Title: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Tinminer on January 31, 2008, 15:27:45 From Cornwall 24:
Transport concerns over growth proposals says Council Council planners are still coming to terms with the prospect of housing development in Cornwall being increased by over 50% in the next 20 years. Transport in particular is a major issue. Matt McTaggart Cornwall Council^s Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport said ^We are dismayed by the scant regard that seems to have been given by the (EIP) Panel to transport issues in putting forward their proposals for extra housing development in Cornwall. We have been working hard to deliver a transport and development strategy that is integrated, will help reduce the demand for travel and make sustainable transport options more viable. We already have our work cut out in providing satisfactorily for development in our existing main areas of growth in and around Truro and Camborne- Pool- Redruth. The Panel want us to take more development here and at the same time provide for substantial increases spread right across Cornwall^. The EIP Panel report is recommending Cornwall has the highest levels of housing increases in the region. Despite this there is little to suggest that priorities for new transport investment will be shifted away from the major urban centres in the region. McTaggart continued ^We understand that the larger cities of the region would be the focus for new transport investment ^ particularly public transport. This makes it harder to understand why the Panel have recommended to spread a disproportionate amount of growth out to the rural parts of the region. This is at odds with Government policy, our own local policy and what the Regional Assembly were trying to achieve^. The EIP Panel report has been submitted to Government for consideration. The Secretary of State will decide what changes she considers necessary to the draft Regional Spatial Strategy and these will be published for further consultation in the Spring. In the meantime local authorities and others will be marshalling their arguments and evidence in response to the report. The Panel^s lack of consideration for the transport implications of their proposals seems likely to be a major point of contention. 50% in 20 years is a hell of a quick expansion rate - certainly the fastest in the SW region. Does this link in with Network Rail plans? Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Lee on January 31, 2008, 18:30:07 You may find the quote below relevant :
Going back to the urban area point , Liskeard , Looe and Saltash are set for a housing boom (link below.) http://thisiscornwall.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=144125&command=displayContent&sourceNode=232450&contentPK=17982208&folderPk=108202&pNodeId=232470 As , indeed , is Plymouth (link below.) http://thisisdevon.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=143632&command=displayContent&sourceNode=142719&contentPK=17995242&folderPk=91672&pNodeId=201778 A massive marina development is also planned at Falmouth Docks (link below.) http://thisiscornwall.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=144125&command=displayContent&sourceNode=232450&contentPK=17990550&folderPk=108202&pNodeId=232470 The creation of a 300-berth yacht marina at Falmouth Docks has been delayed. Work had been due to start on the project this month, but environmental issues have pushed the schedule back (link below.) http://www.thisiscornwall.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=144125&command=displayContent&sourceNode=232450&contentPK=19644788&folderPk=108202&pNodeId=251466 It is understood A &P, which is behind the scheme, has been asked to carry out additional environmental assessments. Urgent meetings have taken place this week to try to resolve the situation. Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Lee on April 10, 2008, 11:02:11 From Cornwall 24: Transport concerns over growth proposals says Council Council planners are still coming to terms with the prospect of housing development in Cornwall being increased by over 50% in the next 20 years. Transport in particular is a major issue. Matt McTaggart Cornwall Council^s Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Transport said ^We are dismayed by the scant regard that seems to have been given by the (EIP) Panel to transport issues in putting forward their proposals for extra housing development in Cornwall. We have been working hard to deliver a transport and development strategy that is integrated, will help reduce the demand for travel and make sustainable transport options more viable. We already have our work cut out in providing satisfactorily for development in our existing main areas of growth in and around Truro and Camborne- Pool- Redruth. The Panel want us to take more development here and at the same time provide for substantial increases spread right across Cornwall^. Camborne and Redruth are in danger of becoming ghettos on the outskirts of a new major conurbation, according to Redruth mayor John Hayward and Camborne town councillor Dave Biggs, both ardent followers of regeneration efforts in the area (link below.) http://www.thisiscornwall.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=144125&command=displayContent&sourceNode=232450&contentPK=20357641&folderPk=108202&pNodeId=251466 They believe the towns are in danger of losing their unique identities and all the history and heritage that go with them. Both men are becoming increasingly alarmed at the use of the term "CPR" in plans and official documents, with no reference to the individual communities. Cllr Hayward said: Quote from: John Hayward "All the documents coming out of South West Regional Development Agency talk about 'CPR'; they do not mention Camborne, Pool or Redruth. "We are three individual locations, we are all different and we have our own identities of which we are fiercely proud. "If you want to live in CPR in the future, then do nothing. But if you want to live in Camborne, Pool and Redruth then speak out now and make your voices heard before it's too late. "Write to your MP - write to the county council." Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: vacman on April 10, 2008, 19:51:04 Camborne and Redruth are already Ghetto's! and that's not a joke!
Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Tinminer on April 11, 2008, 10:16:51 Camborne and Redruth are already Ghetto's! and that's not a joke! What's so bad about Redruth?: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redruth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redruth) I really don't understand why the bad reputation - the town looks fine to me - it is a pleasant place to live in - I could name far worse towns in Cornwall, and even far worse towns outside of Cornwall. John Hayward (who I know personally) does have a very good point about the whole CPR Regen Corp, who have done nothing for the Camborne, Pool & Redruth areas as far as I can see. Quangos indeed! Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Andy on April 11, 2008, 16:15:03 Camborne & Redruth aren't twinned with Sodom & Gomorrah for nothing, Tinminer ;)
f Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Tinminer on April 11, 2008, 16:52:06 Camborne & Redruth aren't twinned with Sodom & Gomorrah for nothing, Tinminer ;) f It's this type of cynicism which DOES give a town/area a poor reputation. Most/all is thoroughly undeserved! Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Andy on April 11, 2008, 19:11:58 It was only a joke, Tinminer and I'm sorry to have offended you by it. Redruth is my local station, though not my home town, and it ain't so bad. I think its reputation (along with Camborne's) comes from its industrial (by Cornish standards) past.
Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Tinminer on April 12, 2008, 13:13:43 Apology accepted! :)
Off topic, as you work in Falmouth (I think I've got the right Andy), but live near Redruth (like I do), will you try and commute to Falmouth via rail when the increased service (2tph at peaks we are promised) starts in December (hopefully). I will certainly give it a go; it all depends on those connections at Truro doesn't it? If not, we can always drive to Perranwell Station to avoid the delays at Treluswell. Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: oooooo on April 12, 2008, 14:23:21 Falmouth via rail when the increased service (2tph at peaks we are promised) starts in December (hopefully). May 2009 Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: vacman on April 12, 2008, 16:00:19 Camborne and Redruth are already Ghetto's! and that's not a joke! What's so bad about Redruth?: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redruth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redruth) I really don't understand why the bad reputation - the town looks fine to me - it is a pleasant place to live in - I could name far worse towns in Cornwall, and even far worse towns outside of Cornwall. John Hayward (who I know personally) does have a very good point about the whole CPR Regen Corp, who have done nothing for the Camborne, Pool & Redruth areas as far as I can see. Quangos indeed! Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Tinminer on April 12, 2008, 21:07:39 Camborne and Redruth are already Ghetto's! and that's not a joke! What's so bad about Redruth?: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redruth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redruth) I really don't understand why the bad reputation - the town looks fine to me - it is a pleasant place to live in - I could name far worse towns in Cornwall, and even far worse towns outside of Cornwall. John Hayward (who I know personally) does have a very good point about the whole CPR Regen Corp, who have done nothing for the Camborne, Pool & Redruth areas as far as I can see. Quangos indeed! Isn't there a need to relocate the British Transport Police office from Truro to Redruth and/or Camborne if that is the case? I take your point that staff may have higher incidence in Camborne/Redruth, but this area also has the highest population density in Cornwall. Also, incidents from low-life scum (who are in the minority) should not reflect a whole town/area. A few years ago, I was store manager of a well known retailer in Penzance. After arresting a shop-lifter, the store was pelted by stones by no less than 50 scum bags. All of the front windows were destroyed. Market Jew Street had to be closed off and riot vans used. My own car was trashed, and myself and three of my staff got assaulted. So, by your reference, I should call Penzance a sh*t hole, but I don't, as I realise that these Penzance low-lifes do not represent the majority of Penzance's population, who, by and large are decent, law abiding folk. However, the good news is this guy is still inside, and the Police made further arrests and prosecutions. But, I digress... Meanwhile back on track (so to speak!).... Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: vacman on April 12, 2008, 21:28:29 Put it this way, on a down train into Redruth in daytime, if 10 people get on, at least 3 will have no ticket/money and at least two will verbaly abuse you in some way, 30% scroatage! anyway, like you say, back on track!
Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 12, 2008, 21:36:10 Thanks! ;)
Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Andy on April 13, 2008, 11:22:01 Apology accepted! :) Off topic, as you work in Falmouth (I think I've got the right Andy), but live near Redruth (like I do), will you try and commute to Falmouth via rail when the increased service (2tph at peaks we are promised) starts in December (hopefully). I will certainly give it a go; it all depends on those connections at Truro doesn't it? If not, we can always drive to Perranwell Station to avoid the delays at Treluswell. That's another Andy, Tinminer, not me. My local station would have been Helston but for the 1960s cuts & closures. I can still dream of arriving there by train one day - thanks to the current efforts of the preservation group. :) Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: vacman on April 13, 2008, 18:30:59 Apology accepted! :) Off topic, as you work in Falmouth (I think I've got the right Andy), but live near Redruth (like I do), will you try and commute to Falmouth via rail when the increased service (2tph at peaks we are promised) starts in December (hopefully). I will certainly give it a go; it all depends on those connections at Truro doesn't it? If not, we can always drive to Perranwell Station to avoid the delays at Treluswell. That's another Andy, Tinminer, not me. My local station would have been Helston but for the 1960s cuts & closures. I can still dream of arriving there by train one day - thanks to the current efforts of the preservation group. :) Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Conner on April 13, 2008, 18:55:06 Apology accepted! :) Off topic, as you work in Falmouth (I think I've got the right Andy), but live near Redruth (like I do), will you try and commute to Falmouth via rail when the increased service (2tph at peaks we are promised) starts in December (hopefully). I will certainly give it a go; it all depends on those connections at Truro doesn't it? If not, we can always drive to Perranwell Station to avoid the delays at Treluswell. That's another Andy, Tinminer, not me. My local station would have been Helston but for the 1960s cuts & closures. I can still dream of arriving there by train one day - thanks to the current efforts of the preservation group. :) Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Andy on April 14, 2008, 10:19:36 Apology accepted! :) Off topic, as you work in Falmouth (I think I've got the right Andy), but live near Redruth (like I do), will you try and commute to Falmouth via rail when the increased service (2tph at peaks we are promised) starts in December (hopefully). I will certainly give it a go; it all depends on those connections at Truro doesn't it? If not, we can always drive to Perranwell Station to avoid the delays at Treluswell. That's another Andy, Tinminer, not me. My local station would have been Helston but for the 1960s cuts & closures. I can still dream of arriving there by train one day - thanks to the current efforts of the preservation group. :) Not sure that you should be encouraging trespassing, Conner. Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Conner on April 14, 2008, 15:54:21 Apology accepted! :) Off topic, as you work in Falmouth (I think I've got the right Andy), but live near Redruth (like I do), will you try and commute to Falmouth via rail when the increased service (2tph at peaks we are promised) starts in December (hopefully). I will certainly give it a go; it all depends on those connections at Truro doesn't it? If not, we can always drive to Perranwell Station to avoid the delays at Treluswell. That's another Andy, Tinminer, not me. My local station would have been Helston but for the 1960s cuts & closures. I can still dream of arriving there by train one day - thanks to the current efforts of the preservation group. :) Not sure that you should be encouraging trespassing, Conner. A footpath runs right across the railway and with binoculars you could see it. And if you are on railway business you can come in through the top lodge gate. Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: Andy on April 14, 2008, 16:17:53 Apology accepted! :) Off topic, as you work in Falmouth (I think I've got the right Andy), but live near Redruth (like I do), will you try and commute to Falmouth via rail when the increased service (2tph at peaks we are promised) starts in December (hopefully). I will certainly give it a go; it all depends on those connections at Truro doesn't it? If not, we can always drive to Perranwell Station to avoid the delays at Treluswell. That's another Andy, Tinminer, not me. My local station would have been Helston but for the 1960s cuts & closures. I can still dream of arriving there by train one day - thanks to the current efforts of the preservation group. :) Not sure that you should be encouraging trespassing, Conner. A footpath runs right across the railway and with binoculars you could see it. And if you are on railway business you can come in through the top lodge gate. That sounds like a better plan! Title: Re: Massive housing expansion in Cornwall - pressure on Transport? Post by: vacman on April 14, 2008, 23:02:18 And if you are on railway business you can come in through the top lodge gate. This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |