Title: Weymouth - summer weekend loco-hauled services - 2009 Post by: Timmer on December 31, 2008, 12:40:29 The latest Rail magazine reports that FGW will not be operating loco hauled services on the Bristol-Weymouth line this coming summer as there would be enough DMUs available as a result of FGW making better use of its resources.
Can't say I'm surprised at this news as loadings on the extra loco hauled service couldn't have been very high owing to the poor weather over the summer making it hard to justify the extra spending on hiring a set again for the following summer. I suspect FGW will have coaches on standby on days when the weather is good to cover the event of extra passenger loadings that sunny weather tends to bring to this line as there can't be that much spare DMU stock around to strengthen existing services without taking away from other lines. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on December 31, 2008, 13:18:30 The LHCS is likely to stay on Cardiff - Taunton
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Electric train on December 31, 2008, 14:32:20 It is possible that this years with the sterling being so weak against the euro and the general feeling from the credit crunch that UK holidays and day trips may make resurgence and I wonder if the TOC's and NR could re act to it by providing the level of service and price to attract families back to rail for especially day trips
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on December 31, 2008, 15:26:09 The LHCS is likely to stay on Cardiff - Taunton If thats the case then surely it could do the Weymouths on summer Saturdays.Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on December 31, 2008, 15:45:53 I presume the slower timings of LHCS make it difficult to diagram, along with crewing issues. Currently only Exeter crews are being trained on class 67s, none of which sign Weymouth.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Exeter on January 05, 2009, 20:31:02 Cant really see why a Paddington Oxford fast diagram on a summer saturday couldn't be "turbo-ed" and the displaced HST do two round trips Bristol to Weymouth! Both Paddington and Bristol HSS staff sign Bristol to Castle Cary. You would need two pilotmen with route knowledge to cover the bit between Cary and Weymouth but that must be a cheaper option then using hired in loco and stock!
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on January 05, 2009, 20:56:09 Do Exeter not sign Bathamapton Jn - Bradford Jn?
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Toiletdriver on January 10, 2009, 23:16:38 Cant really see why a Paddington Oxford fast diagram on a summer saturday couldn't be "turbo-ed" and the displaced HST do two round trips Bristol to Weymouth! Both Paddington and Bristol HSS staff sign Bristol to Castle Cary. You would need two pilotmen with route knowledge to cover the bit between Cary and Weymouth but that must be a cheaper option then using hired in loco and stock! No pilotmen required, as there are several ex Wessex drivers with Weymouth route knowledge that now sign HSTs. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: slippy on January 30, 2009, 15:05:16 Wouldnt believe all you read in RAIL magazine, LIAR backwards....
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on March 07, 2009, 10:34:27 According to the recent West Customer Panel minutes, FGW ARE planning to run loco and coaches this summer on the Weymouth line:
http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Documents/Custom/Customer%20panel/West%20CP%20meeting%2028.01.09%20minutes%20-%20WEBSITE.doc Quote Loco haulage to Weymouth again on peak Summer Saturdays N.B Stock to be confirmed Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: G.Uard on March 07, 2009, 13:39:07 GCR driver told me that there is talk of 'retraining' former loco men to drive 57s. Also rumours of a purchase of several Mk2s by FGW. I posted somewhere else about plans to bin the skips in favour of additional 'pooled' 57s, so this does make sense. Rumour rating at the moment though, so don't go dusting off your Praktikas and long lenses just yet.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on March 07, 2009, 16:19:22 GCR driver told me that there is talk of 'retraining' former loco men to drive 57s. Also rumours of a purchase of several Mk2s by FGW. I posted somewhere else about plans to bin the skips in favour of additional 'pooled' 57s, so this does make sense. Rumour rating at the moment though, so don't go dusting off your Praktikas and long lenses just yet. Would make sense for FGW to purchase some Mk2s and use their 57s rather than pay a charter company all the time. After all, until the new fleet of trains arrive for Cardiff-Portsmouth in 2011 there will always be a use for them with the DMU fleet stretched to the limit.Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on March 07, 2009, 21:57:52 GCR driver told me that there is talk of 'retraining' former loco men to drive 57s. Also rumours of a purchase of several Mk2s by FGW. I posted somewhere else about plans to bin the skips in favour of additional 'pooled' 57s, so this does make sense. Rumour rating at the moment though, so don't go dusting off your Praktikas and long lenses just yet. There is a rumour I have heard, although I won't say what it is so nobody gets into trouble. Lets just say that it involves 57s. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: grahame on March 08, 2009, 06:26:14 Interestingly, at Travel Watch South West yesterday, there was official confirmation from Mark Hopwood and Malcolm Drury of FGW that there will be something extra on Summer Saturdays on Weymouth as well as summer strengthening on the Cornish branches ... but the wording did not state (perhaps intentionally) whether the Weymouth solution was (or was not) locomotive based.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on March 08, 2009, 10:34:18 So that would explain why I saw a certain Torbay dignitary heading that way.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on March 08, 2009, 19:28:42 Bring back the Class 37 ;D
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on March 09, 2009, 07:11:13 Bring back the Class 37 ;D :D there would be no room for day trippers and holiday makers as it would be packed to the gunnels with bashers. Would be great to see 37s back on this route but I can't see it happenning sadly.Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: tramway on March 09, 2009, 14:28:50 I'm unsure if this has any bearing on the summer timetable, and I was going to post about it elsewhere concerning an interesting ATW working through BoA a few days ago.
The description was from an infrequent user so details are sketchy but from a limited description I would guess a 175 working. Anyone any suggestions as to what that was about? Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on March 09, 2009, 16:17:01 Probably an Arriva 150/2.
As for the 37, Deutsch Bahn are running the remaining 37/4s (which are able to provide train heat) into the ground. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: tramway on March 09, 2009, 18:10:44 Probably an Arriva 150/2. 3 car with first class? And a number of photographers catching the event, not many taking pictures of 150's I would guess. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on March 09, 2009, 19:10:12 175s are Standard Class only!
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: autotank on March 09, 2009, 20:33:46 If I were FGW and going to run a loco hauled set I would consider 37's - think of the additional revenue from the enthusiasts. Certainly many more would travel on a 37 compared to a 67 and the costs must be similar. For a summer service, train heat surely wouldn't be required, so a couple of DRS or West Coast examples could be used.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on March 09, 2009, 20:52:41 Train heat includes lights which are required by law. Also I imagine cdl would not work.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on March 09, 2009, 22:15:28 Network Rail charge more on the Track Usage for a Class 37 than for a Class 67 unfortunately >:(
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on March 09, 2009, 22:19:20 Which makes absolutly no sense. Axle load is far greater on a 67.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: autotank on March 09, 2009, 23:41:10 In the scheme of things though the track usage fee is really small beer (a few pence per mile) when compared with hire, marketing and staffing costs.
Don't MkII's have batteries that are charged by dynamos? Non ETH fitted 37's have been used on passenger trains in the past - or was this before important safety regulations were introduced? Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: tramway on March 10, 2009, 10:18:54 175s are Standard Class only! It will remain a mystery then. As I said he's isn't an enthusiast but thought it sufficiently interesting to have noticed it was something a bit unusual, and thought worthy of mentioning. 175 was just a guess on the very limited description as an ATW 150/158 wouldn't have stood out quite so much, although I hadn't appreciated 175's were all standard class. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on March 10, 2009, 14:21:01 Which makes absolutly no sense. Axle load is far greater on a 67. My understanding was that it was because a Class 37 has a Co-Co Bogie as apposed to a Bo-Bo on a Class 67. I'm sure someone in the know will correct me if i'm wrong ;) Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on March 10, 2009, 14:35:11 In the scheme of things though the track usage fee is really small beer (a few pence per mile) when compared with hire, marketing and staffing costs. Don't MkII's have batteries that are charged by dynamos? Non ETH fitted 37's have been used on passenger trains in the past - or was this before important safety regulations were introduced? Discussing it with somebody on Saturday, the estimated the loco set lost on average ^100,000 per day of operation. Good news this year mind, it will go in the timetable. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: autotank on March 10, 2009, 14:46:20 What! That is outragous - someone is making a killing. Are you sure that figure is correct? If it is I'm changing career!
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on March 10, 2009, 15:10:20 I will confirm it for you.
Although when you think about it; *5 Mk2s *2 67s *2 EWS staff (0900 - 2000 roughly) *often one FGW ATE *increased track access charges *fuel *delay minutes (if any) Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: autotank on March 10, 2009, 15:28:35 Doing some back of a fag packet calculations you'll find the average Steam Tour takes much less than half ^100,000. They run more complicated itineraries, use many more paid staff and I assume if well loaded make a profit for the private operator.
Lets assume the AVERAGE charter loads to the equivalent of 10 full Mk1 TSO's (64x10 = 640). On AVERAGE each passenger paying about ^75 ^75 x 640 = ^48000 So either: The ^100k a day loss suggested is way off the mark (perhaps ^100k loss over the summer?) or Somebody is being seriously ripped off (probably the tax payer). Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on March 10, 2009, 18:06:58 Discussing it with somebody on Saturday, the estimated the loco set lost on average ^100,000 per day of operation. That must be 100K either for the whole of summer or 10K per Saturday run. There is no way FGW or anyone else could run a service losing 100K over say 20 summer Saturdays a year.Good news this year mind, it will go in the timetable. Yes it is good news that it will go in the timetable as the more people know its running the better. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on March 10, 2009, 18:34:29 Now all we need is Catering and maybe a First Class Section ;D
Does anyone else agree that catering on the Bristol - Weymouth during the summer would be an essential?? Not to mention a money maker ::) Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: bemmy on March 11, 2009, 09:34:44 Now all we need is Catering and maybe a First Class Section ;D I don't think train catering is ever profitable in itself, it's part of making the overall product more attractive. The presence or otherwise of catering isn't going to influence enough people's decision whether or not to have a day out by train to Dorset, otherwise First would probably already do it.Does anyone else agree that catering on the Bristol - Weymouth during the summer would be an essential?? Not to mention a money maker ::) The trouble with the Weymouth trains is they will be overcrowded when the weather's really good, making it impossible to get a trolley along, and if the weather's terrible, there won't be enough customers to pay for the stock, never mind the wages. A lot of the passengers will be families who may baulk at on-train prices and choose instead to bring their own crisps and soft drinks. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on March 11, 2009, 14:53:01 The trouble with the Weymouth trains is they will be overcrowded when the weather's really good, making it impossible to get a trolley along, and if the weather's terrible, there won't be enough customers to pay for the stock, never mind the wages. A lot of the passengers will be families who may baulk at on-train prices and choose instead to bring their own crisps and soft drinks. You have a very good point regarding the trolley. It's bad enough on the Cardiff - Portsmouth Line if the train is busy. I apologise and should have made my post a little clearer. What I was referring to was to have a RFB carriage. That way if FGW use a Loco Hauled service on the Weymouth line, You could offer an over the counter buffet service similar to the HST. Also if First Class was made available, this IMO would be attractive to business or nervous travellers simply because the likelyhood of having screaming kids from Bristol - Weymouth, would be slim, but not impossible ;) I also agree the prices on the train can be rather expensive. But equally I went into Pumpkin in Taunton to buy a bottle of Sprite at the sum of ^1.45 On the train a bottle the exact same size was ^1.35 Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on March 11, 2009, 21:36:54 Also if First Class was made available, this IMO would be attractive to business or nervous travellers simply because the likelyhood of having screaming kids from Bristol - Weymouth, would be slim, but not impossible ;) Yes please! but as you say very slim chance of that happening.Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: John R on March 11, 2009, 21:39:18 The trouble with the Weymouth trains is they will be overcrowded when the weather's really good, making it impossible Also if First Class was made available, this IMO would be attractive to business or nervous travellers Business travellers? On a summer saturday service to Weymouth? Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on March 11, 2009, 22:49:01 Business travellers? On a summer saturday service to Weymouth? *trout feels silly ::)* But in my defense I did also mentioned nervous travellers :P Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on March 12, 2009, 06:58:44 But in my defense I did also mentioned nervous travellers :P and those who prefer a peaceful journey where possible. :)Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on March 12, 2009, 17:48:33 First class would be a waste of space!
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on March 12, 2009, 19:22:11 But we wouldn't be talking of 2.5 carriages of it like on a HST, Merely half a carriage in a MKII Buffet Car ;) Your right though, it would be a space that could be used for more passengers to sit down.
A silly idea really, But one that a few people may be interested in, particularly if the ^10 Upgrade was made available ;) Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: inspector_blakey on March 12, 2009, 23:05:05 :D there would be no room for day trippers and holiday makers as it would be packed to the gunnels with bashers. Would be great to see 37s back on this route but I can't see it happenning sadly. ...remembers several journeys to Whitland on the ATW 37-hauled Cardiff - Fishguard service battling to find a seat in trains wedged with bashers conforming fully to the worst stereotypes imaginable. Still, it was fun, and the Arriva conductors and trolley staff (for lo! a trolley service was provided) seemed to get into the spirit of things as well. I've never been on any scheduled trains that felt quite so much like a railtour. 425 went like the proverbial off a shovel with four mk 2s on the draw hook. All those cranks must have done wonders for the takings, as well as putting a huge blip in the station usage statistics for FGH! God knows what the punters from the Irish ferry (who probably did not realize how privileged they were to be sampling some rare 37/4-haulage) made of proceedings though! Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Kingfisherdart on March 13, 2009, 23:21:56 So do we know if locomotive hauled trains are running to Weymouth or not this year yet?
