Title: "No Justification For Rail Fare Rises" - Christian Wolmar Post by: grahame on September 20, 2014, 10:36:44 http://www.christianwolmar.co.uk/2014/09/rail-756-no-justification-for-rail-fare-rises/
Looking for a short snippet from a long article to quote, I've chosen .... Quote .... I have no doubt that the coalition will not proceed with a RPI + 1 per cent rise in what will be an election year. The only question is whether the rise will be RPI or less. Labour will clearly have to match any future commitment made by the Conservatives and if canny it will set out a passenger-friendly fares policy. How could it pay for that? Well the clever way would be to use the fact that the Network Rail debt is going on government books by writing some of it off. ... Do read the article - interesting food for thought. And a question from me - with ^34Bn of debt, how much of my train fare currently goes to the servicing of that debt? Title: Re: "No Justification For Rail Fare Rises" - Christian Wolmar Post by: ChrisB on September 20, 2014, 11:46:01 Need to remember/realise Christian is standing for Mayor of London and therefore his blogs are politically oriented now, rather than truely subjective/objective
Title: Re: "No Justification For Rail Fare Rises" - Christian Wolmar Post by: trainer on September 20, 2014, 12:01:00 Need to remember/realise Christian is standing for Mayor of London and therefore his blogs are politically oriented now, rather than truely subjective/objective Every comment about how public services are funded (tax-payer/consumer balance) is a political opinion. Some people are so convicted by their views that they offer themselves for public office and therefore become 'politicians'. This forum is full of politics because most of us have an opinion on how government (not the Government) should distribute the country's wealth in respect of railways. Objectivity in this realm is a concept that cannot be realised. Title: Re: "No Justification For Rail Fare Rises" - Christian Wolmar Post by: ChrisB on September 20, 2014, 12:07:09 I guess I was distinguishing between politics & Politics. Christian's crossed the line between the two for the time being
Title: Re: "No Justification For Rail Fare Rises" - Christian Wolmar Post by: 4064ReadingAbbey on September 20, 2014, 16:43:28 Do read the article - interesting food for thought. And a question from me - with ^34Bn of debt, how much of my train fare currently goes to the servicing of that debt? Good question - difficult to answer exactly! The statistics published by the DfT (for England and Wales) and the ORR (for all the UK) show that for the last couple of years the fare income from all the TOCs taken together pays for train operation and (very nearly) for all of Network Rail's ongoing operations, maintenance and renewals. Prior to that Network Rail also borrowed money to cover the deficit it ran on operations, maintenance, renewals and enhancements: NR has now managed to increase the bang it gets for each buck and the access charges now (very nearly) cover the ongoing operations, maintenance and renewals costs. The enhancements are still covered by borrowing, from now on from the Treasury rather than in the open market. Anyway, as you say, the total borrowings have now reached ^34bn. The annual interest on these borrowings amounts to some ^1.5bn and is covered by the Network Grant made directly to Network Rail by the Government. So the answer to your question is - it depends entirely on how one allocates the Network Grant! Should it be considered as effectively a subsidy to the TOCs to pay for enhancements to the infrastructure or should it be seen in the same way as road grants which pays for the infrastructure directly? Total fare income is around ^7.5 billion, so in the first case the interest could be considered as taking up 20% of your fare. If it is considered as part of the cost to central Government of supplying the infrastructure then it doesn't take any of the fare - but does take a part of your taxes! So, whichever way you look at it - you're paying! Title: Re: "No Justification For Rail Fare Rises" - Christian Wolmar Post by: Super Guard on September 21, 2014, 11:47:25 Quote from: Christian Wolmar I have no doubt that the coalition will not proceed with a RPI + 1 per cent rise in what will be an election year. Mystic Wolmar indeed.. ::) 7th Sept: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29098340 This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |