Title: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: simonw on May 06, 2017, 17:33:47 Well the show is over, and does anyone have an idea what Tim Bowles stood for regarding transport policy.
All I can find is mention of Stockwood Lane drainage, and Motorway Junction 18a to produce another gridlock point on the ring road. No mention of MetroWest, Metro Bus, simple single ticket system, park&ride sites etc. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: John R on May 06, 2017, 17:44:40 Why would it produce another gridlock point. Surely it would redistribute traffic away from Jn 19 and the top of the M32, which has to be a good thing?
Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: grahame on May 06, 2017, 17:47:10 Well the show is over, and does anyone have an idea what Tim Bowles stood for regarding transport policy. All I can find is mention of Stockwood Lane drainage, and Motorway Junction 18a to produce another gridlock point on the ring road. No mention of MetroWest, Metro Bus, simple single ticket system, park&ride sites etc. On homes and transport challenge - http://www.timbowles.org.uk/campaigns/homes-and-transport-challenge Quote Our community is a great place to live, and the economy is one of the most successful anywhere in the country. But that means there is huge demand for homes, putting green fields at risk. As our area has grown, infrastructure particularly transport simply hasn’t kept pace. The last Labour Government and Labour and Liberal Democrat Councillors failed to meet the challenge. Instead they tinkered with small schemes that have frustrated motorists but done nothing to tackle the problem. Worse, often Councils have bickered with one another, failing to deliver the transport schemes enjoyed in other parts of the country. Progress has been made in recent years. Now is our chance to get an even better deal for our area. On12th April in his news, he wrote: Quote Tim Bowles, the Conservative candidate for West of England Mayor, met councillors in Bishopsworth to discuss measures to improve the road network and ease traffic congestion in Bristol. Tim met Richard Eddy and Kevin Quartley, the Conservative city councillors in Bishopsworth, next to the new South Bristol Link Road. The three-mile road, which opened in January, connects the A370 Long Ashton bypass to Hengrove Way. The route will help motorists get around the south of the city and travel to and from Bristol Airport, while easing congestion in areas like Bedminster, Hartcliffe, Bishopsworth, Inns Court and Ashton. While the road has so far proved a huge success for commuters and local residents, Conservatives are pressing for various issues to be put right. These include improvements to the sequencing of traffic lights at key junctions and roundabouts and making signage and road markings more clear. Tim said: “Improving the road network in Bristol and the rest of the West of England is one of my top priorities. “Congestion is an all too familiar problem for motorists across Bristol and I’m keen to look at a range of schemes, large and small, to make journeys safer, faster and more reliable for everyone. “The South Bristol Link Road is an example of a project that makes a huge difference for residents, commuters and businesses, delivered thanks to joined-up thinking and government support. “Better infrastructure gets business and the economy moving and creates better jobs with better pay. “I have discussed some of the issues local people face with Transport Secretary Chris Grayling and if elected I will continue to work with local MPs, councils, the government and other stakeholders to ensure the improvements we need are delivered.” Cllr Eddy said: “It was good to meet Tim and discuss measures to improve our roads and ease congestion in Bristol. “Tim is the candidate best placed to talk to the government of today and press for solutions to the challenges we face in transport and other issues.” His priorities appear to be road rather than rail based, and there's no mention that I can see in the above of buses either - so even if he does have a policy on them, they're not coming across as being in any way a priority of his; his initial statement (the top one above) is a masterful set of grand words that don't seem to say much. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: TaplowGreen on May 06, 2017, 17:56:48 What is the point of yet another tier of Local Government with a fancy name? The % turnout tells you how many people care about it!
Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: grahame on May 06, 2017, 18:04:34 I may have been a little unfair. From "About Tim Bowles"
Quote Our community is a great place to live with a growing economy and new jobs. But success brings demand for more housing - and transport infrastructure is just not keeping up. Local people want to see further improvements to transport and they want it easier for people to get on the housing ladder. If elected, I will adopt a better approach to development – so the right homes are built in the right places, protecting our green spaces and prioritising urban regeneration. I’m also determined to make transport a priority like a new station at Henbury and Horfield, speeding up the Portway Park and Ride station, and increased services from Sea Mills and Shirehampton stations. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: ellendune on May 06, 2017, 18:57:32 What is the point of yet another tier of Local Government with a fancy name? The % turnout tells you how many people care about it! Yes but how many people know anything about it? People voted at the London Mayoral elections in large numbers. When the Welsh Assembly was first proposed the referendum was only just in favour. Subsequent referenda to increase its powers have been much more decisive. It is the job of the first Mayor to make it relevant to people then we shall see. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: simonw on May 06, 2017, 21:45:26 Please don't take this the wrong way, but the addition of North Somerset would not of changed the result, just the responsibility of the winner.
The decision of North Somerset not to join the West of England Mayor area was surprising, meaning whenever they have an identified transport need they have to convince West Of England Mayor and central government. A much bigger ask. Further surprising was that the areas of responsibility Transport, Housing and Business development are areas best handled together. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: grahame on May 06, 2017, 22:13:06 No, it wouldn't have changed the result at all - and nor did I suggest that it would have done so. But the inclusion of the innately conservative, and safely Conservative, North Somerset Council would have made the new Conservative West of England Mayor's position all the more powerful in deciding issues such as transport, housing and business development. But the mayor's extra power would have been at the expense of a reduction of some powers at North Somerset Council would it not? Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 06, 2017, 22:27:28 ;D Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Noggin on May 06, 2017, 23:02:37 Giving him the benefit of the doubt, the new Mayor was appealing to the South Gloucs/BANES/north Bristol Conservative voters, which means roads, economy and planning, and to be fair, those are measures that he can probably deliver on relatively quickly. He came across pretty well on Radio 4 the morning after the election, seems like a reasonable guy.
He'd be a fool to make promises on rail, as quite frankly nothing of substance is going to happen until Filton Bank and resignalling are complete, apart from some shiny green turbos on the Severn Beach and a smartcard trial. Equally it's probably very wise to leave the civil servants to sort out MetroBus until there are actually some buses running. But if he can use the next couple of years to secure a solid package of rail investment - MetroWest, redevelopment of Temple Meads, station reopenings, Henbury, commitment to electrification, it could all come together quite nicely. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Western Pathfinder on May 06, 2017, 23:08:36 Good to see old FU again :)
Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: simonw on May 07, 2017, 00:13:11 Very fare point about MetroWest/Bus developments still pending on Network Rail and civil servants, but I had hoped for a clear commitment to an Oyster style card for the West of England
Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: JayMac on May 07, 2017, 00:15:26 ;D Oooh. When was embedding video switched on on this forum? Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 07, 2017, 00:26:38 Ages ago. Do try to keep up at the back, there! ;) :D ;D
CfN. :) Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Bmblbzzz on May 07, 2017, 15:31:19 What is the point of yet another tier of Local Government with a fancy name? The % turnout tells you how many people care about it! Yes but how many people know anything about it? People voted at the London Mayoral elections in large numbers. When the Welsh Assembly was first proposed the referendum was only just in favour. Subsequent referenda to increase its powers have been much more decisive. It is the job of the first Mayor to make it relevant to people then we shall see. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: paul7575 on May 08, 2017, 13:33:41 Really can't agree with calling this bloke's area of responsibility the "West of England", I'm afraid. WTF is going on here?
Paul Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Timmer on May 08, 2017, 14:35:19 Really can't agree with calling this bloke's area of responsibility the "West of England", I'm afraid. WTF is going on here? Couldn't agree more.Paul Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: grahame on May 08, 2017, 15:05:32 Really can't agree with calling this bloke's area of responsibility the "West of England", I'm afraid. WTF is going on here? Couldn't agree more.Paul It's an unfortunate choice of name. But then "Former Avon Regional Territory" would be even more unfortunate. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Timmer on May 08, 2017, 15:06:43 It's an unfortunate choice of name. But then "Former Avon Regional Territory" would be even more unfortunate. :D :D :D :D :D Yes this is true.Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: simonw on May 08, 2017, 15:35:53 Is there a secret government plan to drag Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and the rest of Somerset into this area?
Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Bmblbzzz on May 08, 2017, 17:23:48 Well it's sometimes referred to as Counties that Used to Be Avon. Perhaps the Foreign Office, or the Diplomatic Corps, ruled out CUBAFART? Then again, seeing as Boris Johnson's in charge, they probably didn't.
Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: SandTEngineer on May 08, 2017, 17:27:56 Really can't agree with calling this bloke's area of responsibility the "West of England", I'm afraid. WTF is going on here? Paul ....ah, but you have forgotten that the Government now refers to the far 'South West' not as the 'West of England' but as the 'South West Peninsula'...... ::) :P Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Bmblbzzz on May 08, 2017, 17:36:51 Seriously though, what could you call the region? Let's assume for the moment that it's not going to expand in area, at least beyond the possibly integration of North Somerset. "Greater Bristol" or even "Bristol and Bath" both emphasise the devilish dominance of the cities. "Avon" harks back to the past. Some sort of amalgam of South Gloucestershire, Bristol, Bath & North-East Somerset might possibly be acceptable but is going to be a mouthful – even if it's pared down to "South Gloucestershire and North-East Somerset", which would also stress the preposterous preponderance of the reprehensible rurals.
I'm struggling to think of other geographic features that could form the basis of a regional name. Too far south for the Cotswolds, too far north for the Mendips. That only leaves the rivers. Greater Avon & Severn?!!! Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: John R on May 08, 2017, 18:05:10 Avon might hark back to the past, but is simple and most people remember it.
John Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: TaplowGreen on May 08, 2017, 18:08:20 The Westcountry is Devon, Cornwall, Dorset & Somerset......beyond that it's Welsh borders (includes Bristol/Bath etc) Midlands & oop North I'm afraid! ;D
Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Western Pathfinder on May 08, 2017, 18:28:05 Nothing wrong with City & County of Bristol and others.
Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: grahame on May 08, 2017, 18:29:20 Seriously though, what could you call the region? .... I'm struggling to think of other geographic features that could form the basis of a regional name. .... I've scratched around with a few maps and thoughts and come up with a History of Wales (http://thehistoryofwales.typepad.com/t/2012/12/the-early-kingdoms-of-powys-and-pengwern-430-854.html) website showing ancient kingdoms of Wales and England. I note that Wales has stepped back to some of its ancient names - such as Powys, which was once a mighty and large Kingdom. And on that basis I propose Atrebatia. I don't expect huge whoops of delight ... I don't expect people to be striking their foreheads with the ball of their hands and saying "Of course - why didn't I think of that?". But there is a logic to it. In olden times, Kingdoms were much shaped by geographic / travel and transport structures, and much of that remains to this day. So Atrebatia is a surprisingly apt area - covering a larger swathe of land to the side of the river (Bristol) Avon up to Bath, and carrying on to include much of West and North Wiltshire which are so logically part of the travel to work area, yet seem to have little or no influence over the overall planning for that area. You won't find #Atrebatia trending on Twitter. You'll find very little on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/atrebatia.uk/ - but then someone has to grab the real estate with such a brilliant idea, haven't they? Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: TaplowGreen on May 08, 2017, 18:35:54 Seriously though, what could you call the region? .... I'm struggling to think of other geographic features that could form the basis of a regional name. .... I've scratched around with a few maps and thoughts and come up with a History of Wales (http://thehistoryofwales.typepad.com/t/2012/12/the-early-kingdoms-of-powys-and-pengwern-430-854.html) website showing ancient kingdoms of Wales and England. I note that Wales has stepped back to some of its ancient names - such as Powys, which was once a mighty and large Kingdom. And on that basis I propose Atrebatia. I don't expect huge whoops of delight ... I don't expect people to be striking their foreheads with the ball of their hands and saying "Of course - why didn't I think of that?". But there is a logic to it. In olden times, Kingdoms were much shaped by geographic / travel and transport structures, and much of that remains to this day. So Atrebatia is a surprisingly apt area - covering a larger swathe of land to the side of the river (Bristol) Avon up to Bath, and carrying on to include much of West and North Wiltshire which are so logically part of the travel to work area, yet seem to have little or no influence over the overall planning for that area. You won't find #Atrebatia trending on Twitter. You'll find very little on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/atrebatia.uk/ - but then someone has to grab the real estate with such a brilliant idea, haven't they? Sounds like an indigestion treatment. "Pass the Atrebatia dear, I knew that third pasty was going to be too much!" Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: grahame on May 08, 2017, 18:42:13 Sounds like an indigestion treatment. "Pass the Atrebatia dear, I knew that third pasty was going to be too much!" If it helps smooth the (travel and transport) routes through the area, isn't it a form or indigestion treatment. How appropriate! ;D Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: paul7575 on May 08, 2017, 19:23:30 Really can't agree with calling this bloke's area of responsibility the "West of England", I'm afraid. WTF is going on here? Paul ....ah, but you have forgotten that the Government now refers to the far 'South West' not as the 'West of England' but as the 'South West Peninsula'...... ::) :P Paul Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: TonyK on May 08, 2017, 19:44:25 Avon might hark back to the past, but is simple and most people remember it. John Not with fondness. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: bobm on May 08, 2017, 21:27:25 The Rugby Union's South West Division goes from Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire right down to Cornwall.
The Royal Mail's South West Region includes the RG and OX postcodes (as all mail from there goes to the Swindon Mail Centre) so that includes Banbury, Bracknell and Basingstoke. Makes me ask, "what's in a name"! Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: TonyK on May 08, 2017, 22:10:36 The Rugby Union's South West Division goes from Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire right down to Cornwall. The Royal Mail's South West Region includes the RG and OX postcodes (as all mail from there goes to the Swindon Mail Centre) so that includes Banbury, Bracknell and Basingstoke. Makes me ask, "what's in a name"! And MK Dons were once seriously considering a move to Ireland. Avon remains too toxic to be resurrected. West of England will have to do. It remains to be seen what practical effect the new post will have. The councils have all had to make some swingeing cuts in expenditure, and therefore services, yet we have a new layer of local government with a £30 million a year purse. Which isn't frankly, a great deal considering the remit. He talks of improving services from Shirehampton and Sea Mills. Repair the bridge over the Trym and redouble the line, and it's sorted, but that's more Network Rail's business, surely? He knows my views on MetroBust. He is right in saying that the South Bristol Link Road makes it slightly easier to get to the airport from South Bristol, but it was always ludicrous to dress it up as a public transport initiative, even if the A4 bus from Bath to the airport now uses it. Radical thinking is called for now. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: simonw on May 08, 2017, 22:31:51 As people are fond of rivers to name the area, why not Avonside?
It is slightly different from Avon and agrees with Merseyside, Teesside and Tyneside Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: JayMac on May 09, 2017, 00:19:28 Alternatively you could go for Fromeside, but BANES has no attachment to it. It'd be amusing to hear commentators mispronounce it though.
Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: TonyK on May 09, 2017, 01:03:04 There are three Avons within an off-peak day return of Bristol. "Afon" being Welsh for "river", we run the risk of calling the new guy the "River River (but not Welsh) Mayor". We could call him the "Wye Mayor?", with obvious wuoestion asked.
Maybe by the next election, if there is one, we will have agreed the nomenclature. My friend, here and elsewhere, has offered the "Western Super Mayor", which I like! Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: ellendune on May 09, 2017, 06:43:09 Alternatively you could go for Fromeside, but BANES has no attachment to it. It'd be amusing to hear commentators mispronounce it though. But people would then relate it to the Town of that name further South Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: TaplowGreen on May 09, 2017, 07:15:16 Alternatively you could go for Fromeside, but BANES has no attachment to it. It'd be amusing to hear commentators mispronounce it though. But people would then relate it to the Town of that name further South Do you mean Frooooooooome? :) Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Bmblbzzz on May 09, 2017, 10:27:46 I am now proud to be an Atrebaton and have this wonderful new mode of transport:
(https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6f/Klingon_D-7_class.jpg) Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Noggin on May 09, 2017, 16:35:10 Is there a secret government plan to drag Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and the rest of Somerset into this area? You may jest but I think that Wiltshire was being encouraged to consider joining MetroWest. I suspect that the complication for the mayoral deal is that only North Somerset and Wiltshire are unitary authorities. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: 4064ReadingAbbey on May 10, 2017, 11:31:04 Atrebatia goes quite a long way east...
...as just south of Aldermaston is the old Roman town of Calleva Atrebatum, now Silchester. Maybe there is a case for East and West Atrebatia or Upper and Lower Atrebatia or even Atrebatia Major and Atrebatia Minor? ;) Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: Bmblbzzz on May 10, 2017, 12:58:25 Is there a secret government plan to drag Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and the rest of Somerset into this area? You may jest but I think that Wiltshire was being encouraged to consider joining MetroWest. I suspect that the complication for the mayoral deal is that only North Somerset and Wiltshire are unitary authorities. Title: Re: Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor Post by: TonyK on May 15, 2017, 20:31:05 At least they agreed on a name for the Titanic before starting to rearrange the deckchairs...
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