Great Western Coffee Shop

Sideshoots - associated subjects => The West - but NOT trains in the West => Topic started by: Chris from Nailsea on February 02, 2025, 18:54:03

Title: Bristol artwork celebrates Brunel's pop-up Crimean hospital
Post by: Chris from Nailsea on February 02, 2025, 18:54:03
From the BBC (

Jacqueline Braithwaite's history-focused work is on display in Bristol

A piece of art featuring Isambard Kingdom Brunel's design plans for a Crimean War pop-up hospital has gone on display in Bristol.

Brunel designed Renkioi Hospital in six days after pleas from Florence Nightingale to help improve poor sanitation in field hospitals.

The wooden structure was made in England and erected in Crimea in 1855.

The artwork's creator, Jacqueline Braithwaite, said it was "mindblowing" to see it at SS Great Britain's Dockyard Museum in Bristol, where it is being exhibited as part of the charity's Community Research programme.

Ms Braithwaite's work features images of the hospital plans printed on a large piece of cloth, overlapped with images of maps, boats and the faces of three "independent and influential women" of the time – Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Frances Duberly.

(article continues)

Title: Re: Bristol artwork celebrates Brunel's pop-up Crimean hospital
Post by: CyclingSid on February 03, 2025, 08:53:55
Looks like it could do with the addition of Alexis Soyer, chef at the Reform Club. Went out to Crimea to improve the army catering arrangement ( The Soyer Stove was still included in the post-WWII edition of the Manual of Army Catering Services. The Home Office had a stock for use after the nuclear apocalypse.

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