Title: Martin John Gosney - our member martyjon - RIP Post by: grahame on October 18, 2020, 09:55:48 I am sad to bring you news of the passing of Martin John Gosney - our member Martyjon - on 10th September 2020. A short notice appeared here (https://www.gazetteseries.co.uk/announcements/deaths/deaths/18760927.Martin_John_Gosney/) in the press.
(http://www.wellho.net/pix/mjg_001.jpg) Martyjon joined the forum way back in June 2007 and was active here - with breaks - right through to late August 2020. He was one of our "Transport Scholars" and so much of Martyjon fitted that description. A career at Rolls Royce - very much as a grass roots technical person rather than managing, with an ability (and stories) of solving problems in a pragmatic and practical way was followed - or perhaps overlapped with an intensive interest in the public transport - both in his own area and wider across the region. In retirement he travelled widely, bringing tails of rail as far afield as New Zealand. Underneath the quiet exterior that few of us penetrated was a fervent protagonist of public transport, and a heart of gold that went out to extraordinary lengths to help and support those who were of similar view. I was humbled when I called for help at local events here in Melksham, and Martyjon took the day to come on over and support us, but then was so humble himself that he sat down with his sandwiches and soft drink while awaiting time for his return train. We were not alone in receiving that support. Martyjon's support of a wheelchair bound local campaigner was not short of extraordinary; stories of him travelling to visit in hospital to pass the person he was visiting heading, unknown to him, up to bristol and them being on passing trains are very believable, and were told without any shadow of grumble. I worried about him being 'used' but he knew and still gave of his time and support. Martyjon kept personal and forum / campaign lives separate, and the news of his passing has - regrettably - only reached me after the mainstream chance to pay our respects has passed ... but then it was "family only". Notices give no age nor reason for passing, but I am able to report a long life and the absence of any long period of debillitating suffering, for which much relief as we celebrate the life of our member, supporter and friend Martin John Gosney. R.I.P, Martyjon. (http://www.wellho.net/pix/mjg_002.jpg) Pictures - 20th July 2019, Melksham "Party in the Park" Title: Re: Martin John Gosney - our member martyjon - RIP Post by: Red Squirrel on October 18, 2020, 10:55:54 Thanks for letting us know, Graham. Very sad news.
Title: Re: Martin John Gosney - our member martyjon - RIP Post by: TonyK on October 19, 2020, 14:22:26 Thank you, Graham, very sad news indeed. I shall miss his insider knowledge on certain matters.
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