Title: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 10, 2013, 22:16:30 Usual rules - one guess per person in first 24 hours. Sorry, no prize, I'm just a hard up Bristol Train Driver.
1. Perth - RobT (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/001_zps29e6ad22.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/001_zps29e6ad22.jpg.html) 2. Alnmouth - ReadyToStart (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/002_zps6a6dee64.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/002_zps6a6dee64.jpg.html) 3. Eastbourne - BrookLea (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/003_zps3291b6d0.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/003_zps3291b6d0.jpg.html) 4. Oxenholme - Worcester_Passenger (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/reload/004_zpsbb1752eb.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/reload/004_zpsbb1752eb.jpg.html) 5. Vox Brighton - Bignosemac (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/005_zps66cdce8d.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/005_zps66cdce8d.jpg.html) 6. Brighton - Paul7755 (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/006_zps638a9ac7.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/006_zps638a9ac7.jpg.html) 7. Eastleigh - Paul7755 (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/007_zpsfe04d3d7.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/007_zpsfe04d3d7.jpg.html) 8. Portsmouth & Southsea - Paul7755 (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/008_zpsd5124cf5.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/008_zpsd5124cf5.jpg.html) 9. Haywards Heath - Brooklea (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/009_zpsfb80f53a.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/009_zpsfb80f53a.jpg.html) 10. Dunbar -ReadyToStart (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/010_zps8d3b033e.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/010_zps8d3b033e.jpg.html) 11. Redhill - BobM (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/011_zps040116fe.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/011_zps040116fe.jpg.html) 12. Wick - BrookLea (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/012_zps789e5b25.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/012_zps789e5b25.jpg.html) 13. Bexhill - Brooklea (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/013_zpsaac8169c.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/013_zpsaac8169c.jpg.html) 14. Forres - ReadyToStart (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/014_zpsa3a8f04f.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/014_zpsa3a8f04f.jpg.html) 15. Newcastle - ReadyToStart (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/015_zpsf083fbf6.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/015_zpsf083fbf6.jpg.html) 16. Portsmouth & Southsea - Network SouthEast (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/reload/016_zps81957feb.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/reload/016_zps81957feb.jpg.html) 17. Waverley - ReadyToStart (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/reload/017_zps31b44070.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/reload/017_zps31b44070.jpg.html) 18. Derby - BrookLea (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/018_zps56959115.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/018_zps56959115.jpg.html) 19. York - ReadyToStart (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/019_zpsd9578ad8.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/019_zpsd9578ad8.jpg.html) 20. Carlisle - WorcesterPassenger (well done even though the picture was blurred)(http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/020_zps73057e40.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/020_zps73057e40.jpg.html) 21. Barnham - Paul7755 (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/021_zpsc2a69d26.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/021_zpsc2a69d26.jpg.html) 22. NewCraigHall - ReadyToStart (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/022_zpscbcc1aa9.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/022_zpscbcc1aa9.jpg.html) 23. (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/023_zpsfd1069d4.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/023_zpsfd1069d4.jpg.html) 24. Chichester - Worcester_Passenger (there was no need for the ? you were right) (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/024_zps954d649f.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/024_zps954d649f.jpg.html) 25. Lancaster - BrookLea (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/025_zps12bfc8ec.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/025_zps12bfc8ec.jpg.html) 26. Slateford - Brooklea (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/026_zps352344e7.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/026_zps352344e7.jpg.html) 27. Laird - Autotank (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/027_zpsf066bea9.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/027_zpsf066bea9.jpg.html) 28. Hastings Ship - Big Nose Mac (google is your friend) (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/028_zps4cdb3b2e.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/028_zps4cdb3b2e.jpg.html) 29. Betwys'y' Coed - BrookLea (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/029_zpsa54838ea.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/029_zpsa54838ea.jpg.html) 30. Southampton Central - Tiffy (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/030_zps7cca2ba0.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/030_zps7cca2ba0.jpg.html) 31. Dublin Connolly - RogerPatenall (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/reload/031_zps8fb8db86.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/reload/031_zps8fb8db86.jpg.html) 32. Preston - Worcester_Passenger (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/032_zps56910270.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/032_zps56910270.jpg.html) 33. Fratton - BobG (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/033_zps6c9e5c90.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/033_zps6c9e5c90.jpg.html) 34. Brighton - Paul7755 (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/034_zps43e24728.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/034_zps43e24728.jpg.html) 35. Warrington Bank Quay - EllenDune (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/035_zps5a5d2d5d.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/035_zps5a5d2d5d.jpg.html) 36. Camarthan - Hafren (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/36_zps689e5ada.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/36_zps689e5ada.jpg.html) 37. Betwys-y-coed - RedSquirell (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/037_zps67589c2f.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/037_zps67589c2f.jpg.html) 38. Waverley - Paul7755 (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/038_zps4cd7502d.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/038_zps4cd7502d.jpg.html) 39. Gatwick - Bignosemac (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/039_zpsa7dfcfc6.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/039_zpsa7dfcfc6.jpg.html) 40. Hastings Booking Hall - Southern Stag (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/040_zps47aec123.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/040_zps47aec123.jpg.html) 41. Minehead - RedSquirrel (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/41_zpsb4aa5cd5.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/41_zpsb4aa5cd5.jpg.html) 42. (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/042_zps71cb04d9.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/042_zps71cb04d9.jpg.html) 43. Paisley Gilmour Street - BrookLea (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/043_zps5ecbe7fa.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/043_zps5ecbe7fa.jpg.html) 44. Port Talbot - Hafren (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/044_zps8487cfe0.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/044_zps8487cfe0.jpg.html) 45. Bridgend - BrookLea (http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r700/coffeeshop_quiz/Bumper%20quiz/045_zpsedcf8bb3.jpg) (http://s1362.photobucket.com/user/coffeeshop_quiz/media/Bumper%20quiz/045_zpsedcf8bb3.jpg.html) Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: JayMac on June 10, 2013, 22:43:47 5. Volk's Electric Railway, Brighton.
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: ellendune on June 10, 2013, 22:57:45 35. Warrington Bank Quay
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: bobm on June 10, 2013, 23:00:47 11. Redhill
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: paul7575 on June 10, 2013, 23:08:48 6. Brighton
Paul Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Red Squirrel on June 10, 2013, 23:15:51 41. Minehead, WSR.
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Network SouthEast on June 11, 2013, 05:52:16 One guess per person... this is the first time I know more than one!
16 - Portsmouth & Southsea Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: rogerpatenall on June 11, 2013, 07:34:09 30 - Portsmouth Harbour
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: brooklea on June 11, 2013, 09:12:25 43. Paisley Gilmour Street
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Tiffy on June 11, 2013, 11:21:12 30 Southampton Central ?
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Phil Farmer on June 11, 2013, 12:05:57 Warrington Bank Quay
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: paul7575 on June 11, 2013, 15:09:42 Warrington Bank Quay I think you need to be a bit more specific with the picture number? ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Phil Farmer on June 11, 2013, 17:16:01 Sorry - Warrington Bank Quay - 35
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: bobg on June 11, 2013, 19:10:30 33 - Fratton?
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: ellendune on June 11, 2013, 19:19:35 Sorry - Warrington Bank Quay - 35 See my earlier responseTitle: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Hafren on June 11, 2013, 20:18:02 36 Carmarthen
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: The Tall Controller on June 11, 2013, 21:16:14 1. Is Perth!
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: paul7575 on June 11, 2013, 22:32:43 7. Eastleigh
21. Barnham... As it's 24 hours gone now! Paul Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Red Squirrel on June 11, 2013, 22:37:43 45 mins early for the 24 hours but I need an early night:
37 Betws y Coed Never been there. Google is my friend. Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: rogerpatenall on June 12, 2013, 08:19:02 31 - Dublin Connolly
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: brooklea on June 12, 2013, 08:36:57 25. Lancaster
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Worcester_Passenger on June 12, 2013, 09:27:54 20 - Carlisle
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 12, 2013, 10:58:50 Apologies for the delay in confirming the answers.....I went away for a couple of days and forgot the printout of which picture was which. My memory is not what it once was.....
I will update this evening. Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: paul7575 on June 12, 2013, 11:00:38 38. Edinburgh Waverley
Paul Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: readytostart on June 13, 2013, 17:56:49 Wow, a picture quiz where I know more than one answer, there's a couple already guessed that I knew but hopefully I'll fill a few gaps with these!
2: Alnmouth (for Alnwick) 10: Dunbar 14. Forres (you didn't do a great job of obscuring the station sign!) 15: Newcastle 17: Edinburgh Waverley (sub line platforms 8&9) 19: York 22: Newcraighall 30: Southampton Central 33: Salisbury (bit of a guess) 35: Burton on Trent. With the exception of Burton and Forres all of the above have at one time been on my route card. Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: paul7575 on June 13, 2013, 18:18:51 8. Portsmouth and Southsea (under P1 and 2).
34. Brighton Paul Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: thetrout on June 13, 2013, 19:52:59 2. Runcorn Main? (Guess that one; long time since I've been there, I normally go to Widnes instead now ;) )
18. Sheffield? Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Hafren on June 13, 2013, 20:46:11 44 looks like Port Talbot
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: JayMac on June 13, 2013, 20:56:46 39. Gatwick Airport?
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: autotank on June 13, 2013, 23:52:49 No. 27 Lairg on the Far North Line
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Worcester_Passenger on June 14, 2013, 03:31:52 4 Oxenholme
6 Brighton 24 Chichester (?) 29 Sheffield 32 Preston 40 Southampton Central (?) Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 14, 2013, 22:39:53 Hi
Apologies for the lateness in the update - by the time I got reunited with the answers, the coffeeshop was down. Then for some other technical glitch, I couldnt log in and it has just been resolved today when the technical expert returned home. I attributed the answers to the first person to mention them where multiple people have done so. There are still 11 to get........ Technical issues permitting we'll be more speedy replying in future. Flyingscotsman Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: JayMac on June 14, 2013, 22:45:40 28. Hastings
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: thetrout on June 14, 2013, 23:00:50 9.
Llandudno Junction? Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 14, 2013, 23:06:31 28. Hastings You are quite correct (again!) Its amazing what you can find outside stations Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 14, 2013, 23:06:51 Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: JayMac on June 14, 2013, 23:22:48 Confession. I Googled, 'Boat RX53 station' ;) Oh, and you've tagged picture 9 with my answer to 28. Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: brooklea on June 15, 2013, 09:37:05 12. Wick
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: brooklea on June 15, 2013, 09:55:52 and 3. Eastbourne
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: brooklea on June 15, 2013, 10:33:06 18. Derby
29. Betws-y-Coed 45. Bridgend Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 15, 2013, 11:02:40 All updates have been done. Sorry for the mix up with picture 9. which is still not been taken. I must stop asking my technical expert to stop doing my work when she has had to many sherbets.
28. Was indeed Hastings Ship. Well done to Big Nose Mac...for using "GOOGLE" We only have five more to get and then the quiz will be finished. Flyingscotsman Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Mookiemoo on June 15, 2013, 11:13:52 All updates have been done. Sorry for the mix up with picture 9. which is still not been taken. I must stop asking my technical expert to stop doing my work when she has had to many sherbets. 28. Was indeed Hastings Ship. Well done to Big Nose Mac...for using "GOOGLE" We only have five more to get and then the quiz will be finished. Flyingscotsman Even when he's had no Sherberts the Flyingscotsman makes a deliberate error....... Touche ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Worcester_Passenger on June 15, 2013, 15:17:37 13 Rhyl
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 16, 2013, 12:27:37 13 Rhyl Sorry Worcester_Passenger.......not Rhyl.........slight clue, not even that part of the country, please reassess and try again. Flyingscotsman Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: brooklea on June 17, 2013, 15:58:14 Two more;
9. Haywards Heath and 26. Slateford Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 17, 2013, 17:11:51 Well done to BrookLea
9. Is Haywards Heath.......... Victoria to Brighton main line 26. Is Slateford...................Edinburgh to Carstairs main line Well that now 3 left........ :o Flyingscotsman Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Southern Stag on June 17, 2013, 20:57:42 40.Hastings
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 17, 2013, 21:47:32 :o The Southern Stag is right on the ball
40. is Hastings Booking Office, Well done Flyingscotsman ::) Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Steve Bray on June 17, 2013, 21:52:52 Is 13, Horley?
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 17, 2013, 22:09:52 Sorry, picture 13 is not Horley :-*
But we only have 2 pictures left to get, 13 and 42 now does anybody else want a guess before I go to bed? Flyingscotsman Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: JayMac on June 17, 2013, 22:26:58 I'm fairly confident that 13 is a Southern station and possibly one on the West Coastway Line.
Am I warm on either of those fronts? Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 17, 2013, 22:33:13 Please feel free to have a stab at your answers...either you will be congratulated or a big No No....big nose mac.....lol
All I can say is they are on the rail network and not on any private railway system, nor are they on the DLR system....lol Flyingscotsman ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Southern Stag on June 17, 2013, 22:38:50 I'm fairly confident that 13 is a Southern station and possibly one on the West Coastway Line. Those wide platforms do look very familiar from that area. Perhaps Chichester? Am I warm on either of those fronts? Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: JayMac on June 17, 2013, 22:40:26 13. I'll take a stab at Worthing.
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 18, 2013, 11:03:26 Sorry picture 13 is not Worthing :D
Flyingscotsman Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: thetrout on June 18, 2013, 19:22:47 13) I'm going to take a hunch at Gillingham (Kent) :)
I'm fairly confident that 13 is on the Southeastern Network ;) Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 18, 2013, 20:19:28 Again sorry, 13 is not Gillingham. ???
Flyingscotsman ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 18, 2013, 22:52:40 I'm fairly confident that 13 is a Southern station and possibly one on the West Coastway Line. Those wide platforms do look very familiar from that area. Perhaps Chichester? Am I warm on either of those fronts? Sorry Southern Stag picture 13 is not Chichister ::) Flyingscotsman ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 19, 2013, 05:36:32 To aid all you of you who are stumped at picture 13.
To narrow it down, this is in fact a Southern station and was part of the old Network Southeast sector many years ago. But we also still have picture 23 & 42 and everybody seems to be forgetting about it. ??? ::) :-* Flyingscotsman ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: brooklea on June 19, 2013, 09:51:40 13 is Bexhill
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 19, 2013, 11:04:10 Well Done To BrookLea
Picture 13. is Bexhill Now can anybody get picture 42 and get this quiz finished before the weekend................. The Quizzes I Have Posted, I Have Always Been The Winner And I Have Had To Give The Answers.......... Picture 42 Is Very Easy If You Know Where It Is... :D :-* ::) But You Have All Forgotten About Picture 23...................................LOL LOL LOL Flyingscotsman ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 19, 2013, 22:00:01 Just updated the pictures with their relevant location. Sadly I had to wait for the technical expert to return to remember how to do this.
Just two left to get - 23 and 42. No clues this evening. Enjoy. Flyingscotsman ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: thetrout on June 20, 2013, 13:16:47 I'm not even sure what Picture 23 even is... Some kind of stone artwork?
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 20, 2013, 18:54:20 Picture 23.
Is some kind of sculpture on the railway network, and going by some of my questions, it could be north south east or west. You can be sure it just seems to be hanging around at a station........................and yes that was some kind of clue..where else would you buy a ticket...lol Picture 42. Is in fact a bay end platform....................and yes, that was another clue Flyingscotsman ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Red Squirrel on June 20, 2013, 19:18:30 23. St Pancreas
Edit: Belay that; St Spleen Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 20, 2013, 19:50:36 Picture 23.
Sorry not even close.......................... ::) Flyingscotsman ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Red Squirrel on June 20, 2013, 20:02:14 St Gall Bladder?
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: grahame on June 20, 2013, 20:58:32 Picture 23. ... it could be north south east or west. You can be sure it just seems to be hanging around at a station......... There's a North, East, South and West Acton (going to Town here!), and there's Hanger Lane too. Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: JayMac on June 20, 2013, 21:00:29 There's a North, East, South and West Acton (going to Town here!), and there's Hanger Lane too. Not to forget Actons Central and Main Line Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: grahame on June 20, 2013, 21:27:40 There's a North, East, South and West Acton (going to Town here!), and there's Hanger Lane too. Not to forget Actons Central and Main Line Nor this Acton (http://www.panoramio.com/photo/16520733) Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Red Squirrel on June 20, 2013, 21:56:27 Then there's Acton Main:
(http://www.museumofchildhood.org.uk/__images/site-images/collections-images/action-toys-images/action-man-1977.jpg) Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 20, 2013, 23:04:45 Thank you for the Acton Man, that takes me back, the amount of my mum's talc I used to get his wet suit on, only to find out he could not swim.
Thank god for Patrick Duffy, "The Man From Atlantis". Now back to the quiz....... Picture 23. Clue Number 1. It is in a railway station, not outside the main railway premises. Clue Number 2. It is hanging on the wall, along with other items. Clue Number 3. It is on the Southern railway network. Clue Number 4. If you go onto You Tube.... you will see that I drove a FGW HST football special 43124 43148.....(actor Fees will apply). Picture Number 42. Well what can I say................It is still a Bay End Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: thetrout on June 21, 2013, 03:26:55 23) Fratton ::)
Nice two-tone by the way ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 21, 2013, 05:26:47 Picture 23.
Well it seems some people were doing some fishing on this picture......guess what?....I reeled in THE TROUT....... Sorry not Fratton...............Glad you like the You Tube Clip.........There are more.. ::) :o ::) Flyingscotsman ;D Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Network SouthEast on June 21, 2013, 09:00:34 23: Portsmouth Harbour
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Southern Stag on June 21, 2013, 12:49:06 23. Eastleigh, that would tie in with the East, South, North or West clue.
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: brooklea on June 21, 2013, 15:48:58 I am pretty confident now that 42 is of the buffer stop adjacent to platform 1A at Bridgend.
Is that quiz over? Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: Red Squirrel on June 21, 2013, 15:54:04 I'd say so!
Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 22, 2013, 11:03:11 Brooklea is correct at Bridgend - Finally!
however 23. is NOT Portsmouth Harbour Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: brooklea on June 22, 2013, 12:30:29 Final answer...Number 23. Portsmouth and Southsea
And I'm sure of that! Thanks for the entertainment flyingscotsman Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 22, 2013, 15:41:10 Well that is my quiz over. I would like to thank all who took part in the quiz.
BrookLea came out on tops.........but on the others hand........maybe BrookLea has too much time on their hand!!! But great to see. Now some of you used Google to find answers, very clever! Look out for more pictures arriving......... Good luck with the quiz Bignosemac has active at the present moment. Please may I ask for feedback on my quiz.....too easy/hard etc. Did you like the You Tube clip? Flyingscotsman ;D Thought for the day..................only 187 days to Xmas Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: JayMac on June 23, 2013, 16:29:20 Thanks for a most diverting and tough quiz flyingscotsman. ;D
I'll take the opportunity to point folks to the prize picture quiz I'm currently running. http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=12483.0 There's a week left to enter, closing date 11:59pm Sunday 30th June, so plenty of time to mull over the pictures and get your entry in. There's only been a handful of entries thus far so don't be afraid to enter even if you can only answer a selection of the pictures. Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: grahame on June 23, 2013, 20:39:05 I enjoyed looking through the pictures, thank you FLyingScotsman ... but didn't butt in with any answers as I simply didn't know. It's good to have a variety of setters, with a variety of styles; carry on as you do / would love to see another one like this sometime.
Peronsal thoughts ... * Once it's down to just a handful of pictures left to identify, why not repeat them in a fresh post - then people aren't scolling back and forth. And more so where you've generated so much interaction the thread is several pages long. * That was a tough quiz for those of us who don't have much out-of-area knowledge. As far as I can see, none were First Great Westrn managed stations (although about a dozen are FGW served, if you can call 2 trains each way a day a "service" in some cases). I used to keep quizzes down to around a dozen questions to keep the page load time reaonably fast even on poor connections. But Im guessing that may no longer be a valid concern ... thoughts, anyone? Am I out of date? Of course, if you followed my thoughts into actions, you would end up with a quiz looking too much like my quizzes, so please don't. I enjoyed it just the way it was! Title: Re: A quiz to keep us going until the other one is revealed - 45 in this one...... Post by: flyingscotsman on June 23, 2013, 20:48:50 Thank you to all, for the comments.......another quiz will be on it's way in the future.
Good luck to all who is doing the quiz that Bignosemac has got going at present.........I have got a few of them, nothing to shout about..so I will remain silent. Medical tomorrow, maybe they might let me back driving those big trains.... Flyingscotsman ;D This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |