Although I have attended the occasional WWRUG» I feel far more active within the remit of the 'Coffeeshop', therefore unless there are definitions that Passenger Focus place on being a RUG» then I believe we should contribute.
[Edit] eg we have to have a subscription scheme of some sort.
Thanks, Tramway ... and indeed the voting so far shows a substantial majority who would describe us as a "RUG", and in favour of completing the survey. And on the basis of that' I'm going to post up here the questions being asked, and to request that anyone who has strong views / wants to make any specific inputs to follow up on this thread for discussion. I don't (as yet) want to bias any discussions here with my own personal ideas, but I will be discussing some of the questions with the moderator team - some of them provide excellent food for thought.
On "subscription" - we already have such a scheme in place in that new members must sign up to the forum before they can contribute, and before they can read certain boards.Any thoughts / inputs on these questions, answered w.r.t. the coffee shop?1. How long has your group been established?
2. How often does your group meet?
3. How is your group funded?
4. How many members do you have?
5. Does your group have an
AGM▸ ?
6. Does your group have a newsletter?
7. How is your newsletter distributed
(only to be answered if Q6 is yes)
8. Do you have any ongoing projects at the moment?
9. Tell us briefly
10. What are your group's top 3 priorities?
11. Do you liaise with other groups in your area?
12. Please tell us which groups you liaise with
13. Has your group had any previous contact with Passenger Focus?
14. How often do your members log on to the Passenger Focus web site?
15. Does our website give you the information you require
16. What additional Information would you find useful on our web site?
Advice and guidance on setting up a new RUG
Advice and guidance on responding to formal consultations affecting rail passengers
Advice and guidance onundertaking your own research and mystery shoppoing
Copies of our newsletters and reports
Copies of our research findings
Details of current legsisaltion affecting rail passengers
Contact details and links to major industry organisations, train companies and voluntary organisation support groups
17. If you do not have access to the Internet, do you want hard copies of our reports, researches and newsletters? If so, please confirm the address you want us to send the information to.
18. Do you have any other comments about Passenger focus and how we can offer greater support to your group.