Great Western Coffee Shop

Sideshoots - associated subjects => News, Help and Assistance => Topic started by: grahame on March 03, 2018, 08:55:37

Title: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: grahame on March 03, 2018, 08:55:37
The disruption map at the top of this page provides a quick look at where there are problems with GWR trains right across the South West and South Wales - a graphic form of Journey Check, and there's a link to Journey Check just below it.

Initially as an experiment ... I have added

Step 1 - click on the disruption map and you get a larger map showing all the network stations in th area

Step 2 - click on an individual station and you get a report from that station

Step 3 - select an individual trains to see how it's doing.

All from industry feeds / taking the best available for any particular station.

Let me know if this is any use and ideas.  I did have a possible idea of zooming the map that comes up at stage one, centering it based on where you click on the initial map, and adding in full station names.  Time constratints mean that would be an exercise for some time in the future though.

Title: Re: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: eXPassenger on March 03, 2018, 12:36:00
This looks useful.  I already get this by opening different web sites in turn so it is nice to see it on one place.

Can you add to the enhancement list the ability to save a specific station in browser favourites.  ie if I want to check Yattton I could open a favourite and not drill down from the main map.

I do love the way a whole set of web sites are appearing using the public train information feeds.

Title: Re: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: JayMac on March 03, 2018, 13:19:31
Can anything be done about the station codes being piled up in areas with many stations. It makes it almost impossible to bring up the information for a particular station when using touch screen devices.

Title: Re: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: grahame on March 03, 2018, 13:21:20
Can anything be done about the station codes being piled up in areas with many stations. It makes it almost impossible to bring up the information for a particular station when using touch screen devices.

Would this work for you?

I did have a possible idea of zooming the map that comes up at stage one, centering it based on where you click on the initial map, and adding in full station names.  Time constratints mean that would be an exercise for some time in the future though.

Title: Re: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: JayMac on March 03, 2018, 14:30:47
It would.  :)

I read that in your OP and it went in one synapse and out another, before I replied. Apologies.

Title: Re: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 03, 2018, 21:15:29
Many thanks for adding that enhanced feature to the Coffee Shop forum, grahame.  ;)

We obviously hope, however, that the initial map doesn't look quite as bad as this too often:



Title: Re: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: trainer on March 03, 2018, 22:27:39
This is an excellent development, Graham thank you.  I just tried it out for curiosity and find that that the last* train from Yatton this evening is cancelled and the reason given is 'Planning Error'.  Without making the obvious jibe that this invites, I wonder if anyone can enlighten me as to what reasons might lie behind such an 'error'.

*Edit to correct: not the last train, just the last one to be shown when I first looked.

Title: Re: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: grahame on March 04, 2018, 04:31:54
This is an excellent development, Graham thank you.  I just tried it out for curiosity and find that that the last* train from Yatton this evening is cancelled and the reason given is 'Planning Error'.  Without making the obvious jibe that this invites, I wonder if anyone can enlighten me as to what reasons might lie behind such an 'error'.

*Edit to correct: not the last train, just the last one to be shown when I first looked.

Historically, that's been where there hasn't been a drive rostered, or the driver rostered has been sent to the wrong place at the wrong time.  Could also apply to conductor or train.   What's behind it is an awful lot of complex planning, sometimes at very short notice indeed, which we very rarely hear about and usually works remarkably well.

Title: Re: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: eXPassenger on March 04, 2018, 11:41:47
This looks useful.  I already get this by opening different web sites in turn so it is nice to see it on one place.

Can you add to the enhancement list the ability to save a specific station in browser favourites.  ie if I want to check Yattton I could open a favourite and not drill down from the main map.

I do love the way a whole set of web sites are appearing using the public train information feeds.

No need, I have looked at the generated URL and it appears to link to the Tiger data feed which I have saved.

Title: Re: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: grahame on March 04, 2018, 12:51:40
This looks useful.  I already get this by opening different web sites in turn so it is nice to see it on one place.

Can you add to the enhancement list the ability to save a specific station in browser favourites.  ie if I want to check Yattton I could open a favourite and not drill down from the main map.

I do love the way a whole set of web sites are appearing using the public train information feeds.

No need, I have looked at the generated URL and it appears to link to the Tiger data feed which I have saved.

Not quite that straightforward - it uses Tiger where it's available and another source where it isn't.  I understand that more stations may become available via Tiger in the next year or so, and if so I'll update the data file.

Title: Re: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: lordgoata on March 05, 2018, 09:05:56
Just a note, its not using Tiger for eg. Goring & Streatley (GOR), but that is available on TIGER:

Title: Re: Disruption map - you can now drill down to your station and individual train
Post by: grahame on March 05, 2018, 12:14:01
Just a note, its not using Tiger for eg. Goring & Streatley (GOR), but that is available on TIGER:

I suspect that's because it's one of those posh places with an "&" in its name.   Now switched to Tiger, & I need to look at Windsor & Eton, & a few others.

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