Great Western Coffee Shop

Journey by Journey => Transport for London => Topic started by: CyclingSid on February 21, 2025, 11:35:31

Title: The cost of driverless tube trains
Post by: CyclingSid on February 21, 2025, 11:35:31
Ian visits reports on some figures from the Mayor of London on TfL report reveals the cost and challenges of introducing driverless tube trains (

The report candidly states that upgrading to GoA3 or GoA4 on some lines would be value for money. It’s just that it costs an awful lot of money to deliver the value for money.

The Mayor’s answer last December broke the numbers down:

    Bakerloo line – £4.4 billion
    Central line – £10 billion
    Piccadilly line – £4.9 billion (on top of the new trains already on order)

Which raises the old question Ooose gonna pay?

Title: Re: The cost of driverless tube trains
Post by: TaplowGreen on February 21, 2025, 17:05:11
Ian visits reports on some figures from the Mayor of London on TfL report reveals the cost and challenges of introducing driverless tube trains (

The report candidly states that upgrading to GoA3 or GoA4 on some lines would be value for money. It’s just that it costs an awful lot of money to deliver the value for money.

The Mayor’s answer last December broke the numbers down:

    Bakerloo line – £4.4 billion
    Central line – £10 billion
    Piccadilly line – £4.9 billion (on top of the new trains already on order)

Which raises the old question Ooose gonna pay?

You'd have to factor in the costs of endless strikes too once the Unions got wind it was going to happen.

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