Great Western Coffee Shop

Sideshoots - associated subjects => The West - but NOT trains in the West => Topic started by: grahame on June 08, 2020, 06:29:07

Title: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: grahame on June 08, 2020, 06:29:07
I remember being told in 2005 that this is Melksham, and I would be lucky to get 10 people to a meeting I called. I actually got 20 and that was seeding of "Save the Train" and the successes that grew from that over the years.  Botan who arranged Melksham's Black Lives Matter protest yesterday in the Market Place got similar assurances on line that she would be lucky to get 10 ... but she actually got more like 120.  And the protest was exemplary. A good example to the world. I'm sorry there are no shocking pictures of the event here, because there was nothing shocking to photograph.  Just pictures of everyone coming together with the same message from many angles, and from many people with just about every background.

Moving forward, Melksham Black Lives Matter Movement is talking of a cultural food festival; we may be just a drop in the ocean as far as Minneapolis is concerned but every drop counts.  Here in Melksham, yesterday we felt multicultural as a town in a way we have not before and I look forward to seeing that grow.  Unlike, perhaps, many Wiltshire residents I have travelled to many countries. A silly online quiz I did last night said I was better travelled that 85% of other respondents, and many of those journeys have been to provide niche training;  Mexican, Saudi Arabian, German and American cities and suburbs that rarely see a tourist. The world is made up of people and we should not even notice skin colour - as I put that yesterday.

Amongst my travels ... a brief call in Minneapolis.  My lasting memory of the place?  Waiting for my flight to the UK at the airport, and seeing how the escorts were treating some chap who was being extradited on that flight to the UK.  Not nice - I remember all these years later feeling sorry for him. That is my memory of Minneapolis.

I look forward, as we get to use public transport for none-essential travel once again, to helping promote our multicultural festival here in Melksham, with people arriving for that festival in a sustainable way.

The Social Distancing thing and its portrayal in photographs is an interesting one.  Take pictures in one way and everyone appears spaced out - "wasn't many there" say some.  Take pictures in another way and those same people say "you weren't distancing - you are going to cause a pandemic spike".

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Title: Re: A seed is sewn? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: CyclingSid on June 08, 2020, 07:25:36
Well done Melksham!

A similar meeting in Reading or Bristol might get more numbers but Melksham would suggest higher engagement.

The other thing apart from the non-essential use of public transport, there will be lots like me waiting for the barber/hairdresser to be available to do business.

Title: Re: A seed is sewn? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: chuffed on June 08, 2020, 09:16:11
A sower went to sow some seed. A sewer is one who works at a sewing machine. Please make the correction!

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: grahame on June 08, 2020, 10:05:50
A sower went to sow some seed. A sewer is one who works at a sewing machine. Please make the correction!

Head post and this follow up (my posts) duly corrected.  Should ensure that the enduring subject lines an subsequent replies get corrected.  Remember it took me two goes (one too many) to get my English Language 'O' level, and I only really retired very recently to give me a bit of extra time ...

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: TaplowGreen on June 08, 2020, 10:16:11
Fingers crossed for no second spike in Melksham.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: GBM on June 08, 2020, 10:20:03
A sower went to sow some seed. A sewer is one who works at a sewing machine. Please make the correction!

Head post and this follow up (my posts) duly corrected.  Should ensure that the enduring subject lines an subsequent replies get corrected.  Remember it took me two goes (one too many) to get my English Language 'O' level, and I only really retired very recently to give me a bit of extra time ...
I believe I received a D? for my English.  It wasn't good; my parents didn't appreciate that grade either, but that is best not told here.....

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: grahame on June 08, 2020, 11:00:53
Fingers crossed for no second spike in Melksham.

Much more than just fingers crossed. Social distancing was being well observed (far better, I would suggest, than at many other places like supermarkets on what was intrinsically much safer being outside, spacious, not overcrowded), but it does no harm to have our fingers crossed too. No light decision to go along and support.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: TaplowGreen on June 08, 2020, 17:01:49
Fingers crossed for no second spike in Melksham.

Much more than just fingers crossed. Social distancing was being well observed (far better, I would suggest, than at many other places like supermarkets on what was intrinsically much safer being outside, spacious, not overcrowded), but it does no harm to have our fingers crossed too. No light decision to go along and support.

Certainly seems to have been far better observed than in London, Liverpool or Manchester, so well done to the organisers for that, and for avoiding the violence that we are seeing in London too!

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Red Squirrel on June 09, 2020, 11:27:47
There is now a vacant plinth in the centre of Bristol, formerly occupied by the statue of a slave trader. The statue, which is a bit dented, will probably end up in the 'M Shed' museum, which has an area set aside to remind people of Bristol's slaving past.

Some are suggesting that an appropriate replacement would be a statue of Dr Paul Stephenson (, who led the successful 1963 Bristol Bus Boycott in protest against the Bristol Omnibus Company and T&GWU's 'colour bar'... there is, of course, a petition (

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Bmblbzzz on June 09, 2020, 12:19:30
If the council aren't quick about hauling it out, the M Shed will have to make do with a statue of a statue, while some metal thieves get literally a big haul:

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: onthecushions on June 09, 2020, 19:30:17

I have reservations about the direction of the BLM movement.

Having visited most of the West Indian anglophone islands, I was impressed by the balanced view of history possessed by the people most affected by the plantation and slavery system. The inherited institutions, buildings, even personages and families are given a respectful place without overlooking their dark points. Far from damning the Imperial legacy,they have built on it, retaining the best and reforming the rest. Barbados has a stridently traditional English educational system and scores highly internationally. Strict discipline is directed towards school pupils who have by law to wear correct uniform in school hours, etc etc etc. A big concern of WI parents in the UK is the UK's sloppy approach to education and law enforcement (for the working classes) which can set their children on a downward slope.

I have also seen the aggressive, humourless approach of the US police and border staff (albeit in a violent country armed to the teeth) and support the prosecution of all four of the officers involved in George Floyd's death. I also deplore the shooting dead of Justine Diamond (white Australian) by an ethnic Somali US police officer and his defence that his prosecution was racially motivated.

Identity politics is bad; there is no commonality between the nurse, cleaner, care worker (and increasingly graduate professional) and the mugger, rapist and drug dealer, just because of their parentage. That would be prejudice. If one transposes the colours (white for black) in many left wing statements, the result would be deemed inflammatory and illegal.

If it is right to reconsider the lives of people like Colston, dead for near 300 years, it is also right to remember the role of others such as the many RN deaths in tropical waters over the C19 enforcing anti-slavery measures. Try Googling Bishop Ajayi Crowther.

I hope our police treat all they meet with respect and good humour. They haven't always.

All lives matter.


Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: TaplowGreen on June 09, 2020, 20:45:47
The thing about old statues is that once you start pulling them down you have to judge them all. It’s the politicisation of all history. Maturity demands accepting what you may not like is still part of the tapestry - this is why Cromwell and Charles I share Parliament Square.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Bmblbzzz on June 09, 2020, 22:05:10
All lives matter.




Or is it? I think 'Black lives matter' can be unpacked as 'All lives matter, including those routinely ignored, forgotten, dismissed and undervalued; here's a reminder that they're/we're here too.' Which doesn't make a good slogan. Not all those are black, of course; I'm pretty sure that in the UK the majority are white, though it might not be the case in the USA.

Some have difficulty getting on trains, too.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: grahame on June 10, 2020, 00:07:04

If (hypothetical) my wife is feeling really low and asks "Do you love me?" and I reply "I love everyone", I'm technically correct. It does include her and yet it could and probably would be taken as something of a put down.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: TaplowGreen on June 10, 2020, 07:41:20

If (hypothetical) my wife is feeling really low and asks "Do you love me?" and I reply "I love everyone", I'm technically correct. It does include her and yet it could and probably would be taken as something of a put down.

I suspect a reply like that would result in your statue being forcibly removed.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: onthecushions on June 10, 2020, 10:07:09

If (hypothetical) my wife is feeling really low and asks "Do you love me?" and I reply "I love everyone", I'm technically correct. It does include her and yet it could and probably would be taken as something of a put down.

I'm not sure about this analogy.

One's promise to one's wife (Cranmer's version) is:

"forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her..."

That's exclusive and preferential and doesn't map easily onto racial equality of esteem.

Perhaps a better one would be to assemble one's progeny and then consider what to say. If one said "I love you" to one, the others could rightly feel excluded and that favouritism existed. Only "I love you all" would satisfy.

This is true in race where the white (and ethnic born here) provincial working class feel left out of the good times experienced by the Southern middle class.

I compare the relative state of our railways in the West to those run down and wrecked in busy Lancashire and Yorkshire (arguably more important to the economy) and feel that they have a point.



Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Bmblbzzz on June 10, 2020, 12:09:52
I'm reminded of a famous line from towards the end of the film The Commitments.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Lee on June 11, 2020, 02:12:16
Over here in France, there have been BLM-linked protests against police racism. (

There have been operational consequences for the railways in our part of this world as well. Here is a translated article from Le Telegramme: (

Quote from: Le Telegramme
Difficult arrest of the National Police in Saint-Brieuc station

This Tuesday, two men of North African origin were arrested in a TGV at the Saint-Brieuc station, without a ticket, without identity papers and without a mask. In a difficult national context, the National Police, however on the spot as soon as the train arrived, took an hour and a half before intervening.

A police intervention took place this Tuesday, June 9 in the TGV Paris-Brest at 2:21 p.m. at the station of Saint-Brieuc. Two men of North African origin, without identity papers, tickets or mask, are checked by an SNCF agent. The control goes wrong. One of the two men was said to have insulted the controller. He called the railway police for an intervention, as well as the National Police, before the train arrived at the Saint-Brieuc station. Except that it is not on site. According to the SNCF, a first patrol of the National Police arrives on the platform as soon as the train arrives.

The National Police arrested them, 1 h 30 after arriving at the station

Have Police Charges of Racism Affected Non-intervention? Yes, according to our sources close to the investigation. She did not act directly for fear, presumably, of a complicated stop and for fear of being filmed by the train passengers.

Still according to SNCF, a second police team nevertheless arrives 30 minutes after the first. But still no intervention; the two men are on the train with the controller and the rest of the passengers. It was not until around 3:45 p.m. that the railway police arrived, removed the two men from the TGV and handed them over to the National Police. The train can then leave for Brest.

A version of the arrest denied by the prosecution, as well as the National Police, saying that there has only been collaboration between the police, national and rail. A complaint has been filed by the SNCF. The two men were placed in police custody, one following the threats which were allegedly made, the other for a lack of transport ticket. They were released the same evening.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: grahame on June 11, 2020, 05:57:05
I have ... started ... to write a comment, but heading off into complex, emotive and off-forum-topic areas. Considerable discomfort for me on many aspects at present, with Lee's post including aspects that are examples leading to thoughts of much wider issues.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Red Squirrel on September 23, 2020, 09:36:54
Meanwhile, according to the usually-reliable Ilkley Gazette (, the Colston Hall is now 'Bristol Beacon'...

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: TonyK on September 23, 2020, 10:18:13
Meanwhile, according to the usually-reliable Ilkley Gazette (, the Colston Hall is now 'Bristol Beacon'...

I'm not so sure. It could Be a con...

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Bmblbzzz on September 23, 2020, 11:16:15
Boom tish!

There are numerous references to a poem written for the occasion by Vanessa Kisuule but not a copy of the poem or recording of her speech to be found, which is annoying.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Red Squirrel on September 23, 2020, 11:37:22
Mmm. These people ( might need to re-engage their SEO consultants...

The renaming ceremony was livestreamed here

You can wind past the first 53 minutes without missing anything; the poem starts just after 1hr 11mins.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: TonyK on September 23, 2020, 13:32:42
Mmm. These people ( might need to re-engage their SEO consultants...

The renaming ceremony was livestreamed here

You can wind past the first 53 minutes without missing anything; the poem starts just after 1hr 11mins.

After the brief opening remarks by Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez? ;)

The scene, 50 years from now.
"Excuse me, Sir or Madam, I'm looking for the Bristol Beacon."
"Oooh, I got no ideal where that's to, me babber. Whas'n do there?"
"I'm going to a concert by the Bristol Multi-Cultural Non-Threatening Woke Orchestra to celebrate "Five Decades of Entertainment Without Barriers, or Interest"
"Ah, right, got'n - you wants the Cols'Nall my lover. Past Cabot Circus and Broadmead, along Merchant Street towards Whiteladies Road, turn far right when you get to the empty plinth. I was going to go myself, but me Family Allowance hasn't come."

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Celestial on September 23, 2020, 18:35:13
I'm surprised they didn't look towards the harbourside for inspiration in renamings and call it "We the Musical".

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Bmblbzzz on September 23, 2020, 19:35:22
You can wind past the first 53 minutes without missing anything; the poem starts just after 1hr 11mins.
Thanks. My son's studying graphic design etc and he's just been occupied analysing the video of the poem! My analysis is much shorter: needs subtitles. Most people have been captured very clearly but one is really quite muddy.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Trowres on September 23, 2020, 23:53:33
My angle on BLM: (

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Bmblbzzz on September 24, 2020, 15:34:36
That it is what the bio of the new Bristol Beacon Twitter profile says - a name that feels like a place of ?warmth, light and welcome?. It?s a bit like the name of a church, isn?t it? Or a community centre, or a school.

Quite what rookie taxi drivers and out-of-towners with fat satnav fingers will do when they rock up to a Van Morrison concert at the village hall in Peasedown remains to be seen. Perhaps it?s a business opportunity for them, and they can start putting on shows of their own.
I wouldn't be surprised if people call it either "Beacon Hall" or "The Beacon" rather than "Bristol Beacon".

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Red Squirrel on November 06, 2020, 17:24:16
Another one bites the dust:



The new name of the school will be Montpelier High School, with a transition period now in place and a full rebrand expected in September 2021


Full article (
Source: Bristol 24/7

I like the new name!

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Bmblbzzz on November 06, 2020, 19:43:34
I rather like Concordia for three reasons: it's meaning, it's reference to Bristol's aviation history of course, and ? though this might have been accidental ? it's similarity to the capital city of the American state next door to the one of Montpelier is the capital.

But it's slightly abstract for a school name. Montpelier High School is simple, relevant and descriptive.

I also think they were sensible to split the vote into one part for the name and one part for the 'genre' of School, High School or College.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Red Squirrel on December 10, 2020, 22:13:33
In the week when it was reported that four people have been charged with criminal damage ( for their part in removing a statue in central Bristol, it looks like an earlier attempt to rewrite history ( may be rectified. Residents of Steep Street, renamed 'Colston Street' in Victorian times when the 'cult of Colston' was at its height, have asked the city council if the original name can be restored. Meanwhile, the possibility of reverting 'Colston Avenue' to its old name 'St Augustine's Back' is also being considered...

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: froome on December 11, 2020, 08:44:26
In the week when it was reported that four people have been charged with criminal damage ( for their part in removing a statue in central Bristol, it looks like an earlier attempt to rewrite history ( may be rectified. Residents of Steep Street, renamed 'Colston Street' in Victorian times when the 'cult of Colston' was at its height, have asked the city council if the original name can be restored. Meanwhile, the possibility of reverting 'Colston Avenue' to its old name 'St Augustine's Back' is also being considered...

If Colston Street reverts back to Steep Street, then St Michaels Hill, which it effectively leads to, should be renamed Very Steep Hill, just to emphasise how much steeper it is!

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Red Squirrel on December 11, 2020, 08:48:21
That reminds me of a rather niche gag that used to circulate in the IT department of a Bristol firm I once worked for:

'Do you know the LAN's down?'
'No, but I've heard St Michael's ill'

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Bmblbzzz on December 11, 2020, 17:00:01
it looks like an earlier attempt to rewrite history ( may be rectified. Residents of Steep Street, renamed 'Colston Street' in Victorian times when the 'cult of Colston' was at its height, have asked the city council if the original name can be restored.
Steep Street was a steep street

Gotta agree with Froome though, compared to St Michael's Hill or Trenchard St (not to mention Nine Tree Hill, Vale St or various others in Bristol) it's not really that steep at all.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: grahame on December 11, 2020, 17:09:25
Gotta agree with Froome though, compared to St Michael's Hill or Trenchard St (not to mention Nine Tree Hill, Vale St or various others in Bristol) it's not really that steep at all.

Things change over the years.  We have a "New Road" that's really not that new ....

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: froome on December 12, 2020, 08:44:27
Gotta agree with Froome though, compared to St Michael's Hill or Trenchard St (not to mention Nine Tree Hill, Vale St or various others in Bristol) it's not really that steep at all.

Things change over the years.  We have a "New Road" that's really not that new ....

I would recommend a visit to the New Inn in Gloucester.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: TonyK on December 15, 2020, 13:20:08
Things change over the years.  We have a "New Road" that's really not that new ....

There's more than a few Station Roads without a station.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: grahame on December 15, 2020, 13:30:15
Things change over the years.  We have a "New Road" that's really not that new ....

There's more than a few Station Roads without a station.

We live on a Spa Road that doesn't have a Spa any more, though we do have a Spar.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: johnneyw on December 15, 2020, 13:33:04
Things change over the years.  We have a "New Road" that's really not that new ....

There's more than a few Station Roads without a station.

There will be cases of Station Roads that no longer lead to the actual station, for example, Station Road in Henbury will no longer lead to the new Metrowest station when it opens. That should confuse a few hopeful passengers.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Red Squirrel on December 15, 2020, 15:51:24

There's more than a few Station Roads without a station.

When the old Fishpond Station site was redeveloped into a supermarket, the road they built to link the car park to New Station Road was named 'New Station Way'. It would have been interesting, or possibly nauseating, to have been a fly on the wall at the meeting where they made that decision, but perhaps 'Car Park Road' was too obvious for them...

Let's hope Station Road in Ashley Down will soon make one less 'Station Road without a station'!

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: eightonedee on December 15, 2020, 18:38:56
Continuing with the thread drift...

..and almost every Thames-side village has a "Ferry Lane" and a "Mill Lane" but very few have the latter (at least in working form) and hardly any have the former.

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: Western Pathfinder on December 15, 2020, 20:55:18
Things change over the years.  We have a "New Road" that's really not that new ....

There's more than a few Station Roads without a station.

There will be cases of Station Roads that no longer lead to the actual station, for example, Station Road in Henbury will no longer lead to the new Metrowest station when it opens. That should confuse a few hopeful passengers.

Time for a New Station Road perhaps...

Title: Re: A seed is sown? BLM in peace in Melksham.
Post by: TonyK on December 16, 2020, 14:22:56

There will be cases of Station Roads that no longer lead to the actual station, for example, Station Road in Henbury will no longer lead to the new Metrowest station when it opens. That should confuse a few hopeful passengers.

Time for a New Station Road perhaps...

... just off Catbrain Hill.

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