I am quite impressed at how busy many of the FGW services are in and out of Weymouth - as they go past my window at Jersey Sidings - the evening arrivals (1905, 2006, 2302ish) are usually reasonably loaded - and the limited Sunday services appear well used. All the morning departures are usually 85% full by Yeovil - so add all of this to the summer peak, I can't see how units (double formation or not) are going to cope with all these passengers, as well as extra luggage. And what about that rumour that 153s weren't allowed down here by themselves? I've seen at least 4 solitary 153s operate the 0850 Weymouth departure by themselves in the past few months (and been very packed consequently). Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: G.Uard on March 14, 2009, 03:50:34 Just to add spice to the debate, a local union rep told me that ATW want 2 of their 150/2s back by April. Interestingly, a rake of 4 Mk2s is being kept on stand-by at GCR, presumably for spot hire. These coaches, painted in the last, (red/grey), Inter City livery are clearly visible in GCR carriage siding, complete with flashing tail lamp and often coupled up to a 47. It is likely that they belong to Cotswold Rail or an associated set up.
I can only speculate if/where these might be used and have to add that the spectre of the return of the hired 150s has been raised before. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: grahame on March 14, 2009, 06:33:22 Here is the what was said at the presentation last Saturday at TravelWatch SouthWest ... available in full at http://www.travelwatchsouthwest.org.uk/ (Meeting papers, March 2009 link); I am quoting from pages 27 and 28 of 43.
* An enhanced 30 minute interval Falmouth service * Additional capacity as Summer 2008 on St.Ives, Newquay and Looe branch lines, and Weymouth, including the "Summer Saturday Specials?" * Sub-leased units from ATW currently secure * Plan to continue with loco hauled services on the Cardiff - Taunton corridor * Some station call withdrawals early morning and evening Exmouth services * Improved connection at Bath Spa and early arrival at Gloucester by retiming earlier 0612 Salisbury - Gloucester service * 1722 Portsmouth - Bristol /Cardiff will call additionally at Severn Tunnel Junction I noted particularly that there was no mention of whether the Weymouth trains would be units or locomotive hauled, and also that the 'tone' related to the peak summer solutions being for 2009, rather than something that would automatically follow through to years ahead. However, I may be reading too much into it. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on March 14, 2009, 07:14:53 The 'extra' summer Saturday service is shown on the OJP with morning departures from Bristol at 08.41, 09.09 and 09.49 and late afternoon departures at 16.10, 16.55 and 17.30.
The services highlighted in bold would be the ones that are loco-hauled if that's what FGW plan to do. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on March 14, 2009, 09:05:52 Just to add spice to the debate, a local union rep told me that ATW want 2 of their 150/2s back by April. Interestingly, a rake of 4 Mk2s is being kept on stand-by at GCR, presumably for spot hire. These coaches, painted in the last, (red/grey), Inter City livery are clearly visible in GCR carriage siding, complete with flashing tail lamp and often coupled up to a 47. It is likely that they belong to Cotswold Rail or an associated set up. I can only speculate if/where these might be used and have to add that the spectre of the return of the hired 150s has been raised before. They recently participated in a test run from Gloucester - totnes. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Nemesis on April 16, 2009, 09:15:32 (http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/4371/thumper.jpg) It may happen :-) Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Sion Bretton on April 19, 2009, 10:23:33 HST have gone down the line from Castle Cary to Yeovil ( dirvert to Exeter) so they only need to learn Yeovil to Weymouth.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: grahame on April 19, 2009, 10:28:15 HST have gone down the line from Castle Cary to Yeovil ( dirvert to Exeter) so they only need to learn Yeovil to Weymouth. Well ... we'll see what turns up. Perhaps a Cotswold line 125 will be replace by a turbo on a Saturday, and the 125 run to Weymouth (And if that happens, I expect we'll hear about it on the Cotswold section of the forum!) Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on April 19, 2009, 13:40:36 There might not be any loco hauled or HSTs to Weymouth this summer....
Something else perhaps? Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on April 21, 2009, 18:15:12 There might not be any loco hauled or HSTs to Weymouth this summer.... 165/166? There must be a few going spare at weekends.Something else perhaps? Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: grahame on April 21, 2009, 19:21:44 There might not be any loco hauled or HSTs to Weymouth this summer.... 165/166? There must be a few going spare at weekends.Something else perhaps? I don't think they're cleared to pass under Dundas aquaduct or through the platforms at Trowbridge. But it's quite possible that they could be used on some other route, or a second loco and coaches on Taunton - Cardiff, to release 150, 153 or 158s for extra Weymouths. Or perhaps Arriva Wales have spare valley units at the weekend that could be hired for the day. just idle speculation! Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: John R on April 21, 2009, 19:51:10 There were a few tatty Intercity liveried coaches in one of the centre roads at Temple Meads today. Connected by any chance?
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: paul7575 on April 21, 2009, 20:11:22 The obvious place to hire good quality spare stock from on a weekend is surely Salisbury... ;)
Paul Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on April 22, 2009, 18:05:19 There were a few tatty Intercity liveried coaches in one of the centre roads at Temple Meads today. Connected by any chance? I noticed that yesterday...! Not sure of the intended usage of them though. There was a Charter sat in Westbury on 17/04/09 during the evening. I'm not sure of the tour operated, but I do know it used MKII Carriages ;D Also there 2 MKII Carriages at Bristol Temple Meads on the line next to Platform 2, however I do recall it was mentioned on the CoffeeShop before that those carriages were for sale... ;D I've also noted that on the siding next to Platform 15, 2 Class 47's have appeared ;D Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on April 22, 2009, 19:22:02 were they ex heathrow mk 2's?
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on April 22, 2009, 23:18:24 One of the 2 next to platform 2 is a Wessex Trains BSO, The other is an InterCity Swallow livery TSO ;D
The set that John R mentioned however, i'm not sure. I do know they consist of 3 TSO's and a BSO in InterCity Swallow livery ;D Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on April 23, 2009, 18:10:39 If they are in the siding adjacent to Bath Rd they have been there for AGES!
Taken in December: (http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l50/liamy_2006/mk2s.jpg) Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on April 23, 2009, 18:15:37 The question is will we see these operating on the Weymouth line this summer or do FGW have something else lined up?
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: John R on April 23, 2009, 20:53:55 If they are in the siding adjacent to Bath Rd they have been there for AGES! No, it's 4 in the centre road that I was surmising might be on the move. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on April 24, 2009, 23:15:40 The 2 Carriages I mentioned have been there for a very very long time, They started off on the siding next to Platform 15, They then moved away for a bit, then moved next to Platform 2 and have been there for a fair amount of time...! I believe they are for sale...?!
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 02, 2009, 00:11:03 One of the 2 next to platform 2 is a Wessex Trains BSO, The other is an InterCity Swallow livery TSO ;D The set that John R mentioned however, i'm not sure. I do know they consist of 3 TSO's and a BSO in InterCity Swallow livery ;D No, it's 4 in the centre road that I was surmising might be on the move. As far as I can make out, all four have now been shunted down to platform 2, to join the TSO and the Wessex BSO: (http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/580/sdc10085s.jpg) (http://img12.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sdc10085s.jpg) Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on May 02, 2009, 01:18:20 anyone know is this stock is owned by bars?
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on May 02, 2009, 10:34:40 anyone know is this stock is owned by bars? I believe the stock is owned by "Cotswold Rail" presumably it is being stored now that Gloucester is no longer home to their assets. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: inspector_blakey on May 06, 2009, 18:28:27 FGW staff rumour (well, a rumour that I heard from a staff member anyway) is that the 4 intercity liveried mk 2 vehicles stored at Temple Meads might be the loco-hauled set that will definitely "not" be running to Weymouth this summer, if you get my drift... ;)
I notice that FGW now have their own conductors trained to work the loco-hauled sets as a result of the CDF - TAU operation, which will help cut down the cost of any loco-hauled operation as it won't need a DB Schenker guard and a separate FGW ATE (not that the ticket examiner was always provided, mind). Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on May 06, 2009, 19:15:27 Exeter Link 1 don't sign Castle Cary - Weymouth afaik.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Super Guard on May 06, 2009, 20:59:16 Exeter Link 1 don't sign Castle Cary - Weymouth afaik. Correct... Bristol & Weymouth depots afaik. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: cereal_basher on May 06, 2009, 22:09:29 Exeter Link 1 don't sign Castle Cary - Weymouth afaik. Correct... Bristol & Weymouth depots afaik. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on May 06, 2009, 22:16:42 None of which sign mk2s
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: vacman on May 10, 2009, 10:51:07 In the scheme of things though the track usage fee is really small beer (a few pence per mile) when compared with hire, marketing and staffing costs. Don't MkII's have batteries that are charged by dynamos? Non ETH fitted 37's have been used on passenger trains in the past - or was this before important safety regulations were introduced? Discussing it with somebody on Saturday, the estimated the loco set lost on average ^100,000 per day of operation. Good news this year mind, it will go in the timetable. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: dickyc on May 19, 2009, 20:46:52 New FGW Bristol - Weymouth line timetable (27) is showing a summer Saturdays only departure running until 05/09/09 with 'provisional timings' departing BTM at 09.09, arriving Weymouth 11.42, with a return service at 16.55, arriving BTM at 19.29. That's the same slot as last year's loco hauled, so fingers crossed that FGW are going to see sense and run this very popular train again in 2009!
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: rogerw on May 19, 2009, 21:13:58 According to the latest RAIL magzine (out tomorow) this will be loco hauled.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: cereal_basher on May 19, 2009, 22:37:59 I have a fairly good reason to believe this will be loco-hauled, an DBS has said he will be working the train!
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on May 19, 2009, 23:03:52 think the actual figure is around 10000 not 100000, perhaps one of the 0's was a typo? but still thats alot! why so much?
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on May 19, 2009, 23:26:34 It will be the weekday set. Might be cosy with only 4 coaches.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 20, 2009, 00:40:29 ... and a warm welcome to the Coffee Shop to you, dickyc! ;) :D
As you're from west Wiltshire, I'm sure grahame will be delighted to see you as a possible ally! ;D Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on May 20, 2009, 10:39:22 As you're from west Wiltshire, I'm sure grahame will be delighted to see you as a possible ally! ;D The battle of Melksomme?? Don't worry, already got my coat :D Title: DRS Class 37 at Bath Spa makes it's presence known...! Post by: thetrout on May 21, 2009, 10:52:44 21/05/09 at Approximately 10:45 a Class 37 in DRS Livery thunders out of Platform 1 towards Bristol Temple Meads...! ;D
Truely Magnificant... ;D Shame I didn't have my camera on me :'( Anyone know it's purpose/working...?! Title: Re: DRS Class 37 at Bath Spa makes it's presence known...! Post by: thetrout on May 21, 2009, 12:11:51 A good source tells me this...
The loco in question was DRS 37607, Which was parked at Westbury intended for route learning down to Weymouth. However due to a fault it has been sent back to Derby for repairs. I'm not going to speculate things here, but could the route learning be related to Weymouth Loco Hauled Service...?! I do hope so ;D Title: Re: DRS Class 37 at Bath Spa makes it's presence known...! Post by: devon_metro on May 21, 2009, 12:29:25 Probably a bit late for route learning, however the few Barton Hill blokes who sign 67s will already be signed for Weymouth after last year. A trip down to Weymouth in the cab of a 15x would suffice!
Title: Re: DRS Class 37 at Bath Spa makes it's presence known...! Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 21, 2009, 19:53:50 For an update on loco-hauled services to Weymouth this summer, see http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=4091.msg42109#msg42109 ;) :D ;D
Title: Re: DRS Class 37 at Bath Spa makes it's presence known...! Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on May 21, 2009, 20:18:20 shame it wont be haulled by a 37 :'(
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 21, 2009, 20:53:04 From the Dorset Echo:
Quote Weymouth's bucket and spade holiday train is back on track Campaigners celebrated today after a rail company agreed to reinstate a summer special train to boost Weymouth^s tourist industry. There were cries of delight as First Great Western bowed to pressure and announced it would run the service on summer Saturdays to accommodate the extra passengers that want to travel from Yeovil, Bath and Bristol. The first train will start this weekend. The service, known as the Bucket and Spade special, has been run for more than 20 years. Unlike the two-carriage diesel units it is made up of a locomotive and carriages which means there is much more space available for passengers and their luggage. But as the Dorset Echo reported earlier this year, First was reviewing the service because it is not part of its franchise agreement. In previous years it has hired the train from another company for ^200,000. First^s regional general manager Julian Crow confirmed the train would run. He said work by line promotion group the Heart of Wessex Rail Partnership highlighting overcrowding issues on the line had prompted the company to act. The Overcrowding Watch survey revealed that carriages on the line were frequently crowded and some passengers were left to stand for an hour or more. This, coupled with late and cancelled trains, had led to a public perception of ^service meltdown,^ it said. Mr Crow said: ^The significant extra demand for rail journeys to Weymouth on summer Saturdays is a long standing challenge, which, with the general growth on this rail route over recent years, has put increasingly stronger pressure on our normal resources. The Overcrowding Watch study carried out by the Heart of Wessex Rail Partnership in 2007 which for the first time quantified the demand flows along the route, has been of significant assistance in justifying our decision to make this additional financial investment this year. It will help us to ensure that as far as possible we match demand with supply and provide for a comfortable journey for a day out in Weymouth. We will also be strengthening other key trains with additional carriages throughout the summer.^ The news was welcomed by rail campaigner Andy Hutchings, who is the Weymouth station representative on the Heart of Wessex Rail Partnership and helped to compile the overcrowding study. He said: ^It^s a great victory for people power. There^s a lot of people who use this line and over the last three years in particular there has been a signifant increase in traffic. I^m very pleased that First Great Western will continue to run this train.^ The train will depart Bristol Temple Meads at 9.09am on Saturdays up until September 5. It will return at 4.55pm from Weymouth. Partnership officer Catherine Phillips said: ^This decision by FGW is to be applauded. We understand it is a very significant additional investment, and that the cost of hiring and running the extra train will be far greater than the income it can generate. The annual challenge posed by the powerful attractions of Weymouth in the summer months competes in a very difficult balancing act by the train operator for the use of its resources across the network.^ She said a lot was owed by the volunteers, including Andy Hutchings and Terry Putnam, who took part in the overcrowding survey. For the full article, see http://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/localnews/4385100.Weymouth_chuffed_as_holiday_train_from_Bristol_is_saved/ Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on May 21, 2009, 22:14:52 The title of this post really does need changing to show the fact that there will be a loco service this summer for which FGW are to be congratulated!
I hope its well used helping towards the costs of running it. Though that will mainly depend on what sort of summer we have this year. Service departs Bristol Temple Meads at 0909, Bath Spa 0928, Trowbridge 0949, Westbury 1002, Frome 1010 and Yeovil Pen Mill 1049 Arriving Weymouth at 1142. Also calls at Keynsham, Oldfield Park, Bradford-on-Avon, Bruton, Castle Cary, Maiden Newton and Dorchester West. See timetable 27 for times: http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Documents/Custom/May%2009%20TTs/FGW09M_TT27.pdf Return service departs Weymouth at 1655. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on May 21, 2009, 22:18:59 i really wish there was a connecting service from yeovil junction to pen mill
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 21, 2009, 22:22:18 The title of this post really does need changing to show the fact that there will be a loco service this summer for which FGW are to be congratulated! Well, I blame the member who made that original post ... ! :P ::) :o ;D Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: dickyc on May 21, 2009, 22:26:31 ... and a warm welcome to the Coffee Shop to you, dickyc! ;) :D As you're from west Wiltshire, I'm sure grahame will be delighted to see you as a possible ally! ;D Thanks for the welcome, and for the posts re the seaside special. Can't say I recall it having run for 20yrs though, got replaced by buses (yuk) the summer before last due to lack of a 'safety case'. Hopefully this year, like last will see a well used excellent service. So much nicer to ride in a 'real' train rather then being stuffed into a 2-car 150. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on May 21, 2009, 22:33:45 i really wish there was a connecting service from yeovil junction to pen mill 0847 from Exeter provides a connection at Castle Cary. Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on May 21, 2009, 22:38:52 yes thats my only option really, just me and a friend from axminster wanted to use the service and well for him its a long journey if we could change at yeovil it wold be easyer for both, but there is more chance of them doubling the whole former southern line electrifying it and upgrading it to 125 line speed and putting a connection from y j to weymouth lol so its via st davids for me
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on May 21, 2009, 22:39:16 The title of this post really does need changing to show the fact that there will be a loco service this summer for which FGW are to be congratulated! Well, I blame the member who made that original post ... ! :P ::) :o ;D Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on May 21, 2009, 23:09:53 In all fairness, the plan was to use SWT 158s and it was not decided until the last minute to use the loco hauled set. It must bring in some additional revenue whatever the weather, the front coach often full of railway enthusiasts who are likely to be on rover tickets.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on May 21, 2009, 23:13:30 I'm slightly confused now...! (Doesn't take much when i've been up since 4:00AM)
Are they stealing the Cardiff - Taunton Loco Hauled Set...? Or are they leasing another set...? Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: devon_metro on May 21, 2009, 23:30:53 The loco set doesn't operate weekends.
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: thetrout on May 21, 2009, 23:32:52 I See... All makes sense now ;D
Title: Re: No Loco service for Summer 09 Post by: Timmer on May 22, 2009, 06:55:09 In all fairness, the plan was to use SWT 158s and it was not decided until the last minute to use the loco hauled set. It must bring in some additional revenue whatever the weather, the front coach often full of railway enthusiasts who are likely to be on rover tickets. That makes sense as you can almost guarantee there will be rail enthusiasts bashing the service every weekend with nice weather being a bonus.Title: Weymouth loco Haulage Post by: slippy on August 29, 2009, 00:30:52 September 5th FGW's last weymouth loco hauled *maybe* somewhat special......
Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: devon_metro on August 29, 2009, 12:37:25 Could the number of tractors in Dorset increase by 2 in a day...?
Saying that...!! Intercity back to the coast!? Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: TheLastMinute on September 04, 2009, 17:52:45 September 5th FGW's last weymouth loco hauled *maybe* somewhat special...... According to some people over at RailUKforums (http://www.railforums.co.uk/showthread.php?t=26417&page=6), it's going to be a couple of 37's on the Weymouth loco service tomorrow. Expect quite a few bashers on it tomorrow! Cheers, Mike Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: Timmer on September 04, 2009, 20:49:09 Certainly one way to guarantee the last loco hauled service of the summer is full and standing. Good thinking by FGW and DBS which is nice to see a TOC thinking outside the box as it were by doing something different.
If anyone is travelling on this service and is able to post some pics that would be great. Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: inspector_blakey on September 04, 2009, 23:20:22 The bush telegraph suggests 37 401 and 37 670 double-headed on load 5 (not sure what the practicalities of this are with respect to shunt-releasing etc at Weymouth but I'm sure someone else here will be). 37 670 is now resplendent in bright DB red...have they got around to painting 401 in the same livery yet?
Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: eightf48544 on September 05, 2009, 09:59:37 According to Modern Railways 401 is to retain large logo livery, and be joined by 425.
419 and 670 are the only two so far in DB red. Possibly to be joined by 422 and 669. It was 419 that fell down near Carlisle causing taxis to be used from Glasgow for passengers going to Thurso and Skye, who missed their connections. See post on use of taxis for missed connections. Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: Timmer on September 05, 2009, 19:21:03 Well I didn't see them but sure heard them as they rumbled their way through Bath.
Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: John R on September 06, 2009, 11:06:33 Saw the set arrive at Temple Meads whilst passing through just before 9am. The number of enthusiasts did make me wonder whether there would be any room for any unsuspecting "normal" passengers hopiing to enjoy a day out in Weymouth.
Still, well done to FGW for doing something slightly different. Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: devon_metro on September 06, 2009, 11:55:23 I saw them poking out of Barton Hill, whilst departing on the 0800 to Paddington! Somewhat annoyed that I had other arrangements!
Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: Timmer on September 06, 2009, 17:08:20 Talk on RailUKforums that yesterday was the last loco hauled service to Weymouth with FGW operating DMUs on this extra summer service next year which goes along way to explaining why two 37s made a guest appearance. This would also make sense with LM 150s being made available next summer.
Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: devon_metro on September 06, 2009, 17:16:52 Talk on RailUKforums that yesterday was the last loco hauled service to Weymouth with FGW operating DMUs on this extra summer service next year which goes along way to explaining why two 37s made a guest appearance. This would also make sense with LM 150s being made available next summer. I would hardly trust the source quoting that info. Do bear in mind, FGW are likely to have 2 loco hauled sets next year! Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: Timmer on September 06, 2009, 21:40:11 I would hardly trust the source quoting that info. Do bear in mind, FGW are likely to have 2 loco hauled sets next year! As you are a regular poster on RailUKforums D_M I will bear what you have said in mind and hope you are right. As I said 'Talk' which won't be the first time the Weymouth line has been threatened with losing it's loco service only for it to return the following summer! :)Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: Trowres on September 06, 2009, 21:59:03 Saw the set arrive at Temple Meads whilst passing through just before 9am. The number of enthusiasts did make me wonder whether there would be any room for any unsuspecting "normal" passengers hopiing to enjoy a day out in Weymouth. I probably don't qualify as a "normal" passenger :D ... took the family on this train - shared one seat between the four of us. There were about 40 standing passengers in the Mk2, and as far as I could see the remainder of the train was similarly loaded. Decided to come back on the 17:30. (158/9 3 car + 150/2)...plenty of space on this, but hopes of enjoying a relaxed journey home scuppered by some truly awful singing from some fairly pickled footy fans. I'll leave others to comment on the lessons of this story. Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: XPT on September 07, 2009, 18:37:49 Talk on RailUKforums that yesterday was the last loco hauled service to Weymouth with FGW operating DMUs on this extra summer service next year which goes along way to explaining why two 37s made a guest appearance. This would also make sense with LM 150s being made available next summer. I would hardly trust the source quoting that info. Do bear in mind, FGW are likely to have 2 loco hauled sets next year! Exactly. I just watched a video of it on YouTube and the description mentioned this being "the FINAL loco hauled to Weymouth. This is now history.". And who exactly at FGW said this really was the final loco hauled to Weymouth? Look at the time in the late 90's when 37's were used on Summer Saturdays. Many believed on the last Summer Saturday in 1999, that would be the final loco hauled to Weymouth. It wasn't! As a few years later 31's returned to work the line on Summer Saturdays! Whilst as the years go on, 37's working scheduled passenger trains becomes less and less likely. It is by no means absolutely impossible! We shall have to wait and see what happens with next years Summer Saturdays to Weymouth. I wouldn't be that surprised if 67's are working these services at least. Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: moonrakerz on September 23, 2009, 20:14:38 When I got back to Temple Meads today there was an XC "thing" directly opposite the ticket gates making the most wonderful noise. When I walked down the platform, lo and behold, there was a Class 37 parked on one of the centre tracks behind the XC. It was attached to the rear of a rake of coaches, don't know what, if anything, was on the front.
It really rattled the roof when it left - luverly sound !!! Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: John R on September 23, 2009, 20:16:01 A Mk 2 DVT was on the front. It's a Network Rail test train.
Title: Re: Last Weymouth loco Hauled Post by: moonrakerz on September 23, 2009, 20:59:01 A Mk 2 DVT was on the front. It's a Network Rail test train. Ta ! This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |