Great Western Coffee Shop

All across the Great Western territory => Introductions and chat => Topic started by: Mark A on December 05, 2024, 12:14:01

Title: Swansea day return from Bath
Post by: Mark A on December 05, 2024, 12:14:01
Travelling this yesterday, and on a day return ticket, it must be one of the longer day return tickets on offer.

Out on the ~06:45am from Bath and back on the ~20:23 from Swansea, which involved a change onto the 21:30 from Cardiff to Frome (no offence to Frome, but it always looks odd to see the town listed as as destination on the Cardiff departure boards.)

The Swansea train from Bath's route requires it to change from OHLE to diesel twice during its journey from Paddington, and there cannot be too many services that are required to do that.

It's the sort of journey that feels far more straightforward by train than it does to drive...


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