Title: Proposed direct Kingscross/Lincoln service cut back Post by: woody on June 17, 2010, 21:59:15 The tough economic climate has caused East Coast to drop plans for 7 daily direct Kingscross/Lincoln class 180 operated trains from May 2011.
http://www.eastcoast.co.uk/travel-information/Eureka/How-it-will-affect-you/ Sign of the times! Title: Re: Proposed direct Kingscross/Lincoln service cut back Post by: JayMac on June 18, 2010, 17:18:41 Can we have the 180s back then? ;D
Title: Re: Proposed direct Kingscross/Lincoln service cut back Post by: brompton rail on June 18, 2010, 17:27:08 There is another thread elsewhere in this section on the possible uses for the 5 Adelantes, but what would FGW use them for and, most importantly WHO WOULD PAY FOR THEM?
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