Title: "The Last Journey" - 1936 film made with GWR co-operation Post by: Marlburian on December 22, 2019, 18:08:27 "The Last Journey" is being screened on Talking Pictures (Freeview channel 81) on Friday, December 27 at 0600.
Bob Holt's last journey as an engine driver before his retirement is disturbed by having to leave the railway and suspicions of the relationship between his wife and his fireman. Aboard his train are a pair of pickpockets, a honeymoon couple, a drunk, a temperance pamphleteer and other more-or-less bizarre English characters. The train's engine was portrayed by four locomotives 2980 Coeur de Lion, 5004 Llanstephan Castle, 4953 Pitchford Hall and 6005 King George II. Scenes include those at Paddington, Slough, Pangbourne, Bramley, West Ealing, Dawlish-Teignmouth, and Plymouth. Then & now photos. (https://www.reelstreets.com/films/last-journey-the/) There are also a few excerpts on YouTube. (And it's just about the only thing on TV over the Festive period that I want to watch!) Marlburian Title: Re: "The Last Journey" - 1936 film made with GWR co-operation Post by: RichardB on December 23, 2019, 09:57:19 Thanks for this. Some rare footage of trains at Millbay Docks.
Title: Re: "The Last Journey" - 1936 film made with GWR co-operation Post by: Western Pathfinder on December 23, 2019, 17:20:48 I'm much obliged sir set to record.
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