Great Western Coffee Shop

Journey by Journey => London to the West => Topic started by: SandTEngineer on December 24, 2018, 10:49:40

Title: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on December 24, 2018, 10:49:40
Thought I would start a new topic to cover this major engineering work.  Some early photographs down the page here:

Come on you local people, where are the photographs?.... ;)

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: phile on December 24, 2018, 13:19:46
Thought I would start a new topic to cover this major engineering work.  Some early photographs down the page here:

Come on you local people, where are the photographs?.... ;)

There's a thread already:-

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on December 24, 2018, 13:38:50
Blowed if I could find it before I posted here!  Mods please merge and delete as required.... ::)

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on December 24, 2018, 15:20:45
Blowed if I could find it before I posted here!  Mods please merge and delete as required.... ::)

On so many darned lines ... always hard to know where to put Westbury topics!   Looks like I put the original under TransWilts on the basis that it's just about the most screwed up ...

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Clan Line on December 24, 2018, 16:11:03
Come on you local people, where are the photographs?.... ;)

Going that way tomorrow - will have camera !

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on December 24, 2018, 16:30:55
Come on you local people, where are the photographs?.... ;)

Going that way tomorrow - will have camera !

Thank you ... may we get some pictures of UK rail activity on Christmas Day  ;D

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on December 24, 2018, 18:48:15
Come on you local people, where are the photographs?.... ;)

Going that way tomorrow - will have camera !

Thank you ... may we get some pictures of UK rail activity on Christmas Day  ;D

Please, This thread should stay as about the track renewals and not the whole Westbury routes.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on December 25, 2018, 12:20:42
Thought I would start a new topic to cover this major engineering work.  Some early photographs down the page here:

Come on you local people, where are the photographs?.... ;)

I think they,re going to be late, they are full of turkey.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Clan Line on December 25, 2018, 16:52:11
10 am today



Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: IndustryInsider on December 25, 2018, 17:02:15
Plenty of time to build out that disused platform!

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on December 25, 2018, 17:13:04
Clan Line, thanks for posting those photographs.  Looking at the station one its possible they have moved the pointwork leading to the Down Goods from the Platform line further away from the station, possibly leaving room to install a new turnout to feed the future Platform No.4 Bay.  One can but hope that some forethought (future proofing) has gone into it.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Clan Line on December 25, 2018, 18:22:03
Clan Line, thanks for posting those photographs.  Looking at the station one its possible they have moved the pointwork leading to the Down Goods from the Platform line further away from the station, possibly leaving room to install a new turnout to feed the future Platform No.4 Bay.  One can but hope that some forthought (future proofing) has gone into it.

Slightly wider and straighter view of the station below...


Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on December 25, 2018, 19:36:33
Thanks again.  Looks as though there is enough room for the turnout I mentioned.  Even the new drainage pits are clear of the future track..... :D

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on December 25, 2018, 19:49:04
Thanks again.  Looks as though there is enough room for the turnout I mentioned.  Even the new drainage pits are clear of the future track..... :D

Why have they not put a line along the platform, they could of ripped out that signal and laid a track easily, they don,t really need that line passing by surely. Also they seem to of used old design points, I always thought they used the new type now, like on the Filton bank. Also is that signal gantry going?. It,s gone a funny colour at the back.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on December 26, 2018, 07:15:33
Thanks again.  Looks as though there is enough room for the turnout I mentioned.  Even the new drainage pits are clear of the future track..... :D

The relaying, with the stated lack of even passive provision for a track along the spare face, is deeply frustrating.  I am writing very carefully indeed - someone might have said "we may as well ..." on one or two of the decisions made during the process.   

Network Rail does not have a great reputation in informing and interfacing with passenger groups and advocates for passengers - perhaps that's a natural function of what it is, responsible primarily to government and with its customers being the train operators, through whom (and that's a pretty foggy route at times) it talks to passengers.  It did its reputation no good when it decided that it no longer needed dedicates staff to interface with community rail groups, and delegated that task to more local staff, each with their own other jobs already and with limited resources and a very varied commitment and belief in working with communities.   So with that patchiness of partnership, lack of clear information, and the mistrust brought on by the reputation I (personal comment) find myself with fingers crossed, hoping for and dreaming of the best, but fearing the worst - hardly the informed position that I like to be in on a very big spend that sets stuff up for the net decade at our major hub / interchange.

OK - the fourth platform track.

The current outer track on the south side is well away from the platform face.   Two suggestions made are to extend the platform out to the track and provide a platform that way, or to add in a track.   Either option is said to be complex because of major signalling cable runs which lie buried in the former trackbed between the platform and the track.

Extending the platform out to the track - on top of the issue of the cables could be done either by a full heavy construction - which would require the cables to be moved - or perhaps by a lightweight construction which could "fly" over them and be supported on pillars clear of the cabling, with under platform access available for maintenance?   Pricing enquiries indicate that the latter could be an order of magnitude less cost than the £10 million quoted.

But wait - the outer track is already used.  Freight passes up and down it quite often, and it's used to park / lay by trains for periods a darned site longer than it takes to turn around a passenger train, and I really wonder if providing a platform on that track would be more a case of replacing one operational limit with another one.

A track against the platform - would love it, and for passenger 2 way cross-platform interchanges on 0/1 hewn headed south and west, and on 2/3 when headed north and east would make sense.  BUT ... how long are those freight trains that park up, and would they foul the points?     

We have been looking at the north junction in this thread - how would the extra line connect in to the south ... or would it end up as being a terminating bay?   A terminating bay might be initially attractive for trains from Paddington extended from Bedwyn, trains from Swindon, MetroWest trains from the Bristol area.  But in each of those cases, a bay would restrict extension beyond.  The Bedwyn service should carry on to Somerset or Devon.   The Swindon service to Southampton and Eastleigh (or to Fawley), and the MetroWest to Frome where huge development is planned on land close to the railway, and perhaps to Yeovil

No answers ... but background there to the best of my knowledge to some of the questions being asked.  I know the track needed doing, and I'm grateful.  I remain nervous about what's being done and that opportunities may have been missed, money being spent on one step when taking two steps together could have worked out cheaper and quicker in the medium and long term.  We may have experts here / reading this who can fill me / us in ... so that at least we know ...

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on December 26, 2018, 09:15:13
Just for comparison, this was the view in March 2014.


Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on December 26, 2018, 11:54:13
Just for comparison, this was the view in March 2014.


Looks alright does,nt it?. Is it really necessary to have a signal on a gantry there, it would be better to have it on a post at the end of the platform, then staff would be able to see when its off.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on December 26, 2018, 11:59:16
Looks alright does,nt it?. Is it really necessary to have a signal on a gantry there, it would be better to have it on a post at the end of the platform, then staff would be able to see when its off.

The signals on platform 3 at Westbury have been set back about one carriage length to provide sufficient of an overrun if a train overshoots. Darned nuisance in some ways, as it means that even HSTs have had to draw up with their tails off the back, a problem for accessing cycles.  I think the platforms are being lengthened, and in any case cycles don't go in the tail of an IET.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on December 26, 2018, 12:13:16
I feel the new platform line will be added later, All they need to do is add cables for points,signals ect.Then lay the track down.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on December 26, 2018, 12:19:15
In one of the pictures there is a siding to the right that looks like its disconnected, is this being removed, according to a plan of Westbury in 1984, looks like it may of been a Bovis siding.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on December 26, 2018, 20:09:10
Having just looked at the photo signalling website, there were pictures of Westbury power box on there, and one can see, as to why they cannot reinstate the platform line yet, the panel cannot be altered to add any extra signals, due to its large tile layout, so would have to be ripped out and made into an I.E.C.C. Before they could do it. But if they were to move that line over to the platform they could do it and use the existing signalling. On sandt plan it shows as a down reception line but could be made into a platform one very cheaply and could of been part of this work. wasted opportunity.

Absolute nonsense, not supported by any facts.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on December 27, 2018, 12:34:00
Looks alright does,nt it?. Is it really necessary to have a signal on a gantry there, it would be better to have it on a post at the end of the platform, then staff would be able to see when its off.

The signals on platform 3 at Westbury have been set back about one carriage length to provide sufficient of an overrun if a train overshoots. Darned nuisance in some ways, as it means that even HSTs have had to draw up with their tails off the back, a problem for accessing cycles.  I think the platforms are being lengthened, and in any case cycles don't go in the tail of an IET.

Will the signals be replaced by a new type?.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Clan Line on December 27, 2018, 14:19:21
The sun was shining in Warminster.....................but not in Westbury !!!       1300 today.



Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bradshaw on December 27, 2018, 16:35:43
This appeared on Network Rail Western’s Twitter feed on the 26th
 On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me; four hollow sleepers.
This will enable cables to safely run from one side of the track to the other

Hopefully photo attached

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on December 27, 2018, 18:35:16
From those pictures, have the points been positioned in slightly different places to the old ones, as there does,nt seem to be any cables on the trackside that would of been disconnected from the old ones. Also noticed that teacup on the drain cover. Wish to ask are points made up in a yard from bits then brought to site?.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bradshaw on December 28, 2018, 20:15:13
Latest from Network Rail Western

Today is day 6 of our 12 days of Christmas work in Westbury

📸 We will be sharing a picture each day

🎶 On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me; six way ducting under the platforms

This enables cables to run safely across the station as signalling is upgraded

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on December 28, 2018, 23:12:10
Latest from Network Rail Western

Today is day 6 of our 12 days of Christmas work in Westbury

📸 We will be sharing a picture each day

🎶 On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me; six way ducting under the platforms

This enables cables to run safely across the station as signalling is upgraded

Is this so they can move the cables beneath the ballast in front of the disused platform to bring it back into use at a later date.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bradshaw on December 29, 2018, 11:22:54
Yesterday’s situation can be seen on the following link:

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Clan Line on December 29, 2018, 13:19:47
Midday today.




Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on December 29, 2018, 14:38:14
From those pictures, have the points been positioned in slightly different places to the old ones, as there does,nt seem to be any cables on the trackside that would of been disconnected from the old ones. Also noticed that teacup on the drain cover. Wish to ask are points made up in a yard from bits then brought to site?.

From those latest pictures, I think I,ve now got my answer about the cables, It looks like they got cut off and connected to new boxes on posts,with new lengths leading to the points, I assume these will be fixed into the ballast at the side of the track upright.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on December 31, 2018, 13:33:53
Where are some more pictures, we are waiting, everyone seems to have forgotten Westbury.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Clan Line on December 31, 2018, 18:06:23
Where are some more pictures, we are waiting, everyone seems to have forgotten Westbury.

mañana !

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on December 31, 2018, 18:18:45
Thank you Clan Line for your photos so far cataloguing the changes.   Yet another example of how the forum provides a valuable historic record.  Something which has been very much in the forefront of our minds as we look to update the software yet provide continuity with previous posts.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Clan Line on January 01, 2019, 10:05:53
0915 this morning:



Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 01, 2019, 11:36:12
Thanks for that, Has started off my new year well, Hope a happy one.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: brooklea on January 04, 2019, 03:49:32
Possession expected to be handed back at least two hours late (should have been at 0400)

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 04, 2019, 04:05:26
Possession expected to be handed back at least two hours late (should have been at 0400)

Cancellations to services at Westbury
Due to engineering works not being finished on time at Westbury all lines are blocked.
Train services running through this station may be cancelled or delayed. Disruption is expected until 08:00 04/01.
Last Updated:04/01/2019 04:00

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: TaplowGreen on January 04, 2019, 07:26:45
Cancellations to services at Westbury

Due to engineering works not being finished on time at Westbury all lines are blocked.
Train services running through this station may be cancelled or delayed. Disruption is expected until 12:00 04/01.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 04, 2019, 07:30:22
Cancellations to services at Westbury

Due to engineering works not being finished on time at Westbury all lines are blocked.
Train services running through this station may be cancelled or delayed. Disruption is expected until 12:00 04/01.

I wonder when they knew they had a problem?   First report at 4 a.m.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on January 04, 2019, 07:41:12
Network Rail on Twitter are saying it’s a signalling problem discovered during final testing but doesn’t say when it was found.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bradshaw on January 04, 2019, 08:29:37
Now not expected to be rectified before 1400, according to Journey Check

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: rogerw on January 04, 2019, 08:58:28
Now revised to 1600.  Alterations now posted for most of the day.  Only a Trowbridge - Cardiff & return shuttle running not serving the smaller stations.  Not sure what is happening west of Bath.  My planned train cancelled and hoping that the 1016 to Cardiff runs on time as I am booked on the 1100 Bristol to Manchester.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on January 04, 2019, 09:31:32
I now understand the signalling problem was discovered around 01:30 today.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on January 04, 2019, 09:36:02
From the BBC (

Overrunning engineering work has delayed the reopening of a major railway line causing "absolute chaos".

Work to lay new track and extend the platform at Westbury, Wiltshire, took place over the festive period.

It was due have been completed by Friday morning but Network Rail said it did not know how long it would take for services to get back to normal.

Project manager Sarah Fraser said the delay was caused by a "significant issue" with the signalling system.

"There are some emerging issues and we are not able to tell at the moment what it's going to take to get them fixed," she added.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Clan Line on January 04, 2019, 11:18:31
Am going through Westbury (by car !!) this afternoon, 1500 ish, will go via the station overbridge and have a quick look.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 04, 2019, 11:44:52
I now understand the signalling problem was discovered around 01:30 today.

With affected GWR operational staff getting phone calls around 2 hours later ... one used the word "inevitable" which rather sums up the unofficial view of a potential overrun  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 04, 2019, 12:45:47
Noticed that a 12:42 to Frome, leaving Gloucester has the Westbury stop shown on the screen on plat 2. Why is this if the stations closed still.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on January 04, 2019, 12:52:05
Given it isn't due to call at Westbury until 14:36 there may be a decision pending on whether it will call there or not.  If there is a chance it could, probably best to leave it on the screens.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 04, 2019, 13:02:56
Given it isn't due to call at Westbury until 14:36 there may be a decision pending on whether it will call there or not.  If there is a chance it could, probably best to leave it on the screens.

What are people going to do, if they have bought a ticket, then it gets terminated somewhere.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Alan Pettitt on January 04, 2019, 13:04:16
It didn't go through Westbury station, took the curve and reversed onto Westbury avoiding line.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on January 04, 2019, 13:06:09
Given it isn't due to call at Westbury until 14:36 there may be a decision pending on whether it will call there or not.  If there is a chance it could, probably best to leave it on the screens.

What are people going to do, if they have bought a ticket, then it gets terminated somewhere.

If they have a ticket the railway has a duty to get them to their destination - if not by train then by coach/bus/taxi.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 04, 2019, 13:07:06
It didn't go through Westbury station, took the curve and reversed onto Westbury avoiding line.

What is this about?. Has not got there yet.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on January 04, 2019, 13:08:07
It didn't go through Westbury station, took the curve and reversed onto Westbury avoiding line.

Not so sure - Journeycheck suggests it is being terminated at Temple Meads

12:42 Gloucester to Frome due 14:49

12:42 Gloucester to Frome due 14:49 will be terminated at Bristol Temple Meads.

It will no longer call at Keynsham, Oldfield Park, Bath Spa, Freshford, Avoncliff, Bradford-On-Avon, Trowbridge, Westbury and Frome.

This is due to engineering works not being finished on time.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 04, 2019, 13:08:30
Given it isn't due to call at Westbury until 14:36 there may be a decision pending on whether it will call there or not.  If there is a chance it could, probably best to leave it on the screens.

What are people going to do, if they have bought a ticket, then it gets terminated somewhere.

If they have a ticket the railway has a duty to get them to their destination - if not by train then by coach/bus/taxi.


Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 04, 2019, 13:15:38
Just approaching plat 1 at BPW now.

Just gone onto relief line.

And then into plat 7. At BTM.

It has left BTM, But went off the map, so do not know where its going.

NOTE: this is absolutely incredible, now its coming back up the rhubarb curve, then on main towards FAW.

Looks like it,s coming back up to Gloucester, Why it went towards bath we,ll probably never know, must be a last second change of plan. 

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: JayMac on January 04, 2019, 15:07:40
0915 this morning:

Statement from Network Rail:

"A hole has been discovered in the trackbed near Westbury Station. We have a team of engineers on site looking in to it."


EDIT: In case it wasn't obvious:

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 04, 2019, 15:17:23
Hope they have not found a well? Have they.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on January 04, 2019, 15:46:18

If nothing else, today's problems at Westbury have illustrated how important a station it is - and why ensuring suitable connections are provided in future timetables for passengers using it as an interchange is vital.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Clan Line on January 04, 2019, 16:26:19
Today @ 1415: Absolutely deserted !


Stop Press !!!!

1535 approx.......3 car 158 sighted at Yarnbrook heading towards Trowbridge. Couldn't see it it was carrying any passengers.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: sikejsudjek3 on January 04, 2019, 16:37:49
They haven't all fallen down the hole have they ?  ;D

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: TaplowGreen on January 04, 2019, 16:40:13
They haven't all fallen down the hole have they ?  ;D

Early finish on Friday - need to fire up the BBQ! (yes II, there it is again!)  :D

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: ellendune on January 04, 2019, 17:57:55
Where is the fault?  If it is not in the picture why should there be anyone there?

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Alan Pettitt on January 04, 2019, 18:01:06
Apologies for my earlier message, the one I was on at the time was the one I was talking about, I now see that the the question was about a train that was nowhere near!

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on January 04, 2019, 19:50:17
Reported elsewhere, by insiders, that its a signalling problem (unspecified) that is causing the commissioning delay.  Must be something significant to cause such a lengthy postponement ::)

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bradshaw on January 04, 2019, 20:17:37
GWR Twitter now reporting problem carrying over into Saturday

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on January 04, 2019, 21:54:25
...err.  I take back what I said earlier.  This was posted on the WNXX Forum:
That hole might be the crown of the old narrow gauge railway tunnel that is now used as a cable route since Westbury panel opened many years ago giving way where it crosses under the junction formation. Early last century Westbury used to have an iron works on the site of what is now the engineering/fabricators works and the car auctions beyond the station and the whole area was riddled with tunnels connecting the various mine holes, (those big ponds that are in the area), to the works, plus, if you know where to look it is still possible to see traces of some of the old under bridges where the lines used to pass under some of the minor roads. What is now the West Wilts Trading Estate was formerly a WWII US Army ordnance/supply depot and where the remains of the old security fence still exist, many of the posts are old NG rail, I assume from the iron works railway system.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: ellendune on January 04, 2019, 22:14:53
For those who wanted to see NR actually working on the problem they have posted this photo on Twitter


Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bradshaw on January 04, 2019, 22:17:49
Old Maps website shows the 1924 layout.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 04, 2019, 23:50:54
Reported elsewhere, by insiders, that its a signalling problem (unspecified) that is causing the commissioning delay.  Must be something significant to cause such a lengthy postponement ::)

Yet one found 2.5 hours before hardback was due??

Drip, drip drip .... continues ....

Disruption through #Westbury is expected until the end of service today because of overrunning engineering work. Affected tickets valid for today will be accepted tomorrow where we expect to run a normal train service.

Overrunning engineering work is now set to continue into Saturday 5 January. Due to Network Rail engineering work not being finished on time GWR is unable to run any train services calling at Westbury.

There was an earlier clue with buses for Saturday on order ... hardly a surprise. Are there buses on order for Sunday yet?  No way of hand signalling a limited service through??

Feedback I have had from frustrated commuters also asks why the heck they planned a handback for the Friday, lulled commuters into the false hope that the trains would be available then dropped them in.  Would have been much more accepted to have taken the Friday and perhaps the weekend too, alllowed  time to deal with contingencies, and been in good time to restart on Monday.   Engineering disruption is a nuisance ... unplanned last minute changes can be a real hardship and a magnified frustration.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: TonyK on January 05, 2019, 00:25:27
Feedback I have had from frustrated commuters also asks why the heck they planned a handback for the Friday, lulled commuters into the false hope that the trains would be available then dropped them in.  Would have been much more accepted to have taken the Friday and perhaps the weekend too, alllowed  time to deal with contingencies, and been in good time to restart on Monday.   Engineering disruption is a nuisance ... unplanned last minute changes can be a real hardship and a magnified frustration.

I'm guessing this is the Donald Rumsfeld "Known unknown and unknown unknown" effect. I'm guessing that when testing starts at the end of a job, most of the staff not involved in that bit of the job take a breather and enjoy a well-earned cuppa, but don't knock off, just in casse someone comes back and says "Sorry lads, dig it up and start again." I'm sure there's often a bit of snagging work after such an intensive operation, explaining those couple of hours on a Monday morning after engineering work where nothing happens. But this one is a doozie, and sounds like the end is not yet in sight. I can't see, though, that adding a weekend to a possession "just in case" would ever have been acceptable, particularly given the somewhat pivotal nature of Westbury, as as been described, far outweighing its importance as a local station.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 05, 2019, 00:42:52
I'm guessing this is the Donald Rumsfeld "Known unknown and unknown unknown" effect. I'm guessing that when testing starts at the end of a job, most of the staff not involved in that bit of the job take a breather and enjoy a well-earned cuppa, but don't knock off, just in casse someone comes back and says "Sorry lads, dig it up and start again." I'm sure there's often a bit of snagging work after such an intensive operation, explaining those couple of hours on a Monday morning after engineering work where nothing happens. But this one is a doozie, and sounds like the end is not yet in sight. I can't see, though, that adding a weekend to a possession "just in case" would ever have been acceptable, particularly given the somewhat pivotal nature of Westbury, as as been described, far outweighing its importance as a local station.

Very easy for me to be critical ... but there are questions to be asked in this case ... my highlighting above and now might hope for testing during the job to pick problems up early not just 130 minutes before the end of a 17,000 minute possession.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 05, 2019, 02:03:48
Ironically, today's "Campaign tip" ( is talking about Campaign Fatigue. I'm ... at something of a loss to know whether any more can be done to sort our Westbury - best let 'em get on with it, sort things out and get on with other things.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Oxman on January 05, 2019, 02:21:25
Westbury now reopened, at 02.20.

GWR are forecasting some disruption on Saturday morning as the service is restored.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 05, 2019, 06:34:41
Westbury now reopened, at 02.20.

GWR are forecasting some disruption on Saturday morning as the service is restored.

First trains to Weymouth, Portsmouth Harbour and locals (2) to Bristol gone - probably related to empty sidings /no stock to run them. Fingers crossed for other services.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on January 05, 2019, 08:40:06
Good to hear that its hopefully nothing too significant then....or turned out to be something that can be fixed at a later date.  I would love to see the commissioning risk assessment ;D

A comment on the NR photograph posted above.  This shows what is known in BR WR terms as a 'Post Office Relay Set' rack, well, the wiring side of it at least.  This houses all the interface relays to/from the control/indication panels in Westbury SB.  I note that a few wires that are disconnected are covered with green insulation tape.  Thats a definite NO NO in signalling terms (all the lessons after Clapham appear to being forgotten).  I certainly wouldn't have published that photograph.... ::)

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on January 05, 2019, 08:46:09
A comment on the NR photograph posted above.  This shows what is known in BR WR terms as a 'Post Office Relay Set' rack, well, the wiring side of it at least. 

Those tag blocks at the very top brought back some memories where they really were used by the Post Office and then BT.  In the early 80s a colleague and I discovered if you connected the relevant two tags which served the telephone extension on your desk you could lift the bar to making outgoing phone calls at work...  ;)

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on January 05, 2019, 08:50:28
A comment on the NR photograph posted above.  This shows what is known in BR WR terms as a 'Post Office Relay Set' rack, well, the wiring side of it at least. 

Those tag blocks at the very top brought back some memories where they really were used by the Post Office and then BT.  In the early 80s a colleague and I discovered if you connected the relevant two tags which served the telephone extension on your desk you could lift the bar to making outgoing phone calls at work...  ;)

Yes, Bob.  I learnt a few tricks like that in my career.  I also spent many 'happy' hours at the top of a ladder making all the soldered connections on the tag blocks.... ::) ;D

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: ellendune on January 05, 2019, 08:54:37
... I also spent many 'happy' hours at the top of a ladder making all the soldered connections on the tag blocks.... ::) ;D

Yes it did surprise me that such a key piece required a ladder to access it. In today's world it should never be designed like that as the designer is required to take into account the health and safety of the person constructing (and maintaining) the asset. 

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on January 05, 2019, 09:09:55
... I also spent many 'happy' hours at the top of a ladder making all the soldered connections on the tag blocks.... ::) ;D

Yes it did surprise me that such a key piece required a ladder to access it. In today's world it should never be designed like that as the designer is required to take into account the health and safety of the person constructing (and maintaining) the asset. 

Yes I know that.  But it was a different world then, when people were responsible for looking after themselves!  I wonder how many people actually fell off a ladder whilst doing work like that......and don't get me wrong on this, I'm all for modern H&S techniques but sometimes you can go too far and accidentilly introduce new, bigger risks, because its peoples natural instinct to 'have a easy life' i.e. take shortcuts.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 05, 2019, 09:13:40
... I also spent many 'happy' hours at the top of a ladder making all the soldered connections on the tag blocks.... ::) ;D

Yes it did surprise me that such a key piece required a ladder to access it. In today's world it should never be designed like that as the designer is required to take into account the health and safety of the person constructing (and maintaining) the asset. 

Westbury signalling dates back to 1990, I believe (when Bradford North Curve was taken out) ... suggestion (but a few years back) that it was/is due to be replaced in 2026. So you're looking at outdated racks which would not be allowed new today?

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on January 05, 2019, 09:22:13
... I also spent many 'happy' hours at the top of a ladder making all the soldered connections on the tag blocks.... ::) ;D

Yes it did surprise me that such a key piece required a ladder to access it. In today's world it should never be designed like that as the designer is required to take into account the health and safety of the person constructing (and maintaining) the asset. 

Westbury signalling dates back to 1990, I believe (when Bradford North Curve was taken out) ... suggestion (but a few years back) that it was/is due to be replaced in 2026. So you're looking at outdated racks which would not be allowed new today?

I've carried out many projects in the past 10 years where we have modified and expanded older technology by replicating it with modern materials.  Not sure if you could get new PO Sets and Tag Blocks now though....

Of course for a totally 'modern' scheme it would probably be all electronic, although a few modern relay installations have been known (my last one was provision of the new passing loop at Axminster some 10 years ago now).

I wouldn't hold out much hope of fairly modern signalling installations such as Westbury being replaced too soon.  They can keep going for years and years with a bit of tender loving care you know.  I once had the honour of looking after Plymouth Panel which is now approaching its 60th year, and if looked after properly could be kept going for another 20 or 30 years yet!

I'll put my hankie away now.  Any news on how train services are recovering, or not, at Westbury now?

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Clan Line on January 05, 2019, 09:32:56
Just been up to Warminster Station to collect some tickets. Departure boards appear to be showing normal service.     There are 3 coaches parked outside - just in case !!

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: TonyK on January 05, 2019, 12:02:44

I've carried out many projects in the past 10 years where we have modified and expanded older technology by replicating it with modern materials.  Not sure if you could get new PO Sets and Tag Blocks now though....

Of course for a totally 'modern' scheme it would probably be all electronic, although a few modern relay installations have been known (my last one was provision of the new passing loop at Axminster some 10 years ago now).

I wouldn't hold out much hope of fairly modern signalling installations such as Westbury being replaced too soon.  They can keep going for years and years with a bit of tender loving care you know.  I once had the honour of looking after Plymouth Panel which is now approaching its 60th year, and if looked after properly could be kept going for another 20 or 30 years yet!

If it works, don't mend it. Unless you need the space, or can save money.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 05, 2019, 12:08:59
... I also spent many 'happy' hours at the top of a ladder making all the soldered connections on the tag blocks.... ::) ;D

Yes it did surprise me that such a key piece required a ladder to access it. In today's world it should never be designed like that as the designer is required to take into account the health and safety of the person constructing (and maintaining) the asset. 

Westbury signalling dates back to 1990, I believe (when Bradford North Curve was taken out) ... suggestion (but a few years back) that it was/is due to be replaced in 2026. So you're looking at outdated racks which would not be allowed new today?

I've carried out many projects in the past 10 years where we have modified and expanded older technology by replicating it with modern materials.  Not sure if you could get new PO Sets and Tag Blocks now though....

Of course for a totally 'modern' scheme it would probably be all electronic, although a few modern relay installations have been known (my last one was provision of the new passing loop at Axminster some 10 years ago now).

I wouldn't hold out much hope of fairly modern signalling installations such as Westbury being replaced too soon.  They can keep going for years and years with a bit of tender loving care you know.  I once had the honour of looking after Plymouth Panel which is now approaching its 60th year, and if looked after properly could be kept going for another 20 or 30 years yet!

I'll put my hankie away now.  Any news on how train services are recovering, or not, at Westbury now?

Would now, probably be idc blocks or krone blocks as a bt engineer once told me, I notice they have been used in stations to connect the cis screens to the main cat 5 cables. A grey plastic square box next to a screen.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: rogerpatenall on January 05, 2019, 14:17:49
Wonderful thing, Electricity. In my day, the turnouts at the 'London' end of the up and down loops at Castle Cary were shifted by the winding of a big dynamo handle - a bit like starting an old car. A big piece of basic equipment that, to my memory, never once let us down.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: CyclingSid on January 05, 2019, 16:31:59
Definitely some memories surfacing here. When I used to work in engineering mnufacuring I remembering producing various items of kit in that standard PO Yellow (can't remember the BS standards number, 381C?).
I also have lurking in a tool box a PO contact burnisher, although that was Army issue for burnishing contacts on magnetos, on a Centurion tank.
Certainly showing my advancing years.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on January 05, 2019, 17:04:24
Wonderful thing, Electricity. In my day, the turnouts at the 'London' end of the up and down loops at Castle Cary were shifted by the winding of a big dynamo handle - a bit like starting an old car. A big piece of basic equipment that, to my memory, never once let us down.
Ah yes.  The wonderful point motor hand generator.  Not nice being on the far end of that when it got wound up to high speed by the signaller..... ;D

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Oxonhutch on January 05, 2019, 17:35:10
Ah yes.  The wonderful point motor hand generator.  Not nice being on the far end of that when it got wound up to high speed by the signaller..... ;D

Just had a look inside one today in Princes Risborough North 'box. Describes itself as a '100V DC Generator'.  That would give a bit of a tickle!

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Oxonhutch on January 05, 2019, 20:20:11
So while Westbury was up to this, we on the CPRR ( have just commissioned the largest - and possibly tallest - ground frame in GWR history to work the Platform 4 run-around loop at our mainline terminus. The new 'Princes Risborough North Ground Frame' is about 6 metres above rail level; 5 levers - 121 spare and 6 spaces!

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 05, 2019, 20:47:33
Wonderful thing, Electricity. In my day, the turnouts at the 'London' end of the up and down loops at Castle Cary were shifted by the winding of a big dynamo handle - a bit like starting an old car. A big piece of basic equipment that, to my memory, never once let us down.
Ah yes.  The wonderful point motor hand generator.  Not nice being on the far end of that when it got wound up to high speed by the signaller..... ;D

Are there any of these still in use on the railway now?


Are there any of those large disc signals on platforms in use, other than the one at Worcester shrub hill.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: ellendune on January 05, 2019, 21:16:12
So while Westbury was up to this, we on the CPRR ( have just commissioned the largest - and possibly tallest - ground frame in GWR history to work the Platform 4 run-around loop at our mainline terminus. The new 'Princes Risborough North Ground Frame' is about 6 metres above rail level; 5 levers - 121 spare and 6 spaces!

How does it qualify as a ground frame rather than a signal box?

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 05, 2019, 21:19:03
So while Westbury was up to this, we on the CPRR ( have just commissioned the largest - and possibly tallest - ground frame in GWR history to work the Platform 4 run-around loop at our mainline terminus. The new 'Princes Risborough North Ground Frame' is about 6 metres above rail level; 5 levers - 121 spare and 6 spaces!

How does it qualify as a ground frame rather than a signal box?

Always thought a Signalbox had block codes, and between other boxes, a ground frame in my mind, works a local area, am I right?.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Oxonhutch on January 05, 2019, 21:53:28
How does it qualify as a ground frame rather than a signal box?

A signalbox controls entry on to the railway either through [say] absolute block working or the issuing of a single-line token. A ground frame is merely a slave - its working is released by either a controlling signal box, or in our case at present, the unlocking of the frame using the single-line token. One of my jobs today was assembling the frame release lock using the token.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Witham Bobby on January 05, 2019, 22:07:22

How does it qualify as a ground frame rather than a signal box?

Generally, we were taught, a signalbox is a place at which trains can be given or denied permission to approach or depart by communication with another such place.  In general terms, a ground frame has no routine means to allow a train to arrive or depart, other than with the permission of  the signalman(er) at its controlling signalbox.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 05, 2019, 23:02:00
... I also spent many 'happy' hours at the top of a ladder making all the soldered connections on the tag blocks.... ::) ;D

Yes it did surprise me that such a key piece required a ladder to access it. In today's world it should never be designed like that as the designer is required to take into account the health and safety of the person constructing (and maintaining) the asset. 

Westbury signalling dates back to 1990, I believe (when Bradford North Curve was taken out) ... suggestion (but a few years back) that it was/is due to be replaced in 2026. So you're looking at outdated racks which would not be allowed new today?

Remembering it being installed in 1984, when I was going to Bristol to government centre, for unemployed people, that turned out to be a waste of public money.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: rogerw on January 06, 2019, 14:08:55
I agree.  Most of the Westbury area resignalling took place in 1983/84

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bradshaw on January 06, 2019, 14:51:11
May 1984 Westbury area stage 1
Signalling notice on this link

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Witham Bobby on January 06, 2019, 15:04:11
I agree.  Most of the Westbury area resignalling took place in 1983/84

Arguably, the fisrt step was the abolition of Westbury South Box in (I think) 1978.  The 99 lever frame was removed by volunteers from the West Somerset Railway, including me.  We drove a truck onto site, worked inside and outside the 'box (without PTS and other H&S related procedure and gear) over the space of a weekend to dismantle and remove the frame.  33 levers are now in use at Bishops Lydeard, 33 at Minehead, and I can't account for the other third of the frame.

Control of the junctions at Westbury South was transferred to a small panel contained in Westbury North Box.  This survived until replacement by the 1984 and present Westbury Power Box.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bradshaw on January 07, 2019, 17:30:21

Explanation of what happened at Westbury
Problem in the signalling system which needed a change to the design and retesting. It took several attempts to correct it. Video on Twitter

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on January 07, 2019, 17:53:21
Its all OK then as lessons will be learnt...... ::) :-[

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: ellendune on January 07, 2019, 18:53:31
Intriguing.  So why did it need a design change and why did that need several attempts.  Were the records wrong?

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on January 08, 2019, 11:19:51
A few pictures from the new look Westbury taken yesterday




The signal at the country end of platform 2 is among those which has been moved to allow for longer platforms


Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 08, 2019, 13:18:41
What a pile of rubbish they have left on the slope of that platform?. Looking at the pictures, Is it right to have a signal right on the platform, thought they would of moved it to the end near to that concrete path, and in that area of ballast. Could be a spad risk where it is. Then there is time to change them during the time that the station is eventually prepared for eventual resignalling.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on January 08, 2019, 13:24:28
Are you talking about the third picture down?   I assume it cannot be moved any further as it would then be too close to the set of points it protects.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: TonyK on January 08, 2019, 14:03:59
Remembering it being installed in 1984, when I was going to Bristol to government centre, for unemployed people, that turned out to be a waste of public money.

Ah, Winterbourne!

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 08, 2019, 14:07:14
Are you talking about the third picture down?   I assume it cannot be moved any further as it would then be too close to the set of points it protects.

Yes, I Was thinking it would be better to put it, just behind fence on opposite side to that pile of rubbish so that it is opposite the gantry on the other platform, Also I think NR should of replaced that gantry while they were at it, by putting a new signal there also in the hole where they would of taken out the gantry, Looks so rusty that it, looks as if It's about to fall on to the tracks, Would of thought this would of been done on H-S grounds. From the pictures, the one they did remove was in a better state than the other two they left, This is a one expense job, if had been done now, would save money in the long term, when the area is resignalled, then all they would of needed is new numbers.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 08, 2019, 14:10:56
Remembering it being installed in 1984, when I was going to Bristol to government centre, for unemployed people, that turned out to be a waste of public money.

Ah, Winterbourne!

No it was a rehab centre, knocked down now and has houses on, was in Fishponds, Why I was sent there, I do not know, stupid Jobcentre, I had only just left school.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on January 08, 2019, 14:39:34
Signals have to be positioned between 5m and 20m from the Insulated Rail Joint for the track circuit (or axle counter head) that replaces them from proceed to danger aspects.  Not possible to move the ones shown in Bobs photographs and if you only move it 1m or 2m then its not worth the cost of doing so for the null benefit gained.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: TonyK on January 08, 2019, 16:41:14
Remembering it being installed in 1984, when I was going to Bristol to government centre, for unemployed people, that turned out to be a waste of public money.

Ah, Winterbourne!

No it was a rehab centre, knocked down now and has houses on, was in Fishponds, Why I was sent there, I do not know, stupid Jobcentre, I had only just left school.

The Vassell Centre. I never sent anyone there when I worked in the stupid Jobcentre.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 08, 2019, 18:03:24
Signals have to be positioned between 5m and 20m from the Insulated Rail Joint for the track circuit (or axle counter head) that replaces them from proceed to danger aspects.  Not possible to move the ones shown in Bobs photographs and if you only move it 1m or 2m then its not worth the cost of doing so for the null benefit gained.

Just thinking that it would of allowed trains to come further up the platform. It looks like from the picture, They have put another new joint in,anyway.

there is a signal at Gloucester so far down the platform G58, But it's insulated joint is alongside. But staff have grumbled about it, because they cannot quite get a 10 car I.E.T in the platform.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 08, 2019, 18:17:50
Remembering it being installed in 1984, when I was going to Bristol to government centre, for unemployed people, that turned out to be a waste of public money.

Ah, Winterbourne!

No it was a rehab centre, knocked down now and has houses on, was in Fishponds, Why I was sent there, I do not know, stupid Jobcentre, I had only just left school.

The Vassell Centre. I never sent anyone there when I worked in the stupid Jobcentre.

No not the vassell centre, that was on old army like building in the front, this was mainly a load of old tatty workshops, mainly of asbestos to the rear of that.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: TonyK on January 08, 2019, 18:36:20
No not the vassell centre, that was on old army like building in the front, this was mainly a load of old tatty workshops, mainly of asbestos to the rear of that.

Sounds about right for the government.

In a particular role I fulfilled for 10 years at what became DWP, I had quite a few people referred to a different type of educational centre, in Horfield, and a few also referred to another at Eastwood Park. Both were residential.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 10, 2019, 21:58:58
Sounds like this thread has now had its day, Nows to Westbury south Junction renewal December 2019- January 2020.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 11, 2019, 07:21:28

Westbury Station CLOSED to trains again this Sunday (13th January 2019). And that means that Dilton Marsh and Melksham are also closed to trains.

* Buses replace trains between Trowbridge and Westbury / Warminster / Dilton Marsh / Frome
* Buses replace trains between between Chippenham and Westbury via Melksham and Trowbridge
* London to West of England trains that normally call at Westbury will call at Frome instead.

CHECK WITH JOURNEY PLANNERS at if you need to travel to, from or through Westbury, or make any TransWIlts journey, this weekend.


Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: SandTEngineer on January 11, 2019, 08:54:01
Is that the Melksham train waiting in Platform No.2....... ;D

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Clan Line on January 11, 2019, 09:26:06
Is that the Melksham train waiting in Platform No.2....... ;D

No....when that photo was taken it was Platform 3  ;)

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Timmer on January 11, 2019, 11:23:59
Sounds like this thread has now had its day, Nows to Westbury south Junction renewal December 2019- January 2020.
Are they closing Westbury again this coming Christmas/New Year?
That won’t go down well with those affected for the two weeks this past Christmas/New Year.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 11, 2019, 12:17:36
Sounds like this thread has now had its day, Nows to Westbury south Junction renewal December 2019- January 2020.
Are they closing Westbury again this coming Christmas/New Year?
That won’t go down well with those affected for the two weeks this past Christmas/New Year.

Not really sure yet, but the south looks like it could do with redoing.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: TonyK on January 11, 2019, 20:16:08
Sounds like this thread has now had its day, Nows to Westbury south Junction renewal December 2019- January 2020.

You  might  want  to  hang on for a short while, young man.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 12, 2019, 12:41:50
Sounds like this thread has now had its day, Nows to Westbury south Junction renewal December 2019- January 2020.

You  might  want  to  hang on for a short while, young man.

Do not think I am that young anymore, feeling old, fed up, tired, having to move again, shelling out another 4,300 pounds on rent. Got to be gratefull, at least I am not in a cardboard box behind Asda.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: JayMac on January 13, 2019, 00:51:28
Do not think I am that young anymore, feeling old, fed up, tired, having to move again, shelling out another 4,300 pounds on rent. Got to be gratefull, at least I am not in a cardboard box behind Asda.

Cardboard box behind Asda?

Luxury (!


Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 13, 2019, 20:54:22
Will we have an Easter egg picture in the right hand corner, in place of the coffee shop one at Easter...

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 13, 2019, 21:39:46
Will we have an Easter egg picture in the right hand corner, in place of the coffee shop one at Easter ...

I somehow doubt it ... but I expect we'll carry on with our familiar and re-assuring stability in most ways with just those few little "something different"s from time to time.

We'll probably know / decide more as we go through the next month or two ... but I doubt you'll see eggs at Easter

details here ( - Westbury, 9th February 2019 - Sign up via EventBrite (

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: TonyK on January 18, 2019, 22:26:11

Cardboard box behind Asda?

Luxury (!


I could only afford behind Kwik Save when I was down on my luck.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Western Pathfinder on January 18, 2019, 23:11:40

Cardboard box behind Asda?

Luxury (!


I could only afford begin Kwik Save when I was down on my luck.
And you try telling the young people of today that ,and they won't believe you!.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 19, 2019, 19:12:18
Where is everyone?.

Down the pub!!!.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Celestial on January 19, 2019, 19:27:52
From my (admittedly limited) experience, contributors tend to wait until they have something interesting, informative or entertaining before posting.  That's what encouraged me to join and is one of the things that makes the forum stand out from others I've looked at.  Long may it continue!

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 19, 2019, 19:48:10
Where is everyone?.

Down the pub!!!.

From my (admittedly limited) experience, contributors tend to wait until they have something interesting, informative or entertaining before posting.  That's what encouraged me to join and is one of the things that makes the forum stand out from others I've looked at.  Long may it continue!

Indeed (i.e. people post here in moderation).  I really doubt whether too many are down the pub!

For the absence of doubt, "Paul, Resignal Gloucester Now" is a new name for "Dispatch Box". The forum software does allow members to change their 'handles' and there are occasions when it's a good thing to do.   However, popping up with a new name, and without announcing that change, is disconcerting to the existing membership.

I noticed yesterday that Paul, or Dispatch Box, flagged up that he had triggered the posting ceiling; perhaps that should be taken as a request to keep posts to a level at which others feel comfortable and don't get upset.   The request / trigger is automated - the fact that only one member has hit it speaks volumes, I'm afraid.

This forum provides a valuable archive as well as an interactive resource.  Should the archive be being diluted by spray, or should it be being diluted because members are put off posting because of the spray, the admin and moderator team will step in. We are usually minimalist,and indeed I am asking here for people to think before they post - but we are not afraid to act if we need to.

edit to correct typo

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: Dispatch Box on January 19, 2019, 20:30:32
Sorry!!! Graham,did not realise that I had to inform members. I am now taking a rest. I thought I would have a more sensible name. Dispatch Box was pathetic. BYE FOR NOW.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on January 19, 2019, 20:44:10
Sorry!!! Graham,did not realise that I had to inform members. I am now taking a rest. I thought I would have a more sensible name. Dispatch Box was pathetic. BYE FOR NOW.

Personal message being sent.  Noting you are taking a break; we'll chat before you come back.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: WSW Frome on January 20, 2019, 15:48:28

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: TonyK on January 22, 2019, 22:28:43

Steady now.

Where is everyone?.

Down the pub!!!.

Guilty, m'lud, although the pub in question was in Tenerife. I'm back now, and wondering why.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: GBM on March 12, 2024, 08:35:18
Um. Is it OK to post this here?
Couldn't decide which section to post in.
Journeycheck today (12th March 2024)
Cancellations to services between Bath Spa and Westbury
Due to a fault with the signalling system between Castle Cary and Westbury all lines are blocked. Disruption is expected until 11:15 12/03.
Cancellations to services between Westbury and Weymouth via Castle Cary
Due to a fault with the signalling system between Castle Cary and Westbury all lines are blocked. Disruption is expected until 11:15 12/03.
Cancellations to services between Taunton and Reading via Castle Cary
Due to a fault with the signalling system between Castle Cary and Westbury all lines are blocked. Disruption is expected until 11:15 12/03.

Does Westbury still control all that area, in which case, it is a major failure.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: grahame on March 12, 2024, 08:48:57
Um. Is it OK to post this here?
Couldn't decide which section to post in.

Post away ... because we have sections line by line, we have an issue when it comes to things at interchanges and junctions.   It sounds like the issue, though, is not North Junction - so we may end up splitting and re-arranging topics later in the day.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: bobm on March 12, 2024, 09:00:59
It’s a fault at Hawkeridge Junction which affects a large number of routes.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: rogerpatenall on March 12, 2024, 09:07:44
Hawkeridge junction? Then assuredly not "between Westbury and Castle Cary".

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: TonyK on March 12, 2024, 10:12:55
It looks a bit of a mess on RTT. Paddington trains from Taunton seem to be going via Bristol at present.

Title: Re: Westbury North Junction Renewal December 2018 - January 2019
Post by: GBM on March 12, 2024, 12:10:35
Disruption expected until 1400; that's some fault.

Journeycheck advising journeys from/to Taunton returning to normal, but Melksham and other lines still suffering.

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