Great Western Coffee Shop

All across the Great Western territory => Across the West => Topic started by: chuffed on June 23, 2018, 15:33:14

Title: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: chuffed on June 23, 2018, 15:33:14
If that esteemed organ of all important local news,aka the Bristol Post, is to be believed...the Bristol City councillors came out as 9 to 1 in favour of the Arenal to be built at Temple Meads, after the 3 day scrutiny meeting.Other sources are suggesting Marv the mayor has already decided it is to be the Brabazon hangar at Filton.
We live in interesting times.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on June 28, 2018, 15:03:57
Bristol 24/7 quotes the Mayor as saying:
He criticised members of the council’s scrutiny committee for “erroneously debating a binary choice” between an arena at Temple Meads or Filton, saying if it were that simple, “everyone” would opt for the city centre location.
So does the Mayor have a third location in mind? If so, where is it and why haven't we heard anything of it? Or is his third option not to build an arena? Or even to build it in both locations! Or, most likely, does he mean that it's not a simple choice?

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on June 28, 2018, 17:11:33
Within a few weeks George's plans for the arena were fully worked out. The details came mostly from three books which had belonged to RIBA–One Thousand ways to Get Around without a Motor-car, Every Man's Mass Concreting Techniques, and Public Address Systems for Beginners. George used as his study a shed which had once been used for incubators and had a smooth wooden floor, suitable for drawing on. He was closeted there for hours at a time. With his books held open by a stone, and with a piece of chalk gripped between the knuckles of his fist, he would move rapidly to and fro, drawing in line after line and uttering little whimpers of excitement. Gradually the plans grew into a complicated mass of columns and ramps, covering more than half the floor, which the other politicians found completely unintelligible but very impressive. All of them came to look at George's drawings at least once a day. Even the Greens and Tories came, and were at pains not to tread on the chalk marks. Only Marvin held aloof. Though he had never stated as much, people suspected that he had been against the arena from the start. One day, however, he arrived unexpectedly to examine the plans. He walked heavily round the shed, looked closely at every detail of the plans and snuffed at them once or twice, then stood for a little while contemplating them out of the corner of his eye; then suddenly he lifted his leg, urinated over the plans, and walked out without uttering a word.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: broadgage on June 28, 2018, 17:39:37
My cat is called George, though he is not very good at writing with a chalk. He can certainly look very intelligent by angling his ears forward, so as to like as though he is thinking very hard.

More seriously here are my predictions regarding the Arena.
1) calls for more studies, reviews and consultations.
2) political changes resulting in the new lot announcing that the last lot did not properly engage with stakeholders, nor explore all options.
3) after repeating stage 1, above choose a site.
4) Discover rare newts or perhaps bats, start of work thereby delayed.
5) A terrorist attack on a similar venue elsewhere in the UK, resulting in "updating" the plans to prevent it happening again.
6) Cost has now ballooned to the extent that stage 1 is to be repeated to see if it can be done cheaper.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TaplowGreen on June 28, 2018, 18:16:42
Why is this in "Across the West"?

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Western Pathfinder on June 28, 2018, 18:38:36
I'm just thinking out loud here ! How about this put the new concert venue at Filton where there is more room and people can park ! Then turn the site at  Temple Meads into the Bristol Bus & Coach station and then you can use the old bus station site for a nice new car park for users to the BRI and maybe some low cost rental housing to give the poor beggars who sleep rough in the city a roof over their heads
O and whilst I'm at it ,Let's Open Pilning Station for the time being With a footbridge so that the arena can be served by a shuttle bus service for big events .
It's not rocket science I know but I think it may just work  thoughts & comments,are welcome.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Western Pathfinder on June 28, 2018, 18:40:42
Why is this in "Across the West"?
Because that is where Chuffed put it.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: chuffed on June 28, 2018, 18:46:52
Yup, I put it there on Saturday, thinking it was the second best place for it, after the rubbish bin. No-one has suggested either privately or publicly, that it should go anywhere else.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: martyjon on June 28, 2018, 18:49:40
Better still, re-open North Filton Platform where trains can serve be they come from North, South, East or West, and from where arenal patrons can enjoy a pleasant 5 minute walk to the arenal.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Western Pathfinder on June 28, 2018, 18:53:49
Or that but as most of you know I have this strange fondness for our local unloved station.😊

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TaplowGreen on June 28, 2018, 18:56:18
Why is this in "Across the West"?
Because that is where Chuffed put it.

You'll note my use of the word "why" rather than "who", my passive/aggressive little soldier? 😘

Given the suggestion made on the heading of this category, I was merely implying that something solely about Bristol, would perhaps better be located in one of the categories about.........Bristol? Or one of the "non rail" categories?

I shall now don sackcloth & ashes, and return to my cave...........🙂

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: chuffed on June 28, 2018, 19:50:10

I shall now don sackcloth & ashes, and return to my cave...........🙂


And deprive us all of your pearls of wisdom ? That's way too harsh ! ;D

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TaplowGreen on June 28, 2018, 19:55:49

I shall now don sackcloth & ashes, and return to my cave...........🙂

And deprive us all of your pearls of wisdom ? That's way too harsh ! ;D

.......always leave 'em wanting more......😌

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on June 28, 2018, 20:15:59
How about this put the new concert venue at Filton...

That's you, Marvin and YTL then..!

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on June 28, 2018, 22:12:28
YTL always makes me think of yogurt. There's some dairy concern with a similar name.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: the void on July 05, 2018, 09:38:56
Does anyone have any idea what is currently being built on Arena Island? Looks like a bridge, which will presumably be moved into position once complete, but to where? And what for?

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on July 05, 2018, 10:01:20
There is a plan to have a coach drop-off point on Albert Road; this is presumably the footbridge which allows people to get from there to the Arena new council estate without getting their feet wet...

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: the void on July 05, 2018, 10:13:00
Amazing what Marvin can find to spend our money on. It's going to be a most accessible piece of wasteland...

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: martyjon on July 05, 2018, 10:35:19
Amazing what Marvin can find to spend our money on. It's going to be a most accessible piece of wasteland...

BUT he cant afford to keep our public loos open, yes readers, all public loos in Bristol are locked shut to save council taxpayers money yet he does not ban the provision of lavish buffets at meetings in City Hall or cuts to Councillors Allowances for which many do B*GG*R all for.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Phantom on July 05, 2018, 14:56:24
There is a plan to have a coach drop-off point on Albert Road; this is presumably the footbridge which allows people to get from there to the Arena new council estate without getting their feet wet...

It popped up a few weeks back, commuting South from P15 at BTM every night I am trying to work out what it is.
It has steps on the slanted side, but looking closer it looks like it isn't in it's final position yet and sections still need joining

All very random

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on September 04, 2018, 17:58:46
So it's official: South Gloucestershire Mayor Marvin Trump has canned the Bristol Arena. No surprise, but still bitterly disappointing. Hey ho; move on to the next disappointment...

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on September 04, 2018, 18:24:00
The implication is that it will be built in Filton, but I reckon it's more likely not to be built at all. I'm actually not too fussed about that, I think it's more important to do something useful with the Arenal Island site, and the current plans don't seem to offer anything of that either.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: martyjon on September 04, 2018, 18:30:55
So it's official: South Gloucestershire Mayor Marvin Trump has canned the Bristol Arena. No surprise, but still bitterly disappointing. Hey ho; move on to the next disappointment...

He ain't SG mayor, I thought he was Bristols.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on September 04, 2018, 18:46:37
So it's official: South Gloucestershire Mayor Marvin Trump has canned the Bristol Arena. No surprise, but still bitterly disappointing. Hey ho; move on to the next disappointment...

He ain't SG mayor, I thought he was Bristols.

So did I.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: broadgage on September 04, 2018, 19:06:46
I cant say that I am surprised by this decision.
As noted elsewhere on these forums, I met a political figure who was strongly opposed to siting the Arena near the railway station.

His main argument was the lack of car parking, any suggestion that customers should use trains to attend the arena was, he felt "daft"
He felt that railway transport was unsuitable for large numbers for the following reasons.

1) Large events are planned a year or more in advance, but no one knows that far ahead if the trains will be running or not.
2) The railway can not cope with rush hours or bank holidays, so what chance of them coping with large events at the new arena.
3) How are people to get home from late evening events ?

It must be said that "the railway" in general, and GWR in particular have done very poorly over the last couple of years.

I could foresee a considerable risk of reputational damage and financial loss to the operators of the Arena if some high profile event co-incided  with engineering work, or an RMT strike, or moderately adverse weather during roads and airlines operated as normal.

Elsewhere on these forums, the closure of the Brighton mainline for engineering work and replacement by a very inadequate bus service was discussed.
Respected members suggested that the inconvenienced airport passengers "should have checked before travel", ignoring the fact that holiday tickets are often booked far in advance, long before railway engineering works are known about.

So who wants an arena at which events are planned 12 months in advance, and tickets sold 3 months in advance, and then trains replaced by buses 4 weeks in advance ?

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on September 04, 2018, 22:29:16
So who wants an arena at which events are planned 12 months in advance, and tickets sold 3 months in advance, and then trains replaced by buses 4 weeks in advance ?

The proposed developer and operator. 

Not much point in rehearsing the arguments now, except to say that the site was not dependent on rail. But the die is cast and in all probability we will not get an arena in my lifetime. For myself I don't really care, but it is a sad loss for Bristol.

Edit: Typo

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: broadgage on September 04, 2018, 23:10:58
I thought that the proposed arena site WAS largely dependant on rail ?
Not entirely dependant of course, some customers would walk or cycle or use local buses, but with no significant parking at or near the venue, it seems clear that the intention was for most customers to use the train.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: JayMac on September 05, 2018, 00:17:16
Many customers of the Arena would come from the Greater Bristol area. I'd estimate that barely one tenth of them would be close to a suburban station to get to Temple Meads.

A large entertainment venue needs to cater to all inflows of punters. Train, bus, foot, private vehicle.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Western Pathfinder on September 05, 2018, 07:36:49
Does anyone have any idea what is currently being built on Arena Island? Looks like a bridge, which will presumably be moved into position once complete, but to where? And what for?

I'm told that it is a new Pedestrian access footbridge, so at least one new footbridge is being installed in the Bristol area !.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on September 05, 2018, 10:08:35
Many customers of the Arena would come from the Greater Bristol area. I'd estimate that barely one tenth of them would be close to a suburban station to get to Temple Meads.

A large entertainment venue needs to cater to all inflows of punters. Train, bus, foot, private vehicle.

If I understand how arenas work, I imagine that the punters would be coming from Plymouth, Taunton (natch), Swindon, Worcester and Swansea as well as Greater Bristol Thornbury. If, and it's a big if, South Glos Mayor Marvin Trump's mooted YTL Brabazon Arena ever gets built, and if, and it's a big if, the Henbury Stub is reopened, then there is potential that after due process (say in 30-40 years) and finding the necessary $30BN to build a 200ft single platform (yes I do mean foots and US dollars; this is post-Brexit) then some of these punters may still come by train. Ain't no-one gonna be walking though, or staying in hotels in Bristol, or spending their hard-earned doing the Bristol tourist trail; they'll whizz in, buy some popcorn, watch Michael McIntyre on the big screen, and scoot off home. For all the good it'll do Bristol, they may as well build it in Newport.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Timmer on September 05, 2018, 10:59:39
To overrule almost the entire council, including those in his own party, is a very interesting move, one that the people of Bristol will be able to give their verdict on at the next mayoral election which is 2 years time is it?

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Phantom on September 05, 2018, 11:14:00
Does anyone have any idea what is currently being built on Arena Island? Looks like a bridge, which will presumably be moved into position once complete, but to where? And what for?

I'm told that it is a new Pedestrian access footbridge, so at least one new footbridge is being installed in the Bristol area !.

The bridge is complete and cranes have appeared in the past few days to lift it into place
I belief it is connecting to Albert Road

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on September 05, 2018, 11:30:50
Yes, it connects the coach drop-off point on Albert Road to the Arena. Oh, hang on... 

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on September 05, 2018, 12:50:08
Marvellous Marvin says that the centre is the best place for the Arena but that using that land for a mix of offices and housing will be more beneficial for the city as a whole. Possibly he's right, I don't know. I just doubt that the Nonarena Island will actually be used for anything now.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: simonw on September 05, 2018, 13:34:36
Reluctantly, I agree with Marvin on this issue. Bristol is not a huge city with spare space for a large Arena, unless expensively done with accommodation, entertainment and retail to ensure that the site is fully utilised for much of the day. The population of Bristol has already grown by 10% in the last 10 years, and is approaching 500K fast,  the need for accessible entertainment venues is essential for a vibrant city. The need for an Arena is more important now than ever.

However, this whole process has been dragging on 15 years and the failure of work not to be in progress is Marvin's, and Marvin's alone.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Phantom on September 06, 2018, 09:40:37
There is a new sports arena coming to the land around Ashton Gate, expect to see this up and running before this plan at Filton comes to anything

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on September 06, 2018, 10:35:54
I can see that 'Arena' and 'Sports Arena' both contain the word 'arena', but they are not the same thing.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: simonw on September 06, 2018, 11:17:40
Bristol must be one of the fastest growing cities in the country, and due to its size, and the population of neighbouring authorities there is a need for a local arena.

The problem with going to London, Birmingham, Cardiff and Exeter is that return public transport stops at 10pm none of them are located easily for Bristol traffic.

I hope that any plans for Filton include

  • local rail access
  • monorail for Mall@Criibs car parks
  • central bus station for local and national buses to ensure people can get home

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on September 06, 2018, 11:32:45
Bristol must be one of the fastest growing cities in the country.

According to the ONS, the Greater Thornbury town region had the second fastest population growth in the UK in the period mid-2011 to mid-2016. Curiously, and anachronistically, they refer to this region as you do, as 'Bristol'.

Of course the Brab Hanger site is pretty central for Greater Thornbury...

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: broadgage on September 06, 2018, 11:59:08
Bristol must be one of the fastest growing cities in the country, and due to its size, and the population of neighbouring authorities there is a need for a local arena.

The problem with going to London, Birmingham, Cardiff and Exeter is that return public transport stops at 10pm none of them are located easily for Bristol traffic.

I hope that any plans for Filton include

  • local rail access
  • monorail for Mall@Criibs car parks
  • central bus station for local and national buses to ensure people can get home

Cant agree with the monorail, non standard and too much to go wrong.
Substitute a standard railway or tramway, and I agree.
A standard type of railway can of course be elevated well above ground if the extra expense and complication is justified.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: grahame on September 06, 2018, 12:15:35
Cant agree with the monorail, non standard and too much to go wrong.
Substitute a standard railway or tramway, and I agree.

Guided Busway? Understand there may be grants available ...

Or perhaps an opportunity to run a branch railway from North Filton Platorm across the site of the old runway to Cribb's shopping centre before housing locks all alternative routes.   Advantage - transport could link and continue to stations throughout the West of Engalnd.  Disadvantage - new trains with plenty of luggage capacity might be needed

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on September 06, 2018, 12:28:38
Monorail. Like Alton Towers?

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Richard Fairhurst on September 06, 2018, 12:32:43
According to the ONS, the Greater Thornbury town region had the second fastest population growth in the UK in the period mid-2011 to mid-2016. Curiously, and anachronistically, they refer to this region as you do, as 'Bristol'.

'Thornbury' is one of the finest hymn tunes ever written, whereas 'Bristol' is a bit drab and pedestrian, so I'm with you on this one.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: johnneyw on September 06, 2018, 12:41:15
Monorail. Like Alton Towers?

Smaller centres of population can already boast of having better than anything we are likely to end up with there:

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: WelshBluebird on September 06, 2018, 12:43:42
I hope that any plans for Filton include

  • local rail access
  • monorail for Mall@Criibs car parks
  • central bus station for local and national buses to ensure people can get home

Or how about you put a station on the Henbury loop that just so conveniently passes right by the proposed arena site there!
Of course that would require joined up thinking and actually public transport planning. By a council who have spend millions on replacing three bus routes, with well, three bus routes.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: simonw on September 06, 2018, 13:07:00
Whilst Cribbs Causeway has many parking spaces, about 7K, they are not central or well located for a Filton Arena, and it would be stupid to add thousands of more parking spaces just for an Arena.

A simple, fast link from the Arena to the Mall will provide access to this parking.

Building a new rail station at Henbury, with a fast link to Mall and the new planned bus station will also help people to get to/from and Arena efficiently.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on September 06, 2018, 13:43:22 would be stupid to add thousands of more parking spaces just for an Arena.

Quite so. If only there was an alternative site available - maybe right next to an existing railway station, with existing frequent local and regional bus services and close to thousands of existing parking spaces and the existing motorway network...

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Phantom on September 06, 2018, 15:13:09
I can see that 'Arena' and 'Sports Arena' both contain the word 'arena', but they are not the same thing.

Not unless they are specifically designed that way

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Phantom on September 11, 2018, 10:12:05
Does anyone have any idea what is currently being built on Arena Island? Looks like a bridge, which will presumably be moved into position once complete, but to where? And what for?
Commuting into Temple Meads this morning I noticed this bridge has gone - any idea where it went?

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Phantom on September 18, 2018, 10:43:36
New multi purpose arena announced for the Ashton Gate site.
Will be able to hold up to 4,000 people for sporting events, concerts etc

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: chuffed on September 18, 2018, 10:55:50
This is very much primarily a sporting venue for the Bristol Flyers, a basketball team.
Concerts and other non-sporting events seem to be an afterthought.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Phantom on September 18, 2018, 15:22:41
This is very much primarily a sporting venue for the Bristol Flyers, a basketball team.
Concerts and other non-sporting events seem to be an afterthought.

Believe me from other plans I have seen the plan is to use it to it's max for non basketball events.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Noggin on September 19, 2018, 20:21:42
Does anyone have any idea what is currently being built on Arena Island? Looks like a bridge, which will presumably be moved into position once complete, but to where? And what for?
Commuting into Temple Meads this morning I noticed this bridge has gone - any idea where it went?

Into place, linking the island to the footpath. By the looks lof things they are finish up some stonework around it.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on October 05, 2018, 11:04:50
Read in the Post Brizzle Live today that five big gigs will be held in the summer football and rugby off-season at Ashton Gate. Plus smaller outdoor events year-round. So there's seasonal competition for the arena before it's even built. Maybe in the long run it will prove more worthwhile or easier for Ashton Gate to expand and run an all-year arena adjacent to the pitches?

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on October 22, 2018, 10:49:38
More news: according to Mayor Marvin's 'State of the City' address:

...The flawed transport plan would have brought 3,500 cars each sell-out night into Temple Meads with nowhere to park. The arena was too small to qualify as world class. And the proximity of the Temple Island arena to the train station was a security liability.

Curious that Marvin's predecessor, a qualified architect with a track record of urban renewal, overlooked these things whilst Marvin, with his degree in Political Theory, was able to spot them...

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: JayMac on October 22, 2018, 16:19:17
The guy hasn't a clue has he?

It would appear that we can't have (well in Bristol at least) a large entertainment venue next to a large transport interchange because it's a security liability. You mitigate security risks. You don't dismiss a project because of them.

Oh, and he accuses promoters of the Temple Island Arena of being 'simplistic'.

Seems that Bristol's mayor is as paranoid as his HGTTG namesake.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on October 22, 2018, 20:37:38
Seems that Bristol's mayor is as paranoid as his HGTTG namesake.
I know someone who works with him (and the city council) in transport planning – but nothing to do with rail – and that's exactly how she describes him. "He's scared of taking any decision." It's rather shame.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: grahame on October 22, 2018, 20:47:13
It would appear that we can't have (well in Bristol at least) a large entertainment venue next to a large transport interchange because it's a security liability.

If you place it at 51.5567 north, 2.6329 west it would be conveniently close to Bristol and close to a much smaller public transport access point, where main line trains could stop more before and often big events.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on October 22, 2018, 20:56:43
Hmm... but wait a moment, that's in South Gloucestershire. Oh, I see what you did there...  :)

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on October 22, 2018, 21:02:02

I haven't listened to this yet – I'm posting it here partly to remind myself to do so – but they might have something interesting to say.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Western Pathfinder on October 22, 2018, 21:32:23
If you place it at 51.5567 north, 2.6329 west it would be conveniently close to Bristol and close to a much smaller public transport access point, where main line trains could stop more before and often big events.

That being The Proposed site of Pilning Westgate Station 😉

Edit to clarify quoting

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on October 23, 2018, 13:01:32

I haven't listened to this yet – I'm posting it here partly to remind myself to do so – but they might have something interesting to say.
Well she's certainly right about her Bristol accent!  ::)

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: johnneyw on November 02, 2018, 10:10:59
Sorry for late shout, phone in on BBC Radio Bristol, John Darvall show right now.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on November 02, 2018, 10:15:24
Argh, you must be better than me at suppressing the urge to throw your wireless out the window. Do you mind telling us if anyone says anything interesting or intelligent?

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: johnneyw on November 02, 2018, 11:29:12
From the bits I caught it was largely preoccupied with Massive Attack's "pop up" event at Filton next year and that's about it. Oh well.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on November 05, 2018, 15:38:13
It bothers me a bit that the organisers will build the world's biggest Portakabin, fill it with people who would walk backwards up Snowdon with a nail through one shoe to see Massive Attack, and declare it to be proof positive that Filton is the best place for the Arenal. Which it isn't. An estimated 600,000 people turned up pon the Isle of Wight for the 1970 festival. It remains a major event in rock music folklore, albums of live music and films recorded there still sell, but it did rather serve to show that IoW is not the place for such a big event. (I know someone who played at it. He said he could only just see the rest of the band once they started playing, let alone the crowd.)

Transport to the Filton site from Bristol will be by shuttle bus (£9.00 please) or by car. The car park will cost £16.50, so cheaper than the shuttle bus if you share. A few will be close enough to walk. None will arrive at the event by rail.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: WelshBluebird on November 05, 2018, 15:48:56
Transport to the Filton site from Bristol will be by shuttle bus (£9.00 please) or by car. The car park will cost £16.50, so cheaper than the shuttle bus if you share. A few will be close enough to walk. None will arrive at the event by rail.

Just to prove that point, thee shuttle bus will be from Bond Street (where Megabus coaches pick up / drop off at) rather than Temple Meads, Parkway or Filton Abbey Wood.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on November 05, 2018, 15:55:01
Just to prove that point, thee shuttle bus will be from Bond Street (where Megabus coaches pick up / drop off at) rather than Temple Meads, Parkway or Filton Abbey Wood.

It proves a point, but not mine! So from Temple Meads, it's two buses. Mind you, as a youngster, I walked much further to a festival, and it was up steeper hills. (Coincidentally, the fellow I know who played at the Isle of Wight was performing there, too. Although I didn't know him then, and wasn't particularly going there to see his band.)

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on November 05, 2018, 21:15:38
Reckon the point that's proved for anyone who might end up operating an Arenal, whether in Filton, Temple Meads or even the IoW, is that you can fill it by choosing your performers. Sorting out the logistics will not necessarily be their concern.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: JayMac on November 05, 2018, 22:08:47
There's always Ashton Gate for the big ticket gigs.

Sadly, for all Bristolians who appreciate live music, that means the Spice Girls (80% by volume) can head west in 2019.

Every silver lining has a cloud.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Phantom on November 06, 2018, 10:21:49
There's always Ashton Gate for the big ticket gigs.

Sadly, for all Bristolians who appreciate live music, that means the Spice Girls (80% by volume) can head west in 2019.

Every silver lining has a cloud.
Rod Stewart, Take That and now the Spice Girls, none my cup of tea but all will sell out in minutes
Expect to see Muse added to the list shortly, plus one other still to be announced

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on November 06, 2018, 11:19:26
Music for old people... I guess that's what sells nowadays.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: JayMac on November 06, 2018, 11:47:05
Music for old people... I guess that's what sells nowadays.

Music for people with disposable incomes.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: metalrail on November 06, 2018, 12:15:01
Music for people with disposable incomes.
What's one of those?!

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on November 06, 2018, 12:37:56
Music for old people... I guess that's what sells nowadays.

Music for people with disposable incomes.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Phantom on November 07, 2018, 10:22:28
Music for old people... I guess that's what sells nowadays.

Hasn't that always been the demographic of audiences, the late teens / 20's will be at festivals and the little un's watching groups like Little Mix

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on November 07, 2018, 12:14:45
Music for old people... I guess that's what sells nowadays.

Hasn't that always been the demographic of audiences, the late teens / 20's will be at festivals and the little un's watching groups like Little Mix
So which of those are the old people?  ??? I think it's to do with rock and pop being mature art forms with artists having longer careers, as evidenced by Rod Stewart and The Spice Girls, or even Massive Attack, and the shift in bulk of disposable income from youngish to oldish as BNM pointed out. And that people in their 40s, 50s or even 60s tend to be in better health and fitness than in previous decades and don't want to stop doing what they've been doing for decades (ie gigging).

<Tenuously rail-related addition: Young people are less likely to own cars and if the venue is hard to access by train and bus... >

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on November 08, 2018, 23:31:30
My son will probably go to the Muse gig. I might ask him to get me a ticket too - I think I'll be away when they go on sale, and they won't take long to sell.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: metalrail on November 11, 2018, 11:35:11
Is this the end of the Bristol Arena altogether?

Article in today's BBC news...

The worrying part being;

Cardiff's and Bristol's councils have been trying to create a venue that would attract major acts and fans from south Wales and the south west of England for a long time.

A scheme next to Temple Meads station was first mooted in 2003, but was scrapped in September, with Bristol's mayor calling the £150m project "too risky"

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on November 11, 2018, 12:45:11
It would be nice to think that this was a sign of greater co-operation within the Severnside region... Cardiff gets the arena, Bristol gets the airport...

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on March 03, 2019, 21:06:47
Have Massive Attack gigs paved the way for an arena in Filton?
Malaysian investment firm YTL says it is pleased the gigs were "such a success"
When Massive Attack announced they would be playing two shows at a custom-built venue in Filton many people asked whether it would act as a test run for an arena.

First proposed 15 years ago, the road to an arena for Bristol has been long and arduous to say the least.

A row over where an arena would be built intensified in 2018, when plans for an arena at Temple Island were thrown out, leading the way for a privately-developed arena funded by Malaysian investment firm YTL in the Brabazon hangar on Filton Airfield

While YTL is yet to announce any official plans, it launched its own arena website and the team behind the project say they are hoping to be able to share proposals in the coming months.

Today (March 3), YTL Developments told Bristol Live how pleased it is the Massive Attack gigs were "such a success".

A spokesperson added: "It gives us confidence that, when the planned new rail and metrobus links are in place, a 16,000 capacity arena would certainly be able to handle the numbers."

However the thought of an arena at this location - on the border of Bristol and South Gloucestershire - has historically not sat well with critics, who say it should be in the city centre or nowhere.

Part of their reasoning is an arena on the outskirts of the city may not be economically beneficial to the city centre.

Some fear concert-goers would drive to a gig and stay only for a few hours before driving home, buying a Costa or McDonald’s on the way out of the city.

And this leads to the other main issue for critics of a Filton arena - how would people get to events on the edge of the city?

There are no obvious transport hubs. Only a few buses go past the hangars on Gloucester Road North. Patchway station is a little more than a mile away, but how easy is it to get a train there?

So when Massive Attack announced they would be playing on the airfield next to the Brabazon hangar, people were quick to predict long traffic delays and issues with the shuttle bus service organisers had arranged.

Some perhaps even thought those delays would be a sure fire signal there should not be an arena in Filton.

But reports of people getting stuck in traffic for hours on their way to and from the gigs never surfaced. Nor did tales of people stranded at bus stops because there were not enough shuttle buses to cater for the demand.

Instead gig-goers were quick to take praise the transport and parking organisation - although there were mixed reviews about the gig itself and issues surrounding card machines and long queues for the toilets and bar.

Now that’s not to say the transport organisation was seamless. There have been mixed reports about how long people had to queue to get out of the car park. Taxi drop-off and pick-up seemed to be the biggest source of complaints.

Not only had Uber drivers charging a premium but they also couldn’t find their way into the venue to collect their passengers.

But for the most part people seem to have been impressed by what they saw - no major traffic issues and a good shuttle service from the venue to the city centre.

So what does this mean for arena plans at the Brabazon hangar?
On one hand it was a semi-successful test run which proved transport solutions could be a problem easily solved.

That’s not to mention transport schemes already planned by Bristol and South Gloucestershire councils for the area, which will happen regardless of whether an arena is built at the site.

This includes a Temple Meads to Brabazon station rail link and a new metrobus route which will go directly through the new Brabazon neighbourhood.

YTL Developments, which owns the former airfield site, said it was pleased to see 14,000 fans "arrived and departed smoothly" for Massive Attack.

"It gives us confidence that when the planned new rail and metrobus links are in place a 16,000 capacity arena would certainly be able to handle the numbers," they added.

However this was a one-time event at a custom-built venue on the airfield. Being able to organise transport for one weekend does not mean every other event would take place without a glitch.

Not to mention that thousands of new homes are planned for just a stone’s throw away from the arena on the other side of the railway line.

How would this affect buses, taxis and cars bringing concert-goers to an arena? Maybe it won't? Who knows.

But it will be interesting to see is if YTL and Bristol City Council use this weekend as an example for why an arena should be built in Filton.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on March 04, 2019, 10:17:31
The last part of the article is the most telling. It is one thing holding a concert in an empty hangar on a disused airfield, but entirely another to have regular events so close to 5,000 homes miles from the city centre. YTL have said they will build the Arenal at no cost to the council, but expect somewhere between £50 million and £100 million to be spent by the councils on improved transport links. Bristol City Council will lose the income from the Arenal too, which if done properly (ie, not by Bristol City Council) would have been substantial.

There is a rumour circulating that YTL are faced with a bill running into hundreds of millions to decontaminate the site. I have no idea if that is accurate, but if it is too toxic for housing, how safe would it be for events. (For the record, I was not the only pilot to have "eased springs" behind the clubhouse before flying, but I don't think that would make much difference.)

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on March 04, 2019, 11:21:29
The Massive Attack concert was in a purpose-built temporary shed rather than a disused hangar. As for transport links, First did put on a special bus service but I don't think that's quite what YTL had in mind.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on March 04, 2019, 12:54:41
The Massive Attack concert was in a purpose-built temporary shed rather than a disused hangar. As for transport links, First did put on a special bus service but I don't think that's quite what YTL had in mind.

With other events, such as the balloon fiesta and the Tokyo thing, the additional bus services have been put on at the cost of some of the regular buses.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Noggin on March 04, 2019, 16:32:31
The last part of the article is the most telling. It is one thing holding a concert in an empty hangar on a disused airfield, but entirely another to have regular events so close to 5,000 homes miles from the city centre. YTL have said they will build the Arenal at no cost to the council, but expect somewhere between £50 million and £100 million to be spent by the councils on improved transport links. Bristol City Council will lose the income from the Arenal too, which if done properly (ie, not by Bristol City Council) would have been substantial.

There is a rumour circulating that YTL are faced with a bill running into hundreds of millions to decontaminate the site. I have no idea if that is accurate, but if it is too toxic for housing, how safe would it be for events. (For the record, I was not the only pilot to have "eased springs" behind the clubhouse before flying, but I don't think that would make much difference.)

In the real world, holding large events in a large, pre-existing space in a relatively undeveloped part of the conurbation, close enough to mainline rail stations, park & rides and other transport infrastructure to be able to run shuttle-bus services, and to annoy relatively few people is probably a pretty pragmatic way to do things.

The city-centre site is cramped, will royally s***ew up the non-event traffic (especially when there are lots of parents collecting/dropping off) and in the event of a major incident occurring there's a big risk that it could catastrophically grid-lock the city, leading to major loss of life.

I suspect that much of that £50 to £100m figure for transport infrastructure is a negotiating position, or would have to be paid for anyway if you put housing/offices/industry on the site. Indeed, Filton probably is contaminated with jet fuel, asbestos and whatever other nasties have been used over the years, but to a certain extent that only really matters if you want to put houses/schools/parks on it.

As arenal island, don't forget that the council could probably flog it for a fairly hefty wedge once the university have finished their bit, and that it will likely add a lot more to council finances & jobs as high-density office development with leisure/retail ground floor than an arena.   

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on March 04, 2019, 17:54:01
The Massive Attack concert was in a purpose-built temporary shed rather than a disused hangar. As for transport links, First did put on a special bus service but I don't think that's quite what YTL had in mind.

With other events, such as the balloon fiesta and the Tokyo thing, the additional bus services have been put on at the cost of some of the regular buses.
That might not have been the case for Massive Attack as it was an evening event but it could clearly get to be a right pain if there were regular events demanding special buses.

What was the Tokyo thing?

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on March 04, 2019, 18:58:54
The Tokyo thing is an annual music event in Eastville park. It was en route to that a few years ago that about three train loads of students got on one train at Clifton Down then complained that it was dangerous before getting out and walking along the tracks. There is a very regular shuttle from Temple Meads, which seemed to be served by the buses normally plying the route to my home.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: martyjon on March 04, 2019, 22:34:38
There is also The Downs Festival Music Event.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on March 04, 2019, 22:47:50
The Tokyo thing is an annual music event in Eastville park. It was en route to that a few years ago that about three train loads of students got on one train at Clifton Down then complained that it was dangerous before getting out and walking along the tracks. There is a very regular shuttle from Temple Meads, which seemed to be served by the buses normally plying the route to my home.
Ok, I remember hearing about that incident. I also remember hearing the event itself last summer (we're a couple of miles away). It wasn't that loud but it went on all weekend.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on March 04, 2019, 23:21:49
I heard it, and I was living in Brislington at the time, about 3 miles away. I didn't mind about that, though, a bit of noise in cities is to be expected, and the wind was in the right direction to give me odd snatches of music before I dozed off. Plus in my younger days, around the mid-19th century, I went to quite a few rather loud music events in places that were sometimes closer to residents than you would think legal these days, so was part of the problem rather than the solution.
And, quite possible as a direct result of my choices then, my hearing isn't quite so acute these days.
Now, if memory serves me correctly, the highest point of Filton airfield is 226 feet above mean sea level, meaning that Patchway and Charlton Hayes (least said the better) will get to hear proceedings very well, but Bristol itself will not. The putative residents of those new houses between the railway line and Cribbs Causeway won't need tickets. And the man in Henbury who used to ring the control tower and Flight Ops every time somebody deviated from the standard departure leg might find another reason to complain.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: stuving on May 01, 2019, 18:54:25
From TheStadiumBusiness on 1st May 2019 (
Bristol’s proposed YTL Arena has named Grimshaw Architects and Manica Architecture as the design team appointed to deliver the project.

The planned 16,000-capacity venue, which Malaysian investment firm YTL envisioned at the Brabazon hanger site, would rival a city centre arena.

Although plans for the project are still at a very early stage, YTL is committed to building an arena in the city by autumn 2022.

Grimshaw’s managing partner Keith Brewis said, according to Bristol Live: “We want to create something that’s a unique experience. The space speaks to me in two ways – on the one hand there is the physicality and the scale of it.

“We have the opportunity to bring that space back to life, and give the general public many different modes to come and see this.”

Manica Architecture recently designed the Chase Center in San Francisco, the future home of the NBA basketball franchise the Golden State Warriors, as well as the 65,000-capacity Las Vegas NFL Stadium, the future home of the Las Vegas Raiders.

Last September, Bristol City Council ditched plans to develop a new arena in the city centre after Mayor Marvin Rees backed a different proposal for a mixed-use development on the Temple Island site. The council had already invested some £12m (€13.3m/$15.3m) into clearing the Temple Island site for a major arena but Rees ultimately backed a different proposal for a mixed-use development.

Andrew Billingham, managing director of YTL Arena Operations, said the larger space outside the city centre would mean “you could attract some of the biggest shows to Bristol”

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on February 13, 2020, 17:01:24
New plans for Bristol Arena: in... Southville!!!!
Ashton Gate’s 4,000-capacity sports and convention centre would be the permanent home of Bristol Flyers basketball team as well as being able to host a number of other indoor sports, as well as being a venue for live music and theatre.
As well as the arena that is carefully not being called an arena, the redeveloped Ashton Gate site will contain a four-star hotel, larger shop, museum and car park.
And transport plans, or at least concerns:
Improved transport links to south Bristol will also be a key component of the plans, with Griffiths clearly frustrated with the current metrobus system.

He said: “We have a bus stop called Ashton Gate but sadly it does not stop at the stadium. I’m working on that. If you have a metrobus stop called Ashton Gate, it should stop at Ashton Gate.”

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on February 13, 2020, 21:34:25
I want to pay tribute to YTL Developments, the developer of the 400-acre airfield site. Its proposals will lead to the building of a new arena on the border between Bristol and South Gloucestershire, which will be funded without a penny of taxpayers’ money. YTL’s forecasts predict that the project will create 500 jobs, attract 1.4 million visitors per year and add around £1.5 billion to our local economy.

In reusing the existing Brabazon hangar, instead of building a brand-new arena from scratch, the proposals will save 18,600 tonnes of carbon emissions—the equivalent of 11,200 return flights to New York, so I am told. The innovative designs will mean that the Brabazon arena will be able to host touring bands, concerts and sport events in a single venue. Importantly, the arena will boast excellent transport links, including a brand-new railway station at North Filton, a regular MetroBus service and convenient walking and cycling routes. This project is a fantastic opportunity, and I urge Bristol City councillors to get on with granting the planning permission, because delays will only cause costs to increase. The Labour council’s plans to spend £150 million of taxpayers’ money on an arena at Temple Meads in the middle of Bristol were ill-fated, but there is now a great opportunity at the Brabazon hangar site to have a better facility with better transport links at zero cost to the taxpayer. I suggest that the councillors seize that opportunity with both hands.
Source: Jack Lopresti, MP for Filton and Bradley Stoke, Hansard 13 Feb 2020 (

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Phantom on February 14, 2020, 10:47:00
New plans for Bristol Arena: in... Southville!!!!
Ashton Gate’s 4,000-capacity sports and convention centre would be the permanent home of Bristol Flyers basketball team as well as being able to host a number of other indoor sports, as well as being a venue for live music and theatre.
As well as the arena that is carefully not being called an arena, the redeveloped Ashton Gate site will contain a four-star hotel, larger shop, museum and car park.
And transport plans, or at least concerns:
Improved transport links to south Bristol will also be a key component of the plans, with Griffiths clearly frustrated with the current metrobus system.

He said: “We have a bus stop called Ashton Gate but sadly it does not stop at the stadium. I’m working on that. If you have a metrobus stop called Ashton Gate, it should stop at Ashton Gate.”

Luckily this one will belong to Bristol Sport and have nothing to do with Bristol City Council

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on February 14, 2020, 11:17:01
But unluckily no mention of the possibility of reopening Ashton Gate station on the Portishead line...

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: johnneyw on February 14, 2020, 13:37:04
But unluckily no mention of the possibility of reopening Ashton Gate station on the Portishead line...

I hope that's not an indication that Bristol Sport have given up hope on that one.  I don't think they have mind you as they have always shown strong support for said station.  Metrobust might be seen as a more achievable objective in the short run, even though it cannot be considered as a workable substitute for a rail link.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on February 14, 2020, 15:40:17
Filton Arena would have 'significant adverse impact' on Bristol motorway network

Highways England object to 17,000-seat arena near M4, M5 and M32

The Government agency running Bristol’s motorways has objected to plans for an arena at Filton Airfield because it would have a ‘significant adverse impact’ on four motorway junctions nearby.

Highways England, the Government’s motorways agency, has formally objected to the application to turn the Brabazon Hangar into a 17,000-seater arena and told Bristol’s planners the application should be refused until and unless the issues can be sorted out.

What that would mean would be the subject of detailed negotiations between the applicants YTL, the planners and highways experts, but the objection appears to point to fears that a major arena in that location would cause traffic gridlock on the region’s motorways.

Source: Bristol Post (

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on February 14, 2020, 18:41:48
Filton Arena would have 'significant adverse impact' on Bristol motorway network

Highways England object to 17,000-seat arena near M4, M5 and M32

The Government agency running Bristol’s motorways has objected to plans for an arena at Filton Airfield because it would have a ‘significant adverse impact’ on four motorway junctions nearby.

Highways England, the Government’s motorways agency, has formally objected to the application to turn the Brabazon Hangar into a 17,000-seater arena and told Bristol’s planners the application should be refused until and unless the issues can be sorted out.

What that would mean would be the subject of detailed negotiations between the applicants YTL, the planners and highways experts, but the objection appears to point to fears that a major arena in that location would cause traffic gridlock on the region’s motorways.

Source: Bristol Post (

I want to pay tribute to YTL Developments, the developer of the 400-acre airfield site. Its proposals will lead to the building of a new arena on the border between Bristol and South Gloucestershire, which will be funded without a penny of taxpayers’ money. YTL’s forecasts predict that the project will create 500 jobs, attract 1.4 million visitors per year and add around £1.5 billion to our local economy.

In reusing the existing Brabazon hangar, instead of building a brand-new arena from scratch, the proposals will save 18,600 tonnes of carbon emissions—the equivalent of 11,200 return flights to New York, so I am told. The innovative designs will mean that the Brabazon arena will be able to host touring bands, concerts and sport events in a single venue. Importantly, the arena will boast excellent transport links, including a brand-new railway station at North Filton, a regular MetroBus service and convenient walking and cycling routes. This project is a fantastic opportunity, and I urge Bristol City councillors to get on with granting the planning permission, because delays will only cause costs to increase. The Labour council’s plans to spend £150 million of taxpayers’ money on an arena at Temple Meads in the middle of Bristol were ill-fated, but there is now a great opportunity at the Brabazon hangar site to have a better facility with better transport links at zero cost to the taxpayer. I suggest that the councillors seize that opportunity with both hands.
Source: Jack Lopresti, MP for Filton and Bradley Stoke, Hansard 13 Feb 2020 (

I want to pay tribute to Highways England, who have provided the Labour council with the perfect reason to overturn the plan by the Labour Mayor to allow a Malaysian company which isn't noted for non-profit enterprise to build an Arenal miles out of town. (Source: TonyK.) Carrying on with the idea would need a few hundred million quid more spent than already likely for road improvements. Building the originally planned Arenal on Arenal Island near Temple Meads instead of the threatened Legal and General monstrosity would save 18,600 tonnes of carbon emissions—the equivalent of 11,200 return flights to New York, so I am told. Not only that, the people coming to it from Henbury wouldn't even need to catch the train to get there. Even Bristol City Council could turn a profit from it over the years from leasing it to operators. They could ring it up on the till at City Hall, rather than ringgit up elsewhere.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on March 04, 2020, 18:41:42
YTL Arena Bristol approved by Bristol City Council

Plans to transform the Brabazon hangars at Filton into a world-class music venue have been approved by Bristol City Council.

After three-and-a-half hours the council’s planning committee approved the plans for an arena at Filton Airfield.

It will be the third largest arena in the UK after London O2 and Manchester's M.E.N arenas, hosting seats for 17,000.

The Malaysian investment firm behind the Filton Arena plans YTL, aims to open the doors to the public in early 2023.

The project's Managing Director, Andrew Billingham, has said the complex will create more than 500 new jobs and generate £1.5 billion locally over 25 years.

The plans also included a Temple Meads to Brabazon station rail link and a new metrobus route.

Source: ITV News (

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: martyjon on April 08, 2020, 12:03:08
H M Government have decided Bristols long vaunted arenal can go ahead.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on April 08, 2020, 16:50:45

YTL Arena Plans Take Off

We are thrilled to announce that the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government has made the decision not to call in the application for YTL Arena Complex, Bristol.

The Secretary of State was happy with the decision made by Bristol City Council and South Gloucestershire Council, and saw no reason to further examine our application.

[...continues] (
Source: YTL

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on April 09, 2020, 15:38:44

YTL Arena Plans Take Off

We are thrilled to announce that the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government has made the decision not to call in the application for YTL Arena Complex, Bristol.

The Secretary of State was happy with the decision made by Bristol City Council and South Gloucestershire Council, and saw no reason to further examine our application.

[...continues] (
Source: YTL

They must be rubbing their hands with glee, as well as sanitiser. At least it will get built, and I'll be able to drive there if I want to go.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Noggin on April 10, 2020, 21:31:04

YTL Arena Plans Take Off

We are thrilled to announce that the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government has made the decision not to call in the application for YTL Arena Complex, Bristol.

The Secretary of State was happy with the decision made by Bristol City Council and South Gloucestershire Council, and saw no reason to further examine our application.

[...continues] (
Source: YTL

They must be rubbing their hands with glee, as well as sanitiser. At least it will get built, and I'll be able to drive there if I want to go.

Yep, and rather than a pigs ear of a municipal arena (or more likely an empty plot for another ten years), we'll get a load of fancy Zaha Hadid-designed flats next to Temple Meads, making the whole area much nicer.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on April 11, 2020, 11:00:59

Yep, and rather than a pigs ear of a municipal arena (or more likely an empty plot for another ten years), we'll get a load of fancy Zaha Hadid-designed flats next to Temple Meads, making the whole area much nicer.

There's still time for a ten-year hole and some multi-storey council flats with cladding, but I don't live there any more so don't much care. The design for the original arenal, let us not forget, was the subject of a competition overseen by a mayor who was an architect of some repute, and not cobbled together by a sub-committee of enthusiastic amateurs. It would have provided revenue for the council in the form of rental payments, but was scrubbed by the new mayor, who was criticised in the early stages of his rule for spending a lot of time in places like China and Malaysia rather the Eastville and Lawrence Weston. 

I do not doubt YTL's ability to find architects of the necessary calibre to transform an iconic aircraft hangar into an arenal that looks like an iconic aircraft hangar, but the revenue to the council will be solely business rates based on what profit is left after the equally highly skilled accountants have had a look at the books. Any profit will go to YTL in Kuala Lumpur. The council will end up paying for infrastructure improvements beyond the ones already approved by the LEP when it had jurisdiction for transport, and whose chairman at the time was a YTL director, now a director of inter aliaof YTL Land and Property UK, YTL Events Ltd, Brabazon Estates Ltd, YTL Property Holdings Ltd, and YTL Property Holdings Ltd.

The railway station to accompany the Arenal will hopefully be opened in time for the 10th anniversary.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: SandTEngineer on April 11, 2020, 11:18:32
Well, the signalling plan for the new station (HENBURY) was produced two years ago, so at least some preparation is underway...... :P

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on April 11, 2020, 12:27:25
Well, the signalling plan for the new station (HENBURY) was produced two years ago, so at least some preparation is underway...... :P

For comparison, does Portishead have a signalling plan?

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: SandTEngineer on April 11, 2020, 12:43:20
Well, the signalling plan for the new station (HENBURY) was produced two years ago, so at least some preparation is underway...... :P

For comparison, does Portishead have a signalling plan?

Not that I have seen or heard of yet.  That doesn't mean there isn't one in preparation somewhere.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on September 03, 2020, 12:00:32
Just listened to Mayor Rees' online press confererce (

Asked about the Arena, he clearly felt vindicated in his decision not to risk borrowing a lot of money to build it on Temple Island. "No-one could have foreseen a pandemic, but we did foresee the potential of risk".  The council would now be making debt repayments on a £160 million empty building...

As to the YTL arena, he had nothing much to say. "It's not something I'm driving or on the back of..."

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Red Squirrel on November 29, 2020, 12:42:10
In the West of England 10 Year Rail Delivery Plan for Investment: 2020 - 2030 (see, the following enhancement is listed:


Half hourly service from Severn Beach to Yate via Bristol Parkway and/or linked half hourly service on the Portishead line

Bristol Travel to Work CMSP.

New North facing chord Severn Beach to Henbury line.
Remodelling of Holesmouth Junction.
Enhancement Filton Diamond.
Westerleigh Junction enhancement.
New platform at Severn Beach.
Doubling of sections of the Portishead line with signalling enhancements.
Rolling stock provision.
Timetable change.
Passenger and platform capacity at Bristol Temple Meads

This is listed as 'low deliverability' with a 10-25 years timescale. If this is done, it makes sense of YTL's aspiration for trains direct from Brabazon to Bristol Parkway across the Filton Diamond.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on July 11, 2022, 12:07:55
The arenal is to host Eurovision! Possibly... Let's hope it's built on time!
Marvin Rees appeared on screen just before headliner Carly Rae Jepsen took to the main stage on the Downs to reveal the city is bidding to host the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 at the site of the new YTL Arena in Filton.

Organisers have decided the event can’t be hosted in last year’s winning country, Ukraine, as per tradition, so have turned to the UK – which bucked its usual losing trend by coming in second.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Phantom on July 12, 2022, 11:40:55
Amusing that they actually believe they could get this built withing the timescales for 2023
The way it is all going it won't even get to the first piece being built before then

Fully expect the arena at Ashton Gate to be built before this does

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: froome on July 12, 2022, 12:24:27
Amusing that they actually believe they could get this built withing the timescales for 2023
The way it is all going it won't even get to the first piece being built before then

Fully expect the arena at Ashton Gate to be built before this does

Quite. Ukraine hosting Eurovosion in 2023 is far more likely than the Brizzle Arenal hosting it.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: chuffed on July 12, 2022, 17:14:20
Perhaps they should hold it on the site of the Brizzle Arenal amongst all the soil heaps, pieces of hacked runway tarmac and puddles without any of the lights, lasers and sound systems that detract from the vocals big time. Then it really would be a Eurovision SONG contest, instead of what passes for music these days.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on July 12, 2022, 18:08:48
They could even hold it on Arenal Island. Dress up all the contestants, sound and lighting engineers, etc etc, in swimsuits and bikinis (upside down), follow them round as they recount unlikely liaisons, and call it "Song Island".

Or maybe not.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Western Pathfinder on July 12, 2022, 22:48:16
The arenal is to host Eurovision! Possibly... Let's hope it's built on time!
Marvin Rees appeared on screen just before headliner Carly Rae Jepsen took to the main stage on the Downs to reveal the city is bidding to host the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 at the site of the new YTL Arena in Filton.

Organisers have decided the event can’t be hosted in last year’s winning country, Ukraine, as per tradition, so have turned to the UK – which bucked its usual losing trend by coming in second.

Dear God what kind of fresh hell is this!..

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on July 13, 2022, 23:03:22
Good old Marvin - how can we miss him if he won't go away? Like the man who does Prime Minister impressions at the moment, he's something of the ghost at the banquet, but this could be his parting shot.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on August 12, 2022, 12:59:44
What a surprise, a venue not yet constructed didn't make the shortlist.
The shortlist of UK cities that could host next year's Eurovision Song Contest has been revealed, with seven locations in the running.

Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Sheffield will vie to stage the event in May.

Twenty cities expressed an interest, the BBC said, and those not making the shortlist include London and Belfast.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: grahame on August 12, 2022, 14:31:07
What a surprise, a venue not yet constructed didn't make the shortlist.
The shortlist of UK cities that could host next year's Eurovision Song Contest has been revealed, with seven locations in the running.

Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Sheffield will vie to stage the event in May.

Twenty cities expressed an interest, the BBC said, and those not making the shortlist include London and Belfast.

I'm sure that the almost all have strong support from their marginal conservative MPs. There had to be at least one option outside England.  You can they knock out Bristol, Brighton, London, Belfast and Aberdeen. Not sure why Darlington didn't make it ...

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on August 12, 2022, 14:32:20
What a surprise, a venue not yet constructed didn't make the shortlist.
The shortlist of UK cities that could host next year's Eurovision Song Contest has been revealed, with seven locations in the running.

Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Sheffield will vie to stage the event in May.

Twenty cities expressed an interest, the BBC said, and those not making the shortlist include London and Belfast.

Birmingham Utilita Arena - short walk from New Street, Snow Hill and Five Ways stations. Capacity 15,800
Glasgow OVO Hydro - next to Exhibition Centre station. capacity 14,300
Leeds First Direct Arena - 0.7 miles from Leeds railway station. Capacity 13,781
Liverpool M%S Bank Arena - 0.7 miles from James Street underground station, ticket from Lime Street included in event price. Capacity 11,000
Manchester AO Arena - on Victoria Station approach. Capacity 21,000.
Newcastle Utilita Arena - 0.7 miles from Newcastle Central station. Capacity 11,000
Sheffield Utilita Arena - 2.6 miles from Sheffield station, but on tram and tram-train route from there. Capacity 13,600.

YTL Arena (putative) - 2.9 miles from Parkway station, 6.3 miles from Temple Meads. On the 75 bus route. Capacity tba (about 100 for the Queen gig).

I think we can see why Bristol lost out, although the marginal constituency theory is a good one for conspiracists.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on August 12, 2022, 14:44:58
I haven't checked the other places but the idea that Liverpool would have a marginal Conservative MP was surprising to me. In fact:
There are five MPs in Liverpool.

Garston and Halewood Constituency - Maria Eagle MP, Labour Party - Unit House, Speke Boulevard, Liverpool, L24 9HZ. Tel: 0151 448 1167.
Riverside Constituency - Kim Johnson, Labour Party. Tel: 0151 709 4120 -
Walton Constituency - Dan Carden, Labour Party - 66 Priory Road, Anfield, Liverpool, L4 2RZ. Tel: 0151 284 1160 -
Wavertree Constituency - Paula Barker, Labour Party. Tel: 0151 724 5767 -
West Derby Constituency - Ian Byrne, Labour Party. Tel: 0151 222 2345 -

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on August 12, 2022, 15:10:50
I haven't checked the other places but the idea that Liverpool would have a marginal Conservative MP was surprising to me. In fact:
There are five MPs in Liverpool.

Garston and Halewood Constituency - Maria Eagle MP, Labour Party - Unit House, Speke Boulevard, Liverpool, L24 9HZ. Tel: 0151 448 1167.
Riverside Constituency - Kim Johnson, Labour Party. Tel: 0151 709 4120 -
Walton Constituency - Dan Carden, Labour Party - 66 Priory Road, Anfield, Liverpool, L4 2RZ. Tel: 0151 284 1160 -
Wavertree Constituency - Paula Barker, Labour Party. Tel: 0151 724 5767 -
West Derby Constituency - Ian Byrne, Labour Party. Tel: 0151 222 2345 -

Good point. There are 7 Glasgow MPs, all SNP. Sheffield remains red wall, having had all 5 MPs Labour since Nick Clegg's defenestration. It's 8 labour and one token Tory for Birmingham, 100% Labour for Newcastle and Leeds. Add to the fact that the government has absolutely no role in this particular beauty contest, and it looks as though support from  marginal Conservative MP is about the same as the number of trains running to Portishead tomorrow.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: jamestheredengine on August 13, 2022, 10:07:33
I haven't checked the other places but the idea that Liverpool would have a marginal Conservative MP was surprising to me. In fact:
There are five MPs in Liverpool.

Garston and Halewood Constituency - Maria Eagle MP, Labour Party - Unit House, Speke Boulevard, Liverpool, L24 9HZ. Tel: 0151 448 1167.
Riverside Constituency - Kim Johnson, Labour Party. Tel: 0151 709 4120 -
Walton Constituency - Dan Carden, Labour Party - 66 Priory Road, Anfield, Liverpool, L4 2RZ. Tel: 0151 284 1160 -
Wavertree Constituency - Paula Barker, Labour Party. Tel: 0151 724 5767 -
West Derby Constituency - Ian Byrne, Labour Party. Tel: 0151 222 2345 -

Good point. There are 7 Glasgow MPs, all SNP. Sheffield remains red wall, having had all 5 MPs Labour since Nick Clegg's defenestration. It's 8 labour and one token Tory for Birmingham, 100% Labour for Newcastle and Leeds. Add to the fact that the government has absolutely no role in this particular beauty contest, and it looks as though support from  marginal Conservative MP is about the same as the number of trains running to Portishead tomorrow.
Birmingham's like Bristol in that most of the places that are not Birmingham lean Conservative. They currently have Sutton Coldfield, both Solihull seats, two out of three in each of Walsall and Wolverhampton, and six out of seven in Sandwell and Dudley. It's an interesting bit of geographical structuring that core cities and their neighbours seem to be becoming increasingly polarised in their voting patterns.

In  a way, this still makes Liverpool weird: of all the not-Liverpool constituencies in Merseyside, only Southport voted Conservative last time. No blue halo there.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: Bmblbzzz on August 24, 2022, 15:36:34
It's important not to take Eurovision Song Contest too seriously. And BCC certainly didn't take it too seriously.  :D
A recent freedom of information request has now revealed that the council spent £50 on making a video for the bid and £20.42 on travel expenses.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: infoman on August 25, 2022, 06:03:01
Not to mention the plans for an Underground for Bristol.

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TaplowGreen on August 25, 2022, 07:24:03
It's important not to take Eurovision Song Contest too seriously. And BCC certainly didn't take it too seriously.  :D
A recent freedom of information request has now revealed that the council spent £50 on making a video for the bid and £20.42 on travel expenses.

A shrewd move, given how much it costs the host city/nation to stage the annual awful assault on the ears!

Title: Re: Brizzle Arenal....where to mi babber ?
Post by: TonyK on August 26, 2022, 19:50:24
£20.42 for travel though - just shows why the Arenal should have been next to Temple Meads. Practically across the road from the council place.

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