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Re: Severn Beach Line - increase in passenger numbers
As at 7th February 2025 23:48 GMT
Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by Bmblbzzz at 20:17, 3rd September 2016
That's excellent.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 20:09, 20th August 2016
Those various and welcome improvements at Severn Beach Station were sponsored by Severnside Community Rail Partnership.

Funding came from SCRP, the Association of Community Rail Partnerships (ACoRP), South Gloucestershire council, the Heritage Lottery Fund (via Forgotten Landscapes project) and GWR.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by grahame at 20:08, 20th August 2016
Severn Beach improvements are a most worthy finalist in "most improved station" / ACoRP awards, Southport, September.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by bobm at 19:55, 20th August 2016
Took a trip out to Severn Beach this week and was pleasantly surprised how much has been done to improve the station.

June 2014....

August 2016...

As well as the shelter a fence has been put up the length of the platform to screen the derelict land behind which used to provide stabling for excursion trains but which in recent years has been a magnet for litter and overgrown vegetation.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 09:40, 2nd May 2016
Two additional Sunday evening services for the summer (until 11th September 2016) on the Severn Beach Line.

1953 Bristol TM - Avonmouth 2017 returning at,
2022 Avonmouth - Bristol TM 2050

2053 Bristol TM - Clifton Down 2106 returning at,
2123 Clifton Down - Bristol TM 2137

Most welcome. Although I'd like to see this year round and the later service going through to at least Avonmouth.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by TonyK at 21:14, 27th August 2015
The best one I've heard yet was on Monday, ex BRI. The TM apologised for not being able to issue tickets because of a shortage of equipment at Temple Meads, so if you need a ticket for your journey, please buy one at your destination station.

Good luck with that at Lawrence Hill, Stapleton Road, Montpelier... all the way to Avonmouth.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by grahame at 08:25, 22nd August 2015
I would support a modest increase in fares and there was speculation that this may happen in the September 2015 fares round.

The fares are not subject to the usual national process, ....

This is one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenarios. ...

This is such an important topic for local rail and public transport.   I have highlighted the main points - for which I believe "designation" is a key ...

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by TonyK at 07:28, 22nd August 2015
I would support a modest increase in fares and there was speculation that this may happen in the September 2015 fares round.

The fares are not subject to the usual national process, but are set by local politicians. The ones who set them in the first place, and those who suggested an increase a couple of years ago but decided against because of the impending local elections state of the economy, are not those currently in charge of local transport.

This is one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenarios. I am not usually one for conspiracy theories (MetroBust apart, where they are all true) but I cannot discount the possibility that the modest improvements to the SVB line services in 2007, when the fare was set, were intended to prove that the line was not viable. Cue Atkins with their report of 2005, which proposed spending a colossal amount of money to convert it to a guided busway. We all know what happened - passenger numbers have more than doubled since then, a 12,000 seat arena is being built opposite BRI, and the commercial axis of Bristol has begun to move towards the Enterprise Zone, centred around what is now one of the busiest railway stations outside of the Metrolopse. Suddenly, having only one local branch line appears to be a serious understatement.

The weekly fares (^6.00 for one zone, ^9.00 for the whole 26-mile round trip BRI-SVB) are a fantastic bargain. A colleague now commutes because it is cheaper for a week than it is to park for a day, and now wonders why he didn't start sooner. But far from every journey is paid for. Only BRI has a gate, and the trains at peak times are so full that the staff have little chance of getting a fare from every passenger. The need for a TM to open and close doors with little more than 2 minutes between stations from CDN onwards doesn't help. MetroBust originally promised integrated cross-modal ticketing, but that has gone the way of all the other pie-crust promises, so the SVB is on its own so far as revenue gathering and protection is concerned. If everyone paid in advance for their journeys, with a TM to check, the service might even operate at a profit, even at the current fare levels.

The solution? Imaginative thinking, leading to proper contactless card payment for transport across trains, buses, and ferries within the Greater Bristol area, a bit like in London. In fact, exactly like in London. Sadly, beyond the ability of the unelected unaccountable oligarchy that is the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership Joint Transport Executive Committee. Let's have an ITA!

BNM, you're bragging again. You show me your algorithms, I'll show you mine.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 19:53, 21st August 2015
I would support a modest increase in fares and there was speculation that this may happen in the September 2015 fares round. Looking at booking engines and industry fares databases it doesn't appear that SVB line fares are increasing, but there could be a late amendment. The SVB Line fares have not increased for five years.

I emailed the Severnside Community Rail Partnership about possible fare rises some time ago. No reply. Didn't chase up.

I don't think a comparison with Bristol bus season tickets is relevant as those bus seasons are valid on First services cross the city and the surrounding areas. A SVB Line season is point to point.

There is a danger that if an increase is too steep it could drive passengers away. The SVB Line has been a huge success story over the past six years. The increase in passenger numbers and better revenue collection enabled the local authority subsidies to be reduced year on year, eventually to zero.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by John R at 18:22, 21st August 2015
Isn't it time fares were increased on the Severn Beach line? Taking annual seasons as an example, a 1 zone season is ^240, and a 2 zone season is ^360. This compares with inner/outer zone seasons on first bus of ^650 and ^840 respectively.

Another comparison, Keynsham around 4 miles from BRI has an annual season of ^852.  I appreciate that to quote mileages on the SB branch are a bit misleading, as it loops round, so the distance as the crow flies is somewhat lower. But nevertheless, these fares appear ludicrously low, with the 4 miles from Clifton Down to Temple Meads working out at around ^1 a day with an annual (^240).

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by IndustryInsider at 09:00, 21st August 2015
Time for a new website: 

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by grahame at 00:02, 21st August 2015
Ask here on this forum for fares advice. My algorithms are much better. 


To quote a recent case:
  National Rail ^50.50
  RailEasy ^35.90
  Grahame ^25.80
  BigNoseMac ^19.00

(Swindon to Weymouth tomorrow today - out at 08:47, back at 17:30)

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 23:12, 20th August 2015
The perils of using National Rail Enquiries for fares advice.

The Severn Beach Line fares are zonal, an inner zone between Clifton Down and Bristol Temple Meads, an outer zone between Clifton Down and Severn Beach, and an all line zone which does what it says on the tin. These fares apply at all times.

This confuses NRE's algorithms when they look for Off Peak fares. Consequently it throws out Rover prices as the only valid Off Peak fares. Garbage in, garbage out.

Ask here on this forum for fares advice. My algorithms are much better. 

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by grahame at 23:04, 20th August 2015
You could get a first class upgrade from Liskeard to Coombe ... don't forget to add the price of the standard class ticket too!!fares?orig=LSK&dest=COE

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by Red Squirrel at 22:56, 20th August 2015
Interesting - that ^80.90 fare also applies to an off-peak single from Lawrence Hill to Stapleton Road, a distance of just less than a mile. Is there a more expensive fare, per mile, in the world?

I note that there is a more expensive option, though - you could use a 'Freedom of the South West Rover' for this journey, at ^111.50.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by trainer at 22:42, 20th August 2015
The Severn Beach line is one I like to travel on for pleasure from time-to-time and with this in mind, two days ago I interrogated National Rail Enquiries for a single fare (with a Senior Railcard) from SVB (Severn Beach) to BRI (Bristol Temple Meads).  My delight at the ridiculously low Anytime fare of ^1.00 was only beaten by my disbelief at the revelation of the the jaw-dropping Off Peak Fare of...^54.40 (^2.00 and ^80.90 without railcard).  I am well aware of threads on fares elsewhere and our ongoing agreement of the lack of sanity in the fare structure on the railways, but I draw this to our attention here to encourage travel on a lovely little line.  Not only will you enjoy the estuary and river bank scenery as well as fine views of Bristol and its ports (when not in tunnels and cuttings), but as long as you travel Off Peak and pay the Anytime fare you'll bask in the knowledge that you've saved shed loads of dosh.  Those forced to travel in Peak Time will I fear have to be content with paying the smaller amount with no savings. Shame. 

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by TonyK at 21:34, 19th August 2015
Ah well. An end to speculation, if nothing else.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 07:52, 19th August 2015
The building on platform 1 at Avonmouth is no more.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by johnneyw at 20:37, 25th July 2015
Last I read was that it was due next year but statements from PR people are worthless these days.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by TonyK at 20:08, 22nd July 2015
I last heard Cllr Tim Kent saying it would definitely be built in 2014, followed by Port of Bristol Authority saying it was not possible for various unspecified reasons, to do with the level crossing.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 20:08, 28th June 2015
Personally, I haven't heard anything more about this particular project recently. 

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by johnneyw at 19:34, 28th June 2015
Well, credit where credit is due I say. Speaking of the Severn Beach Line, things seem to have gone a bit quiet as far as news is concerned on the proposed Portway station project. No-ones heard anything recently I suppose?

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by TonyK at 15:12, 28th June 2015
Must say, two excellent ticket collectors today on the Severn Riviera Express. Both really energetic in collecting revenue and one in particular demonstrating great wit and charm with the passengers. More of the same please. I got off the train at Temple meads laughing.

Very good to hear, and well posted johnneyw. On social media, praise often gets lost amongst the grumblings, and I hope FGW see this. Making someone smile whilst taking money off them is a true art.

I'm one of those tools. 

Now now, BNM, self-deprecation will get you nowhere.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 09:44, 28th June 2015
There are some very good Assistant Ticket Examiners who regularly work The Severn Beach Line.

I'll sing the praises for Rena, who never fails to be cheery on early morning weekday services. Even dealing with me and my regular requests for recondite ticket combinations. She knows I have a good working knowledge of the fares system and will often come to me if a fellow passenger has a question about fares she can't answer, or requires a second opinion on.

Good to see a staff member use all the tools at their disposal.

I'm one of those tools. 

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by johnneyw at 00:18, 28th June 2015
Must say, two excellent ticket collectors today on the Severn Riviera Express. Both really energetic in collecting revenue and one in particular demonstrating great wit and charm with the passengers. More of the same please. I got off the train at Temple meads laughing.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by TonyK at 14:26, 13th May 2015
Looks like FOSBR are holding a little 7th Anniversary Event of the increased services on the Severn Beach Line on 15 May by the Coffee Trike at Redland Station around 11.00 - 11.30. There a few more details on the FOSBR website.

Thank you for that, johnneyw. I confirmed the details with FOSBR's website, and have added this small, but perfectly formed, event to our diary. I can't make it, but for anyone who would like the opportunity to chat to FOSBR's leading lights, this is as good as any! No doubt there will be word on what improvements they would like to see next, beginning with the cascade of DMUs and smart ticketing.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by johnneyw at 23:53, 12th May 2015
Looks like FOSBR are holding a little 7th Aniversary Event of the increased services on the Severn Beach Line on 15 May by the Coffee Trike at Redland Station around 11.00 - 11.30. There a few more details on the FOSBR website.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by TonyK at 22:42, 26th February 2015
Coal remains the largest provider of fuel in the UK, according to UK Gridwatch. If the rumours about that bare-chested Russian guy shutting off  our gas are true, we had better not close any more coal stations until we have a good supply from shale gas, and have built Hinkley C, D, E, and F.

Addendum (having read Stuving's post more closely, and risking relegation to the Pedant's thread):

I'm not aware that much, if any, any coal comes in via Avonmouth, at least not by sea. Royal Portbury Dock is the major portal. A lot is transported from RPD to the coal depot at St Andrews Road via the under-Avon conveyor belt for loading, so a lot of coal leaves Avonmouth. Whether this is because of capacity or routing, I don't know. Coal still comes along the south bank of the Avon in quantity as well.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by stuving at 11:05, 26th February 2015
I've noticed that the trackbed is being cleared alongside the new SITA Powerstation build on Severnside.

In their planning blurb, SITA did say they were going to re-instate the Railhead - but I thought this was just a ruse to get it through planning.

I'm assuming there will be interruptions to the Severn Beach line both during engineering works and scheduling of passenger services in future?

Anyone know of any rumours/timescales?

PS... I've noticed an increasing number of Class 70's at St Andrews Rd.. there can't be that many coal-fired Powerstations left to service?!
From SITA's website:
Delivery of the proposed Severnside energy recovery centre would make a significant contribution to providing new treatment and recovery facilities to manage commercial and industrial waste from the former Avon County Council region, along with the ability to manage residual household waste from West London that will be delivered to the facility by rail.
That sounds like it will be a planning condition.
The Secretary of State upheld the appeal on 16 September 2011. With that approval in place,      SITA UK is now constructing the Severnside energy recovery centre, which has already been granted an Environmental Permit following scrutiny from the Environment Agency. It is expected to be completed in 2016.
"Completed" might, I guess, not mean fully operating with all sources of rubbish.

Coal generates around 15 GW of electricity (a third of the UK total) at this time of year ... and a lot of that does come in via Avonmouth, of course.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by rich0099 at 09:30, 26th February 2015
I've noticed that the trackbed is being cleared alongside the new SITA Powerstation build on Severnside.

In their planning blurb, SITA did say they were going to re-instate the Railhead - but I thought this was just a ruse to get it through planning.

I'm assuming there will be interruptions to the Severn Beach line both during engineering works and scheduling of passenger services in future?

Anyone know of any rumours/timescales?

PS... I've noticed an increasing number of Class 70's at St Andrews Rd.. there can't be that many coal-fired Powerstations left to service?!

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by phile at 20:35, 25th December 2014
The reasons on Journey Check are often due to something that had happened much earlier and elsewhere and which had a knock-on effect, i.e. quoting the root cause.   There are often many causes quoted by TOCs on Journey Check which can seem difficult to understand.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 18:50, 25th December 2014
Thanks for that explanation, sprinterguard - I do see what you mean: it's just not quite what FGW JourneyCheck was trying to tell us. 

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by sprinterguard at 00:05, 25th December 2014
Basically, the train that was supposed to be on that Avonmouth was 'stuck' somewhere else. The inward journey for that particular train was cancelled (due to the train crew reason)... the only spare train to work the train would have been a 153.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 23:29, 24th December 2014
Hmm, surely any guard/driver who signs a 153 can take out a 150?

Or would their be an issue if 2 car 158 was diagrammed this evening?

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 20:39, 24th December 2014
From First Great Western JourneyCheck:

20:03 Avonmouth to Bristol Temple Meads due 20:34
Will be formed of 1 coach instead of 2 between Avonmouth and Bristol Temple Meads.
This is due to a member of train crew being unavailable.
Last Updated: 24/12/2014 19:03

What's all that about, then?

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 14:17, 11th August 2014
From the Bristol Post

Call for Sunday operation as Portway Park and Ride station date confirmed.

The planned Portway Park and Ride train station, which should be open by April 2016, should run services on Sundays, campaigners say.

The new stop on the Severn Beach Line would enable commuters to park their car and then take a rail service to places like Clifton and Redland or on to Temple Meads.

As the Severn Beach line is single track, only one platform is needed and a footbridge is not required.

It has been reported that a kit-type platform has also reduced the cost of the project from ^3m to ^750,000.

Campaigners say there is a desire for Sunday services and also called on the city council to expand the current bus park and ride service to include Sundays.

Local councillor Wayne Harvey said: "We have been waiting quite a while now for this but I am pleased there is now a date in the diary."However we have to be sure that it operates as effectively as possible and this means Sunday opening. In fact, I will be pushing to have the current bus park and ride extended to Sundays."

Bristol north West MP Charlotte Leslie, who is campaigning for a Henbury Loop as part of the MetroWest rail infrastructure, said that opening the park and ride to users of the Severn Beach Line was another essential component in getting cars off Bristol's congested streets.

She said: "I would have been happier if this had happened sooner as we cannot do enough to reduce the chronic congestion in the northern parts of the city."Network Raid told Ms Leslie: "Network Rail's programme of delivery is to achieve an April/May 2016 opening date (for the Portway station). 

Network Rail is to procure consultants for the GRIP Stage 3 report. The second Value Management workshop was put back to June 2014 due to Network Rail's commitments on electrification, Filton Bank four tracking and Bristol East Junction, however sufficient time has been built into the programme of delivery to achieve the proposed April/May 2016 opening date."

GRIP ( Governance for Railway Investment Projects) is the process which helps decide if major rail projects get the go-ahead.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by TonyK at 19:49, 24th November 2013
I agree with bobm's point. The subsidy to run services on the line has been cut year on year. I am convinced that if everyone paid a fare, it would not need subsidy at all. Bignosemac is right about peak services from Clifton Down onwards. The time between stops means that one member of staff is effectively employed in working the doors most of the time. The ticket machines seem time-consuming, especially with purchases involving a plastic card, and I have often made it from Redland to BRI without being approached, frustrating when my final destination is not usually Temple Meads. And I have once ridden all the way from Severn Beach to Temple Meads without being asked for a ticket.

Additional opportunities to buy tickets off the train are needed. Conductors can then concentrate on checking, not selling. Weekly tickets are great, but we have now seen a picture of the Travelwest smart card:

courtesy of the Bristol Post. This should be rolled out across bus services by next year, starting now on the Bath Park and Ride. If we are to have a truly integrated Greater Bristol Metro, then this should be made available on local rail journeys too, with a maximum daily price cap across all modes.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by bobm at 17:44, 24th November 2013
As for the line being "perceived as unprofitable and scrapped" - what about the extra evening round trip introduced recently?

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 17:36, 24th November 2013
Seeing a Conductor is NOT rare, every train has one. All services in the peaks inbound have an Assistant Ticket Examiner, meaning there are two members of staff selling tickets at peak times.

I find it hard to believe that 'the majority' of passengers from Severn Beach are going free most days. From stations further up the line, maybe. But even then only a handful of people who are boarding and alighting at the inner stations excluding Temple Meads. Those commuting to Temple Meads will encounter barriers and have to buy their ticket before exiting.

Revenue collection on this line is excellent, bearing in mind the closely spaced stations. If anyone boarding at Severn Beach is not being sold a ticket (which I find barely believable) and is concerned about it, they can quite easily ask the Conductor or ATE to sell them one. Boarding at, say, Redland and alighting at Stapleton Road I can well believe there is no opportunity to buy a ticket, but not Severn Beach to Temple Meads.

In the past three years I have always had the opportunity to buy a ticket on inbound AM peak services. And that's from further up the line at either Avonmouth or Shirehampton.

Finally, if Mr Smith is commuting every day then I'd respectfully suggest he buys a Season Ticket. At worst that only requires a purchase once a week.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 17:15, 24th November 2013
From the Gazette Series:

'Please let us pay our train fares' Severn Beach campaigners beg First Great Western

Cllr Robert Griffin and Chris Smith

^Let us pay our train fares,^ Severn Beach commuters are pleading First Great Western amid growing fears that the Bristol line may be falsely perceived as unprofitable and scrapped.

Many would consider themselves lucky to encounter no conductor on their way to work and save a few pounds, but for Chris Smith, a software developer, and scores of other villagers, being unable to pay for their journey could lead to the only direct service from Severn Beach to Temple Meads being cancelled.

As there is no ticket machine at the village railway station, passengers hop on a train where their ^2 or ^3 round fare is supposed to be collected. Yet, seeing a conductor on the line is a rare occasion and a majority of travellers go free most days.

This state of affairs has sparked concern among locals that the service will appear unprofitable to provider First Great Western and that it could eventually be scrapped, as has recently happened with some bus services in the region.

Mr Smith, 40, has therefore launched a petition asking First Great Western for better checks and is hoping to gather at least 100 signatures from fellow commuters. The father-of-one told the Gazette: ^I take the Severn Beach line every day to Temple Meads. That's a completely unmanned station with no way to get tickets. If you get off at another unmanned station, there is no way for you to pay. Because it is a relatively isolated community people are concerned that if the line appears unprofitable we will lose the service. We are asking for facilities to pay, however it would work, whether it is a machine or having more ticket collectors. The idea is to get signatures to show that there's public concern. That's the first step."

The Severn Beach line saw a significant increase in passenger numbers since improvements were made to the service in 2008. The extent of the increase is difficult to measure however as the financial evidence simply is not available, according to Pilning and Severn Beach Cllr Robert Griffin. ^Rail services are incredibly important in Severn Beach and so Chris is to be congratulated for his petition," he said. ^If First Great Western think that rail services to and from Severn Beach are not well-used because they fail to collect the fares that users are willing to pay, then that puts those services at risk of being cut. We need to do what we can to make the train company realise how popular local rail services are, which is why Chris has my staunch support.^

A First Great Western spokesman said the company was already in the process of recruiting new ticket inspector staff. "It's not for me to comment on profitability," he said. "We have introduced a Scholar ticket for students so that they can buy a season ticket. There are already season tickets available for commuters. We undertook inspections on the line in September and we hope we can undertake inspections on a regular basis. We are also looking to recruit additional assistant ticket examiners. Any fear that the services are going to be reduced is completely unfounded."

To view the petition visit

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by Red Squirrel at 22:58, 24th August 2013
By way of redressing the balance slightly, for those who may feel left out by all the activity at the right hand end of the Great Western: I bumped into a chap with a bucket of paint and a sheet of medium grit sandpaper at Montpelier Station on Thursday. Seemed to be painting just about everything, including the handrail of the steps up to Cromwell Road which, at a guess, haven't seen any maintenance since the Old King died.

So how d'ya like THEM apples, Reading fans?

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 10:36, 18th September 2012
From The Post (Bristol):

Popular Severn Beach line gets new late service

A NEW night-time train service has been added to the Severn Beach line.

The extra service was launched by First Great Western last night with a train leaving Temple Meads at 9.37pm.

Its introduction follows the significant increase in passenger numbers using the line since improvements were made to the service in 2008.

The new late service out of Temple Meads was sent on its way by singers from the North Bristol Wellbeing Choir, members of the Friends of Suburban Railway and representatives from First Great Western, the city council and the West of England Partnership.

The return service from Avonmouth was then due back into the station at 10.48pm.

The extra service is now running on weeknights and Saturdays.

Julie Boston, co-ordinator for Friends of Suburban Bristol Railways, said the introduction of the new service was "very significant" but said it was still not good enough for a city.

"Considering this is a city it is pathetic, but considering it is an improvement we have to celebrate.

"The Severn Beach line has gone from strength to strength and this can only help. Our members have told us for some time that they needed later trains and it is great to see they are now being added to the timetable.

"We are delighted that First Great Western has brought out a new timetable showing this improved service."

Councillor Tim Kent, who is responsible for transport in the city, said improvements to the line were a sign of things to come.

He said: "The new service will fill a gap in what is one of the west's most popular lines.

"Growth of over 100 per cent just over the last few years demonstrates the potential for rail to deliver and expand in this region with latent demand waiting to be unlocked. With frequent services, acceptable fares and investment in stations we have seen rapid growth.

"This is why we will be delivering the first part of the Greater Bristol Metro here on the Severn Beach Line next year. Our plans for the Portway Park and Ride are now turning into reality. The new facility is due to open in just over six months. This will be the first of the ten new stations, two new lines and significant increase in frequency that is planned over the next ten years as part of the Greater Bristol Metro investment plan."

Mark Hopwood, managing director of First Great Western, said: "First Great Western has worked hard with Bristol City Council and the Severnside Community Rail Partnership to improve and promote services on this popular route through Bristol. The huge increase in passenger numbers has encouraged us to put on this additional return train, providing a more frequent evening service."

The new service leaves Temple Meads at 9.37pm, calling at all stations to Avonmouth, arriving at 10.03pm. The return journey leaves Avonmouth at 10.17pm, arriving at Temple Meads at 10.48pm.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 21:05, 13th August 2012
The additional evening service on the Severn Beach Line is starting 17th September 2012 and is in online journey planners and has been for a few weeks. Can't believe I've missed that!

2137 Bristol TM - Avonmouth 2205
2216 Avonmouth - Bristol TM 2253

2140 Bristol TM - Avonmouth 2208
2216 Avonmouth - Bristol TM 2250

Amended timetable .pdf available from FGW website:

A most welcome addition to the timetable, plugging the 1h42min gap between trains in the current timetable.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 22:17, 28th February 2012
Welcome news. Another little improvement from FGW. There appear to be a fair few of these (planned, confirmed, or rumoured) improvements going on across the FGW network recently.

Charm offensive for the franchise renewal?

I'll let The Rt. Hon. Francis Urquhart MP answer that..... 

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by Bristolboy at 20:06, 28th February 2012
The new greater bristol rail group (set up by various interested parties including councillors last week) are claiming that fgw will run an extra train on the sever beach line from this autumn at no extra cost to taxpayers:

Edited to fix link. bignosemac.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 15:32, 12th February 2012
All rather academic. Didn't get to the SVB line today. 

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 00:11, 12th February 2012
Finally. Not quite sure how FGW are going to run three trains at the same time from Weston-super-Mare. 

Three 153s, running very close together?  

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 00:04, 12th February 2012
Just having a look at the emergency timetable for tomorrow. Seems a bit silly to have two Rail Replacement vehicles just to keep to the timetabled SVB departure. Seeing as how the return trip can't be done to make the connection at Avonmouth at 0956, why not have had the departure from Severn Beach leave a little later, thus needing just one vehicle at also reducing the 52 minute wait at Avonmouth. For the passenger survey, I was going to go out to Severn Beach to see if anyone was going to be travelling, but if I did I'd be stuck out there until late afternoon!

Instead I'll just take the outward Rail Replacement vehicle to St Andrew's Road, have a quick nosey at the work on the Dock's level crossing and walk back to Avonmouth in time for the 0956.

Finally. Not quite sure how FGW are going to run three trains at the same time from Weston-super-Mare. 

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by dog box at 09:34, 11th February 2012
Track Defect at Avonmouth Dock Level Crossing which requires basically the Complete Crossing to be replaced

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by JayMac at 14:00, 9th February 2012

Fingers crossed the problem is sorted for Sunday AM. I've planned to be out surveying passengers on the down service to SVB at 0908 and it's return.

Re: Severn Beach line - timetables, engineering work, closures, incidents (merged topics)
Posted by rich0099 at 12:56, 9th February 2012
Just received via txt alert from FGW:

"Services between Severn Beach & Avonmouth will be altered Fri, Sat, Sun. Please check for details."

Via website:

"Alterations to services between Severn Beach, St Andrews Road, Avonmouth and Bristol Temple Meads from Friday 10th February until Sunday 12th February inclusive.

Due to essential engineering work at St Andrews Road, train services will not be able to operate between Severn Beach, St Andrews Road and Avonmouth from start of service on Friday 10th February until 1600 on Sunday 12th February. Replacement road transport will be in operation between these Stations and to take customers onwards to Stations to Bristol Temple Meads (as required).

Customers are advised to check this website at 1400 this afternoon for further details."

I'm guessing it's something to do with the current SAR speed restrictions at the level crossing. I was told that a lorry shed some concrete over it.

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by phile at 15:59, 19th September 2011
The Severn Beach line is shewn as Timetable alterations but not Bristol to Worcester (Sundays usual destination)

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by JaminBob at 08:29, 19th September 2011
They are part of some published timetables. The printed National Rail Timetable doesn't contain the amended times and the electronic National Rail Timetable contains incorrect information for the Severn Beach Line during the engineering period.

I suppose the point is that I use the SB line nearly every week day (admittedly rarely on sundays) and ended up hearing about this change from you guys. Which i would suggest is not ideal 

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by phile at 20:35, 18th September 2011
There are other TOCs which publish such alterations which vary from the norm even if published in the Timetable.   An instance on BBC Travel today in respect of XC operating replacement buses between Bristol Parkway and Bristol Temple Meads.

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by JayMac at 20:16, 18th September 2011
They are part of some published timetables. The printed National Rail Timetable doesn't contain the amended times and the electronic National Rail Timetable contains incorrect information for the Severn Beach Line during the engineering period.

So, I think FGW should publish the details on their 'alterations'  - as they have now done. Also updating the 'timetables' page as well.

My personal view is that both pages should be kept up to date. That wasn't the case last week, but things on the website are much clearer now, so thanks to FGW for that.

Now, I wonder what prompted the updating of all the timetables? FGW aren't particularly well known for keeping their website up to date. I'm still waiting for details of the remaining Meet the Manager sessions for example. Thus far only details of 12 have been published on the website. There are supposed to be 25 a year, 1st Apr-31st March. Those Managers are going to have a busy winter fitting in those remaining 13 sessions, 8 of which have to be on High Speed services.

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by phile at 19:43, 18th September 2011
Somebody has posted this topic on another Forum and accuses FGW of being too lazy to post the alterations on their Website.    Neither are they posted on BBC Rail Travel News (430).   The line is actually closed between Bristol Parkway and Bristol Temple Meads with rail replacement buses.   (I have posted another thread on a different matter relating to this occupation on the Cardiff to Portsmouth Board
These are not Timetable Alterations as such but are part of the Published Timetable covering a dated period from September 18th to October 23rd.   This indicates there is no need for FGW to publish as alterations

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 22:37, 17th September 2011

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by JayMac at 17:00, 16th September 2011
Now that does make sense.

Details about timetable alterations and engineering work on a webpage titled, 'Timetable alterations & engineering work'

What a novel idea! 

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by Timmer at 16:52, 16th September 2011
I don't know if this is as a result of this discussion here at the Coffee Shop or someone flagging this up, but FGW have posted a pdf of the poster of the revised timetable showing rail replacement bus services on their Timetable Alterations and Engineering Works page where you normally expect to find these sort of details:

FGW used to put pdfs of station posters showing revised timetables at times of engineering work on this page but for some reason stopped doing this instead publishing just the current summary of works taking place pages instead which isn't a lot of use IMHO. When FGW launch their new website soon will improved information about revisions due to engineering work be part of it? Would be good.

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by JaminBob at 21:44, 15th September 2011
Ok I'm really confused. Whilst i do trust the knowledge of people here, I can't find 'official' confirmation online anywhere...

Are you saying that as it is a published change to the timetable, that it does not show up on alterations? Or it is in the original timetable?



Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by Ollie at 12:20, 15th September 2011
Well even the page opens by saying:

"Below is a summary of changes to the published timetable.

Please note that the following list only shows alterations (and engineering works) to our printed timetables. Details of some, usually longer term periods of disruption are often included in our printed timetables."

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by JayMac at 04:08, 15th September 2011
But that page is called ' Timetable alterations and engineering works'

Other engineering works have had their revised timetables published and had an entry on the 'alterations' page.

To be fair to FGW, amended timetables are at SVB Line stations pointing out that it will be RRBs for the next 6 Sundays.

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by Ollie at 00:54, 15th September 2011
Apologies - I looked at the wrong timetable

Seeing as the updated timetable - available on the page that bnm linked to is published. It won't appear on the "Alterations Page" as it is in the published timetable and therefore not an alteration.

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 22:16, 14th September 2011
... Ollie? 

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by JayMac at 03:33, 14th September 2011
Times for the Rail Replacement Buses do tally up with the amended timetable at FGW's website. That old one should really be removed now. The times the OP posted are in booking engines and NRE as well.

Oh, and where would you intuitively look for information regarding service changes? The 'Timetable alterations & engineering work' page perhaps?

Nope, no mention whatsoever of the closure of the Severn Beach Line on Sundays for the next 6 weeks. Same goes for National Rail Enquiries. No mention when inputting details of date and TOC in their 'Future engineering work' search facility.

But I am glad to know that on one of those Sundays FGW mention that the 0820 from Temple Meads to Swindon is cancelled. A train that has rail alternatives half an hour either side. So it appears they can publicise in the right place a single service cancellation, but not a whole line closure. 

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by Ollie at 01:01, 14th September 2011
Some of those times don't match the published timetable:

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by JayMac at 22:29, 13th September 2011
Let us know when you're around Chris!

Re: Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 21:55, 13th September 2011
Yes, that all seems right to me: Network Rail are doing 'maintenance work' on the Severn Beach Line on each of those Sundays - and I am also hoping to get some 'community payback' work done, at and around the stations, at the same time.

Severn Beach Sunday Services 18/09/11 to 23/10/11
Posted by rich0099 at 17:04, 13th September 2011
Courtesy of  (via twitter)

(sorry if this has been posted elsewhere)



On Sunday September 18th the Severn Beach Line will be suspended until
Sunday October 23rd due to work needing to be carried out by Network Rail.

Buses will replace the train on Sundays departing Bristol Temple Meads at:

0908, 1023, 1123, 1223, 1323, 1423, 1523, 1623, 1723 and 1823

Buses will depart Severn Beach at:

1045 and 1830

Buses will depart Avonmouth at:

1000, 1100, 1145, 1245, 1345, 1445, 1545, 1645, 1745 and 1845

I can't find any reference to this on NRE or FGW (although it was only a quick look) so I hope the information is correct.

Does anyone have any idea what Network Rail are doing?

Re: Severn Beach Line - annual passenger count
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 18:00, 29th June 2011
How does your count compare to the Council one?

I just hope that the footfall numbers recorded (either by SCRP or BCC) are representative of the passenger numbers, and take into account seasonal changes.

I'll answer those particular points in my 'official' capacity, on behalf of the SCRP, if I may.

There are two official passenger counts each year: the SCRP / FoSBR one in June, and the Bristol City Council one in November. Taking into account seasonal variations (summer holidays v winter shoppers, for example), we then get a seasonally adjusted figure, as well as an ongoing picture of summer and winter use.

I'll publicise all of the total figures here - when we've collated them.


Re: Severn Beach Line - annual passenger count
Posted by JayMac at 14:50, 29th June 2011
You'll find me stalling the conductors, not with a debit card, but by buying split tickets or unusual routes. All done with a smile and I like to get all my tickets sorted before Temple Meads, whenever possible. Plus, it all adds to the conductors commission.

I encountered a conductor who I normally see on the 0635 from Shirehampton on the 0726 from Shire to the Beach (then 0754 SVB-BRI). She still struggles to find my Shirehampton-London Terminals Off Peak Day Return via WARMSTER-SALSBRY on her Avantix (yes that ticket is valid at 0635 from SHH!). She seemed quite relieved when I showed her the line pass I had for the day!

Re: Severn Beach Line - annual passenger count
Posted by rich0099 at 12:54, 29th June 2011
I was on the 07:20 SVB - BRI that morning, but there were less passengers boarding at SVB than usual... probably due to the summer holidays starting.

Of course the busier service is the 07:54hrs - I just hope that the footfall numbers recorded (either by SCRP or BCC) are representative of the passenger numbers, and take into account seasonal changes.

I've also noticed that at Shirehampton or Sea Mills, the numbers fluctuate depending on the weather. Perhaps this is due to inadequate shelter on the platforms when it's raining?

As an aside, I still see people trying to get away without paying fares on this line (mainly stalling the conductor with credit/debit cards). I know 'people are people', but it's quite depressing to see this - especially bearing in mind how fantastically low the fares are.

Re: Severn Beach Line - annual passenger count
Posted by JaminBob at 08:58, 29th June 2011

How does your count compare to the Council one?

Severn Beach Line - annual passenger count
Posted by JayMac at 18:32, 28th June 2011
Today, (28/06/2011) The Severnside Community Rail Partnership conducted its annual passenger count on the Severn Beach Line.

I helped out in this task and it was interesting to see just what the loadings are like on this line at various points throughout the day.

I usually only use the line at most once or twice a week in the early AM into Bristol and late evening out to Shirehampton, so to make numerous round trips across the morning and afternoon and see the different demographics was a pleasant change from my normal journeys.

One particular group of passengers made for an interesting count. Around 40-60 secondary school kids on a trip to London from Redland at 0819. This train is already a particularly busy commuter service and it was tight squeeze getting all the kids on. Especially as they all had cases ( I assume their trip involved at least one overnight stay). Everyone got on as did passengers at Montpelier and Stapleton Road. As we were not counting on this service (others had that difficult task!) myself and another passenger count enumerator (Chris from Nailsea) bailed out at Stapleton Road to make space for a few more fare paying passengers.

Re: New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by bambam at 22:00, 9th June 2011
Welcome news, particularly the reduction in subsidy. The fares revenue must be healthy for that to happen as I can't see FGW taking up any shortfall. The later, year round, Sunday evening train is also good news.

Now, are those ticket machines 'live' yet?

FOSBR say in their latest newsletter that the increased fare revenue covers the ^200,000 gap. impressive or what?

Re: New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by JaminBob at 07:45, 29th March 2011
Arghhh, its haunted!!!

Re: New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by JayMac at 18:33, 25th March 2011
And the proof that the machine at Clifton Down is still working..... 

Purchased by me today. I only wanted the Child/Railcard Single at 75p, but I put my pound in before realising the machines don't give change. Your ticket choice is governed by what you tender so I couldn't even select the single. A notice saying 'No change given' would be nice....

EDIT: Ooh, I just noticed a rather spooky reflection of myself in the blue panel!

Re: New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by JayMac at 01:50, 24th March 2011
Ticket machine at Clifton Down was working last evening (23rd March 2011). Yay!!!

Re: New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by JaminBob at 14:14, 20th March 2011
Really good news for everybody, council, operator, passengers... and how often can you say that?! 

Re: New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 18:22, 19th March 2011
From the BBC:

Bristol's Severn Beach rail line subsidy is halved

A council subsidy for a rail line in Bristol is to be halved after an increase in passenger numbers.

Since 2008, Bristol City Council has spent ^400,000 a year so the Severn Beach line can be served by half-hourly services during peak time.

The council said journeys had increased by 80% in the past three years and did not need a large subsidy any more.

First Great Western said the cut was not "negative" and no services would be axed because of the lower subsidy.

A statement from the council said the new agreement, costing ^200,000 a year until 2013, "confirms the continuation of the enhanced service".

Councillor Gary Hopkins said the authority had got a good deal with the train firm that saved money. "I am delighted that we have managed to secure this service for the foreseeable future. We are confident that the route will remain sustainable," he said. "The Severn Beach Line success story is a shining example which should inform the way we continue to do business in the future."

First Great Western said a reduction in the subsidy "should not be seen as a negative" and was a reflection of the "growing popularity of the line".

A company spokesman confirmed they were committed to maintaining the same level of services on the line.

A spokesman for the Friends of Suburban Railways welcomed the news but added: "We would like to know from the council how they plan to take forward further improvements."

He said: "We are pleased, obviously, that the service is continuing and it appears that there's going to be a later service on a Sunday on the branch line as a whole, but we were hoping there would be improvements to the evening service as well."

Re: New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by Brucey at 16:43, 18th March 2011
The Sunday evening train is excellent news.  I used this quite a few times over the summer and it was certainly busier than expected - clearly enough us to warrant a winter service.

Now, are those ticket machines 'live' yet?
The Clifton machine wasn't working on Monday.

Re: New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by grahame at 16:20, 18th March 2011
Welcome news, particularly the reduction in subsidy. The fares revenue must be healthy for that to happen as I can't see FGW taking up any shortfall. The later, year round, Sunday evening train is also good news.

Excellent news ... and excellent example for others

Re: New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by JayMac at 15:49, 18th March 2011
Welcome news, particularly the reduction in subsidy. The fares revenue must be healthy for that to happen as I can't see FGW taking up any shortfall. The later, year round, Sunday evening train is also good news.

Now, are those ticket machines 'live' yet?

Re: New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by RichardB at 13:25, 18th March 2011
Really good news.  Well done to all involved.

Re: New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by anthony215 at 13:16, 18th March 2011
good to seee that the severn beach line is getting more investment.   when i last used that line back in november 2010 the staff were very freindly and were good at pointing out interesting places to tourists.

New Severn Beach line contract: more trains and new ticket machines...
Posted by brizzlechris at 11:13, 18th March 2011
Just blogged by Cllr Alex Woodman, Cabot ward, Bristol City Council...


The future of the Severn Beach Line is looking better than ever following a new agreement between the city council and First Great Western.

The agreement reduces the cost of the city council’s annual contribution to the agreed service by hundreds of thousands of pounds whilst also including even more service improvements. That leave a substantial sum free – either to commit to even more improvements on the Severn Beach Line – or to invest in restoring other well-loved but struggling public transport services to better commercial health.

The new contract has been agreed in light of new franchising rules which allow local councils to reinvest the money saved from renegotiated contracts rather than giving it back to the government. Bristol City Council lobbied government to achieve this.

Despite the leaner financial support, the new contract will contain an important improvement to the Sunday service. The 18:53 from Temple Meads to Severn Beach and the 19:43 from Severn Beach to Temple Meads presently operate in the summer months only. They will now operate throughout the year.

The agreement confirms the continuation of the enhanced service that the Council has been funding since early 2008 and recognises the substantial growth in passengers that this enhancement has generated.

The new contract will run from 21 May 2011 until 31 March 2013 when the current FGW franchise terminates. Both FGW and the City Council wish to maintain the enhanced service but a contract beyond this date depends on decisions concerning the extension or replacement of the franchise.

Gary Hopkins, Bristol’s Executive Member for Strategic Transport, Waste & Targeted Improvement said, “More for less is not just talk. With proper service planning and business-like negotiations we can get a good deal for tax payers and users of a service, which still makes sound commercial sense to a professional operator. I am delighted that we have managed to secure this service for the foreseeable future, in a way that recognises the significant passenger growth that our money has generated up to now.”

Passenger journeys on the Severn Beach Line have increased by 80 per cent over the last four years. This spectacular passenger growth is great news, but it has led to difficulties for passengers trying to buy tickets on busy trains, particularly if they are making short journeys. Passengers arriving at Bristol Temple Meads without tickets are often faced with queueing to pay their fare.

To address the difficulties facing passengers, new ticket machines have been installed at Montpelier, Redland and Clifton Down stations with funding provided by the City Council. The machines will enable passengers travelling in the direction of Temple Meads to buy tickets before boarding their train.

The following inner – zone tickets will be available from the new machines.:

Weekly season ticket £6.00
Adult single £1.50
Adult return £2.00
Child/ Railcard Single £0.75
Child/ Railcard Return £1.00.

Payment is by cash only given the relatively low fare values and the need to avoid creating queues by accepting card payments.

The installation of ticket machines complements other measures already in place to maximise the collection of fares on the Severn Beach Line: additional ticket examiners now travel on many trains and revenue protection staff will be at station exits.

Since 2008 Bristol City Council has invested £400,000 per year into providing a more frequent service on the Severn Beach Line including trains on Sundays. The new contract reduces this amount to just over £200,000 even though the services level will be higher than previously.

The Council has also been working in partnership with the Severnside Community Rail Partnership and First Great Western and to carry out station improvements on the Severn Beach Line. Improvements include new shelters, web based customer information systems, environmental improvements, community art projects and poster cases to display bus interchange information. These initiatives have been successful in substantially reducing vandalism and graffiti.

Councillor Hopkins, added: “When we’re talking about investment in public transport, this is the way to do it. Public money must work hard and get results. Extra trains and proper investment in safe and welcoming stations have transformed the Severn Beach Line into an attractive and cost effective travel choice for commuters, shoppers and school children. And there is more good news to come in the form of newer trains and larger carriages later this year.

“We are confident that the route will remain sustainable. The Severn Beach Line success story is a shining example which should inform the way we continue to do business in the future.”

Re: TVMs at Redland and Montpelier?
Posted by vacman at 11:45, 24th February 2011
Are any of us suprised? was just a waste of money from the start, the council would be better off paying FGW to take on a couple more ticket examiners and have all daytime trains covered and maybe staff Clifton in a similar way to Yate i.e. a small portacabin or something.

Re: TVMs at Redland and Montpelier?
Posted by Brucey at 10:42, 24th February 2011
From Stephen Williams MP Facebook
: Stephen Williams
Is furious that some mindless cretin has destroyed the new ticket machine at Montpelier station.
Then a comment
: Cara Drury
Clifton Down one has been vandalised too.

Re: TVMs at Redland and Montpelier?
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 19:35, 22nd February 2011
I have it from an impeccable source that, not only did that ticket machine not contain so much as a penny: it didn't contain any tickets, either - for reasons I'm not sure FGW would particularly like to see mentioned here.


Re: TVMs at Redland and Montpelier?
Posted by JayMac at 18:08, 22nd February 2011
And lo, it came to pass:

Only a matter of time before these new TVMs receive attention form the local scrotes I fear.


I'd rather that prediction hadn't come true, but it was almost inevitable. Still, lasted longer than the original Help Point.

Re: TVMs at Redland and Montpelier?
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 17:49, 22nd February 2011
Erm ... the brand new ticket machine at Montpelier was attacked and damaged, apparently over the weekend - despite it still not yet being operational.

A far from satisfactory situation, FGW. 

Re: TVMs at Redland and Montpelier?
Posted by Brucey at 13:45, 12th February 2011
Still no sign of life in these machines which is causing confusion among weekend travellers.  As most people seem to be fixed in the idea of "you have to buy a ticket or you'll be fined", many seem worried about their inability to buy a ticket before boarding.

Tickets further than Temple Meads are still an issue - many people at Clifton today who wanted tickets to Bath Spa were puzzled by the limited number of fare options given in the sign on the machine.  I even heard one comment along the lines of "have they stopped doing through fares?"

Re: Severn Beach Line - increase in passenger numbers
Posted by BPWuser at 20:52, 11th February 2011
I was wondering, does anyone know what the actual usage figures are?
The 08/09 data can be found here:

This now includes the 09/10 figures

Re: Severn Beach Line - increase in passenger numbers
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 18:17, 9th February 2011
Even better!

The progress report is now available on the Severnside CRP website.


Re: Severn Beach Line - increase in passenger numbers
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 17:28, 6th February 2011
Better still: I now have a 'pdf' version of the Severnside CRP progress report.

If anyone would like a copy, please just drop me a PM, and I'll e-mail it to you.


Re: Severn Beach Line - increase in passenger numbers
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 11:59, 5th February 2011
Figures from the Severnside Community Rail Partnership progress report, published January 2011:

Passengers travelling Bristol - Severn Beach in 2010 = 754,000 journeys (source: FGW ticket sales)

The number of passengers using the Severn Beach Line has more than doubled in the past five years.

Apologies for the poor quality of the scan - paper copies are available if anyone wants them: just send me a PM with your address.

I'll try to get a better quality version to post here, too.


Re: Severn Beach Line - increase in passenger numbers
Posted by Brucey at 08:29, 5th February 2011
I was wondering, does anyone know what the actual usage figures are?
The 08/09 data can be found here:

Re: Severn Beach Line - increase in passenger numbers
Posted by JaminBob at 08:26, 5th February 2011
I was wondering, does anyone know what the actual usage figures are?

Re: Severn Beach Line - increase in passenger numbers
Posted by Chris from Nailsea at 18:00, 31st January 2011
No problem: I'm inclined to leave this particular topic here, as the comments relate quite specifically to the Severn Beach Line. 

Re: Severn Beach Line - increase in passenger numbers
Posted by rich0099 at 16:21, 31st January 2011
Sorry... my mistake. I'd delete it if I knew how.

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