Title: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: broadgage on October 17, 2013, 10:42:47 This is mentioned in the thread about catering.
Does anyone have more details such as dates and to what extent services will be delayed, diverted or retimed etc. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: grahame on October 17, 2013, 11:42:10 This was mentioned in a question / answer at TravelWatch SouthWest about 2 weeks ago. Whiteball tunnel needs some major stuff doing as I understand it, and a period of closure that went rather beyond weekends was mentioned. There's some disquiet over the closure, period, and alternative arrangements that were being suggested - indeed I would expect questions and disquiet for any working weekday closure proposal on the main line - and I'm not sure how set in stone or otherwise the plans are. The plans do leave through trains from London to Plymouth and beyond, though taking longer via an alternative route, and perhaps not as frequent. It is NOT a question of everyone taking to buses!
I won't start any rumours by giving old data ... others please follow up if you have current dates / details. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on October 17, 2013, 15:45:11 Without quoting rumours and guess work i can confirm that the usual route knowledge exercises for the west of england line have been different to the recent past
(http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2826/10280533873_990d33d97d.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/relex109/10280533873) Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: signalandtelegraph on October 18, 2013, 08:09:26 Blockade is from 0305 on 18th Jan to 0500 on 10th Feb. Re-lining work in Whiteball Tunnel, several plain line track renewal sites and points being renewed at Taunton West and Tiverton Jct.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: BBM on October 18, 2013, 08:39:40 This webpage about the tunnel which I've just found has some photos of lining work in 2009, scroll down to the bottom to see them:
http://www.sampfordarundel.org.uk/sampage60.php (http://www.sampfordarundel.org.uk/sampage60.php) Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: grahame on October 18, 2013, 10:47:30 Blockade is from 0305 on 18th Jan to 0500 on 10th Feb. Re-lining work in Whiteball Tunnel, several plain line track renewal sites and points being renewed at Taunton West and Tiverton Jct. Many thanks - yes, those were the dates I had heard (though I didn't have times). There were, however, questions as to whether there was a way of easing the pain for places Exeter and beyond. I'm trying to place that 150 route-learning run that was pictured; it's to the east of Exeter on the line via Yeovil Junction, but I'm not sure which station! Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Lee on October 18, 2013, 11:26:49 Pair of 153s at Honiton.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on October 20, 2013, 20:32:42 Indeed yes I'm sorry this was indeed Honiton and a Fgw unit was at Yeovil junction during the day on the Tuesday
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: ChrisB on October 21, 2013, 11:29:51 FGW have just emailed the Customer Panel (and I supect most stakeholders) with the following info -
Quote Service plan details are now on our website and you can click through on: http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Taunton-Exeter-2014 (http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/Taunton-Exeter-2014) I hope that these will help with any queries you may have on the changes. Public timetables will be available by 9 December. Ahead of this, information will be available on all rail enquiry websites and on ticket purchase sites and customers buying tickets from any outlet will be able to see if there is a coach for part of their journey, or if their train is diverted via Yeovil. Diverted services will take longer. We have therefore retimed some services to run earlier. These include key peak services, some of which will start their journey as much as 65 minutes earlier. In the run up to the closure we will be speaking to local and regional media to help publicise the changes, and will have posters and information at stations as well as on board train and on line messages. They have supplied a contact name & email address - any snags & problems raised here will get fed back. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Timmer on October 21, 2013, 16:46:11 Good to see early details made available well in advance on the FGW website.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: SandTEngineer on October 21, 2013, 17:30:36 Yes. Good work by FGW. Now lets all have a look at Cross Country for the same info............ ::) :P :'(
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Timmer on October 21, 2013, 19:14:07 Now lets all have a look at Cross Country for the same info............ ::) :P :'( All the best with that one.Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on October 21, 2013, 19:33:34 Early days yet, but Realtraintimes has the timetable loaded for the first day of the works but it shows no changes so far at either Exeter or Taunton.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: broadgage on October 23, 2013, 15:53:19 No mention of the 18-03, The Golden Hind, in the above link.
May one therefore presume that the 18-03 is expected to run as normal during the work ? Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: ChrisB on October 23, 2013, 15:57:08 It may go via a diverted route, I guess.
Or it isn't considered a "key service", which I doubt. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Southern Stag on October 23, 2013, 16:04:06 No mention of the 18-03, The Golden Hind, in the above link. I imagine it's replaced by the 18:33 London Paddington-Penzance, and also probably by a service to Taunton around the same time. There are also 17:03 and 19:03 services which are diverted via Yeovil.May one therefore presume that the 18-03 is expected to run as normal during the work ? Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: grahame on October 23, 2013, 16:05:36 No mention of the 18-03, The Golden Hind, in the above link. May one therefore presume that the 18-03 is expected to run as normal during the work ? As an educated guess, the 10 trains shown each way plus the sleeper will probably constitute the full First Great Western train service from Exeter via Yeovil. Trains taking an hour longer ... so perhaps the 17:03 will be "The Golden Hind" when it gets to Exeter and beyond? I also wonder if there's going to be a 15x working of some sort to allow West fleet units to be swapped between Exeter an Bristol as necessary Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Pb_devon on October 31, 2013, 13:07:57 With the single reversal at Exeter St Davids (EXD), would it be safe to assume the HST^s will run in reverse formation west of EXD, i.e. first class at the west end If so will there be a mass turning of all sets on the first day at (or first visit to) Laira?
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Super Guard on October 31, 2013, 15:02:39 I can't imagine there will be any additional turning, with the exception of the sleeper train which will be in reverse leaving Paddington, so correct formation for the short platforms in Cornwall.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on November 25, 2013, 21:46:34 Was told today that a rare species of newt has been found in the area and there's an outside chance it could delay the works.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on December 07, 2013, 13:07:59 In answer to the question about Pullman Restaurant services during the closure - this from the FGW website
Quote Customers should note that for the duration of the line closure, Pullman services will only be provided on the following services ^ 11:47 Plymouth-Paddington 16:26 (weekdays). Pullman lunchtime menu provided. ^ 17:03 Paddington-Plymouth 21:22. (weekdays). Pullman dinner menu provided. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Timmer on December 07, 2013, 13:39:03 Is the timetable booklet available yet? Has yet to appear on the FGW website.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on December 07, 2013, 13:43:37 Prompted by my own post earlier, I have emailed to ask that very question.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: thetrout on December 07, 2013, 19:08:01 Quote Customers should note that for the duration of the line closure, Pullman services will only be provided on the following services ^ 11:47 Plymouth-Paddington 16:26 (weekdays). Pullman lunchtime menu provided. ^ 17:03 Paddington-Plymouth 21:22. (weekdays). Pullman dinner menu provided. Operated by the same crew? I hope not... That is just a setup for a rather large fall the way I see it...! Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on December 07, 2013, 20:11:05 I think it is - but the good news is the plan is they keep the same set so don't have to unload everything at Paddington and put it on another set.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on December 09, 2013, 09:34:46 Is the timetable booklet available yet? Has yet to appear on the FGW website. The news is there will be three timetable booklets produced for the Whiteball closure - London to Bedwyn, London to the West of England and main line services in Devon and Cornwall. Should be on the website next week and in the stations after that. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Timmer on December 09, 2013, 16:01:15 The news is there will be three timetable booklets produced for the Whiteball closure - London to Bedwyn, London to the West of England and main line services in Devon and Cornwall. Should be on the website next week and in the stations after that. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: 6 OF 2 redundant adjunct of unimatrix 01 on December 17, 2013, 16:13:21 well plymouth managed to get this out of it !
Quote normally: 05:30 Plymouth - 09:21 London during works: 05:00 Plymouth - 09:01 London Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Pb_devon on December 17, 2013, 20:02:54 The more specific (and worse) comparitor is that the normal 0900 PAD arrival departs PLY at 0553. Methinks I will stay in London the previous night rather than a 0400 rise!
Anyway, a daylight trip up the Southern to Yeovil will be an interesting change. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Timmer on December 17, 2013, 21:52:52 Timetable booklet now available to download:
http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/~/media/PDF/TicketsAndTrainTimes/TrainTimes/PlannedChanges/STP%20booklets/GW131125%20Whiteball%20Web.ashx Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on December 17, 2013, 22:01:04 You just beat me to it Timmer, although there do appear some gremlins. Some Saturday services appear to be advertised as having a Pullman Restaurant service. Somehow I doubt it!
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: broadgage on December 18, 2013, 12:33:45 A Pullman on a Saturday ! :)
Most improbable I grant, IF TRUE it would almost be worth travelling for the novelty of taking a meal on the wrong day AND via the wrong route. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: DaveHarries on January 05, 2014, 12:45:32 I understand that there are two workings planned which sound almost a bit pointless although I guess these are positioning runs for drivers, rather than rolling stock? Two trains scheduled through Exeter St. Davids in the early hours of Monday 20-Jan-2014:
5Z88 0005hrs Plymouth (Laira TMD) - Bristol (St. Philips Marsh), due 0617 Timings at Exeter St. Davids: arrive 0240hrs, depart 0250hrs 5Z89 0230hrs Bristol (St. Philips Marsh) - Plymouth (Laira TMD), due 0806 Timings at Exeter St. Davids: arrive 0523hrs, depart 0530hrs Both trains have crew changes scheduled at Castle Cary where one crosses the other. Also a heads-up on the signalling front. Whereas 2013 saw abolsition of the signalbox at Yeovil Junction, I understand that 2014 is scheduled to see the abolition of the signalbox and semaphore signals at Yeovil Pen Mill. Once the abolition of the box is carried out the control will pass to Basingstoke ASC so this could well be the last time we see HSTs working udner semaphore signalling at Yeovil Pen Mill. I don't yet have a final date for the abolition of Pen Mill box but I will post it on this forum when I do. The date could slip anyway. HTIOI, Dave Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: DaveHarries on January 05, 2014, 13:10:56 Yes. Good work by FGW. Now lets all have a look at Cross Country for the same info............ ::) :P :'( Info now on CrossCountry website, albeit without times.- Services to / from Birmingham,. Manchester, Northern England & Scotland will terminate at / start from Taunton. These trains will use the normal headcodes (1Cxx, 1Sxx or whatever) - Services to / from Devon & Cornwall will start from / terminate at Exeter St. Davids and these trains will use 1Zxx headcodes. Buses replacing trains Taunton - Tiverton Parkway - Exeter St. Davids Dave Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Southernman on January 05, 2014, 19:18:34 Yeovil Pen Mill Signalbox - There was a plan to simplify the area and close the signalbox. However the plan would have caused significant difficulties to the operators and has not been proceeded to formal consultation as far as I know. My understanding is that it is likely that the box will be life-extended until replacement of Westbury powerbox and it will then form part of a bigger scheme. The costs involved were (as you might imagine) very substantial for little savings.
This is still awaiting confirmation! Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: paul7575 on January 05, 2014, 19:53:58 The Wessex 'route business plan' issued last year with all the CP5 stuff has Yeovil Pen Mill transferring into Westbury in Dec 2016.
I expect it isn't shown in the Western equivalent plan because the line comes under the Wessex NR route presently - I guess it's possible the 'territory boundary' will be altered with the change to ROCs. I'm not so sure the physical closure itself will be subject to the result of consultation though - surely consolidation into ROCs is a done deal - the consultation will be purely about which staff move, and where. Paul Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Southern Stag on January 05, 2014, 20:43:44 I understand that there are two workings planned which sound almost a bit pointless although I guess these are positioning runs for drivers, rather than rolling stock? Two trains scheduled through Exeter St. Davids in the early hours of Monday 20-Jan-2014: I imagine they are just paths to swap HST sets around to get them to the correct side of the blockade. Cross Country have similar paths from Exeter to Briston Barton Hill.5Z88 0005hrs Plymouth (Laira TMD) - Bristol (St. Philips Marsh), due 0617 Timings at Exeter St. Davids: arrive 0240hrs, depart 0250hrs 5Z89 0230hrs Bristol (St. Philips Marsh) - Plymouth (Laira TMD), due 0806 Timings at Exeter St. Davids: arrive 0523hrs, depart 0530hrs Both trains have crew changes scheduled at Castle Cary where one crosses the other. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Southernman on January 05, 2014, 21:54:46 Yeovil Pen Mill - if the plan had simply been for a recontrol elsewhere then I agree that no consultation would have been necessary. However there was a significant simplification of the track and implications for the various TOCs so this would have required their input/agreement.
I am not at all sure that anything has been decided as yet - the latest thought is that when Westbury Powerbox goes so will Yeovil Pen Mill signalbox - although to which Centre is not yet known! It may well be around for a bit longer than 2016 with a bit of TLC.... Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: DaveHarries on January 06, 2014, 01:06:05 I imagine they are just paths to swap HST sets around to get them to the correct side of the blockade. Cross Country have similar paths from Exeter to Briston Barton Hill. I have already heard of these but so far only one is available on a scheduling website:5Z20 22:12 Exeter St. Davids - Bristol Barton Hill WRD Not yet found info for the other one but I am concocting a playable timetable for a railway signalling simulation so I hope that details for the Bristol Barton Hill WRD - Exeter St. Davids movement will become known soon. Dave Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Southern Stag on January 06, 2014, 06:34:56 http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/K00295/2014/01/27/advanced
There we go, that is an example of the return move. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: trainbuff on January 06, 2014, 14:08:05 http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/K00295/2014/01/27/advanced There we go, that is an example of the return move. I am not disputing this but I am amazed by it! I know that NO XC Driver at Plymouth retains this route knowledge. Maybe the Bristol Drivers do, but I didn't think so either. Route knowledge was held until it was decided that if there were diversions via Yeovil Pen Mill it would be Great Western who would get the paths. I understand there will be 5 sets West of the Blockade to operate the shuttles to/from Plymouth and Penzance to Exeter. It may be that this path is in place in case of eventualities. For example if a set develops wheel flats. In which case I suspect that a Conductor Driver with route knowledge would have to be hired in to conduct the XC Driver. I may be wrong about the above but can anyone tell me the last time XC travelled this way at all? I believe it was only Drivers and Guards from Plymouth who 'signed the route' via Yeovil Junction and Pen Mill. Bristol drivers sign Swindon as a diversionary route and Both Plymouth and Bristol Guards and drivers regularly refresh Bath, Bathampton and Westbury as a regular diversionary route. I think this path is potentially just a 'notional' one just in case XC need it in an emergency. Hope that makes sense. If it does run would be good to know the details and see a photo perhaps! Any other info would be appreciated Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Super Guard on January 06, 2014, 14:36:36 I expect there wouldn't be an issue finding a FGW driver to conduct if necessary - especially as it would only be Castle Cary-Exeter required.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on January 06, 2014, 17:07:30 The printed book, and quite a thick tome it is, detailing the altered services is now available at stations.
(Well at least Newton Abbot and Plymouth - where I saw copies today.) Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: DaveHarries on January 06, 2014, 21:05:24 http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/K00295/2014/01/27/advanced Thanks for this. I have just made 5Z21 the 181st train to be added to the SimSig timetable I am working on. Oddly enough no mention of it if you search Exeter St. Davids for the 27th January. Or the 20th for that matter.There we go, that is an example of the return move. Dave Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: phile on January 06, 2014, 22:12:28 http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/K00295/2014/01/27/advanced There we go, that is an example of the return move. I am not disputing this but I am amazed by it! I know that NO XC Driver at Plymouth retains this route knowledge. Maybe the Bristol Drivers do, but I didn't think so either. Route knowledge was held until it was decided that if there were diversions via Yeovil Pen Mill it would be Great Western who would get the paths. I understand there will be 5 sets West of the Blockade to operate the shuttles to/from Plymouth and Penzance to Exeter. It may be that this path is in place in case of eventualities. For example if a set develops wheel flats. In which case I suspect that a Conductor Driver with route knowledge would have to be hired in to conduct the XC Driver. I may be wrong about the above but can anyone tell me the last time XC travelled this way at all? I believe it was only Drivers and Guards from Plymouth who 'signed the route' via Yeovil Junction and Pen Mill. Bristol drivers sign Swindon as a diversionary route and Both Plymouth and Bristol Guards and drivers regularly refresh Bath, Bathampton and Westbury as a regular diversionary route. I think this path is potentially just a 'notional' one just in case XC need it in an emergency. Hope that makes sense. If it does run would be good to know the details and see a photo perhaps! Any other info would be appreciated Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: trainbuff on January 07, 2014, 15:05:53 That is very interesting.I had not heard of any XC drivers at Bristol doing so. Plymouth Drivers also sign the Taunton-Bristol route via Castle Cary and Westbury. Guess it probably only needs to be a few. Mind you though will these trains run or is it just a path? I mean there are paths at least weekly for an armaments train from Ernesettle (Plymouth) but this does not always run.
If it does run on any of the 3 weeks would like to hear about it on here if people could let me know! Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Pb_devon on January 08, 2014, 06:54:02 Just picked up my copy of the book.
What is slightly disconcerting is the order of the timetables. In each section it goes Saturday; Sunday; Mon-Fri. I can maybe see why - the blockade starts on a Saturday - but it flies in the face of normal UK convention. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: AMLAG on January 10, 2014, 18:45:54 I too have today collected a copy of this FGW produced 120 page Train service alterations booklet from my local Railway Station.. a really useful publication that at a glance an intending passenger can appreciate easily and fully (compared to the modern 'paperless' way of trying to find out!) the service planned to be run. Oh that such booklets on alterations to services due to planned Engineering works were still issued weekly and not just for periods of planned major disruption to train services. I seem to remember the lining of Evershot Tunnel (between Yeovil PM & Maiden Newton) being concrete sprayed many years ago without any disruption to passenger trains or greater crested Newts. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: SandTEngineer on January 10, 2014, 22:09:57 Just picked up my copy this evening. An excellent publication that even includes XC services (shame on Arriva XC ::))
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: broadgage on January 13, 2014, 10:28:32 Blockade is from 0305 on 18th Jan to 0500 on 10th Feb. Re-lining work in Whiteball Tunnel, several plain line track renewal sites and points being renewed at Taunton West and Tiverton Jct. So allowing for a bit of over running, I should be safe to travel to Taunton on Friday Febuary 14, returning on Teusday 18, and enjoy a meal in each direction. Or is the work likely to over run by more than that ? Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: PhilWakely on January 13, 2014, 21:35:03 There is much talk on here of the 100+ revised timetable tome issued by FGW, but can anybody point me in the right direction for a [non-public] Working Timetable for the through trains between Paddington and the Westcountry via Yeovil Junction please?
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: JayMac on January 13, 2014, 21:40:44 Welcome to the forum PhilWakely. :)
Best online resource for WTT information is probably Realtime Trains (http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/). One entry from that, during the blockade: http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/V56674/2014/01/20/advanced If you need any help using RealtimeTrains, just ask. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: PhilWakely on January 13, 2014, 21:46:57 Many thanks for that link. Most useful. Last time the diversion was used extensively (every weekend during Feb/Mar 2012 I think), all trains were officially booked to stop at Honiton, Axminster and Yeovil Junction. I notice that is not the case this time, but the working timetable identified above shows a 15 minute stop at Honiton, which can only be at the platform, so why is it not properly advertised as a stop?
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: JayMac on January 13, 2014, 21:49:43 I believe that booked passenger stops are only in place on diverted FGW services that are taking the path of SWT services that can not run.
Whilst there are unadvertised stops at some locations, by not having these as passenger stops allows services to be regulated to run early or late. This adds in some flexibility in the operation of the diversions timetable. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: PhilWakely on January 13, 2014, 22:08:58 A reasonable assumption. In fact, from what I can remember of the last lot of scheduled weekend diversions at the beginning of 2012, they were originally advertised as 'not stopping', but by the third weekend, the stops were appearing on the revised local timetable.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: paul7575 on January 14, 2014, 10:42:49 ... I notice that is not the case this time, but the working timetable identified above shows a 15 minute stop at Honiton, which can only be at the platform, so why is it not properly advertised as a stop? Not advertising the stop is to help avoid FGW carrying local passengers, given that their timetable is reduced they will be full already with longer distance passengers to/from west of Exeter. This is also why calls in FGW's long distance diversions via Banbury were never advertised at Banbury during the Reading blockades. In the detail you've also got the automatic processes for apportioning fare revenue (ORCATS). If FGW stopped a fast train in public service at Honiton, they'd automatically receive some of SWT's fare revenue. On the smaller scale you'd also find that SWT diversions via Westbury are not public calls, and on a regular basis the FGW services that divert via Eastleigh for route learning purposes every evening are not public calls. Even though the doors will open during the reversal, and people will try and blag their way on at Eastleigh... Paul Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: grahame on January 14, 2014, 11:07:43 On the smaller scale you'd also find that SWT diversions via Westbury are not public calls, and on a regular basis the FGW services that divert via Eastleigh for route learning purposes every evening are not public calls. Even though the doors will open during the reversal, and people will try and blag their way on at Eastleigh... <offtopic> The Freedom of Severn and Solent is not valid Eastleigh to Fareham ... could you remind me, Paul, which evening services these are so that our many members who use freedom ticket know which train to avoid - I don't think it's at all obvious from the timetable! </offtopic> Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: grahame on January 14, 2014, 11:15:22 Sadly answering my own question here ... looks like
* 19:30 Cardiff to Portsmouth Harbour * 21:23 Portsmouth Harbour to Westbury from today's Realtime trains feed. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: paul7575 on January 14, 2014, 12:47:09 Sadly answering my own question here ... looks like * 19:30 Cardiff to Portsmouth Harbour * 21:23 Portsmouth Harbour to Westbury from today's Realtime trains feed. That's them. You would see in RTT that the call at Eastleigh is not highlighted in the same way as other 'normal' calls. My view is that the above rover would be accepted by FGW on those particular services, because as far as through passengers are aware the train just runs between Southampton and Fareham (either way) as normal - it is just the extra running time that gives it away. The rover is also a possible issue when the service uses the standard diversion via Eastleigh and Chandlers Ford when Southampton is closed. But again I'd expect it to be accepted by FGW as they are temporarily off their normal route. Paul Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: grahame on January 14, 2014, 13:22:50 My view is that the above rover would be accepted by FGW on those particular services, because as far as through passengers are aware the train just runs between Southampton and Fareham (either way) as normal - it is just the extra running time that gives it away. Thanks - FGW confirm that view: @fgw is the Freedom of Severn & Solent ticket valid for a journey from PMH to WSB on the 21:23 ex PMH? @transwilts Yes, it would! Generally valid for travel after 09:00 on a weekday, and any time on a weekend. Eli. Useful to know as it's the last train off Portsmouth back to Wiltshire! Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: broadgage on January 15, 2014, 10:33:32 So what are odds of a normal service on Friday Febuary 14 ?
Works finished by then ? or likely to over run ? Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: phile on January 15, 2014, 15:36:00 Nobody would be able to reliably answer the question until it had happened, or perhaps the possibility of an overrun could be suspected whilst the work is actually in progress.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: SandTEngineer on January 15, 2014, 19:50:10 When I travelled past Exeter
Edit to correct yard name ::) Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Bob_Blakey on January 16, 2014, 06:37:52 Pedant alert!
Actually this is Riverside Yard - New Yard, where the SWT units are stabled between trips, is immediately north of the Red Cow level crossing. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: broadgage on January 16, 2014, 12:18:44 Fearing delays, I decided to delay my trip to Taunton for a week.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: SandTEngineer on January 16, 2014, 17:19:17 Pedant alert! Actually this is Riverside Yard - New Yard, where the SWT units are stabled between trips, is immediately north of the Red Cow level crossing. Thanks Bob B. I was a bit tired when I typed my post.................... :P Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on January 16, 2014, 20:03:12 Fearing delays, I decided to delay my trip to Taunton for a week. Well when you do - there is the promise of a new Pullman menu.... (http://www.mbob.co.uk/rforum/pullwhit2.jpg) Part of a leaflet left on tables on Monday's 12:01 service Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: AMLAG on January 17, 2014, 20:53:58 One would hope that this 23 DAYS closure (allegedly the longest planned period of closure since this line was opened in the 1840's) with mega disruption for passengers between Taunton and Exeter of the South West's principal rail artery will be finished on time. No doubt NR and its vast army of Contractors & Sub Contractors with workers travelling from far and wide have built in some recovery time. Virtually all the new concrete sleepered track and new pointwork for the renewal of the points at Tiverton Jn and at Taunton West (last renewed/installed during the Exeter Re-signalling scheme of 1984) is already positioned closeby for Craning into final position etc. A large encampment of Mess Huts, Portaloos, Road Railers & materials etc. has been set up in part of a field on the Upside of the line at the Taunton end of Whiteball Tunnel with an access track to the line with the lengthy ^25,000 special 'fencing' for the Greater Crested newts plainly visible. Most of the remaining 14 sidings in Exeter Riverside Yard have been relaid with second hand sleepers & rails during the last year or so and are now full with wagons of ballast & sleepers etc. together with empty wagons for spoil & materials etc. Rather surprisingly the Special 120 page FGW booklet detailing the Special bus & train services operating during this 23 days of disruption makes no mention of the existence of another train Company's service between Exeter and London whose trains in some cases will do the journey a few minutes quicker than the 'token' approx 2 hourly FGW frequency between Exeter and Paddington via Honiton, Yeovil and Castle Cary. Let's hope recent incidences of the Axe flooding onto the line near Axminster will not be repeated in the coming days and any SE winds do not exceed 20-25 mph and combine with high tides at Dawlish. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: JayMac on January 18, 2014, 13:51:30 Took a trip down the 'Southern' this morning in a diverted HST. Nice to have some different scenery from a Mk3 window. Only mild annoyance was the near 30 minute wait for the single line at Yeovil Junction. I say mild, because it was a (working, not passenger) timetabled stop. Would've been nice to have been allowed to detrain for a leg stretch though.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: TonyK on January 19, 2014, 19:37:30 Driving to Bristol from north Devon this morning, I saw two ballast trains waiting just north of Tivvy Parkway. It looked like it was one on each track, both pointing north, but I could be wrong (easily). No photo, as I was on the M5 at 70 mph, and Mrs FT,N wouldn't let me.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on January 19, 2014, 19:57:28 Reminds me of an incident years ago when I was on a steam train excursion which ran through that section.
There were a number of cars parked on the hard shoulder of the M5 while their occupants filmed the train. Meanwhile in lane one there was a police range rover - videoing the cars parked on the hard shoulder.... Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: TonyK on January 19, 2014, 23:28:07 Reminds me of an incident years ago when I was on a steam train excursion which ran through that section. There were a number of cars parked on the hard shoulder of the M5 while their occupants filmed the train. Meanwhile in lane one there was a police range rover - videoing the cars parked on the hard shoulder.... Even without Mrs FT, N riding shotgun, I would never use the hard shoulder for cinematographic or videographic purposes. In almost 40 years behind the wheel, some of it awake, I have amassed 3 points, for not noticing that the bin-liner covering the 30mph sign on the Portway near Avonmouth had been removed, along with the 40 mph limit. The letter recorded that I was doing 41mph, and if the photo is available, it will probably show me giving a thumb up to the guys with the camera. I prefer rail travel, but value my licence. Why I haven't attracted more points is a source of puzzlement to me too. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: AMLAG on January 21, 2014, 10:19:04 Somewhere I have recently read (possibly in a NR press release) that the renewal of the points at Taunton West during the Whiteball Tunnel 23 days blockade will allow the speed over these points to be raised to 80mph, from I think 50, thus allowing journey 'improvements' (ie reduction in times) between Exeter and Bristol.
Does anyone know if there are any intentions for some XC trains to run, rather surprisingly, NON stop through Taunton; bearing in mind current XC regular interval/calling patterns policies mean all XC trains, except one southbound, call at Tiverton Parkway ..some off peak call (at a cost of about 5 minutes) at Tiverton Parkway for as few as 5 passengers to join & alight. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Louis94 on January 21, 2014, 10:33:57 Somewhere I have recently read (possibly in a NR press release) that the renewal of the points at Taunton West during the Whiteball Tunnel 23 days blockade will allow the speed over these points to be raised to 80mph, from I think 50, thus allowing journey 'improvements' (ie reduction in times) between Exeter and Bristol. Can't see this really benefiting services hugely, with Taunton West being so close to the ends of the platforms I suspect speed will already be lower than the current speed allowed when leaving/arriving at the station. The current speed through the station on the middle platforms is 100mph already, including over Taunton West. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: SandTEngineer on January 25, 2014, 10:56:50 Some photographs of progress so far lower down the Cornwall Railway Society page here http://www.cornwallrailwaysociety.org.uk/1/archives/01-2014/1.html and on the Taunton Trains page here http://www.tauntontrains.co.uk/NEWS-INFO.htm
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: JayMac on January 26, 2014, 16:56:01 Because of the engineering works I am unable to make a usual journey at Off Peak times for an arrival in Plymouth at 1117. That is, catching the 0913 from Bristol.
There are no published easements to time restrictions for journeys between Bristol and the south-west, so I have been using social media and the telephone to find out whether I can depart Bristol at 0810 to allow an arrival in Plymouth around 1115. As the 0810 is a CrossCountry service I called them first. They referred me to National Rail Enquiries. National Rail Enquiries said I should speak to FGW. Enquired of FGW via Facebook and they told me I'd need to speak to CrossCountry! That left me just a little bit angry. I then telephoned FGW and was told that restrictions have not been lifted, suggesting I ask for permission to travel at the station in the morning, or try the staff on the train. That doesn't instill me with the slightest bit of confidence. Without any clear easements in place if effectively means that, not only are passengers inconvenienced by extended journey times and part of the journey by coach, they must also pay for an Anytime ticket to arrive at their destination at the time they normally would with an Off Peak fare. In my case, already holding an Off Peak ticket, I have to pay an Excess of ^15.85 for the 'privilege' of arriving at my destination at the same time were there no engineering. That's an extra payment for having to leave home earlier, having an extended journey, and having part of that journey on a bus. ::) ::) ::) Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: trainbuff on January 26, 2014, 20:34:54 Not too much help bignosemac but it would be cheaper to buy an Anytime Single to Taunton, then use you Off Peak ticket for remainder of trip. By the time you are at Taunton it will be off-peak. Of course this is not strictly the way to do it but I bet tickets are rarely asked for on the bus. You could hedge your bets by speaking to the Guard (has to be positioned at rear of train) and ask given the foregoing that you be allowed to travel. If not then ask the Guard if THEY would sell you an anytime ticket.
It is a pain that none of the people you phoned were able to help. They seem as if they understand but cannot officially say anything. It is just worth asking the Guard. Perhaps you might have to explain to the Barrier staff but is definitely worth a go. After all the Guard is human and will definitely appreciate you asking them first. Just think it is worth a try. Let me know if you decide to do that. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: JayMac on January 26, 2014, 21:17:44 Sadly, the bus one needs to get to Exeter for onward travel leaves Taunton at 0850, which is also before the validity of the Off Peak ticket I hold.
The Anytime Single from Bristol to Exeter is more expensive than the excess payable for Bristol to Plymouth. I don't intend to pay anything extra as I think it is wrong that a passenger needs to pay more because of engineering. FGW's justification (a reply on Facebook) for not allowing ticket restriction easements between Bristol and the south-west? Quote It is usually the case that restrictions remain the same during engineering work, just as fares are not reduced for travelling on replacement buses. Well, I'm not asking for a reduction in fares because of rail replacement so that's hardly justification for not easing restrictions. And why, if it is usually the case, have FGW changed restrictions on journeys to and from Reading and London to allow similar arrival times when departing at what would otherwise be Peak times? I will only accept a UFN if challenged tomorrow morning and will be robustly challenging any punitive action. However, let me make it clear that I don't suggest anyone else ignores these patently unfair restrictions. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: TonyK on January 26, 2014, 21:34:05 I will only accept a UFN if challenged tomorrow morning and will be robustly challenging any punitive action. However, let me make it clear that I don't suggest anyone else ignores these patently unfair restrictions. I for one shall be right behind you, BNM (about 48 miles behind you when it matters most). Let's see if commonsense can be allowed to prevail for once. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: andy_89uk on January 26, 2014, 21:51:00 It is just worth asking the Guard. Perhaps you might have to explain to the Barrier staff but is definitely worth a go. After all the Guard is human and will definitely appreciate you asking them first. I'm afraid that's not always a given! I was due home on SWT from Waterloo to Honiton yesterday, but the SWT line was shut due to 2x fallen trees. We were advised to use the Paddington service instead and that our tickets would still be valid. Of course, the Paddington line is currently diverted via Yeovil Junction/Honiton anyway. Our train stopped at Honiton for over 10 minutes (single line) but the guard flatly refused to let any Waterloo refugees alight there! We were forced to travel on to Exeter St. Davids where FGW promptly laid on a taxi back to Honiton, utter madness!!! Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Chris from Nailsea on January 26, 2014, 22:05:32 Thanks for posting details of that rather startling situation, andy_89uk - may I ask how many of you were caught up in that apparently ludicrous situation? :o
And welcome to the Coffee Shop forum, by the way! :) Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: JayMac on January 26, 2014, 22:27:14 Of course, the Paddington line is currently diverted via Yeovil Junction/Honiton anyway. Our train stopped at Honiton for over 10 minutes (single line) but the guard flatly refused to let any Waterloo refugees alight there! We were forced to travel on to Exeter St. Davids where FGW promptly laid on a taxi back to Honiton, utter madness!!! Should the Train Manager have been worried about passengers boarding an unadvertised service then he could have easily had all those who were travelling to Honiton alight through one door. With ticket acceptance already in place for SWT passengers to travel from Paddington it shouldn't have taken rocket science from someone in authority to look at the working timetable, note that there was a FGW service booked to make a working timetable stop at Honiton, and make arrangements to allow the handful of passengers to alight there. Further adding to their disrupted journey by taking them through to Exeter and then taxiing back to Honiton just seems bonkers to me. I await the operational or health and safety excuses as to why one local door could not be opened to allow passengers, already subject to disruption, to alight. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: TonyK on January 26, 2014, 23:06:02 We were forced to travel on to Exeter St. Davids where FGW promptly laid on a taxi back to Honiton, utter madness!!! May I add my welcome to that of CfN, andy_89uk, as well as my amazement at the turn of events you endured. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Super Guard on January 27, 2014, 00:27:41 It is just worth asking the Guard. Perhaps you might have to explain to the Barrier staff but is definitely worth a go. After all the Guard is human and will definitely appreciate you asking them first. I'm afraid that's not always a given! I was due home on SWT from Waterloo to Honiton yesterday, but the SWT line was shut due to 2x fallen trees. We were advised to use the Paddington service instead and that our tickets would still be valid. Of course, the Paddington line is currently diverted via Yeovil Junction/Honiton anyway. Our train stopped at Honiton for over 10 minutes (single line) but the guard flatly refused to let any Waterloo refugees alight there! We were forced to travel on to Exeter St. Davids where FGW promptly laid on a taxi back to Honiton, utter madness!!! The Guard would have been in hot water had they allowed you off, unless permission had been granted by the Duty Control Manager. If DCM says no, then it doesn't matter how human the Guard is... Of course i'm not saying it makes any sense not to make it a special stop, i'm just explaining why the Guard would say no. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: SandTEngineer on January 27, 2014, 09:19:19 mmmm. It was a stop booked for crossing purposes only. The driver would only be obeying signals and if they were off he would go without any RA from the conductor. Could be nasty if the doors opened. Don't think there is any door/power interlock on HSTs???
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: BandHcommuter on January 27, 2014, 10:53:29 If SWT were advising their customers to use the re-routed FGW service, presumably the correct chain of communication would have been for SWT's control office to contact FGW's control office to request that Honiton was designated as a public stop (assuming, as bignosemac says, that they had established that the train was booked to wait there anyway), and if agreed, FGW control would then make the appropriate communications with the relevant train crew to allow customers to safely alight?
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Southern Stag on January 27, 2014, 14:23:08 mmmm. It was a stop booked for crossing purposes only. The driver would only be obeying signals and if they were off he would go without any RA from the conductor. Could be nasty if the doors opened. Don't think there is any door/power interlock on HSTs??? As it was an HST with slam doors that wouldn't have been the case. If a train with slam doors stops at a station platform it has to be despatched regardless of whether it's booked to call or not, because of the risk of people pulling doors on to the catch. Or on trains without Central Door Locking, the risk that doors will have been opened.Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Timmer on January 27, 2014, 17:24:19 FGW have published details of changes to ticket restrictions during the works taking place between Taunton and Exeter but no mention of restrictions from Bristol down to the South West:
http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/~/media/PDF/contents/whiteball-fares-summary-v2.ashx Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: JayMac on January 27, 2014, 19:23:58 Which rather exposes the lie that so many staff have told me: "We don't ease or change restrictions during engineering work."
They do. But with this work it appears that only those travelling to/from the South East can depart early for a same time arrival without paying extra. Just adds to the gross unfairness of charging extra in some instances. Still slightly seething at this. And I bottled it this morning. I paid an extra ^10.30 (under protest - made my feelings clear to ticket office staff and the DSM at Bristol TM) to leave early enough to pick up a diverted HST at Westbury for an arrival at Plymouth of 1118. Almost the same time as is normal when taking the Off Peak 0913 from Bristol direct. The diverted HST was barely a third full. Perhaps if FGW had eased restrictions they may have got a few more bums on seats... >:( :o ::) No doubt there's one of those rail industry money-go-rounds that compensates FGW for lost revenue during the engineering work, leaving them little incentive to retain business by being proactive. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: grahame on January 27, 2014, 20:20:40 ... Could be nasty if the doors opened. Don't think there is any door/power interlock on HSTs??? As it was an HST with slam doors that wouldn't have been the case. If a train with slam doors stops at a station platform it has to be despatched regardless of whether it's booked to call or not, because of the risk of people pulling doors on to the catch. Or on trains without Central Door Locking, the risk that doors will have been opened.But HSTs do have central locking - and indeed they have selective door opening. So logic suggests that the train manager only needed to open a single door / carriage rather than the whole train, and then there's no chance of the other doors being on the latch. However "Don't think there is any door/power interlock on HSTs???" sounds logical considering that the SDO and central locking was added long after the trains were built, and they're now vintage units ... and if there isn't interlocking, then there's presumable a risk of the driver pulling off with only one door open just as Granny Harris ( http://www.britishsurnames.co.uk/1881census/Devon/Honiton ) gets off. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: andy_89uk on January 27, 2014, 20:36:49 But HSTs do have central locking - and indeed they have selective door opening. So logic suggests that the train manager only needed to open a single door / carriage rather than the whole train, and then there's no chance of the other doors being on the latch. Thanks for the replies. Can confirm what Grahame says above as we'd not long before stopped at Castle Cary where passengers were (about 6 times!) informed that they could only alight from carriages A and B at the front due to a short platform. I can also confirm that there was only one conversation with the guard, with the negative response, rather than him going off to check with "control" and reporting back etc. Only 2 of us in my immediate party, but I did recognise other Waterloo refugees on the train (some/all may have been travelling to Exeter anyway of course). Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Southern Stag on January 27, 2014, 20:56:18 ... Could be nasty if the doors opened. Don't think there is any door/power interlock on HSTs??? As it was an HST with slam doors that wouldn't have been the case. If a train with slam doors stops at a station platform it has to be despatched regardless of whether it's booked to call or not, because of the risk of people pulling doors on to the catch. Or on trains without Central Door Locking, the risk that doors will have been opened.But HSTs do have central locking - and indeed they have selective door opening. So logic suggests that the train manager only needed to open a single door / carriage rather than the whole train, and then there's no chance of the other doors being on the latch. However "Don't think there is any door/power interlock on HSTs???" sounds logical considering that the SDO and central locking was added long after the trains were built, and they're now vintage units ... and if there isn't interlocking, then there's presumable a risk of the driver pulling off with only one door open just as Granny Harris ( http://www.britishsurnames.co.uk/1881census/Devon/Honiton ) gets off. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: grahame on January 27, 2014, 21:09:25 Even if no doors are unlocked it is still a requirement for the guard to despatch the train if the train has slam doors. And that applies even if there is central locking on all the slam doors, so no way they could have been opened or put on the latch unless the guard released them? I'm getting lost then. There was need to call control and a potential delay to the train while this lot was going,and the train manager may have judged it unlikely he would get a response in time. But there was no safety issue involved. Perhaps there was an issue with which company got these people's fares, with FGW being out of pocket (or operating outside its franchise) if it made a passenger call at Honiton? Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Super Guard on January 27, 2014, 21:26:21 Even if no doors are unlocked it is still a requirement for the guard to despatch the train if the train has slam doors. And that applies even if there is central locking on all the slam doors, so no way they could have been opened or put on the latch unless the guard released them? This applies to our HSTs, even with CDL yes. A door can still be put "on the catch" even with the CDL bolts engaged. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: John R on January 27, 2014, 22:44:29 Changing the subject, but still related to the blockade, can anyone explain the curious working to form the current 1A08, the 0713 Highbridge & Burnham to Paddington. 5A08 leaves Temple Meads at 0511, passes through Highbridge at 0531, reverses at Taunton, before arriving back in Highbridge loop where it sits for around 50 minutes.
Does it have to go via Taunton to access Highbridge loop (I didn't think so), but if so, why doesn't it run in the usual timings from Taunton? Maybe the onboard crew only join at Highbridge, but that looks as though it would mean only 8 minutes from arrival off the local from Bristol, which seems a bit tight. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: grahame on January 28, 2014, 00:03:10 Are the platforms at Taunton stuffed full of London expresses, Cross Country Trains and Cardiff locals, and a track has still got to be left for works trains to get "up tunnel"? Just guessing!
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Southern Stag on January 28, 2014, 00:10:19 It looks like they are. Only 2 platforms can be used to reverse trains in from the Bristol/Castle Cary direction, Platforms 2 and 3. There are departures from them at 0650, 0700 and 0710, and 1A08 would need to leave at about 0655, so it would probably be a bit tight. The 0710 calls at roughly the same stops as 1A08, so it isn't too much of an inconvenience.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: JayMac on February 03, 2014, 21:42:28 I've just seen, on another forum, someone referring to the Exeter - London via Honiton route as 'The Mule'. Anyone know the origin of this nickname for the West of England Main Line?
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: The Grecian on February 03, 2014, 22:38:07 I've just seen on another someone referring to the Exeter - London via Honiton route as 'The Mule'. Anyone know the origin of this nickname for the West of England Main Line? My understanding is that the nickname derives from the days when the line was mostly jointed track. At speed trains would make a 'clip-clop' noise running over the joints which sounded like a mule clopping along. As most of the jointed track was replaced around 20 years ago with continuously welded rail it's somewhat less obvious now. The Barnstaple branch and Heart of Wessex lines are the main outposts round here for trains running at speed on long stretches of jointed track. Incidentally Taunton - Reading is known as 'The Desert' - I think this is due to the fact that it doesn't really pass through anywhere substantial for most of its length until you get towards Newbury, since it bypasses Frome and Westbury - but I could be wrong about that. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: JayMac on February 03, 2014, 22:54:38 Some digging on my part turned up an alternative explanation.
It's called 'The Mule' because it is the slow alternative to London versus the thoroughbred route via Taunton. Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: trainbuff on February 04, 2014, 11:31:54 Some digging on my part turned up an alternative explanation. It's called 'The Mule' because it is the slow alternative to London versus the thoroughbred route via Taunton. That is only since the Downgrading of the Route in the late 1960's! The route via Salisbury I believe gave a faster journey time to London. Indeed if it were dualled it could potentially be quicker now. I prefer to think that both routes, to use your term, began life as 'thoroughbreds'. Unfortunately the madness of the Beeching era and after turned the route into a slower service. Almost an attempt to kill it off in some senses. As was done with other lines. I believe that this line would be a real benefit if it were turned back from 'The Mule' ( Slow Plod) into a thoroughbred as it was originally planned. At the moment with diversions via Yeovil this line is actually a few minutes quicker than First Great Western. Strange there is no mention in the 121 page booklet!? It is like the old rivalries have reappeared! Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: julian on February 04, 2014, 12:21:28 Are these works still on schedule for completion by next Monday?
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: Lee on February 04, 2014, 13:34:15 Interestingly, although Beechings infamous Reshaping report didn't formally propose closure of the Southern route, it did specifically mark it out as an example of a "duplicating" line that could be surplus to requirements in the future.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: thetrout on February 04, 2014, 13:56:30 Anyone going to be on the 17:03 tonight? The unlikely Pullman? ;)
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / Februqry 2014 Post by: bobm on February 04, 2014, 14:53:12 Hopefully tonight there will be a 17:03 - last night it was cancelled between London and Newton Abbot. I was told one of the reasons is they were running out of room to stable sets at Exeter.
Fingers crossed tonight it will run, but I'd be less optimistic about any "fine dining". Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: ChrisB on February 04, 2014, 15:05:30 According to the train plan I have for the Dawlish problem (see other thread), this is running as 1C92 as far as Exeter arr 2014. It will them form 1A35 to PAD dep 2100.
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: PhilWakely on February 04, 2014, 16:08:52 Interestingly, although Beechings infamous Reshaping report didn't formally propose closure of the Southern route, it did specifically mark it out as an example of a "duplicating" line that could be surplus to requirements in the future. What with Whiteball and Dawlish at the moment, I can almost hear the computerised station announcer at Plymouth saying "the train now standing at platform 3 is the 10:30 to London Waterloo, calling at Tavistock, Okehampton, Exeter Central, Yeovil Junction, Salisbury and London Waterloo"..... if only! Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on February 06, 2014, 14:25:24 With all the drama at Dawlish I missed this report (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-26045591) from the BBC published yesterday - hence, no doubt, the rather unfortunate last sentence.
Quote South West rail line to reopen on time despite 'horrendous weather' (http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/72762000/jpg/_72762327_72762326.jpg) Whiteball tunnel, between Taunton and Tiverton, was closed on 18 January The main rail line between Exeter and Taunton, closed for three weeks to repair a tunnel, is to reopen on time despite the "horrendous weather". Network Rail said work on the Whiteball tunnel, between Taunton and Tiverton, was needed to prevent it flooding. The line was closed on 18 January with buses replacing trains between Taunton, Tiverton Parkway and Exeter St Davids. Despite strong winds and rain battering the South West the line is due to be back in service next week. Mike Gallop, from Network Rail, said engineers had been working on the 170-year-old tunnel "24 hours a day in all weather conditions" to complete the work. (http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/72762000/jpg/_72762323_72762319.jpg) Despite the "absolutely horrendous" weather conditions the line is due to be back in service next week. "The weather conditions the guys have been working in have been absolutely horrendous," he said. "But we're due to finish the works on time, on programme and on budget. "So going forward into the start of February we'll have a train service that's back to normal for Somerset and the South West of England." Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: SandTEngineer on February 09, 2014, 21:01:39 Some good news (I hope). Trains running between Exeter and London via Taunton and Castle Cary from PM on Monday 10 February.
Quote From FGW Journey Check FGW Timetable Plans for w/c Monday 10 February 2014 Following a drop in floodwater at Athelney the railway line between Exeter and London Paddington, via Newbury, is due to reopen on Monday 10 February. The line between Taunton and Bridgwater however remains closed due to flooding, as does the line between Exeter and Newton Abbot due to the sea wall collapse at Dawlish. Flooding is also expected to affect rail services between Oxford and Didcot Parkway. Limited services will start between London Paddington and Exeter in the late morning, with Exeter to London Paddington services starting at lunchtime. Coaches will continue to offer direct services to Exeter St Davids and Plymouth from Bristol Parkway, connecting with South Wales trains from London, and with services from the Midlands and the North until the mainline reopens to Taunton. Journey times will continue to be significantly extended. Our timetable plans for next week have been revised and we now expect the following to operate: Services to Somerset, Devon and Cornwall via Bristol Temple Meads will terminate at Weston-super-Mare, with a limited, hourly service extending to Bridgwater Coaches will operate between Bridgwater and Taunton Trains will run between Penzance and Plymouth, and Newton Abbot, but with some service changes - passengers should check journey times carefully before travelling An hourly rail shuttle will operate between Taunton and Exeter St Davids calling at Tiverton Parkway An hourly all stations rail shuttle will run between Newton Abbot and Paignton Customers from Bristol Temple Meads to intermediate stations between Exeter St Davids and Dawlish are advised to travel to Bristol Parkway, for a direct bus to Exeter St Davids, and then connecting bus services All Cornish branch lines will run as normal (subject to weather conditions), with some revised timings to optimise connections with main line services Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: bobm on February 10, 2014, 08:15:14 Just for the record: Whiteball re-opened on time with the first train from Exeter passing through shortly after 6.20am. Closely followed by an HST from Exeter to London, which has also gone through Athelney (according to Realtraintimes).
Title: Re: Whiteball Tunnel blockade - January / February 2014 Post by: ChrisB on February 10, 2014, 10:06:43 Signallig affected & temporary block working installed...wouldn't bank on all trains going through
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