Title: Kim Jong-un Train Arrives In Vladivostok Post by: Lee on April 25, 2019, 19:33:29 And now for something completely different...
Title: Re: Kim Jong-un Train Arrives In Vladivostok Post by: Bmblbzzz on April 25, 2019, 19:47:19 Ha! ;D I like the way the attendants jumped over the red carpet so as not to sully it for the Dear/Great/Beloved Leader. Presumably it had all been measured in advance and the driver "only" had to align the front of the loco with a mark made on the platform.
On a different note, very clear commentary. My Russian is very rusty but I managed to understand, ooh, every other sentence, and I love the word "korektzirovka" (not going to fuss around with Cyrillic here) (= small correction or adjustment). It sounds so much more expressive than the English. I think Slavic languages generally are good at expressing diminutives, not just of nouns but of adjectives and adverbs; English seems to be good at both vaguery and precision. Title: Re: Kim Jong-un Train Arrives In Vladivostok Post by: Lee on April 26, 2019, 08:36:36 More on North Korean trains in this article. (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-6962649/Despite-big-plans-N-Koreas-trains-nowhere.html)
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