Title: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: Chris from Nailsea on October 28, 2009, 20:38:35 From the Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/green-living-blog/2009/oct/27/cycle-train-commuters):
Quote Taking your bike on a train pits common sense against brain dead bureaucracy. Two battle-worn commuters compare tales of woe Yesterday Chris Peck, the policy coordinator for cycling organisation CTC, lamented the experience of taking your bike on the train in the UK. Today, two seasoned cycle-train commuters share their rail tales. Adharanand Finn When I moved to Devon in January I had a neat plan for getting to work in London cheaply and in an environmentally responsible way. I'd buy a bike, cycle the five miles from my house to the train station, stick the bike on the train, and then cycle the rest of the way to the office once I got to London. It was a simple plan. Executing it, however, has been a weekly trial through labyrinthine train company systems that usually leave my head fried. Although there are only five bike spaces on a train for around 650 passengers, space is usually not the problem. The difficulty is booking a space, which you have to do at least four hours in advance ^ don't think you can just turn up with your bike. I usually book my train tickets online, but you can't book a bike slot at the same time, even though you can book everything else from a seat near the toilet to a plug socket. No, you either have to make a special trip to the station the day before or ring the train company directly. Both involve waiting in painfully slow queues. Then when you do get through, their "systems" are invariably down. Often, weighing everything up, its easier just to leave the bike behind. It's almost as though they're making it difficult on purpose. Ben Thomas "I bought a ticket to the world, but now I've come back again." That was 1983, before I'd ever taken a bike on a train. But a quarter of a century on, I'm in a position to challenge the cosmopolitan Tony Hadley, because I've bought a lots of tickets, if not to the wuh-huh-hurld, at least to Paddington, via Slough ^ and come back again. Yes, on First Great Western trains, on the Thames Valley line, as far as Oxford, travelling off-peak, with a bike, I'm something of an expert. And I know this much is true: ^ Angry writing scrawled in every guard's van tells you it costs ^3 to put your bike in there, and you need to have a reservation for it. It doesn't and you don't ^ If you put a non-folding bike anywhere other than in the guard's van, hassled staff will always fight you (verbally) until you get it off ^ If they lose, the transport police get to have a go (physically). They've got sticks ^ If you put a new bike in the guard's van, someone will put a very heavy one next to it without putting a chock under the wheel and it will fall on yours and dent it (or if it's carbon, smash it) ^ If you don't look like you're running fast enough to get your bike aboard before the final whistle, you'll be told how much it allegedly costs the train company to be late leaving (^600 a minute, as if you care). ^ Guards often seem to come and go on any given route, but catering trolley staff stick around. Some, like Neil on First Great Western, know everything about the trains and the service ^ Standing on the pedal of your bike and pushing it along with your other foot at 3mph is cycling. No arguments please. It is ^ "Cycling" in a station gets you shouted at, hooted at by train drivers, and regaled with grisly stories by police officers. Unless you're on a BMX, in which case you can burn rubber down the slope to the main entrance, through the concourse, along platform eight and up the ramp to London Street without anyone in authority apparently noticing But this is all just part of life's rich tapestry. Taken together, I love my daily commute, and that's not something many people can say. Putting this alongside Adharanand's account, it's clear that the bike/rail system in this country has the potential to be uniformly excellent. It's just a case of someone having the will and the resources to apply current good practice across the country. If only. Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: devon_metro on October 28, 2009, 22:14:38 At the of the day, bikes cause delays. Is people asked where to stand and were told correct information all of the time there would be few problems. As for the comment about being shouted at for loading a bike in the wrong place, rightly so - they cause congestion and present a risk in the event of evacuation. If you ask me, it's know it all commuters having a rant. Must be a slow news day.
Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: Mookiemoo on October 28, 2009, 23:00:14 At the of the day, bikes cause delays. Is people asked where to stand and were told correct information all of the time there would be few problems. As for the comment about being shouted at for loading a bike in the wrong place, rightly so - they cause congestion and present a risk in the event of evacuation. If you ask me, it's know it all commuters having a rant. Must be a slow news day. I have one of these or very similar..........they fold in half http://www.wiggle.co.uk/p/cycle/7/Dahon_Cadenza_2009/5360042685/ It fits into the disabled space in carriage G. In four years I have gotten off - once at charlbury and once at Morton when a disabled person actually wanted to use the space - which is fair enough - thats what I expect. I am fortunate enough to be able to afford first and therefore have that luxury However I do remember two years ago when the cotswolds was under water..........I was taking the bike down to London and got on at Newport............. TM comes along and asks me if its mine, I say yes - gives me laldy about how it cannot be there its not diabled. I explained that I commute with it daily on the cotswolds line and if there is a person who need to use that space getting on at ANY Station, even if not pre booked, I will get off. Not good enough - at Bristol Parkway I was made to get off with the bike and push it to the Guards van at the rear - if he'd have wanted to be vaguely reasonable he could have let me put it in the front power car but no........ The day before I had been hiking - I had blisters all over my feet - I hobbled to the back of the train whilst he'd following me yelling at me about delaying the train. By the time I got to B I lost it and turned and basically told him to stop being a knob, he was making me do this and I was going as fast as I could. As I'm loading it into the guards van, the platform staff are muttering about "I bet she doesn't have a first class ticket anyway " - at which point I turned around and shoved about ^1500 of tickets under their noses and told them to can it. He still works for FGW - I see him at Paddington fairly frequently......I avoid his trains. That was an example of someone who just seems to hate bikes! Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: JayMac on October 28, 2009, 23:22:00 At the of the day, bikes cause delays. Is people asked where to stand and were told correct information all of the time there would be few problems. As for the comment about being shouted at for loading a bike in the wrong place, rightly so - they cause congestion and present a risk in the event of evacuation. If you ask me, it's know it all commuters having a rant. Must be a slow news day. I have one of these or very similar..........they fold in half http://www.wiggle.co.uk/p/cycle/7/Dahon_Cadenza_2009/5360042685/ It fits into the disabled space in carriage G. In four years I have gotten off - once at charlbury and once at Morton when a disabled person actually wanted to use the space - which is fair enough - thats what I expect. I am fortunate enough to be able to afford first and therefore have that luxury However I do remember two years ago when the cotswolds was under water..........I was taking the bike down to London and got on at Newport............. TM comes along and asks me if its mine, I say yes - gives me laldy about how it cannot be there its not diabled. I explained that I commute with it daily on the cotswolds line and if there is a person who need to use that space getting on at ANY Station, even if not pre booked, I will get off. Not good enough - at Bristol Parkway I was made to get off with the bike and push it to the Guards van at the rear - if he'd have wanted to be vaguely reasonable he could have let me put it in the front power car but no........ The day before I had been hiking - I had blisters all over my feet - I hobbled to the back of the train whilst he'd following me yelling at me about delaying the train. By the time I got to B I lost it and turned and basically told him to stop being a knob, he was making me do this and I was going as fast as I could. As I'm loading it into the guards van, the platform staff are muttering about "I bet she doesn't have a first class ticket anyway " - at which point I turned around and shoved about ^1500 of tickets under their noses and told them to can it. He still works for FGW - I see him at Paddington fairly frequently......I avoid his trains. That was an example of someone who just seems to hate bikes! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. There are some days when you just want to be able to give your fellow man/woman a dry slap without any comeback. Sometimes, even counting to ten or biting your tongue just isn't enough. But always move on and don't let the b*****ds grind you down. Vent your spleen on an anonymous forum (I think I know of one....) and never ever take out your frustrations on your nearest and dearest. Here endeth the lesson. Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: Henry on October 29, 2009, 09:02:42 Totnes has quite a sizeable cycle ride commuter, which really as far as I am aware does not cause extreme delays. By the time the bikes are loaded, on an HST, the Train Manager is still nonchalantly walking from the front to the back of the train. My biggest 'gripe' is the new breed of oversize pushchairs and their 'take no prisoners' pilots ! Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: ReWind on October 29, 2009, 10:13:30 There was 6 bikes and at least 5 pushchairs that got on the 16.53 Bri - Tau yesterday.
A 2 car 158, needless to say it was dangerously overcrowded. So much so, paying passengers were turned away at Bristol. Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: Timmer on October 29, 2009, 21:23:38 There was 6 bikes and at least 5 pushchairs that got on the 16.53 Bri - Tau yesterday. Was never a problem when you had a guards van on a loco and coaches set. Even the old BR DMUs had a decent guards area for storing luggage, bikes etc. Modern DMUs just aren't designed to carry many bikes.A 2 car 158, needless to say it was dangerously overcrowded. So much so, paying passengers were turned away at Bristol. Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: Chris from Nailsea on October 29, 2009, 21:35:19 Actually, I'd venture to suggest that 'modern' DMUs were designed specifically not to carry many bikes: you can generally fit in another three seats, in the space that an adult bike takes up. ::)
Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: willc on October 30, 2009, 00:58:47 The space on old DMUs, while handy for bikes, etc, was really there for mailbags - far more lucrative than passengers - but by the mid-80s Royal Mail was switching to the roads for much of its transport, so beyond the ability to lock up a bit of one coach, usually with some tip-up seats, just in case a train did carry mail, the designers of the Class 15X trains logically filled them with seats.
Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: inspector_blakey on October 30, 2009, 03:10:31 The guard's area/cage takes up a lot of space on the older DMU units - about 1/3 of a car that could be used for seating (although it's impressive how many people a two- or three-car heritage DMU will swallow - I've got first-hand experience from working a Long Marston open day a couple of years back!).
There's a philosophical debate here about whether space should be utilized to allow a few to stow their bikes or many to sit down, but I ain't getting involved... Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: Btline on October 30, 2009, 10:05:06 If people asked where to stand and were told correct information all of the time there would be few problems. In theory yes, but I once asked where I should stand, and I received a rather rude reply (the member of staff did not know). So now I don't bother asking. It was - quite frankly - out of order. Luckily I (can) usually know/work out which way the train will be, but I assumed platform staff would have been informed by the previous station of a reverse formation. Obviously not... Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: Henry on October 30, 2009, 12:48:37 This is the way to do it I suppose. No confusion here. http://www.southwesttrains.co.uk/SWTrains/TravelInformation/Onboard+our+trains/Cycles.htm Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: brompton rail on October 30, 2009, 14:41:51 Or try this one
http://www.northernrail.org/community/cycling/travelling_with_bikes (http://www.northernrail.org/community/cycling/travelling_with_bikes) Most of the commitments for 2007 have been achieved, except the last - Pacer replacement. Fat chance of that, I am afraid. The changes on refurbishment are restricted to removing the 'internal wall' on 158's so that bikes can fit more easily in the space that was the 'cupboard'. Limited finance has meant that only a few have had this done. The Northern Rail Cycling Strategy, launched in 2007, as you can see from the commitment is due to be updated in 2010. The Strategy was reached in discussions between the company, local authorities, cyclists representatives and other via Northern Rail's Cycle Users Forum (I am part of the volunteer Secretariat) which meets several times a year. Northern are, to my knowledge, the only TOC with a Cycle Strategy and one of the few TOCs who have a Forum. Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: JayMac on October 30, 2009, 14:56:42 Or try this one http://www.northernrail.org/community/cycling/travelling_with_bikes (http://www.northernrail.org/community/cycling/travelling_with_bikes) Most of the commitments for 2007 have been achieved, except the last - Pacer replacement. Fat chance of that, I am afraid. The changes on refurbishment are restricted to removing the 'internal wall' on 158's so that bikes can fit more easily in the space that was the 'cupboard'. Limited finance has meant that only a few have had this done. The Northern Rail Cycling Strategy, launched in 2007, as you can see from the commitment is due to be updated in 2010. The Strategy was reached in discussions between the company, local authorities, cyclists representatives and other via Northern Rail's Cycle Users Forum (I am part of the volunteer Secretariat) which meets several times a year. Northern are, to my knowledge, the only TOC with a Cycle Strategy and one of the few TOCs who have a Forum. Ah....brompton rail, is any of this relevant to you? Your name suggests ownership of a certain folding means of transport.... (edited to change You're to Your. Spurious apostrophe. I'm not a greengrocer....) Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: brompton rail on October 30, 2009, 15:12:43 I do indeed fold.
Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: tramway on October 30, 2009, 15:52:13 Either 'fold' or 'book' end of.
It isn't that difficult. Held up a train at Trowbridge many years ago as I cycle tour in Brittany, always booked when you had to, guard tried to prevent me from boarding having let too many casual bikes on. He wasn't moving the train with my bike halfway through the door and I would have liked to have seen the outcome if I had missed the ferry at Portsmouth due to his stupidity, or he had tried to call the BTP. Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: Btline on October 30, 2009, 15:58:20 Either 'fold' or 'book' end of. It isn't that difficult. Held up a train at Trowbridge many years ago as I cycle tour in Brittany, always booked when you had to, guard tried to prevent me from boarding having let too many casual bikes on. He wasn't moving the train with my bike halfway through the door and I would have liked to have seen the outcome if I had missed the ferry at Portsmouth due to his stupidity, or he had tried to call the BTP. So you had booked, and he had let someone else take your space? What happened? Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: JayMac on October 30, 2009, 16:04:39 Either 'fold' or 'book' end of. During the much publicised problems on the former Wessex services around Bristol in 2005/06 passengers had to have 'folding' capabilities themselves to get on certain trains!! Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: bleeder4 on October 30, 2009, 18:36:54 I do think cyclists using the train have a hard time in this country. Having recently been round Europe by train, it's an absolute joy to take the bike on a train abroad. The image I've attached is of one the dedicated bike compartments on a train in Germany (one at the front and one at the back).
Edit : I've just found the page at http://www.atob.org.uk/Bike_Rail.html which aptly highlights what a hassle it is to take a bike on a train. Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: JayMac on October 30, 2009, 18:57:06 Edit : I've just found the page at http://www.atob.org.uk/Bike_Rail.html which aptly highlights what a hassle it is to take a bike on a train. What an excellent find bleeder4!! Perusing that webpage has put a big smile on my face. Integrated transport: Pah! ;D ;D Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: tramway on October 30, 2009, 21:04:41 Either 'fold' or 'book' end of. It isn't that difficult. Held up a train at Trowbridge many years ago as I cycle tour in Brittany, always booked when you had to, guard tried to prevent me from boarding having let too many casual bikes on. He wasn't moving the train with my bike halfway through the door and I would have liked to have seen the outcome if I had missed the ferry at Portsmouth due to his stupidity, or he had tried to call the BTP. So you had booked, and he had let someone else take your space? What happened? Several others in fact, the train was full of em which was what annoyed me the most as he should have been aware that there was another bike joining, which threw him completely as he knew he was already over allocation. I called his bluff as he was obviously not prepared to put those off who obviously hadn't booked and does he delay the train while I'm a legit booked bike trying to board blocking the door then call BTP. I finally squeezed on. Completely refused to acknowledge me when checking tickets later. Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: Chris from Nailsea on October 30, 2009, 21:33:44 News of an award for Brompton: see http://www.bikeradar.com/commuting/news/article/brompton-inventor-wins-award-for-lifetime-contribution-to-design-23630 ;) :D ;D
Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: Mookiemoo on October 30, 2009, 22:41:35 Either 'fold' or 'book' end of. Seriously explain how this works........ You work in the real world - i.e. you dont clock off at the same time every day. I do project work - sometimes I can get out at 2pm, sometimes I'm still in the office at 8pm! But lets remove the extremes. On any gig, I can be on (Paddington Timings) the 1722, 1751, 1822 or 1922 to WOS. I am not allowed to reserve all four trains - I did try once. Most of the week I will be on the 1751 but twice this week I was on the 1722 twice and once on the 1822 - and that was not predictable in advance. The official connection for my journey is 7 minutes - look up the connection to Crowthorne off the 0535 WOS to PAD. If I had to stow my bike in A - bearing in mind I travel in G - I would seriously struggle to make it since it fairly rare you get in early. My bike folds but is not a Brompton - its about 2 inches too big to fit in the luggage rack - however I would not want to cycle a brompton on a canal, on rough terrain etc (I have an S brompton in the garage - I decided I wanted a proper bike when cycling uxbridge to paddington - 16 miles). I'm lucky enough to be able to afford a first ticket and therefore have an unofficial understanding to stow it in the disabled space in G. (Swansea guard knob end excepted) Maybe I should drive every day WOS ro Reading - I'm trying to limit my foot print! And no I cant move - in the last five years I've worked in: Tottenham Court Road Nottingham Manchester Uxbridge Swindon Rugby Solihull Uxbridge Stafford Oxford Putney Reading Belfast Datchet Crowthorne Typically contracts are 3 months with renewals - do you move house every time? I tried leaving a bike at paddington - it got done over. Same at oxford. Ah - the solution - go to work on Monday - live in a god forsaken B&B all week or hotel, never see the house, the cats or him indoors - go home on friday - and spend more than a monthly season ticket costs in the process......OR - have two cars!!!!!!!!! Leave a banger at the other end..............OR....Spend and extra ^20 per day (on average) in taxis. So - tell me - those who think cycles are the devils works - give me a solution - I think my semi folding mountain bike is a nice compromise (Got off soap box now but this really irritates me) Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/2009) Post by: Chris from Nailsea on October 30, 2009, 22:58:24 Just a couple of points from me, if I may? ::)
- Sometimes, I despair of the chump who started this topic; - I can't see any justification for taking a soap box on a train. C. ;) :D ;D Title: Re: 'Cycle-train commuters share their rail tales', from the Guardian (27/10/200 Post by: tramway on October 31, 2009, 01:08:27 Either 'fold' or 'book' end of. I think my semi folding mountain bike is a nice compromise Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I nearly wet myself..... I've cycle camped with the Brompton from Hereford to Bristol. This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |