Title: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: chuffed on March 06, 2013, 09:57:17 A new hourly bus service Mon to Fri ( using the previous X7 service number) from Clevedon to Bristol Temple Meads is to be introduced from 24th March.
Also the 357/8/9 Bristol to Portishead services to be replaced by X2 and X3 with Service 23 on Sundays and Bank holidays from the same date. The numbering would seem to be in line with the upgrade of X1 services as both Weston and Portishead are now on the upgraded GBBN. Hopefully Portishead will get some 'almost new' buses to replace the disability unfriendly Darts that have been such a feature of recent months. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: JayMac on March 06, 2013, 10:28:14 Do you have a link to this information, chuffed? Absolutely don't doubt the information, I'd just like to see what the operator is saying.
I can't yet see any announcements on the First Bristol website. But I am using an iPad so it could be me missing something! Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: chuffed on March 06, 2013, 12:29:16 Information from www.TravelBristol.org. All the changes to city services and those running form the Bus station are listed there. No timetables yet tho. They say they will try to put these up, a week before the new services begin
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: JayMac on March 07, 2013, 04:34:23 Thanks for that chuffed. ;)
Direct link to the Travel Bristol .pdf detailing the changes: http://www.travelbristol.org/sites/default/files/Service%20alterations%2024%20March%202013_0.pdf Now.... when will First Bristol, Bath and the West update their website? Somewhat surprising that the local authority is able to detail the changes, but the folk actually operating the buses have thus far failed to do so. ::) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on March 08, 2013, 23:15:06 The new X7 Bristol Temple Meads - Clevedon service will be operated by Bristol Greyhound.
The use of the Bristol Greyhound branding may suggest that this part of First Group (FG) is intending not to appear on the First Bus site at all but is hoping to be seen as a 'new entrant' into the local bus market. Originally a part of the Bristol Omnibus Co (absorbed circuitously by FG), the Bristol Greyhound name implied quality coach services. Greyhound in North America (name licensed to FG in UK) is redolent of adventure and quality 'bus' (coach) services. I assume that FG has vehicles left over from previously unsuccessful Greyhound services to the South Coast from London. I can't wait to see how the experience matches the branding. The route around Clevedon will mean that I can drive half way to Bristol while the bus/coach meanders around the town, but then I'm fortunate to have that option. Notwithstanding all that, full marks for initiative. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: swrural on March 09, 2013, 19:33:01 Has anyone views on Wells to Bristol? Our friend D Redgwell achieved a step change in the bus service on that route, but one feels that a more luxurious service could be overlayed on such a long trajectory. Not only that but, being reminded of the fact that Castle Cary is, according to NR, the nearest railway station, perhaps a through fast coach link between Castle Cary and Bristol via Wells (not calling at every farmyard) would pep up the connectivity no end. Interested in colleagues' views.
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: inspector_blakey on March 16, 2013, 18:49:35 How very dare they do away with the 358/9 numbering?! I used those buses to get to/from school and work for a good few years. X2, X3 and 23 just doesn't sound right...
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on March 16, 2013, 23:25:41 Now that Scott has informed me that Bristol Greyhound has no connection with First (see 'Hello' thread in Introductions and Chat), it seems we are going to have head-on competition between Clevedon and Bristol during the day. Be interesting to see who wins and who loses: one of the bus companies or the passengers. I can't help feeling the circuitous route the newcomer is proposing will put it at a disadvantage, although running to Temple Meads past the shopping centres could be attractive.
As to the numbering of all these new services in Clevedon and Portishead with an 'X' prefix, they are misleading if anyone thinks it suggests a fast journey. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Scott on March 17, 2013, 02:19:45 How very dare they do away with the 358/9 numbering?! I used those buses to get to/from school and work for a good few years. X2, X3 and 23 just doesn't sound right... I've seen lots of complaints about this, but the main point is to blend the service in with the X1 to Weston - the X2 and X3 will eventually get the same branding style as the X1. The 23 is basically a merger of the two, shown to indicate that it isn't an X-route. I agree it's a bit - actually, more than a bit - of a gimmick to prefix the routes as express services, especially given the main difference between the X2/X3 and the 357/8/9 is the reduced confusion in the service, but it's something that I expect will expand over the coming months. I wouldn't be surprised to see the 361/2 undergo the same transition in future months, but that is purely my opinon and not official in any way. Now that Scott has informed me that Bristol Greyhound has no connection with First (see 'Hello' thread in Introductions and Chat), it seems we are going to have head-on competition between Clevedon and Bristol during the day. Be interesting to see who wins and who loses: one of the bus companies or the passengers. I can't help feeling the circuitous route the newcomer is proposing will put it at a disadvantage, although running to Temple Meads past the shopping centres could be attractive. I honestly can't see this service lasting for very long... Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: chuffed on March 17, 2013, 15:48:44 Your comments about the impending X2/3 changes made interesting reading, Scott
1)Isnt it more a case of following on with the branding from X1 now that both Weston and Phd are on the GBBN with the improved shelters and digital displays?. Are these real' time' or do they just duplicate the paper timetables ? 2) Did you realise that many of the 'all stops' timing points as detailed on the Traveline timetables are in fact several years out of date, and that many places don't exist any more or have changed their names? 3) What was the thinking behind running all buses the same way round the Portishead loop, instead of alternating them as they have been for the last 60 years ? 4)Why is every X2 X3 bus being sent up West Hill . It is a nightmare with just one bus an hour let alone 4 from next week. The double parking is horrendous and will only get worse once the new Tesco Express at the top of Avon Way opens! 5) Well, thats what the maps on the timetable says.. doesn't show any buses going up and down Avon Way...the most heavily used part of the route as it's a 350 ft climb in about a mile ! I have put these points to First, but now that CS is based in Southampton, you might as well be in Timbuktu! The cynic in me says it was as close as they could get to outsourcing to India without leaving these shores ! Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Scott on March 18, 2013, 00:16:02 Just a quick note to everyone on here - I do not officially work for First and at present only do informal verification work for them. It is likely that this will change within the next few months though. Almost all information I pass on is second-hand, but there will be occasional first-hand information that I have discovered before even the company have.
Also, with the exception of a brief visit to Nailsea last September, the only place I have properly visited in North Somerset ^ as opposed to passing through (on either the X25/125 or train) ^ is Weston. I will try to answer questions in these areas however, and aim to visit both Portishead and Clevedon on Wednesday as well. 1)Isnt it more a case of following on with the branding from X1 now that both Weston and Phd are on the GBBN with the improved shelters and digital displays?. Are these real' time' or do they just duplicate the paper timetables ? They *should* be real-time, but it is dependent on the vehicles having the equipment modified. I know Bath are likely to complete their installations towards the end of May (they are averaging about seven buses a week and have about 70 to go), but I couldn't comment on any other depot - even Wells, in spite of it effectively being an outstation of Bath - but it seems likely that GBBN routes will have been prioritised, so hopefully the RTI will be fully operational come next Sunday. I also wonder if the wider Express Yourself livery might be extended to other GBBN X-routes, but that is only an opinion; I guess we will find out in May when the new Wright Streetlites arrive for the X39. 2) Did you realise that many of the 'all stops' timing points as detailed on the Traveline timetables are in fact several years out of date, and that many places don't exist any more or have changed their names? This is being kind to the Traveline system! It is hopelessly inaccurate and difficult to use. The "All Stops" facility is often about as accurate as saying Newcastle United will win the Premier League in 2013 - i.e. not at all (sorry to any Toon fans!) - and in a small number of cases they even manage to omit stops. The best method to use is to simply go on experience, or failing that logic, and ignore the All Stops information. Traveline stops also use their own names, which are often clearly erroneous. 3) What was the thinking behind running all buses the same way round the Portishead loop, instead of alternating them as they have been for the last 60 years ? I have no idea. If it was my decision, I wouldn^t run them as loops at all because it is just too far for a loop to work effectively. I guess it^s too make it simpler for the less frequent user as they will know that all buses depart from the same side of the road. 4) Why is every X2 X3 bus being sent up West Hill . It is a nightmare with just one bus an hour let alone 4 from next week. The double parking is horrendous and will only get worse once the new Tesco Express at the top of Avon Way opens! 5) Well, thats what the maps on the timetable says.. doesn't show any buses going up and down Avon Way...the most heavily used part of the route as it's a 350 ft climb in about a mile ! It^s what the map says, but it^s not what the All Stops facility on Traveline ^ that same All Stops facility we^ve both criticised ^ says. The service will be travelling along Avon Way in both directions and then along West Hill on the way back into Portishead. At least, I hope this is accurate, because otherwise there might be a complaint or 50! There is at least one other error on the map though (the X2 on the High Street is shown as X3), so I wouldn^t put it past them. When I validated the timetable last month the map wasn^t ready so I couldn^t verify it then, which in hindsight is proving somewhat annoying! I should stress though that I can only go on what I can find and/or am told. So when an ambiguous situation like this comes up, I can^t give a definitive response. Lousy conflicting information...! I have put these points to First, but now that CS is based in Southampton, you might as well be in Timbuktu! The cynic in me says it was as close as they could get to outsourcing to India without leaving these shores ! I won^t tell Customer Services this if you won^t ;) I^m sure Ms Tagholm would love to be told she may as well be working in Timbuktu (or India). Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Scott on March 20, 2013, 21:05:05 Having visited Portishead today, I can now add further comment to the above post.
The bus stop flags along Avon Way have all been updated to show the new route numbers, i.e. X2, X3 and 23. This would suggest that the services will definitely continue to serve Avon Way. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: GBM on March 22, 2013, 17:28:58 Quote Hopefully Portishead will get some 'almost new' buses to replace the disability unfriendly Darts that have been such a feature of recent months. Goody, another set of vintage vehicles enroute for us maybe. Would replace our existing vintage Darts (although a few are still good!). Cynical personal comment from me before anyone wants to bite my head off. Interesting to see the number of bus spotters we see gleefully taking pictures. Edit note: Quote marks amended, for clarity. CfN. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Scott on March 23, 2013, 03:21:25 Something that has only just occurred to me: The Traveline (http://www.travelinesw.com/swe/XSLT_TTB_REQUEST?language=en&command=direct&net=swe&line=390X7&sup=%20&project=y10&outputFormat=0&itdLPxx_displayHeader=false&itdLPxx_sessionID=EFA02_2179067346&lineVer=1&itdLPxx_operatorCodeForTTB=BGY) data for the X7.
Its route seems almost identical to the 361, apart from the differences at either end of the route. Quote Hopefully Portishead will get some 'almost new' buses to replace the disability unfriendly Darts that have been such a feature of recent months. Goody, another set of vintage vehicles enroute for us maybe. Would replace our existing vintage Darts (although a few are still good!). Cynical personal comment from me before anyone wants to bite my head off. Interesting to see the number of bus spotters we see gleefully taking pictures. You won^t see me taking a picture of a Step Dart unless it^s on a route it shouldn^t be on :) Mind you, maybe I should have when I went to Portishead on Wednesday. It kept stalling! Edit note: Quote marks amended, for clarity. CfN. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on March 23, 2013, 09:30:44 As far as I can see there has been zero publicity for the X7 in Clevedon and nothing I can find on line apart from Traveline, which chuffed referred us to in this forum. I don't have a bus pass (too young!) and don't know if Bristol Greyhound will join the Avon Rider multi-operator ticket scheme. The route between Clevedon Town Centre and Bristol Centre is identical to the 361 and because the First route is more direct in town it will remain my choice except when I want to go to Temple Meads, although even then, the 66/125 to Yatton will still be first choice for joining the rail network by bus. The outlook for this service continues to look gloomy.
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: JayMac on March 23, 2013, 10:43:31 Who exactly is running this Bristol Greyhound service?
I can find no web presence, email or telephone number for them, yet they are beginning a passenger service in two days time. Company name and number anyone? The latest info I can find on Bristol Greyhound Ltd is that is is non-trading. Traveline merely has the operator name and TravelBristol has diddly about them. Who do we call in times of service disruption, or for other customer service enquiries? Number one being, what are the fares? Number two, will they accept AvonRider? Number three, what buses are they using? Like trainer, I'm deeply sceptical that this new service will materialise. Who, in their right mind, begins a new bus service and doesn't even publicise it? Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Scott on March 23, 2013, 14:53:27 I think I know where I'm going on Monday ;)
Of note is that a search for "Bristol Greyhound Clevedon" on Google brings up the following results: (1) Traveline for X7 (2) [not related to X7] (3) THIS THREAD! (4) [not related to X7] (5) Wikipedia Hmm. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: JayMac on March 23, 2013, 15:07:40 I think I know where I'm going on Monday ;) If it's Clevedon you are heading to, you might want to have a Plan B - First's 361. Or Plan C - Train to Yatton and Bakers Dolphin's 66. ;) Am I right in thinking that commercial bus services have to be registered with the relevant local Traffic Commissioner? In many parts of the UK, such registrations are in the public domain online. Doesn't appear to be the case here in the west. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: grahame on March 23, 2013, 15:32:38 Bristol Greyhound ... http://www.dawg.org.uk/ ... these folks deliver an excellent service.
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: JayMac on March 23, 2013, 16:02:58 My memory of Bristol Greyhounds comes from a few visits to this place (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastville_Stadium#Greyhound_racing) when I was a young 'un.
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Scott on March 23, 2013, 16:03:22 If it's Clevedon you are heading to, you might want to have a Plan B - First's 361. Or Plan C - Train to Yatton and Bakers Dolphin's 66. My Plan B is to use the X2/X3 to Portishead and then the 66 ;) If the X7 does work, I will be returning to Bristol using this route instead. Am I right in thinking that commercial bus services have to be registered with the relevant local Traffic Commissioner? In many parts of the UK, such registrations are in the public domain online. Doesn't appear to be the case here in the west. Go on the VOSA website, and search for Western Area registrations on January 28th 2013. The following appears: PH1115989/1 - BRISTOL GREYHOUND LIMITED T/A BRISTOL GREYHOUND, 30, WILSHIRE AVENUE, BRISTOL, BS15 3QT o Registration Accepted o Starting Point: Bristol, Temple Meads Station o Finish Point: Clevedon, Elton Road o Via: Hotwells, Failand, Tickenham o Service Number: X7 o Service Type: Normal Stopping/Hail & Ride o Effective Date: 25-MAR-2013 o Other Details: Monday to Friday except public holidays Every 60 minutes I note that VOSA have corrected the entry to ^60^ instead of ^six^. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: JayMac on March 23, 2013, 16:37:02 So, whoever they are... they've informed Traveline. They've informed the Traffic Commissioner/VOSA. They've apparently resurrected a dormant company... but they've not bothered to inform potential customers in the areas they intend to serve. ::)
Could have a bus to yourself on Monday, Scott. Although I am free on Monday and could pop along to Temple Meads to see what, if anything, turns up. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: devon_metro on March 23, 2013, 17:17:06 Bakers Dolphin's 66. How long has this service been running, do you know? Saw it waiting at presumably the terminus stop t'other day. Surprisingly new buses considering some of the Bakers Dolphin school contract buses around the area! Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Scott on March 23, 2013, 18:08:07 So, whoever they are... they've informed Traveline. They've informed the Traffic Commissioner/VOSA. They've apparently resurrected a dormant company... but they've not bothered to inform potential customers in the areas they intend to serve. ::) Could have a bus to yourself on Monday, Scott. Although I am free on Monday and could pop along to Temple Meads to see what, if anything, turns up. I wouldn't be surprised if that was true either. I'm also rather worried about the vehicle that turns up, i.e. what it is and how well presented it is... Assuming your phone number hasn't changed since January last year, I'll send you a text when I know which one I (should :)) be on. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: chuffed on March 23, 2013, 19:05:57 Baker Dolphin started running the 66 ...the coastal hopper...in April 2012 with 4 very comfortable brand new buses in a special livery. They have the contract for 5 years and it is an a real 'join the dots service' that replaced 3 other separate council services. North Somerset in the shape of Elfan Ap Rees claims this service will save ^100,000 a year. Trouble is, they keeping adding bits of diversionary route on, so that it takes best part of 1 hr 25 min to cover the route from Congresbury to Nailsea and vice versa via Yatton ,Clevedon,Portishead and Portbury.
, I am surprised they don't finish off the last bit between Congresbury and Nailsea town centre along the A370 and N&B station ..shouldnt take more than 10 mins to make it a truly circular service. It is a great pity that First started running the 125 between Clevedon and Congresbury, and then on to Weston along the same route as the 66, after always having had a fast service down the M5 for the last 30 years. In fact I now take the 66 to Yatton station from Redcliffe bay and the train to Weston asit is infinitely preferable to being stuck on that 125 as it loops Clevedon taking in Tesco twice ! Otherwise you are stuck on that bus for the best part of 90 lumbering minutes where the speed rarely exceeds 30mph. Add in the poor sods on holiday in Weston who decide to visit Cribbs Causeway for a spot of retail therapy. I bet they only make that journey once, as it takes the best part of 2 hours each way. Take a fast train from Weston and you could be in Paddington in about the same time, and a lot less hassle ! Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Scott on March 23, 2013, 19:14:03 Ever since they introduced the 125 I've though that they should have brought it in as a separate entity to the X25. It could run from Weston to Portishead as it does now and then no further; the X25 could then become a very fast route with a more direct route through Clevedon and possibly even running direct via the A370 into Weston; both could run on an hourly basis using three buses. But then that would increase the PVR (Peak Vehicle Requirement) to six from four which wouldn't be ideal because it would cost more money...
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: chuffed on March 23, 2013, 19:33:27 All for that! Hurry up and become an employee and shake them up a bit ! ;D
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: swrural on March 24, 2013, 10:07:34 In this thread Chuffed mirrors my comments in this thread earlier on the Dorset 31.
- see - The complex world of Buses ... some answers! in Other ways to travel From where I live, I could drive to Dorchester from Axminster (31 miles) and back again before the bus has got half way. This is mainly due to going all around the houses and driver changes in Bridport carried out with the same urgency that Bristol TM used to think through trains should be despatched. Modal shift cannot be achieved by trying to do everything with one service, as it appears Mr Ap Rees does.. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on March 25, 2013, 10:03:37 In the interests of our readers I have just stood in a snow flurry to see if a bus on the X7 actually turns up. It did, more-or-less on time. It was an older single decker, but a more detailed description I cannot give as my knowledge is pretty weak after about 1980! It was not a Bristol built vehicle that's for sure. The livery is similar to the old Bristol Omnibus of green below the windows and cream above that with Bristol Greyhound scrolled on the front panel in cream. You would have had a photo but I forgot to check my battery before rushing out. :'( Passengers: one elderly gentleman and possibly another talking to the driver, or he may have been helping navigate. Not good for peak bus pass travel!
If Scott is over this way today he may see one of the four in the fleet. My impression was that, apart from the modern destination display, this looked like something from a heritage bus rally. I don't think First will be quaking. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: chuffed on March 25, 2013, 10:57:37 Like trainer I have just come in from a wait in a snow flurry .. from 0940 to 1015 .for 35 mins for a much vaunted X2 or X3 15 minute service. It was cold enough to freeze the proverbials off a alloy challenged member of the ape family.
However there is a plausibe explanation associated with that expression. It refers to the propensity of brass to contract in very cold weather. Now apparently in Napoleonic times, when we were fighting the French, young boys were pressganged into ramming the gunpowder charge down, and inserting the cannon balls in the barrels of the cannons, and became known as powder monkeys. The cannon balls were stored in and on top of triangular frames of brass ..in 6's would imagine, rather like the reds are initially arranged on a snooker table today. These frames were also known as monkeys.. so the colloquial expression really came about, when the brass contracted, the cannon balls no longer fitted the frames and would roll around the deck.... And you all thought it meant something else....... Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Scott on March 25, 2013, 11:39:38 In the interests of our readers I have just stood in a snow flurry to see if a bus on the X7 actually turns up. It did, more-or-less on time. It was an older single decker, but a more detailed description I cannot give as my knowledge is pretty weak after about 1980! It was not a Bristol built vehicle that's for sure. The livery is similar to the old Bristol Omnibus of green below the windows and cream above that with Bristol Greyhound scrolled on the front panel in cream. You would have had a photo but I forgot to check my battery before rushing out. :'( Passengers: one elderly gentleman and possibly another talking to the driver, or he may have been helping navigate. Not good for peak bus pass travel! If Scott is over this way today he may see one of the four in the fleet. My impression was that, apart from the modern destination display, this looked like something from a heritage bus rally. I don't think First will be quaking. In that case, unless it's a Dart then I might be in for a treat! Best take the camera with me :P Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Scott on March 25, 2013, 18:40:22 In that case, unless it's a Dart then I might be in for a treat! Best take the camera with me :P ...it was a Dart :-\ But it was at least a low-floor Dart - one of the earliest low-floor examples as well. The green and cream colour scheme looked good, but if I'm honest a bit dated now, especially considering (a) the competition, i.e. First, and (b) the cream and red with a bit of black colour scheme on the other bus out today, which I travelled back from Clevedon on. Some of you may recognise "cream and red with a bit of black" as being the same as the double deck vehicle used on North Somerset Coaches' X54 to and from Nailsea, and you would be right to believe this as the X7's vehicles were sourced from the same company as the decker on the X54, Brighton & Hove (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brighton_%26_Hove_(bus_company)) (widely considered one of the best operators in England). All buses should soon be in the green and cream livery though. I will provide photos and some journey info later tonight. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chris from Nailsea on March 25, 2013, 22:05:21 Baker Dolphin started running the 66 ...the coastal hopper...in April 2012 with 4 very comfortable brand new buses in a special livery. They have the contract for 5 years and it is an a real 'join the dots service' that replaced 3 other separate council services. North Somerset in the shape of Elfan Ap Rees claims this service will save ^100,000 a year. Trouble is, they keeping adding bits of diversionary route on, so that it takes best part of 1 hr 25 min to cover the route from Congresbury to Nailsea and vice versa via Yatton ,Clevedon,Portishead and Portbury. I am surprised they don't finish off the last bit between Congresbury and Nailsea town centre along the A370 and N&B station ..shouldnt take more than 10 mins to make it a truly circular service. See also http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=7318.msg86713#msg86713 ::) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: JayMac on March 26, 2013, 20:04:53 Following on from Scott's first day report, it appears my cynicism about this service getting off the ground was unfounded.
Saw one the X7s at Temple Meads this morning and had a quick chat with the 2 members of staff aboard. ^5.50 for the return to Clevedon. I asked about the AvonRider multi-operator ticket. They knew what I was on about and said that whilst they aren't accepting it yet as they've not signed up to the scheme, they hope to do so in the near future. Couple of pics: (http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt68/bignosemac/Bristol%20Greyhound%20X7/PICT0510_zps0f7b4bad.jpg) (http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt68/bignosemac/Bristol%20Greyhound%20X7/PICT0514_zps75e7c4bc.jpg) I also picked up a timetable and fares leaflet that was available on board. I've scanned this and attached it to this post rather than reduce it in size and post. Apologies for the folds. I stuck it in my back pocket! You'll note there's a web address on the leaflet - bristolgreyhound.com - this hasn't gone live yet. Still a bit concerning that there's no way to contact the operator. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: JayMac on March 26, 2013, 20:15:26 Further to the above and thanks to Admin bobm, the following link shows the self same bus in a previous life, also outside a railway station:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/pics-by-mpd/5232653168/ ;D Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: devon_metro on March 26, 2013, 21:07:35 50 minutes to get from Clevedon to Bristol!!!!
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on March 26, 2013, 22:27:16 50 minutes to get from Clevedon to Bristol!!!! That's slightly slower than First's 361 and a lot quicker than the 362/3 which takes 70 mins. Bus travel had been slowed down around here over the past year. Driving takes 30 mins including negotiating the city centre and finding a central car park. Park and Ride (Long Ashton) ends up taking the same time as the bus. Only take the bus to Yatton and the train to Bristol if you've packed sandwiches. (I exaggerate of course - but it's only a useful route for onward travel.) Thanks for posting BNM and Scott. Apart from the timetable on the stops (which they don't especially observe it seems) there's still nothing in Clevedon to tell anyone who they are. The fares are certainly competitive (i.e. cheaper than First), but since so much travel is by bus pass holders that makes little difference. The long loop around the town clearly shown on the photos means a considerable detour on a return local trip. But that seems to be the way buses travel in this part of the world (compare Portishead's new routes) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: chuffed on March 27, 2013, 17:02:23 If First don't get you on the travel times ...still one hour to get from Portishead to Bristol...3 miles closer than Clevedon.... on the much vaunted and already despised X2 and X3 services...should be x-rated not x-press!.... for only travelling one way round the loop.... ....then they bite you on the bum with the fares.
This morning at 0845 I was asked ^2.80 single for a mile and half from Portishead Post Office to Redcliffe Bay. :o It's a climb of 350 ft by the way and a good 35 minute walk. My spoken thoughts to the driver..no blame attached to him, obviously.... was 'Sod it, I'll freeze to death for 15 minutes till the bus pass kicks in!' My own private thoughts were a lot less polite than that! Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: TonyK on March 27, 2013, 17:30:52 50 minutes to get from Clevedon to Bristol!!!! Be fair. It is almost 18 years old, you wouldn't want to push it too hard. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: PortisDoubleDeck15 on March 28, 2013, 21:32:36 Why have they put lots of double deckers on the 361 route?
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: JayMac on March 28, 2013, 21:46:47 A question I can't answer PortisDoubleDeck15. Others may know, but if not then you can always try contacting the operator.
In the meantime, welcome to the Coffee Shop forum. :) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: chuffed on March 29, 2013, 08:09:54 My guess is, that as First have increased the frequency on the x2 x3 Portishead routes, they have had less single deckers available. So they have rooted around in the back of the garage for some spare buses. After all Llawrence Hill is well known as the elephants graveyard for Dennis DARTS that are used in the evening, holidays and at weekends.
I notice a common theme emerging in bus route patterns called the 'Tesco loop'. Anyone else spotted how the 125 visits Tesco twice on its way in and out at Clevedon , and now the x2 and x3 are doing the same in Portishead. How long before the same happens in Nailsea or Thornbury ? Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: bristolgreyhoundltd on March 29, 2013, 14:22:47 Hi there everyone just to let you no that we have leafleted clevedon and Bristol and if you want to go to are web site,as up and running... as we had a few problems setting it up for start date. www.bristolgreyhoundbus.co.uk
due to the cold weather we were only able to paint one and the second is nearly finished. the ex Brighton and hove colour one is are spare bus and livery will be changed on that one very shortly. we choose Brighton and hove low floor darts as they are very tidy and very well looked after ... Bristol greyhound is no part of any other company, as comments raised. Are aim is to run a reliable bus company with affordable fares, bringing back the green buses in Bristol. please view are website.. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: bristolgreyhoundltd on March 29, 2013, 14:28:48 50 minutes to get from Clevedon to Bristol!!!! That's slightly slower than First's 361 and a lot quicker than the 362/3 which takes 70 mins. Bus travel had been slowed down around here over the past year. Driving takes 30 mins including negotiating the city centre and finding a central car park. Park and Ride (Long Ashton) ends up taking the same time as the bus. Only take the bus to Yatton and the train to Bristol if you've packed sandwiches. (I exaggerate of course - but it's only a useful route for onward travel.) Thanks for posting BNM and Scott. Apart from the timetable on the stops (which they don't especially observe it seems) there's still nothing in Clevedon to tell anyone who they are. The fares are certainly competitive (i.e. cheaper than First), but since so much travel is by bus pass holders that makes little difference. The long loop around the town clearly shown on the photos means a considerable detour on a return local trip. But that seems to be the way buses travel in this part of the world (compare Portishead's new routes) we have in Incorporated the 800 service what was axed in 2012.. as there was a lot of people were sad to see it go. Edit to make quoting clear - Graham Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: TonyK on March 29, 2013, 14:36:59 Welcome, bristolgreyhoundltd, and thanks for the update.
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: grahame on March 29, 2013, 20:46:47 we have in Incorporated the 800 service what was axed in 2012.. as there was a lot of people were sad to see it go. Welcome to the forum, Bristol Greyhound. Now - I don't know Clevedon, but I suspect that a loop around the town could be rather clever. I've been suggesting it for my home town, which also has an hourly bus from our nearest city (Bath) - covering some rapidly growing parts of the town before newcomers find the need to buy a second car. I fear I may have planted a seed of an idea into some minds along the lines of "I wonder if we could persuade someone to give us a seeding subsidy for that" rather than along the lines of "what a great idea!". Hopefully with your loop picking up from a previous service, it should ramp up nicely! Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on March 29, 2013, 22:32:21 Always good to have a new, informed member contributing to the board, so I add my welcome.
As a Clevedon resident, my initial issue with the loop of the X7 is it incorporates in one hourly one-way service, several previously interlinked smaller loops (service 800) that regularly started/returned to the town centre, thus meaning that now travelling from one end of the loop means quite a lengthy journey to/from the centre. On the plus side, both the hospital and one of the GP surgeries is accessible from all parts of the loop and restores some journey opportunities. In this day of struggling businesses, I wish only success on those committed to improving public transport. If I may respectfully suggest, good communication with potential passengers is of the essence, and none of my neighbours (all bus pass users - probably not very savvy with the internet - stereotyping I know) were aware of the new service until I told them. The local paper is avidly read by that age group and an item there might not come amiss if you can capitalise on the nostalgia value of your brand. It will probably clear by now that I know as much about running a successful bus business as I do a train company i.e zilch. I look forward to following your progress. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: PortisDoubleDeck15 on March 31, 2013, 09:41:50 A new hourly bus service Mon to Fri ( using the previous X7 service number) from Clevedon to Bristol Temple Meads is to be introduced from 24th March. Also the 357/8/9 Bristol to Portishead services to be replaced by X2 and X3 with Service 23 on Sundays and Bank holidays from the same date. The numbering would seem to be in line with the upgrade of X1 services as both Weston and Portishead are now on the upgraded GBBN. Hopefully Portishead will get some 'almost new' buses to replace the disability unfriendly Darts that have been such a feature of recent months. I went to my local North Somerset library to find imformation of the new Portishead buses, but I saw drawn pictures of the new "Express Yourself" buses and they turned out to be Wright Eclipses! But they will be very difficult to go up West Hill or round the Village Quarter and if they DID use Eclipses there will probably be too many congestions! So they might be luxury Darts instead. Edited to fix quotes - bobm Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: PortisDoubleDeck15 on March 31, 2013, 09:46:08 Baker Dolphin started running the 66 ...the coastal hopper...in April 2012 with 4 very comfortable brand new buses in a special livery. They have the contract for 5 years and it is an a real 'join the dots service' that replaced 3 other separate council services. North Somerset in the shape of Elfan Ap Rees claims this service will save ^100,000 a year. Trouble is, they keeping adding bits of diversionary route on, so that it takes best part of 1 hr 25 min to cover the route from Congresbury to Nailsea and vice versa via Yatton ,Clevedon,Portishead and Portbury. I am surprised they don't finish off the last bit between Congresbury and Nailsea town centre along the A370 and N&B station ..shouldnt take more than 10 mins to make it a truly circular service. See also http://www.firstgreatwestern.info/coffeeshop/index.php?topic=7318.msg86713#msg86713 ::) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chapman19 on April 11, 2013, 08:17:43 I make a local newsreel called Clevedon News and I plan to make a short item about this new X7 to be published online next week at www.clevedonnews.org.uk
I hasten to add that I have no contact with Bristol Greyhound and the newsreel is made purely as a hobby. One thing I haven^t yet been able to verify is ^ are the Diamond Travel (Bus Passes for the elderly) accepted on this service?? If they are accepting these cards, then I plan to film the journey from Clevedon to Bristol on the 10.42 - X7 today (11 April) from Six Ways, Clevedon. I wonder if bristolgreyhoundltd would care to meet me at Temple Meads for a short interview? Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on April 11, 2013, 09:30:00 I took a ride last week and Seniors were riding with cards. Alas, if you find more than a few pax on board, you'll be lucky: most of the buses I have seen have been empty or with one pax. On my journey into Bristol (09:45) we had four and on the way out (11:52), two plus a local trip within Bristol by a family visiting from Wales. I'm sure the publicity is needed. I have found more awareness from the bus-using community in Clevedon that I know this week, so that's a start.
I'm not 'official' on this site, but welcome Chapman19. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chapman19 on April 11, 2013, 09:58:10 Thanks for the 'Seniors' info, Trainer. I have just filmed the cream and green X7 passing the bottom of my road, as you observed - it was empty as far as I could see through the viewfinder!
I will try my Bus Pass on the next one in an hour. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: bristolgreyhoundltd on April 11, 2013, 16:08:27 I make a local newsreel called Clevedon News and I plan to make a short item about this new X7 to be published online next week at www.clevedonnews.org.uk I hasten to add that I have no contact with Bristol Greyhound and the newsreel is made purely as a hobby. One thing I haven^t yet been able to verify is ^ are the Diamond Travel (Bus Passes for the elderly) accepted on this service?? If they are accepting these cards, then I plan to film the journey from Clevedon to Bristol on the 10.42 - X7 today (11 April) from Six Ways, Clevedon. I wonder if bristolgreyhoundltd would care to meet me at Temple Meads for a short interview? Hi there i've sent a message via my work email :) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: bristolgreyhoundltd on April 11, 2013, 16:13:18 I took a ride last week and Seniors were riding with cards. Alas, if you find more than a few pax on board, you'll be lucky: most of the buses I have seen have been empty or with one pax. On my journey into Bristol (09:45) we had four and on the way out (11:52), two plus a local trip within Bristol by a family visiting from Wales. I'm sure the publicity is needed. I have found more awareness from the bus-using community in Clevedon that I know this week, so that's a start. I'm not 'official' on this site, but welcome Chapman19. As you Know your papers are out once a week or monthly life magazine... please look out for are ads, that will be in them :) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 13, 2013, 19:46:28 I'm not 'official' on this site, but welcome Chapman19. Many thanks for your immediate offer of welcome to our new member, trainer - this is a friendly forum, and it's open to any existing member to welcome a newcomer! :D Welcome indeed to Chapman19 - and as a fairly local resident myself, I'll certainly be looking out for that topical newsreel coverage on your website. :) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chapman19 on April 15, 2013, 10:29:36 Thanks for the welcome Chris.
The Clevedon News story about the new X7 bus is now online, it can be seen on our website at www.clevedonnews.org.uk Thanks to the various drivers who were very helpful during the making of this film!! Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 15, 2013, 21:47:33 Many thanks for that excellent quality footage, Chapman19! :D
But ... but ... that bus route "passing Nailsea and Wraxall" ... :o ;D Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 21, 2013, 10:16:10 From The Post (Bristol) (http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/Operators-delighted-response-new-bus-service/story-18744583-detail/story.html#axzz2R5NFNmZq):
Quote Operators delighted with response to new bus service linking Bristol and Clevedon Two experienced bus drivers have set up their own service between Clevedon and Bristol. Shaun Craigie, 34, from Hanham and Gary Williams, 36, from Filton are convinced that there is a market for an express service between the North Somerset town and the city centre. (http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/images/localworld/ugc-images/275775/Article/images/18744583/4769553.jpg) Shaun Craigie and Gary Williams have set up a bus service between Bristol and Clevedon. A return fare costs ^5.50. Picture: Jon Kent They are joint directors of Bristol Greyhound Ltd, an independent company which runs two green-and-cream single-deckers on its X7 service. This service operates between the Engineer's Arms opposite the entrance to Temple Meads station and the seafront in Clevedon. The 40-minute journey takes passengers through the city centre, along Hotwell Road and through Failand and Tickenham to Clevedon. Users in Clevedon can hail a bus like a taxi instead of having to wait at a designated stop. A return fare is ^5.50 although there are discounts for buying weekly or monthly tickets. Mr Craigie, who was employed by First and National Express, said: "I have worked for other people but I want to have a go at working for myself. I have always wanted to have my own bus service." Mr Williams, who worked for First for 19 years, said: "We wanted to try something for ourselves. We believe that there is a demand for a service which is different and reliable. We are a local company with local people and local drivers." They stressed that they have nothing to do with First, the biggest bus operator in the area. The X7 service started on March 25 ^ and the directors said they are delighted with the initial response. Mr Williams said: "Lots of passengers have said how warm the buses are which they are not used to." With the help of two part-time and two full-time drivers, Bristol Greyhound Ltd are running 11 journeys a day. These start at 7.10am from outside the Engineer's Arms. The last bus leaves Clevedon in the early evening. The new company is based in premises in Croydon Street, Easton, where the former Bristol Omnibus works used to be. The Greyhound name was chosen in order to resurrect a tradition which dates back to 1925. Visit www.bristolgreyhoundbus.co.uk for more details about the service. A minor point of correction - it's the Reckless Engineer, not the Engineer's Arms, in Temple Gate. ::) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: JayMac on April 21, 2013, 13:03:13 Rather unusual for a journalist to get the name of a pub wrong! ::)
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: swrural on April 21, 2013, 14:05:54 Not when they are reporting from 120 miles away BNM! I think the BP (Bristol Post, new nomenclature, I cede >:( ) is produced in Wapping or somewhere up there, so I read the constant complaints from BP readers about non-Bristolian journalists, anyway.
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 21, 2013, 14:28:51 Hmm. According to the Bristol Post's own profile (http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/people/The%20Bristol%20Post/profile.html#axzz2R5NFNmZq), all of their staff are based in Bristol, on Temple Way - which is but a stone's throw from the Reckless Engineer. ::)
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on April 21, 2013, 16:25:08 The Post is printed in Didcot I think, but there are journalists in Bristol.
As for the buses, I still them empty when I pass them in the middle of the day. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 21, 2013, 16:49:28 The fact of the matter remains, the correct name of the pub is actually shown in the picture illustrating their article. ::)
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: TonyK on April 21, 2013, 17:58:46 Had the Post been around in the days of William Tell, I reckon they would have reported "Woman Shoots Orange off Daughter's Head with Longbow - local man unhurt".
I was once interviewed by their ace reporter, following a fire in some lock-up garages close to my home that had got the fire brigade worried. "What advice did the firemen give you?" I was asked. "Stay indoors and keep the windows shut", I replied. "What did you do?" came the next question from our Pullitzer-prize hopeful. "I stayed indoors and kept the windows shut", I replied, biting my tongue before I added "Stupid" at the end. The photographer asked me to look angrier than I can manage, then they spelled both my name and the name of the road wrongly in the article. So although the name of the pub is a classic howler, it comes as little surprise at FTN Towers. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: bobm on April 21, 2013, 19:16:42 Rather unusual for a journalist to get the name of a pub wrong! ::) As a journalist I resent that... no actually I don't - you're right!Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: TonyK on April 21, 2013, 19:25:57 The two journalists I know are practically teetotal, which is a disappointment to all lovers of stereotyping.
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: swrural on April 21, 2013, 22:21:59 Do we not all remember dear old Lunchtime O'Booze (a Willy Rushton favourite character in Private Eye)?
As a Bristolian (exiled) of course I read the BP on the net. In fairness, if you are not local but resident (if you get me) you will never really have a feel for the place as a local has, so I forgive all journalists especially if they are pretty. I wish the new bus service all the best and I am sure we all do here. I loved the typo in a posting we received 'are buses' -now that was real Bristolian. ;D Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: TonyK on April 21, 2013, 22:30:44 Do we not all remember dear old Lunchtime O'Booze (a Willy Rushton favourite character in Private Eye)? Author of the Falklands' War memoir "I counted them all out, but I was slaughtered when they came back again"? For a short while, I am ashamed to admit, a sobriquet applied to myself. Seldom done these days, by which I mean I have not nipped out from work for a liquid lunch in over a year. I seem to get more work done now. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on April 28, 2013, 23:03:47 Bristol Greyhound RIP: long live Pier Buses.
Today the props of Bristol Greyhound told me at the Bristol Harbourside Bus Rally that they have been forced to trade under a new name after a legal challenge from First over the 'Greyhound' name. I saw that their vehicles, very smartly turned out in their green/cream livery have been re-labelled 'trading as Pier Buses' and all their publicity has been reprinted. It is a pity a fledgling company faces such a challenge after beginning to trade when it has been planning (with some public knowledge) for a while. Their legal name remains the same. The other positive news from my point of view is that they will be accepting the Avon Rider ticket from early in May (perhaps an official announcement will appear here). This integrates Pier Buses into the wider network and gives people like me without a pass much more choice. Let's hope there are are no more set-backs and more pax. (I have no connection with the company) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: anthony215 on April 28, 2013, 23:28:03 This was a concern the management at South Wales Transport (Neath) had when they 1st started the company up and chose the livery they are using.
Its a shame really as I would have loved to see the old SWT back on buses in swansea and Neath. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 29, 2013, 23:05:52 It is a pity a fledgling company faces such a challenge after beginning to trade when it has been planning (with some public knowledge) for a while. Posting personally, I agree that it does seem rather ... well, spiteful of First to act thus. (I, too, have no connection with the company) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Red Squirrel on April 30, 2013, 09:22:52 Today the props of Bristol Greyhound told me at the Bristol Harbourside Bus Rally that they have been forced to trade under a new name after a legal challenge from First over the 'Greyhound' name. Surprised to find myself defending First group, but I think it's entirely reasonable to defend a brand if you own it. Some years ago when Volkswagen bought a car factory in Crewe from Vickers plc, they had to stop using the 'Rolls-Royce' marque because that was owned by another company (spookily, that company was called - er - Rolls-Royce plc). The Crewe factory 's products are now badged as 'Bentleys'. Meanwhile, Rolls-Royce plc have licenced the name 'Rolls-Royce' to BMW - for ^40 million. So brands have a value, even if you don't choose to use them yourself. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on April 30, 2013, 09:53:38 I think the issue is not the challenge as such, but the timing. Bristol Greyhound claim that First had known many months earlier that they were planning to use the name, but waited until after they started operating to make the challenge. I agree that a brand is valuable, which is why First is using the plain 'Greyhound' for a coach operation, because it is a reminder of the great US and Canadian brand (which they now own, I believe) with all its cultural significance.
I suspect the decision to run the Swansea - Bristol Airport Greyhound service was made after Bristol Greyhound was set up and there was a bit of a 'panic' at First. The use of 'heritage' names for any company is frought, as they seem to pass to corporations and be held solely for the purpose of stopping competition, which is just business, I guess. I still find it amusing to see the great North West/North Wales bus brand of Crosville running around Weston-super-Mare - it seems incongruous to someone who remembers the original. The 'Great Western' brand is of course much sought after as an indicator of high quality and historical pedigree. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: TonyK on April 30, 2013, 17:52:44 I reluctantly agree with First, although they could have said so before Bristol Greyhound had spent time, effort, and money on promoting their service. That makes it look a bit dog-in-a-manger (greyhound, obviously). But the history of brand names shows how things are never simple.
The biggest ever lawsuit involving branding was between Apple Computer and Apple Corps, the Beatles company. The fab four had agreed that Apple could use the name for computers, but not for anything to do with music. At the time, this was not a problem, but by the mid-1980s, Apple Computer were well known, and their computers had musical capabilities. Apple Corps sued, and the whole business, which started in 1978, dragged on until 2010. Unlikely though it may seem just now, Bristol Greyhound could one day become as big as First, who would regret letting them use the brand name. If the Apple v Apple case is anything to go by, that could save them 32 years of litigation just by saying no now. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 30, 2013, 20:24:59 In view of recent developments, as discussed above, I have now renamed this topic. :-X
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: TonyK on April 30, 2013, 21:37:08 Wise move, Chris. You don't want to get sued.
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chris from Nailsea on May 01, 2013, 18:24:20 More to the point: grahame doesn't. :-X
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: bristolgreyhoundltd on May 09, 2013, 15:20:19 Bristol Greyhound RIP: long live Pier Buses. Today the props of Bristol Greyhound told me at the Bristol Harbourside Bus Rally that they have been forced to trade under a new name after a legal challenge from First over the 'Greyhound' name. I saw that their vehicles, very smartly turned out in their green/cream livery have been re-labelled 'trading as Pier Buses' and all their publicity has been reprinted. It is a pity a fledgling company faces such a challenge after beginning to trade when it has been planning (with some public knowledge) for a while. Their legal name remains the same. The other positive news from my point of view is that they will be accepting the Avon Rider ticket from early in May (perhaps an official announcement will appear here). This integrates Pier Buses into the wider network and gives people like me without a pass much more choice. Let's hope there are are no more set-backs and more pax. (I have no connection with the company) Hi there yes we are excepting avon rider now ;) Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on May 09, 2013, 16:25:44 Hooray! Thanks for the official announcement guys. :D
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: JayMac on June 24, 2013, 02:50:24 Pier Buses have amended their X7 timetable from today, 24th June 2013. They will also start a Saturday service on the same route from this coming Saturday, 29th June 2013.
http://www.bristolgreyhoundbus.co.uk/#/timetable/4574735373 Just need to change that domain name now... :P Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on April 17, 2014, 17:06:30 Today I noticed the buses had gone missing so checked the website. I am unsurprised, if saddened, to read:
Quote 15/04/2014 It is with regret that Pier Buses has ceased operating. A statement will follow shortly. The buses have had very few pax and First upped the competition on their one route last year. I can't help thinking having their buses appearing in a hotch-potch of colours didn't help create a brand. Condolences to those who have lost their money and jobs. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: TonyK on April 17, 2014, 17:44:39 Indeed very sad for those who lost jobs. It did not have the "feel" of a truly professional outfit from the point of view of some of the promotional material, as well as the hotch-potch spotted by trainer, and there is clearly more to transport than being able to drive a bus.
Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: Chris from Nailsea on April 17, 2014, 23:01:34 On the other hand ... as a professional driver myself these days (delivery vans, not buses), on the roads of North Somerset, I always found the various drivers of 'Pier Buses' to be professional and polite to other road users, as we helped each other in giving way, whenever appropriate, for example. I therefore wish them all well, in hopefully near future re-employment.
I, too, regret the apparent demise of 'Pier Buses'. As I also regretted the withdrawal of 'North Somerset Coaches' from the local bus route scene. Unfortunately, that does seem to leave First Bus with something of a monopoly position in North Somerset? Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: TonyK on April 18, 2014, 00:02:29 But on the other hand... (at the risk of sounding like Reb Tevye in "Fiddler on the Roof") I made no criticism of the drivers' divers skills. The red-trousered Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson, said early in his tenure that he called a meeting with all of those companies providing scheduled transport services that enter the City of Bristol boundaries, and was surprised to find that there were 22. That number has now fallen to 21.
My point is that as well as drivers, you need accountants and business managers who know how the income streams flow. First have a monopoly on Portishead now, but not on Bristol, with Wessex and Abus having a substantial presence, including over routes also worked by First. Other players include Buglers, Crown, and Eastville Coaches. The business model must include coping with having to provide enough good quality reliable buses to cope with the peak periods, but still operating at a reasonable frequency throughout the times when they carry half a dozen passengers at most over a sometimes long route. First has the advantage of the economies of scale. It has been able to respond to the antipathy in Bristol by restructuring fares in response to a recent campaign, to my advantage in getting to work if I want to leave the car at home but not walk or drive, and at the same time they have spent a pile of cash on new buses, with WiFi to enable the passenger to while away the hours stuck in traffic watching questionable films on their phones. It also has a structure that can negotiate on better than equal terms with any council in the land from a position of considerable strength, as well as a loud voice in the ear of the Traffic Commissioner's office. First pulled the rug from under the feet of Pier by objecting to the use of their trademark name, something which could have been avoided by a free search of Companies House records and the proper approaches to First Group HQ. The increased service by First may be coincidence or may be because they saw the extra homes being built in Posset. Or not. If they pull most of their services now that Pier has gone, we will know that it was cynical exploitation of the relative weakness of the little guy. If they continue at the same rate, we will know that they have measured this against their national strategy and know that they can add value to it. It's that expertise that may not have been available to Pier. Title: Re: 'Bristol Greyhound' bus service returns as Pier Buses Post by: trainer on April 18, 2014, 14:17:47 The extra competition from First was in the form of doubling the X6 buses during the day into Bristol, which gave Clevedon it's best ever connection with the city (and even with the loss of Pier, still does). There was little chance that an hourly daytime, Monday-Friday service offered by older vehicles in a variety of colours and including an eccentric town loop (offering convenient travel only one way) was going to create a positive impression against a slick operation like First whose vehicles are seen frequently enough to be understood as 'the bus'.
Incidentally, today (Good Friday) and on Easter Sunday (as every Sunday) and on Easter Monday, we have no buses to Weston-super-Mare and to Bristol only a slow (approx 1hr 20mins) hourly service. Pretty poor for an area popular with tourists: so much for private enterprise...but perhaps that's for another thread. This page is printed from the "Coffee Shop" forum at http://gwr.passenger.chat which is provided by a customer of Great Western Railway. Views expressed are those of the individual posters concerned. Visit www.gwr.com for the official Great Western Railway website. Please contact the administrators of this site if you feel that content provided contravenes our posting rules ( see http://railcustomer.info/1761 ). The forum is hosted by Well House Consultants - http://www.wellho.net |