Title: Railfuture (Severnside) branch meetings Post by: grahame on September 19, 2021, 08:35:35 From yesterday's branch meeting - planned ... both subject to final confirmation
27th October (yes, a weekday), 3 p.m., Kemble, for talk on light rail to Cirencester 20th November, Manvers Street, Bath - update from Saltford Then a gap until early spring, at which time an AGM (first since April 2019) is proposed. Title: Re: Railfuture (Severnside) branch meetings Post by: grahame on October 04, 2021, 08:41:23 Confirmed - and with our extra in Trowbridge on 20th October - a joint meeting with other groups.
See https://www.railfuture.org.uk/Severnside+Branch (http://www.wellho.net/pix/rfrestart.jpg) Title: Re: Railfuture (Severnside) branch meetings Post by: grahame on October 28, 2021, 07:17:09 Meeting notes
https://cirentrain.org.uk Jane and Richard Gunner, plus Peter Langman / Rail expert 12 audience Meeting (so notes) agenda: Aim - link Cirencester to Kemble History Very light rail Feasability History: 1841 initially main line then branch Reduced 1959 Closed 63 and 64. Land and material sold off Plan: NOT steam trains but people Pop Cirencester growth 640 car park spaces. by 2023 will be full More will work from home BUT people moving out from London Also lack of parking in Cirencester C not very visible to outside world as international tourist Poor connection to buses at Kemble at present. Weakness of buses - short term cuts. Dangerous to cycle at present Also pollution even with dust off tyres. 40% particualtes from tyres. Oslo effect. Accessabily lack damages trade. 3 [natex] coaches a day now. Want regular, reliable. Encouraging modal shift to what is green. Run probably single train, wait @Kemble as train calls Very Light Rail: Battery powered. Very small vehicle. Similar to Parry PM As being developed at Dudley. Quite a few alternatives. Compare to Revolution BUT that is near to ground and no need for platforms Stourbridge operation is helping. Super capacitors also possible, ditto Hydrogen. Slab track, improves initial cash flow. 2 vehicles; part of development process, so maybe 3 Around £1m per vehicle DfT VLR team Route Follow old track. 70m bridge needed. partway then across fields to corner of new developemnt. Station and maintenance depot. Easy to call at request stops with mobile phone tech. The following / alongside rail. 350 paces to Market Place. 72% of route belongs to Bathurst. Puts value to 2350 houses. Develeoper may donate land. Lots of other spends in town, but may lean on Hopefully funds from DfT Some other land - need to negotiate and highways into town will be tough ALSO looking at turning old car park into the new station ALSO Cycle path and footpath all the way (almost - not over new bridge) ? Space for cycles on train ? ? Cycle lockers at stations ? Green corridor; nature ; also not comproise the canal and interchange -> Who's going to own railway, very often local council and lease back Maybe national contract GLC not councillors but officers are an issue - "not pro public transport" says DR Dursley - just withdrawn bus links. Aim for 2024. ? public enquiry. "We have learned a huge amount" Primary feasabily done. Looking at patronage. Model with Uni Soton to model. DR - do not rely on commuter market looking at leisure. ALSO look at holidays of Cotsword CC Link to Water park too. No business case now for London commuters? Restoring your railway / SOBC. Next OBC. Talk of easier guidelines - less than WebTag Title: Re: Railfuture (Severnside) branch meetings Post by: ChrisB on October 28, 2021, 09:02:25 Surely abus to meet every train would be better? Especially as they’revlookingvat a capacity of 40?
Title: Re: Railfuture (Severnside) branch meetings Post by: grahame on October 28, 2021, 17:12:08 Meeting notes https://cirentrain.org.uk Jane and Richard Gunner, plus Peter Langman / Rail expert Slide set mirrored here at http://www.passenger.chat/RailScheme_RailFuture_21v-.pdf This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |