Title: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: grahame on December 26, 2020, 10:29:34 Updated areas - 31st December 2020 onwards - please link to http://www.passenger.chat/24446
Travel advice and rules - tiers 4, 3 and 2 from the Government web site - as was 26.12 to 30.12.2020 Pages such as https://www.gov.uk/guidance/tier-2-high-alert https://gov.wales/leaving-your-home-and-seeing-other-people-alert-level-4 for Wales Tier 4 - London and the wide south east Tier 4* - Wales Tier 3 - Bristol and a very wide area down to Somerset and up towards the Midlands. Also Swindon. Tier 2 - BaNES, Wiltshire, BPC, Dorset and south west thereof. Also Worcestershire and The Marches (http://www.wellho.net/pix/tiers20201226.jpg) * TRAVEL information only extracted for here. Please see separate details of what can and cannot be done, and what can open when, in each area. Please remember that face mask and social distancing rules apply across all tiers in addition to restrictions below. I have not included tier 1 here, as that applies only to the Isles of Scilly at present with a total population of around 2500 and no railway stations at all. * - Wales has a devolved setup but is very similar at present to tier 4. Tier 4 Travelling within a Tier 4 area If you live in a Tier 4 area, you must not leave your home unless you have a reasonable excuse (e.g. for work or education purposes). If you need to travel you should stay local - meaning avoiding travelling outside of your village, town or the part of a city where you live - and look to reduce the number of journeys you make overall. The list of reasons you can leave your home and area include, but are not limited to: * work, where you cannot work from home * accessing education and for caring responsibilities * visiting those in your support bubble - or your childcare bubble for childcare * visiting hospital, GP and other medical appointments or visits where you have had an accident or are concerned about your health * buying goods or services from premises that are open in Tier 4 areas, including essential retail, but these should be within your local area wherever possible * outdoor recreation or exercise. This should be done locally wherever possible, but you can travel a short distance within your Tier 4 area to do so if necessary (for example, to access an open space) * attending the care and exercise of an animal, or veterinary services If you need to travel, walk or cycle where possible, and plan ahead and avoid busy times and routes on public transport. This will allow you to practice social distancing while you travel. Avoid car sharing with anyone from outside your household or your support bubble. See the guidance on car sharing. If you need to use public transport, you should follow the safer travel guidance. Travelling out of a Tier 4 area You must stay at home and not leave your Tier 4 area, other than for legally permitted reasons such as: * travel to work where you cannot work from home * travel to education and for caring responsibilities * visit or stay overnight with people in your support bubble, or your childcare bubble for childcare purposes * attend hospital, GP and other medical appointments or visits where you have had an accident or are concerned about your health * to provide emergency assistance, and to avoid injury or illness, or to escape a risk of harm (such as domestic abuse) The full list of exceptions will be published in the Regulations. Travelling to a Tier 4 area from a Tier 1, 2 or 3 area You should not travel into a Tier 4 area from another part of the UK, other than for reasons such as: * travel to work where you cannot work from home * travel to education and for caring responsibilities * to visit (including staying overnight with) those in your support bubble - or your childcare bubble for childcare * to attend hospital, GP and other medical appointments or visits where you have had an accident or are concerned about your health You should continue to practice safe behaviours on public transport: * plan ahead, check for disruption before you leave, and avoid the busiest routes, as well as busy times * avoid making unnecessary stops during your journey * avoid sharing a car with people not in your household * keep your distance from other people when you travel, where possible * wash or sanitise your hands regularly Tier 3 Where possible, you should stay local and avoid travelling outside your local area, meaning your village or town, or part of a city. People should continue to travel for reasons such as work, education, medical attention or if they have caring responsibilities. You can still travel to venues that are open, or for reasons such as work or education, but you should reduce the number of journeys you make wherever possible. You should still avoid travelling outside your tier 3 area other than for the reasons such as those above. Walk or cycle where you can and plan ahead and avoid busy times and routes on public transport. Where that is not possible