Title: Radstock to Frome Railway Project Post by: Lee on July 23, 2007, 18:38:13 Ever wondered why there isnt a train service from Radstock up through the Melksham line? Have a look at the link below.
http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/committee_papers/PTandE/990128/31radsto.htm Quotes : "2.4 That discussions be held with relevant Train Operating Companies to identify the potential for providing passenger services to Radstock, taking account of (a) the findings of the W S Atkins and Railway Consultancy studies carried out on behalf of the Frome/Radstock Rail Steering Group; (b) the steps needed to secure potential OPRAF support; (c) the forthcoming Rail Development Partnership scheme; and (d) the recent moves to establish the `Brunel Link' community railway partnership between Frome and Swindon;" "5.3 On the issue of the potential demand for rail services the WS Atkins report concluded that a heritage railway could attract some 40,000 visitors a year, increasing in the longer term if the link to Frome is achieved. Assessing the potential demand for conventional passenger service, WS Atkins took a much more pessimistic figure that that put forward by The Railway Consultancy. Both identified the potential for achieving a single return journey between Radstock and Swindon via Westbury, Trowbridge, Melksham and Chippenham. The enhancement of this line is currently being promoted by local communities as the Brunel Link. Whilst The Railway Consultancy took a positive view of its potential, WS Atkins concluded that it is unlikely to be an attractive service and believed that the provision of additional services to serve Radstock would require a substantial operating subsidy that would have to be financed by the local authorities or OPRAF." "5.4 WS Atkins did not come to a firm conclusion on the potential for rail freight but stressed that to be viable services would have to attract a key bulk customer to form a core business. The BOCM Pauls animal feedmill was identified as a possible customer of this kind." The North Somerset Railway have so far failed either to provide a heritage or commuter passenger service on the Radstock line (link below.) http://www.northsomersetrailway.com/index.php An attempt by a local company to run freight trains out of Radstock did nearly succeed in 2002 - 2003 , but was scrapped due to the withdrawal of rail freight grant funding. A container train had to be left in storage at Wokingham as a result. However , with the DfT now spraying rail freight grants around like confetti......(link below.) http://www.savethetrain.org.uk/forum/index.php?topic=2478.msg5539#msg5539 Maybe they will have another go. Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Lee on November 22, 2007, 12:43:38 Members of Radstock Action Group (RAG) will stage a candlelit protest march in support of the town's railway land , wildlife and heritage today (22/11/2007.) The march will start from the Victoria Hall at 5.45pm and protestors plan to walk to the former railway land , which has been earmarked for regeneration , holding candles and torches (link below.)
http://thisissomerset.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=147472&command=displayContent&sourceNode=242195&contentPK=19035561&folderPk=113662&pNodeId=251478 Title: Re: Radstock Post by: 12hoursunday on November 22, 2007, 13:56:21 It will be a flipping long way to Melksham from Radstock. Did you mean to say Frome?
Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Lee on November 22, 2007, 14:54:05 The march is from Victoria Hall in Radstock to the former railway land in Radstock.
Title: Re: Radstock Post by: cheesywotsit on November 28, 2007, 23:40:22 Radstock regeneration, what a joke that is. The place needs more than a few shops
or a train station to stop it being what it is. The cycle path gets a fair bit of use now. It is nice down there, all overgrown (until they got the diggers in) and no doubt some rare toads or summit.......... I used to walk down the train lines some 20 years ago from school, you didnt need to fear any trains, just the odd guy in the train work sheds... I'd love it to be something more but it will never happen for money reasons and also the mentality of the place.... such a shame. Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Lee on January 03, 2008, 12:34:37 There are signs of a renewed push (link below.)
http://thisissomerset.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=147472&command=displayContent&sourceNode=243687&home=yes&more_nodeId1=242222&contentPK=19429081 Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Graz on January 05, 2008, 20:50:31 It's a shame the Radstock line doesn't lead into Frome station, something I didn't realise until today. According to this BBC page, (http://www.bbc.co.uk/somerset/content/articles/2008/01/04/north_somerset_railway_feature.shtml) the current proposal is to have a new station built where the trains will terminate to/from Radstock. Soon after it is hoped they will go to Westbury and beyond. I feel that the sooner a mainline connection is established, the better, because a detatched railway could turn away all but local travellers.
This quote is interesting... Quote Then the next step would be to restore Frome Station (including Hannaford’s splendid Brunel-style overall roof) in a form that would allow trains from Radstock to run directly into it, and expand the service from there. I'd be interested to see how that would happen, unless they extend the platform by a few hundred metres!Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Lee on April 03, 2008, 15:15:28 Work is set to begin on a ^30 million, 210-home redevelopment of former railway land in central Radstock.The owner of the land, Norton Radstock Regeneration Company (NRR), has been given the green light to proceed with the scheme to build on the 18-acre site which sprawls outwards from the town centre (link below.)
http://thisissomerset.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=147472&command=displayContent&sourceNode=242195&contentPK=20300752&folderPk=113662&pNodeId=251478 Also planned are commercial buildings, community space, a new car park to serve the town centre and bus waiting areas. The developers said an old railway building, known as the Brunel Shed, will be preserved and refurbished for heritage and community use, and 48 per cent of the site will be retained for wildlife and ecology purposes. Partial diversion of the A362 Frome Road to serve the site is also planned. While the plan has been welcomed by many people, conservationists and wildlife groups claim the development will harm the environment. Norton Radstock Town Council has also objected, saying the scheme will overwhelm the town with extra traffic and new buildings. One long-standing critic of the scheme is Deborah Porter, the conservation officer for Cam Valley Wildlife Group. She said the planners' decision has opened the way for a legal challenge to B &NES' decision last year, which granted officers authority to give outline planning consent. Ms Porter intends to push for a judicial review of that decision. Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Lee on September 17, 2008, 20:52:53 Radstock Action Group is holding an exhibition at Radstock Methodist Church Hall on Saturday, from 9.30am to noon (link below.)
http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/news/Campaigners-exhibition-railway-land/article-335124-detail/article.html Spokeswoman Amanda Leon said the exhibition was being held so that people could put forward their ideas for Radstock's regeneration and find out more about RAG's campaign. Plans for the railway land will also be on show, she said. Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Lee on September 24, 2008, 22:19:05 Saturday's event resulted in three hours of non-stop discussion about the plans by campaigners and exhibition visitors (link below.)
http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/news/Display-NRR-plans-poses-new-queries-developers/article-351009-detail/article.html Questions were raised about the viability of a railway link and about the quality of affordable housing, and plans for the regeneration scheme were also deemed by some visitors as unviable. Radstock Action Group plans to organise another public meeting soon, for debate and formulation of more ideas for the future of Radstock. Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Lee on October 21, 2008, 20:59:46 An online petition has been launched to get Bath and North East Somerset Council to back reopening of the railway line linking Radstock and Frome (link below.)
http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/news/Online-vote-reopen-railway/article-416485-detail/article.html The land through which the line ran is now scheduled for redevelopment under the Radstock regeneration plan, and Sustrans has constructed a cycle track and walkway along the original route of the railway track. There have been several campaigns to get the line reopened, but they were dealt a blow in 2003 when the Norton-Radstock Regeneration board voted not to safeguard the land for a railway link in its own masterplan for the land. Plans for the first phase of a 210-home development are expected to be finalised soon by B&NES Council and the regeneration company. The petition calls on B&NES to support a reopened line because it would provide regeneration for Radstock in the form of visitors and facilities for commuting. George Bailey, director of the North Somerset Railway Company and secretary of the North Somerset Railway Trust, is appealing to anyone who supports revival of the railway line to sign the petition on the North Somerset Railway website (link below.) http://www.gopetition.co.uk/petitions/restoration-of-frome-radstock-rail-link.html They have pointed out that much of the track is still in place and can be re-used once it has been overhauled. However, the regeneration board has said the railway link would not bring enough significant economic benefit to the area to outweigh the extra investment needed to make it a reality. Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Chris from Nailsea on November 19, 2008, 23:47:43 Rail link petition collects 2,000 signatures
More than 2,000 people have so far signed a petition calling for the reopening of the railway line between Radstock and Frome. The petition was launched online a month ago and has been hailed as a massive success by Radstock Action Group (RAG), a residents' organisation which is campaigning on behalf of the North Somerset Railway Company and North Somerset Railway Trust, the groups behind the petition. RAG spokeswoman Amanda Leon said: "We are delighted the petition to reinstate the rail link has more than 2,000 signatures and has been officially adopted as a campaign by Railfuture, an independent organisation campaigning for better rail services for both passengers and freight." See http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/news/Rail-link-petition-collects-2-000-signatures/article-484909-detail/article.html Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Graz on November 20, 2008, 12:58:31 I've signed :)
Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Wideload on December 01, 2008, 11:15:07 This is good news, there is/was a lot of potential for Radstock in seeing this line re-open. Without appearing to do a hatchet job on anyone who has worked long and hard to see the line reopen I have to say that the biggest obstacle it faced previously was in fighting between various Egos involved with the project. If they could be put aside then the real issues such as the land required to mitigate the sharp drop into Radstock town centre and councillor opposition could be reasonably addressed. There is also the relationship/issue with Sustrans who bought the land cheap ( for a ^1 I believe but can not confirm ). They then laid their cycle path in such a way that further impeded any possibility of opening the train line. Given that the hard bit of interfacing with NR infrastructure is complete with Quarry traffic already using the line the possibilites remain likeley that it could open but probaably wont for the reasons listed (in very general terms I accept) above. :-\
Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Chris from Nailsea on December 01, 2008, 17:11:42 Hello, oldtimer, and welcome to the Coffee Shop forum!
Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Wideload on December 02, 2008, 09:19:39 Thanks glad to be here :)
Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Chris from Nailsea on December 09, 2012, 21:09:10 From the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-20657584):
Quote Radstock Jubilee oak tree moved for new road layout (http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/64657000/jpg/_64657528_trees.jpg) An oak tree which was planted for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee has been uprooted as part of plans for a new road layout. Bath and North East Somerset Council said the tree, in Radstock, had to be moved and that now was the best time of year to do it so that it can survive. The council had planned to fell the tree, but a compromise was reached after residents fought to save it. A small number came to protest about the move on Sunday morning. The tree was planted 1897. It is being replanted at Writhlington School. Amanda Leon from the Radstock Action Group watched the tree being moved and said she was not convinced it would survive. "The roads were shut off and then they moved in with a truck with a device on the back to grab the tree trunk. They hacked off a lot of roots and covered what was left with a tarpaulin hoisted it on to the back of a lorry and off they went. "We notice the hole [at Writhlington School] was only dug yesterday. It's in stony ground and won't be a very good environment for any tree to live in," Ms Leon said. Bath and North East Somerset Council believes the road upgrade will help regenerate Radstock and cut congestion. Despite the removal of the tree, planning consent for the road layout proposals has not yet been secured. If granted approval, work is expected to begin in the autumn of 2013. Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Chris from Nailsea on January 29, 2013, 22:46:46 From the Somerset Guardian (http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/Reopening-Radstock-Frome-rail-link-cost-40m/story-17950549-detail/story.html):
Quote Reopening Radstock to Frome rail link could cost ^40m The possibility of reopening the Radstock to Frome rail link has not been ruled out ^ but it will not happen anytime soon. That was the verdict from Bath and North East Somerset Council's cabinet which discussed a report looking at the cost of reopening the line. (http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/images/localpeople/ugc-images/275793/Article/images/17950549/4507438.jpg) The last train to leave Radstock wagon repair works on June 29, 1988 The document from engineering consultancy Halcrow said the ^40 million project would not be cost-effective. The set-up costs would be in addition to the expense of running a rail service which is estimated to be up to ^1.3 million per year. Passenger services ceased in November 1959 although the Radstock to Frome line remained in occasional use for commercial traffic until July 1988. Councillor Eleanor Jackson (Lab, Radstock) encouraged the cabinet to look at the surge in the popularity of rail travel nationally over the past decade and also pointed to the possible tourism boost that could be experienced for the town if the line reopened. Dr Jackson said: "The estimated cost is ^41.3 million which makes it much cheaper than any comparable road option, while it would become easier to ship out goods from Westfield Industrial Estate and other manufacturing areas in the Somer Valley, reduce congestion in Bath, the carbon footprint and attract tourists." George Bailey, of Radstock Action Group, also spoke at the meeting, and said: "The report focused on commuting and ignored the potential for tourism, inward commuting, education and the general accessible wellbeing required today. There are many families in Radstock with just one car, who would welcome the opportunity to travel, especially with young children, when the bread winner is at work. The elderly also find trains easier to access than buses. I therefore contend that social inclusion should be better investigated to try to promote independence." Roger Symonds, (Lib Dem Combe Down), B&NES cabinet minister for transport, said the council would "not be shutting the door on the prospect" and promised to investigate claims that some data was more than ten years out of date. Mr Symonds admitted that the business case for the scheme is likely to remain "challenging" for quite some time. He added: "The door is certainly not locked and could be opened in the future." Councillor Simon Allen (Lib Dem, Radstock) said the building of 200 new homes in the town would make the scheme more viable. Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Red Squirrel on May 03, 2013, 17:32:39 I see in this is somerset (http://www.thisissomerset.co.uk/story-18882093-detail/story.html?#axzz2SFMoCXPi) that updated development plans for downtown Radstock are on show from 8 May 2013 at Radstock Working Men's Club.
These plans claim to be "future-proofed to accommodate any future rail development". Can't help wondering if this will be the same kind of future-proofing that severed the Portishead line at Quays Avenue - I don't see any signs of grade separation in the plans I've looked at... Title: Re: Radstock Post by: Chris from Nailsea on January 29, 2014, 14:39:26 From the Somerset Guardian (http://www.somersetguardian.co.uk/Calls-return-rail-Radstock/story-20519877-detail/story.html):
Quote Calls for the return of rail to Radstock Calls for the return of rail to Radstock were made earlier this week when more than fifty people packed into the town^s Methodist church hall to hear from guest speakers about the possibility of seeing trains once again operating from the town. Local author Colin Maggs, who has penned almost 100 books on Britain^s railways, explained the history of rail in the town from 1804 to the moment in June 1988 when the final trained pulled out of the waggon works and made its way along the track. He described the line between Radstock and Midford as the first passenger service in the country, with people riding the train for the five hour return trip several years before the Manchester and Liverpool route opened in 1830. Concerns were raised about the space for a future rail link with Frome should regenerations plans for the former railway land -due to be decided today at 2pm by Bath and North East Somerset Council- go ahead. Norton Radstock Regeneration Company, which owns the town centre site and housing developer Linden Homes, say there will be enough space while some residents fear there is not enough for both the railway and the legally-protected wildlife area to fit in the plans. The possibility of a route running along the Sustrans cycle path was also highlighted and a location for a station was also discussed with a site close the former Marcroft Wagon Works suggested despite concern over the steep gradient. David Redgewell, from the South West Transport Network, said it was essential that conditions were imposed on the applications to ensure the possibility for future rail was protected and called on residents to stress the importance of this at today's meeting. Nigel Bray, the secretary of Railfuture Severnside, sent a written submission which stated there is a need for demand to be assessed and surveys looking at potential platforms and new signalling to be carried out. The majority of people at the meeting supported plans for a rail service with a heritage service the most likley option. Ted Hallam, from Kilmersdon, said he had concerns about the loss of the existing cycle path for cyclists and walkers should the rail return but was told a legal agreement was already there to make that possible in the future. It was also revealed that there are long term ambitions to link the town back with Midsomer Norton. Shirley Steel, who helps run the Somerset and Dorset heritage station at Silver Street, Midsomer Norton with a team of volunteers, said the cost of a bridge over Silver Street and the possibility of running a service along the new Five Arches cycle path had been investigated with a view to one day connecting the two towns by rail. The meeting had been organised by Radstock Town Council. Title: Re: Radstock Post by: grahame on July 21, 2014, 21:08:05 Update in June ...
http://www.somersetguardian.co.uk/New-rail-company-steams-Radstock/story-21211475-detail/story.html Quote Rail enthusiasts are spearheading an initiative that could see the return of a rail link between Radstock and Frome. Veteran campaigner and former councillor Shirley Steel, who helped secure the future of the Midsomer Norton South station site and is a founding member of the Somerset and Dorset Railway Heritage Trust, is one of three people behind the new Somer-Rail Trust which aims to re-open the mothballed line. The trust, which is applying for charity status, has already had constructive initial talks with the Norton Radstock Regeneration Company and trustees are hoping to harness the enthusiasm of the local community to make the plan a reality. [story continues] Title: Re: Radstock Post by: grahame on November 10, 2014, 14:47:57 http://www.somersetguardian.co.uk/Radstock-regeneration-update-Railway-tracks/story-24508187-detail/story.html?
Quote Regeneration work in the heart of Radstock town centre is starting to take shape with the new road layout and first phase of housing gathering pace. An important part of the work to date on has been to conserve the site^s remaining historic railway-related infrastructure. To help preserve it for generations to come some of the railway tracks that covered the site have been removed and donated to two local heritage railways. Cate Le Grice-Mack, chair of NRR, said: ^While the mainline route will be left intact on the site up to the new housing area, there are four other tracks and complex points and slips that will be removed. ^We felt strongly that this part of the local heritage should not be lost if at all possible, so we are delighted that we have been able to donate much of the redundant track and key junctions to The East Somerset Railway, based in Cranmore, and the Somerset and Dorset Railway Heritage Trust in Midsomer Norton.^ Title: Radstock to Frome Railway Project Post by: railblazer on December 29, 2014, 18:00:00 The Somer-Rail Trust is a newly formed charitable organisation with the primary aim of reopening the redundant railway line between Radstock and Frome. This is a community interest venture and needs your support!
We are currently discussing the project with other interested parties to maximise the support base and our capabilities to make a success of the project. The line from Radstock to Great Elm has been disused since the closure of the Marcroft wagon works in June 1988. The Somer-Rail Trust is committed to reopening the railway as a valuable resource for the community, hoping in time to re-establish a link to the national rail network. To find out more please go to: Facebook group page:https://facebook.com/radstocktofromerailway?fref=ts (https://facebook.com/radstocktofromerailway?fref=ts) Website:http://www.somer-rail.co.uk (http://www.somer-rail.co.uk) Title: Re: Radstock to Frome GWR Project Post by: grahame on December 29, 2014, 18:27:37 Welcome to the forum RailBlazer ...
I've heard of a number of ideas, schemes and throughs for reopening from Radstock to Frome over the past few years and have got a bit mixed up on Heritage v Part of National network discussions, and lost as to where we stand about stations on hills, sharing the course of the line with a footpath, freight use on the section near Frome, and the awkward location of the current Frome station compared to where the line would run. Having said that, extension of a service that currently terminates at Westbury to Radstock at appropriate times, also filling significant gaps in Frome's timetable, would be an attraction. Are you moving on to business case studies? Are you working with your local CRP (Heart of Wessex), and do at least get in touch with the TransWilts too, although we would defer to HoW rather than straying off territory if it looks like it would be best to help you that way. Title: Re: Radstock to Frome Railway Project Post by: Alan Pettitt on March 02, 2015, 20:35:36 I have just received an e-mail update from "Frome's Missing Links" asking for volunteers to complete the work at Great Elm (The Colliers Way) which was started recently. This seems to suggest to me that they are in the process of getting the rails ready for removal at the Buckland Bridge location. I may be wrong but I quote the relevant paragraph:
Quote We have a bit more to do on this section and need to complete the vegetation clearance which was three quarters completed last month as well as loosen some more rails. So we are planning a second Chain Gang at Great Elm on Saturday 14th March to finish clearing the track and to prepare the rails on the embankment for removal as far as the Network Rail boundary. This is a continuation of the work we have already started. The meeting point is the current end of the cycle path beneath the railway bridge and the work will take place between 10am and 4pm. Please reply to this email if you can come so that we can plan for the expected numbers and provide a contact in case we need to cancel because bad weather at short notice. Useful tools to bring are loppers and rakes. Please wear stout shoes and bring gardening gloves and eye protection. It would be great to see you there. which I find a little worrying if there is ever going to be a possibility of linking Radstock back into the network. Title: Re: Radstock to Frome Railway Project Post by: railblazer on March 03, 2015, 19:21:35 Thank you for your post Alan, this information has now been passed on to our chairman.
Title: Radstock Post by: Oberon on July 23, 2015, 09:54:08 More people playing trains, or perhaps the genesis of what the area really needs?
http://www.somersetguardian.co.uk/Return-rail-Radstock-2017/story-27464219-detail/story.html Title: Re: Radstock to Frome Railway Project Post by: Chris from Nailsea on July 23, 2015, 22:41:05 With many thanks for your update on this particular campaign, Oberon, I've now done what I seem to remember having planned to do, a while back. :-[
I've now moved and merged some 4 or 5 previous topics into this one here - purely in the interests of continuity and ease of future reference, as always. ;) Hope this helps - and best wishes for the project! ;D Title: Re: Radstock Post by: grahame on July 24, 2015, 05:22:15 More people playing trains, or perhaps the genesis of what the area really needs? https://www.facebook.com/groups/599580693419023/ http://www.mnrjournal-somerset.co.uk/news.cfm?id=40359&headline=Further+plans+unveiled+for+Rail+in+Radstock Quote The aim is to reintroduce, firstly as Heritage Rail, an operation between Radstock and Frome, providing a platform for the reintroduction of a community partnership passenger railway, offering journey opportunities to the national passenger network. But the group will be asking for local opinion on whether or not this would be used. At the meeting, Mr Bailey said: ^It is crucial that we hear from local people if they would use the railway ^ for example, we could put on an extra train if it was felt that the bus services were inadequate. ^But we need to be told what people want and to plan for it, otherwise we are just playing trains and that will be extremely expensive.^ Title: Re: Radstock to Frome Railway Project Post by: Bmblbzzz on July 27, 2015, 17:23:11 I thought the last couple of miles of that line, nearest Frome, still carried the occasional quarry train. Do those no longer run?
Title: Re: Radstock to Frome Railway Project Post by: Umberleigh on July 27, 2015, 18:06:26 I thought the last couple of miles of that line, nearest Frome, still carried the occasional quarry train. Do those no longer run? Indeed: http://youtu.be/XW1VUg3seXQ Title: Re: Radstock to Frome Railway Project Post by: grahame on July 27, 2015, 18:14:54 I thought the last couple of miles of that line, nearest Frome, still carried the occasional quarry train. Do those no longer run? Indeed: http://youtu.be/XW1VUg3seXQ More than "occasional" ... looks like around 6 in and 6 out on a recent random day I chose http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/search/advanced/WHATLYQ/2015/07/23/0000-2359?stp=WVS&show=all&order=wtt Title: Re: Radstock to Frome Railway Project Post by: Bmblbzzz on July 27, 2015, 21:58:13 Good! Thanks.
Title: Re: Radstock to Frome Railway Project Post by: johnneyw on January 21, 2016, 23:04:07 The North Somerset Railway Company are holding an exhibition open to the public on Saturday, 30th January 2016 at the Frome Cheese & Grain, Meeting Room 3. More details from their website:
http://northsomersetrailway.com/news.php It's a chance to catch up with progress and proposals for the Radstock to Frome Railway Project. This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |