Title: 16:00, 12th June 2020 - TravelWatch SouthWest Webinar Post by: grahame on June 07, 2020, 10:51:10 Is this the fifth or sixth in this popular series? Add this to your calendar, bookmark it, set your phone's alarm or whatever you do not to forget. This one is going to be very interesting and very SW rail relevant!
On the day that the GW Community Rail Conference was due to take part - what better to look at a subject with the community and rail at its heart? Title: Re: 16:00, 12th June 2020 - TravelWatch SouthWest Webinar Post by: Bryony on June 08, 2020, 09:51:16 This will be the 6th next in our WEBINAR SERIES. Contributions have been incredibly valuable and we are particularly flattered that so many of the esteemed speakers have decided to come back as part of the general discussion group.
Title: Re: 16:00, 12th June 2020 - TravelWatch SouthWest Webinar Post by: grahame on June 08, 2020, 12:20:53 SESSION 6
WHAT WILL BE COMMUNITY RAIL'S ROLE AFTER COVID19? "Community and rail" or "Community Rail" or "Community and sustainable transport"? How can our community members, groupings and organisations best partner forward? Vision and versatility could secure a place for Community Rail Partnership in the post COVID 19 environment: are CRP's aware of the challenge ahead; and can recent events could provide a catalyst for reconsidering the interpretation of the 4 pillars of community rail. Tickets (free, access code) via EventBrite (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/will-there-be-place-for-community-rail-partnerships-after-covid-19-tickets-108522650168) Edit to cross out SHOUTED subject line ... see follow up below ... Title: Re: 16:00, 12th June 2020 - TravelWatch SouthWest Webinar Post by: grahame on June 09, 2020, 14:51:03 A year ago, if I had boarded a train wearing a facemask and approached a member of the staff, I would have been asked to take it off. Yet now, were I to board a train without a face mask and approach a member of staff, I would be asked to put one on.
A year ago, advice was to reduce the risk of transmitting babies from one to another by covering one body part. Now couples should have sex while wearing face coverings to reduce the risk of transmitting Covid-19 to one another. A year ago, if I had learned of a fellow community rail volunteer telling people not to use the train unless it was absolutely essential, I would have sought to help them understand why their advice was probably incorrect. Now I find it's the basis for short term advice I'm having to give out myself. A lot has changed from last year to this year. We are unlikely to return to the world as we know it; some things will be changed for ever. And that makes it a time of great risk, but also of great opportunity. At the TravelWatch SouthWest Zoom meeting on Friday (sign up via EventBrite (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/will-there-be-place-for-community-rail-partnerships-after-covid-19-tickets-108522650168) if you wish to take part), we'll seed discussions of the opportunities and risks for Community Rail and look forward to hearing member views. I have been invited to take just a few minutes to introduce the topic and start the ball rolling. Spoiler alert. Communities and community organisations have more, not less, opportunity at the present time (and looking forward too) to * provide a voice for the community * promote sustainable, healthy and accessible travel * bring communities together, supporting diversity & inclusion and * support social and economic development. Here on the Coffee Shop, we endorse those objectives, and at the Melksham Rail User Group we endorse them too. The last three months have been busier not quieter to these ends, and on Friday I'll be sharing and promoting the view that the community has more to do and not less in the future of sustainable transport. Anyone who thinks I would take an opposite view doesn't know me; airing the subject allows us to all gain strength from a wide variety of inputs so we can all be stronger and even more effective in the future than we have in the past. The original shouted subject line was not mine - though much of the following text was. Edit - advice v advise correction! Title: Re: 16:00, 12th June 2020 - TravelWatch SouthWest Webinar Post by: bobm on June 10, 2020, 09:09:36 A year ago, if I had boarded a train wearing a facemask and approached a member of the staff, I would have been asked to take it off. Yet now, were I to board a train without a face mask and approach a member of staff, I would be asked to put one on. A year ago, advice was to reduce the risk of transmitting babies from one to another by covering one body part. Now couples should have sex while wearing face coverings to reduce the risk of transmitting Covid-19 to one another. A year ago, if I had learned of a fellow community rail volunteer telling people not to use the train unless it was absolutely essential, I would have sought to help them understand why their advice was probably incorrect. Now I find it's the basis for short term advice I'm having to give out myself. A lot has changed from last year to this year. I was thinking yesterday, we have spent years trying to educate people not to hog the seat next to them by putting a bag or other luggage on it. When this is all over we will probably have to start the process all over again! Title: Re: 16:00, 12th June 2020 - TravelWatch SouthWest Webinar Post by: grahame on June 12, 2020, 10:18:25 The current (main) rail network in the South West (TWSW area) and the Community Rail Partnerships
(http://www.wellho.net/pix/twswrailcrpa.jpg) Title: Re: 16:00, 12th June 2020 - TravelWatch SouthWest Webinar Post by: grahame on June 12, 2020, 14:57:49 I'm doing part of the intro ... some notes I've made as I've been thinking it through ... see some of you there
http://www.passenger.chat/twsw20200612_lead.pdf Title: Re: 16:00, 12th June 2020 - TravelWatch SouthWest Webinar Post by: grahame on June 13, 2020, 08:20:37 TravelWatch SouthWest - Zoom meeting looking at Community Rail - 'risks and opportunities' - 12.6.2020
Chaired by Chris Irwin - admin / assistance - Bryony Chetwode Notes by Graham Ellis - as I saw the meeting, Errors and Omissions excepted (but please let me know of revisions) Chris Irwin Pandemic not a disruption but an eruption. Leaves debris of fertile soil - just don't know what it will grow UGov poll reports 10:1 (80% - 8%) citing clean air as a gain to be retained Community Rail / heroes blazed trail I wonder if this can widen to bus too Graham Ellis [self - as pages 2 and 3 of http://www.passenger.chat/twsw20200612_lead.pdf ] Tim Davis Marketing via CRPs and Community involvement is crucial And that has to keep going. How we build, marketing every year More involved in the community and not less Can also be in the development link and wider - cycle, walking, buses Also look at Hubs David Redgewell Top down guidance from DfT concentrates on key workers almost exclusively Also need to look at social and community lives and Social needs Examples of horrendous initial services on Weymouth line and on Severn Beach line; Richard Burningham Local people / need / want Big rebuilding job again Looking at getting projects such as Penmere running again Encouraging book shops across the region online but then for personal visits as things re-open Dixie Darch Concern at Bus routes through newly pedestrian towns. - NEXT WEEK's topic Chris Dale Deansgate at Manchester was provided more space on pavements Not helpful on buses as the stops are moved away and roadside NB - from CRPs, some of theirs (North West) cover larger stations Paul Johnson Local connections / connectivity a big issue [Westbury] Hard to get inputs into the global scheme TTs have not been improved. We need a mechanism. Demographics tend to be seniors. Young projects needed. Hanging baskets do not appeal to that demographic Looking at projects working with Primary Schools Nick Farthing TransDev / now coming back to full buses Videos and invites to use Message needs to be "You won't die if you use the train" Need more positive views Claire Waters Tends not to reflect services (what doesn't? - note error) How do you proved exemption on not wearing a mask on public transport Chris Irwin Need wider groups? New awareness? Jane Jones Not straightforward; groups have their own internet groups LGBT not so hard CRP is an excellent way in Heather Cullimore Low form reps. Good group links. Pride shows rail welcome Forums [like this] daunting for representatives Frightening David Redgewell First as an inclusive culture Credit Jane Jones and other at First / also such as James Freeman Bryony Chetwode How can TWSW seed forward? Graham Ellis How to reach inclusive groups where they are a small minority? Noting that rail users [Melksham arrive / leave] are greater variety proportion Welcome at BLM demonstration and looking to develop that onwards as a local movement Keeping rail / MRUG in during lockdown - wider community involvement in recent months BUT how do the well meaning white old men avoid overpowering help / note HC fears Claire Waters We need to go where the people are not expect them to come to us Faith groups, lunch clubs etc Chris Dale Our CRP from leafy Cheshire into MCR. From typical CRP station through to Levenshulme - group 70% asian Chris Irwin Next week - urban and bus lanes v passenger spacing in town centres. Footnote - I was more involved in talking and replies than usual, so I may have missed some points raised as I made my own notes. Title: Re: 16:00, 12th June 2020 - TravelWatch SouthWest Webinar Post by: grahame on June 13, 2020, 08:32:46 Introductions (a who's who for the above) and public background chat and links. Introductions via chat are encouraged but not required ... there were around 40 attendees in total.
I have run this through a spell checker and made some modest corrections; readers should appreciated that these comments are made interactively and so are 'immediate' rather than long term policy. 16:02:13 From Mike Lambden : Mike Lambden - Bus Archive and ex National Express 16:02:14 From Miriam Ricci : Hi Miriam Ricci here from UWE Bristol 16:02:15 From Graham Parkhurst : Graham Parkhurst, UWE Bristol 16:02:15 From mark Shelford : Mark Shelford Deputy Chair of Bath Area Trams Association 16:02:18 From Andrew.Ardley : Andrew Ardley, Regional Development Manager, South Western Railway 16:02:41 From Ian Harrison : Ian Harrison from Heart of the South West LEP 16:02:42 From Heather Cullimore : Heather Cullimore, Severnside Community Rail Partnership 16:02:44 From Richard Burningham : Richard Burningham, Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership 16:02:50 From Paul Webster : Paul Webster - Support & Development Manager - Community Rail Network 16:02:52 From Nick Thwaites : Somerset West and Taunton - Cllr Nick Thwaites, Exmoor 16:03:10 From Richard Lloyd : Richard Lloyd CPRE Gloucestershire 16:03:11 From Cllr Tim Dumper : Tim Dumper, Cllr Exmouth Town Council 16:03:39 From dixie : Somerset West and Taunton - Cllr Dixie Darch, Taunton 16:03:46 From David Redgewell : David Redgewell Bristol mayor transport board and Bristol disability equality forum trustee and south Gloucestershire council disability equalities forum trustee 16:04:21 From mark Shelford : But did they also ask in order to do that you will loose your car parking place? 16:04:35 From Nick : Good afternoon everyone - Chair Nick Farthing Three Rivers CRP 16:04:44 From Dave Andrews : Dave Andrews from Bath Area Trams Association see https://bathtrams.uk/trams-as-a-central-back-bone-of-citys-transport-integrated-with-buses-enable-cities-to-thrive-again-by-making-them-easy-to-enter-pleasant-places-as-they-once-were-and-often-are-on-th/ 16:04:52 From Chris Dale : Chris Dale from TravelWatch NorthWest just proving that technology has arrived up here. 16:05:47 From Andy Burkitt - SERA SW : Andy Burkitt - Bristol & SW SERA 16:06:02 From Dick Daniel : Dick Daniel BATA Bath Area Trams Asso 16:06:12 From John Hamley : Hello from John Hamley, Melksham Rail Users Group 16:06:14 From Lucy Travis : Lucy Travis Frome and Villages Bus User Group / Somerset Catch The Bus Campaign 16:09:36 From Lee Fletcher : Lee Fletcher Great Western Coffee Shop Forum 16:11:17 From Graham Ellis : Graham Ellis - Melksham RUG and Coffee Shop forum Notes via http://www.passenger.chat/twsw20200612 16:16:15 From Chris Dale : Graham mentioned large stations and community involvement. We have experience with these stations. 16:16:55 From Mike Lambden : Community bus can link into core bus routes and coach services as well as rail. 16:17:44 From dixie : How are towns managing the active travel pop up cycle routes which favour cyclists and pedestrians with buses (sorry I know this is about buses not trains!) but it's topical as town centres open on Monday. 16:18:23 From Paul Webster - Community Rail Network : The 4 pillars of the CR strategy are still very much being met by CRPs. They are listening to local communities as the conduit to TOCs. They are large and they are small. They don't need to form together into large groupings. 16:19:07 From Paul Webster - Community Rail Network : Yes many CRPs do work with other providers of public transport and we (at CRN) are working with CTA and others 16:19:21 From Heather Cullimore : Keen to discuss the role of community rail in supporting marginalised groups and particularly BAME communities in having confidence to travel during recovery 16:19:25 From Dave Andrews : Just pointing out that previously most cities had a tram system to deliver passengers to and from a main rail station. Most car drivers will not use buses but they will use trams. https://bathtrams.uk/evidence-that-car-drivers-will-switch-to-trams-but-not-buses-1/ 16:19:44 From mark Shelford : Has any work been done with the Italian and Spanish rail companies on their actions post lock down? 16:20:11 From Richard Lloyd : The medium term priority must be in getting back public confidence to use public transport. Particularly challenging is use for leisure travel and discretionary travel where many of the users are in older age brackets. Is there a key role for Community Rail Partnerships here? 16:20:33 From Claire Walters : Pop up lanes are causing issues for people with visual impairments, dementia, learning disabilities and other problems 16:20:53 From Nick : Interesting point Mark - Belgian govt have offered free travel tickets and wonder how they are managing with social distancing and the like? 16:22:13 From David Redgewell : we need make sure that train and bus services serv local needs to shops hospital key workers local service s bank s post office. 16:22:49 From Mike Lambden : In answer to Mark https://www.brusselstimes.com/all-news/belgium-all-news/109080/coronavirus-7-new-rules-of-the-rail/ 16:22:54 From Nick : Perhaps we should take a look at what bus companies are offering? A positive approach to travel and promoting buses as clean and safe as opposed to rail as a possible "plague carrier!" Check out Transdev and Alex Hornby, huge positive approach 16:23:14 From Dick Daniel : Pop up lanes are hopefully the beginning of permanent implementation of walking & cycling space. 16:23:15 From David Redgewell : we were planning school train but these are on hold to September. 16:23:42 From Lee Fletcher : The 4 pillars of the current Community Rail Strategy were put in place almost with the thought that the original purpose of Community Rail - Breathing Life Into Local Lines - was "Job Done". However, in the current situation, we need to go back to basics and make Breathing Life Into Local Lines our top priority again, and the Community Rail Network national leadership and DfT need to be lobbied to put that front and centre again. 16:24:29 From Verona : In Dorset, our CRP seems to have stalled. It should have covered Westbury - Weymouth - towards Bournemouth, but nothing is happening at the moment! 16:24:54 From Graham Parkhurst : Are their rail initiatives to advertise predicted/actual train passenger loadings, similar to First Bus's new app feature? 16:25:12 From Bryony Chetwode : Absolutely Paul Webster 16:25:33 From David Redgewell : the cutting up of roiling stock during Covid is not helpful for extra social distancing with extra roiling stock . 16:25:48 From David Redgewell : in the autumn 16:26:03 From mark Shelford : Its because its so expensive! 16:26:26 From Andrew.Ardley : Apologies I have to go off to my other meeting 16:27:07 From David Redgewell : shutting route s to station is not helpful. whilst keeping walking and cycling . 16:27:53 From Claire Walters : Transport interest groups generally have a problem with being full of older white men, I'm afraid, unlike the average public transport user across the UK. Even in bus, which has a far greater diversity among its users, the top layer of management still tends to be regarded as "male. pale and stale"! 16:27:53 From Dave Andrews : At a webinar organized by DFT yesterday, a question was asked by Christopher Maltin on if the New Beeching Redress money would address also the issue of re-installing trams on the basis that they are essential for re-distributing rail passengers in cities, and he wholeheartedly agreed and said the money could be used for that. 16:28:50 From David Redgewell : Thank to the department for transport and first group Great western railway and Jane's Jones help we put lot of important local trains in the Bristol travel to work area . 16:29:40 From Mike Lambden : Picking up Transdev point mentioned earlier, comments that many buses and trains look rather like crime scenes rather than something you would wish to travel on. 16:30:24 From Dave Andrews : Why are they not looking at installing powerful down draft fans in buses and trains? 16:30:37 From Dave Andrews : too flush the virus downwards 16:30:45 From David Redgewell : its interesting that some look authority have buses running 12 hour a day the department for transport is funding 7am to 7 30 pm . 16:31:06 From mark Shelford : Sadly going to have to go to another meeting. Stay positive. 16:31:34 From Lee Fletcher : Not sure I would completely agree with Paul Johnson's point about CRPs not being representative of their local community. Severnside for example have a huge and diverse wide range of activities involving all sections of their community, as do many other CRPs 16:32:32 From Heather Cullimore : Dr Miriam Ricci's research Days out By Train in the West of England is a superb example of Community Rail reaching disadvantaged groups https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/886976/days-out-by-train-in-the-west-of-england-final-project-report 16:32:34 From David Redgewell : so a lot passengers have no evening and Sunday services in Greater Bristol Bath and Weston super mare. on main routes at present 16:32:39 From Paul Webster - Community Rail Network : From a national perspective CRPs are very good at being part of and engaging with their local communities - Pillar 1 & £ 16:32:46 From Paul Webster - Community Rail Network : Pillar 3 that was 16:32:59 From David Redgewell : on the bus network at present 16:34:30 From John Hamley : I've heard several speakers say we must engage the community, such as positive volunteering activities. What should we be doing in this area to raise awareness of public transport. Whatever we think are good projects, there is little point until we can promote their use, something the official policy is only use when essential. 16:34:42 From David Redgewell : first group are putting disabled wheelchair space on the app for buses full on Monday 16:35:49 From David Redgewell : First group as a company has done a lot of work on LGBTQ group s 16:36:26 From David Redgewell : Bme is still an issue on public transport system 16:37:50 From David Redgewell : first group has done a lot of work with disability group with Neil Craig at Great western railway and Joe Graham 16:38:46 From Andy Burkitt - SERA SW : In Bristol we have been trying really hard to get BAME groups involved with ALL local bodies - but it is about one step forward then one back - In Bristol Up Our Street has done a lot but it all went backwards over the Stapleton Road redevelopment that looked a mess and were not brilliant for those with disability 16:41:37 From Claire Walters : Maybe worth offering speakers rathe than dragging people here 16:43:44 From Mike Lambden : All sorts of organisations have the same issue about representation. As Chair of a Patient Group we have lots of older white females and males but really hard to get younger people involved from all backgrounds. 16:43:46 From David Redgewell : we need to invite black south west network 16:44:39 From David Redgewell : we got station at Lawrence hill Stapleton road and montpellier station are in Bme area s 16:44:44 From Paul Webster - Community Rail Network : There are Community Rail Partnerships led by young people - 6VT in Edinburgh - https://www.facebook.com/6VTYouth and in West Midlands there are station adoption groups led by young people. Also CR Network are part of a CRPO Education Officers network 16:44:57 From David Redgewell : on the Severn Beach line 16:45:20 From Andy Burkitt - SERA SW : Sado Jirde of BSWN has been initiating work & set up a Black Manifesto for involvement throughout Bristol 16:45:35 From David Redgewell : patchway station Bradley stoke has a Bme community 16:46:24 From David Redgewell : Lawrence hill has old market with the LGBTQ quarter 16:47:44 From David Redgewell : British transport police and Avon and Somerset police PCC is doing a lot of work with equalities group s 16:48:13 From David Redgewell : not arrests in Bristol on Sunday in Bristol 16:48:30 From David Redgewell : on Black lives matter 16:49:06 From Graham Ellis : Graham Ellis - Melksham RUG and Coffee Shop forum Notes via http://www.passenger.chat/twsw20200612 16:49:11 From Paul Webster - Community Rail Network : BME CR - https://communityrail.org.uk/resources-ideas/case-studies/bonded-together-with-a-prayer-bead/ 16:49:15 From David Redgewell : taunton bus station being reopening as big issue in taunton with east reach This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |