Great Western Coffee Shop

All across the Great Western territory => Fare's Fair => Topic started by: Clan Line on February 04, 2025, 20:43:51

Title: Uber credits
Post by: Clan Line on February 04, 2025, 20:43:51
I am trying to use my accrued Uber credits to buy a train ticket. I cannot get the Uber website to accept the credits. I have more in credits than the cost of the ticket, but it keeps trying to charge the full price of the ticket to my card. The credits say that they are valid to May 2025.

Anyone else had this problem ? Am I missing something ?

Title: Re: Uber credits
Post by: matth1j on February 05, 2025, 06:25:22
I've found that it uses them automatically, no manual intervention required. Wasn't obvious though - hadn't noticed until I looked at my bank statement :)

Title: Re: Uber credits
Post by: Clan Line on February 05, 2025, 09:38:31
I seem to have the opposite. I did go as far as authorising the payment to see if the Uber credit was deducted at that stage - it wasn't, so I stopped the payment. I then got a text from  my bank asking if I did or didn't want to go ahead with the (full) payment. I said NO !

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