect is new and has been in 28 car parks as opposed to RingGo's 3000! The company providing the service isn't FGW and it isn't Apcoa it's a company called Mirada which does tv phone services!! God help us. It looks like in this case it's going to be "They say, you pay..." more and.... they're not even on Visa's credit card safe list List of PCI DSS validated service providers (RingGo is run by cobalt) Something isn't right here http://www.ringgo.co.uk/article126.html Annoyed Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 09, 2011, 17:10:31 Yellow Lines (from where you've taken your info) is 'sponsored' by who else but RingGo.....bear in mind they won't be impartial.
Surely, as long as it works, and it doesn't cost the commuter any more, how much else of the above is really any care of the commuter? The case of thew 08451 number, rather than a geographical number like RingGo uses, is under discussion between the Customer Panel and FGW, and are hopeful of a successful conclusion. But possibly not before it starts on Monday as time to change it is very short. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 09, 2011, 17:55:49 You're right all the info is from that site, which isn't impartial. But here's the thing why change? RingGo works well(according to both FGW and APCOA press releases), wins awards etc The change is motivated by making more money not on customer service and this is my big beef. I like using RingGo it makes my day,even just slightly, easier. FGW don't seem to care about that, here's their response to my questions
Thank you for your email to Sue Evans, she has asked me to reply on her behalf. I appreciate you are concerned about the change to APCOA Connect, and I am sorry to hear that you have had problems with other phone systems. The change is being made because of a significant increase in call charges proposed by Cobalt, (the provider of RingGo). We supported APCOA when they decided not to accept these increases. We are confident that the new system - APCOA Connect will work well. It is already the preferred choice of several Local Authorities, and Network Rail, and is equally as secure and easy to use. We will therefore be offering this service from 14 March. You will need to register your details with them the first time you park, or you can register now on APCOA^s website; www.apcoa.co.uk/connect. After this, you can carry on paying for your parking, as efficiently as you have always done. If you do have problems do let me know but I trust you find all works well. Thank you again for the email. Best wishes Jane Jones Customer Relations So my problems are, RingGo deny they tried to raise prices http://www.ringgo.co.uk/article126.html The new system is not a preferred solution it is used in 28 car parks not the 3000 of RingGo (I'd rather have a national system than having to use many different providers). By using the 0845 number from the outset shows an intention I don't like even if it is under review. They clearly wanted to make more money and are only bowing to pressure. And the new system is not as secure according to Visa's accreditation system. I think these are good reasons so until the day comes I'm going to bang on about it. On yellowlines they appear to be contacting MP's and the ORR. At least they're not going down without a fight.... Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on March 09, 2011, 19:00:10 I'm with Jo in thinking that the new service looks to be OK and should be given a fair chance, although I am a bit concerned about their lack of forethought in the way it's being rolled out - especially the lack of information even this late in the day - and their disregard for the customer in imposing an 0845 number from the outset.
In principle I'm not averse to change - change is the one constant in the modern world we live in, after all. However there does have to be SOME sort of advantage to it, whether it's a simpler service, a more useful service, a cheaper service, a more effective service or even just a more cost-effective way of doing things. APCOA's offering appears to be none of these things, leading me to wonder if perhaps there has in fact just been some kind of stitch-up behind the scenes, with the winners being the corporate lawyers and the company shareholders or investors, and the losers being the travelling public - plus of course the pioneers of cashless parking themselves, RingGo. Then again, as they say: you can always tell the pioneers, as they're the ones with the arrows in their backs.... Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 09, 2011, 21:22:14 I would hope that RinGo will make those location Codes for FGW redundant and prevent money being taken. This is ok as long as Apcoa/FGW tell all their customers what is happening before they do it? So far they haven't at Maidenhead, and I'm sure they're not singleing (I really can't work out how to spell that word!!!) Maidenhead commuters out for a lack of information.. If they make a lot of money by fining people (who don't know and so don't have tickets) for the first week or so then that is very very bad on their part... We'll see.. I'm with Jo in thinking that the new service looks to be OK and should be given a fair chance, although I am a bit concerned about their lack of forethought in the way it's being rolled out - especially the lack of information even this late in the day - and their disregard for the customer in imposing an 0845 number from the outset. I agree (as you'd imagine since you were agreeing with me in the first place ;D ::)).. From what I have read you can also pay by text rather than a phone call.. This could be an alternative to the 0845 number maybe? I really think I will have the cash ready on monday just in case though.. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: centralman on March 09, 2011, 21:29:28 I think this is terrible. Checking my contract I have to pay 20p per minute to call this new APOCA connect where as before it was free with my minutes as it was a local 01173 number!!
I also tweeted Ring go on twitter and this is what I wrote.. "Any news on if you are fighting this silly kickout of FGW car parks?" And they replied with "Hi *****. We're doing what we can but FGW/Network Rail seem pretty set on it. Lots of debate on TheYellowLines http://ht.ly/4aF3z" Shows they are supporting The Yellow lines very well. CentralMan Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 09, 2011, 21:42:53 One thing to bear very much in mind....
FGW have contracted APCOA to run their car parks. APCOA Have subsequently sub-contracted the pay-by-phone part to RingGo. This dub-contract came up for re-tender and the company mentioned up-thread won, presumably with a cheaper cost to APCOA/FGW So FGW Didn't appoint the new sub-contractors/sack RingGo....APCOA did, and notified FGW/National Rail. How much due diligence APCOA has done over the new suppliers VISA clearance, and whether APCOA (or whether APCOA told FGW about the 08451 number in good time) is open to question I think. But FGW might have been caught in a sub-contract change not of their direct making seems probable to me. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on March 09, 2011, 23:40:22 This is the response that will currently be given by customer services.
Quote from: FGW Thank you for your xxx of xxx. I appreciate you are concerned that the RingGo service will no longer be available at our station car parks and I am pleased to have this chance to explain our position. The change is being made because of contract changes proposed by Cobalt, the provider of RingGo, which is currently contracted by APCOA to provide cashless payment systems at First Great Western Stations. We supported APCOA when they decided not to accept these changes. Following a competitive tender process to ensure best value for money, and to avoid additional costs for our customers, APCOA will be offering a similar system, APCOA Connect, from 14 March. This system is already the preferred choice of several Local Authorities, Network Rail, and is equally as secure and easy to use. You will need to register your details with them the first time you park, or you can register now on APCOA^s website through the following link www.apcoa.co.uk/connect . After this, you can carry on paying for your parking, as efficiently as you have always done. There will be no additional charges for customers using the new service and you will still receive the discount offered to customers who pay by phone rather than by cash. Payment statements and VAT receipts will still be available through the APCOA Connect website. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 10, 2011, 03:37:04 Is it not a bit rich of FGW to say "there will be no additional charges...." when the new number to call for cashless payment is an 0845 number?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on March 10, 2011, 03:40:08 I believe they are more referring to in terms of the actual parking cost, rather than cost to call the service.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Mookiemoo on March 10, 2011, 03:41:58 I believe they are more referring to in terms of the actual parking cost, rather than cost to call the service. Same different thought to the punter Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 10, 2011, 05:26:30 Can u say that in English, Mookiemoo? "same different"??!!
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 10, 2011, 10:46:11 How much due diligence APCOA has done over the new suppliers VISA clearance, and whether APCOA (or whether APCOA told FGW about the 08451 number in good time) is open to question I think. But FGW might have been caught in a sub-contract change not of their direct making seems probable to me. I think this is probably the truth of the matter.... but it is FGW who are going to be getting in the neck for the bad PR. And as for Phil's comments about pioneers.... spot on. It's just a shame that I can use RingGo at Bristol council car parks but I then I have to use a different number to park at the station. And that's true of loads of other councils in the Southwest. It's frustrating and seems a backwards step to me. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 10, 2011, 10:51:04 I suspect APCOA will be moving to the new company across all their car parks once this is sorted out....
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Mookiemoo on March 10, 2011, 11:06:25 Can u say that in English, Mookiemoo? "same different"??!! Same difference though to the punter.... Auto correct on iphone kicked in Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 10, 2011, 12:18:40 Sorry to post from anther forum but this is one of those great responses to customer services.... hope he made her smile at the very least.
bruno Dalbiez | March 10, 2011 at 11:48 am Copy of my email to Jane Jones, Customer Relations at FGW, (Jane.Jones@firstgroup.com) in response to her reply to me today. I suggest that we all literally flood the in-boxes of the 4 top Execs at FGW with our messages of protests, to offer them a tangible experience of the magnitude of their customers^ dissatisfaction. Their email addresses are in one of my previous posts^. Dear Jane Jones, Thank you for your prompt reply. I am surprised (well only half surprised really^) that you do not seem to understand that the issue is not RATIONAL, but EMOTIONAL, like all customer satisfaction and customer loyalty issues are^.So your reply does not address the real issue at all. We, customers of RingGo are NOT interested in the logical (or not) reasons why you, FGW, have made your decision! We are not even attached to RingGo as a brand! What we ARE (passionately) attached to, is our own COMFORT, THE REASSURING FEELING THAT WE CURRENTLY ENJOY A TRUSTWORTHY, CONSISTENTLY RELIABLE AND POSITIVE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE WHEN WE PARK OUR CARS ON A BUSY MORNING, USING RINGO. So are you surprised that we are up in arms when you unilaterally and arbitrarily decide that you are going to change for a supplier who is unknown to some, and has actually provided a mediocre customer experience to others ???? The following comparison might help express more clearly what I mean: Imagine the following scenario: YOU, Jane, have been going to the same Hair salon for several years, and are literally delighted with both the person who cuts and styles your hair, and with the products (s)he uses. Every time, your hair looks magnificent, thick, shiny, silky, absolutely gorgeous! One day upon arriving for your appointment, the salon owner informs you that from now on, your hair will be done by a different person, and using different products. When you rightfully ask why, he says: ^The change is being made because of contract changes proposed by Goldilox, the provider of the products, which is currently contracted by our mother company to supply all our salons^. He adds : ^Following a competitive tender process to ensure best value for money, and to avoid additional costs for our customers, CRAP will be offering similar products, and because Val, who was doing your hair so far, has not been trained to use the new products, your hair will be done by Alex, from now on; she is the preferred stylist of Mrs Ramsbottom, and she cuts as well as Val^ How would you react ? Honestly ? So please, FGW, don^t have the arrogance or the stupidity of thinking that you know better than your customers, what they want and need. Are you not HEARING what over 14 THOUSAND of your customers are shouting to you?? In the last few days, close to 7 HUNDRED busy people have taken the time and energy to write to you, some directly, and most via the Blog on http://theyellowlines.wordpress.com/ . Even more extraordinary, more and more of us are NOW WRITING TO OUR MP^s !!!! Isn^t this a sufficiently clear hint that there might be something slightly wrong with FGW^s decision ???? Wake up ! You no longer live in a world where corporates used to decide unilaterally what was good for their customers ! You have a golden opportunity to positively impress thousands of your customers, by simply, VERY simply and inexpensively, putting THEIR needs before yours. Will you have the courage and intelligence to do it? Or will you waste the opportunity and reinforce your image of a slightly old fashioned enterprise with mediocre quality of customer experience? Yours, Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 10, 2011, 12:35:53 I'm not sure FGW can tell APCOA who to contract as supplier of these services?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: argg on March 10, 2011, 13:56:36 Have I missed something here? Do we KNOW that the service will be any worse using the new subcontractor? Are the underlying parking charges going up?
It appears to me that the major complaint is paying 20p for an 0845 number. Even if you bought a single session every day for a year that would be an extra ^73 - less than a full tank of petrol these days. In reality it will be a lot less for most otherwise they'd be purchasing a parking season permit and get further cost reductions. So you can't use the same number for every car park in the country? So what? A nice touch but not the end of the world if its not there I agree the communication of information has been appalling but what else do you expect from FGW/APCOA? My complaint would be with APCOA about the extortionate cost of parking on what amounts to an unmonitored and unsecure piece of waste ground. But like the quality of the service we get on the trains which diminishes as the prices inevitably go up each year, we grumble to ourselves but get on with it because what else can we do? Very happy to be told I've missed the point and to be enlightened but it seems to be a lot of fuss about very little Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 10, 2011, 14:14:34 I think people are making a fuss because they are annoyed about how badly they are being treated by FGW. They implement a service which works and change it without giving any reasons apart from "commercial". The 0845 number I think shows what the change is going to bring, higher prices or rather the lack of care about raising prices on an already expensive service.
All in all it looks a bit mucky. I think FGW have been telling or have been told some "economies of truth" according to these two statements from RingGo http://www.ringgo.co.uk/APCOA http://www.ringgo.co.uk/apcoa_second_statement_.html If I was them I'd be worried about monday when it is meant to roll out. I doubt many penalty tickets are going to be issued that day... Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 10, 2011, 14:40:17 All in all it looks a bit mucky. I think FGW have been telling or have been told some "economies of truth" according to these two statements from RingGo http://www.ringgo.co.uk/APCOA http://www.ringgo.co.uk/apcoa_second_statement_.html From the first statement, it appears that this is rather important.... Quote " We have formally sought clarification from them [FGW] but fully understand that they may have been misled." Over both 'increased costs' and putting the sub-contract out to re-tender ity seems! It looks as though APCOA have been economical with the truth to FGW (and possibly Network Rail too) over these points. A lack of due diligence by APCOA on how secure Mirada (their new sub-contractor) is on card processing. Ditto on FGW about askling these questions of APCOA.....FGW is dealing with Joe Public and ought to realise that they need confidence in the process. But fionally, I also suspect that this may well be RingGo's largest contract. They're beiginning to sound too desparate to keep this contract by whatever means possible. Whereas, everything being equal, and they're not far off, it IS a simple commercial decision over which too much fuss is definitely being made. If I were APCOA/FGW, I would be looking to change to a geographic number ASAP, and giving Mirada 3 months to get class 1 Visa acceptancem, and if they fail, I'm sure RingGo would have them back. However, it also might be the case - as RingGo state in the second statement, that after getting re-quotes from RingGo on a lower price, the only way that APCOA could seriously lower the costs / increase the profit on this was to pass on to the customer higher charges in the form of 08451 calls. Some people can be charged well in excess of 20p per call on 08451 numbers. As RingGo state " We have formally sought clarification from them but fully understand that they may have been misled. " I think this may well be the case. If so, FGW need to come out and say so. And change supplier from APCOA..... Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on March 11, 2011, 10:53:00 This is an updated version of what customer services are dishing out.
Quote from: FGW Thank you for your xxx of xxx. I appreciate you are concerned that the RingGo service will no longer be available at our station car parks and I am pleased to have this chance to explain our position. The change is being made because of contract changes proposed by Cobalt, the provider of RingGo, which is currently contracted by APCOA to provide cashless payment systems at First Great Western Stations. We supported APCOA when they decided not to accept these changes. Following a competitive tender process to ensure best value for money, and to avoid additional costs for our customers, APCOA will be offering a similar system, APCOA Connect, from 14 March. This system is already the preferred choice of several Local Authorities, Network Rail, and is equally as secure and easy to use. You will need to register your details with them the first time you park (by calling 0845 122 8008), or you can register now on APCOA^s website through the following link www.apcoa.co.uk/connect . After this, you can carry on paying for your parking, as efficiently as you have always done. There will be no additional car park charges for customers using the new service, and you will still receive the discount offered to customers who pay by phone rather than by cash. We also appreciate that there has been some concern over the use of an 0845 number. This will be changed to a geographic number, in approximately 4 weeks. Payment statements and VAT receipts will still be available through the APCOA Connect website. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 11, 2011, 11:03:16 I am still concerned about this paragraph....
Quote Following a competitive tender process to ensure best value for money, and to avoid additional costs for our customers, APCOA will be offering a similar system, APCOA Connect, from 14 March. This system is already the preferred choice of several Local Authorities, Network Rail, and is equally as secure and easy to use. RingGo state quite categorically that there was no competitive tenering process. JUst a request to re-quote for their services, which they did. Twice, I think. So the 'additional costs' weren't coming from them. 'Equally Secure'.....the new sub-contractor doesn't appear in VIsa's Group 1 list of approved card processors - so their system isn't seen as secure as RingGo's parent. I'm about to draw these discrepancies to FGW's attention. I did ask about the specific situation at Oxford, which is different to most, with the discount code on the platform to get station rates, but just got a standard reply back rather than having my question answered. That is just so lazy....so I'll be asking again. Good to hear about the demise of the 0845 numbers though - it does show that they're belatedly listening to their customers. It would be even better if they actually learned this lesson, and consulted their Customer Panel in advance rather than us always fighting a rearguard action though. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on March 11, 2011, 11:37:44 Have an additional paragraph on the data security side of things.
Quote from: FGW I can also confirm that the company that store and manage the credit card payments for APCOA Connect are Level 1 PCI DSS compliant. The registration page of APCOA Connect will be updated shortly (if not already) to include a brief statement that the card data is stored to this standard (which I am advised matches that of Cobalt). You should therefore be able to register your details without concern for security. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 11, 2011, 11:43:35 Hmmm - so why aren't they listed with the other Level 1 companies on VISA's website?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on March 11, 2011, 12:03:25 Mirada and Cobalt both use the same company for credit card data storage and management.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 11, 2011, 12:15:50 Is that why Cobalt are listed and Mirada not?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 11, 2011, 12:23:31 Hmmm - so why aren't they listed with the other Level 1 companies on VISA's website? Exactly.... the other thing not being addressed is this from RingGo's statement Their published terms and conditions contain no constraints whatsoever on their use of data (http://www.apcoaconnect.com/termsconditions.php). So, for example, they could use stored payment card details to pay fines that they themselves think are reasonable given their enforcement observations. There is no arbitrator. There is no hint of a Chinese wall. If this proceeds then APCOA will have been handed the right to levy fines when APCOA's system for avoiding fines is at fault. Happy that they're getting rid of 0845 ( at least until the heat blows over and they reintroduce it) but still think this isn't very clever of FGW. It it isn't broke..... Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Mookiemoo on March 11, 2011, 14:10:12 And of course every one knows parking fines generally can't be enforced - they can threaten you with court, Graham White solicitors will send you increasingly abusive letters
But they give up in the end if you don't pay Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 11, 2011, 20:29:28 Well. It's Friday.. I still haven't been told anything is changing parking wise (apart from what I've read on here).. That is really really bad of them...
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 11, 2011, 20:48:01 The new codes are on the FGW website.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 11, 2011, 20:50:16 Thank you, I saw them on the Apcoa Connect site once I heard about it on here
But for all the people who don't know the change is happening.. They won't know to look.. It is being handled very very badly in my opinion.. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on March 12, 2011, 09:35:27 Thank you, I saw them on the Apcoa Connect site once I heard about it on here But for all the people who don't know the change is happening.. They won't know to look.. It is being handled very very badly in my opinion.. I agree with Jo! ;D I'm really hoping they amend all the car park signage across the FGW network this weekend to show what number we ought to be ringing and what code to quote. Sadly I think it's a rather forlorn hope though... And even if they do it's going to be mayhem out there Monday morning with some people inevitably missing trains through having to re-register Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 12, 2011, 09:59:39 And what about the majority of people (like me) who don't go anywhere near the ticket machines (and hence the signs) as we're already registered with RingGo..
What will happen to them when they try and call RingGo from the train and find they can't pay? I'm working from home Monday now.. I almost wish I was going to be there see the mayhem.... I'm sure it'll last all week though if not longer as not everyone parks everyday.. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 12, 2011, 13:22:00 I'm really hoping they amend all the car park signage across the FGW network this weekend to show what number we ought to be ringing and what code to quote. There were workmen by the car park entrance at Oxford this morning. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 12, 2011, 16:02:51 Hmm. ::)
In the interests of all those concerned, I've been out and about this morning, conducting a survey of various stations in my area. ;) Weston super Mare: (http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6794/001yqx.jpg) (http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/9718/004xa.jpg) Bridgwater: (http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/8541/022esa.jpg) (http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/7648/023nf.jpg) Yatton: (http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/7834/036ii.jpg) Hope this helps! CfN ;D Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: paul7575 on March 12, 2011, 16:48:18 The pictures certainly suggest a blitz over the weekend - which has probably been the plan all along, I should think. If they'd put the vinyls up a week ago, far too early, I imagine there'd have been a slightly different set of critical posts...
Paul Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: devon_metro on March 12, 2011, 19:18:03 It must be noted how reasonably priced the car parking is in this region, ^1.50 for weekday parking at Weston after 10am, compared with Totnes which has a fixed tarrif of ^5!
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 12, 2011, 19:58:57 Nailsea and Backwell is even better value!
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 12, 2011, 21:40:57 Well that does all look like it is going to be well advertised.. I will be parking at Maidenhead station tomorrow morning, although I'll most likely pay with cash and resigster with Apcoa connect before my first trip into London on Tuesday.. I'll be able to see if they've done the same there.. I do hope so.. I can't imagine anyone missing all those signs (not even me :P ::))
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Mookiemoo on March 13, 2011, 03:15:29 But this all assumes people KNOW it has changed
I have to say - I have sign post apathy - rarely read them unless I'm looking to find out info If I don't know what I don't know then I wont look Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: IndustryInsider on March 13, 2011, 11:17:11 Yes, perhaps one of those leaflet-on-seats things in the style of what's happened when FGW apologise for major service disruption a few days after a particularly disruptive event would have alerted more people?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: signalandtelegraph on March 13, 2011, 20:54:07 Yes, perhaps one of those leaflet-on-seats things in the style of what's happened when FGW apologise for major service disruption a few days after a particularly disruptive event would have alerted more people? Had a flyer under my windscreen at TVP about a fortnight ago and last Tuesday the APCOA man was there handing out flyers to car park users at 06.30. It must be noted how reasonably priced the car parking is in this region, ^1.50 for weekday parking at Weston after 10am, compared with Totnes which has a fixed tarrif of ^5! No competition, same at TVP! Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 13, 2011, 21:01:37 Ah well.. All that has happened at Maidenhead is that the signs by the machines have been changed.. But to be honest, unless you look really closely, you wouldn't notice they were different to the old ones..And regular ringGo customers are not gonna go look at the machine every day.. just in case ::)
So.. unless something happens tomorrow and for the next few weeks (manning the car parks for example to tell people) then Apcoa have not approached this at all well.. Incidentally, if I call ringGo, they still offer to take my money to park my car as usual..I wasn't brave enough to do that earlier when I parked though, so I just used cash... Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: The RingGo Team on March 14, 2011, 01:08:52 We^re sorry but as instructed by Apcoa as from midnight of Sunday 13th March RingGo Customers will no longer be able to pay for their parking at First Great Western, Network Railway and APCOA locations. Please contact First Great Western on 08457 000 125, Network Rail on 0845 711 4141, and APCOA on 0845 1652030 for further information. We would like to thank our customers for using RingGo, your messages of support and hope that you will continue to use our service at other RingGo locations.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 14, 2011, 09:00:46 Welcome to the Forum The RingGo Team...
And I'm sorry I can no longer use your services to park at Maidenhead... Incidentally if I call your number today it still offers me the chance to park my car at the station.. As for Apcoa.. They did have a man at the main car park (Shoppenhangers road) this morning to tell people.. Not sure if they would have had one at the car park I usually park in as it's not the main one. I will find out tomorrow.. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: grahame on March 14, 2011, 09:37:00 As something of an outsider on this thread, I've been struck by all the positive words said about Ringgo by their users, so perhaps it would be appropriate to add a "Thank you for the service you have provided" to them. At the same time, the switch has now happened and we need to look forward, though I know some are apprehensive, to working with the Apcoa online system. It sounds like they have a really customer friendly act to follow ...
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: The RingGo Team on March 14, 2011, 09:51:30 Thank you johoare. Just to let you know that once you've confirmed your parked location and if its a FGW location, e.g. Maidenhead Shoppenhangers road operated by Apcoa, RingGo will play you back a message informing you that we are no longer available as an option at that location and give the caller the FGW customer services number to call.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 14, 2011, 11:16:50 So against my better judgement I used the Apcoa Connect system, here's my experience
The phone numbers on the new signs were taped over saying not yet in use so I ignored them (The tape that is not the number)! I had to use an 0845 number and then use a text to give my reg. The confirmation text did not arrive for over an hour. It told me there was a problem so I retexted and got a confirmation that I could park. So after an 0845 phone call, two text messages and almost two hours I managed to confirm I'd parked my car. So as I expected the change hasn't been an improvement for me... anyone else?? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 14, 2011, 11:52:22 Day 1 teething troubles. THose existed with RingGO too, if my memory serves me.....
If it's the same by Friday, then it's a problem. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 14, 2011, 15:39:03 There were certainly 'day one' teething problems at Taunton early this morning.
At about 08:45, I found myself standing in the car park entrance, wearing a yellow high-viz vest, on completely unrelated business - but, as there was clearly confusion around the car park ticket machines, and there was no-one from officialdom present, I volunteered a bit of assistance. The machines both had new vinyl signs on top of them, but the new 0845 number was still obscured with lengths of masking tape, containing handwritten notes saying 'live from 14 March'. I therefore took it upon myself to peel off all that confusing masking tape, and explain to various puzzled car parkers that the new number does indeed go live today! Discussions with those grateful users then led me to understand that none of them had seen anything previously about the change in the phone payment arrangements - and, apparently, the price had also gone up from 5.10 last week to ^6.10 today. Please note, however, that I have no way of verifying these claims - I am not a frequent user of Taunton Station! ;) By the way, I met with the FGW station manager for Taunton, an hour later, and I passed on all of the above information. I have to say, she was not surprised that there had been such confusion, as the local FGW staff themselves were not briefed fully, or given suitable leaflets to hand out, until late last week. CfN. ::) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Brucey on March 14, 2011, 15:47:48 Discussions with those grateful users then led me to understand that none of them had seen anything previously about the change in the phone payment arrangements - and, apparently, the price had also gone up from 5.10 last week to ^6.10 today. Please note, however, that I have no way of verifying these claims - I am not a frequent user of Taunton Station! ;) Information that I have suggests the price was ^6.10 on 4th March, so certainly not something that has changed in the last week. In fact, I believe the price is actually ^5.50 when paying by APCOA Connect.Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Timmer on March 14, 2011, 15:51:45 Gosh all this talk of parking charges. What good value some of the charges being quoted when Bath is ^10.10! Looking at the list on the FGW website only Bristol TM is more expensive.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 14, 2011, 15:59:28 Supply & Demand.....the further from LOndon, the fewer people make the trip!
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 14, 2011, 17:10:29 ... apparently, the price had also gone up from 5.10 last week to ^6.10 today. Information that I have suggests the price was ^6.10 on 4th March, so certainly not something that has changed in the last week. In fact, I believe the price is actually ^5.50 when paying by APCOA Connect.As I said, I have no independent verification for what I was told by 'an aggrieved car park user' this morning - but there has clearly been some 'adjustment' to the charges displayed on the notice at Taunton recently: (http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/3614/006ko.jpg) (http://img141.imageshack.us/i/006ko.jpg/) Chris. ;D Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: grahame on March 14, 2011, 17:32:09 Gosh all this talk of parking charges. What good value some of the charges being quoted when Bath is ^10.10! Looking at the list on the FGW website only Bristol TM is more expensive. Paddington - 18 pounds for up to 12 hours, 22 pounds for a full day. APCOA but working for Network Rail rather than First, bearing in mind you can catch five different operator's trains at the station. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: willc on March 14, 2011, 22:08:15 At Oxford, it appears that the differential parking rate for rail users is continued, at least according to the signs at the car park exit for anyone heading towards the footbridge over Botley Road to the station which say to check the sign on the platform, as before.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 15, 2011, 13:21:22 At least I was able to pay for my parking, there is one benefit to getting up with the sparrows
http://www.thisiswiltshire.co.uk/news/8908867.Rail_station_car_park_new_system_fails_on_first_day/ Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: IndustryInsider on March 15, 2011, 14:08:12 At Oxford, it appears that the differential parking rate for rail users is continued, at least according to the signs at the car park exit for anyone heading towards the footbridge over Botley Road to the station which say to check the sign on the platform, as before. And there's a new display on the platform with the number on. A much larger display than the previous one, so much so that a good pair of binoculars and non-rail users will be able to read the number from the Osney Lane bridge! Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Mookiemoo on March 15, 2011, 14:09:25 Gosh all this talk of parking charges. What good value some of the charges being quoted when Bath is ^10.10! Looking at the list on the FGW website only Bristol TM is more expensive. Paddington - 18 pounds for up to 12 hours, 22 pounds for a full day. APCOA but working for Network Rail rather than First, bearing in mind you can catch five different operator's trains at the station. Five? FGW Connect Express Underground What is the fith? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Brucey on March 15, 2011, 14:13:42 Five? Chiltern - one per weekdayFGW Connect Express Underground What is the fith? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Mookiemoo on March 15, 2011, 15:14:22 Five? Chiltern - one per weekdayFGW Connect Express Underground What is the fith? Really? Where to and when? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: eightf48544 on March 15, 2011, 15:34:37 11:36 Pad High Wycombe.
There used to be an inbound service but I think it's now ECS. Three reasons. It saves Daft having to issue a closure notice for West Ruslip to OOC for passenger traffic. It gives Chiltern sort of grandfather rights to use Padd It keeps Chiltern's drivers and guards' route knowledge up to date which they have used when they've run the Birmingham services into Pad. I've caught it a couple of times in the past and there were more drivers than passengers. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: andynel on March 15, 2011, 19:19:27 Has anyone been to one of these "Meet the Manager" things before - http://theyellowlines.wordpress.com? Just wondering if it's worth going to - or don't they take any notice anyway?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 15, 2011, 20:29:49 Well I paid for the first time today using apcoa connect. It worked absolutely fine.. Although I have noticed they do ask a lot more questions to get to the end result.. Which as it's a number which won't be covered by my phone contract isn't too good for me and others in the same boat.. Also they wait to the very end, with a long pause in between after you think you've paid.. to confirm your car registration.. I don't know what happens if you don't wait for that bit..
But anyway..I don't think the Apcoa man was at Shoppenhangers this morning.. He certainly wasn't in the smaller Silco drive car park.. The STILL need to advertise this soo much better.. You think they'd want to surely? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: eightf48544 on March 15, 2011, 20:36:15 Probably. As it's Pad you might get Mark Hopwood MD FGW as well as his team.
Parking is one of the few things under FGW control although day to day operation is with APOCA. Plus of course the intractable problem of the 166s' airconditioning, which they inherited from Thames and before them Network South East. One of Chris Green's few failures. Things like the timetable, lack of stock and infrastructure failures are mostly out of FGW's control they have to be agreed with DaFT and the ORR whilst with infrastructure they can only chivvy Networkrail. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 15, 2011, 20:58:43 As a member of the Customer Panel, I'll be in attendance at PAD tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see what proportion of comments will be about parking issues
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 15, 2011, 22:17:54 The 'Meet the Manager' meeting at Paddington Station tomorrow is between 16.30 and 19.00 - posted here for those who hadn't yet picked up those details elsewhere. :)
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 15, 2011, 22:33:41 Will anyone be there taking minutes for those of us who cannot attend?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Timmer on March 16, 2011, 06:21:36 Will anyone be there taking minutes for those of us who cannot attend? Priceless! ;DTitle: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 16, 2011, 09:32:04 Do they ever do these meet the manager things elsewhere? Bristol for example?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 16, 2011, 09:43:35 Yes, they do.
There's a Meet the Manager webpage on the FGW website that lists all the dates. Unfortunately right now,. as they set the dates a year in advance, that year is about to expire & there's only the last two still listed. I've asked whether the next set of dates can be posted up as there will undoubtedly be dates next month & people need advance notice.... AS for minutes - not really possible as each Manager is separately approachable & thus getting everyone's points together is near impossible. I am trying to get FGW to post up a summary of each session..... Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: andynel on March 16, 2011, 10:15:12 Yellow Lines (from where you've taken your info) is 'sponsored' by who else but RingGo.....bear in mind they won't be impartial. Surely, as long as it works, and it doesn't cost the commuter any more, how much else of the above is really any care of the commuter? The case of thew 08451 number, rather than a geographical number like RingGo uses, is under discussion between the Customer Panel and FGW, and are hopeful of a successful conclusion. But possibly not before it starts on Monday as time to change it is very short. Hi Chris Have FGW now said that they're definitely removing the 08451 number? I've just checked my phone costs and it's costing me a minimum of 25p every time I call the new service (and that's including every time it doesn't work!). I don't like queuing for a ticket - but I'm sure not going to keep on paying by phone at that sort of cost. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: eightf48544 on March 16, 2011, 10:18:47 Is the 25p in addition to the +20p they charged for you for the "Convenience of using the service". Which used to appear on the Taplow signs.
I'll have to check. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on March 16, 2011, 10:21:45 The 0845 number is not permanent :)
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 16, 2011, 10:24:32 So all those brand new vinyl posters that have appeared at station car parks over the past week will all have to be replaced yet again?? ::)
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 16, 2011, 10:26:14 Yes, they have confirmed it is being changed, but could take up to 4 weeks to get it done (& notices changed too, I guess)
They have access to APCOA Connect's customers, so I guess they'll tell everyone by email contact or by text. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 16, 2011, 11:41:43 The 0845 number is not permanent :) ,Or perhaps the lack of it might be impermanent! Why would they have introduced it if not to make more money? Anyway how else are they are going to pay for all the extra posters they had to print. Out of interest does anyone know why the 0845 numberis being replaced? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 16, 2011, 12:08:16 so that customers pay no more than they used to
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 16, 2011, 12:21:13 so that customers pay no more than they used to I suppose I might mean who? It does seem strange that the intention to use the 0845 number from the off was clear? Who has asked for it to be changed? FGW, Apcoa? It couldn't possibly be as a result of customer opinion could it? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 16, 2011, 12:23:28 FGW.
I suspect APCOA failed to inform them that the number had become non-geographical. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bob_Blakey on March 16, 2011, 14:04:12 My lunchtime stroll today took me past EXD and through the 1st overflow car park (adjacent to Platform 2). All the vehicles had 'Important Notice - Pay By Phone Has Changed' leaflets under the wipers. I assume the other two car parks had been given the same treatment.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: andynel on March 16, 2011, 14:21:12 FGW. I suspect APCOA failed to inform them that the number had become non-geographical. Kind of makes you wonder how rigorous their "tender process" was then - doesn't it?! Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 16, 2011, 14:29:03 I suspect someone failed the Due diligence, at both APCOA & FGW.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 16, 2011, 17:43:33 The 0845 number is not permanent :) ,Or perhaps the lack of it might be impermanent! Why would they have introduced it if not to make more money? Anyway how else are they are going to pay for all the extra posters they had to print. Out of interest does anyone know why the 0845 numberis being replaced? APCOA themselves would get no extra income from having an 0845 number. 0845 is no longer a revenue sharing number. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Mookiemoo on March 16, 2011, 19:19:31 so why do so many places still use the beggars
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 17, 2011, 09:54:06 Are you sure? They are still advertised for sale as such, as are 0870 and 0871 numbers.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 17, 2011, 16:30:18 BT Business says that 0845 and 0870 are no longer revenue sharing. However it is possible that APCOA get their telephone services from a different provider and have bought an 0845 number that has 'grandfather rights' to allow revenue sharing.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Andrew1939 from West Oxon on March 17, 2011, 16:52:49 re 0845 numbers - BT decided over a year ago to include 0845 and 0345 numbers as free within their telephone call packages as a marketing incentive. However many other cheaper operators still do not include 0845 numbers within in their packages e.g. Vodafone landline, it can still cost many users of the APCOA phone service a packet. However what has been most noticeable is that since BT made the change, many organisations have changed from using 0845 numbers to 0844 numbers so that they can still ring up their share of the inflated call costs, e.g. Santander banking group now use 0844 instead of 0845 for telephone banking access.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 17, 2011, 17:04:16 It'll still cost all users of APCOA Connect as the service is only available through a mobile phone. You cannot use a landline. I'm not aware of any 0845 inclusive package with any UK mobile provider. Some mobile providers do offer free calls to selected 0845 numbers, but these are usually either calls to certain Govt. departments, charities, helplines or calls to that provider's Customer Service.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 17, 2011, 17:19:51 So whats the point if these 0870 & 0845 numbers now? To those that use them?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 17, 2011, 17:43:27 The argument used to be that everyone paid the same to call an 0845/0870 number no matter where they lived. This no longer applies as no telephone service provider has different tariffs for local and national calls.
Another benefit to businesses is they can pick a number that is memorable and stands out in marketing/advertising. This is rarely possible with 01/02. FGW have 08457 000 125. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: eightf48544 on March 17, 2011, 18:08:28 Checked at Taplow this am.
0845 number, no mention of 20p convinience charge. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 17, 2011, 18:11:33 During my meeting with the station manager at Bristol Parkway this afternoon, she confirmed that their car park users are particularly concerned at the costs of using the 0845 number - which is why FGW have already moved to get that number changed.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 18, 2011, 07:55:10 Are there any "meet the manager" events in Bristol soon?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: grahame on March 18, 2011, 08:25:39 Are there any "meet the manager" events in Bristol soon? In April 2008, the FGW Wesbite said that there are 46 meet the manager sessions through the year. "34 of these are held at various stations throughout the network and the remaining 12 are held on High Speed Train Services." and the thread at http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=2301.0 lists them for the following six months, 3 being at Temple Meads. Now - March 2010 - the FGW Website states that there are 25 meet the manager sessions through the year and lists just two dates - one of which has already passsed, and the other is onboard the 15:51 Paddington to Worcester train on 30th of this month. See http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Content.aspx?id=2106 . The current site does state that it only shows the dates to 31st March ... so hopefully more dates will be published shortly ... There are various ways to feedback to the rail industry / train operators in our area - in fact there's probably a good case for a separate thread: * Phone in / contact (other ways) Customer Service * If you have a local rail partnership or user group, they may be a good way. * Your Customer Panel member * Meet the Manager * Passenger Focus And that's not forgetting more extreme options such as your MP and the Department for Transport Each of these has its place (and its optimum use) ... Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 18, 2011, 09:27:27 The MtM dates are set a year in advance - and that year runs April - March.
WE are at the end of this current 12 monmth period. The dates for the next 12 month period should be published shortly. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 18, 2011, 09:39:07 Mirada and Cobalt both use the same company for credit card data storage and management. It seems that the security issue isn't completely sorted out despite FGW saying it is..... http://theyellowlines.wordpress.com/ Quote Security concerns of customers using the APCOA Connect parking system at First Great Western train stations is likely to increase with the revelation today that APCOA is now providing parking services at First Great Western train stations in conjunction with Dash Parking. Dash is listing First Great Western train station car parks as locations at which it provides its services. That in itself is of no great concern. The pedigree of the companies with which customers entrust their credit card details, however, should be of considerable concern. Stuart Lawrenson has been a Director of Adaptis Solutions Limited which is the owner of the Dash website. Newsreaders will recall that prior to his involvement with Dash, Mr. Lawrenson was Chief Executive and protagonist in the multi-million pound accounting scandal at Central Parking Corp. the US company that was forced to sell its UK subsidiary, Central Parking Limited, after, ^unauthorized related party transactions and improper and inaccurate accounting entries.^ It should perhaps come as no great surprise to learn that Central Parking was sold off to^ APCOA. As noted in a separate article by Simon English in The London Evening Standard, ^Lawrenson has paid his fine and is perhaps entitled to continue his career. As long as everyone involved knows of his history^ The Yellow lines would be interested to hear from any reader who has received notification from First Great Western or APCOA relating to the questionable history of the people they expect customers to entrust their credit card details to. On the basis they could barely notify customers of the change in parking services provider, we^ll be surprised. This latest news comes on top of other risks noted in previous posts that the data held by APCOA is more susceptible to a breach of security than with the previous RingGo system. RingGo holds Visa^s Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Level 1 status. The APCOA Connect service doesn^t. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: grahame on March 18, 2011, 11:25:44 I've added quote tags to the previous article to make it very clear that Bristol Traveler is quoting another website here. We have to be very careful of issues such as copyright, defamation and libel in public fora such as "The Coffee Shop", and perhaps this is a good time to remind members that part of their forum agreement is to not post things that could be against these (or other laws) and to take responsibility for their posts if they do run into trouble, indemnifying the operators of the forum. I'm not saying that there's anything at all wrong with the post - just providing a gentle reminder to be careful.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 18, 2011, 12:24:48 Thanks, wasn't quite sure how to do quotes off site, so to speak, so posted the weblink above...
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 18, 2011, 15:24:13 The MtM dates are set a year in advance - and that year runs April - March. WE are at the end of this current 12 monmth period. The dates for the next 12 month period should be published shortly. If that's the case then they are most certainly not set a year in advance. To be set a year in advance we should already know about meetings up to March 2012. For each MtM to be set a year in advance we would see rolling notifications - not dates released in one go. If the dates are shortly to be published then they will be for the current year. A particular meeting date could be UP TO a year in advance, but most will have nowhere near that length of prior notification. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 18, 2011, 16:04:07 /pedant/
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on March 18, 2011, 16:14:02 Thanks. A badge I shall wear with pride. :P ;) ;D
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 18, 2011, 16:15:01 Hmmm. ::)
At the risk of being called pedantic, I too would rather like to know if there are any 'meet the manager' meetings planned in my area from April 2011 - which is only 13 days away now. I'd like to raise, among other items, the role of the Customer Panel and the matter of their drastically curtailed minutes - discussed here (http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=8559.0) on the forum. Chris from Nailsea. :-X Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 18, 2011, 16:17:16 If that's the case then they are most certainly not set a year in advance. To be set a year in advance we should already know about meetings up to March 2012. For each MtM to be set a year in advance we would see rolling notifications - not dates released in one go. They might well be set a year in advance, but just not *advertised* on the website. :P :P :P Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: grahame on March 18, 2011, 16:34:24 This is all getting rather silly.
Of course First needs to schedule the meetings and have the managers confirm they'll be available to attend before they publish the dates for the public. What the public / passenger wants to know is when they'll be published ( e.g. "at least 2 weeks ahead" ) rather than when they're set up on some internal calendar. If the passenger can't find out when the meetings are to be, it doesn't matter to him if they're a month, six months, a year, or a whole franchise-length in the planning. I note the number of events has plummeted over the years. Perhaps there aren't any in the final years of the franchise. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 18, 2011, 16:45:26 They have to counter the amount of staff time they take with the number of customers who stop & talk.
Yes, I've expreience of at least one where no one stopped to talk.... The next set are in hand & should be on the website shortly - with at least a week or more of notice before the first one listed. That is the intention, as it always has been (and unremarked on here so far, so they must ber doing something right.) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: grahame on March 18, 2011, 18:15:44 To summarise, then.
Are there any "meet the manager" events in Bristol soon? We don't know - but if there are they will be listed on the FGW web site at least a week before they happen. You may get more notice than that as they're added to the web site in batches, and there ARE further batches planned, but not as many as in the past because the uptake was low. Phew! How did we get so off topic. Ah - you want to talk about with the manager about phoning in to pay for car parking (never tried it myself ... use cash on the rare occasions I park at stations that require payment, and know to leave enough time to deal with any problems with the machines ;) ) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on March 19, 2011, 09:26:49 In the past, the 'batch' was a year's-worth of meetings. (which is where I got taken to task I think)
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: LiskeardRich on March 22, 2011, 20:46:15 0845 numbers are 20p a min from my mobile, the ringgo geographical calls came out of my inclusive minutes,
i havent used the new service, but how long do they take to ring up and pay to park the new system, As it says the new service will cost no extra, i assume Apcoa will refund the additional phone call costs, or they will be at wrath from the advertising standards rules surely Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 22, 2011, 23:08:36 Looking at my mobile phone call history.. about a minute and a half on average...maximum was 1 minute 52... I'm not too pleased really.. But not much I can do about it right now..
Also.. Apart from the very small sign on one of the station entrances at Maidenhead.. It's STILL not been advertised properly.. They really don't deserve our money in my opinion.. oh well.. I know I'll have to keep on paying it.. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: adc82140 on March 23, 2011, 22:21:19 Quote They really don't deserve our money in my opinion.. oh well.. I know I'll have to keep on paying it.. There is the alternative.... http://www.rbwm.gov.uk/web/parking_stafferton_way.htm (http://www.rbwm.gov.uk/web/parking_stafferton_way.htm) and note the geographic number they use for pay by phone parking. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 23, 2011, 22:57:42 Thanks for that. Do you know if that car park ever fills up?
However, I'm usually on a very tight time schedule (otherwise I'd pay by cash) and it does make for a slightly longer journey to the car park.. And with the traffic the way it is at the moment (for reasons I don't know why although I suspect they've been playing with the timing of the traffic lights), I'd miss my train if I went as far as there (I usually park in Silco Drive and if the traffic is bad, that would be another 4 or 5 goes at the lights being green before I got through..) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: adc82140 on March 24, 2011, 18:08:35 The car park is never full- the bottom two storeys are season ticket holders only, but the rest is available. Even arriving at 10am, I was never higher up than the fourth storey.
However the walk to the station is only 3 minutes- about half of that from Silco Drive. When I did the Maidenhead commute, I used to approach town from the south, ie the Braywick Roundabout, so getting to Stafferton Way was easy. I know that the lights in town approaching from the north past the cinema etc can be a real swine. The pay & display machines accept debit cards as well, so you can pay in advance for as much parking as you need- I used to get 5 daysworth on a Monday if I knew I was going in to work each day. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 24, 2011, 19:41:55 I have no choice, unless someone can help me with a better one, than approaching the station from Grenfell road..I kind of live on the wrong side of Maidenhead for that..
And I have a two school drop off (the third school is near the station thankfully) with the second being in cox green.. The only way to do that is to not quite go into cox green itself (or it takes ages to get out).. So I'm stuck with Silco drive car park for now. :) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: adc82140 on March 24, 2011, 22:54:09 I see your point exactly. If you're coming from Cox Green, yes you could drive along Shoppenhangers Road and stay south of the railway, but there's the right turn ban at the end which means you have to do a whole circuit of the town centre. I've never really understood that. When I first started to use Maidenhead station I used to park in the Shoppenhangers Road car park as I approached from the Waltham St. Lawrence direction. In order to get access to the Stafferton Way MSCP I had to set out from home in a completely different direction, driving through Paley Street and Holyport to join the Braywick Raod roundabout from the south. It's a mile or so longer that way!!
I reckon this is why Stafferton Way is relatively poorly used. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on March 24, 2011, 22:56:42 Well yes.. I never understood why, when they opened up the right turn INTO shoppenhangers, they didn't also open one up out of there..
Also I can't approach from there anyway as that means trying to get out of cox green and across the motorway junction.. which takes ages.. I just double back and go back the long way round.. hence arriving down grenfell road.. I honestly think it's the only way for now.. Now during the school holidays.. I have lots of choices.. one of which is walk ;D Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: alanr888 on March 29, 2011, 19:41:14 Quote There is a good website which allows users to search on ... private individuals who rent out driveways, etc for parking. It should be noted that such "renting out" is classified as a business and so planning permission is needed. It is best not to rely upon such places as they may be subject to enforcement action and "disappear" overnight. Alan EX39 2BA Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on March 29, 2011, 20:41:27 I tried the new system late last week. Worked OK. Bit clunky compared to RINGO, but I didn't get a ticket, so I see that as a result.
However... I now find I can't claim the parking back from my employer because the print-out function on the APCOA website isn't working. It shows I parked, where and for how long, but the actual "print file to PDF" bit just hangs. Nice. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 29, 2011, 20:47:26 Welcome to the Coffee Shop forum, alanr888 / Alan EX39 2BA! :)
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on March 30, 2011, 09:00:39 I tried the new system late last week. Worked OK. Bit clunky compared to RINGO, but I didn't get a ticket, so I see that as a result. However... I now find I can't claim the parking back from my employer because the print-out function on the APCOA website isn't working. It shows I parked, where and for how long, but the actual "print file to PDF" bit just hangs. Nice. I tried the Apcoa system twice, both times I managed to park but took over two hours to sort out.... so I've stopped parking at the station. I now drive and although I'm not happy about my carbon footprint, I always get a seat, I've got voice recognition software so can dictate emails and my colleagues and I do conference calls on the way. It's not ideal but it really isn't that bad. FGW or I guess some individuals at FGW need a rocket shoved somewhere to get them to appreciate customer service. I can make a choice, I would like to take the train but too many obstacles get put in my way to make it the logical choice, straw camel's back etc Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: andynel on April 02, 2011, 18:29:57 I've just been looking at some of the latest comments on TheYellowLines "Have your say" page and there seem to be some serious differences in pricing with the new APCOA system. Things like days that were charged as 24 hours now stopping at midnight (one person got an ^80 fine for the pleasure), someone else saying they got charged ^174 for 3 days parking, and still the cost of the 0845 number. Isn't this something the FGW coffee shop/customer panel should be taking up with FGW?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on April 02, 2011, 18:33:19 The RingGo parking day also used to stop at midnight, this isn't a new feature.. :)
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on April 02, 2011, 19:12:06 But you shouldn't habe to pay extra to arrive back after midnight on late-night services.....
someone else saying they got charged ^174 for 3 days parking, The 0845 number is being fixed - there's a 28 day set up......and I would hope that anyone charged ^174 would let FGW know immediately (and are stupid in my view if they don't). I'll take up the after-midnight problem though..... Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on April 02, 2011, 19:25:56 ChrisB.. What exactly are you going to take up about the after-midnight problem?
It's always been like this with RingGo too. And I'm pretty sure it is with the tickets from the machine? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on April 02, 2011, 19:49:36 Yeah ChrisB bit confused where you're going with that..it's always been that way from my experience of paying for parking at Hayes and Harlington (both with RingGo and machine)
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on April 03, 2011, 17:45:27 I thought you were saying above that a dats parking finished at midnight & someone got charged for staying later & returning after that time on a late train? And got charged for overstaying?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: IndustryInsider on April 03, 2011, 18:47:03 I think that a days parking at a railway station should be valid until the same time as a day return ticket, i.e. 02:30 in most cases. This should be written into the franchise agreements, as it's confusing, contradictory and unfair.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on April 03, 2011, 22:55:28 I thought you were saying above that a dats parking finished at midnight & someone got charged for staying later & returning after that time on a late train? And got charged for overstaying? This has always been the case though.. If this is going to happen to someone, then a simple phone call can extend the parking.. This isn't something new with Apcoa connect though.. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on April 04, 2011, 09:37:53 No, indeed - but my point ios that a 'day's' parking should cover you until the last train of the day arrives....whatever time that might be past midnight. You shouldn't have to pay extra for it!
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: eightf48544 on April 04, 2011, 10:00:05 I agree with ChrisB parking should be up to last train of day arrives.
After all most station carparks are not exactly bursting at the seams with people queuing to get in at midnight. Besides which it must cost an arm and a leg to patrol. Where there is an all night service say 03.00, or last train before. Slough would work well 03:00 train from Reading arrives 02:45. Then an hours gap. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on April 04, 2011, 20:02:37 I agree too.. 24 hours should be 24 hours whatever.. I was just a bit confused (it's not hard to confuse me ;D) as it's always been like that..
Anyway it's not obvious from the quote whether the person returned at 00.30am (for example) or 9am the following day (for example again).. I'd imagine the first instance would be ok, as would 2am or 3am (not that I fancy a trip to the station car park at that time of night)..In the second instance I'd definitely pay for more parking to avoid a ticket.. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on April 04, 2011, 20:54:34 I've asked the question.....
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: dischuffed on April 04, 2011, 23:10:01 I can see that others have different experiences, but I often parked at Bath Spa to go up to London for an evening's theatre and an overnight in a cheap hotel. (I realise now that this sounds rather dodgy!) I could pay with ringo for 24 hours which meant just the single day's payment ;D.
Maybe the new guys system can't do this yet? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 04, 2011, 23:14:10 Sounds fair enough to me, dischuffed - and welcome to the Coffee Shop forum! ;)
CfN. :) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: signalandtelegraph on April 05, 2011, 18:37:38 The RingGo parking day also used to stop at midnight, this isn't a new feature.. :) No it was 24 hours (at Tiverton Parkway anyway). Perhaps they had a different policy for further up the line? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on April 05, 2011, 20:39:44 Weird that it differed in places.. RingGo at Maidenhead definitely expired at midnight same as Apcoa Connect does now.. :)
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 05, 2011, 20:57:27 Hmm. ::)
Car parking at Nailsea & Backwell station is free, 24 hours a day (except to those parking in disabled bays for which they do not qualify, obviously :P ). At the next station down the line, Yatton, the APCOA signs confirm that "All daily tickets expire at midnight": (http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/7834/036ii.jpg) (http://img19.imageshack.us/i/036ii.jpg/) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: signalandtelegraph on April 07, 2011, 06:08:30 Used TVP yesterday at 0630 , phone 'message' said parking will expire on Thursday 7th at 0630. However, last Thursday I paid for two days parking which then expired at midnight on the Friday. Something not quite right here I think. I will check the board at TVP next time I go and see if it mentions daily tickets expiring at midnight.
Has anyone parked by text and got a confirmation text back confirming exactly when your parking expires? :-\ Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on April 07, 2011, 19:45:33 Apcoa Connect wasn't working at 7.30am today.. I could phone them up.. And they could ask me if I wanted to enter 1 (for the same parking place/car as last time) or 2 for somewhere else.. And they could keep on asking me that.. But they weren't registering the 1 key I kept hitting.. Being an 0845 number I didn't want to try too many times..
I tried again at 8 from Paddington and it had started working again then.. I do wonder what would have happened to my car had I not managed to pay for parking that way and also what happened to the poor man I saw standing next to their sign on his phone when I left the car park (at that point I didn't realise there they were having a bit of trouble.. hopefully he gave up and tried again later but I imagine he probably missed his train as a result of it >:().. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on April 08, 2011, 13:26:13 Are there any "meet the manager" events in Bristol soon? Still nothing announced. However it's good to know that there are MtMs on the 16th and 30th March - as still advertised on FGWs website. ::) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: signalandtelegraph on April 09, 2011, 05:55:17 Checked tariff board at TVP, no mention of midnight expiry, so different staions, different rules.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on April 10, 2011, 17:16:42 Checked tariff board at TVP, no mention of midnight expiry, so different staions, different rules. Yup, you're right...... At all ex FGW stations, the tickets are valid for 24 hours from the time of purchase. At all ex Link and ex Wessex stations, the tickets expire at midnight on the day of purchase. Anyone who suffers a penalty for overstaying after midnight might like to draw it to the attention of the Customer Panel though. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Bristol Traveler on April 18, 2011, 14:31:20 Ok I've found it, meet the manager dates have been published.... I might have been the last to find out but here they are
http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Content.aspx?id=2106 Date Time Location 19 April 2011 1700 - 1900 Reading 3 May 2011 1700 - 1900 Plymouth 17 May 2011 1700 - 1900 Bristol Temple Meads 16 June 2011 1700 - 1900 Paddington 26 July 2011 1630 - 1900 Swindon 16 August 2011 1630 - 1830 Exeter St Davids 15 September 2011 1700 - 1900 Reading 26 October 2011 1700 - 1900 Plymouth 10 November 2011 1700 - 1900 Oxford 6 December 2011 1700 - 1900 Bristol Temple Meads 25 January 2012 1630 - 1900 Paddington 20 February 2012 1630 - 1830 Exeter S Davids Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on April 18, 2011, 14:36:11 There's a sepatrate thread on these elsewhere on this board, where I have also mentioned that there are more to come once arranged.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris2 on April 30, 2011, 10:28:09 Has anyone heard about when the geographic number will be up and running? As stated on the 11th March it would be approximately 4 weeks.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on April 30, 2011, 12:08:42 Has anyone heard about when the geographic number will be up and running? As stated on the 11th March it would be approximately 4 weeks. I'd be very interested to know this as well. I'm avoiding travelling on business at the moment as I'm reluctant to in effect pay extra for parking which I'm unable to claim back from my employer (I can claim the cost of parking, but not the cost of calls - and yes I know cash or card is an option but it's often cheaper to pay by phone and my employer encourages me to do so) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on April 30, 2011, 12:46:14 I'll ask the question on Tuesday.....
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: grahame on May 07, 2011, 13:48:55 This thread moved on to a very interesting discussion about higher-than-headline charges being made (extra 10p, 20p, etc) for parking by phone - this subject has been split off and is ongoing at:
http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=8874 Did we ever discover if the 0845 number has been replaced (joined) yet by a geographic one? We seem to a lot longer than "approx 4 weeks" from 11th March! Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on May 07, 2011, 20:24:24 Did we ever discover if the 0845 number has been replaced (joined) yet by a geographic one? We seem to a lot longer than "approx 4 weeks" from 11th March! No, we didn't, but then ChrisB has obviously been very effectively inculcated by FGW and didn't specifically state which "Tuesday" he was going to enquire - presumably it could be some random Tuesday in 2018 and yet still fall well within the stated parameters. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: grahame on May 07, 2011, 21:19:45 There's a sepatrate thread on these elsewhere on this board, where I have also mentioned that there are more to come once arranged. That's fair comment, Chris ... the page (as of now) states: Quote First Great Western hold 25 Meet the Manager sessions each year. But is also backdated: Quote The table below displays the date, time and station or train service for all the events until the end of March 2011. So they have indeed left themselves free to add the others Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on May 08, 2011, 14:08:45 Thats a query I have with FGW too.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 08, 2011, 21:52:36 Has anyone heard about when the geographic number will be up and running? As stated on the 11th March it would be approximately 4 weeks. I've taken that up with FGW. hopefully it might not last long! I make that 36 working days, now ... ::) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on May 08, 2011, 23:04:28 Hmm I'll chase up the number issue too, lets see who gets a response first :P
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 08, 2011, 23:18:16 Thanks, Ollie! ;) :D ;D
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on May 23, 2011, 16:27:37 Last Wednesday the pay by mobile service wasn't working too well.. All I got was the intial "welcome to Apcoa Connect..." message and then silence.. I rang several times before giving up (each call costing me no doubt).. Eventually about 9.45, at work, I got it to work (just about.. it was very slow.. costing me even more money).. I've emailed apcoa connect via their "contact us" form to ask them what would happen should I not be able to pay and also if they have a number we could report it on next time it happens.. I've had no reply as of yet.. I'm not happy I had to phone them several times just to pay to park my car..
Also my friend has had a replacement car whilst hers was being repaired.. Apparently she's had trouble paying for parking with a different car.. I've not tried but she doesn't seem to think you can change it just by ringing the usual number (and they certainly don't have any other numbers that I could find).. Does anyone know if that is true? You used to be able to with Ringgo so if so it is (another) step backwards.. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on May 24, 2011, 16:45:27 Average call time on the 0845 number is now about 90 seconds a go thanks to their adding even more questions in since it started... :(
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 24, 2011, 17:27:12 ... and still no progress has been reported on the suggestion that the 0845 number would be replaced with a geographic number "within approximately four weeks of 11 March 2011" ... ::) :o >:(
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on May 24, 2011, 17:41:09 I have had a holding message saying its on its way....even I'm sceptical on this....
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on May 24, 2011, 18:54:30 I got an e-mail last week saying early/mid June
Sorry for my late reply on this one.. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: sorch on May 25, 2011, 21:39:56 Last Wednesday the pay by mobile service wasn't working too well.. All I got was the intial "welcome to Apcoa Connect..." message and then silence.. I rang several times before giving up (each call costing me no doubt).. Eventually about 9.45, at work, I got it to work (just about.. it was very slow.. costing me even more money).. I called on both Thursday and Friday last week - on one of the days (at around 9am) it was on a severe go slow. There were gaps of 10 to 15 seconds between prompts (made worse by pointless new questions). APCOA must be raking in the 0845 revenue (and Vodafone too since they like to rip you off on non-geographic numbers) I'd use the SMS feature but I only managed to get it to work once, and even then it took about 20 minutes to send me a email confirming my parking session. Oh, how I miss RingGo... Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on May 25, 2011, 22:21:53 I still haven't had a reply from my message to Apcoa.. I wonder if I'll ever get one.. I imagine not.. ::)
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on May 26, 2011, 10:21:29 This problem has been taken up with APCOA.
Meanwhile, I finally have some news, but you're not going to like it much - the geographical number will finally go live is 11th July. FGW aren't too happy that it's taken this long either, so I guess that's the first nail struck..... There will be a period of dual-running, possibly commencing before that date, and FGW will put up posters etc once it is live. I am told that there was a Comms fault last week, which also affected RingGo. The extra questions have been prompted by other customers requests, mainly at Oxford. And finally, there is a function whereby you can change your registed car registration number. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on May 26, 2011, 14:31:26 The extra questions have been prompted by other customers requests, mainly at Oxford. And finally, there is a function whereby you can change your registed car registration number. I don't mind the extra questions if only I could bypass them.. But I have to listen to all 4 options before it accepts the 4 being pressed (4 being just continue!!).. It should accept it from the start of the options if I know which one I want.. It's a money making scheme in my opinion..And thanks ChrisB.. Is changing your registration an option when you ring up the 0845 number? I could ring the number now to find out but I'm not paying out anymore than I already do.. :) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on May 26, 2011, 14:37:31 Yes, as I understand it.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: LiskeardRich on June 11, 2011, 09:26:43 still to do with ringgo but off at a different tangent,
i used the cornwall council system and find the voice recognition useless. doing my car details, i have a private plate starts y888. read my reg out, y-8-8-8...... system decided i said ,y-8-8-2. quite how it can understand two 8s, but get confused on the third one i do not know, then i gave it my car details. A blue Seat.... the system decided i have a blue Fiat. ok they sound slightly the same, fair enough. Spoke with an advisor, got it all sorted correctly. correct details in confirmation text. I then went to use the system again and it asked me if i'd like to park my red Ford Y-8-8-8. Where did it decide i have a red Ford from my mobile number, yet get the registation correct, I've never owned a Ford, or a red car, for it to even remember from my phone number. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: argg on July 05, 2011, 13:00:40 Another area for APCOA to improve...
I generally buy a parking season ticket using the APCOA website. All works very similarly to the old RINGGO version - 7 day temporary permit by email etc. So far so good. In the past RINGGO would send a reminder email two weeks before expiry. APCOA send a text message ... 10 minutes before expiry (i.e. ten minutes to midnight on the last day) !! Whilst practically possible to renew for the next day if you haven't already gone to bed or have time in the morning, or if you've had the foresight to remember a few days earlier, a little bit more notice from the automated reminder would be nice. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: super tm on July 05, 2011, 14:06:10 Another example of poor customer service. The automated system has simply been programmed to contact you 10 mins before expiry. OK when paying for a few hours not so good when paying for a week.
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: andynel on July 09, 2011, 22:12:10 This problem has been taken up with APCOA. Meanwhile, I finally have some news, but you're not going to like it much - the geographical number will finally go live is 11th July. FGW aren't too happy that it's taken this long either, so I guess that's the first nail struck..... There will be a period of dual-running, possibly commencing before that date, and FGW will put up posters etc once it is live. Anyone know if the number is changing on Monday? Edit note: Quote marks fixed. CfN. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on July 10, 2011, 00:10:29 I do hope so.. but I imagine not (I've not heard about any dual running for example).. I'm a bit fed up with paying for these calls and how very long they take... >:(
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on July 10, 2011, 19:24:53 I'll enquire tomorrow....
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: johoare on July 10, 2011, 20:35:09 No sign of anything changing number wise looking at their site.. Mind you they've still not replied to me question from weeks ago.. I'm not terribly impressed...
They've now made the call as long as it possibly could be (speaking slowly, asking many more questions than RingGO did for example) making me think they surely have to be getting some sort of revenue from all those phone calls.. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Phil on July 10, 2011, 21:01:27 No sign of anything changing number wise looking at their site.. Mind you they've still not replied to me question from weeks ago.. I'm not terribly impressed... They've now made the call as long as it possibly could be (speaking slowly, asking many more questions than RingGO did for example) making me think they surely have to be getting some sort of revenue from all those phone calls.. Quite agree. Appalling service - I feel royally screwed over and I know a lot of other travellers who do too. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on July 11, 2011, 13:47:53 ok, I'm hearing it's going live on the 15th and that every registered user will receive a text message this week to advise the new number.
The old one will remain live as it is used elsewhere on other contracts. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: sorch on July 11, 2011, 14:00:23 I just got an email about the launch of the geographic number. In true APCOA style, it doesn't tell you what it is. It is an email to tell you to stay tuned. Well that's helpful.
It comes at a time when I won't actually need to use the service for a while, which is about right knowing my luck. Still, at least it means those who do use it won't be propping up APCOA's revenue while it refuses to let you move on and instead wants to ask you questions in the slowest way possible. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: andynel on July 11, 2011, 14:32:34 Thanks very much Chris and all. Yes, just got an email to say number is changing. Well at least that's one thing improving!
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on July 12, 2011, 21:18:35 Yes, they have confirmed it is being changed, but could take up to 4 weeks to get it done (& notices changed too, I guess) They have access to APCOA Connect's customers, so I guess they'll tell everyone by email contact or by text. So, rather more than four weeks on from 16 March 2011, then ... ::) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on July 12, 2011, 21:33:32 That advice was changed though...
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on July 12, 2011, 21:44:13 I know that, Chris - but the fact of the matter is, we (collectively) have been rather strung along by FGW, while they re-negotiated that number (all the while costing users of the service an unexpected / unacceptable amount of money in terms of call charges).
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on July 12, 2011, 22:08:31 FGW got strung uo by APCOA, who oroginally contracted RingGo then canx that to take it in-house.
I suspect the first FGW knew abiut it was when we started complaining/campaigning to keep RingGo. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ellendune on July 14, 2011, 22:16:39 Received both a text and an email this afternoon with the new geiographic number valid from 5 am tommorrrow.
01895 262122 Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on July 14, 2011, 22:52:45 That new number seems to only accept calls from mobiles, not landlines - so there's no option of phoning your details when you get to the office, apparently?
I've just tested that geographic number: the recorded message reply is as follows: "Welcome to Connect Cashless Parking. We're sorry, but this service is only available from a mobile phone where the number is not withheld. Please try again or use a different mobile phone. Goodbye. (click)" Charming. ::) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on July 14, 2011, 23:02:51 A total random coincidence, but when I clicked on this thread, the photo, top right on the page was:
(http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/s3/s3_35.jpg) "fast & convenient"? Based on this thread - debatable. ::) ;D Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on July 14, 2011, 23:51:52 That new number seems to only accept calls from mobiles, not landlines - so there's no option of phoning your details when you get to the office, apparently? Not forgetting the idea of the system is that your payment details are registered to a mobile phone number? Which in theory is personal. A landline isn't.I've just tested that geographic number: the recorded message reply is as follows: "Welcome to Connect Cashless Parking. We're sorry, but this service is only available from a mobile phone where the number is not withheld. Please try again or use a different mobile phone. Goodbye. (click)" Charming. ::) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Chris from Nailsea on July 14, 2011, 23:58:21 Company mobiles are no good for this scheme, then? :P
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on July 15, 2011, 09:27:41 why not?
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Brucey on July 15, 2011, 12:27:22 why not? Withheld numbers or all outgoing calls coming from a central numberTitle: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on July 15, 2011, 12:29:32 Oh, ok - I didn't realise that was how Company mobiles work.
How do contacts call you back then? Through a central switboard? How last decade is that?.... Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ellendune on July 15, 2011, 18:38:41 It all worked fine for me this morning. I would not have expected the 0845 number to work through a company switchboard.
It may not be quite as fast as ringo, but it does the job. The only significant improvement would be for it to tell you what the last car park you used was before it asked you if you want to park there again, rather than afterwards. Notices at Swindon Station still only gave the 0845 number at 6 O'Clock tonight Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ChrisB on July 15, 2011, 22:14:59 The notices are being changed, largest car parks first
Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Ollie on July 15, 2011, 23:55:25 Company mobiles are no good for this scheme, then? :P I assume if you have a company mobile it's personal issue.Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: ellendune on July 27, 2011, 20:51:15 Not all company mobiles work that way in all but the largest companies and even in some of the largest companies, they work like any other mobile.
If I am travelling on company business then my parking fees are part of my travelling expenses. So using my company mobile to pay would be fine. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: grahame on June 19, 2012, 05:40:37 Looks like there's been a changeover from RingGo at First Capital Connect too ...
http://blog.stuart-pinfold.co.uk/2012/06/fcc-apcoa-parking-changes/ Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Brucey on June 19, 2012, 07:06:04 Looks like there's been a changeover from RingGo at First Capital Connect too ... I found this out when parking at Bedford last weekend. Shocked to find it wanted to charge a fee to pay by credit card. FCC doing what they do best.http://blog.stuart-pinfold.co.uk/2012/06/fcc-apcoa-parking-changes/ If I'm not mistaken, at FGW stations, you actually receive a small discount for paying by phone. Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: North Devonian on June 27, 2012, 11:59:14 Looks like there's been a changeover from RingGo at First Capital Connect too ... I found this out when parking at Bedford last weekend. Shocked to find it wanted to charge a fee to pay by credit card. FCC doing what they do best.http://blog.stuart-pinfold.co.uk/2012/06/fcc-apcoa-parking-changes/ If I'm not mistaken, at FGW stations, you actually receive a small discount for paying by phone. If memory serves me right there is now a surcharge for the 'convenience' of paying by phone. At Bristol Parkway, though, there was a very small discount available to train travellers by keying in the day's 'code' displayed inside the station. Does this still apply? Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: JayMac on June 27, 2012, 17:05:33 Does this still apply? Can't answer your question, North Devonian, as I don't drive. Hopefully someone will be along shortly to give you the answer. In the meantime may I extend a very warm welcome to the Coffee Shop forum. :) Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: eightf48544 on June 27, 2012, 21:34:40 I can confirm at Slough and Taplow there was (maybe still is haven't checked lately) a very nice sentance on the instruction board to say there will be a charge of 20p for booking by Ringo for "your convinience".
Odd use of the word convenience Title: Re: Car parking with Ringgo / APCOA Connect Post by: Brucey on June 27, 2012, 21:43:37 I don't think APCOA Connect ever charged.
Just phoned up and it had all my details stored from last time (car reg and location). Cost was quoted as ^1.90, which is the standard fee at Hayes & Harlington. No additional costs. This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |