Title: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Red Squirrel on November 19, 2014, 15:32:06 From Bristol Post:
Quote Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol (http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/images/localworld/ugc-images/276268/Article/images/24560685/8178544-large.jpg) FORGET about black gold - one Bristol company has come up with a way of turning the brown stuff into fuel. Rather than drilling under the seabed for gas, or mining thousands of feet under the ground for coal, boffins have tapped into the unlikely source of energy. The firm has turned its back on more traditional forms of power, turning instead good, old-fashioned human poo. And to prove the point that they have the ability to turn human waste into energy the boffins at GENeco have even created a bus that runs solely on methane rather than diesel. The 40 seater Bio-Bus might be powered by the smelly stuff but the scientists at the firm say that technology behind it will actually improve air quality. And from this week the bus will be ferrying passengers from south Bristol to the airport. Read more: http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Poo-powered-bus-takes-streets-Bristol/story-24560685-detail/story.html#ixzz3JWqXgKrw Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Chris from Nailsea on November 19, 2014, 15:47:20 Quote ... the brown stuff ... the smelly stuff ... To correct the Bristol Post, methane (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methane) is actually colourless and odourless. However, don't let that mere fact spoil their journalist's story. ::) Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: chrisr_75 on November 19, 2014, 15:54:21 Quote ... the brown stuff ... the smelly stuff ... To correct the Bristol Post, methane (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methane) is actually colourless and odourless. However, don't let that mere fact spoil their journalist's story. ::) Removing the portion of the graphics covering the windows, thus allowing the visible top half of the real passengers inside to complete the picture would be mildly humorous! Also, given the exterior graphics, one does wonder what type of seat is available (porcelain with sparse padding perhaps?) and if the fuel system is actually self contained?! ;D Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: eightf48544 on November 19, 2014, 16:13:51 I went round Slough Sewage works in the 1950s and they were using Methane to fuel engines to produce electricity to power the plant.
Nothing new under the sun! Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: chrisr_75 on November 19, 2014, 16:31:17 I went round Slough Sewage works in the 1950s and they were using Methane to fuel engines to produce electricity to power the palnt. Nothing new under the sun! Methane has also long been produced from landfill sites for the same purpose and produced gas is commonly used as a fuel source for electricity generation on offshore hydrocarbon platforms where methane (and it's other heavier organic gas friends) would ordinarily have been flared off as a by-product. Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Western Pathfinder on November 19, 2014, 17:52:20 I wonder whether this bus runs on Bullsh1t ?.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: TonyK on November 19, 2014, 17:57:36 Well I'll be fracked!
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Chris from Nailsea on November 19, 2014, 18:07:40 Almost inevitably, whenever such a topic is posted, I start to get a sense that it will probably end up being moved to our 'lighter side' board. ::) :o ;D
In ordure to get to the bottom of it, I shall dig deeper into the matter. :-X Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: TonyK on November 19, 2014, 20:02:41 Almost inevitably, whenever such a topic is posted, I start to get a sense that it will probably end up being moved to our 'lighter side' board. ::) :o ;D In ordure to get to the bottom of it, I shall dig deeper into the matter. :-X It won't be the first time, nor the second. Possibly the Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: John R on November 19, 2014, 20:58:34 Will it be running on loocal services?
I don't think it will last though. It'll be a flash in the pan. Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: JayMac on November 19, 2014, 21:35:00 If I only need to spend a penny to board it then I'll give it a go.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: The Tall Controller on November 19, 2014, 23:24:37 Will it run the No.2 route?
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: chuffed on November 20, 2014, 07:34:31 As Dr Spooner may or may not have said...."the shining wit on this forum never fails to astound me "........
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: lordgoata on November 20, 2014, 09:59:24 As Dr Spooner may or may not have said...."the shining wit on this forum never fails to astound me "........ Having read the complete thread this morning, am I the only one that went on to read that as "the whining shi....." ? :o ;D Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Alan Pettitt on November 20, 2014, 11:59:59 Perhaps this could be the answer to the problem of many trains not having toilet retention tanks.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Red Squirrel on November 20, 2014, 12:03:29 I can't help thinking that, for completeness, they should use these for the new MetroBus services.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: bobm on November 20, 2014, 15:06:34 BBC Points West had a report on their 13:30 bulletin showing the plant at Avonmouth where the gas is collected - just as I was eating my lunch. :(
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: TonyK on November 20, 2014, 17:17:08 I can't help thinking that, for completeness, they should use these for the new MetroBus services. It would be entirely appropriate for MetroBust, which is heading for the brown stuff as it is. Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: JayMac on November 20, 2014, 22:31:59 BBC Points West had a report on their 13:30 bulletin showing the plant at Avonmouth where the gas is collected - just as I was eating my lunch. :( Avonmouth is not too far from me. And it's the perfect place to collect the fuel for these buses - being somewhat of a 5h1thole. Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: TonyK on November 20, 2014, 22:37:29 Also, given the exterior graphics, one does wonder what type of seat is available (porcelain with sparse padding perhaps?) and if the fuel system is actually self contained?! ;D Nah - just bog standard. Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: thetrout on November 22, 2014, 15:54:26 I finally see that my 15+ toilet trips per day actually do some good for once ;D :P :D
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: chuffed on November 22, 2014, 17:32:56 I am sure some producers will be interested in hiring this bus for evacuation scenes set in September 1939.... ???
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: TonyK on November 23, 2014, 10:40:49 This could go viral - it's already gone fecal.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Cynthia on December 17, 2014, 08:52:30 Poo-powered street lights are already in use in parts of the USA, the idea being that dog walkers pick up after their pets and tip the 'fuel' into a little generator, which provides lighting in dog walking areas where there wasn't any previously. We need one or two of those in Melksham!
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Bob_Blakey on December 17, 2014, 20:18:52 Somewhat surprisingly, it seems that nobody has yet asked if travelling on one of these vehicles results in motion sickness.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: TonyK on December 17, 2014, 22:14:43 Somewhat surprisingly, it seems that nobody has yet asked if travelling on one of these vehicles results in motion sickness. Going through the motions? First time I heard that phrase since swimming off Southport. Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: JayMac on March 15, 2015, 23:11:06 From the guardian (http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/mar/15/uk-first-poo-bio-bus-bristol-regular-service):
Quote UK's first 'poo bus' goes into regular service Bio-Bus fuelled by human and household waste, which first ran between Bristol and Bath, will operate 15-mile route four days a week Britain^s first ^poo bus^, which runs on human and household waste, goes into regular service this month. Powered by biomethane gas, the Bio-Bus will use waste from more than 32,000 households along its 15-mile route. Operated by First West of England, the bus will fill up at a site in Avonmouth, Bristol, where sewage and inedible food waste is turned into biomethane gas. The bus, which can seat up to 40 people, was unveiled last autumn. First is showing the bus in Bristol on Tuesday before it starts operating four days a week from 25 March. If the scheme is successful, First will consider introducing more ^poo buses^. The managing director, James Freeman, said: ^Since its original unveiling last year, the Bio-Bus has generated worldwide attention and so it^s our great privilege to bring it to the city. ^The Bio-Bus previously made an appearance running between Bath and Bristol airport at the end of last year, but it^s only actually been used once before in the centre of Bristol itself. ^The very fact that it^s running in the city should help to open up a serious debate about how buses are best fuelled, and what is good for the environment.^ Asked about filling up the bus with the bio-fuel, a spokesman said, "It's a s**t job, but somebody has to do it." ;D Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: TonyK on March 16, 2015, 00:15:47 Before long, they will be turning water into wine. I shall not be impressed, having achieved the opposite reaction many times over the years. Under many bridges.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 16, 2015, 18:31:44 Asked about filling up the bus with the bio-fuel, a spokesman said, ... "... the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind ..." :P Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: trainer on March 16, 2015, 18:48:00 According to BBC Points West, an amount of human excrement was left behind by the tree-top protesters against the metro bus evicted yesterday. Not sure whether it was a further comment on the scheme or a deposit of fuel for the new buses. :-\
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: chuffed on March 17, 2015, 08:01:20 Amused to hear regional news bulletin at 7.30am refer to the bus as running on the Number Two route ..... ::)
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: JayMac on May 21, 2015, 04:01:46 Reading Buses have been trialling a similar vehicle. Theirs goes like 5h1t off a shovel:
From the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-berkshire-32801974): Quote Reading Buses 'cow poo bus' sets speed record A bus powered by cow manure has set a land speed record for a regular bus by driving at 77mph. Reading Buses' "Bus Hound" was recorded doing a lap speed of 76.785mph (123.57km/h) at Bedford's Millbrook Proving Ground. It runs on biomethane compressed natural gas and is painted black and white like a Friesian cow. It normally carries passengers around Reading. The UK Timing Association confirmed the new record. (http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/media/images/83112000/jpg/_83112897_83097861.jpg) Trevor Duckworth, the association's chief timekeeper, said this was the first time a bus had been on Millbrook Proving Ground and described it as "quite a sight". The bus is normally speed limited to 56mph (90km/h). Martijn Gilbert, chief executive of Reading Buses, said it would not be recognised as a Guinness World Record unless it reached speeds above 150mph (241km/h). 'Vulcan bomber' Chief engineer John Bickerton said the company wanted the "world's first service bus speed record" to bring to light the viability, power and credibility of buses fuelled by cow poo. "We've laid down a challenge for other bus operators to best our record and we had to make it a bit hard for them. Most importantly we wanted to get the image of bus transport away from being dirty, smelly, and slow. We're modern, fast, and at the cutting edge of innovation. It was an impressive sight as it swept by on the track. It sounded like a Vulcan bomber - the aerodynamics aren't designed for going 80mph." Its fuel is made from animal waste which is broken down in a process called anaerobic digestion to produce biogas, which is then liquefied, Mr Gilbert said. It is stored in seven tanks fixed inside the roof of the bus. The vehicle's name was inspired by the British Bloodhound super-sonic car which aims to go beyond 1,000mph in 2016. (http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/media/images/83100000/jpg/_83100382_83100381.jpg) The bus is painted black and white like a Friesian cow Video accompanying the story also: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-berkshire-32801974 Continuing the theme. Cow/poo/speed related puns welcome. Your starter for ten... That bus really moooves. Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Red Squirrel on May 21, 2015, 08:55:24 ...like sh*t off a sh*ny shovel?
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 21, 2015, 22:21:28 They deserve a pat on the head for that performance.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Bmblbzzz on May 21, 2015, 22:46:14 They'll be milking it for publicity.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 21, 2015, 23:05:24 It could all turn sour, though.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: TonyK on May 22, 2015, 21:08:03 That's the whey!
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Cynthia on May 23, 2015, 07:33:19 A cow poowered bus eh? ;)
Wonder what comes out of the tailpipe.......? Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: TaplowGreen on May 23, 2015, 10:01:22 ........it was rumoured that the late Bob Crow offered to power the entire LU network via hot air!
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Western Pathfinder on May 23, 2015, 15:56:23 I think that maybe we have milked this story enough now .
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: PhilWakely on May 23, 2015, 21:38:29 ........it was rumoured that the late Bob Crow offered to power the entire LU network via hot air! I think that maybe we have milked this story enough now . No, this story still has FAR To go! Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Western Pathfinder on May 23, 2015, 22:00:18 Slurry in a hurry then.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: TonyK on May 23, 2015, 22:18:19 That's an udder story...
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 23, 2015, 22:45:32 Yes, the best has been creamed off.
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: JayMac on November 16, 2016, 23:42:18 Looks like the 5h1t has hit the fan.
From the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-38000317): Quote Bristol's 'poo bus' plan goes down the pan Plans to roll out a fleet of "poo buses" have gone down the pan after the government turned down a funding bid. The UK's first "Bio-Bus" launched on the number two route in Bristol, in March last year. The bus ran on gas produced by human and food waste. Following a successful trial First Group and rival operator Wessex Bus had hoped to run fleets of bio buses. However, the bid was rejected by The Office for Low Emission Vehicles. The "poo bus" initiative was led by Wessex Water's renewable energy company GENeco to show how biomethane gas - produced during the treatment of sewage and organic waste - could be used as a sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels to power vehicles and homes. A single passenger's annual food and sewage waste would fuel the Bio-Bus for 37 miles (60km) First West of England had applied for a grant to run 110 gas-powered double-decker buses in Bristol. Wessex Bus and partners GENeco had also put in a £2.5m bid to fund 20 bio-buses in the city by 2019. The gas produced by Bristol sewage treatment works in Avonmouth, run by Wessex Water's renewable energy company GENeco, is now instead injected into the national gas network. First Bristol confirmed that the number two "poo bus" service is no longer running. Ian Drury, from GENeco, said while the firm was disappointed the bids were unsuccessful, the pilot project "started a global debate on how biomethane buses running on renewable sources could significantly reduce air emissions in cities around the world". He added that more than 70 biomethane buses were given the go ahead by The Office for Low Emission Vehicles to run in other areas. Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: Western Pathfinder on November 16, 2016, 23:46:13 Not what you would call flushed with success !.....
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: ChrisB on November 17, 2016, 08:27:30 free gas & the bus companies wanted a grant?.....yeah, right
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: chuffed on November 17, 2016, 08:49:01 It's a wonder they didn't want constipation too....oh, sorry,meant compensation..... :o
Title: Re: Poo powered bus takes to the streets of Bristol Post by: TonyK on November 17, 2016, 20:37:01 Looks like the 5h1t has hit the fan. From the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-38000317): Quote Bristol's 'poo bus' plan goes down the pan The gas produced by Bristol sewage treatment works in Avonmouth, run by Wessex Water's renewable energy company GENeco, is now instead injected into the national gas network. So as I thought, it wasn't run on poo, but on methane. With the injection of this greenhouse gas into the national gas supply, the same reduction in discharge of methane into the air has been achieved at a much smaller cost. Expensive publicity stunts won't solve any problems. This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |