Great Western Coffee Shop

Journey by Journey => London to the Cotswolds => Topic started by: TonyN on June 23, 2020, 10:34:59

Title: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on June 23, 2020, 10:34:59
The Ticket machine has arrived

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: IndustryInsider on June 23, 2020, 10:58:20
Card only I presume?  Not wise to have anything with cash in it at that sort of location!

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on June 23, 2020, 13:12:32
It is Indeed card only.
Not sure why the top panel still has the protective covering in place when the machine appears to be operational.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: infoman on June 23, 2020, 16:42:33
Not been there for some time
could I ask if Pershore is just a one track station or does it have two lines?

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: rogerw on June 23, 2020, 17:06:03
Only a single track

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on June 23, 2020, 17:07:40
Part of the Cotswold line development plan is to Double from Evesham to just west of Pershore.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: Witham Bobby on June 25, 2020, 11:28:54
Part of the Cotswold line development plan is to Double from Evesham to just west of Pershore.

I can't help thinking that a better use of money (and probably less of it) would be to remove the bottleneck of the single junction at Norton Junction and lay a train-length of double line from there towards Evesham, which would ease operation eastwards from Worcester quote considerably, as an Up train waiting on the Main Line at Norton Jcn for a Down train to come off the single line could stand clear of anything requiring the Abbotswood Jcn route.

A mirror image of this at Wolvercote Jcn would help at the Oxford end of the line, too.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: IndustryInsider on June 25, 2020, 11:41:58
Well, the task force evaluated all sensible options before reaching their conclusions.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: JontyMort on June 25, 2020, 20:31:58
Part of the Cotswold line development plan is to Double from Evesham to just west of Pershore.

I can't help thinking that a better use of money (and probably less of it) would be to remove the bottleneck of the single junction at Norton Junction and lay a train-length of double line from there towards Evesham, which would ease operation eastwards from Worcester quote considerably, as an Up train waiting on the Main Line at Norton Jcn for a Down train to come off the single line could stand clear of anything requiring the Abbotswood Jcn route.

A mirror image of this at Wolvercote Jcn would help at the Oxford end of the line, too.

Indeed. They should have redoubled from Norton to Worcestershire Parkway as part of that scheme - it’s about quarter of a mile. Ships and ha’p’orths of tar.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: Richard Fairhurst on June 25, 2020, 20:37:30
Well, the task force evaluated all sensible options before reaching their conclusions.

Though (choosing my words carefully here) the county council representatives on the taskforce have their own local agendas, of course, which the taskforce recommendations mirror very closely.

Or to put it another way, the answers you get depend on the questions you ask.

I'm going to enjoy doing a bit of campaigning for the Oxfordshire County Council elections next year. :D

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: grahame on June 25, 2020, 21:22:59
I'm going to enjoy doing a bit of campaigning for the Oxfordshire County Council elections next year. :D

Would that be in the role of supporting a candidate, or being one?

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: Richard Fairhurst on June 25, 2020, 21:50:32
Definitely supporting! Our county councillor here is excellent (and represents, er, my favoured party). But there are a few marginals not too far from here where a little bit of shoe-leather could make a difference...

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: Witham Bobby on June 26, 2020, 10:28:18

Indeed. They should have redoubled from Norton to Worcestershire Parkway as part of that scheme - it’s about quarter of a mile. Ships and ha’p’orths of tar.

Providing a lengthy second platform atop the embankment would have been very costly, though.  The building of the station was hideously costly as it was.

However, I do look forward to the day when the whole route is double track.  It would solve a lot of the problems that travellers on this route routinely have to endure

There won't be enough money in the post-Covid19 economy to chuck at a project like a full re-doubling, but maybe that won't stop it being spent, as a stimulus now, for our great grandchildren to pay for when they inherit all this "free money" debt

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: ellendune on June 26, 2020, 12:17:46
There won't be enough money in the post-Covid19 economy to chuck at a project like a full re-doubling, but maybe that won't stop it being spent, as a stimulus now, for our great grandchildren to pay for when they inherit all this "free money" debt

What money is available for post-Covid is rather more complex than people seem to think.

Firstly we are talking about macro-economics rather than the usual micro-economics and that rather depends on which brand of macro-economic theory our politicians are signed up to.

Secondly just as a business does we need to differentiate investment from day to day expenditure.

Looking at macro-economics first.

1) If a business is loosing money it can cut its costs by making people redundant. It no longer bears the cost of paying them.  However, unless they get another job government must now not only pick up the cost of paying them benefits, but it has also lost the money they paid in tax. In addition they will spend less money (because they do not have it) so the overall economy looses out (see point 2).

2) When the likes of you and I receive a salary we immediately (through PAYE) pay some of it to the government. We then pay a lot more of it out to other businesses to provide for our essential needs and some luxuries. These businesses in turn pay a proportion of that out to their employees who in turn pay taxes and buy more things part of which goes to employees of other businesses ans so on.  The effect is that putting say £1M into the economy creates many £millions of economic activity and quite a lot of that comes back the the government in tax. This is the whole basis of Keynesian macro-economic theory. 

3) The amount by which this £1M is multiplied depends on what you spend it on and where. If I spend my salary at the local farm shop and other local business then it benefits the local economy.  If I spend it on imported Chinese electronic goods then the economy of China benefits from that part and the taxes on that component go to the Chinese government. From a government point of view stimulus money gets most benefit when the highest proportion of it is spent on local (UK) wages. One of the best ways to do this is to spend it on public works and this was the reason for the massive road and rail construction programmes of the 1930's which included major improvements to the GWR.

4) Another form of stimulus is to reduce the amount of taxes people pay and this leads to one of the more controversial aspects of macro-economic policy. Tax breaks only benefit those who pay tax so they tend to disproportionately benefit the more wealthy. The theory is that this still filters down to the poorer people through the so called trickle down factor as they spend this money. However the evidence is that the more wealthy don't spend that much more when they get a tax cut, they simply save more, which does not benefit the economy. So look for which approach the Chancellor takes in his next budget.   

Turning now to the difference between investment and day to day expenditure.

5) In some ways this is no difference to business investment. So a business that is expanding may take on more staff or it may invest in plant to increase the productivity of its existing staff (I generalise here). In a recession businesses are unlikely to do this as they have no guarantee of a return on their investment.  Governments, on the other hand can choose to invest for a more general public good.  The advantages of increasing capital spending (investment) is that it is only committed for a set period of time and can be turned off when the economy recovers.  Increasing day to day expenditure (for example by employing more doctors and nurses) is that this becomes in practice an indefinite commitment to the increased expenditure.

6) Deciding on what to invest in to stimulate the economy also needs to take account of timescales.  It could choose to invest in some totally new mega projects - but these are likely to take years to plan and design before most of the money is spent.  A plan to build a new hospital where there has been no prior work will probably only start spending significant money in 5 to 10 years time.  I am not sure how long it took to plan and design the Dawlish cut off in the 1930's but it was too long as although construction started in the spring of 1939 it was almost immediately stopped in the autumn of the same year!  So government will be looking for "shovel ready projects".  That is why I think there is almost no likelihood that HS2 phase 1 will be cancelled.

This is a very round about way of responding to your point. But I will now come back to it.

I think there will be a significant amount of money available for projects that can show a public benefit provided that they can be started on the ground well before the next election. Local authorities know this so the most astute of them will be trotting out the projects they have been working on for some time like Metro West and the Cotswold line improvements.  The rail reopening projects could also be part of this though I wouldn't like to bet on the ones where there has been little planning. A small improvement like additional double track over a short length and a new platform at Worcestershire parkway I would not rule out either if a case can be made. 

The cynic in me also suggests that some of the money will be targeted where it can have the most electoral benefit so those who live an safe Tory seats should start making them look more like marginals in order to get more of the funding!   

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: eXPassenger on June 26, 2020, 18:23:06
There won't be enough money in the post-Covid19 economy to chuck at a project like a full re-doubling, but maybe that won't stop it being spent, as a stimulus now, for our great grandchildren to pay for when they inherit all this "free money" debt

What money is available for post-Covid is rather more complex than people seem to think.

Firstly we are talking about macro-economics rather than the usual micro-economics and that rather depends on which brand of macro-economic theory our politicians are signed up to......

Very well put.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: Witham Bobby on July 01, 2020, 12:32:08
the evidence is that the more wealthy don't spend that much more when they get a tax cut, they simply save more, which does not benefit the economy.

I'm not disagreeing with the entire reasoning of your post, but I do wonder if this is right.  A significant problem of the UK economy has been the lack of savings and over-reliance on debt in the "want it now" society.  My economics lessons were often about the "savings ratio" and the idea that money not spent by individuals on "stuff" was "saved" and became available to businesses to use.  We see this in, for example, pensions.  Money saved by individuals for their future is invested and becomes a source of funds for enterprise.  Our economy is now distorted because the majority "service" type businesses don't need to absorb capital in the same way as happened in our industrial enterprise past, and way too many bankers and financial institutions are looking for the quick buck.  If anyone really wanted to reform the economy and investment, this is where they'd start, in my view

Apologies for straying so far from the new ticket machine at Pershore :-)

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: infoman on July 01, 2020, 13:12:10
Spoke to one of the boss's a few years ago,saying that Pewsey needed a ticket machine on the money side of the station,the upside.

Stonehouse should have a ticket machine on its money side of the station,the upside.

Don't worry about the two pound fifty fares to Gloucester and Cheltenham.

Its most likely to do with the fact that their is no accessable telephone and electricity lines on the upsides and they would cost money to install.

Lets not even go down the road of putting electricity and telephone cables underneath the railway line.

Just wondering on how may passengers have boarded up bound services at Pewsey and Stonehouse,

 wanting to pay and no one comes round to take their money.

With the train ending up going up an unbarrierd platform.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on July 01, 2020, 15:40:14
The ticket machine has now got a new hat.

higher res:

Edit - sorting out image - Grahame

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: Bmblbzzz on July 01, 2020, 15:52:27
In the case of Stonehouse and IIRC also Pewsey, the main entrance to the station is on the down side. The up platform just faces on to fields (Doverow Hill). I know there is a footpath from the up platform towards Stroud but I can't remember if it actually gives access to the station. Anyway, point is at least 99% of Stonehouse passengers will pass through or by the down platform even if catching an up train. In addition to the electricity supply problems!

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: Witham Bobby on July 01, 2020, 16:19:55
The bus timetable in the back of the picture is at a convenient height for all the ants requiring public transport.  What on earth kind of idea is that?

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: JontyMort on July 01, 2020, 23:28:51
The ticket machine has now got a new hat.

higher res:

Edit - sorting out image - Grahame

Isn’t it odd, on logical and safety grounds, that you have to walk past the machine as you enter the platform, and then turn to face it with your back to the track?

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: Surrey 455 on July 02, 2020, 10:05:43

Isn’t it odd, on logical and safety grounds, that you have to walk past the machine as you enter the platform, and then turn to face it with your back to the track?

It seems to be a standard position. I can't think of any stations with a TVM on the platform that don't face that way.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: IndustryInsider on July 02, 2020, 10:20:39
The concept of buying a ticket seems alien to quite a few Pershore passengers, so it might be a waste of electricity...until a gate line is put in at Foregate Street anyway.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: grahame on July 02, 2020, 10:50:30

Isn’t it odd, on logical and safety grounds, that you have to walk past the machine as you enter the platform, and then turn to face it with your back to the track?

It seems to be a standard position. I can't think of any stations with a TVM on the platform that don't face that way.

From discussions at Melksham concerning equipment placement, and comment from elsewhere too ...

a) Consider the angle of the sun onto the screen.   Ticket sales at Melksham are predominantly in the morning (is that the case in most places, considering day returns?) so a screen facing north or west is preferable to one facing east or south.

b) Screen such that people face away from the platform edge to use it. Apparently safer (?)  / stops people walking ahead and off the platform once they have completed their purchase, and having things make people face away from the tracks lessens suicide risks.    Think that came up in "frequent posters" a couple of years ago.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on July 02, 2020, 17:01:14
The concept of buying a ticket seems alien to quite a few Pershore passengers, so it might be a waste of electricity...until a gate line is put in at Foregate Street anyway.

Well I have to say that 90% of that is due to Great Western.

In the days of Thames Turbos on the line most guards went through the train selling tickets.

HST guards did not do as well but that is understandable with lots of short platforms to deal with and slam doors. But at least you could go and find the guard ether in the TGS or the Buffet.

With IET's the effort to sell tickets has become almost non-existant and the gauard is hidden beyond the kitchen. There is really no excuse for this most services are 5 car and fit the platforms, so the guard can close the doors from anywere on the train and give the right away. You cannot even ask the trolly operator to contact the guard as they are like hens teeth.

Nether have I encountered revenue protection on an IET.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: IndustryInsider on July 02, 2020, 18:01:33
I believe they were told not to put themselves at risk due to the antisocial behaviour of people boarding there (and at Evesham) leading to safety fears when they are on their own.  RPI’s were recruited at Worcester a few years ago in an attempt to sort the problem out, but are not very good at all in my experience even when they are on a train.

The current situation means ticket checks, in general, have decreased dramatically for understandable reasons - though they have to be somewhere on the platform to dispatch - with longer platforms now, that can mean its harder to track them down.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: JontyMort on July 02, 2020, 19:05:57

Isn’t it odd, on logical and safety grounds, that you have to walk past the machine as you enter the platform, and then turn to face it with your back to the track?

It seems to be a standard position. I can't think of any stations with a TVM on the platform that don't face that way.

From discussions at Melksham concerning equipment placement, and comment from elsewhere too ...

a) Consider the angle of the sun onto the screen.   Ticket sales at Melksham are predominantly in the morning (is that the case in most places, considering day returns?) so a screen facing north or west is preferable to one facing east or south.

To be fair, this faces about north.

b) Screen such that people face away from the platform edge to use it. Apparently safer (?)  / stops people walking ahead and off the platform once they have completed their purchase, and having things make people face away from the tracks lessens suicide risks.    Think that came up in "frequent posters" a couple of years ago.


Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: Surrey 455 on July 02, 2020, 19:53:28
a) Consider the angle of the sun onto the screen.   Ticket sales at Melksham are predominantly in the morning (is that the case in most places, considering day returns?) so a screen facing north or west is preferable to one facing east or south.

e-book readers such as Amazon Kindle are apparently good for reading in direct sunlight.
Perhaps in future colour e-ink / electronic paper screens could be used on TVM's.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on October 20, 2020, 23:02:43
Currently there is a total lack of Train running information at Pershore.
The platform information screen has been offline for about 2 months.
And the help point has been downgraded with the display screen blanked off.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: CyclingSid on October 21, 2020, 07:04:10
Should the thread title be "Lack of Developments"?

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: grahame on October 21, 2020, 08:11:04
Hmmm .. Noting there is a 200 pound penalty for misuse - not sure that I've seen that before.  It appears to be applied to both buttons - "I'm feeling suicidal" to blue button, c-ching, 200 pounds - or is that journey planning?

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on October 22, 2020, 23:23:18
More progress on the car park (only taken 20 years)

A plan adding at least 200 spaces of commuter parking as well as significantly increased parking for disabled rail users has now been submitted to the government.

The plan, which also includes installing a new connecting footbridge, has been under consideration since 2016 when West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin was first briefed on the proposals by Wychavon District Council. (

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on November 11, 2020, 21:52:26
Further update on the platform information screen.
I had to travel to Evesham this afternoon on the 14:24 to collect my car from the garage.
I arrived at Pershore station at about 14:10, this was taken at 14:16. The time has not updated to GMT due to the system being off line for months.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on December 26, 2020, 22:41:11
On Page 28 of this document is a plan of the proposed new car park (

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on January 17, 2021, 12:50:15
Further update on the platform information screen.
I had to travel to Evesham this afternoon on the 14:24 to collect my car from the garage.
I arrived at Pershore station at about 14:10, this was taken at 14:16. The time has not updated to GMT due to the system being off line for months.

The Platform Information disply and clock have now been fixed.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on October 09, 2021, 21:47:11
Work on the new road bridge east of Pershore station is now more advanced. (

WORK on a new county road bypass is now underway.

A new photo has been shared online showing the pillars for the new Pershore Northern Link Road.

This is part of Worcestershire County Council's ongoing scheme to improve road-links throughout the county.

When finished, the area will have a new bridge over the railway, linking Wyre Road to the A44 Wyre Piddle Bypass.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on January 02, 2022, 16:40:28
Worcestershire Highways are saying the Bridge over the OWW line just east of Pershore station will be completed in Summer 2022.

From (

Pershore link road

Pershore Northern Link Road will improve traffic links and tackle congestion in and around the town.

The major scheme sees the construction of a new highway and road bridge and provide a link between the A44/B4083 and B4083 Wyre Road roundabouts north of Pershore.

According to the council, the full scheme will be completed by the summer of 2022.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on May 19, 2022, 21:39:05
First of all an update on the new road bridge. The deck was lifted into place a few weeks ago and work contiues on the road and bridge. It is not possible to get pictures from a public place at the moment.

And now back to the ticket machine.

A couple of weeks age I made a day trip to the National trust property at Mottisfont. I traveled from Pershore to Mottisfont & Dunbridge. Leaving on the 08:25. My ticket was an Anytime day return. Off peak tickets are available on this train but are more expensive because they are period returns. However I should have been able to use a senior railcard as off peak tickets are available. But even after 08:20 the senior railcard button was grayed out, so I gave up and bought a ticket from the guard.

Today I again caught the 08:25 but this time going to Pewsey to walk along the K and A. Pewsey is outside the Network railcard area so a Senior railcard discount should be available at all times. The machine offered my the correct off peak ticket but again the senior railcard button was greyed out. This time I used my phone to buy an E ticket.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on July 08, 2022, 16:22:29
Wychavon District Council have announced investment in the footbridge and car park at Pershore. (

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: Witham Bobby on July 11, 2022, 11:55:23
Wychavon District Council have announced investment in the footbridge and car park at Pershore.

About time!

Thinking back to the days of one train each way calling at Pershore and realising that the car park provision has hardly changed since then

Looking forward to this becoming a reality

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on September 10, 2022, 23:51:32
The new road bridge is now open.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on December 06, 2022, 17:26:50
For the last 3 weeks I have been making regular reports to GWR that the ticket machine at Pershore is out of order. Last week this appeared on Journey check and NRE for a day and a half before being removed.

Earlier today however Journey check was showing 8 station problems 3 of which where that the ticket machine at Trowbridge was out of order. These has now also been removed.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: ChrisB on December 06, 2022, 17:33:56
Is it/they still out of order? When dids you last check?

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on December 06, 2022, 17:41:26
It was still out of Order at 09:25am today and I reported it at 10:30 am at Oxford Information desk.

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: ChrisB on December 06, 2022, 17:46:42
Not sure that is the best place to report it - do you tweet? (@GWRHelp)

Title: Re: Pershore Station Developments
Post by: TonyN on December 08, 2022, 16:47:07
The Ticket vending machine at Pershore has been fixed Today it was still out of use when I left at 10:10am this morning but working when I returned at 14:25 this afternoon.

It was the turn of the West Midland trains App to break today. I bought a ticket and opened the e-ticket ok a couple of times but then I found I had been logged out of the App and was unable to login again. I used the PDF ticket from the email.

The app started working again sometime this afternoon as I was able to login a few minutes ago.

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