Title: TravelWatch Southwest - Webinar 4 - Friday 5th February - Rural Connectivity Post by: grahame on January 18, 2021, 11:11:32 TravelWatch Southwest - Webinar 4 3.30 pm - Friday 5th February 2021 - Rural Connectivity
From 15:30 for about an hour - Fireside chat, Travelwatch Southwest webinar via Zoom. Sign up via EventBrite - details to follow on this thread. Please contact TWSW secretary or myself for further details; all welcome. Each webinar in the series is independent - just attend those which are of interest to you. Title: Re: TravelWatch Southwest - Webinar 4 - Friday 5th February - Rural Connectivity Post by: grahame on February 03, 2021, 18:26:20 Sign up via EventBrite (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/twsw-webinar-46-rural-communities-part-of-the-public-transport-network-tickets-139359880153)
(http://www.wellho.net/pix/busbusbus.jpg) Love the picture ... but I can't imagine that quite so many vehicles would be needed at the same time on most rural routes - or are we looking forward to the time when everyone uses public transport, and individual vehicles are few and far between? Title: Re: TravelWatch Southwest - Webinar 4 - Friday 5th February - Rural Connectivity Post by: grahame on February 05, 2021, 22:03:52 Due to ... well - my failure ... I wasn't at this afternoon's Webinar; I may be able to get a writeup, but please don't hold your breath.
Edit to add ... I have the background links and the chat (that latter giving a good feeling of the flavour or discussions) - my apologies to speakers and readers for the lack of a summary of the talks for this week. Background Links Reversing rural bus decline https://bususers.org/england/reversing-rural-bus-decline/ https://acre.org.uk/rural-issues/transport.php Rural Transport in Crisis https://bettertransport.org.uk/media/05-Dec-2018-report-shows-rural-transport-in-crisis Government consultation on the future of rural transport https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/future-of-transport-rural-strategy-call-for-evidence/future-of-transport-rural-strategy-call-for-evidence http://www.somersetintelligence.org.uk/rural-transport/ https://www2.uwe.ac.uk/faculties/FET/Research/cts/projects/news/gordonstokes070311.pdf Rural solutions to enhance social inclusion https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/newsroom/news/2012/06/project-of-the-week-rural-transport-solutions-to-enhance-social-inclusion-in-remote-areas-of-the-northern-periphery What is in store for the future of Public Transport https://www.itpworld.net/news-and-views/2019/whats-in-store-for-the-future-of-rural-public-transport Community based solutions to rural transport https://www.wcpp.org.uk/commentary/how-community-based-solutions-can-improve-rural-transport-in-wales/ Review of interventions to improve public transport in rural areas https://www.wcpp.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/An-evidence-review-of-interventions-to-improve-transport-in-rural-areas.pdf Transport Deserts https://www.cpre.org.uk/news/transport-deserts/ Chat 15:09:09 From Bryony Chetwode to Everyone : Welcome everyone https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/future-of-transport-rural-strategy-call-for-evidence 15:32:43 From Richard Kemble to Everyone : Drones and autonomous vehicles depend on good mobile and broadband strengths in rural areas. 15:35:28 From Jacqui - BAVLAP to Everyone : We also need to make use of all existing transport, especially the SCHOOL BUSES - they just sit laid up in the middle of the day, WHY can’t they be used for shopping trip in the Rural Areas 15:37:04 From Bryony Chetwode to Everyone : Jacqui you rightly pickup on the need for journeys to have manifold value 15:38:24 From David Redgewell to Everyone : intergration with public health services in rural area no link to the NHS 15:39:19 From Colin Divall to Everyone : These are deeply historical trends - look at the analysis of the Jack Cttee report on rural bus services ca 1960! Same kind of 'challenges'. Agree though that letting rip the 'free market' in housing has not helped rural communities. 15:39:36 From John Carr to Everyone : Note that the Public Accounts Committee criticised HMG for relaxing the target for 95% coverage of fast broadband to 85% by 2025. 15:41:14 From Jacqui - BAVLAP to Everyone : I think one issue is that those making the decisions don’t use buses 15:41:17 From Phil Groocock to Everyone : These days, school coaches cannot be used to provide ordinary bus services because they are not wheelchair accessible. Buses that are wheelchair accessible could be used to operate the school contracts but these have fewer seats and most are not fitted with seatbelts. 15:41:21 From Cllr Loretta Whetlor to Everyone : pre COVID we were lucky here in west Somerset because EDF gave us free transport during the hours of their staff being taken on their park and ride went fromMinehead to Bridgwater. Took well over 1 3/4 hours to get there 15:41:31 From dixie to Everyone : A very good analysis by Catherine/Kate identifying the need for a systemic change in rural transport. As well as widening opportunities for those who are disadvantaged by age, economics, etc, we also need a shift in behaviour change re transport for those who are well off. Single drivers in SUVs for example. 15:41:45 From GST114288 to Everyone : in cornwall go-ahead is successfully combining school and public journeys---greatly improving coverage in isolated areas of the county.for example,holsworthy-bodmin moor-bodmin. 15:41:48 From Bryony Chetwode to Everyone : Where would the townies go 15:42:48 From Kit (Transition Tavistock) to Everyone : Re @Colin's point on history. A key difference from 1960 is that we now realise the wider costs - including to public funds such as health services - of the assumption that all travel can be done in private cars. 15:43:00 From Bryony Chetwode to Everyone : Wellbeing, toursism, lateral thinking and industries contribute to our ecoomy 15:43:06 From Bryony Chetwode to Everyone : economy 15:44:28 From Roma to Everyone : From Roma What is the best use of LAs BSOG for rural public transport? 15:46:23 From David Redgewell to Everyone : rural tax bus i service what about community safe of unregulated drivers. 15:46:39 From Kit (Transition Tavistock) to Everyone : Sorry @Mike, but regulation of taxis includes safeguarding and road safety checks that you might be willing to skip but many others, including most lone women travellers, would not. 15:46:51 From David Redgewell to Everyone : That why taxi are licensed 15:47:24 From Robert Williams to Everyone : I think part of the challenge with school "buses" is the suitability of those vehicles to undertake rural shopper services. Typically they are coaches or double deckers. Also, they don't operate in school holidays which account for 25% of weekdays, so it's not necessarily as cheap as it might look compared to procuring a minibus service to run all year. So, there are cases where it can work, and cases where it doesn't. The local authorities need to coordinate transport as one issue, rather than separate issues that are statutory and non-statutory. 15:47:40 From David Redgewell to Everyone : problem in rural south Gloucestershire and weca area with driver safety of taxis 15:48:28 From dixie to Everyone : Narrow roads, steep hills and elderly population in West Somerset not well suited to active travel. 15:48:34 From David Redgewell to Everyone : Avon and Somerset police or Gloucestershire police would not support unregulated Taxis .not would the British transport police 15:48:58 From Philip Sankey to Everyone : We have several different supermarkets visiting Lyme to deliver groceries. where should competition end and co-operation begin? 15:49:19 From Colin Divall to Everyone : The technological booseterism of the DfT's call is both predictable and disappointing. Much of the nuance of the GOS Foresight report (Jan 2019) about the uncertainties have been lost. Technology has a role, but mustn't frame the agenda. 15:49:29 From david.phillips to Everyone : "Rural" is heterogenous - there is a considerable difference between deep-rural and towns of 5k+ population - the problems are slightly different and potential solutions considerably so. 15:49:33 From Nick Hurrell to Everyone : The Bridport Renewable Corridor (which we heard from a few weeks ago), is aimed at both connecting rural communities and Bridport/West Bay. It's radical but deserves further consideration 15:50:11 From David Redgewell to Everyone : patients transport and public transport and community transport work together 15:55:32 From Jacqui - BAVLAP to Everyone : Ive got an electric bike 15:56:16 From Mike Reddaway to Everyone : Many rural bus routes wander around hence take a long time. And there aren't many journeys per week so rural residents use their cars. Make cars electric? 15:56:22 From Kit (Transition Tavistock) to Everyone : @Loretta is right to say discussion of rural transport includes the towns as well as villages, as people's work and social connections link them. 15:57:21 From Cllr Loretta Whetlor to Everyone : Electric cars are great but who can afford one at the moment. unless the government give us all a subsidy no chance ! 15:58:09 From John Scott to Everyone : How many drones would be buzzing around our rural lanes and fields to replace all the large delivery vehicles? 15:58:15 From James White to Everyone : Electric cars still have a carbon footprint and some research suggest it is only after 50,000km that the benefits kick in. 15:58:45 From Mike Reddaway to Everyone : A subsidy for electric cars might the only way to meet decarbonisation targets? 15:59:11 From Kit (Transition Tavistock) to Everyone : I think this the consultation @Neil mentioned. https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/form/transport-delivery-action-plan 15:59:27 From csymington to Everyone : Why not use frequent small "hopper" style electric buses with baggage areas on designated routes that can deviate slightly to respond to advance booking requests to help isolated residents. IF these hopper buses are programmed to stop at supermarkets, surgeries etc parcels/shopping etc can also be collected for delivery, reducing the need for delivery vans making numerous small deliveries and becoming a menace in small villages as well as being unsustainable. Just a thought... 15:59:49 From alan to Everyone : People require public transport to be able to socialise, medical appointments, education , work etc. Car share does not work when you have flexible work time demands. 16:00:47 From dixie to Everyone : I like the hopper buses idea. 16:01:30 From Cllr Loretta Whetlor to Everyone : After COVID we have a problem with the buses i. They will be full due to Butlins so we really do need a better service for all. People use buses not just to go shopping or appointments but also for tourism . 16:02:05 From Mike Lambden - Bus Archive to Everyone : What is being described as hopper bus. Legislation has allowed those for many years but take up has been very small for the sort of reason that John outlined. 16:02:29 From Colin Divall to Everyone : There is a rather underused railway line through Watchet! 16:03:09 From Mike Lambden - Bus Archive to Everyone : https://lincsbus.info/callconnect/ 16:04:07 From Bryony Chetwode to Everyone : Thanks Mike Lamden 16:04:13 From Kit (Transition Tavistock) to Everyone : Re @James White's comment on electric cars. The figure is nearer 16000 than 50000. The latter figure is from an extremely dubious source. https://inews.co.uk/news/environment/electric-cars-questions-raised-misleading-ev-report-778113 16:05:08 From Nick Hurrell to Everyone : Running public service trains on the W Somerset line is common sense (and would quicker then the bus) but it hasn't happened yet - why? 16:06:24 From John Scott to Everyone : We need to keep in mind that the transport needs vary according to the different groups in rural areas. There are at least four main groups with different needs: commuters, schools, the retired, and visitors. One size may not fit all. 16:06:49 From Bryony Chetwode to Everyone : Should we be asking for boosted support for bus connecting with trains 16:07:06 From Richard Kemble to Everyone : What happened to the "Total Transport" initiatives of a few years ago?? 16:07:25 From Tony Reese to Everyone : Yes, Bryony, but what do we mean by support for connections 16:07:33 From Colin Divall to Everyone : Yes: but they need to be dedicated connections, like in Switzerland 16:08:12 From Tony Reese to Everyone : Interconnections means reorganising bus and train timetables, as well as space on station forcourts 16:09:05 From David Redgewell to Everyone : The west Somerset railway owned by Somerset county council should be used for passengers trains not just a steam railway for tourists first great western railway looked at service on this line but needs government funding. 16:09:27 From Nick Hurrell to Everyone : Catherine . you hit the nail on the head with your comment on lack of joined up thinking cross counties 16:09:54 From Lucy Travis to Everyone : We haven’t thought about rural based commuters or school / college children which aren’t time rich. They need regular bus or train services which run on time so you can get to school or work on time. You can't get an e scooter or a folded electric bike on a bus or train. Also we need to think how we can discourage car use in rural areas. What would encourage a person to get a taxi to then get a bus to work when they could jump in their car to go direct to work. 16:09:56 From Kit (Transition Tavistock) to Everyone : Re @Richard's query on Total Transport. Devon's Interim Carbon Plan has an action " Promote Total Transport, integrating various transport services (school transport, public bus services, patient transport etc.) to enable more efficient use of vehicles and reduce dead mileage.". Which suggests it isn't there yet. 16:10:11 From Bryony Chetwode to Everyone : If we throw carbon budgets into the mix a whole new equation for sustainable services evolves. Rural miles are long 16:10:24 From David Redgewell to Everyone : The Exeter central to okehampton line will open very soon to a passengers service Network rail western routes is working on the route with first group plc for the department for transport 16:10:25 From Colin Divall to Everyone : Agreed. 16:11:28 From Mike Lambden - Bus Archive to Everyone : Anthony Smith of Transport Focus says that diverting bus services to serve railway stations can be totally against what most bus passengers want as it adds to their journey time. 16:11:43 From David Redgewell to Everyone : The Bristol ,Bath ,Westbury Frome, Yeovil ,Dorchester, Weymouth 16:12:02 From Mike Reddaway to Everyone : Yes, getting all agencies, providers, private, public etc to work together is the most difficult problem. 16:12:02 From David Redgewell to Everyone : is a very important rural railway 16:12:26 From Colin Divall to Everyone : Yes: Peninsular and Western Gateway as two separate STBs is ridiculous. 16:12:31 From Marcus Prouse to Everyone : Isn't there a Local Transport Board through the Heart of the South West LEP? could they have a role to play In thinking regionally with funding 16:12:32 From David Redgewell to Everyone : Bristol Bath yeovil Weymouth railway 16:12:38 From James White to Everyone : On the rural miles are long and carbon issue Midlands Connect (which includes many rural areas) work is revealing rural areas are the greatest contributors to carbon emissions and this is where decarbonisation policies will need to focus including reducing the overall need to travel. 16:12:57 From Kit (Transition Tavistock) to Everyone : Como UK have some guidance on mobility hubs https://como.org.uk/shared-mobility/mobility-hubs/what/ 16:13:19 From Richard Kemble to Everyone : @Kit I gather that the patient transport side is the challenge. 16:13:55 From David Redgewell to Everyone : 2 Transport Board for south west England Dont work no public consultation about the boundary by either Board s 16:15:15 From John Scott to Everyone : Why not increase tax on private cars to produce revenue for investment in rural bus services? 16:16:06 From David Redgewell to Everyone : Somerset sit in.the middle Somerset county council in one Board and Banes and North Somerset in is in western Gateway transport board 16:16:38 From David Redgewell to Everyone : Somerset is in southwest transport board 16:17:06 From Marcus Prouse to Everyone : thank you for the info David 16:17:44 From John Scott to Everyone : Some vaccination hubs are located in very rural areas! 16:17:46 From David Redgewell to Everyone : Somerset clinical commission group is the problem not Somerset west or Somerset county council 16:17:49 From Mike Lambden - Bus Archive to Everyone : Why would you want a bus service from the town centre to the racecourse as most people don't live in the centre? 16:18:23 From Lucy Travis to Everyone : First bus are running a special "vaccination" bus double decker bus from Wells to Shepton Mallet cenothath then on to the Bath and west show ground (a vaccination hub). Runs every 30mins 7 days a week plus weekends and weekends. 16:19:25 From Colin Divall to Everyone : The Sub National Transport Boards are in theory a good idea, but the devil is in the detail. I'd love to know the politics behind having two STBs in the SW. At least in the 1960s there was a single Economic Planning Council for the region! 16:19:30 From David Redgewell to Everyone : mendip district council and Somerset county council has a shuttle bus service from.wells shepton mallet to the Bath and west show ground vaccinations centre connection with 376 bus from wells Glastonbury and street 16:21:18 From Kit (Transition Tavistock) to Everyone : @Peter is right to point to discriminatory effect of assuming everyone has cars. We have disabled members who are articulate adults who want to be able to travel independently, not depending on a family or friend to drive them. 16:21:50 From Bryony Chetwode to Everyone : How do we think around rural to rural? Is there an alternative to a car 16:22:32 From David Redgewell to Everyone : Lucy Travis has worked on vaccinations centre bus service s in Somerset Banes North Somerset and Banes and weca on the Somerset catch the bus campaign Facebook group please join and the Dorset catch the bus campaign for Dorset Bournemouth Poole and Christchurch face group please join 16:23:09 From David Redgewell to Everyone : Wiltshire 24 7 Facebook group as well please join 16:23:16 From csymington to Everyone : This lack of connectivity is precisely what restoring rail connectivity in rural areas is trying to resolve. Integrating small shuttle bus/cycle and pedestrian access with local rail services will help reduce social isolation, improve access for young, elderly and those without cars to shopping, leisure, education and jobs, can enable faster journeys and reduces carbon emissions. 16:24:04 From Mike Reddaway to Everyone : I shall look at the consultation. I live in Exeter but grew up in rural Devon so know both ends of the journey. 16:24:08 From Bryony Chetwode to Christopher Irwin(Direct Message) : We will run a workshop Zoom mid next week. 16:24:13 From Kit (Transition Tavistock) to Everyone : Devon car ownership figures, to fairly fine detail, are here https://www.devon.gov.uk/factsandfigures/transport/car-ownership/ 16:24:24 From David Redgewell to Everyone : we need rural railway and bus services 16:24:43 From Lucy Travis to Everyone : I have set up a Facebook group for bus campaigners (bringing people together with an interest in buses, bus campaigners, bus users groups or transport user groups with an interest in buses): https://www.facebook.com/groups/931235210634506 Everyone is welcome. 16:25:07 From David Redgewell to Everyone : the Government is funding railway at 182 million pound a aweek 16:25:28 From David Redgewell to Everyone : 27 .5 million pounds aweek on bus service 16:25:56 From James White to Everyone : DfT is apparently planning a use public transport campaign. 16:26:09 From David Redgewell to Everyone : Governments is planning a regional and national bus strategy consultation 16:26:32 From Bryony Chetwode to Everyone : Parish Councils are an relatively untapped resource which has shown some workable mettle in rural areas through lockdown 16:26:56 From John Moorhouse to Everyone : TravelWatch NorthWest will be responding to the consultation. Some very interesting points today. 16:27:01 From David Redgewell to Everyone : There is a department for transport bus service recovery grant comming through public transport 16:27:37 From David Redgewell to Everyone : and emergency recovery fund for railway 16:27:45 From Kit (Transition Tavistock) to Everyone : Just some examples from those Devon figures of West Devon parishes - households with no car: Gulworthy 4, Buckland Monachorum 150, Lamerton 27, Meavy 18, Walkhampton 21. 16:28:46 From Lucy Travis to Everyone : ~Community transport only carries about 8 people in COVID times. Also community transport only services in Somerset 1 village a week normally. This isn't the solution to public transport to covid vaccination sites. 16:30:06 From Jacqui - BAVLAP to Everyone : Do both - 16:30:29 From Jacqui - BAVLAP to Everyone : Yes please Jacqui 16:30:33 From Kit (Transition Tavistock) to Everyone : Yes, I would like to go to workshop 16:30:52 From David Redgewell to Everyone : yes bryony chetwode in wood love to attend 16:31:04 From petertravis to Everyone : Peter Travis would like to join the workshop 16:31:07 From John’s iPad to Everyone : yes please John Hassall 16:31:25 From David Redgewell to Everyone : David Redgewell yes please 16:31:55 From Horace Prickett to Everyone : Yes Please Bryony Horace Prickett Title: Re: TravelWatch Southwest - Webinar 4 - Friday 5th February - Rural Connectivity Post by: grahame on February 07, 2021, 07:57:40 From a brief look through chat for the TWSW rural connectivity seminar 5.2.2021 (chat is above in this thread), here are some of the key issues that were discussed. Many well recognised and common; big question for me is "how do we take forward solutions towards identified issues?"
Historic trends - thinning out of rural buses Medical, school, general use of same vehicles / services, and issues (times, standards needed, etc) Free market issues / bus competition on boundary of town and countryside Licensing/regulation of taxis and community safety Lots of rural transport on roads not suitable for it. Making use of rural rail too Westbury to Weymouth, Taunton to Minehead, to Okehampron Bus connections at stations - are they really what passengers want? Maybe not now - but for the future? Need to sycnronise timetables for decent connections Change in behaviour of users - 1 person in SUV to public transport How carbon friendly really are electric cars? How affordable? Rural areas are high use carbon and will need a lot of work to reduce Deliveries, by drone? Why by competing van not a single delivery service? Issues with transport to vaccination centres (and where should it run from??) Post COVID but with distancing still bus capacity issue - Minehead and Butlins Spit between two transport boards does not work and was not consulted on. Encouragement to join local bus groups; URLs etc in chat. Next Seminar - Best Practice - 12th Feb 2021 - http://www.passenger.chat/24544 This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |