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All across the Great Western territory => Buses and other ways to travel => Topic started by: ChrisB on August 27, 2013, 09:56:32

Title: Buses in and around Bristol - merged posts
Post by: ChrisB on August 27, 2013, 09:56:32
A bit of history on Bristol Buses....racism ruled 50 years ago....

Title: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: Red Squirrel on August 27, 2013, 10:34:01
A bit of history on Bristol Buses....racism ruled 50 years ago....

Indeed it did - the unions were right behind the bosses!


A Unite official publicly apologised today 50 years after the union's predecessor sided with bosses in the Bristol "colour bar" row over a bus company's policy not to employ black staff.

Source: Morning Star (

Title: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: ChrisB on August 27, 2013, 10:45:51
took 'em 50 years to apologise, I note.....

Title: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: Red Squirrel on August 27, 2013, 11:19:15
Hmm... actually I think the normally-reliable Morning Star is being a bit disingenuous; I have a sneaking feeling that the unions actually led here..!

Edit: wikipedia agrees:


Local union officials denied that there was any colour bar but in 1955 the Passenger Group of the TGWU had passed a resolution that coloured workers should not be employed as bus crews. Andrew Hake, curator of the Bristol Industrial Mission, recalled that "The TGWU in the city had said that if one black man steps on the platform as a conductor, every wheel will stop".

Source: Wikipedia

Title: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: ChrisB on August 27, 2013, 11:22:23
About sorting the racism or apologising? Certainly not the former....

Title: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: Red Squirrel on August 27, 2013, 11:24:19
In being racist! See my edit above.

Title: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: Red Squirrel on August 27, 2013, 11:26:00
In being racist! See my edit above.

Edit: N.B. when I say 'led', I don't mean to attach any postive connotation to the word.

Title: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: ChrisB on August 27, 2013, 11:26:50
Indeed, the BBC article concurs too

Title: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: JayMac on August 28, 2013, 21:31:15
And as the BBC article mentions, many Bristol streets and landmarks are named after slave trader, Edward Colston.

Yes, he was very philanthropic and altruistic, but that doesn't hide the fact he made that money from slavery.

I, for one, was glad that the new shopping centre wasn't named after him.

Title: Re: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: Red Squirrel on August 28, 2013, 22:28:05
And as the BBC article mentions, many Bristol streets and landmarks are named after slave trader, Edward Colston.

Yes, he was very philanthropic and altruistic, but that doesn't hide the fact he made that money from slavery.

I, for one, was glad that the new shopping centre wasn't named after him.

Was there a suggestion that it might have been? Wasn't the original plan to call it the Merchants Quarter (with no apostroscope)?

I agree that we should be careful not to appear to celebrate people who don't match up to today's impeccable standards of moral rectitude in public life, though probably the best way to achieve this is to follow the motor industry and just give everything a made-up name or a number.

Title: Re: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: JayMac on August 28, 2013, 22:41:35
Good call.

So let's have Alystro Hall in the centre and The Zan'zuri Girl's School on Cheltenham Road.

Title: Re: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: JayMac on August 28, 2014, 12:23:09
From the BBC (

Bristol bus boycott marked with commemorative plaque

A newspaper cutting shows students marching in Bristol in protest against a "colour bar" on the buses

A campaign which was key to gaining equality for Bristol's black and ethnic minorities is to be remembered with a new plaque.

The 1963 Bristol Bus Boycott led the Bristol Omnibus Company to change its racist policies that stopped black people from working on the buses.

Original campaigners Dr Paul Stephenson OBE, Guy Bailey OBE and Roy Hackett will attend the unveiling ceremony.

In 1965, the Race Relations Act banned all discrimination in the workplace.

The boycott came about after Guy Bailey, a Jamaican new to the UK, was openly refused a job by a manager at the bus company because "we don't employ black people".

A group, led by Dr Stephenson, and inspired by the equality campaigns of Martin Luther King in North America's south and the actions of Rosa Parks, who refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery bus, urged a boycott of the service until the policy of discrimination was ended.

Starting in April 1963, pickets of bus depots and routes were part of the strategy, with blockades and sit-down protests organised on routes throughout the city centre.

On 28 August 1963, the same day that Martin Luther King delivered his momentous 'I have a dream' speech in Washington DC, the Bristol Omnibus Company declared a change in policy that there would now be "complete integration" on the buses "without regard to race, colour or creed".

By September, the company had its first non-white bus conductor.

Dr Stephenson said the boycott has become "a watershed" on how the city comes to terms with its ethnic minority make-up.

"As Martin Luther King once said: 'We face chaos or community; the choice is ours'," said Dr Stephenson.

Bristol's mayor, George Ferguson, who will also be attending the ceremony in the bus station said the campaigners are "etched into Bristol's history and should be celebrated as heroes of our time".

Title: First Bus may stop serving Hareclive Road after a wave of attacks
Post by: grahame on March 13, 2021, 12:38:44
From Bristol Live (

First Bus may stop serving a Hartcliffe route after a wave of attacks.

A spokesman for the operator said today (March 12): "This week alone, the company has had five windows damaged by rocks being thrown from outside the vehicles which resulted in the Service 76 being pulled out of Hareclive Road in Hartcliffe at short notice.

"The driver of one of the vehicles was also subject to racial abuse."

First is working with police to identify culprits but says if the attacks continue it "may have no choice but to withdraw the service from Hareclive Road until the situation is back under control".

When I post news on the forum, I do not usually post my views initially but rather leave it to members to come in first.  I am going to make an exception in this case - in my view throwing rocks at buses and racially abusing staff is unacceptable, and those responsible should be sought out by the authorities and brought to justice.

I will read any "likes" on this post as an endorsement of my view and NOT in support of the perpetrators

Title: Re: First Bus may stop serving Hareclive Road after a wave of attacks
Post by: Robin Summerhill on March 13, 2021, 14:40:13
Unfortunately this sort of thing is nothing new. Have a read of some of the Flickr captions posted by Stephen Dowle aka Fray Bentos describing his time on Bristol's buses.

Fred Wedlock also did a comedy song back in the 60s which contained the lines:

"If you want a bus to Southmead, I'm afraid you'll have to wait
For the crew on the seven thirty are riding shotgun on the ten past eight"

One of those gags that contained a grain of truth, I'm afraid

Title: Re: First Bus may stop serving Hareclive Road after a wave of attacks
Post by: broadgage on March 13, 2021, 15:45:03
This sort of criminal behaviour seems to be on the increase. In general, not just against public transport.

The answer in my view is not to withdraw services (except perhaps in a very short term emergency) but more police patrols to deter or catch the criminals, and stiffer sentances by the courts.

Title: Re: First Bus may stop serving Hareclive Road after a wave of attacks
Post by: johnneyw on March 13, 2021, 18:28:02
It's happened before and First Bristol have warned of suspending services before.  There comes a point when the safety of both the drivers and passengers makes this necessary, if only temporarily and that point seems to have been reached unless things change very quickly and in a sustained manner.
What dismays just as much is the young age of some of the culprits.  I've witnessed (in Bristol but not in Hartcliffe) stones being thrown at buses by youths appearing not even yet to have reached their teens.

Title: Re: First Bus may stop serving Hareclive Road after a wave of attacks
Post by: broadgage on March 14, 2021, 03:36:48
I would support short prison terms for stone throwers and the like.

Much is made of the huge costs of imprisionment, and lack of space in prisons. I could run basic prisons very cheaply by eliminating most of the present costs.

A simple concrete cell with a barred window, a WC, a cold water tap, and a bench.
Give the prisoner a blanket and two packets of biscuits, and lock them up for from 24 to 72 hours according to the nature of the offence.
Provide an intercom or alarm button for use in case of emergency. Add 6 hours for each misuse of this.

No education, counselling, training, exercise or other facilities need be provided, it is only for up to 72 hours. No drink needed beyond the cold water tap. No food needed apart from a couple of packs of biscuits. No kitchens, workshops, classrooms, or the like are needed.
They can pray to any god, but no facilities for religous obseervance need be provided.
No visitors, therefore no need for any visiting facilities. No heating or electricity supply needed. (allow two blankets in very cold weather)

After releasing the convict, pressure wash the cell and launder the blanket. Very little else is required.

Title: Re: First Bus may stop serving Hareclive Road after a wave of attacks
Post by: grahame on March 14, 2021, 06:59:31
I wrote "and punished to the full extent of the law" and replaced it by "and brought to justice" in my post at yesterday lunchtime. "Let the punishment fit the crime" reminds me - I'm sorry - of a Victorian comic opera and is an oversimplification. Follow up needs to fit and consider the offender, the deterrence of others, the effect on other involved, the budget, the humanity and to a degree the offence. I am not saying "be soft" - rather "be effective in outcomes".

Title: Re: First Bus may stop serving Hareclive Road after a wave of attacks
Post by: Western Pathfinder on March 14, 2021, 07:29:26
In the case of Hareclive Road.
  Bristol Buses we all love you in your British Racing Green
    When we're waiting at the bus stop Seldom Heard and never Scene.

Title: Re: First Bus may stop serving Hareclive Road after a wave of attacks
Post by: TonyK on March 15, 2021, 15:08:51
It is shocking, but sadly not new, as has been pointed out. First pulled out of Inns Court at one point for very similar reasons. There have been other hotspots in the BS13 area - the spanky new bus shelters installed a few years ago were trashed long before the first bus arrived. Hareclive Road hasn't featured prominently in past times. The remedy should lie with the people who live in the area, not the powers that be, but that is far easier said than done.

Title: Pride bus will start work in Bristol
Post by: infoman on July 08, 2021, 06:33:36
on 8th July,some nice film footage on the local news of the bus going over the pride crossing in Wine street Bristol.

Title: new Bristol council bus boss
Post by: infoman on July 18, 2021, 16:30:00

Title: Re: new Bristol council transport boss
Post by: Red Squirrel on July 18, 2021, 18:18:28
Or, to expand a little:

New Cabinet Member will move transport forward in Bristol

Councillor Don Alexander appointed by Mayor

Bristol has a new Cabinet Member to lead on delivering a better connected, sustainable transport network.

Councillor Don Alexander, Labour Ward Councillor for Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston, will take up the role of Cabinet Member for Transport immediately. 

Cllr Alexander will lead on delivering the Mayor’s vision for the city’s transport network, working closely with partners such as the One City Transport Board, First Bus, Network Rail and many others to do so. Major areas of work will include supporting the development of a regional plan for a mass transit system, overseeing a £1.783m investment in post-COVID-19 walking and cycling upgrades and supporting the decarbonising of the city’s transport systems.

Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol, said: “Don showed during our first term that he’s a councillor who can get things done for the community he represents. I’ve asked him to join the Cabinet to bring with him that enthusiasm and drive forward our plans to deliver better-connected communities where people have transport options that link them to opportunity.

“Transport is one of the biggest challenges the city has faced for generations. As with all big legacy issues such as this you need to be bold and plan for the long term. Whilst we’ve worked to bring partners together to view the challenge at a city level we’ve also been hard at work to ensure those systems work at a local level. We’ve agreed a successful bus deal, saved local transport routes from being removed and delivered greater connectivity by cycling and walking. Don’s role will be vital in ensuring our strategic ambitions don’t outstretch our local delivery.”

Cllr Alexander said: “I’m grateful to the Mayor for this opportunity to play a part in delivering his ambitious goals for the city’s transport systems. We’re fortunate to have so many eager and talented partners at the table to work with on delivering sustainable and inclusive transport options. I look forward to working with them and residents on turning our ideas into reality.

“As an active bus user and a supporter of our public transport services I feel I have a good sense as to the challenges communities face in trying to connect to other parts of the city. Whilst solid foundations have been laid to introduce the infrastructure and models of transport needed to make travel cleaner and more efficient, there remain challenges to ensure our transport network works as best as it can now. This includes making sure that highway maintenance is co-ordinated, that our roads and cycleways are fit for purpose and communities have a voice to help guide local interventions to keep roads safe for all.”
Source: Bristol City Council (

Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees took on this role after Cllr Kye Dodd lost his seat in the recent council elections, but has now passed it on to Cllr Alexander.

Title: Radio Bristol reporting LIVE from Bristol bus station
Post by: infoman on July 19, 2021, 06:43:42
on monday 19 july about the wearing of face masks on public transport and also doing the travel updates for the region.

Title: Re: Radio Bristol reporting LIVE from Bristol bus station
Post by: Marlburian on July 19, 2021, 06:56:42
I guess that most local and and national news organisations will be sending reporters down to bus and railway stations to assess the situation and produce a predictable balance of vox pops about the wearing or otherwise of face-masks.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect will be the size of the increase in numbers returning to work by public transport.

Title: boss of first bus Q and A on Radio Bristol
Post by: infoman on August 03, 2021, 06:35:27
Tuesday 3 August on the John Darvel show from 10:00am

Title: boss of first bus Q and A on Radio Bristol
Post by: infoman on January 17, 2022, 07:39:22
john darvell show on monday morning from 10:00am

Title: Bristol bus's part suspension friday 18 february
Post by: infoman on February 17, 2022, 18:58:57

Title: meeting of WECA and Stagecoach bus's
Post by: infoman on March 24, 2022, 07:24:30
being reported on BBC points west local news on Thursday morning.

Didn't know anything about it,did any one?

Stagecoach blame the disruption due to on going covid issues.

Title: boss of first bus Q and A on Radio Bristol
Post by: infoman on May 09, 2022, 06:53:08
planned for TUESDAY 10th May from 10:00am

Title: Stagecoach suspended all bus services in Bristol area
Post by: infoman on May 10, 2022, 06:05:47
on Monday 9th May,sorry, forgot to post on monday morning.

Title: Re: Stagecoach suspended all bus services in Bristol area
Post by: Marlburian on May 10, 2022, 08:32:01
Well, that's a teaser!  :) Why, I wondered, so Googled: (

Title: Re: Stagecoach suspended all bus services in Bristol area
Post by: Ralph Ayres on May 10, 2022, 14:01:02
...and to spare anyone else having to wait for one of those infernal <Townname>Live websites complete with endless adverts and videos to load, the gist of it is:
"The transport company has issued an apology as more than 40 journeys which were scheduled to happen throughout the day have been abandoned. Stagecoach's website says that the disruption has been partly caused by staff shortages. "

Title: Re: Stagecoach suspended all bus services in Bristol area
Post by: Marlburian on May 10, 2022, 21:34:37
No problem for me. Admittedly it's "my" link but it loads within seconds. I do have Adblock Plus installed.

Title: free bus rides from Yate
Post by: infoman on May 13, 2022, 18:07:43

Title: boss of first bus on radio bristol
Post by: infoman on May 30, 2022, 06:32:37
after 09:00am on Monday morning(30 may 2022)

Title: Bristol heritage bus show
Post by: infoman on July 03, 2022, 19:52:15
to take place on Sunday 31st July at Brislington Park and Ride BS4 5LR

Title: free free bus travel from north somerset tuesday 26 july
Post by: infoman on July 26, 2022, 01:12:12

with the rail strike on wednesday, maybe its an encouragement to use the bus's on the wednesday.

Title: Buses in and around Bristol - merged posts
Post by: infoman on August 03, 2022, 05:49:27
St Augustine’s Church, 2 East Dundry Road, Whitchurch, BS14 0LL
wednesday 3 Aug 2022 at 18:30 to 3 Aug 2022 at 20:30

Brook Way Activity Centre, Brook Way, Bradley Stoke, BS32 9DA
Thursday 4 Aug 2022 at 18:30 to 4 Aug 2022 at 20:30

Title: Re: WECA subsidy bus consultation meetings
Post by: johnneyw on August 03, 2022, 11:39:23
Received a WECA eNewsletter in my emails a while back which included the following regarding a bus consultation:

"Metro Mayor Dan Norris wants local people to be a key part of the important conversation about the future of public transport across the West of England.

He will kick off the discussion by holding a series of “big choices on buses” public meetings in Yate, Southdown, Whitchurch and Bradley Stoke in the first week of August."

After that was the following link leading to a questionnaire:,8BXN,1LV3X9,ZKE0,1

It occurred to me while reading through it that because I've only used buses in Bristol a handful of times since effectively retiring three and a half years ago (I've used the bus services in South Devon more) and despite not driving a car, I really couldn't give meaningful answers to the questions.

Title: Re: WECA subsidy bus consultation meetings
Post by: johnneyw on August 03, 2022, 21:14:55
There's a bit about the WECA/Metro Mayor event at Yate in Bristol Live on this link:

Title: Re: 50 years since the Bristol bus boycott
Post by: grahame on August 03, 2022, 22:05:01

Civil rights campaigner Roy Hackett, described as a "humble freedom fighter", has died at the age of 93.

Mr Hackett was one of the organisers of the Bristol Bus Boycott, a successful campaign to overturn a ban by Bristol Omnibus Company on employing black and Asian drivers and conductors.

He once said: "I lived in many places before I came to Bristol, and I never had racism as tough as back then."

Born in Jamaica, he was appointed an MBE in 2020.

Mr Hackett, who was the co-founder of the Commonwealth Coordinated Committee which set up the St Paul's Carnival in 1968, leaves behind three children.

LaToyah McAllister-Jones, executive director of the St Paul's Carnival, said: "Rest In Power, Mr Roy Hackett.

"You have inspired so many, your service and dedication to your community lives on through us all."

Title: Re: WECA subsidy bus consultation meetings
Post by: infoman on August 04, 2022, 06:42:43
Radio Bristol reporting there were approx 120 visitors to the event in Whitchurch.

Title: Buses in and around Bristol - merged posts
Post by: infoman on August 10, 2022, 08:34:16
Experienced it for the first time a couple of days ago,its okay,but I wish there was another "tap out" point.

Some passengers were having a problem with not being able to tap out (for what ever reason).

A queue then built up with approx six passngers trying to get off as well trying to "tap out"

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: bobm on August 10, 2022, 09:59:21
Not sure if it is the same system as in Swindon, but here if there are issues with tapping out on the usual reader you can also use the one in the driver's cab where you tapped in.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Bmblbzzz on August 10, 2022, 17:16:45
I didn't know Bristol even had tap in, tap out. I see it was introduced on 17 July. As the last time I took a bus was in February, I presume that means July this year – but maybe not!

Shame it doesn't work for three-stop hops. As the WsM and WoE fares differ by distance or zone, it seems the system does know where you're tapping in and out, so is there a reason for excluding the three-stop hop?

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Red Squirrel on August 10, 2022, 17:41:55
Yes, July 2022. I've used it and it worked OK. Slightly oddly, it seems to charge you an initial 10p and then sort out the true fare later.

It does seem odd that it can't work out that you've done a 3-stop hop, though I presume they have their reasons... also it doesn't cater for children or young adults.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Bmblbzzz on August 10, 2022, 18:04:46
I can understand that it can't differentiate between children and adults, as it doesn't know who's holding the card. The bank presumably knows the age of the card's owner but probably won't divulge it to third parties and in any case can't confirm that a card registered to Mr R. Squirrel was not actually being used by Master Kit Squirrel, or vice versa.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Bmblbzzz on August 10, 2022, 18:12:02
It does seem odd that it can't work out that you've done a 3-stop hop, though I presume they have their reasons...
Borrowing an extremely cynical hat from other parts of the forum: people who know the system and know where they're going will ask the driver for a 3-stop hop. Others will be content to suck up the 90p for the convenience of tapping in and out. People making irregular short trips are less likely to hit the £5.30 daily cap, so the effective average price per user is raised.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Red Squirrel on August 10, 2022, 23:02:33
I can understand that it can't differentiate between children and adults, as it doesn't know who's holding the card. The bank presumably knows the age of the card's owner but probably won't divulge it to third parties and in any case can't confirm that a card registered to Mr R. Squirrel was not actually being used by Master Kit Squirrel, or vice versa.

Yes; First would have to set up a system where users registered a card and then declared themself to be a student, child or other concession. Which is sort of what TfL do, isn't it? I can see that First may not want the added complication of this, but I wonder if the benefits of making buses easier for young people to use (and maybe gaining lifelong passengers) might outweigh these costs?

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Bmblbzzz on August 11, 2022, 08:16:51
I thought TfL simply didn't charge children? Maybe it's changed, haven't been to London for a while.

Title: Dan Norris Q and A with Radio Bristol
Post by: infoman on August 15, 2022, 07:34:18
15 August at midday,about planned cuts to bus services.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: TonyK on August 15, 2022, 21:03:14
And after years of saying what a good idea tap-in-tap-out would be for Bristol, it has finally arrived, but I won't be using it. My days of paying for bus travel are behind me, and I now refuse to out before 9.30.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: bobm on August 15, 2022, 23:34:03
Refuse to go out or just not up by 9.30?  ;D

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: infoman on August 16, 2022, 05:00:56
If your in Cornwall,bus pass's are valid from first thing in the morning 24/7

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: TonyK on August 16, 2022, 11:37:10
If your in Cornwall,bus pass's are valid from first thing in the morning 24/7

Sadly, not in Devon yet, and won't be if I visit Bristol. Plus, you still need a bus.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Ralph Ayres on August 17, 2022, 00:13:31
I can understand that it can't differentiate between children and adults, as it doesn't know who's holding the card. The bank presumably knows the age of the card's owner but probably won't divulge it to third parties and in any case can't confirm that a card registered to Mr R. Squirrel was not actually being used by Master Kit Squirrel, or vice versa.

Yes; First would have to set up a system where users registered a card and then declared themself to be a student, child or other concession. Which is sort of what TfL do, isn't it? I can see that First may not want the added complication of this, but I wonder if the benefits of making buses easier for young people to use (and maybe gaining lifelong passengers) might outweigh these costs?

TfL don't do discounts on bank card travel, only on Oyster. For security and data protection the processing that works out what fares to charge for a day or week's travel on a bank card (or phone etc) is kept entirely separate from the bit that is eventually told to bill the passenger's bank account for that travel.  The fare bit deliberately has no way of knowing who the person is and so can't charge for a child or for having a Railcard.  They're working towards possibly doing something to link the two in a secure way but there may well end up being just too many hoops to jump through.  Rather more likely is some form of virtual card on a phone, holding any discount entitlement, that could then be linked to a bank account for billing.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: TonyK on August 17, 2022, 21:06:58

TfL don't do discounts on bank card travel, only on Oyster.

I think they do - try looking at the TfL fare finder ( I chose randomly, picking Euston station to liverpool Street station. An adult single fare is £6.30 cash, but "only" £2.50 by Oyster OR contactless card.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Alan Pettitt on August 17, 2022, 21:26:15
I think the Oyster discounts referred to are things like adding a railcard to your Oyster for the discount.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Ralph Ayres on August 17, 2022, 22:20:23
I think the Oyster discounts referred to are things like adding a railcard to your Oyster for the discount.
Correct. If you select any discount on the TfL Single fare finder it labels the result only as Oyster, whereas a full adult also shows Contactless.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: TonyK on August 18, 2022, 23:10:14
Ah - I get it.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Mark A on August 27, 2022, 15:41:43
Tapping in and out aside, the card reader on the pillar next to the door. Anyone else think its placement is a bit iffy as thats actually intended as a handhold?

To add to this, the rather aggressive edge to the rigid pinky purple plastic notice that wraps round the card reader is a bit of a meat slicer even before the bus driver has to do an emergency stop etc.

If you're fortunate enough to board one of those smaller Optare buses and there's someone sitting in the sideways seat at the front nearest the card reader, do admire the position of their head relative to the well supported plastic blade.

All fittings on the bus with rounded edges, and then someone adds this...


Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: TonyK on August 27, 2022, 17:16:45
First, though, you need a bus. While the Bristol mayor is working out his lame duck period, drawing fantasy underground lines in crayon on local maps, First Bus and another of the local mayors are busy cutting the existing services, according to the Bristol Post (

Anger over plans to axe 18 Bristol bus services amid driver shortage
One Bristol Live reader said: "Oh for the good old days when all these different services did not exist."

Bristol bus services set for the chop (Image: Bristol Post)

People across Bristol face frustration after West of England mayor Dan Norris revealed 18 bus services in the area set to be axed from October.

The long-feared announcement of which buses will be cut is expected officially next week following a major network review over the summer, but the metro mayor has now named the 11 commercial and seven subsidised routes which he says will be scrapped.

The article continues at source, with First saying they can't say anything until they have finished the consultation, but a lack of drivers is apparently to blame. The Post's commitment to "Quality with a Capital K" journalism is evident, with no expense incurred in trawling the internet for comments by agry locals. The article adds:

The commercial services proposed to be cut are: the No 5 Downend to Bristol, No 22 University of Bath to Twerton, No 41 Lawrence Hill to Bristol, No 42 Odd Down park and ride to Bath’s Royal United Hospital, No 72/72A Temple Meads to UWE Frenchay, No 171/172 Paulton to Bath, the X2 Bristol to Yatton, X5 (in part) Bristol to Weston via Portishead, Y3 Yate to Bristol, Y4 Yate to Bristol and the Y5 Chipping Sodbury to Bristol.

The subsidised, or “supported”, buses set for the chop or changes are the No 11 Bathampton to Bath, No 12 Haycombe Cemetery to Bath, No 20 University of Bath to Twerton, No 36 Bristol to Annes which will be extended to Brislington but with the loss of Wick Road, No 82 Paulton to Radstock (Tyning), No 96 Hengrove to Brislington and No 178 Radstock to Bristol. Mr Norris says there will be a new No 47 covering Yate, Bristol and Downend and a new 379 serving Paulton, Bath, Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Bristol.

Marvin might doodle and dream of mass transit, but the reality seems to be transit mess.

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Bmblbzzz on August 27, 2022, 21:12:48
TBF nearly every bus does seem to carry an advert along the lines of "If you'd like a job where you sit down and chat to people, come and be a bus driver." I guess we're all just so antisocial nowadays...  ::)

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: TonyK on August 28, 2022, 09:39:14
TBF nearly every bus does seem to carry an advert along the lines of "If you'd like a job where you sit down and chat to people, come and be a bus driver." I guess we're all just so antisocial nowadays...  ::)

The bus drivers with HGV on their licence who wanted to work with people seem to have been attracted back to driving lorries by the increased pay being offered by hauliers, in particular store chains, and the fact that their cargo doesn't insult or attack them.

It isn't just buses. I recently signed up to a local service, part of a national franchise. The first email I got was the standard "Welcome, our local team will be in touch soon". The second was "We are hiring in your local area".

Title: Re: tap in tap out on Bristol bus's problem
Post by: Bmblbzzz on August 29, 2022, 11:19:59
Yep. I know someone who, having been a kitchen fitter for a firm that went bust during the pandemic, took an HGV course a few months ago and is now doing agency work in the Midlands for one of the big parcel firms, earning far more than he ever did fitting kitchens.

Title: Buses in and around Bristol - merged posts
Post by: infoman on September 05, 2022, 06:43:22
Monday 5th septemmber from 10:00am

Title: Buses in and around Bristol - merged posts
Post by: infoman on November 30, 2022, 06:50:39
Wednesday 30 november from midday.

Title: Re: boss of first bus on radio bristol with a Q and A
Post by: Fourbee on December 01, 2022, 12:24:32
Thread reminded me of something I saw on the local news recently; FirstBus to end all services in Southampton:

Hopefully Bristol's outlook is brighter.

Title: Buses in and around Bristol - merged posts
Post by: infoman on December 22, 2022, 06:03:42
in the City of Winchester,even he knows what a shambles Bristol transport is.

News item on Radio Bristol on Thursday 22 december

Title: Re: former bus boss of first bus Bristol back driving bus's
Post by: LiskeardRich on December 22, 2022, 09:05:42
James Freeman? He’s been driving buses in the Winchester area pretty much since his retirement. Some people just can’t retire it seems and he’s come back to being just a driver

Title: Re: former bus boss of first bus Bristol back driving bus's
Post by: froome on December 22, 2022, 10:09:15
Anyone who has heard James Freeman speak will know that his first, foremost and quite possibly only love is driving buses.

Title: Re: former bus boss of first bus Bristol back driving bus's
Post by: LiskeardRich on December 24, 2022, 16:59:41
He’s always the first one on the driving roster for heritage events too. As you say Froome it’s his passion and hobby as well as his career.

There are many others just like him. Look at many of us in the heritage bus preservation world, we are lucky enough to have day jobs in our hobby and interest. Many of my preservation friends spend their working life driving the modern stuff in service and majority of their spare time working on heritage stuff whether that’s mechanical, cosmetic or driving at rally’s and running days.
Just attend a running day event like Penzance (3rd Sunday April every year) or Isle of Wight may and October events, and look at the huge numbers of volunteers and enthusiasts to realise that buses are a huge hobby in this country.

Title: Buses in and around Bristol - merged posts
Post by: grahame on January 18, 2023, 21:26:39
Report from a meeting in Keynsham today ... all "as I understand it from the reports"

Weca has NOT renewed contracts on supported bus routes. They have voted in favour of converting the majority of supported bus services in the area to a DRT system.  Affected services include 5/47 22 96 172 174 178 179 506 513 514 516 672.  They are now going to do the final planning for the DRT system to start, from nothing in two months time. They have finance for 2 years.

How will it be financed after the 2 years?
How will it be set up so quickly?
Will DRT work for these service - is it practical?

It has been suggested by cynics that the mllions that WECA have received under Bus Back Better cannot be spent on supporting existing servives, so they're scrapping existing sevices and introducting new service which they can then support from that money.

There ARE good cases for replacing / revamping some services, but on this scale it looks like madness to me!

Title: Re: WECA Bus Contracts
Post by: Bmblbzzz on January 18, 2023, 22:19:44
DRT: Directly regulated transport?

Title: Re: WECA Bus Contracts
Post by: grahame on January 18, 2023, 22:30:57
DRT: Directly regulated transport?

Demand Responsive Transport - sorry - should have clarified.   Not a fixed route at a fixed time - you phone (or text or use an app) to arrange for the bus to go your way and pick you up.

Title: Re: WECA Bus Contracts
Post by: grahame on January 19, 2023, 11:42:39
From Citistar on Facebook (

This afternoon, WECA under the leadership of Dan Norris and the leaders of B&NES (Kevin Guy), South Glos (Toby Savage) and Bristol (Marvin Rees) have voted to pass a package of cuts to support for local bus services.

This package of services continuing includes most current funded bus services in the urban areas of Bath and Bristol, but barely anything outside of the two cities. Every supported bus service in Norton Radstock and the Chew Valley should be expected to be withdrawn at the end of March.

This affects the following services in B&NES:
82 (Libra) Paulton - Radstock Tyning
172 (First, evenings only) Bath - Norton Radstock
178 (Citistar/Abus) Paulton - Keynsham - Brislington
179 (CT) Midsomer Norton - Timsbury - Bath
185 (CT) Paulton - Radstock - Trowbridge
640 (CT) Bishop Sutton - Keynsham
668 (CT) Peasedown - Bristol
672 (Eurotaxis) Blagdon - Bristol
683 (CT) Keynsham - Blagdon - Wells
752 (B&NES) Chew Valley - Bath
754 (B&NES) Chew Valley - Clutton - Radstock
768 (CT) MSN - Timsbury - Priston - Bath
These services represent the only remaining bus services to: Bishop Sutton, Blagdon, Camerton, Chew Stoke, Chew Magna, Compton Dando, Compton Martin, Dundry, East Harptree, Englishcombe, Nailwell, Priddy, Priston, Publow, Tunley, Ubley, West Harptree, Woollard
These services also represent the vast majority of journeys to High Littleton, Timsbury, Farmborough, Marksbury and Burnett.

Dan Norris and Kevin Guy have APPROVED these withdrawals whilst RETAINING funding for bus services in Bath where no stop is more than 200 metres from another bus route. Norton Radstock and the Chew Valley are being completely abadoned by politicians of all colours. Not a single Bath city area service running via the city centre will be affected, or even reduced for efficiency.

The only proposed replacement for any of these services is some nonsense scheme of minibuses operated by a company who run those Ambulance liveried minibuses which take people to hospital appointments. WECA's staff seem to think they can magic up this new demand responsive system in two months and that it will cope with the demand of bus services which carry thousands of passenger journeys every day.

After introducing a fare capping system which makes it economically impossible for any company other than First Bus to provide bus services without financial support, Dan Norris now turns around and withdraws that financial support. This isn't forced cuts, it is wanton vandalism. With WECA's staff having told bus companies over the past two years that they had "no intention" of replacing bus services with demand responsive transport and that it was intended to "complement" the bus network, the opposite has been done at the first opportunity.

Bus service providers have been deliberately and repeatedly lied to by WECA's staff to force through their deluded vision of a single transport provider (First) and a demand responsive transport system which has never proven to be financially sustainable anywhere else in the UK. The new DRT system has two years to become financially viable before cash for that runs out too.

Dan Norris, Kevin Guy et al have deliberately put locally based, tax paying employers out of the bus market with these actions.

Title: Re: WECA Bus Contracts
Post by: ChrisB on January 19, 2023, 14:10:28
Wow! That's some passenger numbers being dispossessed - and will probably need the largest DRT operation in the country to cover everyone.

One correction - it won't mean
run those Ambulance liveried minibuses which take people to hospital appointments
DRT buses are much more modern & comfortable - see various blogs on the Bus & Train User website for photos. But my concern definitely stands...

Title: Re: WECA Bus Contracts
Post by: grahame on January 19, 2023, 14:28:28
Bristol Live ( not exactly impressed

The West of England initially sent out a press release after the meeting saying 27 cuts would be axed — before later clarifying that 27 would be saved, and 42 would be axed. A list was then sent out of potential services facing withdrawal, which was "not double-checked for accuracy" and only included 36 services.

According to this list, which may not be entirely accurate, subsidised services facing withdrawal from April include:

506 Bristol city centre to Southmead Hospital
179 Bath to Midsomer Norton
672 Bristol to Blagdon
185 Paulton to Trowbridge
636 Whitchurch to Keynsham
640 Bishop Sutton to Keynsham
668 Peasedown St John to Bristol city centre
683 Keynsham to Wells
757 Combe Hay to Midsomer Norton
172 Bath to Paulton
178 Midsomer Norton to Brislington Park and Ride
752 Hinton Blewett to Bath city centre
754 Hinton Blewett to Radstock
768 Bath bus station to Radstock and Midsomer Norton
52 Hengrove Park to Bristol city centre
516 Knowle to Hengrove Park
622 Chipping Sodbury to Cribbs Causeway
626 Wotton-under-Edge to Bristol city centre
511 Bedminster to Hengrove
512 Totterdown to Bristol city centre
513/514 Knowle to Brislington
17 Southmead Hospital to Kingswood
82 Radstock to Paulton
84/85 Yate to Wotton-under-Edge
623 Hollywood Lane to Cribbs Causeway
634 Tomarton to Kingswood
663 Somerdale to Chandag Road
664 Keynsham to Saltford
665 Somerdale to Longmeadow Road
684 Wick to Keynsham
22 Twerton to Bath Uni
202 Chipping Sodbury to Winterbourne
963 Patchway to Bradley Stoke and Winterbourne
948 Pucklechurch to Mangotsfield and Sir Bernard Lovell School
967 Westerleigh to Chipping Sodbury School and Brimsham Green School
680 North Yate to Chipping Sodbury and SGS College Filton

Title: Re: WECA Bus Contracts
Post by: rogerw on January 19, 2023, 17:34:11
According to Dan Norris on Radio Bristol this morning, some of the cuts are down to the three councils concerned not increasing their bus funding, contrary to previous promises.

Title: Re: WECA Bus Contracts
Post by: Bmblbzzz on January 19, 2023, 18:04:56
DRT: Directly regulated transport?

Demand Responsive Transport - sorry - should have clarified.   Not a fixed route at a fixed time - you phone (or text or use an app) to arrange for the bus to go your way and pick you up.

So it's flexible, can pick you up more or less when you want and presumably from your door, or nearby? That's good. But for each journey, you won't know the route or how long it will take? So totally unusable for commuting, hospital appointments, catching a train, etc.

Title: Re: WECA Bus Contracts
Post by: grahame on January 19, 2023, 19:59:27
According to Dan Norris on Radio Bristol this morning, some of the cuts are down to the three councils concerned not increasing their bus funding, contrary to previous promises.

The wonders of a complex system in which the buck can be passed around and the public doesn't know who the ***'s really responsible for an alteration and ends up feeling short changed and confused.

In the right place and properly organised, DRT can work - especially with modern technology to help.  But I'm utterly not convinced about this setup;  I hope it's just because I'm uninformed on the details and how they'll be addressing the issues that others have started to mention.

Title: community bus in Bristol to be withdrawn
Post by: infoman on January 27, 2023, 06:21:14

Title: Re: community bus in Bristol to be withdrawn
Post by: grahame on January 27, 2023, 08:39:59
A not-for-profit minibus service for those with limited mobility is entering administration after a huge hike in its insurance bill. Accessible Transport 4 U (AT4U), based in Fishponds, has confirmed redundancies and informed passengers that it will cease operating in February.

The award-winning service, which users say provides a lifeline in the South West for those who would otherwise find it difficult to leave the house, will stop on February 1 after 22 years. In a letter explaining the decision, it said its insurance premium had surged by 180 per cent and it could not afford to continue.

comment on the article

Bodes well for WECA minibus idea if a not for profit company can't survive.

OR ... will DRT in the WECA area be picking up all these people being deprived of their community service?

Title: Re: WECA Bus Contracts
Post by: DaveHarries on January 31, 2023, 00:44:51
Before I reply to the quote below I have heard from more than one source that Stagecoach have picked up at least four routes in the WECA retendering. These are, from what I understand:

- Portway Park & Ride
- Brislington Park & Ride
- Service 47 (Bristol - Yate, via. Emersons Green)
- Service 505 (Long Ashton Park & Ride - Southmead Hospital)

Of their existing routes - services 10, 11, 13, 462, 513, 514, 622, 663, 664 & 665 - I know not. Although it is true that some are being withdrawn there were, from what I could see on the list, replacements in the offing for some of those routes: see below.

According to this list, which may not be entirely accurate, subsidised services facing withdrawal from April include:

506 Bristol city centre to Southmead Hospital
179 Bath to Midsomer Norton
672 Bristol to Blagdon
185 Paulton to Trowbridge
636 Whitchurch to Keynsham
640 Bishop Sutton to Keynsham
668 Peasedown St John to Bristol city centre
683 Keynsham to Wells
757 Combe Hay to Midsomer Norton
172 Bath to Paulton
178 Midsomer Norton to Brislington Park and Ride
752 Hinton Blewett to Bath city centre
754 Hinton Blewett to Radstock
768 Bath bus station to Radstock and Midsomer Norton
52 Hengrove Park to Bristol city centre
516 Knowle to Hengrove Park
622 Chipping Sodbury to Cribbs Causeway
626 Wotton-under-Edge to Bristol city centre
511 Bedminster to Hengrove
512 Totterdown to Bristol city centre
513/514 Knowle to Brislington
17 Southmead Hospital to Kingswood
82 Radstock to Paulton
84/85 Yate to Wotton-under-Edge
623 Hollywood Lane to Cribbs Causeway
634 Tomarton to Kingswood
663 Somerdale to Chandag Road
664 Keynsham to Saltford
665 Somerdale to Longmeadow Road
684 Wick to Keynsham
22 Twerton to Bath Uni
202 Chipping Sodbury to Winterbourne
963 Patchway to Bradley Stoke and Winterbourne
948 Pucklechurch to Mangotsfield and Sir Bernard Lovell School
967 Westerleigh to Chipping Sodbury School and Brimsham Green School
680 North Yate to Chipping Sodbury and SGS College Filton

Although this list is not good there were, from what I could tell, replacements in the pipeline for some of the routes in that list albeit under different route numbers. The list on the WECA minutes included the following routes:

517 (Chew Magna - Wells) (part replacement of 672?)
518 (Midsomer Norton - Radstock) - could be replacement for the 82 if it served Paulton.
519 (K'ham) (Chocolate Quarter - High St - Charlton Rd - Queens Rd - High St - Wellsway - Minsmere Rd - High St - Chocolate Quarter) (replacing 663-665?)
520 (Southmead - Longwell Green) (not sure about this one)
521 (Hengrove Park - Brislington) (probably combining 513, 514 & 516 into one route?)
522 (Brislington Park & Ride - Paulton - Odd Down Park & Ride) (replacing 178?)
523 (Brislington Circular) (probably part replacing 513 & 514?)
524 (Long Ashton Park & Ride - Hengrove Park, via. SBL) (new route)
525 (Emersons Green - Yate) (replacement of Service 86?)
526 (Chew Valley Link) (part replacement of 672?)
527 (Chew Magna - Bristol, Anchor Road) (part replacement of 672?)

I don't know if these are the planned DRT routes or whether they will materialise or who will run them though: the registrations will appear soon enough though and tell us who has won what and the final date for registratons to be with the TC to ensure a prompt start date was 20th January but I have not seen any registrations yet.


Title: Bristol buses - merged posts
Post by: infoman on March 13, 2023, 18:15:14

Title: Re: bus protest BAWA club Southmead Bristol
Post by: njt on March 15, 2023, 07:25:11
How does franchising buses tackle the issues of unreliability caused by congestion, streetworks etc, the shortage of drivers and the ability of any ability of local authorities to support services from already stretched budgets?

Title: Re: bus protest BAWA club Southmead Bristol
Post by: grahame on March 15, 2023, 10:37:28
How does franchising buses tackle the issues of unreliability caused by congestion, streetworks etc, the shortage of drivers and the ability of any ability of local authorities to support services from already stretched budgets?

On the assumption that you want a bus service that's reliable, and takes people where they [want/need] to go when the [want/need] to go, these issues you list are amongst those that much be tacked by any system. That whether you have buses run in-house by a governmental authority, run under franchises operated by a local authority, running commercially under a regulated system, or as a free-for-all where anyone can just buy a bus and carry passengers.

Title: Re: bus protest BAWA club Southmead Bristol
Post by: infoman on March 18, 2023, 07:46:15
No coverage on ITV west or BBC local television news channels.

Title: Bristol buses - merged posts
Post by: infoman on May 23, 2023, 06:36:51
tuesday 23 may at 10:00am

Title: Re: boss of first bus on radio bristol
Post by: JayMac on May 24, 2023, 17:10:17
Talking about what?

Not much info, man.  ::)

Title: Bristol buses - merged posts
Post by: JayMac on May 24, 2023, 17:17:01
The West of England Combined Authority have announced that bus users can apply for a pass valid for free bus travel in the WECA area during the month of their birthday. The scheme starts on 1st July 2023.

WECA covers Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset and South Gloucestershire. Anyone living in those areas can apply for the pass for the month of their birthday, by providing proof of address and date of birth. A 'Birthday Bus' website is due to go live soon.

Title: Re: Free birthday month bus travel in the WECA area from July 2023.
Post by: Bmblbzzz on May 24, 2023, 19:38:10
What a fun idea to promote bus travel. Although I suppose the cakes in the photo do not actually come with the pass.

Title: Q and A with boss of Bristol bus's
Post by: infoman on December 28, 2023, 19:17:04
1. Why do buses frequently just disappear from the display at bus stops? @Janneruk4

“This is something often referred to as ghost buses, where they appear on the app or on display screens and then suddenly disappear. There are a number of reasons this may happen; buses may suffer a fault which means they suddenly need to be taken out of service or a driver may have reported sick at short notice.

“Whatever the reason, we know how annoying this can be and we are taking steps to reduce the times that this occurs; we have hired additional staff to update the screens live and we are looking at how we can improve our technology to get information to customers as quickly as possible. But in some cases, having to take buses out of service can be very sudden and unexpected.”

2. Why is St Anne’s so poorly served by First? @PourMeAGin

“It’s sad to hear that some people think there is a poor service in this area. St Anne’s has its own dedicated service, the number 36, which offers a journey in and out of the city centre every half hour, and hourly on Sundays.”

3. How did one of your buses recently get stolen and driven all the way to Wiltshire? @char1iewatts

“That incident is currently being investigated by the police and, while I’m not trying to dodge the question, we’re restricted in what we can say while that investigation is ongoing.”

4. You’ve cut some services on the outskirts of Bristol that have meant older people have lost some independence. Do you understand what it means to them? @JaneConway18

“I completely understand how important transport routes are for those who rely on them. But, at the same time, we have to juggle the funding available to us with providing services where they are needed and will be used.

“It’s simply impossible for us to provide a bus in every neighbourhood across our area and, with limited funding coupled with lower passenger numbers post the pandemic, making decisions on routes is becoming harder.

“That said, our recent changes in the West of England, which included increasing a number of services and extending the 73 service in the north of the city after discussions with the local community, shows that we are listening and doing all we can to save routes, even if that means slightly adjusting services.

“But I have to stress that in order for these new and existing routes to work, the public has to use them to save them.”

5. Why do bus drivers think they own the road? @f19_dan

“The question sounds like it’s from someone who has had a bad experience with one of our drivers, and I apologise if that’s the case. Thankfully, complaints about our drivers are in the minority. Our drivers go on extensive training before taking to the roads in buses, and we have good processes in place to monitor how they’re doing. That said, it is important to recognise that buses are on our roads to help those who don’t have access to other modes of transport, to encourage people out of their cars, especially in cities where congestion can be a problem, and to help our natural environment by reducing our carbon footprint. It’s therefore important that motorists recognise this and, where they can, give way to bus drivers to allow them to carry out this important service.”

6. How much are you paid? @florenz0

“With the fear of sounding like a stereotypical politician, while I won’t go into the detail of my pay, let’s just say that pay for my role as a managing director, which is in charge of a £200m business, is benchmarked against other similar roles.”

7. Why is the Airport Flyer ticket so expensive? @smythonian1

“The Airport Flyer is one that is provided for and managed by the airport and we provide the bus and driver to deliver the service, so any decision on ticket prices is down to the airport.”

8. How do you get to work and what sort of car do you drive? @ranger1uk

“Like many others in this post-Covid world, some of my work can be done from home. However, because of the nature of our work and the fact I live just north of Bristol, I take the bus or train as much as I can. Like many of my colleagues, who also use our buses, this is why making changes to services or seeing buses running late or not showing up can also have a real personal effect, so we’re very often walking in our customers’ shoes.”

9. What is your favourite bus route and why? Anna Vines via email

“It has to be the 376 service, which is a great trip out to Wells, Glastonbury and Street, where there is lots to do and very scenic – in fact, it was named one of the country’s most picturesque bus routes. I’d recommend it for anyone who wants to escape the city for a bit. And also, don’t forget to take advantage of the £2 fare – the 376 is our longest route at about 30 miles, so you’d be getting the best value out of your £2, which works out at about 7p per mile.”

10. What are your thoughts on bus franchising for the South West? @Aden_Harris_

“Like my colleagues, I’m passionate about getting more people to use buses. First Bus has years of experience of running buses, so we have a deep understanding of what customers want, where routes are best placed to attract the most people and how we can get even more people to use public transport. Whichever way the authorities decide to go in the South West, we’ll use our decades of experience delivering high quality bus services to support them. In the meantime, I’ll continue working closely with local authorities and communities and remain flexible so we can meet the changing needs of our local areas.”


Title: Re: Q and A with boss of Bristol bus's
Post by: TonyK on December 29, 2023, 11:57:51
St Anne’s has its own dedicated service, the number 36, which offers a journey in and out of the city centre every half hour, and hourly on Sundays.

I made the mistake once of using the number 36 to get to a hospital appointment in Hengrove, for which I was advised against using the car. I arrived 45 minutes late. They were very understanding - "Happens all the time". Going home, I took a bus to the centre then one back to Brislington, which was much quicker. Half-hourly isn't what I would think appropriate for a bus service within a city, and the question isn't answered. Unless the answer is "You get what you're given, so shut up."

Title: Re: Q and A with boss of Bristol bus's
Post by: TaplowGreen on December 29, 2023, 16:03:58
I like his reticence on point 6 re: his salary - ironically the salaries of politicians, stereotypical or otherwise, are a matter of public record!

Title: Re: Q and A with boss of Bristol bus's
Post by: LiskeardRich on December 29, 2023, 17:12:37
5. Sounds like it’s come from a car driver who lacks patience. As a bus driver elsewhere a percentage of car drivers seem to have the mentality they must be in front of the bus at any cost. The amount of times I see cars recklessly overtake or obstruct passage along a bus lane by straddling the line is unbelievable
Highway Code 223 stipulates you should give way to buses, coaches and trams, another item many car drivers fail to do.

Title: Re: Q and A with boss of Bristol bus's
Post by: TonyK on December 29, 2023, 20:11:04
A question I would have liked to have asked is what is the company's strategy for electric buses, given the recent planning application for Hengrove depot. Is that it, are buses on order, will other depots convert, plus when will the first First electric (proper, not the UWE trial) run.

Title: Re: Q and A with boss of Bristol bus's
Post by: Red Squirrel on December 30, 2023, 09:07:54
Good question. I’ve ridden a few electric buses and from the passenger viewpoint they’re much better than diesel - much quieter, and without the vibration. I was disappointed when Bristol plumped for gas-powered buses a few years ago.

Title: Re: Q and A with boss of Bristol bus's
Post by: TonyK on January 01, 2024, 14:29:34
Good question. I’ve ridden a few electric buses and from the passenger viewpoint they’re much better than diesel - much quieter, and without the vibration. I was disappointed when Bristol plumped for gas-powered buses a few years ago.

To be honest, I think that may have been a lucky delay. Bus, battery, and charging technology all seem to have taken a leap forward in the past few years, and electric buses are not the niche product they were when First introduced their early virtue-signalling vehicles in 2016. Those were basically plug-in hybrids,, and had a half-hour charge stop at UWE after each gruelling 15-mile round trip. Newer electric buses are pure electric with a 200-mile range, making it a good thing that they waited. I would imagine that the financial side of buying 130 new buses to replace 130 perfectly serviceable buses takes a bit of doing too, probably involving talking to DfT and lots of councils to try to get some cash and willing customers for cascaded kit.

The worst thing about the gas buses is the constant banging on about them being the "poo buses" running on gas from the sewage plant, as though the gas produced by said plant was being fed directly into the buses rather than pumped into the gas grid. It is good that the waste product of our collective waste product is being used, but it still would be if First didn't renew the contract when it expires. It's like those 100% renewable electricity contracts - an accounting trick, enabling power that would be used anyway to be sold at a premium in some cases. The other bad thing about the gas bus is that it still emits the dreaded CO2, although not so much of the other rubbish pumped out by diesel engines. At least they weren't gullible enough to buy hydrogen buses.

Title: Re: Free birthday month bus travel in the WECA area from July 2023.
Post by: johnneyw on January 28, 2024, 21:39:43
A scrutiny report for WECA concludes that the scheme has benefited the better off more than less well off.
Other aspects of the Metro Mayor's bus initiatives are also questioned. 

I suppose there's always some element of trial and error with new initiatives and it remains to be seen what's going to be changed and what's to be abandoned.

The Beeb's report on it below:

Title: Bristol buses - merged posts
Post by: infoman on February 03, 2024, 05:24:08

[Edit: - Subject changed to clarify the topic - Red Squirrel]

Title: Re: WECA Citizens’ Panel on bus services
Post by: Red Squirrel on February 03, 2024, 11:32:01
To, erhem, expand on this a little:

Big Choices: Citizens’ Panel on bus services

A Citizens’ Panel of 40 local residents is being set up to help the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority make tough decisions about how to fund buses in the current economic climate.

To understand more about what the panel will be doing and why it is so crucial, some of the key information is outlined below.

So, why a Citizens’ Panel?

We face big choices. Difficult choices. With a limited pot of money being constantly stretched, which bus services do we fund? What criteria should be used to choose? This is where the Citizens’ Panel comes in. A cross section of local residents are being asked to help create a formula which will guide how decisions are made in the future.

The panel is not looking at any specific services.

Who pays for bus services in the West of England?

Most bus services in the West of England are run ‘commercially’ by bus operators. This means they must make a profit to run and do not receive any public funding. A smaller number of services which are not commercially viable need a subsidy to run.

These loss-making services are known as “Supported Services”.

How exactly are supported services funded?

Funding for supported services in the West of England mainly comes from your council tax. Each of the local councils (Bristol, Bath, South Gloucestershire) agree how much they will pay into something called the “Transport Levy”. This levy is passed to the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority - which can’t collect taxes direct - and is used to fund supported services.

However, there is simply not enough money to subsidise all of the bus services people want. This has become even more of a problem recently due to rapid inflation.

Fuel costs, driver wages, maintenance, parts and materials have all gone up in price dramatically – meaning it is much more expensive to run bus services. In one case last year, the cost had risen by almost 60%.

There just isn’t enough money to go around in the West of England. The reality is that demand for bus services will always outstrip the funding available.

How is the Citizens’ Panel being selected?

12,000 households across the West of England were sent an invitation earlier this year. 40 people have been independently selected based on demographic data to ensure the panel contains a representative cross-section of residents.

When will it take place, and how will the process work?

The Citizens’ Panel will meet in two sessions in February. The panel is being asked to create a formula or set of recommendations about what criteria should be considered when deciding which bus services to fund. This is not related to any specific service.

They will talk about issues generally, discuss them with one another, and then make recommendations about how we should evaluate bus services.

A number of speakers including experts on buses, local organisations, community groups and businesses will talk so that the panel understand the issues fully. They will explain how the bus industry works, and how bus services can be vital for education, employment, leisure and tourism as well as individuals. There will be discussion, questions and tasks to make sure many points of view are considered.
Source: West of England COmbineed Aithority (

Title: Travel for free on the m2 metrobus - Bristol - 4,5,6 April 2024
Post by: infoman on March 29, 2024, 06:18:30

Edit - changed Subject for clarity (Red Squirrel)

Title: Re: Travel for free on the m2 metrobus - Bristol - 4,5,6 April 2024
Post by: Red Squirrel on March 29, 2024, 12:02:06
If you can take advantage of this, do. if nothing else, you'll see at first hand what happens when local transport decisions are shaped by the need to bid for prescribed government funding.

Travel for free on the m2 metrobus

Want free parking & travel to Bristol City Centre? Travel for free on the m2 metrobus service from Long Ashton Park & Ride on Thursday 4th, Friday 5th and Saturday 6th April.

No tickets or voucher codes required – simply hop on and off the m2 metrobus as much as you like on these dates!

The m2 runs up to every 15 minutes from Long Ashton Park & Ride to the City Centre via Ashton Vale, Ashton Gate, Cumberland Basin, Spike Island, Redcliff Hill, Temple Meads, Cabot Circus and Broadmead.

So, whether you’re visiting Brunel’s SS Great Britain, grabbing lunch at Wapping Wharf, or having a drink at the harbourside, get there for free with m2 metrobus.

Special Offers & Attractions
Not sure how to make the most of you free travel? Don't worry, we've got you covered with all the best places to visit & some special offers during the free travel days:

Brunel's SS Great Britain
Address: Great Western Dockyard, Gas Ferry Rd, Bristol BS1 6TY
Closest m2 bus stop: SS Great Britain
Special Offer: SS Great Britain Shop - 15% discount on in-store purchases over £30. The shop is open to everyone and has a selection of unique and artisan gifts, crafts and local products including a specialist bookstore.
Special Offer 2: Half-price lunch for children during the Easter holidays at Harbour Kitchen. Purchase the popular ‘Docker’s Lunch’ for just £3 between 29th March and 14th April (usually £6). Choose from a range of lunch items including children’s sandwiches. Harbourside Kitchen is open to everyone, located beside the SS Great Britain and with great harbour views.
Coffee Club
Address: Hanover Pl, Bristol BS1 6UH
Closest m2 bus stop: SS Great Britain
Offer: Get FREE babyccino or kids hot chocolate with any coffee purchase when you travel on our metrobus m2 service during our m2 free travel days (Thu 4th - Sat 6th April). Make sure to quote 'the wheels on the bus go round and round’ to claim!
Wapping Wharf

Closest m2 bus stop: Wapping Wharf

Closest m2 bus stop: Wapping Wharf
Temple Meads Station

Closest m2 bus stop: Temple Meads Station (T3)
Cabot Circus

Closest m2 bus stop: Cabot Circus
Ahh Toots Bakery

Closest m2 bus stop: The Centre

Source (with more details, and map): First Bus (

Title: Free bus travel in North Somerset
Post by: rogerw on July 23, 2024, 17:52:50 (

Title: Somerset bus partnership event
Post by: infoman on August 02, 2024, 02:20:48
to promote and advise on bus's in the Somerset area.

Takes place in Wells on Saturday August 3rd 2024,can't find a location(outside town hall?) or meeting time.

But will make the journey on the 376 and enjoy the views from the top deck 

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