and you need to travel. Read safer travel guidance. Avoid car sharing with anyone from outside your household or your support bubble ? read guidance on car sharing. You must not travel if you are experiencing any coronavirus symptoms, are self-isolating as a result of coronavirus symptoms, are sharing a household or support bubble with somebody with symptoms, or have been told to self-isolate after being contacted by NHS Test and Trace. Travelling into or out of a Tier 3 alert level area Avoid travelling outside your area, including for overnight stays, other than where necessary, such as: * for work * for education * to access voluntary, charitable or youth services * because of caring responsibilities * for moving home * to visit your support bubble * for a medical appointment or treatment Where necessary, you can travel through other areas as part of a longer journey. If you live in a Tier 3 area, you must continue to follow Tier 3 rules when you travel to a Tier 1 or Tier 2 area. You must not stay with anyone you do not live with elsewhere in the UK or visit their home (unless you share a support bubble). Tier 2 Where possible, you should stay local and avoid travelling outside of your local area, meaning your village or town, or part of a city. You should stay local and avoid travelling outside of your local area, meaning your village or town, or part of a city, where possible. People should continue to travel for reasons such as work, education, getting medical attention or fulfilling caring responsibilities. You can still continue to travel to venues that are open, or for reasons such as work or education, but you should reduce the number of journeys you make wherever possible. Walk or cycle where possible, and plan ahead and avoid busy times and routes on public transport. This will allow you to practise social distancing while you travel. Avoid car sharing with anyone from outside your household or your support bubble. See the guidance on car sharing. If you need to use public transport, you should follow the safer travel guidance. You must not travel if you are experiencing any coronavirus symptoms, are self-isolating as a result of coronavirus symptoms, are sharing a household or support bubble with somebody with symptoms, or have been told to self-isolate after being contacted by NHS Test and Trace. You can still travel within Tier 2 areas to hotels and other guest accommodation. You should only do this with people in your household or support bubble. Travelling out of a Tier 2 area You should stay local and avoid travelling outside of your local area, meaning your village or town, or part of a city, where possible. People should continue to travel for reasons such as work, education, getting medical attention or fulfilling caring responsibilities. If you live in a Tier 2 area, you must continue to follow Tier 2 rules when you travel to a Tier 1 area. However, avoid travel to or overnight stays in Tier 3 areas other than where necessary, such as: * for work * for education * to access voluntary, charitable or youth services * to visit your support bubble * to receive medical treatment * for moving home * because of caring responsibilities You can travel through a Tier 3 area as a part of a longer journey. People should carefully consider whether they must travel abroad and should follow the rules in their area. In addition, you should consider the public health advice in the country you are visiting. For international travel see the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Travel Advice for your destination and the travel corridors list. When travelling, it is important that you respect the rules in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and do not travel to different parts of the UK where their intended activities there would be prohibited by legislation passed by the relevant devolved administration. Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: grahame on December 26, 2020, 13:43:41 From my Facebook page:
Quote And Covid has come to our house. So far only one child but this unnerving. This from a remarkable lady who was part of a circle of friends in which Lisa and I met. She and Paul met through that group just like Lisa and I did, and just as others thought that Lisa and I would not make it, so they thought the same of Laura and Paul. But outside the group, they had it far, far tougher than we did - with immigration and lack of family support issues. Delighted that they have grown and matured from that early couple to a string partnership that has defied the doubters. And - goodness - they have had so much to handle. Laura was seriously ill, and to the extent of having a heart transplant from which she has grown and built back up to running marathons. A remarkable lady who has gone a long so far from an aborted wedding because of paperwork problems, and a Chinese takeaway in my flat in Swindon that night while the guests partied on another continent. I am sharing this story to be thankful for friends, and to remind everyone, please, take care over the coming months. This winter is likely to be the depth. Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: JayMac on December 26, 2020, 15:54:40 A pedant writes:
One small correction for the first post. In the Tier 2 areas its BCP (Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council), not BPC. There was some typical squabbling among councillors of the 3 previous Borough Councils. Each advancing reasons why their town should come first in the new name. Christchurch wanted to be first as they had the oldest charter. Poole wanted the name to reflect reading the towns left to right on a standard north orientated map. Bournemouth wanted to be first because they have designs on gaining city status. At least they didn't hire consultants to come up with a new name. Or ask the public. It could have ended up being called Dorset McDorsetcoastface Council. In the end alphabetical was chosen. Personally I think they should have gone with the neutral South East Dorset Council. Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: ellendune on December 26, 2020, 16:04:46 Personally I think they should have gone with the neutral South East Dorset Council. Ahh (another pedant writes) but Bournemouth and Christchurch were historically in Hampshire so not sure the name South East Dorset Council would be that neutral. Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: JayMac on December 26, 2020, 16:21:27 Ahh (another pedant writes) but Bournemouth and Christchurch were historically in Hampshire so not sure the name South East Dorset Council would be that neutral. Okay. Administrative areas have often been named after local rivers, so what about Fromestouravon or Fromeavonstour or Stourfromeavon or Stouravonfrome or Avonstourfrome or Avonfromestour Council? :P ;) ;D Edit: The Sherford River has a better call for the Poole area than The Frome. Had the Wareham Channel area of Poole Harbour been in the new council area then The Piddle would also have come into play! Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: Jamsdad on December 26, 2020, 16:25:35 Another bit of legal pedantry....
" Should" means it's guidance and advisable , not bound by law."Must" is used where the Public Health England Cornovirus Regualtions (2020) specifically forbid it with legal sanction. Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: Robin Summerhill on December 26, 2020, 18:08:04 A pedant writes: One small correction for the first post. In the Tier 2 areas its BCP (Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council), not BPC. There was some typical squabbling among councillors of the 3 previous Borough Councils. Each advancing reasons why their town should come first in the new name. Christchurch wanted to be first as they had the oldest charter. Poole wanted the name to reflect reading the towns left to right on a standard north orientated map. Bournemouth wanted to be first because they have designs on gaining city status. At least they didn't hire consultants to come up with a new name. Or ask the public. It could have ended up being called Dorset McDorsetcoastface Council. In the end alphabetical was chosen. Personally I think they should have gone with the neutral South East Dorset Council. This matter was supposed to be resolved on the local government reoganisation of 1934 (yes 1934 not a typo for 1974) To stop similar squabbles back then it was decreed that formerly separate councils that were amalgamated would appear in alphabetical order. I note that that applies in this case. Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: Robin Summerhill on December 26, 2020, 18:19:31 Following up Grahams original post, I have downloaded todays figures from https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/cases and I have extracted the figures for the generl GWR land. (I see that Melton Mowbray has crept into the table but I couldnt be bothered to change it after I created a table as a jpg!)
It makes sobering reading for anyone who thinks their tier level is too high: (https://thumbsnap.com/s/puXi2FrM.jpg) Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: grahame on December 26, 2020, 20:21:53 It nakes sobering reading for anyone who thinks their tier level is too high: Thanks, Robin. It doesn't come across very clear on my screen though - fuzzy text - so I'm put it in another format. First column is cases per 100,000 population, second column is area. I too may have slipped up in selecting areas. Code: 1118.9 Merthyr Tydfil To add some sort of "control" on that ... Nationwide average figure: 1st October - 100.2 1st November - 228.4 1st December - 152.2 20th December - 360.0 Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: Robin Summerhill on December 26, 2020, 20:36:26 Thanks Graham. I didn't like the look of the table after I posted it, but I couldn't work out how to make it any bigger. Does the programme auto size such things? It looked far better in the original .jpg on my screen!
Edited in error when I meant to quote - sorry, Robin - I think it's back as it should be. Sometimes an admin / moderator can press the wrong button - we have to be careful of our powers! Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: grahame on December 26, 2020, 20:54:00 Thanks Graham. I didn't like the look of the table after I posted it, but I couldn't work out how to make it any bigger. Does the programme auto size such things? It looked far better in the original .jpg on my screen! You're hosting it at https://thumbsnap.com/s/puXi2FrM.jpg and they are resizing it via that URL You have written [ img ] https://thumbsnap.com/s/puXi2FrM.jpg [ /img ] and that shows full size here. If you wrote [ img width=1200 ] https://thumbsnap.com/s/puXi2FrM.jpg [ /img ] you could rescale here but that would not add detail back in. * I have added spaces around "img" and "/img" to force the text to show and not the image! Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: Robin Summerhill on December 26, 2020, 22:38:52 Thanks Graham. I didn't like the look of the table after I posted it, but I couldn't work out how to make it any bigger. Does the programme auto size such things? It looked far better in the original .jpg on my screen! You're hosting it at https://thumbsnap.com/s/puXi2FrM.jpg and they are resizing it via that URL You have written [ img ] https://thumbsnap.com/s/puXi2FrM.jpg [ /img ] and that shows full size here. If you wrote [ img width=1200 ] https://thumbsnap.com/s/puXi2FrM.jpg [ /img ] you could rescale here but that would not add detail back in. * I have added spaces around "img" and "/img" to force the text to show and not the image! I realised what did wrong. I copied and pasted from Excel into Paint to create a .jpg, but then I didnt trim the field to take out the white space. Anyway, now reposted below. Stll a bit unclear but at least it can now be read ;D (https://thumbsnap.com/s/7zTEcWbX.jpg) Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: grahame on December 27, 2020, 10:10:38 As at 27.12.2020. Please stay local. Tier map at the top of this thread; rules for each tier below.
In ANY case if you're travelling by train or bus ... remember - mask and social distance, choose quieter times if you can (and if you know what's going to be quite!!), pay contactless if possible, remember to wash hands and sanitise. Stay safe. 4 Paddington 4 Reading 4 Didcot 3 Swindon 2 Chippenham 2 Bath Spa 3 Bristol 4 Paddington 4 Reading 4 Newbury 4 Hungerford 4 Kintbury 2 Bedwyn 2 Pewsey 2 Westbury 3 Frome 3 Bruton 3 Castle Cary 3 Taunton 2 Tiverton Parkway and beyond 4 Portsmouth 4 Southampton 4 Romsey 2 Salisbury 2 Warminster 2 Westbury 2 Trowbridge 2 Bradford-on-Avon 2 Bath 2 Keynsham 3 Bristol Temple Meads 3 Filton Abbey Wood Wales Welsh Rules Tier 4 - Currently London and the South East ( as far out as Oxford and Southampton). Also similar restrictions in Wales (http://www.wellho.net/pix/t4_20201226.jpg) Tier 3 - Currently Swindon, New Forest, Isle of Wight, Gloucestershire, Bristol and Somerset. (http://www.wellho.net/pix/t3_20201226.jpg) Tier 2 - Currently Wiltshire, Dorset, BaNES, Devon and Cornwall (http://www.wellho.net/pix/t2_20201226.jpg) Tier 1 - Currently only the Isles of Scilly (http://www.wellho.net/pix/t1_20201226.jpg) Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: grahame on December 30, 2020, 15:47:18 Tier changes from 31.12.2020
(http://www.wellho.net/pix/tiers_20201231.jpg) Swindon moves to tier 4 Somerset moves to tier 4 Isle of Wight, New Forest, BCP move to tier 4 Cotswold and Gloucestershire (but not south Gloucs) move to tier 4 Wiltshire, BaNES, Dorset, South West move to tier 3 I will post a new thread this evening to bring this to the top Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: grahame on December 30, 2020, 16:08:54 On disruption map (work in progress - still checking alignment)
(http://new.passenger.chat/map/_CAAHAAEAAA.jpg) Title: Re: Coronavirus tiers and travel rules from 26th December 2020 Post by: TaplowGreen on December 30, 2020, 16:18:54 Stay at home and stay safe folks, whether you're in tier 3 or 4.
The more of us that do, the more will be around to see in 2022. This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |